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SEC Roughriders Made EZ

Handbook of Roles, Tasks & Tips

The SEC Roughrider Made EZ Handbook Roles, Tasks & Tips was created by Jackie Gordon in 2018-2019 with
contributions and input from executive committee and fellow members. The original files for this document are
stored in the Vice President of Public Relations Gmail Drive Folder (
This handbook is dedicated to the memory of Don Nelson,
a stalwart Roughrider who will be sorely missed.

ROLES .............................................................................................................................. 4
SERGEANT AT ARMS ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ...................................................................... 5
HOST & FEE COLLECTOR ROLE STEP-BY-STEP................................................................ 6
UM COUNTER & GRAMMARIAN ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ........................................................ 7
Um Counter Organization Sample Sheet ................................................................... 8
PRESIDING OFFICER ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ....................................................................... 9
Inducting A New Member Script .............................................................................. 10
TOASTMASTER ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ............................................................................. 11
BALLOT COUNTER ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ........................................................................ 12
TIMER ROLE STEP-BY-STEP .......................................................................................... 13
TABLE TOPICS MASTER ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ................................................................ 14
Table Topics Questions Sample Sheet ................................................................... 15
MASTER EVALUATOR ROLE STEP-BY-STEP ................................................................... 16
Master Evaluator Made EZ Sheets - The Entire Meeting ........................................ 17
Master Evaluator Made EZ Sheets – Speaker Sheets ............................................ 18
EVALUATOR ROLE STEP-BY-STEP................................................................................. 19
Evaluator Made EZ Sheet ........................................................................................ 20

TASKS ............................................................................................................................ 21
Log In To Website .................................................................................................... 23
Update Your Profile .................................................................................................. 24
Sign Up For Meeting Roles ................................................................................. 25-26
Sign Up To Speak ............................................................................................... 27-28
Delete Yourself From Calendar ................................................................................ 28
Post To The Blog ................................................................................................. 29-30
Join Us On Facebook ............................................................................................... 31
Send Emails To Members ................................................................................... 32-33
Solve Website Problems .......................................................................................... 34
HOW TO ENROLL & USE PATHWAYS ......................................................................... 35-37
PATHWAYS FOR BASE CAMP MANAGERS ....................................................................... 38

TIPS ................................................................................................................................ 39
TIPS FOR WRITING YOUR SPEAKER INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 40
HOW TO BE A GOOD SEC ROUGHRIDERS MEMBER ....................................................... 41
HOW TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL MENTOR - MENTEE RELATIONSHIP............................. 42-44
SPEECH WRITING TIPS ............................................................................................. 45-47
OFFICIAL TIMING FOR SEC ROUGHRIDER MEETING ....................................................... 48
HOW TO GET REIMBURSED FROM THE DISTRICT ............................................................ 49
TIPS FOR SPECIAL MEETINGS & EVENTS ........................................................ 50-51
HOW TO BECOME AN SEC ROUGHRIDERS MEMBER - STEP BY STEP ............................. 52
Sergeant At Arms Role Step By Step

Prior To Meeting Start TIme (Arrive by 11:55 AM):

PICK UP:​ the Club Supply Suitcase at the mezzanine level (beside the reception desk).

ARRANGE:​ chairs around the conference room table. Place a chair at the host and fee collector
table. Remove any chairs from the end of the table where the speakers stand.

CLOSE: ​window blinds so no light comes into room


● Two sets of prize ribbons (in case of a tie) on window sill
● Assembled tripod and hang banner with banner ribbons attached


The Presiding Officer has placed the lectern, gavel and gavel block on the table.

The Host has arranged supplies on the host table:

● A blank, up-to-date Member Sign-in/ Fee Collection report
● Guest sign-in sheet
● Fresh envelope to collect money for treasurer
● Blank receipts
● Blank name tags & pens or markers
● Ballots/feedback sheets
● Bank Account Stamp
In the event of a club contest, check with Contest Chair about the additional supplies that will be

After Meeting Ends:

RETURN:​ supplies (lectern, gavel, banner, prize ribbons, etc.) to ​Club Supply Suitcase​ and
return the suitcase to the mezzanine level.
Host / Fee Collector Role Step By Step
At the meeting:

● Arrive early (11:50 am​)

● Find (1) the Host Supplies packet​, and (2) ​the Timer packet​ from the ​Club Supply
Suitcase​, located on the mezzanine level beside the building reception desk, and bring to
the meeting room (Sergeant At Arms should bring ​Club Supply Suitcase​ to the meeting
room but collect it yourself in case Sergeant At Arms is not able to.)
● Place the Timer packet at the end of the boardroom table.
● Set up the Host table for fee collection​, with the following items:
○ The envelope with the host sheet
○ Guest sign-in sheet
○ Blank name tags & pens or markers
○ Ballots/feedback sheets
○ Bank Account Stamp (if available)
● Please write your name and today’s date on the envelope, the host sheet, and the
guest sheet.
● Everyone must pay $20 f​or lunch and room fees. As members and guests arrive, ​collect
the fee and mark the amount ​received by each name, noting on the Member Sign-in and
Guest Sign-in sheets ​whether they paid by cash or check.
● As guests arrive, ask them to sign the guest book. ​Also, write a list of guests’ names to
give to the Presiding Officer just before the meeting begins.
● Checks should be made payable to “SEC Roughriders​.” Give receipts upon request.
● Use the club’s ‘bank stamp’ (if available) to stamp back of each check “For Deposit.”
● If someone forgets to pay, indicate that on the Host Report.
● If someone has paid for a special event, past meeting fees, membership dues, etc.
indicate that on Host Report.
● After the first prepared speech has begun, please do a headcount of all meeting
attendees, and reconcile against the fees collected. If there is a discrepancy, please
collect missing fees from the member or guest before the end of the meeting or
notify the Presiding Officer if there is a problem.
● After all the fees have been collected, tally receipts and reconcile again with the sign-in
● Place the completed ​(1) Member Sign-in/ Fee Collection report, (2) Guest Sign-in sheet,
and (3) Host Report in the envelope along with checks and cash received.
● If the Treasurer is present, hand him or her the envelope​; if the Treasurer is not
present, give the envelope to another board member or the Presiding Officer.

After the meeting:

● Put all the other materials back into the Host Supplies packet and place it along with the
Timer packet back inside the ​Club Supply Suitcase​. Return the Club Supply Suitcase to
the mezzanine level besides the building reception desk, in case Sergeant At Arms is not
able to do so.
Um Counter & Grammarian Role Step By Step

During The Meeting:

CHOOSE:​ a seat where you will be able to hear everyone clearly and take notes easily

NOTE:​ the Word of the Day as announced by the Presiding Officer.

CREATE:​ a tally sheet to track the people who speak at the meeting (​print sheet)

Other Used
Words the DAY

Presiding Officer


Table Topics Master

Table Topics

PAY ATTENTION​ to every introduction, table topic, speech, evaluation, and comment:

● Listen for verbal fillers or crutches, including sounds such as “ah”, “er”, “um” and filler
words such as “like” or “you know.” Be aware that “but”, “so”, and “and” are not
inherently bad and should not be pointed out unless used as filler.
● Listen for grammatical errors, mispronounced words, misused words, redundancies, etc.
● Note words used creatively and phrases that are especially effective.
● Note words or phrases about which you are unsure.

GIVE TWO-MINUTE REPORT ​when you are called upon by the Master Evaluator:

● Report grammatical errors, mispronounced and misused words, filler words etc. and
identify speaker.
● Mention words and phrases used creatively and phrases that are especially effective.
● Comment on words of which you are unsure and, if time permits, ask for input.
● If the meeting is running late, rather than stating how many times each person said “um”,
abbreviate it and say, for example: “John said 'um' more than 5 times. Everyone else
said it fewer than 5."
● If someone has a lot of filler words, soften it by saying "​John​ had more than 7 ‘ums’ and
more than 6 ‘you knows’."
Um Counter & Grammarian Tally Sheet
Other Used
Words the DAY
Presiding Officer Role Step by Step
Presentation Time: 4 minutes - open | 2 minutes to close (approximately)
(Only past and current officers are eligible.)
Prior To The Meeting:
PRACTICE: ​The Toastmasters’ introduction that was emailed to you (edit if needed).
PREPARE:​ Your one-minute educational speech or relevant brief comments. Suggested topics:
article in the Toastmaster magazine; club protocol, procedures, personal public speaking story,
public speaking goals, etc.. ​NOTE: At times, the VP of Membership will advise you to induct a
new member. Print the induction script to bring with you to the meeting and forgo your 1 minute
speech to ensure meeting can end in time. The induction script is found in this handbook.
SELECT:​ “Word of the Day” and email it to the Toastmaster so it can be added to the Agenda.


The Presiding Officer is the ultimate timekeeper for the meeting. Consult agenda timing, notify
beforehand or signal people if they need to cut their presentations to end the meeting on time.

Toastmaster​ - Cut introductions and give less time for feedback comments between
Table Topics​ - Discuss beforehand how much time they have. Signal for one more question.
Um Counter​ - Cut presentation shorter.
Master Evaluator​ - Cut presentation shorter.

At The Meeting (Arrive by 11:55 am):

PLACE:​ the lectern, gavel, and gavel block at the top end of the table.
CHOOSE:​ Pick a seat on either side of the lectern so you can direct presenters, if needed.
GUESTS:​ Be aware of guests. Get the guests sign in sheet and check name pronunciations.
OPEN MEETING​: Bang the gavel to start the meeting: “Welcome to the weekly meeting of the
SEC Roughriders Toastmasters Club 18.”
GREET GUESTS​ ​(Time permitting)​:​ “Welcome to our guests. Please stand and in 30 seconds
or less tell us what brought you to the meeting.”
ASK ATTENDEES:​ Turn off or silence cell phones. Remain seated during the meeting when
speakers are speaking. Please pay Host $20 fee helps pay for lunch and room rental.
DELIVER​: your one minute speech
SHARE:​ the word of the day
INTRODUCE:​ Toastmaster (edit his/her introduction if necessary)
WATCH:​ Make sure timing of Table Topics speakers syncs with Agenda ending time. Signal the
Table Topics Master to end on time.

Once The Master Evaluator Turns Meeting Back Over To You:

CALL FOR:​ brief business meeting / business announcements / non business announcements
Call on guests or members who haven’t spoken ​(Time permitting)
ANNOUNCE:​ winners and present ribbons
CLOSE MEETING:​ Bang the gavel to the end the meeting by 2:00 PM.
GIVE: ​The awards list and meeting agenda to the host.
Inducting A New Member Script

Fellow Toastmasters, it is my privilege to induct a new member into SEC

Roughriders Toastmasters.

____________________________________, would you please come


(Presiding Officer and inductee face each other, open to audience)

____________________________________, ​a Toastmaster promises:

● to attend meetings regularly and apply yourself to the Toastmaster

Educational program
● to evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner and build open,
friendly relationships with fellow members

Do you make this firm promise?

(Presiding Officer waits for answer of yes and then turns to audience)

My fellow members, do you pledge to support​ ____________ in their

efforts for self-development and to maintain a friendly, supportive

(Presiding Officer waits for answer of yes and turns to inductee)

Upon affirmation by the members and a vote by the officers, I welcome you
into SEC Roughriders, Toastmasters International Club 1-8-7-6.

(Presiding Officer presents TI pin and shakes hand of new member.​)

Toastmaster Role Step By Step
Presentation Time: Introduction 5 minutes
Prior To Meeting:
Fill out your introduction on the club calendar | Email members to fill any unfilled roles​ ​| Check/ Print/
Practice introductions & objectives | Edit intros (they should be 2 lines maximum) | Prepare your
themed greeting. ​PRINT AGENDAS.

At The Meeting:
CHOOSE:​ Pick a seat on either side of the lectern at the head of the table.
CHECK: ​Is everyone present? If not, find people to fill unfilled roles.
LECTERN: ​Who needs it?​ ​Speaker 1 | Speaker 2 | Speaker 3 | Speaker 4
CONFIRM​: Speech lengths with each speaker.
INTRODUCTION:​ You will be introduced by the Presiding Officer
[SAMPLE: Thank you (Mister or Madam) Presiding Officer, I will be the Toastmaster for today’s
meeting. My role is to…]
EXPLAIN​: Agenda / meeting structure / ballot --> write speaker’s name & your name in case speaker
wants further feedback. Everyone including guests are welcome to vote and give feedback
ACKNOWLEDGE ROLES: ​Sergeant-At-Arms, Host, Ballot Counter, Um Counter, Timer. Clap after all
roles are acknowledged.
ASK: ​Invite the​ ​Timer to explain the timing process.
● KEEP TRACK: ​Table Topics Speakers’ names
● RETURN TO LECTERN​: Shake hand of Table Topics Master
● REQUEST: ​Timer’s report. Read names & ask qualifying speakers to raise hand.
● INSTRUCT VOTE: ​Best Table Topics Speaker
​ anual speech objectives, then introduction. Say speaker’s name last. Shake their hand
before, then again after their speech.
● INSTRUCT: “​Please take a minute and write comments for (speaker) and pass them to ballot
● ALLOW 1 MINUTE, ​then introduce the next speaker.
● REQUEST: ​Timer’s report - Were all the speakers on time?
● INSTRUCT VOTE​: Best Speaker
● REQUEST: ​Feedback for the Toastmaster
ACKNOWLEDGE: ​End of Toastmaster Role
ENSURE: ​Meeting ends at 2:00 p.m.
Ballot Counter Role Step By Step

During The Meeting:

SIT ​at the end of the table facing the speaker next to the Timer.

● Label plastic cups for each prepared speaker’s comment slips (you may get comments
for the Toastmaster, Master Evaluator and Table Topics Master as well, but the cups are
● Set up three additional cups for votes – Best Table Topics, Best Speaker, and Best

COLLECT BALLOTS:​ Members will pass you the ballots throughout the meeting. Sort them
and keep track ballot votes during the meeting.

WRITE ​the winners’ names on a piece of paper (you can use the format below) and give to
Presiding Officer before the Awards portion of the meeting. Keep in mind that the Presiding
Officer will speak immediately after the Master Evaluator and will need winners’ names ahead of

GIVE​ all comment slips to speakers and the Toastmaster after the meeting.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

Date: _______________

Best Table Topics: _______________________________________

(Tie:) _______________________________________
(Tie:) _______________________________________

Best Evaluator: _______________________________________

(Tie:) _______________________________________
(Tie:) _______________________________________

Best Speaker: _______________________________________

(Tie:) _______________________________________
(Tie:) _______________________________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
Timer Role Step-By-Step
Prior to the Start of the Meeting:

GET SUPPLIES: ​collect​ ​Timer’s folder from the Club Supply Suitcase (ask Sergeant At
Arms or Host if you can’t find it) - it should contain a stopwatch (you can use your phone
timer instead), timing colored cards, the speech timing card, the timer’s worksheet and a
copy of the meeting agenda.
RESPOND:​ when the Toastmaster calls upon you to explain your role. Stand up and
read or paraphrase the speech timing card.
TIME:​ each speech using the stopwatch.
SIGNAL: ​each speaker time lapsed (minimum, midway and maximum) by holding up the
cards continuously or until you know the speaker has seen them.
RECORD: ​each speaker’s timing on the timer’s report.
REPORT:​ when called on by Toastmaster, Table Topics Master and General Evaluator

Start clapping 1
TIMING Minimum Midway Maximum
second past time.

Presiding Officer 1 minute

1 minute

Table Topics 1 minute 1 minute & 30 sec 2 minutes 2 minutes & 30 seconds.
1 to 2 minutes show & keep up

Evaluation 2 minutes 2 minutes & 30 sec 3 minutes, 3 minutes & 30 seconds.

2 to 3 minutes show & keep up

5-7 Minute Speech* 5 minutes 6 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes & 30 seconds**.

show & keep up

Master Evaluator 6 minutes 7 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes & 30 seconds

8 minutes show & keep up

Um Counter 1 minute 1 minute & 30 sec. 2 minutes

2 minutes show & keep up

*Prepared Speeches
Speeches have varying lengths. The most common is 5-7 minutes. Refer to the speech timing card
for correct timings for various speech times. To encourage new speakers, we don’t clap them off
during their icebreaker speeches if maximum time is exceeded. We let them finish, but they are
disqualified from winning.


Minimum time, show: Green Card
Halfway between the minimum and maximum time, show: Yellow Card
Maximum time, show and keep up: Red Card
After the speaker has gone 30 seconds over the maximum time, start clapping.

** The timer never claps off an Icebreaker speech

After the Meeting
Give your completed report to the Host. Return supplies to the Club Supply Suitcase.
Table Topics Master Role Step By Step
Presentation Time: flexible; check with Presiding Officer & Toastmaster for timing

Prior To Meeting:
ADD:​ your introduction and title for your Table Topics questions on the website agenda.

WRITE:​ a brief opening and a brief closing for your table topic questions (keep them short so
we get as many speakers as we can to speak during the allotted time).

PREPARE:​ 10-12 questions around your title/theme. Questions should also be kept short so we
can get as many speakers as possible to respond. You should always pose the question and
end with the first name of the person you’re calling on to respond so you surprise them.


1. What is your favorite color and why_​JOHN ​______________________?

2. How do you like your hamburger _​JANE ​_______________________?
3. Who is your public speaking idol_​NANCY ​_______________________?
4. What is your earliest childhood memory ​WALTER​_______________________?
5. What country is on your bucket list_​TONYA​_______________________?
6. When was the first time you told someone you loved them PHIL_______________?
7. Tell us about your first job _​RONNIE​_______________________?
8. Who wore the pants in your family _​CINDY​_______________________?
9. What is your spirit animal _​GEORGE​_______________________?
10. If you could click your heels and be anywhere where you go_​PATTI​__________?

During The Meeting:

PLAN:​ make a list of potential attendees to call on to answer your questions. Choose from:
● Members who are doing non-speaking roles: Sergeant At Arms, Ballot Counter, Um
Counter Grammarian, Host, Timer (​Do not call the Timer or the Host first.); and
● Members who are present at the meeting and have no roles.
● Only choose guests if we don’t have enough members at the meeting and make sure
you have asked each guest if they are OK with being called on.
Mix up your list of responders so there is an element of surprise.
REMIND:​ during your opening, everyone that they are to give a 1-2 minute response to the
table topic questions.


TURN MEETING OVER TO THE TOASTMASTER ​“Thank You (Mister/Madam) Toastmaster
Replace the ​Lorem ipsum​ text with your questions.
Fill in the names once you get to the meeting.

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

incididunt ut labore et dolore ______________________?

2. Amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant. Augue ut lectus arcu bibendum.


3. Lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet


4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua_______________________?

5. Amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant_______________________?

6. Augue ut lectus arcu bibendum. Lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a. Viverra nam

libero justo laoreet sit_______________________?

7. Lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit. Sed lectus

vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit sed ullamcorper_______________________?

8. Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque. Elit sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris


9. Commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet. Dignissim convallis aenean et tortor

at risus viverra adipiscing. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus


10. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Id leo in vitae

Master Evaluator Role Step By Step
Presentation Time: 8 minutes

Prior To Meeting:
FILL OUT:​ Your introduction on club website calendar.
CHECK: ​Do you have all of your evaluators? If not, send a club business email to find evaluators.
ASSIGN:​ Pair evaluators with speakers online by Monday before the meeting ​(link i​s under My Home).
PRINT:​ Master Evaluator Made Simpler Sheets (you will need a copy of page 2 for each speaker).

At The Meeting:
CHOOSE: ​A seat where you have a good view of the whole meeting.
CHECK: ​Are all the evaluators present?
USE:​ Master Evaluator Sheets to keep track of the meeting.
ORGANIZE: ​Make sure that all your evaluation notes are in order.
INTRODUCTION:​ You will be introduced by the Toastmaster.
GREET & EXPLAIN​: The Evaluation Process
Sample Explanation: Thank you (Mister or Madam) Toastmaster, I will be today’s Master
Evaluator. My role is to introduce the evaluators who will be evaluating the speeches you just
heard, and then I will evaluate each of them and the meeting as a whole.

#1 Now, to evaluate _________________________, please welcome__________________________.

#2 Now to evaluate _________________________, please welcome__________________________.

#3 Now to evaluate _________________________, please welcome__________________________.

#4 Now to evaluate _________________________, please welcome__________________________.

After All The Evaluators

● REQUEST: ​Timer’s Report: Were all the evaluators on time?
● INSTRUCT VOTE​: Best Evaluator

EVALUATE: ​The Evaluators

Tip: Always evaluate the evaluator’s evaluation of the speech, not the speech or the speaker.
EVALUATE: ​The Meeting
REQUEST:​ Um Counter Grammarian Report
RETURN:​ Turn the lectern over to the Presiding Officer.
Master Evaluator Made EZ Sheets
Evaluate The Entire Meeting


Time Started: __________________ Room Set:__________________

Presiding Officer:




Table Topics Master:

Speaker: ________________________________________ Speech #: ________

Speech Title: _________________________________________________________________


Purpose? Body Language Emotions

Language / Vocabulary Gestures Imagery

Volume Eye Contact Passion

Vocal Variety Use of Space Call to Action

Storytelling Timing Organization

Evaluator: _________________________________

Sandwich Method Sincere Volume

Speaks to Audience Timing Tempo

Uses Humor Explains why Mini speech

Personalizing Reading vs. Speaking Notes Demonstrate & Show examples

Encouraging 1​st​ vs. 3​rd​ person Lesson for all

Nurturing Pauses Mimic the Speaker

Evaluator Role Step By Step

Prior To The Meeting:

EXPECT: ​You will be assigned a speaker to evaluate by the Master Evaluator by email.
CONNECT:​ Reach out to your assigned speaker to discuss what their personal goals and
objectives are, for instance, what they would like to work on or improve in their speech. If they
can’t think of anything suggest items from past feedback from club members (eye contact,
pausing, connecting with the audience, etc.). Remind them to bring their manual or the printed
evaluation sheet from Pathways to the meeting. Please CC the Master Evaluator and the
Toastmaster on your email to the speaker so they know that you touched base with each other.
PRINT​: Evaluator Made EZ sheet, if using.

At The Meeting:
RETRIEVE​: The speaker will have an evaluation form for you to fill out as part of your
evaluation. Please be aware of the Manual/Pathways project’s goals and objectives for the
LISTEN​: Pay close attention to the speech and keep track of things you liked and things that
could be improved. Use the Evaluator Made EZ sheet.
COMPLETE:​ The Manual or Pathways evaluation sheet.
EVALUATE​: Deliver a 2-3 minute evaluation of the speech with positive feedback and
constructive criticism. One of the most popular evaluation methods we use at the club is the
sandwich method. We like our “sandwich” with a thick slice of bread, a light filling and sliver of
bread on the bottom (see below for detail). Be sure to speak to the audience and not directly to
the speaker.

SEC Roughriders “Sandwich” Method

THICK SLICE OF BREAD: Begin with genuine praise for what the speaker did well and what
you liked about the speech. Setting a positive and encouraging tone makes them more
receptive to what you have to say. Be specific and informative; focus on what they did well
and what their natural abilities and strengths are.

LIGHT FILLING: Next, deliver your constructive feedback thoughtfully. Be sure to focus on the
behavior or action, and not on the person – you’re not trying to change who the person is, just
what they did. Talk about what they did, not who they are. Stick to the facts and how they
made you feel.

SLIVER OF BREAD: Close with a positive, encouraging comments, that reflect the tone you
set at the beginning of the evaluation. We want to support our members and focus on their
strengths to fortify them as they grow as speakers.

After The Evaluation:

RETURN​: Give the completed Manual or Pathways evaluation sheet back to the speaker.
Evaluator Made EZ Sheet

Speaker: ______________________________________________ Speech #: ________

​Speech Title: ________________________________________________________________



How did the speech make you feel?______________________________________________



Purpose Body Language Emotions

Language Gestures Imagery

Volume Eye Contact Passion

Vocal Variety Use of Space Call to Action

Storytelling Timing Organization


How To Manage Your SEC Roughriders Membership Online

● Log In To Website
● Sign Up For Meeting Roles
● Sign Up For Speeches
● Post To The Blog
● Join Us On Facebook
● Send Emails To Members
● Solve Website Problems

Members can log into the website​​.

● Click on "Login" on the upper right corner of the page

● Enter your full email address​ (example: - Use the same email
address you used to complete the online membership application.
● Enter your password​ - Use the same email address you used to complete the
online membership application.

Once you've logged in you will see the screen below. This page contains your
upcoming meeting roles as well as your membership status.

● Click: ​My Profile​ on the left hand navigation links

● Ensure all your personal information is correct by clicking the tabs
"Contact Details", "Phone Numbers" and "Member Information"
● If you would like to change your password you may do so by simply typing in the
new password in the "password" field
To sign up for a meeting role:
● Log in to the​ website​.
● Click:​ Calendar​ on main navigation bar. The meeting Calendar will appear​.

Simply double click on the available slot that you wish to sign up for under the day/date
column. Please note, this is a rolling calendar - you can move forward and backwards
as needed.
The Sergeant at Arms, Evaluators, Timer, Um Counter, Ballot Counter, and Host roles
require no other action.
For Presiding Officer, simply double click on the empty field and click "Submit". Your
name will automatically appear on the role for that date.

For Toastmaster & Master Evaluator, do the same and then fill out your introduction.

For Table Topics Master, you should fill in the Table Topics Title and your Introduction.
To sign up for a meeting role:
● Log in to the​ website​.
● Click:​ Calendar​ on main navigation bar. The meeting Calendar will appear.

When signing up as a speaker, you must choose Manuals or Pathways, then choose
the speech from the drop-down list. Please include the speech title and your

If you are choosing a non manual speech the timing should be 5-7 minutes unless
otherwise approved by the Presiding Officer or Toastmaster for the meeting. Put the
maximum time in the form as pictured below.
You may also delete yourself from a role by double-clicking on the role provided it is ​14
days or more before​ the meeting. Select ​DELETE​, as pictured below. If it is ​WITHIN
14 DAYS​ of the meeting, you will need to contact a site administrator.

NOTE: ​It is club policy that if you remove yourself from a role, it is your
responsibility to find a replacement.
The SEC Roughriders Club Blog is available for all members to share ideas, knowledge
and resources.

All blog content will be filtered and approved by a designated blog administrator. If you
have a question about whether what you’d like to post is appropriate for the blog, reach
out to the VP Public Relations.
● Log in to the​ website​.
● Choose ​BLOG​ from the dropdown menu under ​NEWS/BLOG​ in the navigation
● CLICK​ Post an Article
● Complete fields and Save
This is the link to The SEC Roughriders Facebook group:
To send emails to members:
● Log in to the​ website​.
● CLICK ​My Home

You can choose to send a Club Biz Email or a Non-Club Biz Email.
For a Club Biz Email you get options regarding which members to send it to.

You can reach individual members by email via the Member List on this page.
If you have issues where you are unable to sign up for a role, or fill in your introduction or any other
problems related to the website, send an email to the current Club President and Cc: Jerry Wolf
(​​) and Eric Rock (​​).

All the club officers and their emails are listed on the website:
How To Use Enroll & Use Pathways




● Use your password to log into ​Toastmasters International Website​ *

● Open: ​Pathways​ Tab
● Open: ​Choose a path​ from the drop down menu
● You will see a ​Update Privacy and Consents​ pop up page, read it, save it, and close it.
● Disable the Pop-Up Blocker​ on your page. Open Top right-hand corner message and
select: Option/allow only pop ups from this page.
● Under Pathways Open: ​Choose Your Path
● Click ​Yourself
● Open: ​Continue To the Path​ (left menu box)
● Open: ​Take Your Assessment​ (left menu box) NOTE: The $20.00 appears when you
want to buy an extra path.
● Open ​START​ to begin your assessment. Answer all questions. You can follow the red
color progress bar on top of the presentation. This process will take approximately 10
● From the three Paths presented to you, select the one that fulfills your needs MOST.

*For first timers: Type your email address on the ID address box, then click on “Forgot
password”?. Toastmasters International will send an email to your inbox with follow up
instructions to set up your password.
● Use your password to log into ​Toastmasters International Website​ *
● Open: ​Pathways​ Tab
● Open: ​Open Curriculum
● Disable the Pop-Up Blocker​ on your page. Open top right-hand corner message and
select: Option/allow only pop ups from this page.
● Click:​ Activate​ the Ice Breaker Project -Level 1/Ice Breaker/Options/Activate
● Click: ​Launch​ the Ice Breaker Project -Level 1/Ice Breaker/Options/Launch
○ Wait for the project presentation to load
○ A pop-up page of the project will load
○ If project presentation doesn’t load, Launch the project again
● Click: ​BEGIN​ arrow
● Maximize the screen. Click on small square on top right side of screen.
○ Make sure you see the Advance/Return arrow-heads on the sides of screen.
● Study the Presentation thoroughly. (DO NOT skip any step, otherwise Project 2 will not
get activated)
(NOTE: If a dark Shadow blocks half of the screen, click on the blue DIRECTIONS tab)

● Complete the ASSESS YOUR SKILLS - BEFORE and Submit. A FEEDBACK message
will appear on your screen (Note: this must be completed to activate Project 2 ).
● Read The Competencies.
● Watch the Video Clip in its entirety (Note:this must be completed to activate Project 2).

Before Your Icebreaker

***SCHEDULE YOUR SPEECH on our club calendar (allow at least 2-4 weeks to develop your
speech) – contact VP ED for assistance.
● Create an Ice Breaker folder on your computer and:
○ Read the Prepare and Present instructions and use them to develop your speech
○ Read the After Your Speech instructions so you are aware of the post speech
○ Download the PDF file: ​EVALUATION RESOURCE. ​Sent a copy to your Speech
Evaluator and bring a hard copy to the meeting.


After Your Icebreaker
● After presenting your speech, review the Evaluation Form you received from your
Evaluator and update the Evaluation Form saved on your computer to track your
● Log into Pathways
● Complete the ASSESS YOUR SKILLS - AFTER and Submit (Note: this must be
completed to activate Project 2 ).
● Close the Presentation
● Refresh your browser and evaluate the project:
○ Under Ice Breaker -- Options -- Click: ​Launch | Evaluate
NOTE: Warning: If the Launch | Evaluate link does not show up, click on Launch again
and repeat the slide presentation. Make sure you don’t miss any step of the
● Click: ​Continue ​bottom page left
● Answer the questions and click on ​Submit Final Answers ​- bottom left of the page
● Track your Pathways progress​:​ Go to Pathways / Go to base camp The Education
Transcript page will be the page that opens.
○ Click: Open Curriculum and check your status
○ If you see “MARK COMPLETE”, then you have completed the assignment. Click:
MARK COMPLETE and it will be completed and disappear.

● L1-PROJECT 2​ will be ready for you to start.


● These projects follows the same steps as ​L1-PROJECT 1


● Once you have completed all the projects in a level you will see the STATUS in the
Curriculum change to Pending Completion Approval.
● Contact a Base Camp Manager to approve your project completion. You can reach out
to the Club President, the Vice President of Education or the Club Secretary.
● You will get an email that says your project has been approved.
● If you like, you can print your Certification of Level Completion, on the “Education
Transcript“ webpage Click :“Open Curriculum” box..
● Once a Base Camp Manager approves your Level completion, the next Level projects
get activated and you can start them.
● To get the award for completing your project, contact our Vice President of Education​.
That person will complete your Award registration with Toastmasters International.
Pathways For Base Camp Managers

To Approve a Level
Log-in to → Go to Pathways
CLICK Log in as Base Camp Manager → Go to PENDING REQUESTS, then click “Club
member’s name” → Choose Level → TYPE → Completion → OPTIONS → “✔” or “X”
(✔= approve, X= disapprove)
Approve Request → Submit

For Award Application

Log-in to → Leadership Central → Club Central → Submit Education Award
→ Select Club Member’s name → Select COMMUNICATION Completion Award →
LEADERSHIP Completion Award → LEVEL Completion Award / Submit.
Tips For Writing Your Speaker Introduction

At SEC Roughriders, the Toastmaster, Table Topics Master, Master Evaluator, and Speaker
roles require advance submission of an introduction which is then used by the preceding
speaker who will be introducing them in a meeting. For our purposes, your introduction shouldn’t
be more than two lines in length and should achieve the primary purpose of preparing the
audience to listen to you. It should create curiosity about you and what you will be speaking
about. Your introduction can establish your credibility by including what you’re an expert in, but
it should not be a bio. Your ​introduction should be relevant to the content of the speech you are
giving. ​Audiences care about what you can do to benefit them. They listen to speakers because
we want to hear or learn something that is going to make them feel better about themselves or
help them advance their goals. Give your audience a TASTE of you and/or what you can do for
them in your speaker introduction.

Write In The Third Person

Your introduction is going to read by someone else so write it that way and put your name last.
End with “… with a speech titled (SPEECH TITLE), please welcome (YOUR NAME HERE)”.

Practice Saying It Out Loud

Make sure you say your introduction out loud as if you were a stranger saying it before you
submit to the club calendar.

Pose And Answer “You” Focused Questions

Example:​ Speech Topic COURAGE: Have you been so scared before giving a speech that your
stomach ​felt like it was turning upside down​? Our next speaker is the stomach butterfly queen ...

Why You? Establish Your Credibility.

Example:​ Our next speaker has coached 5 out of 10 of the world’s champion speed knitters,
please welcome …

Use Humor
Example:​ Our next speaker once considered getting engaged to her dog, Scout, because he
was the only one who would listen to her …

Use Relevance & Customization For Your Audience

Example: ​Our next speaker still laughs when he thinks about the 6 months he sat right by the
door of our club so he could sneak out if things got too uncomfortable.

Use Shock & Awe

Use words that will grab the audience's attention: flattery, exaggerations, fun facts, lies, etc.
Example: ​Our next speaker was born in the back of a NYC taxi cab.

Use Someone Else's Words

Choose a meaningful quote or saying that relates to you or your speech topic.
How To Be A Good SEC Roughriders Member - Step By Step

GET A MENTOR​: Your experience with SEC Roughriders will be significantly improved
with a mentor. Mentors can help you put together your speeches, overcome
nervousness, and learn how to take up new roles. Speak with our VP of Mentorship to
get set up!

ATTEND MEETINGS ​& ​SIGN UP FOR ROLES:​ Your ongoing active involvement and
participation is crucial for your success and helps get our meetings filled. If you are a
new member, sign up to become a Timer, Ballot Counter, Host, or Um Counter! The
experience will help you understand how the club works and give you an opportunity to
participate in Table Topics.

JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP: ​If you’re on Facebook, you can interact with fellow
members on our ​SEC Roughriders Facebook​ group.

GET ON THE CALENDAR:​ Without a deadline, it's easy to procrastinate. Sign up for a
speaking role ahead of time - this will motivate you to prepare a speech in advance.

INTRODUCE YOURSELF​: When signing up for speaking roles, remember to include a

two sentence introduction for the Toastmaster to introduce you.

DON'T HESITATE TO ASK​: The SEC Roughriders club is well-known for members’
receptiveness. If you have a question, a suggestion, or a concern, don't hesitate to
speak to any one of our more seasoned members. They will be happy to guide you.

BE ENCOURAGING​: We can help ourselves by helping one another. Be encouraging

to others and help them feel confident about their speeches.

BE RECEPTIVE​: Feedback can often be difficult to swallow, but remember that our
members are trying to help you succeed as a speaker and bring out your best qualities.
We are here to grow and develop together, and being receptive to feedback will make
you a better speaker.

BE RESPECTFUL​: Please do not add members to mailing lists and social media
groups without their permission. Do not send solicitations directly to members. If you are
looking for prospects, please discuss this with members in person and only follow up
with email if they ask you to.
How To Have A Successful Mentor - Mentee Relationship

The goal of the ​SEC Roughriders Mentoring Program​ is to support the growth of new
and existing Club members. A successful mentor - mentee relationship requires a
commitment from both the mentor and the mentee.

How does the SEC Roughriders Mentoring Program work?

All new Club members are assigned a mentor for at least their first three speeches, and
are also encouraged to continue to work with a mentor beyond this point.

The ​Vice President of Mentorship​ can help you get a mentor or become a mentor.
You can find the name of the ​Vice President of Mentorship ​by asking a fellow member
or looking on the SEC Roughriders Toastmasters Club website under the “About Us”
drop down menu under Officers.

I’m a New Club Member – Why Do I Need a Mentor?

● Learn the Toastmaster program –​ ​Your mentor will help you become familiar with
the Competent Communication (CC), Competent Leadership (CL) manuals and the
Pathways programs so that you can confidently start to present your speeches and
participate in meeting support roles.

● Learn club standards and customs – Your mentor will help you learn about the SEC
Roughriders Toastmasters Club and its activities, as well as Club meeting roles and
other membership opportunities.

● Quickly learn new skills – Your mentor will encourage you to be more involved in
Club activities and will coach you through your speeches and other participation at
the Club, which will enable you to advance faster.

I’m Already a Club Member – How Can a Mentor Help Me?

● Further hone speaking abilities – No matter what level you have achieved in your
speaking and leadership abilities, there is always room for improvement. Working
with a mentor can help you fine tune your skills and increase your range as a
speaker and leader.

● Stay on track – Often we get stuck, unable to find the inspiration, the time or the
drive to get to that next speech. A mentor can help you stay on track and give you
the extra nudge you need to achieve your speaking goals.
How Do I Get A Mentor?

New Members​ – To arrange for your mentor, contact the Vice President of Mentorship.
At that time, let him/her know if there are any speakers at the Club whose style you
think would be helpful to you. The Vice President of Mentorship can also let you know
who is available to be a mentor.

Existing Members​ –The best way to get a mentor is to approach someone whose style
you think would be helpful to you and ask if that person is available to mentor you. If the
member agrees, let the Vice President of Mentorship know that you have initiated a
mentoring relationship. If you are unable to find a mentor yourself, submit a request for
mentor by sending an email to the Vice President of Mentorship.

How Do I Become A Mentor?

You can become a mentor after completing six speeches. To become a mentor, please
contact the Vice President of Mentorship (you can find their name on the ​Officers page
on the club website and email them at ​​.

What are the benefits of being a Mentor?

Being a mentor can be a rewarding and educational experience. Mentors not only offer
the benefit of their expertise to others, they also:

● Learn from those with whom they work – New members often offer new information
and perspectives.

● Remain productive and help others – Mentors continue to make use of their own
knowledge and skills. Helping others is also a confirmation of your own skills; mentors
often also feel good about helping someone else achieve his or her goals.

● Receive recognition – Mentors are respected and appreciated by fellow members.

How To Be A Successful Mentor

A successful mentor pays attention to the progress of their mentee.

Ask your mentee questions, such as:

● What is their speaking experience?
● What are their speaking goals?
● What do they think their strengths and weaknesses are?
● What do they want to achieve by being in Toastmasters?
● How can you help?
● How do they like to work with a mentor?
○ Mode of communication: Mentors and mentees may choose to work on
the telephone, through email, in person, or at SEC Roughriders meetings
in the role of an independent evaluator.
○ Timing: Mentors and mentees work out a schedule for mentoring. A
successful mentor sets up calendar reminders for their mentee and for
themselves to track their mentee’s progress and help them stay on track
to achieve their goals.

A successful mentor assists the mentee in the writing of his or her speeches and
mastering various communication skills, such as vocal variety, eye contact, and the
effective use of pauses.

A successful mentors offers periodic independent evaluations of their mentee’s skills.

How To Be A Successful Mentee

A successful mentee takes responsibility for achieving their speaking goals and
maintaining the relationship with their mentor. With your mentor, you should establish
clarity about how the mentor-mentee relationship is going to be structured to ensure you
achieve your goals. .

As a mentee you have to:

● Be clear about what your goals are.
● Ask for the help you need.
● Meet your deadlines.

What if your Mentee-Mentor relationship is not working?

If you would like to change mentor or a mentee, please reach out to the ​Vice President
of Mentorship ​for assistance.
Speech Writing Tips by Jackie Gordon


W.I.I.F.M. What's In It For Me? W.I.I.F.T. What's In It For Them? Find the main point
that you want the audience to walk away with as a result of hearing you speak. Think of
it as a pearl, like a pearl of wisdom or a gift that you're giving them that has the potential
to mark them or change them in a positive way. Don't have more than one key
message. Find one point and then give them several examples to support why they
should care about the one point.

Write a speech title that entices the audience. Make them wonder what they're in for.
Make them curious.

When the Toastmaster introduces you is the first opportunity to have an impact on your
audience. Yes, you can tell them about yourself, but do it with a nod to what your
speech could be about. Keep it short so the Toastmaster doesn’t have to edit it. Please
refer to the document ​Tips For Writing Your Speaker Introduction for more 


Too many speakers speak from the point of wanting the audience to like them or
making the sale or looking good as opposed to wanting to have an impact on the
audience. They look at the audience through a reflective lens of how they, as speakers,
are being seen. This gets in the way of your focus as a speaker. Your objective is to
connect with the audience to deliver the gift, the pearl you have for them. If you are
worried about what's at stake for you, your energy is in the wrong place. THIS IS HARD
TO DO. We all have a touch of the egomaniac in us and we all want to be loved. You
get to develop the muscle of shifting your focus at Toastmasters. If you find yourself
worrying about what the audience thinks of you shift to what experience do you want
them to have? What do you want them to do? How do you want them to feel? How do
you want to be powerful?

The audience's experience can be plotted on the roadmap of your speech. When I write
my speech, I know every step where I want to take the audience emotionally. Keep this
in mind as you write the speech. Write notes in the margins. Laugh here. Cry here.
Gasp here. It may not work out that they react how you want them to, but having the
intention of how you'd like them to feel makes your speech more power driven.


● Make a bold statement or do something fun or memorable or curiosity building to

open the speech, then do the introduction.
● Make people think I can't believe he had the courage to share that. Your courage
will give them courage. It's very powerful.
● Do whatever it takes to make the pearl stick with the audience. Look silly, be
ridiculous, wear a lampshade on your head. If it presses your own buttons, but it
moves the speech forward, do it.
● Don't be afraid of making the audience uncomfortable to make your point. The
more emotion you can cause in them, the more memorable the speech will be.

Write the speech for 5 minutes. Make sure you reach the minimum time but don't go
anywhere near the 6-minute mark. This will help you avoid worrying about going over
and being disqualified for the ribbon. This will help you be succinct and powerful.


● Am I being clear? Is this clear? Is this digestible? Will a 7-year-old understand

● Don't fall in love with your own words. Don't fall in love with your own words.
Don't fall in love with your own words. Use simple effective words and just
enough to tell your story. Use alliteration, metaphors, similes, etc. but keep it
simple as in writing a speech a 4th grader will understand.
● Get other people you trust to read your speech to advise you about clarity,
humor, and whether it's moving and powerful.

Make sure you have at least one personal story in the speech. Make it come alive with
imagery, humor, and vulnerability.

Always use humor. Even if the pearl is a hard pill to swallow or the story is
heartbreaking, you have to find some humor in it to give the audience a relief from the
painful emotions in the speech.

● How can they use this pearl/wisdom in their life?

● Give them instructions


Always bring the point of the pearl/gift back to the audience at the end of the speech.
Have a strong close or call to action or wish for the audience. Use the word YOU or US
in the speech as opposed to the overuse of I or ME. Obviously, you will use those
words, but don't overuse them. If an audience hears too much I or ME they zone out. It's
always going to be for them in the end. So close with a call to action or tip for the


EVERYONE needs an editor. If you think that no one can give you feedback that will
make your speech better, you are wrong. Work with a mentor no matter what level you
are or at least pick a club member you admire and respect and ask them to read or
listen to your speech. You don’t have to use their feedback, but it’s always valuable to
get a fresh perspective on your speech.
Official Timing For SEC Roughrider Meeting

Meeting Starts at 12:30 sharp

Presiding Officer Open:​ 4 minutes

Toastmaster​: 5 minutes
Table Topics Master​: flexible, decided by agenda
Speakers​: flexible, decided by agenda
Master Evaluator​: 8 minutes
Evaluators​: approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds each
Um Counter​: 2 minutes
Presiding Officer Close​: use up remaining time as needed

Meeting Ends at 2:00 sharp


The Presiding Officer is the ultimate timekeeper for the meeting. Consult agenda timing, notify
beforehand or signal people if they need to cut their presentations to end the meeting on time.

Toastmaster​ - Cut introductions and give less time for feedback comments writing between
Table Topics​ - Discuss beforehand how much time they have. Signal for one more question.
Um Counter​ - Cut presentation shorter.
Master Evaluator​ - Cut presentation shorter.
How To Get Reimbursed For Expenses From the District via
Concur System

Our District offers reimbursement for certain club expenses, such as Open House costs (please
check District website for current information on what is reimbursable). In order to be
reimbursed for Open House expenses (up to $100 value) from the District you need to keep
copies of all your receipts as well as copies of the agenda and guest list from the meeting where
the expenses occurred. Note District may have other requirements, so suggest you also consult
current instructions provided by District leadership.
This ​VIDEO​ will take you through the steps to get your expense reimbursed via Concur system.


● Log in at ​
● Your user name is your Toastmaster membership ID number at Toastmasters. For
example: ​​ (If your membership number is shorter than eight
digits then add zeros to the beginning of the number to make it eight digits).
● The password is supplied by the District. (When I did it, the password was “welcome”.)
● CLICK “Sign In”


● On the left hand side of the page, click profile
● Add your bank account information. All reimbursements are made directly to your bank
account. This has to be done before submitting any expense reports.


● CLICK New → Start a report → Name the report → Add the date → Click Next → Select
the transaction option (most likely it will be an out-of-pocket expense)
● CLICK New Expense → Expense Type → Fill in the fields marked in RED: Transaction
Date, Business Purpose, City Of Purchase, Payment Type, Amount, Reporting Code,
Event Code (if needed), Subsidiary (defaults to District. Change to Area or Division if
applicable), and Comments if appropriate
● CLICK Attach Receipt → Choose an image of the receipt (use Browse to see images on
your device) → Attach (CLICK Review Image to make sure you have the correct image)
→ Save
● CLICK Submit Report → In Final Review window check to make sure the expenses are
correct → Accept & Submit
● Your expense is pending approval by several parties. You will receive email notifications
from Concur as the status of your reimbursement changes.

Live link to the concur training video
Tips For Special Meetings & Events

PRICING FOR SPECIAL EVENTS ( i.e. Potluck, Holiday Party)

You may want to consider having three price points for special meetings.
Early Bird Pricing​: At least 6 weeks before the event you offer the lowest price in order to get
members to sign up early. Most people will buy this ticket so base your budget on this price. The
early This will help with your meeting planning.
Regular Pricing​: Raise the price to $10 higher than the early bird price two weeks before the
Door Pricing​: $10 higher than the regular price (Members will rarely buy tickets at the door, but
this incentivizes members to buy tickets ahead of time at the regular price)

Refunds​: Set a refund policy with specific date that you will allow refunds up to. One week prior
to the event is fair. Include the refund policy in the correspondence about the event.

Allow members to pay by Paypal online or cash/check at the meeting for special events. Make
sure the host is aware that they will be collecting payments for special events.


Once you decide to hold a special meeting, send a SAVE-THE-DATE out to the members by
email and post it to the Club’s Facebook group.

If someone is able, make an image / poster for the meeting and post it to our Facebook group.

Send an email out to the members to promote the meeting regularly and increase frequency of
the emails as you get closer to the event.

To help you budget for the event (i.e. decide if need to incur additional food cost), it is helpful to
encourage advance registrations via Paypal so that you have a better sense of anticipated
headcount. It also helps the host to manage registrations on the day of the special meeting.


● Registration Table in the entry hall of Bar Association

● Meeting entry through the door to the added room (usually Davis room adjacent to our
usual meeting room). ​Note: Bar Association needs to be notified in advance and
confirm Davis room availability. Additional charge applies for using this space.
● Usual meeting entry door is closed. Attendees are directed through second door.
● Food and drink buffet set up on tables in added room.
● Armchairs remain at center table.
● Chairs in the main room set up on side theater style with center table, angled rows of
3 on house right, rows of 2 on house left. Angle toward the lectern. This affords
maximum seating in the main room. ​Bar Association staff can help set up the room,
speak to them in advance about your plans/needs.

The executive committee may need to order extra food from the NY Bar Association caterers for
the meeting.

Don’t go overboard since the food is overpriced and servings usually accommodate more than
ordered headcount. Consider your budget vs. expected attendance. For example, we ordered
food for ten extra people when we had the annual meeting to vote on the new board because
we had at least half of our members present.

We were able to bring in a cake for a special meeting and arranged a knife from the NY Bar
Association caterers. Note this was discussed with NY Bar Association in advance to ensure no
issues from their side.
How to Become an SEC Roughriders Member - Step By Step
GET INVOLVED​: Please visit our club ​at least three​ ​times​ before applying for
membership. Do you feel inspired? Challenged? Did you enjoy the experience? We ask
that you think about this before applying to see if our club is the right fit.

APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP:​ Please speak to our VP of Membership to inquire about

membership. Once you have attended three meetings, our VP of Membership will email
you an application form.

BRING A CHECK AND MAIL YOUR APPLICATION​: Once you apply, you will receive
an email with an application form. Please sign the application form and mail it along
with your check (made out to SEC Roughriders Toastmasters), per the instructions you
will receive via email. The amount of the check will also be listed in this email. The cost
of membership is $145 every 6 months, in addition to a $50 activation fee.

RESPOND TO FOLLOW-UP REQUESTS:​ Our VP of Membership will follow-up with

you and ask you for some additional information. Once that has been provided, your
membership application will be put to a vote before our members. The voting process
can take up to one week, after which the VP of Membership will advise you via email
regarding whether you have been accepted.

INDUCTION AT OUR WEEKLY MEETING​: Once you are voted in as a member, the
VP of Membership will coordinate with you to set up a date for your Member Induction.

OBTAIN A MENTOR: ​Speak to our VP of Mentorship and get paired up with one of our
experienced members. You mentor will help you get you oriented and prepare your first

SIGN UP FOR A SUPPORT ROLE​: Once your membership is active, please go to the
SEC Roughriders Calendar and sign up for a role! Start with something easier like the
Timer, Host, Ballot Counter, or Um Counter.

SIGN UP FOR YOUR FIRST SPEECH​: After starting with one of the Support Roles,
sign up for your first speech. Speak to your mentor about expectations, delivery, and
controlling any nervousness.

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