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1. One among the founders of social psychology:

a. Freud
b. Charles Darwin
c. Comte
d. Piaget
2. Cross-cultural neuroimaging research suggests that activation of ________ to fearful faces
may be found in Caucasian but not Japanese participants.
a. Occipitofrontal cortex
b. Amygdala
c. Fusiform gyrus
d. Hippocampus
3. What name is given to data which is on a continuous scale with a zero?
a. Categorical data
b. Ordinal data
c. Ratio data
d. Interval data
4. Learning can be explained as:
a. A passive absorption of a predefined body of knowledge by the learner. Promoted by
repetition and reinforcement.
b. Active assimilation and accommodation of new information to existing cognitive
structures. Discovery by learning emphasized.
c. Integration of students into a knowledge community. Collaborative assimilation and
accommodation of new information.
d. All of the above.
5. Though raj supported the act of demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000. He had to take part
in the protest against it, in order to stay along with the group. Raj conformed because of:
a. Peer pressure
b. Normative social influence
c. Informational social influence
d. Just for fun
6. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Sometimes we need to use distribution-free test because we do not know enough about
the population from which data are drawn.
b. Sometimes we need to use distribution-free tests because we are unable to make
assumptions about the population from which the data are drawn.
c. Sometimes we need to use distribution-free tests because we are unwilling to make
assumptions about the population from which data are drawn.
d. All of the above.
7. Which of the following would produce related data?
a. Testing two different groups of participants on two occasions
b. Comparing matched cohorts on one occasion.
c. Testing two different groups of participants at the same time
d. Testing the same participants on two occasions.
8. Active experimentation, in the experiential learning model, is the _______ component of
a. Feeling, processing
b. Doing, processing
c. Watching, processing
d. Doing, perception
9. “Any act is a movement”, was said by ________.
a. Tolman
b. Guthrie
c. Koffka
d. Kohler
10. The most widely and experimentally used emotion is:
a. Disgust
b. Sadness
c. Fear
d. Anger
11. Who wrote the book “Flourish”?
a. Willibald Ruch
b. Robert Sternberg
c. Ed Diener
d. Martin Seligman
12. The book “Law of Imitation” was written by:
a. Le Bon
b. Baldwin
c. Tarde
d. Charley Cooley
13. A researcher seeking an organic basis for schizophrenia would be well-advised to investigate
the role of:
a. Amphetamines and amphetamine receptor
b. Adrenaline and noradrenaline
c. Histamine and antihistamine
d. Dopamine and dopamine receptors
14. Which of the following laws of learning on the basis propounded by Thorndike theory?
a. Law of readiness
b. Law of exercise
c. Law of effect
d. All of the above
15. A researcher divides his study population into smokers, ex-smokers and never smokers to
compare the proportions of each group that went to college. What test should he use?
a. Repeated measures ANOVA
b. One -way ANOVA
c. Paired t-test
d. Chi-square test
16. Test anxiety is an example o f_______
a. Trait measure
b. State measure
c. Situation-specific trait measure
d. Situation- specific state measure
17. Choose the test/tests that is/are projective tests from the given tests.
a. Thematic Apperception Test
b. Rorschach inkblot test
c. Personal problem -solving system
d. Thematic Apperception Test and Rorschach inkblot test
18. _______ is the father of behaviourism supported Pavlov’s ideas on conditioned responses.
a. Hull
b. John Watson
c. Tolman
d. Skinner
19. Which word is related to the emotion gratitude?
a. Selfless act
b. Thank you
c. Appreciation
d. All of the above
20. _______ defined team effectiveness on the basis of output, social processes and learning.
a. Ringelman
b. Hackman
c. Bandura
d. Rubin
21. In ABCDE model, the letter B stands for _________
a. Belief
b. Behaviour
c. Benevolent
d. None of the above
22. Which of the following is the main limitation of tests with relaxed assumptions?
a. Their assumptions are generally too relaxed.
b. They are usually very difficult to conduct.
c. They can only be used effectively in applies settings.
d. They generally have less power than parametric tests.
23. Which of the following is the parametric analogue test of Mann-Whitney test?
a. The between-subjects t-test (independent sample t test)
b. The within-subject t-test (paired sample t test)
c. One-way ANOVA
d. Two-way ANOVA
24. The most satisfied people are those who actively set and reach ______ goals through-out
their lives.
a. New
b. Easy
c. Demanding
d. Diverse
25. Which of the following guidelines should be followed while administering test to athletes?
a. Explain to the athletes why the tests are being given.
b. Give clinical as well as sport-specific tests.
c. Provide specific feedback concerning test results.
d. Explain to athletes why the tests are being given and provide specific feedback
concerning test results.
26. An inability to appreciate humour is most often associated with damage to the
a. Right temporal lobe
b. Left temporal lobe
c. Anterior right frontal lobe
d. Left frontal lobe
27. Name the person who proposed empathy-altruism hypothesis?
a. E.B. Titchener
b. McCullough
c. Auguste Comte
d. Daniel Baston
28. The best way to motivate adult learners is to simply ___________ their reasons for enrolling
and ______ barriers where possible.
a. Enhance, decrease
b. Enhance, increase
c. Criticize, increase
d. Criticize, decrease
29. __________ is the perceived ability to walk certain paths leading to a desired destination.
a. Belief
b. Fate
c. Faith
d. Hope
30. Story told by grandmother to her grandchildren regarding the whereabouts of their
ancestors is an example of:
a. Story
b. Belief
c. Folklore
d. Daily routine
31. According to Aggleton and Mishkin, which structure is the sensory gateway to the emotions.
a. The OFC
b. The hippocampus
c. The amygdala
d. The fusiform gyrus
32. When primed with stereotypes of the elderly, an assimilation response would be to:
a. Walk more slowly
b. Walk more quickly
c. It depends on the goal
d. It depends on the situational cues
33. A person’s orientation to strive for task success, persist in the face of failure, and have pride
in accomplishments is
a. Goal orientation
b. Achievement motivation
c. Mastery motivation
d. Performance motivation
34. _______ is a distribution-free test that is usually used to compare the central tendency of
more than two groups. In this regard, it is the distribution-free analogue of one-way ANOVA.
a. Kruskal-Wallis test
b. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test
c. Chi-square test
d. Mann-Whitney test
35. The conscious will be an example of:
a. Automatic process
b. Controlled process
c. Intention
d. Behaviour
36. Recent research using the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI) to investigate the
relationship between coping skills and performance shows that
a. Good psychological coping skills help athletes get the most out of their ability.
b. Good psychological coping skills are associated with continued involvement in
professional baseball.
c. The ACSI is a good tool to use for team selection.
d. Both a and b
37. ________ is the distribution-free test that is usually used to compare the central tendency of
two independent groups. In this regard, it is the distribution-free analogue of the
independent sample t-test.
a. Kruskal-Wallis test
b. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranked test
c. Chi-square
d. Mann-Whitney test
38. In LeDoux’s experiments on fear, the conditioning of fear to a tone or a flash pf light is the
_______; the electric shock is the _________.
a. Neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus
b. Unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus
c. Conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus
d. Conditioned stimulus, punishment
39. The trait approach to personality assumes that:
a. People behave differently in different situations
b. People behave similarly in different situations
c. Personality does not change much over time
d. People behave similarity in different situations and personality does not change over
40. The situational approach to personality assumes that:
a. Individuals behave differently across situations
b. Individuals behave similarly across situations
c. If the situation is strong, the effect of personality traits would be minimal.
d. Both a and c.
41. Taking an intra-individual approach to psychological testing means:
a. Individuals are compared against population norms
b. Individuals are compared against how they usually score on a particular psychological
c. Individuals are compared to norms for their age and age
d. Individual are compared based on objectives and subjective assessments.
42. Achievement motivation in sports is also called as:
a. Competitiveness
b. Competition
c. Competence
d. Competencies
43. A weakness in psychodynamic approach is its:
a. Sole focus on internal determinants of behaviour
b. Lack of attention to social environment
c. Sole focus on determinants of behaviour
d. Sole focus on internal determinants of behaviour and Lack of attention to social
44. The classic study conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobsen (1968) with regard to IQ and “late
bloomers” exemplified the concept of:
a. The self-confirming schema tendency
b. The heuristic effect
c. Self-fulfilling prophecies
d. The perseverance-effect.
45. Rubin, Plovnick and Fry’s GRPI Model explains:
a. Social influence
b. Group communication
c. Group effectiveness
d. Leadership
46. Psychological dependence on mood-or behaviour-altering drugs is known as:
a. Drug psychosis
b. Substance related disorder
c. An orthopsychosis
d. A psychotropic disorder
47. Which of the following structures appears to be selectively involved in the recognition of
fear stimuli?
a. Amygdala
b. Pulvinar nucleus of thalamus
c. Hippocampus
d. Orbitofrontal cortex
48. If people work hard to reach a goal, they are likely to justify their hard work by valuing the
goal highly. What is this tendency called?
a. Justification of effort
b. Cognitive dissonance
c. Risky shift
d. Diffusion of responsibility.
49. In the elaboration likelihood model, what motivates people to “elaborate” on a message?
a. Wanting to have correct attitudes
b. Wanting to have consistent attitudes
c. Wanting to agree with others
d. All of the above
50. The interactional approach assumes that:
a. Situational and personal variables are co-determinants of behaviour
b. Personality interacts with the psychological core to determine the behaviour
c. Highly aggressive people, for example, will usually react in an aggressive manner when
placed in aggressive situation
d. Both a and c
51. In an investigation, the researcher finds that scores on the measures obtained from two
groups are very highly skewed. Which of the following tests would be most appropriate for
comparing the median values?
a. Chi-square test
b. Dependent sample t -test
c. Mann-Whitney test
d. Independent sample t-test
52. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Distribution-free tests can be useful when the assumptions of tests are violated.
b. Non-parametric tests are useful when handling categorical data
c. Non-parametric tests have few uses
d. Non-parametric tests make relaxed assumptions about the parameters of population
53. For Vygotsky, thought and language are initially separate systems from the beginning of life,
merging at around _______ years of age.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 3
54. Recognition of emotion tends to be most closely associated with the
a. Temporal lobe
b. Right hemisphere
c. Left hemisphere
d. Frontal lobe
55. Which is the most powerful emotion?
a. Envy
b. Joy
c. Sad
d. Fear
56. Reaction potential can be formulated in form as: the simplest form, according to Hull, as:
a. The product of habit strength and drive.
b. The product of habit strength, drive and oscillation
c. The product of habit strength, drive and reinforcement
d. The sum of habit strength, oscillation and stimulus intensity
57. Based on cross-cultural research, Ekman and colleagues concluded that there are _____
basic emotions.
a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
d. 8
58. According to Hull, reaction potential can be formulated in its complete form as:
a. The product of habit strength and drive.
b. The product of habit strength, drive and oscillation.
c. The product of habit strength, drive and reinforcement.
d. The product of habit strength, drive, stimulus intensity and incentive motivation.
59. Viewing pleasant visual stimuli has been associated with _______; viewing unpleasant visual
images has been associated with ____________.
a. Relative decrease in right and left frontal EEG; relative increase in right and left frontal
b. No change in EEG activation; no change in EEG activation
c. Relative increase in left frontal EEG; relative decrease in right frontal EEG.
d. Relative increase in right frontal EEG; relative decrease in left frontal EEG.
60. Which emotion makes people stereotype relatively more?
a. Anger
b. Sadness
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
61. Which is the statistical test used to measure the correlation between variables that are
naturally dichotomous?
a. Tetrachoric
b. Phi-coefficient
c. Biserial
d. Point-biserial
62. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies of fear in humans have generally concluded
a. The hippocampus plays a crucial role in experiencing fear
b. The temporal cortex plays a crucial role in experiencing fear
c. The fornix plays a crucial role in allowing the recognition of fear
d. The amygdala plays a crucial role in the recognition of fear
63. Who of the following is most likely to study how religious attitudes develop within the
typical individual?
a. A sociologist
b. A social worker
c. A social psychologist
d. A theologist
64. Brains and culture:
a. Cannot be studied in the same experiment
b. Are competing explanations for the same social psychological phenomena
c. Are different levels of analysis of the same social psychological phenomena
d. Are not important in cognitive psychologists.
65. Which concept is emphasized in ABCDE model?
a. Negativity bias
b. Personal growth
c. Learned helplessness
d. Learned optimism
66. Which among the following is the appropriate statistical test when the researcher has one
nominal independent variable and one nominal dependent variable?
a. T-test
b. Chi- square
d. Correlation
67. Which among the following is NOT a way in which evolutionary theory explains prosocial
a. Social exchange theory
b. Kin selection
c. The reciprocity norm
d. Group selection
68. The key to minority influence is:
a. Normative social pressure
b. Immediacy
c. Creativity
d. Consistency
69. ___________ focus on human spirit and soul.
a. Spirituality
b. Religion
c. Belief system
d. Community
70. The phenomenological; approach to personality is consistent with the interactional
approach except that it focuses on:
a. The individual’s interpretation of the situation and himself or herself
b. The traits of an individual
c. The situation a person is dealing with at the time
d. The outcome of the behaviour.
Positive Psychology

1. ‘Being in the zone’ is related to Concept of flow.

2. Goal Setting Theory is by : Edwin Locke
3. PSI is Problem Solving Inventory.
4. Balance theory of wisdom was formulated by Robert Sternberg
5. The most effective way of developing sense of efficacy is through:
a) Mastery Experiences
b) Social Persuasion
c) Social Modelling

6. Religion is community focused.

7. Spirituality can be considered as “human experience beyond material”.
8. To help others with the expectation that they often help in return : Reciprocal Altruism
9. Helping a person who is in need with the intension of an external or internal reward :
Prosocial Behavior.
10. Selfishness is involved in : Prosocial Behavior
11. Act with no apparent benefit for the individual but are beneficial to others : Altruism
12. Serving your community is an altruistic behaviour.
13. The term altruism was introduced by Auguste Comte.
14. Empathy was introduced by Edward B Titchner.
15. Quality of being friendly, generous and considerate is called: Kindness / Compassion.
16. __________ is not a component of the triangular theory of love.
a) Friendship
b) Intimacy
c) Passion
d) Commitment

17. __________ can be considered as the complete form of love.

a) Consummate love
b) Factious Love
c) Companion Love
d) Romantic

18. POB (Positive Organization Behavior) was coined by Luthans.

19. Ethics and law is associated with:
a) Justice
b) Morality
c) Fairness
d) Gratitude

20. Who is the founding father of Leadership? Kim Cameron

21. Empathy Altruism Hypothesis was proposed by: C. Daniel Batson
22. The term altruism was first introduced by Auguste Comte
23. ___________ is a characteristic strength which describes behaviour as unselfish and act
without any expectations.
24. Seligman was president of APA in the year – 1998
25. The 3 pillars of Positive Psychology include: Positive experiences, Positive Individual Traits
and Positive institution.
26. The first mental health policy for India was released in the year 2014
27. Being able to cope and change is called: Resilience
28. Endorphin promotes the overall sense of wellbeing
29. Willibald Ruch – Considered as a humor scientist
30. Focus on Fostering – 1) 2) 3) 4) All of the Above
31. Disengagement theory is concerned with:
a) Positive Aging
b) Positive Emotion
c) Stress
d) Comm.

32. In PERMA Model, R represents:

a) Relationship
b) Rationality
c) Reliability

33. Quality of being thankful – Gratitude

Gratitude has the force to evoke strong feeling of positivity in the person who gives it and
also the person who receives it.
34. Life Summary Technique –
a) Optimism Intervention
b) Mindfulness Practices
c) Self Love
d) Empathy

35. Quality of Life refers to the general wellbeing of an individual.

36. Subjective Well Being – refers to how people feel and think about their lives.
37. Well Being represents the condition of an individual.
38. Life Satisfaction refers to how people think about their lives.
39. Eudaimonia results from realization of our potential.
40. Hedonic Happiness focus on optimal functioning.
41. Resilience can be called as a miracle drug.
42. Glenn Schiraldi is a resilience expert.
43. Who coined the term “flow” in positive psychology? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
44. Who is known as the father of self-esteem movement? Dr. Nathaniel Brandon
45. Loving others is an example of :
a) Positive Effect
b) Life Satisfaction
c) Wellbeing
d) High Self Esteem

46. Optimal Functioning is related to:

a) Inner strength
b) pleasant affect
c) eudaimonic well being
d) hedonic well being

47. “I think my life is great” is related to:

a) Life Satisfaction
b) Positive Affect
c) Optimism
d) Expectations

48. _________ is considered as a ‘miracle drug’:

a) Gratitude
b) Resilience
c) Well being
d) Mental Health

49. Being able to cope with change is called:

a) Optimism
b) personal growth
c) resilience
d) Hope

50. Which of the following is not considered as the 3 pillars of positive psychology:
a) Productivity
b) Positive Institutions
c) Individual Traits
d) Positive Experiences

51. ___________ refers to the general wellbeing of the individual:

a) Quality of Life
b) Mental Health
c) Happiness
d) Subjective Well Being

52. __________ defines happiness as self-realisation.

a) Eudaimonic WB
b) Hedonic WB
c) Relationship
d) Inner Strength

53. Which of the following is not a component of PERMA Model?

a) Agreeableness
b) Relationships
c) Engagement
d) Meaning

54. Who among the following is not a humanistic thinker?

a) Eric Fromm
b) Maslow
c) Roggers
d) Zimbardo

55. The first international conference on Positive Psychology was held in:
a) 1998
b) 2001
c) 2002
d) 2003

56. _____________ refers to our cognitive, emotional and behavioural well being
a) Life Satisfaction
b) Self Realization
c) Relationship
d) Mental Health

57. How people think about their lives is related to:

a) Life Satisfaction
b) Well being
c) Happiness
d) Psychological Well Being

58. The 5 principles of goal setting theory includes clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback and
a) Shaping
b) Selection
c) Adaptation
d) Task Complexity

59. Sending an amount to a charity to make yourself feel good is an example for __________.
a) Benevolence
b) Empathy
c) Gratitude
d) Mindfulness

60. Which character strength can be developed by serving your community?

a) Altruism
b) Personal Growth
c) Gratitude
d) Compassion

61. Which among the following is a positive psychology intervention?

a) Gratitude Journal
b) Gratitude Visit
c) Kindness Booster
d) All of the Above

62. Which type of positive intervention focus on a particular experience?

a) Optimistic Intervention
b) Savouring Intervention
c) Empathy Intervention
d) Kindness Booster

63. Which among the following can be considered as the lowest valued form of empathy?
a) Compassionate Empathy
b) Cognitive Empathy
c) Emotional Empathy
d) None of the Above

64. In the gratitude scale, GRAT, the letter ‘A’ represents ________________.
a) Affect
b) Appreciation
c) Altruism
d) Act

65. Which type of scale is GQ-6 Scale?

a) Likert Scale
b) Open Ended Scale
c) Nominal
d) None of the above

66. Which word is related to the emotions, gratitude?

a) Selfless Act
b) Thank You
c) Appreciation
d) All of the Above

67. What is the other name for the cognitive component of empathy?
a) Experience
b) Prospective Taking
c) Compassionate Empathy
d) Selfishness

68. _______________ can be termed as the product of knowledge and experience.

a) Wisdom
b) Self-concept
c) Prudence
d) Self-Efficiency

69. Which among the following is not a source of self-efficacy?

a) Social Modelling
b) Social Persuasion
c) Agency Thinking
d) Mastery Experience

70. ______________ is the perceived ability to walk certain paths leading to a desired
a) Belief
b) Fate
c) Faith
d) Hope

71. In ABCD Model, Letter B denotes,

a) Belief
b) Behaviour
c) Benevolent
d) None of the above

72. Which virtue is associated with the following character strengths like authenticity, bravery,
persistence and zest?
a) Wisdom
b) Courage
c) Humanity
d) Justice

73. In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. This statement is related to:
a) Wellbeing
b) Emotional Stability
c) Optimism
d) Self-Efficacy

74. A sense of continuing growth and development of an individual can be referred as:
a) Adaptation
b) Autonomy
c) Self-Acceptance
d) Personal Growth
75. Who developed PANAS?
a) David Watson
b) Lee Anna Clark
c) Auke Tellegen
d) All of the above

76. Which among the following is an appropriate method to cultivate learned optimism?
a) Challenging negative self-talk
b) Proper planning
c) Adapt with the situation
d) Self-Appraisal

77. Which of the following is not a necessary factor to foster creativity?

a) Authentic Self
b) Positive Focus
c) Concept of Flow
d) Life Objectives

78. Which component is not a part of Hope Theory?

a) Goal
b) Belief
c) Path
d) Barriers

79. ___________ aimed at raising positive feeling, positive cognition and positive behaviour.
a) PPI
b) Personal Growth
c) Self Acceptance
d) Emotional Stability

80. What does VIA Mean?

a) Values in action
b) Variance in action
c) Visualising in action
d) Values in all

81. _______________ is a great buffer against envy, hostility, worry and irritation.
a) Authentic Self
b) Self-Acceptance
c) Optimism
d) Gratitude
82. Which of the following channels help to achieve happiness?
a) Sensory awareness
b) Social Communication
c) Gratitude Practice
d) All of the Above

83. Which concept is emphasized in the ABCDE MODEL?

a. Negativity bias
b. Personal growth
c. Learned helplessness
d. Learned optimism

84. Who proposed the concept self-efficiency?

a. Albert Bandura
b. Daniel Batson
c. Kim Camron
d. Sternberg

85. __________ reflects the person’s confidence, the ability to exert control over one’s own
motivation, behaviour and social environment.
a. Self-concept
b. Self image
c. Self esteem
d. Self-efficiency

86. Balance theory is related to the concept?

a. Wisdom
b. Personal growth
c. Optimism
d. Self-efficiency

87. The way we go about to achieve the good is termed as:

a. Goals
b. Objectives
c. Expectations
d. Future plan

88. Positive CBT stresses on which of the following aspect:

a. Cause for the problem
b. Maladaptive thoughts
c. Problems
d. Positive shifts in belief

89. ________ can be considered as a coping strategy of an optimist.

a. Overt denial
b. Self-distraction
c. Positive reframing
d. Cognitive avoidance

90. In PP, the internal capacities and values of a person is referred to as:
a. Strength
b. Capacity
c. Motivation
d. Empathy

91. Which among the following is considered as a generosity trait?

a. Empathy
b. Compassion
c. Gratitude
d. Altruism

92. What is the main component of empathy-altruism hypothesis?

a. Selfishness
b. Altruistic movement
c. Empathetic concern
d. Kindness

93. Which among the following is not a character of grateful people?

a. Faithfulness
b. Social support
c. Spirituality
d. Selfishness

94. Which hormone is commonly referred to as “love hormone”?

a. Prolactin
b. Dopamine
c. Serotonin
d. Oxytocin

95. Which among the following is a natural pain killer?


96. Who proposed the Triangular Theory of Love?


97. Which among the following is not a component of the Triangular theory of Love?
a. Intimacy
b. Commitment
c. Passion
d. Faithfulness

98. ____________ is characterised by feeling of lust and physical passion.

a. Friendship
b. Infatuation
c. Romance
d. Compassion

99. Which type of love is characterised by commitment without passion or intimacy?

a. Romantic love
b. Empty love
c. Companionate love / Compassionate Love
d. Fatuous Love

100. Appling Positive psychology at workplace is termed as POB.

101. Which type of love represents ideal form of relationship? Consummate Love
102. Tendency of people to perceive negativity at work place is Negativity Bias
103. Having coherent belief about higher purposes and meaning of life is termed as
104. Treating everyone according to universal ideals of equality and justice is called
105. In positive psychology, RAK (Random Act of Kindness) is a type of intervention.
106. First positive psychology summit was held on 1999.
107. Authentic happiness (Book) – Seligman
108. Self efficacy can be developed by Mastery Experience.
109. Flourish (Book) by Seligman
110. The most powerful of all emotions – Fear
111. Spirituality focuses on spirit and soul.
112. Folklorist – William Bascom
113. Seligman launched Positive Psychology at – University of Pennsylvania
114. Main aim of positive psychology – Identify Strengths
115. PANAS – Measures emotional Experience


1. Father of PP – Martin Seligman

2. Expert in resilience – Glenn Schiraldi
3. Coined term flow – Mihaly Csikzenmihaly
4. Father of self-esteem – Dr. Nathaniel Branden
5. Humour – Willibald Ruch
6. Disengagement theory – Cumming and Henry
7. Empathy-Altruism hypothesis – C. Daniel baston
8. Term altruism is introduced by – Auguste Comte
9. Goal setting theory – Edwin Locke
10. Balance theory of wisdom – Robert Sternberg
11. Empathy – Edward b Titchner
12. POB was coined by – Luthans
13. Positive leadership – Kim Cameron
14. Hope theory – Charles Richard
6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi.

Semester Semester II Positive
Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc.
Multiple choice Questions 18MSPY2H01 Marks 35
Time 45 minutes

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............ is the opposite of neuroticism.

emotional stability

emotional instability

insecure feeling

none of the above

Clear selection 1/13
6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Positive psychology is the science of

organizational behaviour


what makes life worthliving


Clear selection

Which component is not a part of Hope Theory?





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What is the other name for the cognitive component of empathy?


perspective taking

compassionate empathy


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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

In positive psychology RAK is a type of

thinking process

mental exercise



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Negative emotions are more powerful than positive emotions.



depends on situation

depends on age

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In positive psychology, being in the zone is related to the concept of


well being



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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

"Every cloud has a silver lining". This statement is associated with



positive attitude


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Positive psychology operates from a

strength model

pathology model

belief model

intervention model

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............ is the fear of pleasure.





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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Faith provides you

self acceptance

personal growth

inner strength

self efficacy

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Which of the following is not a component of PERMA model?





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PANAS was developed to measure




emotional experience

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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

.......... means you embrace and like who you are.

self image


self esteem

self acceptance

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Is happiness subjective?




depends on attitude

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Which type of emotion is more prominent among internalizing disorders?



negative emotions


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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Bobo Doll Model experiment is associated with


trial and error method


social learning

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Name the term for positive stress.



positive affect


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.......... deals with the study of nature of duty and obligation.





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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Which factor plays an important role in love?





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Living in the moment is called

flourishing life



spiritual connectedness

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The tendency of people to perceive negativity at work place is termed as

negativity bias


burn out

goal disengagement

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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Name the proponent of the Theory Half full-Half empty glass?

Auguste Comte

Kim Cameron

Martin Seligman

Daniel Baston

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Who wrote the book "Flourish"?

Martin Seligman

Daniel Baston

William Bascom

Robert Sternberg

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Who among the following is an expert in self esteem?

Rashid & Parks

Abraham Maslow

Morris Roseberg

Park & Deiner

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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Who coined the term empathy?

E B Ticthener

Mc Cullough

Auguste Comte

Daniel Baston

Clear selection


Dhanya Radhakrishnan

Who among the following is a folklorist?

Allbert Bandura

Daniel Baston

Robert Strenberg

William Bascom

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Which is better to improve one's own sense of happiness ?


seeking pleasure



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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Which concept is emphasized in ABCDE model?


learned optimism

learned helplessness

personal growth

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Which character strength can be developed by serving your community?


personal growth



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............... type of people are comfortable with self direction, initiation and ready
to work independently.





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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

In ............ , belief system is present and it is clearly defined.





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In which year did India released the first Mental Health Policy?





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Who among the following is a humanistic thinker?


Abraham Maslow

Martin Seligman


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6/24/2020 Jain (Deemed-to-be University),Kochi. Semester Semester II Positive Psychology,Preparatory Exam, MSc. Psychology

Is happiness subjective?




depend on the individual

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