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3-2E AID: 111069 |


Consider there are two one dimensional rods with different materials joined at x  x0 and
are said to be in perfect thermal contact when temperature is continuous and no heat
energy is lost.

The objective is to derive mathematical equation which defines the latter condition and
also find the special condition under which x is continuous at x  x0 .

Now the heat flowing out of first rod is as:

  x0 , t    K 0  x0    x0 , t 

Heat flowing into second rod is as:

  x0 , t    K 0  x0   x0 , t 

Now combining two equations the boundary condition one get as:

u u
K 0  x0    x0 , t   K 0  x0   x0 , t 
x x

Now further, x is continuous when x  x0 , so at x0 one has as:

K 0  x0   K 0  x0 
 x0   0

Hence, thermal conductivity is continuous at x  x0 or there is no heat flow across

K 0  x0   K 0  x0  
 x0   0
the boundary, thus the equation is as x .

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