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The question are based on the customer satisfaction which are provided please mark your answer
it will be helpful in my project

1. Gender

a) Male b) Female

2. Age

a) Below 20 years b) 21-30 years c) 31-40 years d) Above 40 years

3. Residential status

a) Rural b) Urban

4. Marital status

a) Married b) Unmarried

5. Educational qualification

a) SSLC b) HSC c) diploma d) graduate

6. Occupation

a)Student b)Self employee c)Agriculture d)Business

7. Monthly income

a) Below 10000 b) Rs. 10000 – 15000 c) Rs 15000 – 20000 d) Above 25000

8. Type of family

a) Joint family b) Nuclear family

9. Do you use coir products?

a) Yes b) No

10. For what purpose do you used the coir product?

a) Growing plants b) Others

11. What is your opinion about the coir product?

a) Very good b) Bad c) Good

12. Where you are purchasing?

a) Retail shop b) Department store c) Online shopping

13. Frequency of purchasing?

a) Daily b) weekly c) monthly

14. What quantity you are purchase?

a) 2 Kg b) 3 Kg c) 5 Kg

15. How do you know about coir products?

a) Dealers b) Advertisement c) Friends and relatives d) Others

16. What was they deffer from there other?

a)Quality b)Price c) a Availability d) Fast delivery

17. Accarding to your consumer?

a)Lower class b)Middle class c)High class

18. Are you satisfied after has use of sales and services ?

a) Yes b) No

19.Which type of media of advertisement attracted to you on purchase of coir product ?

a) Tv b) Newspaper c) Magazine d) Others

20.Satisfaction leval of coir products?

a)Very high b)Very low c)Moderate

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