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Unix, Linux, and Max OS X Commands

Common Filesystem Commands Search Commands Configuration Files

cd change directory find find files and directories ~/.bashrc bash run commands
cd foo find . ~/.bash_profile bash config file (linux)
cd ../.. find . –type f –name “*.java” ~/.profile bash config file (mac)
cp copy files and directories grep search for text in files ~/.vimrc vi/vim config file
cp /tmp/foo.txt . grep ‘foo’ *
cp f1 f2 f3 dir1 locate find files on the entire system Sample Aliases
gzip compress a file locate java alias l=“ls –alF”
gzip bigfile.tar mdfind (like locate; mac os x only) alias h=history
ls list files and directories alias cd..=“cd ..”
ls –alF Less-Common Commands alias html=“cd /usr/local/html”
ls -aCF cat concatenate files
mkdir make a directory chgrp change group owner Common Network Commands
mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 chmod change file mode ftp file transfer protocol
mkdir –p a/b/c/d chown change file owner ping ping a remote system
more scroll through a file df show free disk space scp secure copy
more bigfile.txt diff differences between files ssh secure shell
ps show running processes du directory usage (du –s *)
ps auxwww head display the beginning of a file Command Mashups
mv move files and directories history show history of commands grep foo *txt | wc -l
mv f1 f2 f3 dir1 last show last user login times history | grep ssh
rm remove a file or directory ln link files and directories ls –al | more
rm oldfile lsof list of open files ls –al | grep Jul | grep –v 2006
rm –r olddir man man pages (help) ls –al | grep ’^d’
tar archive command sed streamline editor ps auxwww | grep –i java
tar czvf all.tgz * sort sort input ps aux | wc –l
tar xzvf all.tgz strings search for text in binary files who | wc -l
wc word count tail display the end of a file
wc –l file1 file2 who who is on the system

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