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C: “Good morning/afternoon everyone! Could I have your attention, please.”

Welcoming attendees and starting the meeting:

C: “I’d like to welcome you all here today on this virtual meeting, now let’s get down to business.”

Introducing the topic and outlining the agenda:

C: “In today’s meeting, we’ll cover about our concept and make a deal to create our startup business
that we have called iSTORE”

Getting Through The Agenda:

C: “So, let’s start with create our vision to start iSTORE. Because I think vision is very important
things that we must firstly discuss before we continue to the business process”

Inviting attendees to participate:

C: “Mr/Ms P1, what’s your opinion on this?”

Giving Response:

P1: “Thanks Mr/Ms C. Well as Mr/Ms C said that vision is very important things before our iSTORE
runs. So, I thinks we must know the reason why we create our startup. As we agreed before, iSTORE
was born to give benefit for domestic or foreign people who come to the city that blind about the
store to fulfil their needs instantly. Well, our relevant vision I think is to smoothly get want you want
to get in time”

Appreciating the idea:

C: “Yes, It’s a very good idea. Thank you Mr/Mrs P1.”

Inviting attendees to participate:

C: “Mr/Mrs P2, perhaps I can hear your thought about what Mr/Ms P1 has said?”

Giving Response:

P2: “Yes, I supposed I do. Well, the vision is a great idea that can bring us to next plan of our
business. Maybe to provide convenience to user we have to inform the related store location by
maps, the promotion at the store, the product price, and also I think the review from other user.”

Dealing with distractions and staying on topic:

C: “Good point, but let’s table it until the next meeting. Because we must so concern to discuss it

Getting Through The Agenda:

C: “Let’s move on to the next item. Do you have in mind the city that representative to start our
Giving Opinions:

P3: “Well, from my point of view, we must list first the city that have the big number of newcomer in
every hour and how many the activity runs are. So, it can help us to elect that city. And I think as we
know, they must be a big city first and a capital city of the province, such as Jakarta, Bandung,
Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar, Palembang”


P4: “I totally agree with you. From the big city we can get easier to promote and catch many people
to use iSTORE. In addition, the people there certainly have more needs to fulfill their daily needs. So,
Mr. / Mrs. C, what about our efforts to get capital? I think we should calculate it first and submit a
proposal to investors.”

Getting Through The Agenda:

C: “Yes, exactly! This is indeed our next discussion.”

Inviting attendees to participate:

C: “We have to choose relevant investors to support our idea. How about inviting many famous
brands to give us their sponsors, I mean maybe they are Ace Hardware, IKEA, Hypermart, etc?”


P1: “That’s the way I feel. I am so excited on it. It will be our next to-do list, yes, to make proposal
and presentation to inviting them.”

Finishing up:

C: “Right, it looks as though we’ve covered the main item.”

C: “Is there any other business?”

Giving Opinions:

P2: “Oh, sorry. I think there is one item that so necessary. We have to make a deal to have
commitment to provide a nice services.”


P3: “Yes, that is a must. We must take responsibility to provide a friendly platform so that our vision
can be conveyed to our users. They can feel grateful and feel helped by our iSTORE. I think we
should add a service hotline and email to meet and resolve problems that our users might face.”

Summarizing and concluding the meeting:

C: “Great! I am so sorry to forget that very necessary things about our commitment. I think all of us
agree with that great idea, right?”

C: “So, before we close our meeting today, I just want to summarize that as P1 tell us about our
vision that is to smoothly get want you want to get in time. Then, to provide convenience to our
user, we have to inform the related store location by maps, the promotion at the store, the product
price, and also I think the review from other user. And that items will be discuss for detail on our
next meeting. The representative city we choose is big city first and a capital city of the province,
such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar, Palembang. And then, we must make a
proposal and presentation to invite the investors, such as Ace Hardware, IKEA, Hypermart. And the
important things that almost forget is to make commitment to provide a friendly platform to our

Finishing up:

“Let's bring this to a close for today. Thanks for your participation. Have a great day!”

ini kan ngomongin tentang planning mau mulai startup, konsepnya kyk bisnis startup airbnb, ide yg
mau kita gagas mungkin:

1. alasan kenapa kita pilih bisnis itu (salah satunya mgkn utk jawab kebutuhan masyarakat modern
skrg, klo pas mereka lagi dinas/bepergian ke luar kota, terus mereka mau beli sesuatu barang yang
gatau belinya dimana tapi mereka butuh cepet buat dapetin barang itu, nah di startup kita bisa kasih
info ttg lokasi store produk yg mereka cari, info ttg promonya, maps buat sampe ke store-nya, price
produknya, review store-nya)

2. kota mana aja di Indonesia yg kira2 representatif utk mulai bisnis ini (misal kota2 besar yang
banyak dikunjungi wisatawan domestik/turis)

3. cari investor, kita harus datengin siapa buat cari suntikan dana

4. komitmen utk kasih service terbaik (misal sediain hotline bantuan, atau email)

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