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Simple Scripts
to Help You Set Boundaries and
Build Emotional Skills

Instead of Skill-Building
Try Saying this...

It's okay to be mad. But

"Stop hitting what can you do instead Coping with big
your brother" of hitting? Take a deep emotions
breath? Go run outside?

I know you're sad about

"Quit crying about not getting that toy at the Coping with
that toy or you store. Can we add it to disappointment
won't get dessert." your birthday list instead?

How does it feel when

"Quit fighting with
someone takes your toy Building
your sister over without asking? Using kind empathy
that toy." words feels better, right?

Giving choices
"Hurry! Get your It's time to get shoes on. Do promotes cooperation
shoes on. It's time you want to wear the
Builds connection--child
to go!" yellow or white socks?
knows you value her input

What game are you playing? Building connection before

"Turn off the iPad It looks fun. This is the last asking request
right now or you're round then it has to go off.
Learning to manage
going to bed early." Your brain needs a break
from screens transitions

(c) 2020 Amy Webb, Ph.D.

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