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A loving experience

by jose andres silvera

I had a relationship in 2007 with a girl from galapa she had 19 years old and we meet in the
park of the town , we talk a lot for 2 hours and we start the relationship meeting us in some
places. we fell in love together and we stayed 1 year together , we had an intense and crazy
relationship in spite despite the fact that we only stayed a year .we went to a lot places
together in our indigenas-mokana community ,that were a group that exist in the town for
fight and demand for indigenas rights .

we have a lot of groups activities such as be volunteer ,go to the beach , prepare beauty
contest , food festivals , camping , and other class of activities. I think that the fact of prepare
and participated in this activities in group made strong the relationship .time after she got
pregnant of my and it was a big surprise because we were no prepared for that and I just had
finish high school , but a month later she lose the baby was a natural spontaneous
abortion .even though of I was madly love of her and I want to live with her but I don’t have
conditions to do it ,and finally our relationship slip up and break up because of I had some and
familiar problems and I use to drink to much on those days including weekends and she hate
it , finally she led me and fell into another relationship whit a guy from the same group of the
community ,it was terrible because I continue participating in the community activities and I
had to see them together and I was not to good for me ,thanks God that they were not
lovey- dovey or express emotions in public .

finally I decided unsubscribe me from the activities of the mokana-community and I went to
live to another town by one year and half .it takes to much time for overcome that I think
that almost 2 years and on that period of time I had two relationships .more that make me
stronger enough.

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