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Student: Renato Desposorio Hurtado


Once i was at school, when a very pain of thoat became to me. It wasn't normal beacuse it was
very painful. It doesn't make sense to me, i had good habits of eating healthy food and cover my
neck in winter. Doctor said me, "You caught a retrovirus, it doesn't have to do with cover your
throat from cold or wind". I just realized that i had played in the mud when my friends invited me
to play soccer. My friend Joan told me to be part of his team. I accepted. So, the Doctor asked
me how much time i had played and i said 5 hours. He told me, "It has to be a joke!". He
recomended me to take Paracetamol 500 mg. I can remenber when my mother started to said
me, "Renato, you shouldn't continue playing outside overnight", so i told her that the Doctor said
it has not to do with the lenght of time outside, but your lucky if you don't catch a virus.

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