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A strong woman is often associated with being headstrong, confident, stubborn,

assertive, independent, bossy and even hot-headed. She doesn't fear being written
off as any of these as this is what exactly she wants to be.

So, what are the desired qualities of a strong woman?

She is strong-headed. She does what she wants to do because she knows that her
views in her head are the best one. She takes her stand, she is decisive, she takes
risks and she is a rebel.

She respects herself. She has utmost respect for herself and what she believes in.
She doesn't let the attitude of others towards her bring her down.

She is passionate about the things she loves. Once she gets going, there is no
stopping her. She can go on and on about her goals and passions because she invests
everything she has into them.

She is balanced. She is selfish and selfless. She knows when to follow her head and
when to follow her heart.

She is humble. However, being humble doesn't mean she is weak. Rather she is
actually confident without being arrogant.

She is perseverant. She gets up every time she falls. She pursues what she wants
endlessly until she gets it. She doesn't let anything come in her way.

She is a fighter. She fights for what she believes. If necessary, she is not afraid
to be the only one moving in a different path.

She keeps going on even though she's been hurt, even though she has failed like
shes never been.

She doesn't let others define her. She is busy, vibrant, and goal-oriented and
doesn't wait for anybody to define her existence.

She has a path of her own. She follows her own dreams, not anyone else's.

She fights against expectations. She is aware of the expectations of the people
towards her but she decides for herself and works to achieve it.

She is independent but knows when to ask for help. A strong woman finds help from
supportive friends and family in spite of being as thought as someone who should do
it all on her own

She knows who she is. She is aware of her feelings and doesn't fear to reveal them.
She is continuously trying to overcome her fears. She knows how to take care of
herself and how to control her.

She isn't afraid to be true to her feelings A strong woman is not afraid to share
her views and speak her mind.

She is unapologetic about who she is. A strong woman is hard working and believes
in herself.

She is fiercely loyal and faithful. She will stick by the people she cares about
through thick and thin. She will never try to hurt anyone intentionally. And to
her, the biggest betrayals in life are lying and cheating. If done to her or
someone she cares about, she will not hesitate to cut you out of her life
completely because you broke her trust, which is unacceptable for her.

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