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Our journey begins in the province of Caserta,

where we explore a palace that succeeded in

rivalling Versailles and continued an Italian

tradition of majestic water gardens.

Next we encounter some of Italy's ties to

the Second World War, from the seaside town

of Anzio to an abbey in the mountains of Cassino.

Following the trail of the ancient Appian

Way, we then enter Rome for an aerial excursion

over its ancient ruins and its awe-inspiring

architecture, including the Colosseum, the

Forum, the piazza Navora and the Palatine


From one of the most ancient cities in the

world to the most holy, we visit the sacred

grounds of Vatican City.

We conclude our adventure in the hills of

Tivoli with two palatial garden estates.

Our excursion to the magnificent Caserta Palace,

constructed by Charles III in the mid-18th

century, begins by exploring the 4 kilometre-long

garden which stretches up to the hillside.

The park was designed by Caserta architect

Luigi Vantivelli and completed by his son,

Carlo, in 1780.

Comprised of a system of Baroque water features,

the centrepiece is the Fountain of Aeolus.

An enormous promenade that spans the entire

120 hectare estate.

Adjacent and towards the upper end is the

English Garden, designed in 1782 in the English

style, a reaction to the formal Italianate

gardens of the time.

We cover the last segments of the Park as

it ascends from the Fountain of Venus to its

terminus at the Great Fountain atop of the


An aqueduct was built to bring water to this

grotto, from where it then begins its journey
down the hillside.

The aqueduct is 38-kilometres long and runs

through five mountains, keeping the waterfalls

and other features fully operational.

The water first cascades 150 meters into the

ornate basin of the Great Fountain.

Here, we find famous sculptures in the form

of the Fountains of Diana and, to the left,

Actaeon, which depicts the hero transformed

into a stag as wolves prepare to tear him

to pieces, a penalty for gazing at Diana as

she bathed.

King Charles III wanted an estate to rival

Versailles and Madrid's Royal Palace.

Although he never resided at Caserta, the

result of his vision was what the World Heritage

Centre deemed the "swan song of the spectacular

art of the Baroque".

Caserta provided assembly for its king, the

court and the government.

The 1200-room palace is rectangular with four

inner courtyards covering 3800 square metres.

We travel North up the coast to the fishing

town of Anzio.

Situated on the Lazio coast, the port was

a vital landing spot for an attack by Allied

forces in World War II.

The plan was to drive through to Rome, just

56km to the north, to liberate it from German


The ensuing battle left Anzio in ruins.

However, after the war much of the town was

rebuilt, and in such a way that kept its fishing

town character.

And set back from the coast in the nearby

town of Nettuno is a poignant reminder of

the scale of fighting that took place from

1943 to 1944.

This is the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery.

Rich in art, architecture and landscaping,

this vast World War II memorial covers over

30 hectares.

Nearly 7900 fallen American troops are buried

here amongst the rows of Roman pines.

Most of the casualties were sustained during

the liberation of Sicily in 1943, while other

soldiers died in the landings of Salerno and

Anzio and the heavy fighting northward.

We continue on to Cassino, at the southern

end of the Lazio region.

And it's here we catch the dramatic sight

of Monte Cassino Abbey.

Since its inception in the 6th century, it

has suffered terrible fortune, repeatedly

attacked, pillaged or ruined by natural disaster.

During World War II the German forces used

it as a stronghold, blocking access to Rome.

American led air-raids almost completely destroyed

it in 1944 during the Allied forces' Italian


The abbey, originally built by St. Benedict

in 529, was reconstructed after the war in

its ancient architectural form, and finally

re-consecrated by Pope Paul VI in 1964.

With relics from St. Benedict and St. Scholastica,

tourists flock to the working monastery to

indulge themselves in its historical importance

and its attractive architecture.

Our journey now takes us to the town of Frascati,

where we encounter a magnificent exhibition

of Papal extravagance...

Villa Aldobrandini.

Set facing Rome, 20 kilometres away, this

dramatic building was an ostentatious display
of the church's power and authority.

In 1600, Pope Clement VIII, a member of the

Aldobrandini family, acquired this site, gifting

the property to his nephew, a cardinal.

The highly ornate villa and grounds were constructed

during the Baroque period, at a time when

Popes attempted to outdo their predecessors

with shows of grandeur, building palaces which

reflected their wealth and power.

This estate served a ceremonial function for

the Aldobrandinis and was not used as a family


During the second World War, there was significant

damage to the Villa after bombing destroyed

over half of the town.

Today it remains an architectural treasure

for its historical and cultural significance.

The Appian Way was once the most strategic

road of ancient Rome.

It's also the site of the crucifixion of the

gladiator Spartacus whose slave uprising ended

along this route.

It leads us to the eternal city and capital

of the ancient empire—Rome.

During his journey to Italy, German novelist

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote that "only

in Rome is it possible to understand Rome."

We're now over the heart of the Italian capital

and the River Tiber - winding through the

city that has influenced the world politically

and socially for 2500 years.

And it's importance lives on to this day as

the spiritual centre for the world's billion

or so catholics.

The splendour of Rome's ancient treasures

can be seen almost everywhere.

From the imposing Trajan's Column, to the

temples of the Republican period dating back

over two millennia.

They nestle effortlessly amongst newer landmarks,

such as the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

One of the best preserved structures is the

mighty Pantheon, the former temple to all

the Gods of ancient Rome.

And nearby is Piazza Navona, arguably Rome's

most beautiful square.

Once a fortified city, the original walls

can still be seen today.

They date back to the third century, erected

around the seven hills of Rome to protect

against German invaders.

Two-thirds remain intact and well-preserved,

since they were used for defence right up

until the 19th century.

There were 18 grand gates, such as this one,

known in ancient times as Porta Appia.

Flanked by two semi-circular towers, it was

later renamed Porta San Sebastiano.

The wall incorporated many existing structures

like this Egyptian-style pyramid built in

12 BC as a tomb for Caius Cestius.

At the southeastern part of the ancient district

are the red-brick ruins of the Baths of Caracalla.

Completed in 217 AD, and covering over 11

hectares, the massive rooms were enjoyed by

Romans for over 300 years.

The complex was able to accommodate up to

1600 citizens, providing not only bathing,

but a library, a gymnasium, galleries, restaurants

and even brothels.

Today, it hosts the Rome Opera company during

the summer, having staged the first concert

of the three tenors in 1990.

We arrive in the heart of the city at the

imposing and impressive Colosseum, the largest

building constructed in the Roman Empire.

Despite its decay, it remains a remarkable

feat of architecture and engineering.

The amphitheatre held 50,000 spectators who

assembled, for no charge, in tiered seating

arrangements that reflected the hierarchies

within Roman society.

Below ground were rooms that contained mechanical

devices and cages for wild animals, which

could be lifted to appear centre stage.

Aiming to increase their popularity, the Emperors

would stage fights to the death between gladiators

and animals or simply between gladiators themselves.

It was made of concrete and stone yet originally

clad in marble, which was later incorporated

into the construction of St. Peter's Basilica

and other landmark buildings.

In the present day, visitors are allowed to

view the interior of the arena, and, recently

in 2010, the subterranean passageways were

opened to the public.

The site is still used ceremoniously by the

Catholic Church on Good Friday, as a starting

point for the torchlit procession led by the

Pope, known as The Way of the Cross.

Although dwarfed in size by its neighbour,

the Arch of Constantine is not short of historical


One of three remaining imperial triumphal

arches, the edifice, commemorates Constantine's

victory in a 4th century Civil War.

Ironically, the decorations aren't as well-preserved

as those from earlier eras -- and it's almost

a symbol for the eventual fall of the Roman


We shift from the entertainment hub to the

centre of Roman public life at the Forum.
For over 1000 years, this rectangular plaza
hosted elections, Senate assemblies and triumphal


The complex of ancient ruins includes government

buildings, temples, arches and basilicas,

giving visitors some idea of the Forum's original


Perhaps no landmark in the Forum remains as

intact and well-preserved as the Arch of Septimus


Erected in 203 AD to commemorate the Emperor's

victory in Parthia, the structure originally

had a flight of stairs running through the

12 meter high centre passage.

The arch became property of a church in the

Middle Ages, and unlike other monuments such

as the Colosseum, its parts were protected

and not incorporated into new buildings.

According to legend, Rome's founding dates

back to 753 BC when twin brothers Romulus

and Remus settled on this site, marking the

beginnings of the Roman Kingdom.

Today, the Palatine Hill is an open-air museum

containing ruins of large imperial buildings,

such as the Palace of Septimus Severus.

During the Republican era, the top of the

Palatine Hill became the exclusive residential

area for the rich and powerful, not least

for the amazing vistas over the city.

Augustus, Cicero and Marc Antony all resided


One of Rome's modern landmarks is the 18th

century Spanish Steps, connecting a piazza

to a 16th century French church.

This symmetrical and elegant structure has

twelve flights of stairs with total of 138

steps, and is the widest staircase in Europe.

Nearby is the oval-shaped square, Piazza del

Tourists flock to see the ancient Egyptian

obelisk in the centre, but it was the Porta

del Popolo that made an impression upon those

arriving in the Renaissance era.

The large gate welcomed pilgrims entering

the city along the Via Flaminia, which connected

Rome to the Adriatic coast.

Another example of the opulent palaces built

by wealthy families of Popes, is The Villa


Situated on the outskirts of Rome at the time

of its construction, it was built by a cardinal

who was the nephew of Pope Paul V, and to

this day showcases the Borghese family's collection

of paintings, sculptures and antiquities.

Erected during the late renaissance in a classical

style, the Villa became a publicly-owned gallery

in 1902

Heading toward Vatican City, we stop first

at Castel Sant' Angelo, a national museum

that once stood as a refuge for Popes facing

an imminent threat.

Originally a mausoleum, the castle was fortified

and incorporated into the Aurelian Wall, transforming

it into a Papal fortress and luxurious residence.

Occupying less than half a square kilometre

and completely encircled by Rome, is Vatican


It's the world's smallest country and spiritual

centre for over a billion Catholics worldwide.

St. Peter's Basilica was built on Vatican

Hill as a shrine to St. Peter, one of the

twelve apostles and considered the first Pope.

He died as a martyr and was buried on the

site in 64 AD.
Construction of the present buildings commenced
in the early 1500s.

The greatest Italian architects of the era

spent over 100 years building the new basilica,

and it was finally re-consecrated in 1626.

Although millions flock to Vatican City each

year, it is home to only 800 residents.

Arguably the best panorama of the Eternal

City is from the base of giant lantern that

caps the oculus atop the ribbed vault of St.

Peter's Basilica.

A masterful collaboration of between Bramante

and Michelangelo, the massive cupola has a

diameter of 42 meters and rests on four huge

pillars, which support a cylindrical drum

that features 16 windows.

At a height of 136 metres, this crowning piece

is the tallest dome in the world.

Such a magnificent and imposing structure

as St. Peter's would be incomplete without

a grandiose esplanade to welcome those taking

in its splendour.

The Baroque-style piazza was designed by Bernini

in the 17th century.

The elliptical circus that slopes towards

the Egyptian obelisk at its centre, is surrounded

by massive colonnades symbolising the Church's

outstretched arms greeting its communicants.

Bernini also sculpted the 140 statues of saints

that perch on top of the balustrades of each


Historian Banister Fletcher referred to the

piazza as the "greatest of all atriums before

the greatest of all churches in Christendom."

As we prepare to leave Rome, we capture yet

another fantastic approach to viewing the

city in the form of a hot air balloon, tethered

about a half kilometre above the beautiful
Borghese gardens.

The vista is our last look at the Italian

capitol, as we continue east into the hills

toward Tivoli.

We take a slight detour, southeast of Rome,

to a sacred grotto in the hills of Subiaco.

Built into the cliff on Mount Taleo, is this

brown-hued stone monastery that enshrines

the cave, deemed the Sacro Speco, where St.

Benedict lived as a hermit for three years,

before organizing his first monastic community

a few kilometres from here.

Most of the monastery's Gothic style buildings

were constructed in the 13th and 14th centuries,

hundreds of years after St. Benedict's lifetime.

The monastery is still active, and open for

visitors to pray and explore.

And tucked away is an inconspicuous entrance

that leads to the holiest place in the sanctuary.

This is the portal for the chapel that contains

the sacred cave of St. Benedict where he spent

his hermitage in 500 AD.

Benedict along with his twin sister, St. Scholastica,

resided in the valley for twenty years, founding

13 monasteries and nunneries between them

before moving to Monte Cassino to spend another

two decades in service.

Resting among cypress and olive trees in the

ancient town of Tivoli are the ruins of the

Villa Adriana, a great complex built as a

summer retreat for Emperor Hadrian in the

early 2nd century.

Excavations began in the 16th century, revealing

the remains of some of the finest Roman architecture.

The grounds cover a vast area of 120 hectares,

which included designs inspired by Hadrian's

travels to Greece and Egypt... the Pecile, this piazza with a central
pool, inspired by the Athens landmark, Stoa


In total there were over 30 buildings, including

palaces, baths, a theatre, temples, libraries

and living quarters.

The most ambitious creation was Canopus, a

sanctuary of the god Serapis along the Nile's

delta near Alexandria.

Designers crafted a canal over 100 metres

long and this artificial grotto called Serapeum.

Perhaps Hadrian's favourite refuge was the

Maritime Theatre, a round pool with an island,

which contained a small house, an atrium,

baths, and a library.

Surrounded by columns in a classic ionic style,

the theatre is assumed to be the private studio,

where Hadrian withdrew to indulge himself

in painting and architecture.

Our final destination brings us to another

palatial estate in a series of extravagant

17th century villas, in the hills that surround

the Roman Campagna.

These are the magnificent water gardens of

the Villa d'Este in Tivoli.

Tourists marvel at the clever irrigation which

feeds the 500 fountains and water displays,

integrated harmoniously into the natural sloping

landscape, which covers an area of 4.5 hectares.

Very few gardens can compare to the innovation

of the fountains and basins of the Villa d'Este,

perhaps a reason why European gardens, from

Portugal to Poland, would be modelled after

the estate's landscaping, such as this wall

of water called the Hundred Fountains.

Cardinal Ippolito d'Este built the villa following

a failed bid for the papacy, desiring, in

his own words, a garden suitable for "one

of the wealthiest ecclesiastics of the sixteenth

The result were gardens that blended ancient

artistry with a modern mannerist style, creating

an Italian oasis to be treasured for centuries.

A perfect place... to end this journey.

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