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The more you work with crystals, the more you want to find ways to incorpo-
rate them into all aspects of your life. This section includes commonly asked
crystal-related questions, more information about crystal shapes and colors,
and, finally, groups of crystals that you can use to enhance your everyday life
by including them in the spaces where you spend your time. You’ll also find
crystal gift recommendations, so you can spread the energy of crystals with
those you care about. Take your crystal knowledge one step further by learn-
ing more about how to use crystals outside of setting intentions.

Crystals come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are
naturally formed into clusters, while others retain a solid, denser
shape. The size and shape of a crystal will not change the type of
energy that it emits, but it can adjust the way in which you receive it.
Crystals’ shapes can help to amplify your intention and your
experience with them. Are you needing to find some stability in a
situation? The grounding essence of a cube-shaped crystal might
be the best choice for you. Are you panicked over a deadline and
in desperate need of focus? A crystal point will offer you a visual
reminder to stay on task. Is a celebration in order? In this case, a
cluster crystal with its many sparkling facets is the shape for you.
Choosing a crystal shape that will pair well with your intention will
enhance and magnify your transformation.

cluster another in the right (yang), spiritual vital-
ity is renewed and a sense of balance can
be restored.
A crystal cluster occurs when several
crystal points grow together on a matrix.
The convergence of these many crystal Hearts
points creates a cluster of high-energy
vibrations, where the energy is sent in
multiple directions simultaneously. A A heart-shaped crystal elicits a soft
cluster crystal is essential to have in but powerful energy. Crystals that have
any space, particularly spaces where the been shaped into hearts can be placed
energy needs to be amplified. anywhere to help you remember that you
are surrounded by love. They can be an
effective way to attract love from oth-
cubes ers. Similarly, they can also work well to
remind you to nourish yourself with love
from within.
Many crystals are found in a cubic forma-
tion. The cube shape works best to en-
courage a grounding energy. Meditating Points
with cubic crystals will help to root you
to the ground and reconnect you with the
powerful energy of the Earth. By plac- Crystal points are extremely effective
ing cubic formations in each of the four shapes to incorporate into your space.
corners of a room, you will seal, protect, These shapes emit a no-nonsense ener-
and ground the energy of your space. gy. They are ready to put your intentions
into action. One of the most commonly
used shapes, crystal points are a power-
harmonizers ful tool for manifesting your dreams.
They offer support in reaching your goals.
By directing your intention upward into
Polished into cylindrical shapes, crystal the universe, they offer you a clear target
harmonizers are ideal to hold during for your ambitions.
meditation. The ancient Egyptians first
crafted these crystals for curing energy
blocks and energetic imbalances, and
that practice continues today. By holding
one harmonizer in the left hand (yin), and

by color
Whether you are choosing an outfit or decorating your space,
you tend to gravitate toward colors you like. The same can be
true when you are beginning to work with crystals. You may
have bought a crystal because you liked its color and it would
enhance the decor of your home. Discover what energy is
associated with each color found in crystals and how to best
marry your crystal with an intention.

pink orange

Pink is the color of love, and it symbol- Orange crystals are perfect for adding a
izes tenderness and care. Pink crystals little spice to your life. The blazing color
can be used to remedy all matters of the ignites your passion and stimulates
heart. creativity.
O c e a n Jasper reinforces the love you A r a g o n i t e helps you to release anger
feel for yourself by reminding you to make and communicate your emotions in a
yourself a priority. healthy way.

P i n k Opal encourages empathy and infuses your body with

Ca r n e l i a n
stabilizes emotions to keep you from creativity and courage.
Sunstone stimulates your sexual
Rhodochrosite enhances self-worth passion.
to help you recognize yourself as the
amazing person that others see.

Rhodonite allows you to forgive yellow + Gold

yourself and others.

Rose Quartz fills you with love,

compassion, and understanding. Yellow crystals hold the power of the sun
and inspire self-motivation and willpow-
er. These crystals are emblematic of your
red youthful enthusiasm for life and instill
you with a jovial attitude.
Citrine lifts up the spirit with joyful
The fiery color red is often associated energy to bring happiness.
with power, vitality, and warmth. Use red
crystals to harness your inner strength G o l d e n Healer Quartz strengthens your
willpower to manage any family conflict.
and rejuvenate your mind, body, and
spirit. P y r i t e attracts wealth and helps you to
feel rich in confidence.
Ga r n e t reignites your passion for life.

R e d Jasper aligns you with your inner

strengths to foster motivation and stop

purple white

The color of enlightenment and intuition, Representing purity and transforma-

purple crystals are great for medita- tion, white crystals give you clarity and
tion practices. They are tools for seeking promote clean and clear energy.
spiritual fulfillment because they offer
Angel Aura Quartz encourages you to
people peace of mind due to their relax- engage your imagination and allow yourself
ing qualities. to play again.
Amethyst brings intuitive and spiritual A p o p h y l l i t e brings in positive energy
energies to encourage you to trust yourself. and makes looking on the bright side of
things irresistible.
F l u o r i t e encourages you to embrace
your imagination and make wishes again. Clear Quartz brings clarity, perspective,
and self-realization.
I o l i t e helps you to recognize the
patterns you need to break out of in order L e m u r i a n Quartz instills the spirit with
to make better financial decisions for patience and wisdom.
M o o n s t o n e enables you to connect
Lepidolite navigates the mind away with your life purpose.
from anxiety and toward a place of
tranquility. Phantom Quartz stimulates
breakthroughs by expanding the mind and
encouraging you to identify what needs to
Selenite clears the mind and spirit of
negativity and lifts you up with revitalizing
Associated with the Earth and the trees,
brown crystals help to absorb negative
energy and connect you with the healing
energy of Mother Earth.
A g at e establishes balance to keep you
from allowing one aspect of your life to
take over your emotions.

S m o k y Quartz allows you to let go of

anything that no longer serves you.

Tiger’s-Eye energizes the body by

filling you with courage, motivation, and


Associated with power, protection, and

mystery, black crystals help to transmute
negative energy. Use them as your pro-
tective armor as you go about your day.
B l a c k Kyanite cuts cords with toxic
people so that you can remain centered.

B l a c k Tourmaline offers protection from

negativity, which brings calm to the mind
and spirit.

Ra i n b o w Obsidian lends support in

times of loss and encourages you to work
through your grief.

T o u r m a l i n at e d Quartz helps shift

negativity to positivity so that you can
enjoy a calm and composed spirit.

gray + silver

The color of moonlight, gray or silver

stones reflect the expansiveness of the
universe, which gives them protective,
warrior-like qualities.
H e m at i t e settles emotions and grounds
the spirit into the calm energy of the Earth.

Lab r a d o r i t e excites you to view your

life through the lens of limitless potential.

crystal gifts

There’s nothing like receiving positive energy from those you love.
Crystals are the perfect gift to give that energy back to them.
Just as it’s the small moments—like a warm hug or a funny text—
that remind you how much you value your relationships, small,
meaningful gifts can have the biggest impact. When you give
someone a crystal, you’re giving them an energy that lifts up their
spirit. Give a gift that’s as special as they are.


Angel Aura Quartz to remind them that they’re your favorite person to go on
adventures with.

Aquamarine to tell them what a beautiful influence they have on your life.

Rose Quartz to strengthen your loving bond.

Unakite to show your gratitude for their presence in your life.

wedding + engagement

Av e n t u r i n e to wish the couple luck and abundance in their life together.

Chrysocolla to plant the seeds of inspiration for the future they want to build

L e m u r i a n Quartz for the patience and wisdom needed to get through arguments with
love and understanding.

Sodalite for clear communication between partners.


Amethyst to create a peaceful environment within the home.

Citrine to welcome happiness into the new space.

Black Tourmaline to keep negative energy from entering the home.

Selenite for cleansing and elevating the energy of the home.

crystals for
In addition to working with crystals to amplify your intentions, you
can also connect with crystals associated with your astrological
sign. Having these crystals in your space and carrying them in your
pocket will enhance all the strengths of your sign.

Aries Taurus
born March 21–April 19 A p r i l 2 0 – M ay 2 0

As a natural leader, you benefit most from Steady, stable, and focused, you enjoy
crystals that propel your personal growth. a bounty of rich experiences. That’s
especially true when you connect with
encourages you to feel
Ca r n e l i a n crystals to deepen your innate connection
confident in your opinions, creativity, to prosperity.
and ideas.
stirs up the creativity and
Ca r n e l i a n
Citrine fills you with happiness so that confidence to take on your dreams.
you stay positive and motivated.
Jade encourages you to lead a more
Ga r n e t revitalizes your energy to keep fulfilling life by increasing prosperity in
your passionate attitude from waning. all areas.

La p i s La z u l ipushes you to take the Pyrite enhances the energy of wealth

lead in all situations. and luck.

Gemini Cancer
M ay 2 1 –J u n e 2 0 J u n e 2 1 – J u ly 2 2

Geminis are happiest when they are Stones that encourage you to invest in
allowed to follow their curiosity and your own needs will help you take time for
passion, so connect with crystals that help yourself as a giving nurturer.
you to embrace your path.
Chrysoprase reminds you that you
A g at elends you its stabilizing and don’t have to do it all and that you are
balancing energies. worthy of connecting through love.
Lab r a d o r i t e helps you to overcome M o o n s t o n e illuminates and connects
fears and phobias that are holding you you with your life purpose.
back from your true potential.
Ocean Jasper reminds you to prioritize
Moonstone assists you in recognizing yourself.
your destiny and brings new opportunities
into your life. P i n k Opal encourages empathy and
calms your emotional body by calming
Tiger’s-Eye enhances your mental your mind, body, and spirit.
strength, courage, and determination.

Sagittarius Capricorn
November 22–December 21 December 11–January 19

As a free-spirited adventurer with a For the go-getting, results-driven

contagious joy for life, you will love Capricorn, tap into your potential with
crystals that take your natural wisdom to crystals to actualize your dreams.
the next level.
Azurite helps you mentally focus and
Citrine brings about feelings of shift into your most empowered mental
happiness, joy, and optimism. state.
C l e a r Q u a r t z amplifies your clarity Chrysocolla allows you to accept
so that you can develop a structured when you need to let go of one goal in
approach to your goals. order to bring about a new beginning.
Tiger’s-Eye brings courage, Ga r n e t revitalizes your spirit with a
determination, and willpower to go after surge of passionate, motivating energy.
what you want.

Aquarius Pisces
born January 21–February 20 February 19–March 20

As an adventurous innovator, crystals that As a hopeless romantic who sees life

empower your individuality will help you to as a dream waiting to come true, bring
discover your true destiny. in crystals that transform your many
aspirations into fruitful realities.
Amethyst relaxes your mind and allows
you to tap into your intuition. Amethyst relaxes you and reminds you
to trust your intuition when you’re stuck on
A q u a m a r i n e helps you see the beauty one particular problem.
that you bring to the world.
Bloodstone gets you moving toward
Rhodonite lends you the compassion achieving your goals.
to move past mistakes and free your mind
of self-doubt. Chrysocolla inspires new beginnings
and the zeal to pursue them.

Sodalite encourages clear

communication and logical thought.

crystals for
the home
Your home is your sacred space. Having crystals in each room of
your home creates a positive atmosphere where you can thrive.
Each of these crystals was chosen to create the ideal energy for
each room in your home. When in doubt, Selenite is the perfect
crystal addition for any room in your house, but you can also bring
in more specific energies that fit well in a specific space.

kitchen elevated environment where you can
get ready for the day each morning and
prepare for bed each night.
Your kitchen is the heart of your home.
It is a place to both nourish and cre- aq u a m a r i n e Keep it near your bathtub
ate. These crystals will help to keep to infuse the water with its calming and
this essential room full of liveliness and rejuvenating energy. It can also be placed
on the shower floor for a similar effect.
Keeping it in your bathroom will remind
Place it near your cookbooks for
a p at i t e you to accept yourself fully every time you
inspiration and flexibility. look in the mirror.

citrine Place it on a windowsill where Ocean Jasper Keep it next to your

the sunlight will hit it. Allow this crystal sink. Look at it often as a reminder to take
to radiate happy, uplifting, and positive the time to prioritize and nurture yourself.
energy into the entire room.
R o s e Q u a r t z Keep it next to your skin
c l e a r q u a r t z Place it on a windowsill and beauty products to remind you to
where sunlight will hit, allowing Clear nurture your inner and outer beauty. Place
Quartz a piece of Rose Quartz in a quart of water
to beam prisms of light throughout the and allow it to sit for 4 hours. Splash the
kitchen. This crystal purifies and clears the “beauty water” on your face whenever you
room’s energy. want a “beauty pick-me-up.”

f l u o r i t e Place it on a table or counter

so its beautiful layers can fill your kitchen
with rainbow energy. This crystal also office
encourages organization and peace within
the space.
Your office is a place where you can
sodalite Place it on your dining-room concentrate and be productive. It’s best to
table for harmonious communication with keep this space uncluttered and orga-
family and friends.
nized, so you can work without distraction.
These crystals will keep the energy of your
office in tune with financial abundance,
bathroom business savvy, and mental focus.
A v e n t u r i n e Place it on your desk for
Your bathroom is home to some of your luck, prosperity, and a competitive edge.
most important everyday self-care ritu-
B l a c k T o u r m a l i n e Place it on your
als, so it’s important to make this a room
desk near your computer, phone, and any
a space where you can take proper care other electronic devices to help protect you
of yourself. These crystals will create an

from electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Black Azurite Hold a piece in each hand to
Tourmaline will also energetically shield give you the quiet and focused mind-
you from office tension. set you need to stay present in your
Keep it somewhere you
Ca r n e l i a n
can easily hold when you need creative G o l d e n H e a l e r Q u a r t z Place it
inspiration and new ideas. Carnelian will on an altar or in front of you on the floor
also bring you confidence in your decisions. where you meditate to remind you that
you are a healer. Put all other emotions
Ma l a c h i t e Place it over your business and conflict aside and say out loud,
deals that are heading in the wrong “Healer, heal thyself!”
direction, bills you’ve been stressing over,
and business transactions that you need Lab r a d o r i t e Hold one in each hand
clarity on. Malachite helps to transform whenever you want to go beyond old
finances and encourages you to approach thoughts and beliefs. Labradorite will help
challenging situations with new ideas and you to expand your limitless mind and
creative solutions. move past limiting beliefs.

P h a n t o m Q u a r t z Place it on top of M o o n s t o n e Meditate with it to raise

your desk to assist you in bringing stressful your spiritual awareness. Moonstone is
work situations to the surface. Once you aligned with the moon and the divine to
address them head on, this crystal helps illuminate your path and purpose in life.
you break through to a solution.
Phantom Quartz Hold it in meditation
Pyrite Place it over your business card, when you want to have a breakthrough.
proposal, or pending contract. Pyrite clears Before you begin meditating, hold it in
the way for wealth and acts as a money your dominant hand and say out loud
magnet. one area of your life in which you need a
breakthrough. Let your meditation and
Tiger’s-Eye Place it on your desk your crystal help you to break through to
to help you stay focused. Tiger’s-Eye that next level.
maximizes your productivity, gives you
the courage to take calculated risks, and Rhodonite Place it on an altar or in an
motivates you to work hard. area within your meditation space where
you can see it often. Rhodonite is a helpful
tool to soften your heart and encourage
meditation space

Your meditation space is the spot in your

home that you come to when it’s time
to get quiet. Keep this space full of all
your favorite calming, enlightening, and
mind-expanding stones to help you get
the most out of your meditation.

living room set your kids up to feel safe and sound in
their room.
Your living room is where you spend Angel Aura Quartz Place it on a
most of your time at home. This room nightstand or dresser to infuse the room
should be filled with warmth, love, and with playful and lighthearted energy. This
stone’s sparkle will light up your child’s
positive energy. These crystals work to
room with its whimsical nature.
ensure that your living room stays at a
high vibration. Azurite Place it on your child’s desk or
workspace. Azurite inspires concentration
Amethyst Place it somewhere visible and focus, just what your kid needs to
to remind yourself to sit back and relax. retain information from school.
Amethyst creates a spa-like environment
in whatever room it’s in, making it a perfect C e l e s t i t e Place it by the bed to help
addition to your living space. your child sleep like a baby—at any age! Its
calming, high-vibrational energy is exactly
A p o p h y l l i t e Place it in a prominent the energy needed to keep bad dreams
area where it can easily be seen. This and monsters at bay.
sparkly crystal emits rays of positivity and
lifts up the energy of any room. F l u o r i t e Keep it somewhere visible
to infuse the room with an air of wishes
Selenite Place it on the windowsill to and magic. This rainbow stone is all
cleanse the environment in your living about delivering peace, positivity, and
room. Selenite fills the room with light and otherworldly dreams.
positivity, lifting up the space.
Rose Quartz Place it somewhere
Shungite Place it next to all electronic prominent to fill the room with love.
devices to help neutralize the harmful There’s something special about our
EMFs in the room. Shungite can also be kids knowing and feeling how loved they
placed in the corners of any room as an are. Rose Quartz takes all that love and
extra layer of energetic shield. amplifies it.

Selenite Keep it on all windowsills to

purify the energy in the room and raise the
child's bedroom vibration. A Selenite crystal will make sure
that your kid’s room has a constant flow of
Crystals aren’t just for adults! Crystals,
especially the ones listed here, can be
just as beneficial for little ones as they
are for us grown-ups. When placed in
a kid’s bedroom, these crystals work to
keep the environment light, joyful, and
free of the scaries. Use these crystals to

bedroom Amethyst Place it on your nightstand or
dresser to fill your bedroom with relaxing
and calming energy. Surrendering to sleep
Your bedroom is your sanctuary. It should and rest is easy when you’re relaxed from
be a tranquil, calm, and peaceful. When it the energy your Amethyst emits.
comes to crystals in the bedroom, less is
Rose Quartz Place 2 pieces in the far-
more. Crystals are amplifiers, so for some right corner from the front door of the
people, the buzz of energy that they bedroom. Two pieces are symbolic of two
carry can prevent restful sleep. If you are people in a relationship. You can also place
sensitive to energy or have a hard time a piece of Rose Quartz at the leg of each of
sleeping, try removing all crystals and the four corners of your bed to encompass
the bed with the energy of love.
adding them back one at a time. See how
it feels after a few days. Did you sleep Selenite Place it under the bed, on the
better? Did the room feel more tranquil? nightstand, or on the windowsill to clear,
It’s important to find a balance of crystal purify, and raise the vibrational energy of
the room.
energy that works for you, so add and
subtract crystals as needed before you Rose Quartz and Amethyst Spheres
decide on your bedroom crystal configu- These spheres are a great crystal couple
ration. in the bedroom. Place them together on
your nightstand to help you to shift from
Besides a peaceful and relaxing en-
intellectualizing love to feeling it. Spheres
ergy, these crystals also infuse your bed- bring an expansive energy to the room
room with love and romance to enhance since there is no beginning or end. Their
your love life. message is Love More.


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