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I (Potatoe) ran up the stairs, with Nelson beside me.

Down below, I heard the

noises of Kitsunes and Dark Kitsunes. Their screams echoed through my head. The
stopped. We both reached the top. There I saw, my mom, about to be slashed into who
knows how many peices. The person. I could tell it was a Dark kitsune. No light
kitsune dared to wear such dark clothing. I screamed. "MO-" His cold hand landed on
my mouth, not approving me of speaking. "Shh," Nelson silenced me. I tried getting
through his arms, but they were a strong prison. The hidden Kitsune raised his
knife towards the angels, then down my mother's chest. I had opened my eyes, to see
my mom,
losing blood. Barely alive, she moves, but the wrong direction. My mom moved back,
falling into the darkened city below. I screamed once again. With a final push, I
break through Nelson's arms, leaving him to fall back.
Without thinking, I ran off the building, trying to desperatly grab my mom. But
yet, I feel someone grab my left
leg and my arm. Not knowing I'm being lifted up, I see my mom getting smaller and
smaller in the distance. Then only did I realized it was Nelson. Once he had taken
me back to the rooftop,
I yelled. "What is wrong with you?! I'm trying to save my mother!" Hot tears
flooded my eyes. "I-I'm sorry," He sputtered, leaving his voice to trail off. I
to yell. "Sorry won't fix this! I was trying to save my mother, I was this close!
This-" Nelson's anger couldn't be held in, and was let out on me. I could tell,
all his might, he kicked me off the building, leaving me to fall. Crying, I huddle
together, realizing this was my fate. His anger was onced controlled again, and
at that momment he realized, he kicked off his friend.

( 2 months later... )
After the destruction of the light capitol, Me and Nelson escaped from the King's
fall and we needed to find the remaining dark kitsunes and finish the light kingdom
once for all.
I would suspect that Nelson is hiding something from me, but I, the dark commander
and prince of the dark kingdom, didn't want to talk with him.
Nelson seemed to be nervous, probably knowing that I suspected him. I kept giving
furtive glares to him, but he didn't notice.
A few hours later, Nelson finally wanted to explain to me what he was hiding, since
he seemed afraid of staying his secret hidden.
He said to me that he turned friend of a light-kitsune, and the light kingdom
discovered the king's location cause of him.
I yelled : "WHAT?!" and pointed my two-hand sword at him.
Nelson seemed scared, and suddenly, he summoned his spear behind his backs.
I'd get mad at him, and said to him to unsummon the spear or I would kill him.
He refused to do it, so I tried to slash his hand with the sword.
Nelson dodged and pushed me to the ice-mountain wall.
The mountain wall cracked, and I rushed at him again.
He kept blocking the attacks.
My friend said that he won't keep blocking, he seemed scared. Nelson seemed to be
afraid of dying, so he kept blocking until he started to attack me.
He lost his mind.
The slashes of his spear were strong, and the con of having a heavy sword was
terribly bad. With a heavy sword, I wouldn't block his attacks so fast.
I got a cut in my left arm. It hurted (and still hurts) a lot, and my mouth was
bleeding too.
I gave up, but Nelson didn't notice, and gave me the last strike.
The attack was so strong that I fling to the ice wall, again.
The mountain wall started cracking, and ice pieces felt at me. I got stuck inside a
"cave" that formed with the ice blocks that felt from the mountain.
I don't know what happened then, but I think Nelson escaped to a far away place and
never came back to the place we fought agains't each other.
Somehow, I entered in a long coma inside the ice "cave", and only years later I
woke up.
Me, Jotaah, saw Nelson in Hazel High School, but we didn't fight each other again,
I hope he forgive me from everything that happened before.
I came into a town, and met Potatoe, I must say, the slash she made with her claws
were very strong,
I believe she can be a great warrior sometime. Guess this is a new story being
made, without a war, but only peace ( Or not? ).

Ps: This certainly is going to turn into an animation a day :v

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