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Members: _____________________________________________________________________

Rubrics for Oral Presentation

10 8 6 4 SCORE
Organization Extremely well Presented in a Somewhat Choppy and
organized; thoughtful organized; ideas confusing;
logical format manner; there were not presented format was
that was easy were signs of coherently and difficult to
to follow; organization transitions were follow;
flowed and most not always transitions of
smoothly from transitions were smooth, which at ideas were
one idea to easy to follow, times distracted abrupt and
another. but at times the audience. seriously
ideas were distracted the
unclear. audience.
Content Completely Mostly Somewhat Very
Accuracy accurate; all accurate; a few accurate; more inaccurate
facts were inconsistencies than a few and/or
precise and or errors in inconsistencies or incomplete;
explicit. information. errors in the facts in
information or this
incomplete. presentation
misleading to
the audience.
Creativity Was extremely Was creative at Added a few Little creative
creative and times; original touches to energy used
presented with thoughtfully enhance the during the
originality; and uniquely project but did not presentation;
used a unique presented. incorporate it was bland,
approach that throughout. predictable,
truly enhanced and lacked
the “zip.”

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