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Assignment! (Please, submit this task to my email on Friday before 12 p.

1. Make each 2 sentences of Past Continuous, Past Perfect, and Past Perfect
Continuous. (Don’t forget to use medical/ nursing terms!)

2. Translate the following sentences into English by using proper tenses!

a) Dokter telah melakukan operasi caesar selama satu jam sebelum bayiku
b) Kondisi pasien tersebut membaik setelah perawat memberi suplemen
c) Perawat itu sedang merawat pasien di kamar sebelah ketika infus ibu saya
habis satu jam yang lalu.


NAma: Inayah Budiarti

Tingkat: IIIB

Matkul: english

1. A. Past continuous

- the doctor arrived while the nurse were reppacing the infusion that had
run out

- the doctor arrived while the nurse were feeding

B. Past perfect

- The patient had already packed her things when the doctor decided
she was ready to go home

- the nurse had must fed before patient takes medicine

C. Past perfect continuous

- the doctor had been working at an international hospital

- the patient had been waiting for the dentist for 1 hour before doctor
examines it

2. a. The doctor had done a cesarean section for an hour before my baby was
born ( past continuous )

b. The patient's condition improved after the nurse gave additional

supplements (past perfect continuous )
c. The nurse was treating the patient in the next room when my mother's
infusion ran out an hour ago ( past continuous)

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