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= Ly) (Wee W TIC ‘Anamaria m3 Litere Jurnalistica Comunicare si Relatii Publice Limbi Straine Biroticé - Secretariat Biblioteconomie Studii Europene Stiinte Economice Academia de Politic Sectii cu predare in limba engleza TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE, SAT bacalaureat / admitere / test Coperta: Dan Zharcea Editor: Alexandru Musina (© 2004, Editura AULA” S.C AULA MAGNA SRL, O.P.11, C.P. 962, Brasov 500810 ‘Telfax: 0268/31.86.47 Tel: 0268/32.66.47 Redactor: Corina Micu Corecturi: autoarele Tehnoredactare: Viorel Ciama LS.BN, 973-8206. df up drag BAT fee it sa_ Osociotao Buran Cas Mona ARHIRE, Anamaria MICU LIMBA ENGLEZA 1600 de teste grila pentru bacalaureat, adrritere, testari AULA ARGUMENT Limba engleza ~ 1.600 de teste gritt este 0 nowtate in randul calor de limba engleza cu carater didactic, prin aceea e& testele sunt ordonate’ In conformitate cu siruerura gramatiei! nb engleze. ‘Acest Tucru permite recapitulares, fixarea, aprofundarea ccunostnfelor de limba englezS, pas cu pas, fds se omite nimic, plocind de la morfologie, tecind prin sintaxa 1 vocabular si ajungind la ortografe. in cadrul fiectrui capitol seu subcapito, testele au fost aranjate dela cele mai ugoare pina la unele de mare difcutate; astfl, ele pot fi utlizate indiferent de nivelul de competenta ating la uz moment dat. Recapitulares, fxarea sau “nvatarea nofiunilor de gramatica se face la mocul practic, th sitwatit concrete, impunind o atenie sporit: sunt puse in evident cele mai freeventegreseli posibile si se era solile corecte. De aceee, testle gla sunt o madalitate moderns, rapida si eficienta de 2+{insusi sau ai Imbundtii competenjele de comunicare ta Timiba engleza Tn acolagi timp, testele permit identificarea execta, punctuslé 2 unor eventuale goluri din pregitire, De asemenes, profesor pot indica elevilor rezolvarea cu prioritate a amumiior capitole sau subenpitole, in funefie de necesitijile predarii-invatsei (sau recaptulai), dar si de fiecare elev tn parte. In Tnieaga lume, testele grils sunt tot mai mult utiliza, pentru c& permit o verificare rapid si sigurd a cunousterilimbilengleze Ele se regasesc In testirile internationale: TOFEL, SAT, CAMBRIDGE ete, La noi, ele sunt. prezente In sirietura subiectelor de la ‘pacalaureat (sri) si de Ia examenele de admire in invatiméntul superior; fa anumitefecultai se dau exclusv teste gril, Din aceasth cauzi, Limbu englezd ~ 1.600 de teste grild se adreseazd in primul rind eelor care se pegatesc pentru bacalaureat, pentru admitere la facuitate si pentns testi internationale, de tip ‘TOFEL, CAMBRIDGE, SAT. In acelasi timp, carta este extrem de tlds pentru elevide liceu(recaptulri, pregatireapentra lucri de control, teze, olimpiade ete), pentru studenti (in cadrul coursurilor practice de engleza) pentru cei care urmeaza un curs particular de limba englezd sau vor si Invete limba englez3 pe cont prop. 'Na in uhm rind, cartes se adreseazi eelor care vor sii verfice si sisi perfecioneze cunostinjele de limba englezs deja acumolate ‘Testele pot fi rezolvate in rdines din carte sau in cea dort de atilizator. Acesta, repetim, poate sisi aleaga amunitecapitole sau subcapitol. ‘Toate testele sunt insoite de solu; in foarte pusine situa {capitolele Non Finite Forms si The Subjunetive) exists dou soli posibile ~ acestea apar ca stare la rezolvari ~ de exemplu: 1241 af; 1244 bie). Tn cazul Tn care exists dud variante uzusle ~ una din engleza britanics, cealal din engleza americana — s-a optat, cu igurozitate, entra varianta ,clsica”, cea din engleza britaniea, Period, testele din care pot f rezolvate din nov, pentru sctualizaea cunostinjelor de limba engleza {mai ales Tnaincea examenelor). CConvinse c8 Limba englecd — 1600 de teste grilt este 0 cate ul, un instrument de lucra de neinfocuit, 0 edevarata suecesulti la examene si testi, v2. urdm , Spor fa fuera” Autoarele BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 Osford Advanced Learaer’s Eneylopedie Di ‘Oxford University Press, 1994 a = Galajons-Firmoage Georgians, Comige! Ecaterina, Gramatica bi engleze, Omepepres, Bist 982 “Tau Ld, Grama beg, Te, 193 = Levit, Leon, Sinonie tn gramatieatimbitenger, Te “te E lez, Teor, ~ Murpiy, Reymond, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge Universiy Press, 1994 = Swan, Michecl, Practical English Usage, Orford Univers Press, 1995 . be 0 7 = Thomson, A.J. 8 Manns, A. VA Practical Engh Gramma ‘Oxford University Press, 1985 : Vinge Michel, Advanced Language Practice, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1998 seas aa “+The Random House Dictionary ofthe English Langun Random House, Inc. 1968 ” * eee = Wright, Walter D,, A Basic Cours in English, J Niset and Co. iro, 961 = Side, Richard & Welimin, Guy, Grammar and Voesbola Pearson Ed. LTD, 1999 ae a, CUPRINS. | MORPHOLOGY ‘The Noun = — «) Plural (170). b) Gender (71-90) 6) Case (1-110) ‘The Article(11!-210) Other Determinatives (211-250) ‘The Numeral (251-285) .. The Pronoun (286-340) The Adjective and The Adverb (341100) x ‘The Preposition and Adverbial Parties (Phrasl Verbs) 401-50). The Verb. 2) regular Verbs (01-600), by Tenses 1. Present Tines (601-660) 2 Past Tenses (661-720) 5: Futine Tenses (721-780) 14 All Tenses (781-840) ) The Modal Verbs (841-925) 6) The Passive Voice 626-975). «) Sequence of Tenses and Indirect Speech 1. The Sequence of Tenses (976-995) 2 inivect Storements (996-1013) 5 Indirect Questions (1016-1035) son 1 Indirect Orders and Requests (1036-1050) 3. Mixed Types (1051-1075) 1 The Non-finite Verb Forms: Infinitive, Gerund and Participle(1076~1200) HL SYNTAX ‘The Subjunctive 2) Uses ofthe Synthetic and “Analytie Subjunetive (1201-1240) ') Request Clauses (1241-1250) ©) Purpose Clauses (121-1270) ‘¢) Conditional Clauses (If Clauses) (1271~1300) ‘The Relative Clause (1301-1325) The Adverbial Clauses of ‘Time and Manner (1325-1345) 0 The Adverbal Clause of Reason (1346-1355) ‘The Adverbial Clause of Concession (1356-1365) ‘The Negative Sentence (Negations) (1366-1405) “The Tag Questions (1406-1425) Inversion / Word Order (1426-1450) IIL, VOCABULARY (1451-1570) IV. ORTHOGRAPHY (1571-1600) Key toexerciees 101 1103 1. MORPHOLOGY ‘The Noun 4) Plural 1, Here isthe latest neWS, snow abOUt the elections. 8) They ares b) It is; e) There are 2. There is 90 furniture in my room. 8) mer b) many; €) few 3. Dean S00 th soernnen Working on 2) mans; b) men: ) man 4. The police caught the burglars. a) has; b) was: 6) have 5. My family ‘made up of 5 perso, a) are; b) were: is 6. The programme includes visting several 2) eles; b) etyse) cityes 7. Chilren need many to play with 4) toies b toys; € tyies 8.All strive tobe hoppy. 8) people; b) peoples ¢) peopleses 9, What do they need two for? 8) pianoes;b) pianoses:e} pianos 10, We did hope there wouldnt be any soso int 3) wolf; b) wolves; ¢) wolfes forest 1 allthe ‘vere covered with snow. 1p) 08) oes ow . aren't alvays considered the most pleasant persons. 4) More in las b) Mothers-in laws; €) Mothers-in law BBA FE sono WoRE SUN Brazing im the ld 2) sheep; b) sheep ) sheepes 14, Some of thes? wean ate Worth Faring, 2) photoes; b) photos: ) photoies re both tasty and healthy. 8) Tomatoes; b) Tomaios;c) Tometoies 16, We have been learning French for eight 8) mont; b) monies; ¢) months 17, Atheating the roar, the rabbis hid in the. 5) bushs: ) bushes: c) bushes 18, She's got the most beautifl .....-I've ever seen 8) tots; b)teeths;e) tet 5 Mona Arhire, Anamaria Miew 19, They have lots of animal species on ther farm, including. ‘oxen; b) axes; ¢)oxs 20, He promised to finish both by the end ofthe year 1) thesis; 6) theses; c)thesises 2. The v~ OUF physician give have always been correct. '9) diagnosis; b) diagnosses;c) diagnoses 22. The enone ive mainly in China. ') Chineses;b) Chinesis;e) Chinese 28 Cattle domestic animals ) are; b) is ©) was, 24, Pease, give me aNoARE® so sonn OF PAPER ‘) slice; b item; c) sheet 25. Momps eeu contagious wee ste : ominaes entertaining to py. ‘) are; b) ae being; 27. Waiter, 0 please! 8) coffes; b) cups of coffee; c) cups of coffees 28. Where ‘ay jeans? 8) are; b) itis; ¢) is 29, Can you lend me that. 8) scissor; b) scissor, ¢) pair of scissors 30. can’t find my glasses. Haven't you seer 9) it) him; them BLL HOW nnn, knowledge do you need to pass the exam? 4) much; b) many; ) few 32. Being his elder brother, he thought of giving him ‘advice. 2) 85 B)an;¢) some 33. The USA, worth visting by European atleast ones. 8) i; b) are; ) have been ‘34, He was blamed for his bad. ') manners; b) menneres;¢) meaner 35. The young wennmnvery energetic. ') are b) is) has been 36. The poor on... Sometimes helped along by the rich 2) ib) be; ae Benne 8 a interesting field of science ‘) Acoustic; 6) Acoustice;c) Acoustics 2 10 Limba engleas ~ 1600 de reste git [38 hate travelling by this of transport 3) mean; b) means; c) meanses 39, Wales tof Great Britain. a}; b) are) i's 40, The shop I waat to 20 to ison the ofthe city. 8) outskirts; b)oulskit;e) outskirts 41. The compasses used by pupils at school. 2) i; b) ae; c) is being 42, There ae m0 Ce ene that Be is gi. a) prooves: 5) proves, «) proofs 4, In this river you can fine several 8) fish; b) fishes; 6 fishs 44 We lke eating ov fom time to time, 2) carp; b) carps) carps 45, We need to sete a few definite to select the best candidate 8) citecion; b eriteriones; )erteria 46, We have to clean the before the guests ave, a) fable-coths;b) tables clothes; e)table-cloths “47. He gave her a bunch of. ‘on Valentine's Day 8) forges-me-not;b) forge-me-nots; ) forgets-me-nots 48, Children fove 1) memy-goes-round; b) merres-go-round; €) merry-go-round 49. We could se ens tthe 700. 5) kangerooes; b) Kangaroos: ¢) kangaroo 50. The acousties of this concert Hal nm VEEY POOF. a) ae; b) is i's SI. The commie... all agreed tothe charms 1) is having; b) has; 6) have 52. There were lots of. at the place ofthe accident 2) looker-ons;b)or-loakers e)ons-lookers S53, These clothes were in fasion inthe 12) 1940s; b) 1940; e) 1940s" 4 My friends family... left the concert hall one by one. 8) has; b) have c) has been 55. How many ‘have you got lately? ‘) informations; b) information; c) pieces of information ‘86. They have dug through several nu OF 3) strate; b) satu; e) stratus 1s proposal H Mona Arhive, Anamaria Mie 57. Could you give me a of chocolate, please? 2 item b) bar; e) lump ‘58. Look! There's # of fish swimming among the stones! 1) shoal; b) flock: ¢) cowed 59 sunei6 nota game for lite children. Billiard; b Billiards; ¢) Biliardes (60. They say they’ lke to have a at home. 9) blliarde-tabe;b) biliardable:c)billardes table 61. Although she looks nice, I don’ ike her 2} way: b) ways; ) wales 62, He is impossible to bear, he always puts on . 2) airs; b) er, c) ait 63, You have ruined my business; you'll have to pay 8) damage; 6) éamagies; c) damages 64, Te ook great 1 finish the entire work. a) pain: 6) panes; c) pains 65, 1 don’t advise you to talk tom right now. He's in low 2) spirits; 6) sprites ) spirit 66, What's th sonrw OF this book? 2) content; 6) content; c)contentes 67. The seerelary put down the of the meeting, 3) minute; b) minut; ¢) minutes 6, She liked the job, although the employer didn’t offer high .. a) wages; b) wage; &) wagios (69, Here is your change: 3 pounds an8 § ‘) pennies; ) pence; c) penees 170, There was Ch @ ann. OF thunder, that the baby got scared and started to ery. 18) piece; b) flash; ¢) clap ») Gender ‘TA The host and the wn Weleomed thelr guest a) hostess b)hostixs ©) hostine ‘THe had been & cen ny FOF a Yong time when { met him. 2) widow; b) widowess;c) widower 7. After saving the boy, she was considered a... 13) heeo; 8) heroine; c) heroes 74 The bride and the son» Went t0 church forthe wedding 3) he-bride; b) bride) bridegroom BR Limba engleza ~ 1600 de teste grila 75, She was elected 8) chairman; ) chairwoman: €) chaimmaid 176, The he bird and the... weresitngcloseto each other ona branch, 8) she-bieds) bird) birdess TH The Sine 8 on 8) Spanishine; 8) Spanisher, c) Spanish woman 178. This wonderful book is written by a 8) she-novelis;b) novel-woman; ¢) worar-novelist, 79, Inthe forest, clase to the village there wore fox and a 2) foxes; b) vixen; e)she-fox 80. They could hear the dog-wolf andthe 2) bitch-wolf b) she-woif; c) anny-wolt BL. There were five waiters and only one in the restaurant. 3) waitress; b) waitress ) vaiter 82, The tom-cat the... and the kitten were al playing together. 2) she-cat,b) tabby-cat; €)jenny-cet 83. They havea billy-goat and a ‘on thee farm 8) jenny- goat; b) tabby-goat;c) nanay-goat 84, You can alvays tell a cock-pheasant fom a 8) bitch-pheasant;b) she-pheasant; ¢) hen-pieasant £85. Ths par of frogs must be made up ofa male fog and a 4) she-frog b)fomale frogs) lady frog 186, Tere are not only ducks, but also...1wandering about the yard a) e-ducks;b)drakes;c) male ducks ‘87. That stallion and tha vnnn Were the happy parents of a newly bor colt 2) mare; b) horse; c)she-stallion were called infor instruction 2) woman-policeman: b) policewomen c) policewoman 89, Their neighbours were a man-doctor and 2 1) doctoess; b) she-doctor c) woman-doctor 90. The most authoriara animals th jungle may be the on ad the 8) lioness; b)lonine; c) shelion every night Case 91. Like. 8) the svi of Mary; b) Mary's hairs; 6) Mary hairstye's 92, This child is my 3) neighbours; b) neigibourses;c) neighbours 3 ‘Mona Arhire, Anameria Miew 93, This is my pen, fs over thee 8) That of George; b) Tine ane of George; c) George's ‘94, Don't touch that scarf i's 2) of my mother-in law; b) my mother's ©) my motherin law's 95, Where did you buy these delicious apples? At the a) green-gracer, b)green-grocer's;¢) green-rocers 96, Lets scoent invitation and goto the party tonight. 2) Mz. and Mis. Green's; b) Mr. and Mes.” Green; ©) Me's and Mrs.” Green 97. The two people over there are parents. 1) Jane's and Jl’; b) Jane and i's; ¢) Jane and Jill ‘98, We met atthe 1) Tohnson; 6) Johnsons; c) Johnsons! 9. They talked about $) acl: 6) the policy of England's; c) England policy let Was at 22 oF amie; b) a rile’ distance; c) a mile distance 101, For ann, don't sisieat the animals! 8) te sae of pty; b) pity sake; c)pity’s sake . 102, The litle boy asked the shop- asst 10" evn. eandis ') 8 pound’s worth b) a pound’s worth of 6) « pound worth of| 103, She will always remain bs... 8) hears desire; b) heart desire; ¢) desire ofthe heart 108,15 ern to Germany. 1) two days drive b) a drive of two days; c) a two days? drive 10S. Can't you see, that's not yours. It is 8) the purse of somebody else; b) somebody else's purse; ) the somebody else's purse 106. AL ve o'clock, Englishmen are used to"having the 8) afternoon tea; b) afternoon's tea; c ea of the afternoon 107. This i a pte OF nn He made i himself. 4) Jack; b) the lack; ¢) Jack's 108, His soa lives in a 8) student hostel; b) students hostel; ) student’ hostel 109. Don’ forgetto bu. when you leave forthe office inthe morning. 8) the paper of tamorraw; b) tomorrow's paper, ) tomorrow paper 110. He managed to keep the deadline and finish his work in ) a weok' timo; b) the time of a week; c) a week time 4 ‘The Article TTL "Quiet 1 Re cnn mg Very much.” 8) the; b) a: €)— 12. English ae said to keep a stifT upper Bape) The » Chinese i very ficult language a) A;6) 40) The 14 Fe peopl would bes couapeusasto clin. 3) 38) thes) ‘Urals separate Europe fom Asia 5 Some; The 116. Td be nice to have the chance to swim in Mediterranean Sea 8) a) the 117. 8 volenic skein our eounty is St. Ana 2) ) the; a UB. She is sv sv... 62Voed fiend that 1 cant help loving hes 2)-; 936) he 19, The few and he eptan at OM non sk 2) the; b) a €)~ 120. You can By pape a nn tation’ a) a) the; €)— 121 im going (0 meet nnn profesor James a)-b)the; a 122, This ng i ade Of nen ver ay the; 8) & 6) 123, They must bein love with each check athe: 8)-se)a 124, We vist our Flatives ONE csnnn YORE 3) an) thes 6) a 125.1 on" ke oo mil, Lever drink any. 2); Die; oa 126. They met Semetime inn 19508 3): ) some, «) he 127 iy ror Pal and Fa a) thes) 30) 128 Trees ar in Blossom Fo Sting 3) the; 8) se) 1; they're dancing chesk to are washing the car Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mict 129, He has been il fora we; hes iin hospital a) ~ bythese) a 130. After finishing sehool, We WANE €© go TO nnn university. 1) the: b) 3; ©) — 131 Wecelebae the first important holiday ofthe year at... Ester a)an; b) 5) the 1a Westninser Abbey is impressive. a Ties) Ao) 1530 often ave BY wn a, peoreer 134 Winen we Bp fishing, we wake up before ue nm. a)the 0.8 136 They ed to teavel bys day and night wo asve in ue tim. 2) tie 3) ae) 136 YE oan goto nu- Contnetl Reta bave nc. 50)e a 137 She sis to bee new Woman doo. 2). eo) an 130 Oat est ely eighous m8 BONS ‘) some; b) the; ©) 1 pane he pen erin Romi. DADO me 10 ope ea an He OFS wel, er al he Metig rena be mas a) a; b) an; c)— . tat dhe mera ofoke, dak... cop ofc anf nah 8) the; b) a €) an wee eer man s wating forher atthe aaa 20m 1. > “Aro Palace is said to be one of the most comfortable fovea Brow sy r8) Tie) An 1 See cinema ke 1 0 Sy The6) 9 Some as ener theo i of a) te; b) a: ¢) ~ 1 Hea eng tal 6 ara RE was vy ie Sates) Limba englezd~ 1600 de rest gril 147. They dide't want 0 come by car, bu they eam Oven FOO 2) the; b) a; €)— 148. She is 2 good advisor, on... other hand, she has many stortcomings 2) an; b) the; €) some 149, No, this is not lady I've been telling you about 3) a; ) the; e) some 150. All the family meet at inner every day. a) te; b) a ASH, This statue is ices of ll the exhibits here. a) the; b) a €)— 152. The more we were listening to the story, more fascinated we were. 3) = b) some; c) the 153, They have arranged to meet OM evens Sunday. 56) the 154.1 shame he doesn’t want to admit his deed. 8) the: are) — 158, Ho was driving a oon Speed of 80 miles per hou 3) the; ) some; ¢) 2 156, They were walking hand in hand. a) the; 8) ca 157. She read the book from ...... cover to cover. 8) 3:8) the; ¢)— 158. He couldn't stand chance to take par in the contest. a) the; b) a ¢) some 398, Heed he wounded man ato expense of hi i a) an; b) some; c) the 160, He never acs before feeling wn. pulse of the marke 8) 8: ) the: ©) some 161. When she was younger, she was in habit of jogging every morning. 18) 8:6) the) an 162. High heeled boots are fashion this winter. 8) 8; b) some; c) the 4163. You may never use this noun in a) the: b) se) 164. To tell you ‘ruth 1 don't tke her ata, 2:5) the plural ‘Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mico 165, He was standing shyly at distance of several fet, not daring to come any closer. 2) thes 6) a €)— 166. He suffers from wun pain i his back ‘ihe; b)-i0)a {67 She hit vt for classical music. 8) a; the; )— 168. ive in this very house, 09 erent 2); b) je) the 1697 he ha Had nee reat many problems to solve these days. a) the; 6) a; €)— 170. Stop reading tt stupid magazine; take 8) the; b) 330) = Time” insea, 111 tn spite of his poor results, he remained «student of the best university a the b)& «)— ‘ re He wes let president fo the second 2) -;B) thea PB ss ObSeEr I @ popular newspaper 3) ) Arc) The ; 174 leit you eveything on... ondtion you keep it sere, athe: soa 172 2a aly aero Landon you ing tout they left the capital long ago, the: 0) 3 the; B) ano) 71 she ead hander she must hae eat oo 2) b) the; 6) some FAT ke th most popular movies in he word a) TiO A : 1 iy ti BF nn BE ay; b)~) the 80. Some of my relatives live In» Netherlands, 3) ) the ©) some 1 itt hand worth wo the Bish Groves) 8) A; ®) The: «) Some 182 Tey named ip en manager ofthat nsttution a) b) esa 18 Limba engleza ~ 1600 de ese gra 183. She has genias for igs. ) some; b) the: a 184, OM senennon Whole, We have beet suecesstl 8) 3:6) the; 6) ~ 185, John always makes decisions on the; b) ae) ~ pur ofthe moaient. 186. Every time 1 want to ask him about his past, he beats about_ bush, ‘a aib) 0) the : 187, A fiend in need is {fiend indeed. 4) an; b) a ©) — 188. He is pad by .... day, so he can quit the job anytime he wisi. 8) a:b) the; ) some 189, pole a day keeps the doctor ava. (saying) 1) The; ) A; ¢) An 190. Finally she lost... patience and left. a) the; b)-;e) some 191. Pm sorry, but I'm not in position to give such advice 8) 2:5) the ©)— 192. He worked industrously nd made... fortune out of his work. ) some; b) 3; c) the 193. Fe has always been On uwmon ual footing with his sister a); b) a0) an 194, Stop making SUCR anno FUSS; You're always overreacting. a); b) a ¢) the 198, Tarn 0 sn SVE page, 2) a; 6) +6) the 196 Wren she came home from the market, she noticed half ‘basket was emp. a) tes b) a €)— + 197. We took nice halhour walk. 8) the; b) a; ¢) some 198, She keeps on complaining about her son having... Sweet ‘oot ) the; b) a €) some 199, He takes. pride in having studied more than his fiends. a) bythe: c)a 200, After debating for hours on end, he got upper hand. yan; €) some ‘Mona Achite, Anamaria Micu 201, He enced shyly, exp in hand. 3) the; b) io) a 202. We invited Me, Dean, father of the twins. 3) b) the; c)a 203, Being at... oss for words he let the stage incomplete silence. a) the; 6) 6) a 20, nee ling stone gathers no moss. (proverb) a) The; A) An 205, | can't stand her speaking in... loud voice 8) ~1B) ajc) the 206. She's never been able to keep up correspondence, a) a; 8) thes) 207, Thies... very opybook I've been looking for for so long. a)a:b)-10) the 2208, He gota prize as... reward for his good study and conduct. 2) the; b) a €)— 209, Mark definitely has head for Physics; he's by far the best in his cass. 8) ~b) the; 6) a 210. There is no such thing as walk through this ‘wonderful park 2) a; 6) the; €)- Other Determinatives 20 ‘teacher i lad to see his students suoceed, 8) Alb) Any; 6) Either 212, There ae ven things he'll have to get used fo in his new job. both; b) any 6) certain i helpful pieces of advice. v= participant was given a sheet containing of te meeting, All; b) Each; c) Some vn Witnesses were not really wellmeant. ') All; b) Every; c) Some 26. There nt veo water fo all the citizens ofthe village. '8) enough; b) no; c) some V7. dont ave on interesting book for you to read here. 8) no; 6) any; €) some 20 Limba englezs ~ 1600 de este grils 218, Please, giveme slice of bead 8) other b) several; c) another 219, Youaren'tallowed to take... books with you during the exam, a) any: b) no; c) some 20... people | know wont dare to answer back to their parents, a) Another; b) Other; c) Every 221, Ashe is alia, Tis fiends have left him. 3) most; b) mest of; ©) many 22, Have YOU BOE enn MOREY 08 YOU? 4) some; b) afew; ¢) any 223. nae children have to atend a school. a) All the; b) Alle) All of the 24, children in the neighbourhood play out on Sundays 8) All the: b) All; 6) Bach 225, We met nvr tthe opening show. a) all them; 6) bath of them; ) both them 2226, He's aot very rch, On the contrary, fe has = money. 4) alte; b) few; ) lite 227. Vhave 00d books at read during your say 8) a fow;b)few;c) a litle 228, There ian much food inthe fridge, Let's go and buy 8) anys b) some; €) a few ‘ome; you'll have enough to 229.1 do heve time le It's enough for me to finish the preparations. 2) litle, b) afew; c) litle 230. We haven't had experiences inthe Feld, 1) mucky, 6) many; 6) fos 231, There's onnnnr» B00d English books in the library; go and fatch one 4) great many; b) a great many; fot 2m. critic considered the book the noveis's masterpicce ') Many; b) Many a; c) Lots 233. Animals were living on bank ofthe river all b) both; e) either 234, You may choose cake, Take the one you like the beter ) ether; b) alle) bot 235. own Species of fish has been discovered recently. 8) Other b) Another; ) A 2 Mona Arr, Anamaria Mieu 236, CK pies his rath. (roverd) 9 A) Either) Every 29. HW ores fut do you want me to buy fr the party? s) many; 6) much ew" 238, He ealed her 09 or casons. 8) no 6) sundry) either 239, Se must id some solton OF 0 make up for ber inisbetaviour 2) ater; ) another) several 240, Se aked about ve men koe the Fore, i se WAS 2 complete staage to me. 2) the oer, b) another; ) the later 241. 1 Heed all the exhibis, but testi ofl 2) the later, bth ast) heater a. “wets Took, that we were al astonished. 2) Sucks 6) 80; 6) These UB rn: Ba thi? 2), &) Wao; Whose 244. Theor ha. chen were rater naughty there 3) at thre; 6) these 248, Why are you wondering? nn news dd you expect to hear? 2) What b) Which 6) Whose 246. does your frm teacher Took ike? 2) How: 6) Whore) What 247, Looe these paintings. 2) What 8) Which; ¢) Who 248.1 you ave complet to make, just go for it 1) some; several) any ws, rOpOSO as cepted. The board rejected both proposals yesterday. 5) Neither; ) Nose) None 250, He is appreciated by his boss, because he has acquired seen npc ‘many ) much; 6) n0 «presented was the most ‘would you like to buy? ‘The Numeral 281. [ve called ny But YOU wouldnt answer. 4) two times; 6) second time; c)twiee 2 Limba englezS ~ 1600 de teste grila 252, She frst greeted en introduced herself 2) secondly; b) second; «) two 283, There were ‘people standing ina tine. 8) fiveteen; b) fifteen; ¢)ffeteen 284. You owe me ek ') 3.500; b) 3:500; 6) 3,500 285, Dove spent nn ito buy presents today. '@) eighty thousands; b)eightes-thousand;c)eighty-thousand 256. He was born on the nun OF January. i 1) 31; b) 3st) 3th 257, He entered the . 8) 23rd; b)23Uy 6) 23 258, King Henry lived in this castle. 2) Eighth; b) the Eigth; ) the Eighth 259, 1 need only ‘ofthe time to have this work finished 'a) one thied:b third ©) a dreet 260, He's not really the lst, he's te last. 8) and; b) but &) by 261. Lots of tragedies happened during World War 2) the first b) One; c) Fist 262A few ‘people are starving all over the world. 8) milion; b) millions; e) millones 263. This semester, we ar studying the English iterature ofthe ) seventy; b) seventeen; ) seventies 264, The sales ofthe product has only reached percent of wu on the market. 2) 4:5; 6) 4.5; 45 265, We bave to make a summary of. a) chapter thre: b) third chapter; 6) the third chapter 266, Fie didn't win the race; he Came I evo 3) the 2; b) 2nd; c) the 2nd 267. 1am ‘on the list. a) the thirtieth: b) thitioth ) te titi 268. Ter office isin a sky-scraper, on '2) floor 21; b) the 21th floor) the 21st floor 269. ve told YOU forthe wee tme not todo that again 8) hundred: b) hundredth c)undreth 270. IF you accept to do that for me, Cll pay you 1) three times; b in threes; c) threefold 2 ‘Mone Athire, Anamaria Micu 271, The boy is stil ins 2) teens; b) teen; ¢) ten 2272.1 think he ison the right side of 4) foury; B forty; ) fuer 273. Although itisa smal town itis a population of... inbabitans 8) 25 million; b) 2.5 milion; ) 25 million 274 none OF Workers Went On Strike For thei igh 8) Thousand; b) Thousands; c) Thousand’s 275. There were ‘demonstrating. 1) hundreds of thousand; b) hundred thousand «) hundreds of thousands 276. My best frend calls me eVEEy inn AY. '8) twa; b) second; e) twos 277. Look, there's 20 of us present. That i 2 of people 8) scores b) dozen; c) yoxe 278, Please, give Me 190 renonom OF CREE 4) dozens; b) scares; ) dazen 279. By the way she looks, she must be in her early 2) twenty; b) twenties; ¢)twentee 280, The students entered in 8) 05; b) two, c) taes 281. What a nice view: a of pheasantst 4) span; b) brace; ¢) dazen 282. ‘The porter was carying two bags a) at the times 6) at time; c) at atime 283, The coach Was Gavin BY @ vnnnn. Of White horses. 8) span; b) brace: ¢) dazen 284, She bought from all sors of cookies in 8) score; b) dozen; c) scares 285. The employer paid him 200,000 dollars too 1) few; 5) litle; 6) litle ‘The Pronoun 286. Stop that argument and behave 1 5) oneself; b) yourself) herself DBT sig Sawing heavily. 1) i; b) There; ) He 288. ron is nobody at home. 1) Here 6) It €) There Limba engloza ~ 1600 de teste grit 259, Isn't necessary io put the answer down if you can give icovally, 2) There; b) Shes) It 290.1 have tlked t the directa this morning. a) myself b) herself c) itself DBL IS even anything f can defor you? tb) there, ) here 292. Wie are enjoying Jota ti fancy dress ball. 3) ourself b) ourselves; 6) himselt A 293. Take this handkerchief wononn your; 8} you; ¢) yours 204, She shouldn't use that towel, it's not. 8) herb) hers €) she's 298. | don’ ike atall 8) him b) his) he 296 ne C4 40 that SoONEE Of ater. 18) Somebody; b) Anybody; ¢) None 297, This isn’t our house. 13 thelr; ) their's ) theirs 298, Look at that dog; looks fierce! a); 8) he) she 298, ‘have boon present toy, ‘) Every; b) Baehs e) All 300, This isthe house ne Owner ded ast year. 8} who; b) whose; 6) whom 301. That's the WOMAN sm Pe been talking to. 8) who; b) whom: ¢) which 302. The sun is shining. «fas been shining since early ‘morning. 2) She b) There ) It 303, Somebody has shed in ust be my brother, 8) He; b) It 6) Sh 304. Neliher he nor his wife is coming to the reception. venue Be ‘busy painting their house. 8) She; b) He; c) They 305. One shoulda’t make a foo! of ) himself; b) oneself )themscives 306, All alters is not gold. (proverb) 4) that; B) whieh; e) what “Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 307, Everyone i this room considers the bess competitor a) oneself ) itself; e)himsalé 308, Who's coming? eran i them, ) Ib) Here; o) There 1309, {wrote the letter myself Indeed, tis sho wre it a) me; b) I<) myself B10, ne, Was last week that I heard the news 1) There; b) That; ¢) It SUL Td ver WONG OF hm fo be rude to his elderly relatives. 2) tsb) him; 6) there 312. The litle money .. 8) which; b) that <) whom she has is too litle to pay her rent 313, Nothing... [eare about as been recently made available, 8) who; b) whieh; ¢) that BUA. we a he months ofthe year? a) Wich; b) What; ©) Who £315. dont ike that dress ') What; b) Whiet; e) Whom 316. Honestly speaking, averybody on everything. 1) he; b) ie) one a7. Tamiture do you need to furnish your new room? 1) How many: b) How lo; c) How much 3181 want to break the news to her 8) myself; b) herself e) ourselves do you mean, the one over there? ~ can't always agree with 319. can never tell what future is about a) He; 6) You; c) She 320. {so blind as those wino will not see. ‘None; b) Some; ¢) Any ‘321, One of them has to admit fault after all 2) thei; b) her, c) his ‘322, Every student has t0 carry out ov. €8signment 3) one's b thei, c) him 323, 1s ten Years since I last saw my school-mates, 1) Thece:b) Tha e) It $324, The nearest gas sation saber fr aay... isasever miles’ dive a) Ib) There; ) That 325, ea 89 she got married and left the town 8) Yous) They; 6) We 6 Limba engleza — 1600 de teste gi 326 cn ag wel wh gh as (rover) *) res he: He Safer by seeded Hoth hae fled 3) None; ) Nether ©) Etter 308, Eventhough ey havea gis formats. isa al ons. 2) none; 6) ier) exch 2328; Nelle he or he ster sa qult chil... aay a) Each; b) All; ¢) Both nce 3M ples belong nthe box over ther "iat Tse That 2331, My sister and... go tthe same college 4) me; b) Ise) myself 382. My new mates are nicer than 1 had ast yea, 3) tha; b) what; c) those 333. nat she? She is a biologist. 8) Who; b) What) How 334, The epérter asked her a question, then ) another, b) an others ¢) other 335. They don’t tell her secret to 8) someone; b) somebody; e) ay 336, Ate there any persons wu... don't know joining ws? 4) whom; b) whose; ) wie 337. Put away that dirty napkin or itis, 8) however, b) whoever, c) whatever 338, When one has problem, ~ should discuss i with a fiend, 2) they; b) one; c) he 339. Nobody enjoys as.we do, 8) himself b) him; €) oneself 340. Everything ‘you nee is prepared 8) which; B) wa) that ‘The Adjective and The Adverb 341, He's the most man T've ever met 4) generously; b) generous; ¢) generousest 342, They haven't seen exch other 8) late; b lastly ) lately 343. Was anne midnight ond they were stil awake, 8) near, b) nearly ©) nearby a ‘Mon Athire, Anamaria Micu ‘344, Unfortunately, her health was growing ‘) worse and worse; b) worser and worse; c) worse and worst ‘345, Sane do2sn't drive non her hsband, 2) s0 fast as; b) as sty asc) faster a5, 36. She SNS ono hee ser '8) as good as, b) So good as;c) as well as 347. Hes tennis player I've ever seen, 4) worst 6) the worst; c) the worse ‘348. The entrance to this museum is 2) feey; b) free; o) for ree 249, Everybody was faster than him. He came if wn a) last b) lastly) lately ‘350, These studenis have .. beginning ofthe semeste. 2) hardy; b) hard; c) hardly £351, He has been doing... 1) hardy; b) har) harly 352. Things were going from bad f0 1) badder B bad ©) worse 358. Her ‘rote is 2 years older than she is, a) elder; 6) older, c) oldest 354, She came home nme 2) realy; b tres ¢)tredy 355, Mary welcomed us this time. She is het mother a) less kinder than: b) less kinder as, c) less kind than 386. Although she is 10 years younger than her sister, she i... he. ') not so beautiful than; b) not more beautiful as; ©) not as beautiful as ‘357, My garden isles large than yours, but hers is 2) the least large; b) the leat largest; ) the least larg 388. Hei nm BOY in the neighbourhood. 1) the handsomest; b) the most handsome; c) more handsome 359, David is than Mike a) infeligenter;b) more intelligenter; ¢) more inteligent 360. Give him ob to do. He's only child 4) an easier; b) a more easy; ) 2 more easily 361, He's very skilled at butlding sand castles. He builds them : han his brother. ‘easier; b) more easily; ©) more easiier made any progress since the ‘work; that's Why he's so ted 2% Limba englezh 1600 de teste gla 362, LK 8 venen OF oUF Fly. 23) te fatter b) the fatest; ) the atest 1363, She is the youngest in their family. Her sistér is 4 years ‘than her 2) oder; b) elder; ) oldest 364. The food t8te8 o 2) deliciously; b) delicious; c) deliciously 365, She feels or having made such blunder. 2) badly; b) bed e) bad : 366, I was sad yesterday, But HOW snconun [Fel today. 8) merry; b} merrily; e) merrier 367. This sa nice costume, 2) Irelands; ) Irs 6) Irelanligh 368. He took a fast tran; iruns very indeed. 5) fast) fastly ) fasty 369. Look at her! She Took... ®) beautifily;b) beautifully; c) beautiful 370, Hurry up! There ist ann tie let 2) many; 8) much; ) alot ‘371. They left along time ago, but they must be back 4) shor; b) shorty; 6) shortly 372. They were urged 10 play 2) fair, b) fairy) fairy 373, She isa ‘good student, isn't she? 8) fairy b) fais fairy 374. The dog was running... about the Surroundings oftheir house. 8) fee; b) freely) fr free 35 eny he decided to tell tetra. ) Las; b) Lastly; e) Lately 36, Ses always been nn class. 8) the shyest;b the shiest 6) the shyer 377." she sll il?" “Ob, es, She's OVEN een” les; b) worse; ©) more it ‘378. Although Mr. Hill was the only speaker, we didn't get bored. His speech was 4) the most interesting; b) mostly interesting; ¢) most interesting 379. Which ofthe two roses do you like. 2) te best; b) better; c) the beter » Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu $380. “Do you have any money to lend? I don't need much.” *l'm omy, Fave sen than YOU imagine.” 8) more lit: b) more less ) less S381. The LAKE is nn ftom this place than the il 4) mare south; t) more souther; ¢) soutber ‘382, He isnot healthy at all; on the contrary, he's san. )a sick; b) anil) ail 383. "How far isthe drugstore?" “Ie's 4) further, b) farther; ¢)forer 384. This lady made an 2) outer; b) utter; c) utmost n you thinks” ‘confusion. She must be ashamed. ‘385, He ig rather ir behaved, His S818 nnn Of ORY rte, 8) gooder-behaved;b) well-behaved; ¢) better behaved ‘386, Mary is than her husband ) far penler,b) fer gentle; e) father gentle 387, The MOF, en & 4) the best; b) the beter, «) better 388. That's ene rude Of iat a) awful; b) aly, ) awfully 389. don’: have many responsibilities; T have. afew; b) few; c) a litle 390, The ‘Biends Ihave in this litle town are not enough te keep me company. 8) Faw; b litle; e) less 391. The dolls’ hovse is ‘han a real house ‘) more smaller, b) more smal; c) mich smaller 392, He isa litle man with hope. He is quite hopeless. 3) ite; b) litle c) Few 383. We need some information to write the report 4) farther, b) fa, 6) further 394, Nobody can solve a problem ...on- he does. 2) as quickly a; b) as quicklier as; ¢) as quick as 395, I've bought a new perfume, It smells. 's) good: b) well; c) nicely 396, It as been snowing these days 18) heavy; b) heavily: heavyly 397. The books we have to Teed fOr the EXAM ARE nnn interesting. 8) rater; b) firs) feinty 0 Lima engleza ~ 1600 de teste gra ‘398, He hit himself and gota nasty bruise, 8) rather; b fly c) fairy 399. hha she closed the door, than the wind lung it open, a) Hardly; b) No sooner) Seareely 400, He's been working al day Tong. He must be tired, 1) dead; b) deadly; 6) deady ‘The Proposition and Adverbial Particles (Phrasal Verbs) 401. When you ae. he train, you mustn't lean out! , 4) in; b) a, €) on; d) into 402. Get am right here and pet at the next stop. 2) into, out 6) on, of) in, out; d) on, down 403. Students have to learm many POEMS mers Meat 8) at; b) te) int; ) by 404, Pe invited my friends to come... ty place forthe weekend, 2) a; b) to; ) ins for 408, Wait... eto finish writing this letter and join you out 2) for; b) al ) on; d) up 406, The train should areve the city Soelock if nothing unexpected comes 8) at, at, ou) in, a, by; c) in, at, up: ) at, by, In 407. Let's g0 1 walk in the park 8) on; 6); 6) for, d) at 7 ‘my astonishment, the dresses they were wearing were exactly the same. 8) In; b) To; ¢) At @) By 409. 1 generally 28782 wx YOU, But T object your general atiude as regards your work ) fo, to; b) to, aye) with, with; A) with, to 410, He entered the hal, threw a glance ber and left 4) at) 10; 6) towards; d) for IL Even though you may consider it to be a right decision, “em My opinion it's wrong, 18}; B) in) ad) by 4412. She feels embarrasses because she i always laughed by her classmates. 8) by; b) to; 6) a; d) with 413. Although ames poor speak eis very sled. wtng Specs '8) in; B10; 6) a; d) on 3 Mona Arbire, Anamaria Mic 4414, Let's play withthe ball. Throw it. me 3) in; b) at towards; d) to 4415. Somebody threw a stone «shim and it him. 8) ins b) at; € 0; d) into 16. Being very interested classical music, she is keen vn Going to the concer. 3) on, at; b) in, about cn, on; d) about, on 4417. You should be more polite. ths lay, she's our ner boss. 15) wth; b) ate) on; d) 0 418, She is hardly ever satisfied... her employees” performance. 8) with; b) to) at; d) on «419, Her husband is often away a) with; b)*0; 6) a; €) on 490.0100 rn Al his Smal tak of thers. 3) with; 8) of 6) for on business. 421, Where ae iy tickets? ve been Looking vw them all lover the house 8) ab) ints €) for; d) up 422, Who LOOKS nv YOUr children when you are away’? 4) for; b) a) to; d) after 403. Take ‘YOUT coat A UY wn this an 8) off, on; 6) on, out; €) out, on; d) off, out 424. You must be fed ew With this unplessant work you have ‘been ding for so long! a) by; b) up: e) in d) out 495. Who do you think I ran on my way home? 23) over; b) across ) into; ) after 426. can bardly hear you. Speak va please! 2) on; B) out) off d) up 427. Do you go ‘cat? No, I prefer to go Toot. 2) by, by wth, on €) by, on; d) by, 0 428, 1f you ato gel ners the postotic, you have 10 g0 straight on... the steet comer. 2), up to; b) to, until e) a, after, 4) at, to 429. Don't stand... the Cori, Come «mn the living-room. 8) an, ito; b) in into; €) on in; &) in, tO 430, [can't come fo work on Friday. Could you give me a day aan 4) out; b) In ©) off ) up 2 Limba englees~ 1600 de tst-grit 481, He's never boon late fora meeting, He always comes...time, 8) on; b) in; c) bys d) at 482. Many happy returns the day! 8) in; b) a,c) 0; €) of 483. If you have never skied, you should ty it 8) on; b) out) in; d) up 434, When we entered the restaurant, she was just being waited 8) for 6) on; e) up, d) in 435. Hels such a hurry that they ean hardly Keep oa with ir, 2) in, up b) on, up: e) in, on; in, by 436. The investigation hasnt been complete; they ae til looking the matter. a) fr; b) upto; e) over into 481. He shook me. the hand and smiled friendly. a) at; b) on; e) by: d) to 8 4488, The musi i oo loud. Tem it , please. 8) up; b) dove) off €) out 439. The plane is flying 8) at) to; 6) on; d) wit 1 &height of 10,000 meters. 440. The play is show for another week; don’t miss it 2) at b) in; into; 6) on AL. Can you see that AFB cannons the Fight? Pl see you there ‘alfan hour 8) ans b) to, after; e) on, ins) i, i 40. Take the rst tuning the le and go. the bridge. 13) on, over b) 10, over; 6) a above; d) to, on 4443, Hungary lies the west of Romania. a) on; 5) nc) at €) to ‘444, Timisoara is siiated the west of Romania 2) on; b) in; a; dt 445, The teaver i siting ene the des, marking papers. a) on; b) inc) at d) by 446, We can’t dance nts music, i's awful 18) on; b) to; «) by; d) at 447. V've only bought this par of trousers 10 pounds. 8) at; b) wits €) for d) by 448.1 cal ‘you afer classes, 8) on; ) fone fer &) up 2 Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 449. Don't write fink, write pene 8) with, with; 6) in, ine) in, with: €) wit, in 4450; Although he knows how dangerous itis, he enjoys driving high speed. 1) with; b) by; at; d) 10 451. But {your good suggestion, I wouldn't have made the ight decision 8) at; b) wih; c) without; ¢) for 452. You should excuse him; he didn't make it Dt nn Bede 4) on, by; b) on, in; ¢) by, by: d) by, out of 453, Help yours. ‘some cakes. ) with; b) to € at) for 454 The managets tied to prevent the workers... oing «te 8) fo, at; b)t0, on; c) from, on; d) om, 10 4455. The principal approved her taking up a part-time job in the schoo! liar. a) a; b) in; €) 10; €) of 4456, Our new team leader must be festing very important, as he looks onal of us. 3) up; ) downs ) to; d) at purpose, 457.17 rather travel the night train end be in Budapest in ‘the morning. 8) on; b) in; c) by; a) with 458 | forgot to wind... my Watch yesterday, so it has run 8) out, out; 6) up, down; c) out, bys dup, back 489. The’ man was charged ...... theft and sentenced to two years in prison 2) of b) forse) with; d) after 460. Wh sw. charge... giving information a the raihway station? 8) a of b) at, with 6) in, of d) on, to ast. the whole, everything seems to be al ight 4) At 6) In,¢) By; ) On 4462. Ifyou don’t know a phone number, ou shoulé look it. inthe phone directory 18) for b) up) at: into 463. Ashe has played truant for whole week, now be has to catch vw With the others '8) Up; b) at; by; d) on En Limba engleza 1600 de te 464, You shouldnt et him wea you ike that! You sould stand... hia 8) by; b) fer, c) up to; d) by with 465. He doesn't want to give up arts. He says he, tas great satisfaction ‘painting. a) at 6) fom 6) by: d) in 466. You've left the lights on and your battery will run 8) out; 8) down; ¢) off ) up 4467. You can't sweeten your tea, we have jst run suger. 4) off 6) over) down of; d) out of i" 468. After breaking the news to her, she gazed at him fora few OMENS es SUIS 2) a,b) with; e) in; d) out of 469. She was siting on the sofa crying ariet 2) in; b) out of) wit; d) at 70, He el the GOCTOPS wen reat pa, 8) at, in; B) to, with ) for, wits) fos in aT. Keep the grass! 8) out of, 6) of; £) out on; d) away from 472. Thece as something in the far distance, but I couldn't make what it was. 4) ups b) in; ©) out 6) for 473. His side of the story must have been made sit dide't 8) ont; b) ups ¢) for) into AVA, Hs dangers 1 dV cnn Bh 8) a; 6) in;) by: d) on 475. While looking through some old papers, | came photo of my grandfather. a) by; b) along c) into; d) across 4476, The plane SHOU KE sono Any mine NOW. 2) off b) on; c) out) up ATT. She made the wise decision of giving smoking and taking sports 8) up, up; b) up, oc) up, to; d) out up 498, He nati terble Sunder tang the landlord ...tbe doorkesper 8) instead of; b) 10; «) for sd) by 4479. When her father scolded and punished her, the litle girl broke '3) hsb) off c) out; €) into, ‘Mons Aire, Anamaria Mieu 490, They wsed tobe a pair, but afer their fast argument they broke, 8) off b) up; c) down; d) apart 481. Can you hi for a moment? 11! be right back. '8) out; ) up; ¢) ans a) by 4482, 1told her to wait fora second on the phone, but she hung. 8) out 5) on; ¢) up: d) off 483, Before leaving, the cashier has to count the cash. 8) out). ups e} with; ) in 484, As they get... very well together, they decided to get marred a) away; b) om; cout; d) by 485, His doctor preseribed him good his illness soon, a) away: b) out of) off) aver 486, It can't have been the whole truth; he must be Keeping something em fOM US a) back; b) away; ©) out d) off 487. What does this sign stand 2 8) out; 6) to: ) Fors) on 488, We suspected himin vain It tumed tobe his brother's fault afer at a) up; b) out; ) off) by 489, He is fo0 rude fOr me {0 PU wn his bebiaviour, 2) out with; b) onto; c) to; d) up with 490, He ran out the street and knocked somebody's door. 8) 40,07; b) on, 0) in in in, at 491. If we had known we would come... such difficulties, we ‘would never have trie. 2) into; b) across; ¢) up egainst; d) up to 492. She remained an orphan after both her parens passed 8) away; b) out; ¢) on; d) off 493, He fll wr. her as soon a he saw he. It Was IOVE on fist sight a) to a; b) for a; c) at, to; A) for, in 494, Although Jane hed prepared the plan thoroughly, it didn't 8) oat; b) down; ') off; d) across 495, She doesn't reseimble her mother at all, bu she takes... her father. 8) for; b) like; ) afer d) 10 icine, so that he may get las year 36 Limba englexd ~ 1600 de teste grit 496, If you Keep on spending so much, you'll get your soney very fast '8) out of; b) through; ¢) off; d) dovn on 497, The good sales brought vn an increase inthe employee's salaries 2) 1; 6) at) upto; d) about 498. He is sad because he Was taken «uu. by the one whom he thought to be his best fiend 2) ups b) in; c) on; d) out 499, The ees in blossom give a very pleasant smell 8) out; b) ins e) off d) away ‘500, 1a his old worn-out shoes that gave him atour last, fancy dress bal 8) up; 6) out) off d) away ‘The Verb 2) Irregular Verbs B01. Late, he... mea glass of water 8) buyed;b) brought €) bringed: ) bring: 502. Vl never forget what he bas for me. 5); dds b) does; c) done; 8) doing: 503. [that he was very tte. ‘) seen; b) ss seeing; e) seed; d) saws 504, 1 was much later than 1 ) thought; b) sought; c)thnked; d) was thinking: 505, The Indians .,...more about nature than the white men. 3) new; b) knew: ¢) knowed; 4) knowing; 1506, He... book which I was reading and looked at it. 1) talked; b)taked; €) took; d) taken: 507.1 she bus and started walking. 2) getting off) got off; c) gone of d) going off; 508, They sid they fad simply.......about the meeting. 8) forgo; b) forget €) forgotten; d) forgoten; 509, A strange feeling... OVEE Me. a) crept b) krep;e) creeped d) erecepd ‘510. The police to the scene ofthe accent. a) speeded; b) sped: ©) spet ) speeding; SU. Lave never been... beter lesson, 8) thought; b) tought; c) taught ) teached; 3 Mona Artire, Anamaria Micw S512, Strong winds .....over the fields. 3) sweeped; b) seeped c) wept d) swept; S513, She,....-and slammed the doo. 12) sid off b) strided ofc) stode off; ¢) stridéen of, ‘514. The portrait has been .....wth amazing accuracy. 3s drew 5) drawn; e) doa d) drawings, ‘515, The bir .....right through the open Window. 2) flowed b) leds c) flew; d) fied; S16. They were ... horses 12) breathing; ) Dredg; c) bre; d) breeding; SIT, He the sheets on the bed. 3) spread; b)spred;c)spreadeds dl) sparred; ‘518, The candidate ‘rom the election week apo. ‘) withdrawn; b) withdrew; c) withdrawed;€) withdrought, ‘519, His sister was badly... in the accident. ) hear; b) hued 6) hurting: €) hurt; $520, It was too late wen we had finally the truth ) founded out b) Found out ) find out) finded out ‘521, They put on their skis and decided to......he slope. 8) sid down; b) slide down: c) slit down; d) slight down, ‘522, After having been «bY a swarm of bees he nearly died. 4) stung; 6) sting; ¢) Stang; d stinging; 523, Both hs fet had bees. inthe fal, 2) breaked; b) brake; c) breaking; 6 broken; S24. As the toe ~ trunk Was too heavy to eary they decided to it inta wo, 8) sa; b) see; c) seen; d) sawed £525 After he had ..dawn in te armchair he opened the newspaper. a) so, b) sat; €) set d) sitting: 4526, The children offered t.....out the cutlery. a) sit; b) sal; c) st; siting: 527, It wns s0 hol thatthe sheap started to ....ther eece 8) shod; ) shed c) shad; d) shud ‘528, Our mother always tok care that our Feet were warmly. 8) shed; b) shoed:€) shod; d) shad 1529, The Sum {.n--.Was much greater than {had expected 8) payed; b) paid; c) paying: d) paied; 580. They milked the cow and... dog. ') Fed b) feed) feededsd) fad 8 Limba englez8 ~ 1600 de teste gr S531. When the dam burst he .....f0a drifting piece of wood 4) clinged;b) clunged; c) clang: d) clung; S532, We were «in the action, 2) catched up; b) caught up; ) cought up; ) coat up: S53. The govertment......not to change the existing laws. 8) chose; b) choose: 6) chased; d) choosing; $534, The gil a glance and hurried on. 1a) cost; 8) cast; c) caste; d costed; 535. This bracelet a fortune, : 2) cost; b) cast; c) casted d) costed; ‘536. The manager was plessed withthe way be had...vith the client. 1) deals; ) dealt; ) dealed; ) dealings ‘537, Realising that his mother was nol there the hil...into tears. 4) berst;b) bears; c) burst; 4) bursts; ‘538, Bocmuse they could not see anything they... match, 8) lighted; b ited; it; d yt 1539, After they bad lost he battle the solder... te battlefield. ) feed b) fled; «) Mic; ) fight, ‘840, Because of the sudden fell in temperature everything 4) frozen b) frezeds ) freeze; ) ese, ‘541, It was late autumn and the ees were...with fut 2) loaden;b) laden; c) lade; d) loded; ‘542, The fairy in a castle under the lake. 2) dwelt; b) dell; ) dueled; d) dwelling; ‘543. The thieves ....the stolen goods behind a cupboard 1) hide; 6) hidden) hid €)hideds, $544, Suddenly the windows were ung; b) flings ¢) fang: ¢) finged $545. The road... 10 a chalet inthe mountains. 1) lead; b) ied) lad: ¢) layed ‘546. The boy asked to be 1) forgave; b) forgot; ¢) forgiven; d) forgiving: S547, After she had read the ltr sh... nto to. 4) tears b) tre; c) tred; d)teared, S548, He always ......up the clock before he goes to bed 8) wound; 6) wourded;c) winded; d) winds; 1549, The girls have... garlands and bracelss of spring flowers. 8) waved; b) wove; &) waves; d) woven; jopen by the wind, Fo Mona Athite, Anamaria Micu ‘50. The judge knew thatthe witness ha....relevant evidenes. a) withhold b)withtel;c) withheld; d) withelé; ‘51, Aer washing al the windows, mothe.....p the new curtains. a) hanged; 6) hung; c) hanged d) hang, ‘582. In Victorian England criminals were 8) hanged; b)hunged; ¢) hung; d) hang: 4553. She felt exhausted and... down for @ wile ores 8) led; b) lay ) layed; ¢) lain; ‘554, You may be the boss but you can’t.......down the rules here, 2) lie; ) ais) lay; ies, 555, [tis all in vain, we can never... this competition. a) won; b) win; ¢) wan; d) winnings 556. She vas s0 soft ~ hearted she could never... being asked to do dfficat jobs 8) withstand: b) withstood: ¢) withstand; d) withstud, S557. The elephants ‘all over the planation. 8) red; b) read 6) has rod d) have trodden; ‘558, She used to wash nit ~ wear by hand and ...them ut gently a) wrought b) wrung: ) wring; 8) wringed; 859. The old Indy ......Wwith difculty and greeted us. 3) raised; b) red €)rosed;d) rose; ‘60, Romantic poets .....the Ideal in everything. a) though; b) sougit; ) seeked; d) seen; ‘561. The seeds autumn were covered by the snow. 4) saw; b) sow) sowed d) seen; 562. The freshly .....gra8e was collected in small heaps. 8) mewed; b) mowed: c) mown; d) moved; 563. Inthe lst centy farmers in Australian. ..sheepjust fr fu, 4) shore; b) sheared; c) shorn; d) shored; ‘564. When he realized that he had ester a fy, he... out 2) spat; b) sput;c) spitted; d)spatted; ‘565. After washing my new dress I realised how much it had a) shrank) shinked; ¢) shrunk; d)shranke; 1566, They decided i was bettr if they......hemselves of ‘unwanted stuf, 3) ride; b) rds) ridden; 4) siding; 1567. The child mounted the pony then......away a5 ifhe had been bom in the saddle. 3) rode; b) ride) ridden; d) rd, 40 Limba engle28 ~ 1600 de teste grils 368, As the storm broke a huge lightning....the sy. a rend; b) cont ) rented; d) rended, 369.1 knew Ne never... to hurt me 4) meant; b) mean; ¢) ment d) means; ‘570, Although he deaied it we could see thet the boy was with love 42) smote; b) smite; ¢) smitten; d)smited; S71, We realised we would never make it to the aitport as ye were... the trafic J 2) stick; b) stuck; 6) stack; d) sticked 572, He carelessly.....uthe.rucksack on his back and started phil, 8) slung; 6) slings) slang d) singed ‘573, The wool they a5 white and uly. 2) spin; b) spun; ) pinned d) spins 574, The bruise was purple and badly 2) swell; b) swelled; c) swollen; d) swelt 575. The archaeologist... thei but found no further relies. ) dg up; b) had dug upc) have dug up; d) have digged up; 1576. The news Were...last night, 100 late for us. 8) broadcast; b) broadcasted; e) broadcasting; d) broadcasts; S577. Ashe stumbled he....and was overtaken by the others. 4) fallen; b) fell; c) fel d) Tele; 578, Never in my life have | very ashamed. 8) fll; b) flies ) festngs felts 579. They lived in small cottage by everybody. 8) forsook; b) forge; c) forsaken d)forshook; ‘580, The heat he had earved was neatly. 4) cleaved; b) cle ) cleaving; €)cleafeds the middle ‘581, The old couple never ....anydody enter their house 8) left; b) leaved;e let d) ted: S582, She is so mean she has never... any of her books. 8) et b) lets; lends) lent, ‘583. The book was bourd in leather and the leters 12) gotded; b) gilded; e) gilts a) guile ‘584, The auhoriis.....the marchers to ross the town, 8) forgave; b) forgot ) forbade; d) forbidden 585. We found that the young woman was lazy and ) spilled; b) spolt; spi; 4) spoils, a Mona Aire, Anamaria Micu 586. His nerves Were... ,Jbecause of the constant harassment 48) shoot b) sho; c) shuts d) shaught S587. They «te pears ona tin nylon cor. 4) stringed 6) stoang ) strung; d) strand; ‘588, She could have nlther phoned nor... 8) wrote; b) wrought ) writted d) writen; 1589. Afier she heard the news she broke down and .....for along time. 8) weept; b) weeped: ¢) wept ) vape; '590, We sav how he .-v.nafter he had started business with us, a) throved; b) trove; €) stove; d) throad ‘591. They only used finely coffee beans. 4) grinded; b) grounded; ¢) ground; d) grownd: 592, The snake ataked suddenly and deeply into his leg 8) bite; b) bit: c) bitters ¢) byte; 593. The difficulty .....fram the intial layout of he plan 8) rose; b) rise) risen; d) arose; ‘594, We were aad that he might,....t0 death. 2) blood; b) bieed; c) bled; d) bead; 595. The old prince feared what tragedy would ......the family after his death. 2) belllen;b) befell; e) befall; 4) befeel: 596. His whole atitude......of good education, '8)bespeak; b) bespoke: c) spend; d) bespoke; 597, What we ~...nand what we drank didnot count. 3) ea; b) ate; c) eaten; d) ate 598, He... all hardships valiantly, 1) bearedb) bored; e) bore; d) born; 599. All the tees the Wind 4) bended; 6) bent; )blent; d) blend; 600. Her voice... out chesrfuly a) ringed 5) rungs ©) rang; d) rings. by Tenses 1, Present Tenses 601. [always atthe comer of the street. 8) met; b) meet; c) am meeting; d) have met 602. Usually he nat ven. 2) wake up: b) is waking upc) wakes up; d) wil be waking up, 2 Limba englez8 — 1600 de teste gyila 603. 1 never what he means. 8) understood) understand; am understanding) inderstand (604. Mary often to write her homework. 8) forget; b) have forgotten; c) forgets ) s forgeting; (605. Sometimes. We that they rel, a) are hoping; b) will hope; ) hape; d) hopes; 606. She isa dancer. She... the oper, a) dances b is dancing ¢) dance; d) danced: 7. nin inte. 8) are sowing; b is snowing; c) snows; d) snow; 608. Children.....-playing inthe sand, 8) are enjoying; b) enjoy; ) has enjoyed; d) enjoys; (608, Many old people... inthis neighbourhood. 'a) ate living; bf living; clive; Hived; 610. Architects.....the plans of buildings. 8) are making: b) make c) made: d) makes; GEL He generally sings in English but taday he French, ‘) sings: b) sing; c) i singing: d) sang; (612. The 6. man Who «pas the window lives next door, 8) walks; b} has been walking: ¢) is walking; €) walk; (613. The baby is hungry. It a) has cried; b) is eying; e) ery ) ries (614, Where are you? Lin the kitchen a) sit ) wil sit c) am Stings ) have sa; (615.1. v 8 C0at becaus the sun isnot shin, 3) am wearing: b) wear: <) wore; d) wea 616. You ae going t0 come to my party, Share yeu? do you) you? 3 wo you? (617, What om earth YOU? 2) are. doing? b) do do? e) is. .doing? d) did (618, The leter he... willbe a pleasure to read, a) writes; ) is witng;c) write; d) writen; 619. Why aime? 4) is they laughing; b) are they laughed; (620, He ern my toys! 8) is lays taking b) takes; c) tke; ) will ake; 621, His father .....b00Ks fora living 23) is writing; 6) writes; €) wrote; d) written; hey laughing: ©) laugh they; ) did 8 ‘Mons Athite, Anamaria Micu (622. Te whole place huge tourist resort ‘pity become; b) becomes rapaly;c) i rapidly becoming; 4) rapidly have become (623, The sun... arly although you can tell ts winter 12) is shining: b) shines; ) as shining; €) will shine; 624, think that he i saying that the tain... 8 sha a) has lef; b) leaves; ) is leaving; d) wil leaves 625, Cuck008 on. -nests ') nt build b) does not build €) do not bul 626, Switch onthe light, it... dark. 8) was getting: b) gets; €) ge; d) is getting; 627. You like to eat chocolates... 8) don't you; b) doesn’t you ¢) won't you; d) haven't you; 628, He nbs fiend off a) just see; b) just sees; c) i just seeing; d) jut will se; 629. They you onthe telephone a) are asking; b) ask; c) ask; d) asked 630. Tom, like many of his friends, ......t0 be selected to go on the trip next week 8) are hoping; b) is hoping: c) hopes; d) will hops; 631. My friend... everything you see here 8) brought; b) its brought; c) have brought; 4) bring: 632. He ....very much since I last saw him. 4) changed; b) changes; c) will change; d) has changed; 633.1 ..him to lunch with us several ime, a) ask; b) have asked; e) asked; d) am asking, 634.1 see you «much, a) hasn't done; b) haven't done; c) didn't do; d) hadn't done; 635. He ......only once since he went away. 8) wrote; b) is writing; c) has writen; d) wil writ; 636.1 want youto remember that .......Y0U for anything before, 4) never asked; b) have never ace ¢)has never asked, ) never ask 687, We ....-each other long. 8) don’t know; b) didn't know; ) haven't known; ) won't know 638. [....anything lke this lately. 8) don't see; b) haven't seen; c) didn't sees ) see; 639. Why are you laughing? He some very 18) told; b) just is telling; c) has just rlds tells just ot bulls 4 Limba engler8 ~ 1600 de teste gla 640, swhat you have been looking for? 3); Did you find; b Wil you find.) Do you find; 4) Have you Found? 641, Tee you Jeiters all morning, 2) are writing; b) have written; c) have been vriing:d) write; 642. How long here? 2) you are standing: b) stand you; ) have you stood, ave you been standing: 648, You ......0 Word about your holiday, John. 2) don't say; b) haven't said) haven't been saying; d) ae saying, (644, [efor my chance to put a word in 8) wai b) waited; c) have been waiting: d) wating: (648, This noise, ever since [have been sitting here 2) going on; b) has been going on; ¢) was going on; d) went on 646. We......each other for lone. 18) don’t see; 6) have seen; c) haven't seen; d) didn’t see; 647. Most of us......awake since five o'elock to watch the 2) been; b) has been; c) have been; d) are; (648, My teacher is angry ifsbe....-liter inthe classroom, 1) finds; b) has found; c) had found; 6) is finding; 649. Nether Peter nor his frends......the way tothe chalet find; b)has found; ¢) have founds d) have been finding; 650, Now, that you... can stat working. 8) came; b) come; c) have come; d) will eome;” 651. What We. out is very interesting. 4) tal; b) have ben talking; c) talked; d) had talked, 652. My parents and fora very lng time. a) ar living; b) has been living; c) lived; d) have been living; 6653. “How can anyone sleep when you.......s0 much noise, complained my father. '8) made; b) have made; ¢) are making: d are made; (654, Since you.....why Tam doing this, Tl tell you a) have asked; b) asked; €) have been asking; d) will ask; 655." We.......agreal victory over our enemies", the general sad, 4) have been wining; b) were winnings ¢) wons d) have won; (656, Peter.....model airplanes since he was eight yeats Old. 2) collects; b) have collected) is collecting; d) hs been collecting, (657. Please buy me some stamps if you .......downtowm. 8) go; b) will go; c) have gone; d) went; 4% Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu (658. When you. .....lsing my mobile phone, pay the bill, plese. 8) finish; ) finished; c) have finished; d) will finish; (659, Ths pi of gloves... my drawer since my grandmother died a) has kept b have been kept, e) has been kept d) is kop; (660. Either ofus.......capable of making mistakes 8) was; b) have been; e) i; d) were; 2, Past Tenses (661. Oliver .eo-sttenty miles that day, 8) was walking; 5) walked; c) has walked) had been walking; (662. AS 2 child she... playing with dolls, 8) enjoyed; b) wes enjoying) has enloyed; d has been enjoying (663, Columbus ...e1.Ameriva moze than 4o0 years ago; 8) has discovered; b) discovered; e) discovers: ) was discovering; like ita month ag. ) buy; b) has bought) bought; d) buys; 65, How long ago she lest war? 8) is; b) has been: €) were; ) wast (66. We ....Wwhen we Wer® in a summer camp. 8) meat: b) met; c) were mestng; ) have met: (667. Thay last.....e8ch other when they were students a) saw; b) have seen; c) were seeing; d) see; 668.1 -nSeh00! in 1969, 4) have finished; b) finished; c) wa finishing; d) had finished; (669.1 vas very il last year and fortwo weeks T.-M f00%- 8) hadn't let; b haven't lef; c) didnt leave; d) didn’t Ft (670, When I was a child... chase cas. a) use to; b) used ¢) was using; €) used ta; 671, We altays four best wien we were working, 4) do; ) dics ¢) done; €) were doing: (672, When 1 san Rer She nseen BUG des. 8) wears; b) was wearing: ) used to wear d) wares (673, We 0 the station when it began to rn, 3) walked; b) ere walking; ¢) were walking; 4) was walkings (674, While Iwas writing a letter the telephoce a) rings b) was ringing; c) rang; d) has rang, (675. The house. o.--.- fst 80 We broke a window to get out 8) burt; b) hs burat €) was burning; d) has been burnings 46 ‘Limba engleza ~ 1600 de taste grils (676, nse snsenthe match a five clock? 2) Haven't you watched; b) Didn't you watch? €) Hadn't you watched? f) Weren't you watching? (677. returned to the ship asthe sun 2) set; b) was settings c) has ser d) were setting; 678. He ...hs watch while he was sightseeing in London, 3) was losing; b) was losing; c) lot d has los 679. AST was crossing the street be along in anew ca, 5) was driving; b) drove; c) was driven; é) had driven; 680, [remembered the day [fits .....t0 school, 8) gone; b) had gone; c) went; d) was going; 681. thought she «cute 4) were; b) is; c) has been; ) was; (682. One day, while her mother was not ooking, she .. 8) run; b) was running; e) ran; d) had nun, away, 683. What your name was? 8) did you say; b) do you say; ¢) you sad; d) have you said (684, I saw you yesterday while you ......on the baleany. sat, b) were siting; c) had sad) was siting, (685. How much... ~for the new dress you baught last week? ‘) ave you paid; b)pald you; e) dia you pay; d) did you paid; £686. In my youth I never... would become a lawyer. 4) think; b) thought; c) was thinking: €) have thought, (687. We waite inthe station util the tain 8) arived; b) has ative; ¢) would arrive; dl) was arriving; (688. What hen the lights went out? 2) are you doing? b) did yous c) were you doing; é) have you done 689.1... be back on Seturday, but { missed the bis 8) expected; b) was expecting; c) have expected; d) would expect 690, He had an accident because Ne o.nnt00 fast 8) was driving; b) drove; e) has driven; d) drives; 691, She told me his name after We... 4) was leaving; b) lef ) had let) eaves; 692. He......athing before [asked him to. 4) did; 6) had done; €) done; d) was doing: (693.1 ..sorry that | had hur him sam; b) had been; ) was; d) have been; (694, They thanked me for what |. '8) have done; b) did; c) do; 4) had done; a Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mica 695. As S000 as they 1.91 st down t0 rest “nn le; b) leave; c) wil leave; d) would leave; 696, When we arrived the party 1) ateady bas beg) alreedy bogan:e) begun; d) had already begun 67, He died after he... ill for along time. 1) was; b) had been; c) has been; d) was being; 698, Hardly "When they started cheering, 8) did the play end b) was the play ending: ¢) the play had ended; d) nad the play ended; 699. He wondered why 1 him befor, 1) have not visited; b) did not visi; c) had not visited; vas not visting: 700. We asked him what countries he 8) visited; b) is visiting; c) had visited; 6) will visits 701. The burglar refused fo admit that he .....jnto the house. 4 had broken; b) had been braking; c) has broken; d) broke; 702. No sooner... about the language class than I decided to enrol. 4) Theard:b) have hears ) did I hear; d) had I heard; 708. 1 .nfor a ong time before the slope was good for skiing 1) hasbeen sowing; ) snowed: e) had been snowing: d) weld snow 708. They ‘efor three hours when the director Finally accepted ie performance, rehearsed b) were rhea been rehearsing; 705, He said be -.....there al the time. a) waited; b) i waiting; c) had been waiting d) has been wating ‘706. Thay éecided they Jn one place fr too long. 1) stayed; b) were saying: €) are staying d had been stayin 707. We in Paris when you were there lst year ') were not living; 6) had not been living; c) have not lived: &) would not Five; 708. They .. or Several hours when they finally reached the peak. 2) would be efimbing;b) climbed; e) had been climbing; 4) had climbed; 709. He was stil sleeping when 1 8) ef; b) had let ) was leaving; had been leaving; “110, We were sary fo Say good bye after we ......-Sueh a good time together 's) spent; b) had been spending; «) were spending; d) had spent: ng; 6) have been rehearsing: d) had 4 Limba engleas 1600 de tate gilt ZT He thre interviews before be was granted the scholarship. 2) had had; b) kad; e) wil haves d) was having; “7, And there wes standing in font of me the man wiose nine 8) was forgeting ) forgot: b) had frgoten; tad been forging 713, He told me i... moving house for along time. ') considered; b) lad been consiering;c) has been considering; ‘8) would consider ‘714. His photo ....0n the table since she left him. 2) had bees lieing; b) would lie; lay: d) had been lyings —» ‘TIS. was wondering whether he ro me deliberately a) has lied: 6) had Iain; c) had been iyings d) had lied: 7G. They «onthe same monotonous exerese until the teacher realized they did aot understand it 2) were doing; b) di; c) have been doing; d) bad been doings TAT. Hen lasts thats why 1 didn’t recognize him atthe party. 1) hes been wearing; b) wes wearing; ) wore; d had been wearing TB, He sn nonglasies before he got contact lenses. 8) wore; ) was wearing; c) had been wearing; €) hed woru; 719. The re... for sometime before anyone noticed the smoke, a) smouldered; b) was smouldering; &) has smouldered; 4) had been smouldering: TAO. He repeatedly ...ador more money to be invested in counell houses. a) vas asking; b) had asked had been esking; ) would be asking 43. Future Tenses TAL. They ..- here next week. 8) are; ) wl be; e) ave been her; d) were; 72. We oF it soon. 13) take b) ae teking;c) shall ake; d) shal be taking; “73. He... an interview on Moncey. 3) wll have; ) have; c) is having; d) would have; TAA. Lovee tis in the afternoon if i clears up. a) would play: b) play c) shall play; d) will have played: "75. He... you the book tomorrow afteroon, a) is sending; b) will send; c) will be sending; d) sends; 76. Nobody it ‘shall ever know; b) will ever knows) is ever knowing <9) will be knowing; Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu TR. She on Good wife 3) has made; 6) was made; c) will make; ) is making; 728. We inthis house. 23) Will aliays be living; b) shall always lives ©) always sball be living; d) will have lived; 729, all goes well ..-.this summer 2) graduated; b) shall be graduating; c) would graduate; 4) shall graduate; 730. They «nm before he leaves. 1) won't see; 6) shan’ se; e) wouldn't se; d) won't be seeing; 731. You wil belp us, 2 3) shan’t you? b) you will?) woa’t you? ) you will not? 732. What nin fen years” time 8) are you doings b) will you do; 6) will you be doing; ) you do: 7133. Don't disappoint me, I ......0n You a the meeting. ') shall be counting: 5) was counting: e) count d) would eount; 734. This time tomorrow they .....i he sun onthe beach, vil ie; b) wil be lying; €) would le; lays "738. She for at east another hou. 2) talks b stalking: c) willbe talking; d) has talked; 186 rn t0WH again this week? 8) You going; b) Wil you be going; ¢) You have gone; 1) You have been going: 737. We «a lot of them inthe following weeks. 4) shall ee; b) have seen; c) shall be secing; d) are seeing: "38. You... right in two or three days. 18) will fel ) feo; c) felt; d) willbe feelings 739.1 her frst thing inthe morning, sol ask her then. '8) would see; b) shall be Seeing) shall have seen; d) see” ‘TAO, Well, as Ihave to get up early inthe moming, to bed, 8) Il gos 6) go; c) be going; ) I'm going: TAL ses seeeet pay for it yourselt? 23) Will you; b) Will you be; €) Are you going; d) You are going; 742. They «0 doit all over again, 8) are going; 6) will be going; c) will gos d) wil 748. She Says she en... the Washing up later. 8) would do: b) is doing: e) is going to do; d) hes been doing; 74, That speeding car .....urn over. 1) will b) sal has) is going to; 50 Limba englezd~ 1600 detest grit 748, es autumn, the leaves «x. S00 2) ae falling: b) wil fll 6) ee going to fal) wil have fl 146. We steak and potatoes for diane. '8) will have! b) would have) will be having; dare going to have AT. Thay snr these old buildings and build new ones. 4) will be demolishing: b) are demolishing; ©) are going to demolish; d) demolish; 748. She have a baby atthe end of January. 8) is going to; b) will; «) will be having; d) is to; 1149, eel awful 1 think’ be sick . 8) I'll b) I'm going to; &) Fa; d) I've; 1780.11 goto her wedding .....10 buy anew dress. a) I've; 6) I'm going; ¢) Pm ) I've ha ‘71, Look out! That wall, ‘will collapse; b) will be collapsing; ) is going t collapse; 4d) is collapsing; ‘782, Tomorrow there ...heavy rin in the noth 4) is; b) wil be; €) is going to be; 6) shall be; 753. I'm afiaid I can't come to the cinema with you tomorrow afternoon, ..n..-ny Son 1 the 200 12) willbe taking; b) am taking; ) shall be taki 4) am going tobe taking; 784, We've got to be at the airport two hours before the Ie [ a) will take off; b) will be taking off; c) takes off; d) is taking off; 788.1 dont hin ne, ot Dung) 3) Pit have; 6) ib having) I vig have 1796: pte very wel the exam 2) yo be dng) yu do) you'r ding: youl have done 151, When «ss tighteen year ol lb allowed o drive sxe. 2) Pm; Pil be; 6) I've been; d) Ihave; 758, By the end of the year they....coten months in the 2) have spent; b) will hve spent; ¢) are spending; ill be spending; 7189, When you active we all the food that wil be served a the dinner 2) have aiready prepared; b) will be preparing; 6) shall already have prepared; d shall pre si ‘Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micw 760, (ll come wo your office as soon as necessary information. '8) I'll obain; b) I've obtained; c) Ihave obtained; d 1 obtain, 7761. By then we.....-all the application forms. 4) shall have filled out; b) shal out; c) willbe fling out; 4) fille out the 162, Whe you .....-this book will you lend it to me? 2) will reeds 6) will have read; c) willbe reading; d) have read; 163. The su -n.-BY the time you reach hone. 3) willbe setting; b) will have se; c) have set; d) will st; 764. ‘These letters must be posted as soon as’ they veers, 12) are b) will be; ) will have; d) are being; 16S. He enone before you ave, 8) willbe leaving; b) will have left; c) have fet; d) has lefts 1166. By the time we reach the summit we for ten hours ‘) have been climbing; b) shall be climbing: ©) shall have been climbing; ¢) wil climb 1767. By the time the children ame from school, dinner willbe ready, a) will get; b) are geting; ¢) would ge; d) have got; 768. If she accops to marry me all my dreams noe 80. 8) have come; b) come: c) will have come; d) will be coming; 169. We kxew that they wwf do such a thing '8) will never be abi b) are never abe; ¢) would never be able; 4) can never; 790, They said they noe -800R a) would be leaving; b) willbe leaving ¢) will leave; dare leaving ‘TH Vasked ber whether she ..... attend the party. 4) will b) was going to; ) would be; €) would have; “TM. Itwas obviustoall present that nobody ....1o defeat the champion, 8) would be abe; b) will be able; c) could; &) would have; ‘773, Iwhas been decided that Mary... leading roe. 8) would plays b) was to play: 6) wil be playing: d) is to plays ‘774, The doctor told ine that... stayin bed fora long time. 2) will have; b) was; ) would; d) would be ‘71S twas ange to think that ina few days we.....together again. a) will be; b) would be; c) had been; €) would have been; 2 Limba engleat ~ 1600 de testo grils 716.1 don't ee like visting my aunt, so 8) am not going; b) wil not be going; c) "777. My father $0. 4) is retirng; b) wil be retiring; e)eesires;d) has retired ‘778. By this time next year the government. 8) wil have resigned; ) willbe resigning) wl esi) has resigned 779. No one ean predict wht he een. 8XE 1); does: ) is doing; c) is going todo; d) has done; "BO. As soon 85 the performance nu let's leave. 8) will end; b) ends; e) willbe ending: d) will have ended; 2% go: d) would not go 4. AIL Tenses Th snr used car Could you recommend me one? 4) look; b) have looked; c) looked d) am looking; “782, They tated building the house two years ago and yet. 2) haven’ ished; b) had fished) didn’ fins d) dant finish 7793, BOOKS «rn nr0m the brary much too often. 2) steals b) stolen; ¢) are stolen; d) stealing: “784, 1 was in London last year and [the British Museum every dey. 2) visited; Bhd visited c) have visited; d) was visiting; 785, While .....for he tea to boil, | fl asleep. '@) am ving had been wating: ©) have ben wating, wes wating 786. Most children. "more toys than thoy can play with 1) are got bis given; ¢) are given; d) were given; FBT. YOU vue stike & mate, the room is fll of gas. 2) mustn't b) needn't: e) mayn'; d) don’t have to; 788. They have been fighting ever since they.......maried, 2) go) a get) lve got) have bean ge ‘789. You haven't besa to London, 8) you have; b) eve you; c) haven't you; d) you haven't; 790. os-English since I was a school, 1) in Speake b) don’ peak; haven't spoken; d) wasnt speaking TNs ener nybody in these two classes know English? 8) Bo; b) Bo nat) Does; d) Would; MM sei this Steet fo ten years. 2) ved; b) am living; e) Hive; d have lived; 793. When {ast sa him he...-.--0m bis bed. 1) was laying; b) was lying; was ling: 4) i laying, 33 Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mico ‘794, All our suggestions dow, 8) were been tume;b) have been tuned) are being tamed tamed 798. Ask him to come and see me when he. his wor ‘) finished; b) had Finished; e) has finished; d) will nish 796. He Ite from 1985 t0 1980. 8) worked, b) has worked; ) has been working; é) works; 791. Forgot : 4) when does the train leave; b) that when the train leaves; ‘) when the tran leaves; ) when the ain will leave; 798. They coffee with or without sugar. 2) tat L take; 6) if tac; ¢) that I took; di took; 09, Don’t write UD Lassen 3) ell you; b) will ell you; e) told you; d) had told you, 800. My brother. to the university. a) has admitied;b} has bean admitted; c) had been admitted; «wll admit, 801. The Browns are not at home, they... the cinema 8) may go: b) might go; o) might have gone; d) may be going; ‘802, | can meet you at 8. By that time 1. ‘my homework. 3) hall irish) should nish; Ive finshed) shall ave fished £803. These days I see ther more than I use; b) use to; e) used 1; d) used £804, You....blame yoursel forthe accent, It wasn't your fault ') need b) musta «) won't; d) oughta; £805, As s00n a J... the advertisement, I phoned the company. 3) have seen; b) sav; c) see; d) was seeing; 806, By next Sunday, my father. ‘whole month without smoking a cigarette 2) has been going; b) has gone; ¢) wil go; d) will have gone; ‘807, We ha ard sat down when Mary's mother. ..aluge cake fo os 3) brought) ad brought; ) has brought d) would have brought; ‘808, It was ten years ago When my sister ......marie. 4) has got b) had got ) got: d) got 809, When {saw his smiling face, I knew Peter. of his examination results. 2) is having: 8) was having; c) has had; d) had had; ‘810, The chile... ‘where to play football 2) have not been told b) were not been told) has not been told; was not tld; good news 4 Limbs englezt ~ 1600 de teste il B11. It sual. grandmother along ime to remember what she wants 8) take; b) took; c) takes; di takings 81, they pleased when they pessed with flying colours? 1) Wren’ b) Haven’; c) Wasa; d) Hadn't B13. Loo ‘help you out if you ase me nicely. 2) shal be wilings b) might be willing; c) would be willing; ¢) should be willing; 8814, What sort of job do you think yotL.arrnssnd & fe years time? re dig) wil wl dong? &) do: sus) t"ohnk we'd beter leave the resent aS Soon a8 eat i ‘ $id wl pay pay ave pa a1 ei al ile *) wer) had gant) fave ge) Was in xf) The wg Phe Miaesernr-orto cus the caret sb) so) woul shoul sine tog ne ay bot We wen any. "never ban aon 8) were ain, ¢) tnd bean lnning @) is ln, 101 him ero Works ard for suc low sla amor pers) wasn prepares 3) dn pepars 8) ven ben reper soe ob at ne ety 0 $0 eve wl eve am evi vl be avn S21. 1... just about to have a cup of eofTee when she cals 1) was; 6) have been; c) had beens d) were; 822, Wer ns.e-eitiiaed by our superiors. ‘2 were constantly being: b) have constantly been; e) ysed constant be) wil cons een: $823, This... ».-.2very four years as you are well aware. 1) as ben happening 6 happens) was appening:<) has happened 24. They asked where . ‘a) ave the boys disappeared; b) the boys disappeared: €) the boys had disappeared; d) had the boys éiseppeared 825.1 non-stop since Monday. a) am working, b) wor ) have worked; d) have been workings 3s Mona Arie, Azamaria Micu $26, She.s..snonovm the telephone when there was a knock onthe doar {arly has put b) hardly had pute) had hardly put 63 has arly pu azn They sot the airport ice that Te plane was eayed by sever urs. 2) did peed to rsh) didn’ have to rsh; ned ash, 4) need’ have rushed £28, Whenever she went back to the house, hey told her he weer vee 3} has beens 6) was) woud be; d) may bei $29. Mi. Brownevorrsesedo Bea very rch mas 1) told; b) soi) is sal i eying, 80. evra ot goby tr f you dn ind 2 ad) will) shout; «) woul sat She vas here amine ago, You. just mised) have ust iste) #82, AS soon ash... chome,T wil et yu know. a) came, b wl come; e) comes; €) has comes, sa "fo phone yo forthe lst ety minutes. 2) ae ied have Been ying ) ed bad ie 34 This iste lat ime we. you before we eave. 1) ee; 8) have sen are sexing: savs 35) The houses remibed te of thse Tren Spain two years before 2) s80; 8) have sen; c) had sen; d) was sean 36 Each time I ake Her ou he want 0360. He she as given me 2) wear, B) am wearing; c) wore) have worn het just missed; d) are just, £837, assure you that once youL......chim you wil like him. 8) will see; b) see; c) have seen; d) save 38, When wrnenetunch on Sundays? |. ®) you have; b) have you had c) you have had; d) do you have; £839, You....--elistened to our ave. 8) might 6) cant have; c) ought to have; é) won't have; ‘840, This bed. in, a) hasnt slept 6) wasn’t slept; c) isn slept; d) hasnt een slep; 56 Limba englert~ 1600 detest grils 2) Modal Verbs ‘841. The classes are over, you......g0 home, 2) might ) shouldn't) ay: d) shall, 842, Bach of you ...-take a book, 1 don’ mind 8) may; b) might; ¢) need; d) would; 843, He isthe only one wi .....speak Chinese, 2) should; b) ean; ¢) would; d) has; 84... borrow your bieycie? 2) Would; b) May; c) Should; d) Do; : 848, Next year they will. drive that car. 5) may; b) be seen; c) be allowed) can; 846. [cary this suitease, i's too heavy. 8) may no; b) cannot; ) shoul; d) needa’ 847, do you think you... solve this maths problem? 4) may;b) can; €) would; d) shouldn't, ‘848, Mother says that the food... good after so many days, 4) wouldn't b) mustn't; c) can; d) need; 849, They oonebe at home yet a) will; 6) ea €) should; d) would 850, Peter .....£04d and write when he was only four years old. 8) can; b) woul ) could; d) might; 851. My litle son..., very naughty sometimes. 2) will; b) can; ) might; d) should, £852. Who knows? They.....never find out the truth, 8) should; b) may; e) would d) must; 853. You......change your mind about going to the party, afer all. 8) might; b) must) need; d) ought; 854. you see the lights? 8) May: 6) Shen c) Cent d) Shouldn' 855. joking a) shouid; ) ought to; c) must; d) needn't; 1886, The red light is on We... 7085 the street 8) won't; b) mustn't; c) mays d) have to; 57, She fold us we come. 4) might; b) may; c) can; d) wuld; £888, You realy.....-belp mel 13) may; b) will) might; 6) ought; 859, be 80 silly? 18) may; b) would; c) shoud; ) could; 37 Mona arbire, Anamaria Mic 60, He ....take his eyes off er 2) can; b) could ©) coud’; d) would; 861, This film is boring, we....-as well go homet a) can't; b) might; c) will d) should; 862. ..You have a happy lifel 13) Gan; b) Shou ¢) May; d) Ws £863. You. ....think this is easy. “3) may nok) mustn't &) needa’; ) ought to; 864, Have I seid anything L.o..? ‘) can’t b) couldnt €) ough’ d) wouldn't, 865. How long did you... stay there? 3) must; b) shoul; c) needed; d) have; £866. Give the boy something to eat hungry. 8) ca; B) ean) has 1; d) must, 867... it be finished by tomorrow? 8) Would 6) Need: c) Has: €) Ought? 868, You... speak so loud in library 2) wouldn't 6) ea ) shoule;d) shouldnt; 869. Whi oe -o-che be diferet fom other men? 1) shauld; b) could) might, 6) needed; £870, IF you... S88 im, tll him to phone me. ') would; b) might; €) should 6) will am. yu beso Kind as oI this case? ') Can; 6) Would; c) Should; d) Might, 872. He be at home by now. 2) should; b) would; ¢) can: A) has to; 873, He... do it ifhe could. 8) should b) eught to; c) would) may; £874, Grandpe..... visit us on Sundays with his pockets filled with sweats, '8) should; b) would; c) will; d) might; 875. 1 wish you... leave me alone . ') may; b) should: €) would: d) will 876. {had warned him time and again but be ....listen. ') won’; b) would; e) shouldn's;d) couldnt; TT. Iris necessary that We. ...n-8 him 20M. 18) can; b) will ©) should; d) ought to; {878 He...sitby her and watch over her all the while she was sick. ') would; ) shoul e) might d) wouldn't se Limba englezt~ 1600 de reste grit 879, t's very strange that he... ave the same name as my brother, '8) would: b) should; c) stall; €) need; 880. The situation worse than itis. 3b) shan; 2) coulda’; d) needn't; BBE ood leave these papers on your desk? {) Will b) Have; c) Should; &) Ought; 882, { don’t know wy they are Late, They....-.umised the bus. 2) may have; b) must have; c) should have; ¢) wil ave 883, You w:.-. forgotten your glasses again! : 1) won't have 8) cant have; c) needn't have; d) might not have; 884. They... feived our letter yet if they haven't answered. '8) might not have; b) should not fave; c) could not have; 4) would not haves, £885, Had the driver not been attentive we... lost ou Hives. 2) wil have; b) eauld have; e) ought to haves d) had 886. My bicycle has disappeared, someone: stolen it. 8) should have; 6) would have; c) most have; d) can haves 887, said things about him I... ‘)can'thave;b) wouldn't have: c) shouldn't have; d) musta have £888, The scene... Well have been described as happy one. 2) should 6) might: c) must; d) would 889.1 blind it didnot see what she was like 8) could fave been; b) should Rave been; c) must have been; 4) wil have been; 890, wonder what that .....meant. a) may; b) could have; c) should have; &) would; 891. He .....-done ital by himself, somebody helped hi. 2) must have; b) would have; c) shouldn't have; d couldn't have B92. [ was just crossing the’ street when. wiv. ppear ‘around the carner but a policeman, 8) could have; 6) would; c) would have; d) must; £93, Cries say that no writer......writen it better 8) could have; b) would; c) must have; d) need have; 394, You ought bread, there's still plety lets 1) couldn have; b) needa have} might not have; ug not have 895, We wright afr, it was a nice, warm evening 8) needn't have; b) couldn't; «) didn't need to; d) ought not to; £896, You... aed him about the iy ron. ') should) should have; c) would have; d) ought to; 39 Mona Artire, Anamarie Micu 897. We {0 wam him about the icy road, he already knew. 4) shouldn't have 6) couldnt have; e) didn’t have; d) might have 898. If they hadn't been wamed about the icy road they nana an aesident, '2) would have; ) will ave; c) must have; d) can’t have; £99, You....boughta new evening dress, the ol ones sil fashionable 8) should have; b) needn't have; c) might have; d) couldn't have; 900. If we had’t had a fat tre We.......been home by 8 4) might have; b) must have; c) need have; d) wil heve: 901. ns snstecepted the job, but I dont like the boss. 8) would have; b) must have; ¢) can't haves d) will have: ‘902. We are sorry you didn't ask, We... eld YOU 4) can't have; b) must have; ¢) could have; d) were able to; 903. .....known it was you who kept phoning me all night! 3) might have; b) should have; ¢) would have; d) could have; 904. He is the kindof person who ......d0 something like 2) must 6) should; 6) would; d) shall 908. Try a8 1... coun’ if the case. 2) can; b) might; c) will; d) shal; 906. This Your sister ') can;t) will) should) has to; 907. Ail club members .....7epister at entrance, 8) will b) shall ) must; 2) would; 908, clever but this doesn't mean he can do anything. 8) may; b) ean; c) must; d) should; 909. 1....say they are quite right. a) would; ) wil ) should; d) would ‘910, The doccr.....possiby eave the wounded lying onthe pavement 2) wouldn't b) mustn't; c) needn't; €) couldn't, 911 They «better hury up if they want to each the train, should; 6) would; c) had; 4) need; 912. Candidtes....answer all questions, a) are 913, Our team, 8) shall; b) shoul c) need d) is ‘914, We asked them to lend us his : 8) won't; 6) shouldn't; c) wouldn't 6) ean, 918. much food ashe can ea. 2) will b) has to; ) needs; d) might; Cy 95. Tha. Limbs englez8 ~ 1600 de este gril 916, What they punishing for their deeds ') have, b) need; €) must, d) should; 917, The child never... a8k fr toys when his father was around 4) had b) must; o) dared d) can, 918, Thay «.....-him to eros in font ofthe cars. 2) will 6) dared; c) would; 6) needed; 919. look me inthe eye? 3) musi; b) need; €) dar; day; 920. Accdens.....happen whether we are careful or not, + a)should;b) will c) must; €) would 921, They ...rather wat than risk missing het 4) should; 6) could c) would; d) might 922. Give me the keys so that I ......eave at once. ) will ) might; c) could; €) shall 923, He lifted te ile gir on his shoulders so that she 3) can; b) could; c) will; ) must; 924, We didn't make any nolse for fear somebody.......hear Us. 1) should; b) would; c) may; d) can; 5 mv shave taken everything forall we cared. ‘) might; b) could 6) will; d) must; 4) The Passive Volee 926. She ....By dogs. 2) ighten; b) has tightened; c) is frightened; d) will rghten; 927, everybody here. 2) is speaking 6) i spoken; ) has spoken; d) had spoken; 928, The house a. .nn $0 WO have stay with some fends. 2) is painted; b) was painted; c) has painted; d) is being painted; 929. All the apples env the children, ') are eaten 6) were eaten; c) have been eaten; d) are eating; 930, We tied to open the doot But t....-u a) was locked; b) has been locked ¢) is locked; d) locked; 981, Ths sonata Mozart. ‘) has been ‘composed, b) was_being composed; ¢) was ‘composed; d) will be composed; ‘982, The whole {OWN Tent Years. 8) was bul; b) wil ebuild) s being rebuilt) hasbeen ebuit 1933, Many people were watching while the fil... 8) was being shot, b) was shooting; ) hasbeen sh) been shot 6 ‘Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mica 934, You 1-0 sive by Friday. ') have expected; b) will be expected; c) were expected, 4) would be expected; 935. They said thatthe thief the neighbours. 2) had been seen; b) hs becn Seen; c) was sen; ) willbe seen 936, IF you say such things you 7 ') were laughed ab) willbe laughed a; c) will be laug wil laugh; 937, We have to make sue thatthe forms correctly, ') will be filled; b) were filled out; are fled; {ive bean filled out; 938, He BY a famous doctor yesterday. was oped; hasbeen operated ons) was operated on; oper 1939, 1 promise you thatthe mater. 2) s looked Int; b) has looked into; c) wil be looked; 6) willbe looked into; 940, Mary .ns rns rt by everybody. a) taken by: b) is taken for; c) will take fr; d) was taken; 941, The man... 8 falling brick 1 has been Et by; b) have been hit with; ) is being hit with; <) was being hit by; 942, The a rn brik by his attacker Ist week. 2) hasbeen ity; 6) was hit bys) was hit wit; d) was hing with 943, After his rude behaviour he whe door. 1) has shown; b) wes shown; 6) has been shown; d) had shown; 944, The ite boy... big ball by his grandparens, 3) has been given; b) has given; c) was being given ) is giving; 945, Worn... he Fight to vote in some counties. ') deny; b) are denied) are being denied: d) are denying; 946, The prisoner... 49 stand up. 2) ordered: b) fs ordered c) was ordered d) wes orderings 47. We lovee nome questions atthe interview next week. 1) ae being asked 6 wil be asked) have besn asked; d) be asking 948, Suess. '3) must work bas to work For, c) must be worked for; d) hes tbe worked for, 949, This vase again. “2 cannot repair b) cannot be repaired; ¢ canot be repsired; 6) can't repair, a Limba englext~ 1600 de teste grils 950, she trth finally? 1) Were yu been fold: b) Were you tod c) Have you bees tod: €) Did you tld; 981, You will have. again. 4) to examine; b) fo have been examined) examined; 410 be examined ‘952, Lam surprised to hear that you 4) are dismissed; b) were dismissed; e) have been dismissed ) are being dismissed; 953. Nothing. sant he came. : 2) willbe done b) has been done; ¢) bas done; d) had been done; 984,101. ‘hat to do, none of this would have happened. ‘) were told b) had been tlc) tld; d) was told; 955. Old people 3) should be taen care of; b) should take care of, ) should care of; should cere for, 986. The game continued while the injured payer ....the il. 3) was caried off b) was being caried off «) was being cared of ) was carrying off 987. The dog narronly escaped nnn 8 Rr 3) tobe run over b) be un over, c) was rn over) being run over 988. His late grandfathe ce on-eeod 008 MAN, 4) is thought tobe; b) is thinking to be; 1} thought to have been; d) thought fo bes 959. The police believe the crime. by a professional killer. 2) has committed; ) to be commited; c) to commit; 4) to have been committed; ci ‘960, The escaped prisoner... 8 South Ametican county. a) thinking to live; b) is thaught to be living; ‘) hs thought to lve; a) has been live ‘961, Whee Twas travelling on that bu | 1) picked my pockets; b) had my pockets picked, ) got my packets pickeds d) have got my pockels picked; 962, The way the money vas spent anne ‘) ad nat eccounted for; b) hed not been accounted for 6) has not been accounted for; d) was not secounted for, 963.1 ‘uch a wonderful present! 2) never was sent b) was nover sen; c) am never sen {ave never been seat; a Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 964 Donn anywhere 50 far a) was never Set b) have never been sent) never sais never send 965. She sscene-wnfOP a scholarship this year. 4) as considered: b) was considered; ) has been considered; 4) Is being considered; 966, severely by his father, he ran away from ome. '8) Being punished: b) Having been punished c) To be punished; To punish; 967. 'm sory but there is nothing, 8) todo; b) doing; c) to be dane; d) been done; 968. | have a vague memory of. with & heavy object. 8) being hit; b) be hit) hiting; d) being iting; 969. Nover before... 50 much ovel 2) the litle girl showed: B) was the litle giel shown; ) ad shown the litle girl d had the litle girl been shown; 970, That book teal a) just hs beens 6) has just to be; cs just been; dis just vo bo; IML. All 9p MOREL nrerenreeeene WAL ') are photographed; ) have photograph; c) been photographed; 4) photograph; 972, The OW. sei the sun, 4) is melted; b) has melted c) was melted; d) was being melted; 973. All the rusy inthe foundry. 8) has melted; b) is melted; c) has been melting: d) melted; ‘974. Afr all the publicity our curiosity 8) has risen; b) has ben risen; c) hasbeen arisen; d hasbeen aroused ons. like that is avery sad thin. 2) Foageting; b} To be forgoten; c)Forgoten; d) Being fogeting €) The Sequence of Teases and Indirect Speech 1. The Sequence of Tenses 976.1 a0 ern SEAR 10 8. 3) wars 5) is wanting; e) wanted; ) will wants 977. They aid understand why We at hem. a) are smiling) sled ) smile; d) were smi oe knew you~ mes0on. 3) would visit 6) will visite) vist; vsteds 278. She wondered wat "2 er favourite blue des, 1) has happened: b) happens) had happened; d) wil happen; 6 Limba engleza ~ 1600 de test yila 980. They hadn't let us know that they......arsive in hour tov. 2) will avive; 6 arrived; c) asve; d) would ative, 981. The litle town was much more picturesque than I 8) thinks b) had though; c) have thought; d thoughts ‘982, He spoke English much better than [ present. a) did; b) was speaking: c) do; d) am speaking: 983. This ragie incident reminded him that all people .....mortal 8) are; b) were; c) will be; d) have been; {984.1 was taught at school that Jupiter ..the largest planet 8) was; b) is; €) used tobe; d) will be; 1985, He showed me the man who a) is; b) bes c) wer; ) should 986, We knew we .-...count on his help 8) can; b) could c) are abe to; d) were able to; 987 da’t realize that he was the young man I so much... 8) admire; b) admired; c) wil admire; €) would admire; ‘988. He insisted that we had his consent Yo do What We... 8) want; b) shall want; e) should want; €) wanted 989. Can you remember wat he said his mame... 3) was; b) is ) may be; d) can be; ‘990, Your brother drave much better tthe age of 10 dan you ever. 3) would; b) will «) may’ €) can; ‘991, When I sav her last she football 4) has been playing; b) played) was playing; di playing: ‘992, He told me this morning that he in London yesterday. 8) was; b) woul be; ¢) had been; a) has been; 993. We were not at home when the postman. 12) hed come; b) comes; c) came; d) would come; 994, Nobody hed to remind me that a friend in need| ed 8) was; b) ic) had been; d) willbe: 995, George discovered to his horror that he... Mago 8) had eaten; b) ale; e) has eaten; d) is eating, yur new neighbour friend 2. Indirect Statements ‘996. He said he ....happy to see me, 2) is: b) was; c) were; ¢) has been; 997, They claimed they ...not know you. 1) do; b) does; e) did d} done; 6s ‘Mona Aire, Anamaria Micu 998. The teacher explained that they higher mathemati. 2) were learning 5 was aring; ) are leaming; have been Fearing 999, My fend wrote ome thal she ‘parte following week, ‘will give; b is giving; e) was giving d) gives; 1000. My brother told me that he... the phone. 8) would answer; b) will answer; ¢) answers; d) answered; 1001, They assumed we.....-the latest news. 2) have heard; b) had heard c) heard; d) would heer; 1002, He denied that he such & statement, a) had ever made; b) will ever make; c) has ever made; 4) can ever make: 1003. It was announced thatthe plane ten minutes late 2) willbe; b) is; c) can be; d) was; 1004, He says that be delayed by a traffic jam. 2) has been; b) had been c) was being; d) was been; 1008. They reminded us that ther... meeting that night 2) is; b) willbe; c) would be; d) has beens, 1006. The boys admitted that they football ll ternoon, 8) had ten lying fave bee laying wl be paying, have played: . _— 1007. Mary repeated that she. every word 2) as herd ) was earn hd Road) cn Hs 1008. Father telephoned us that he.....uf0F us atthe station 18) has been waiting; b) would be wating; c) will be waiting; 4) is waiting; 1009, The wiles sated that he td had seen noting 2} was seeping: 8) would be sleeping) had been sloping; ) has been sleeping: we ne 1010. He insisted at Re nthe bare 2) has never bee: b) never ws) ha ben; had never beens 1OLt, They aid they wore sory they th day before 2) came 8) cnt comes fant comes) woulnt comes 1012. The dems said go tack hee ise, 2) ca 8) have a) hdd hat all through the journey 1013. They congratulated us and said they .....we were s0 good. 8) don’t know; b) hada't known; €) doesn't Enow; d) knows 1014. Told them | actualy .......200k 1) can; b) may; c) am able to; d) could 66 Limba englezs ~ 1600 de reste grila 01S. The students were told that courses ....the following week, 18) stared b) start ) wil star; d) were siting; 3. Indirect Questions 1016. asked him what he.......repatring 2) i; $) was; ¢) will be d) has been, 1017. They wanted to know if the cinema with them, 1) wes going; b) is going: c) wil be goings a) goes; 1018, She was curious to know how long my boyfriend. 1) know; b) heve known c) had been knowing: 6) had known; 1019. | wondered whether he ‘or oaly pretending to. 2) is sleeping; $) was sleeping: c) willbe sleeping: 6) septs 1020. The old man inquired where the railway sition a) is; b) has been; e) canbe; d) was; 1021. They wanted to know where the jewels... hidden. ‘) have been b) had been; c) are; d) will be; 1022, The detective asked what I... nine the night before ‘a) was doing; b) have done; e) had been doing; d) am doing; 1023. was trying to find out what those words... 8) mean; b) are meaning; c) were meaning: d) meant; 1024, The gil asked the boy if e.......there long. 8) is standing; b) has been standing; ©) ad been standing, d) stood 1025. She demanded to know why everybody....laughing at her 8) was; b) ise) has beens d) ae; 1026. He asked me politely how old 1 a) am; b) was; c) will be; d) would 1027. Her mother was curious to Know how she in the exam, a) has done; b) dds) bad done; ) does; 1028. I wonder if you. by plane. ‘) have ever traveled; b) had ever travelled; c) never travelled 6) didnt travel, 1029, They asked the tourist how long hen nes-eee et Stay i the country. 8) is going; b) goes: ¢) went; d) was goings 1030, The litle gil wanted to Know i ner to my party. a) will invite; b) invite; c) would invite; €) invited 1031, ‘The phone was ringing and he’ wondered whether he cer it ') would; b) should; c) mays d) most; 6 Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mica 1032. He asked me iff -.-.-to go for walk with him. ) wil ike; 5 ike; €) was liking; d) would like; 1033, His frend asked him what he iff he were in his place. 2) should do; b) would do; c) will d 1034, We were wondering who the stranger... 1) might be; 6) may be; e) canbe; d) must be; 1035. Go and ask whet his name is and where he. 1) had been living; b) lived; ) is living; d lives; cea do 4, Indirect Orders and Requests 1036. They me politely to show them the vay 4) ordered; 6) domanded; c) asked; d) questioned; 1037, His mother told him to go to bed and called, a) didn’t getup; b) not to getup; c) shouldn't get up; d) got up: 1038. Children are taught ......unll spoken to. 18) to speak; b) spoke; ) speaking; d) not to speak; 1039, She ame not t0 go too clase tothe dog. ) sad; ) ordored; e) warned; d) threatened 1040, He... -her to mary him. demanded; b) begged; c) old; d) warmed; $041. They advised us 2 rain stopped, a) waiting; b) waited; c) wait; ) to wait; 1042. He told his wie to hurry up if she... 0 g0 Out )to want; d) didn’t want, veoh candidates Nott ty to cheat. a) asked; b) begued; c) warned; d ordered; 1044, The guess were. a) commanded; b insiricted; ¢) invited; d) told; ill he was 1045, The judge......the witness to answer the questions 1) ordered; b) instructed; c) recommended; d) demanded; 1046. The Bible to do unto others as we would have thers do unto us. a) asks; b) orders; tells; ) teaches, 047. tod the driver... fast ashe could. rive; b) drove; c) diving; d) to drive; 41048. [can hear grandmother .-...-ne 10 be a good git 1) saying; b) telling; c) shouting; d) erying; 6 Limba engl 1600 de teste gilt 1049, When his son was going away the fther...-him not to spend al his money on food and drink a) asked; ) invited; c) advised d) suggested, 1050. The man....t0 beat up anybody who came near him. 'a) sai; b) told 6) threatened; A) warned; 5. Mixed Types TOSI. He sald he was writing some leters and asked 1) What isthe date b) what date was ic) what the date was, what the date i . 1052, She asked what the time was because her watch .. a) has stopped; b) had stopped; c) stopped; d) stops; 1053. He marked that it was cold and asked if the window was open; ) isthe window opea; ©) was the window open; d) has it opened; 1054, The teacher said that it was # most interesting book and ‘wanted to know i ') [ave read ib) have I ead ic) had fread i 1) U had read it 1055, The traveller asked... and sid he wanted et there before dk, 1) how far sit to London; b) how far was it to London; ) how far it was to London; 4) how far London is; 1056. He invited mo to see his garden and said that a) itwas pleasant ther; b) it has been pleasant there; ©) it wll be pleasant ther; d) i is pleasant there; 1057. The old lady said she had just made acup of tea and asked me. ‘) FT want a cup; b) iT would like a cup; c) if wil ike a cup; ‘di Tiked a oup; 1088, He fold me he. ....t.he book and asked if | had anything, lee he could read. 12) has ead; ) read; c) was reading; d) had 1059, The man informed me that he was an English student and asked me 8) if can speak English; 6) can you speak English; ©) If could speak English; ) could I speak English; 1060. The guide announced —...n..and wanted to see if ‘everybody was present. a) its time to go: b) that its time to gos «) that it was time 0 go; 4) i it time to go; 6 Mons Athire, Anemaria Mizu 1061. He inquired and the nurse ansitered affirmatively. 1) ft isthe dent's; b) whether that was the dentist's) is this the dentists; d) whether ths isthe dentist's: 1062. The children were very hungry and asked their mother. '2) what she will give them to eat; $) what she alvs them to Sas whit she would give thers teat) what dd he give ther to eat 1063. He asked.......he window and sid it was Rot in there, ') if he may oper b) if he mig‘ open; c) i he will open; may Lopent 1064. My father noticed that the clock had stopped and wanted ta know if 2) we have forgaten to wind-up b have we frgoten to wind tun: ) We had forgotten to wind it up; d) we forgot to wind it up; 1065. He looked round and exclaimed 1) tat it isa beautiful garden; b) what a beautiful garden it is; that i was beatiful garden; ) wha a beautiful garden it was 1066. After they had announced the disappearance ofthe papers Ted admitted tha he... 2) would have taken them by mistake; 6) will take them by mistake; ‘) might have taken them by mistake) could take them by mistake 1067. She shouted at me to look out because a ca... ) is coming; b) came; ¢) comes; d) was coming: 1068. He told me he bad no money but {know he. ) is lying; b) Was lying; €) led; d) had been lying: 1068. I just remember Tom Was Saying YOU. n- nn «OF levi 8) will think; b) would be thinking e) are thinking; ) thought, 1070. He greeted us and then asked Usa... 8) how are we; b) how were we; c) how we were; d) how are you OTL, The tezcher told us that Shakespeare wrote that all the World... sage 2) is; b) was; c) will be; €) has beens 072, My mother was always saying that you. 2) could take a horse to water but you cant mace it drink 1) can take a horse to water but you couldn't make it dink; ©) can take 2 horse to water but you can't make it drink: 4) could take a horse to water bat you couldn't make it drinks 1073, He confessed he loved me and wanted to know 3) if will love him forever; b) wil I love him forev ©) would I love him forever; d) if would love him Forever; n Limba englezt 1600 de este grila 1074, He apologized and asked if. me a) hurt) has rte) hurts; had hur: 07S. He'whispered something about his bois and ssid that 1 anybody. 3) had no el; ) mus not tel) need no tel) should tel 1) Non ~ finite Forms ofthe Verb: Infinitive, Partciple, Gerund 1076. ther voice was very exciting 1) That {nerd b) To hear; ) Hearing; : 1077. Do you understand what you aver... a) todo; b) doing; c} do; 1078. [as too happy. word. a) saying; b) say; 0 say; 1079. Its cold enough forthe flowers. 1) freeze; b) to fteeze; c) freezing; 1080, My desire was. ‘im at once. 2) to meet; b) meeting: ¢) meet; 1081. tas your wish......early. 2) leaving; ) 0 leaves ©) fet, 1082. Phave to cook: a wel 2) to leak; b) look; ¢) looking: after the children, 1083. 1s easier to walk than... on horseback. 2) riding; 6) ride; c) to ride; 1084, Rather than -itto him, {aid everything myself 5) leave; b) leavir fo leave; 1085. He was. the new manager, but he did not accept the positon. 8) tobe; b) beings) to have been; 1086. Why don't you do something exciting ke that peak? a) to climb; b)olimbing;c) climb; 1087. I'm glad. high school 8) graduating: 6) be graduated; c) to have graduated; 1088. Wy, ‘holiday now? 2) dont take; b) not take; c) not to take; 1089. She willbe happy. you. 4} helping; b) help; c) to hei 1090. My idea was for her. '8) help: b) t help) helpings you. 1" ‘Mona Arhite, Anamaria Mew 1091. 'm anxious. the exams. 2) my sister pas: b) for my sister passing; ) for my sister to pass 1092. I's impossible Finished in time. 2} forthe job te; b) the job being; ) fr the job to be: 1093. [though it amusing such jokes, 2) she telling; b) her to tell c) for her to be telling; 1094, Would it Be difficult. nnnonem me tomorTOW? 2) for you to telephone; b) your telephoning; €) you telephone; 1095. There is nothing 2) We ea; b) for we to eat; c) for us to ent 1096. Ie’ time... to bed. 8) everybody goes) for everybody to go; c) for everybody went 1097. It was a big mistake... in the same ear 2) for us not travel; b) for us not to travel; c) us not travel 1098. The boss asked _. Teady by the end of the week. 2) the designs being: 6) fr the designs to have been; c) for the designs to be; 1099. now would be ave 1) Us fas 6) For us to fail; c) We to fails 1100. oem press this button. 8) Switch on; b) Switching on; €) To switch on; M101. {closed the door $085 senna alone. a) being; b) to be; ) be; 1102. We ae leaving now, so as date. a) not tobe; b) not being; e) don't be; 1103, They atived home ‘that the house had been burgled. 2) findings b) to find; 6) t be founds 1104, He went to several agencies, only that all the hotels were fly booke. 8) fo lear; b) to have learnt; c) leaning: 110s. "you'd think he isthe own 8) To hear him fo speak; b) To hear him speak; e) Hearing him speak 1106. {advise eatly. 4) leave; b) hm leave; e) him to leaves 1197. She did't want 4) that we part b) we to part ) as to part, 1108, They brother and sister. a) are happened 16 be; b) happen t be; e) heppen be: n Limba englezt~ 1600 de tate grils 1109. We were expected. at noon. 2) tobe arrive; b) being ative; cto have arived; |II0. You were right. im forthe jo. 3) choosing: b) to choose: ©) chose: IIL She's the youngest gymnast ever an Olympic gold medal 8) winning; b) to win; €) won; 1112, She is nce ‘0. to talk 6 takings) be talked E 113. Ths is @ good book. 18) 0 be reading; b) o read; ¢) reading; 1114, What a nuisance... to go to school! 2) to have; b) having; 6) have; THES, Its @ war... all WAFS. 8) ending; b) to end; c) having ended 1116. There is hardly enough room soe Hee 8) to breathe; b) tbe breathing; c) breathing; 117. The peopie. are in te next room, 3} tobe interviewed; b) been interviewed; having interviewed; 1118, Such behaviour i a) to encourage; b) to be encouraged; c) having encouraged; 1119. [wonder wi to the party, 2) invite; b invites; 6) to invites 1120. She seems. a) to ery b) crying: c) to be exying; Kt ade me. uncomfortable a) feck; b) to feel ) fein 2, The ea 8) being; b) to be: ) to have been: 1123, You 382, 1k... bills promptly. a) to pay; b) being pad €) have paid 1124, No one likes, bills 8) to pays b) paying; c) having paid, 1125, {pid him for. the goods, ) transporting; b transporte) being transported; 1126.1 paid him te book. 8) translating; 6) to transit 27, Tam afraid of. ‘) making; 6) m Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 28, Lam afaid ocsenns et NBT. 4) making; b) to male’ ¢) make; 1129. shall never forget. ...~this exam. 2) taking; ) 9 take; ¢) being taken, 1130, Your name is not on thelist, did you fOrget.-ecn.? 8) applying; b) to apply; c) to be applied M131. The teacher does not allow a) we talk; 6) ust talk; e) us talking: uring this test. 1132, Teachers 6o not allow. during tess. 4) talking b talk; 6 otal: 33. I meant ‘ut forgot oi 2) telling; bt tele) tes 1134, Having a steady git-Fiend means sooner or Inter. 8) getting married; b) to get maried;c) be married; 1135, Although the crowd was milling about he ted sme, a) reaching; b) to reach; ¢) reach; 1136, Although the sol was meagre, be tried wheat there for some years 8) growing; b to grow; ¢) grew; 1137. regret that he was afar, a) to sty; b) ssid) sayings, 1138, regret. that you are lying. a) fo say, b) sad; ©) sayings 1139, Last year {hed the opportunity of... f0 London. ) go; b) going; c) to go; 1140, Thad the ooeasion.. 2) go; b) going; ¢) to go; 1141, Let's hope there'll bean apportunity...*0 London one day. '2} you to go; b) your going c) For you to go: 1142.1 need 0 you right now! 2) talking: b) to talc; tall; 1143, The Mowers badly need, '2) to water; b) be watered: ¢) watering: 1144, P¢ love. you acting in that ply. 2) seeing; b) to See; c) see; 1145, Can you manage. pecking by eight o'clock? 3) to finish; b) finishing; ¢) finish; 1146, | did't think they would succeed 8) to finish; b) in finishing; e) finish; £0 London last year. the jab so soon * Limba engleza 1600 de teste grils M47. Late ene. 2) to getup: b) get upc) geting ups 1148, | hate, his early, but we have to be there a 7 '2) to wake you tp: b) waking you up; c) wake you up; 1149. It started. so we decided it was not the right weather fora wip, 2) to rain; b) raining; e) rain; 1150, [es starting, put up your umbrella! 8) to ain; b) raining: ©) rain : 1154, They stopped, in the middle of the street 1a) grestngsb) greet ) to greets 1152. They stopped, aus after thet party. 8) greeting; b) greet ) to greet, 1153. Tike 1a cup oF eoffee fist thing inthe morning. a) having: b) to have; e) haves M5414 ike 2 cup of coffee first. ) having; 6) have; ¢) have; 1155, My mother prefers, carly inthe morning. 8) working: b) to work; €) work, 1186, Um sorry | prefer. oth evening a) staying in; b) stay in: c) to stayin; 1157. She prefers dancing to. 2) singing; b) sing; «) have sung; 1158, He hates answering the phone and often lets it 8) ringing; ) ring; cto rings M189. rvsnrsennf¥t@E WE Managed to reach the top before 2) To climb; 8) Climbing; c) By climbing: 1160. 1 not used to. ion the Fe. 8) drive; b) driving; c) driven; 161, He used t0.,n tut after his accident he gave it up, 1) racing; b) races: c) race; 1162, 1s not much USE. nore COP HF YOU dont dive 8) having; ) to have; ¢) have, 1168. There's 0 pointaccrathe details if they are not ierested. 'a) to explain; b) explaining; ¢) in explaining: 1164, e's no good. ‘him he can't read, 8) to write; ) waiting: 6) in writings, 6 ‘Mona Aehite, Anamaria Micu 1165, Ths film is worth - a) seving;b) 0 se; ¢) 0 be seen 1166, We couldn't tp. wien we heard about te incident 3} to lmugh; b) to be laughing o) laughing; N67. Tabet Yoon about Something I know nothing of, 18) question; b) being questioned; c) be questioned 1168, The hijackers threatened. ...eertle hostages a) shooting; b) shoot; c) to shoot, 1169. Lam not so keen, fashions. 8) to follow, b) on folowing; ¢) with followings 1170. Why did't you tlle tit instead... 2) oli; b) toying; eof lying, 171, Tso that they were all dead set. a) to my going; 6) against my going, to them? 1172, We all knew that we were eniled s,..-.-.that sum of roney, '2) receive; ) to reosive; to receving, . 1173. They have taken great pide. she frst prize 3) to award; b) in being awarded: c) 19 be awarded; 1174, The youngsters resented... svat to do all the time 4) against o tell ) to be tod; c) being told; 1175, Atirst I enjoyed... «but then got bored. 48) Iying around; 6) t ie aroun elie around; 1176, the room | noticed the painting Was missing. 1) Entering: b) On entering; ¢) To enter; M177. L can hear the bel but nobody is coming 10 answer the door. ‘to ring; b) tobe ringing; e) singing: 1178, They often heard him... denied 2) shouting b to shout; ¢ shout, 1179. He was heard. at his brother although he denied it 8) shouting: b) to shout; ) shout, 1180, We are surprised. ‘rom you for such a tong time. a) at not hearing: b) at not having heard c) not to have heard; is brother although be 1181. How about. ut for a drink tonight? 8) to go; b) we go; 6) going; 1182. He is good . _-to people. 8) to talk; b) at talking; ¢) in talking; 6 Limb engleas 1600 de teste grils 1183, He went on. 1s if nothing had happened. ) talking; b) to talk; c) with aking; 1184, He went on... about the new budget next 4) talking; b) to tlc; e) with talking; 1185. He admitted to ‘a member of a gang a) be; b) being; have been, 1186, hoped. to be admited, ) fo arrange; 6) arranging; c) arranges us. 0 rudely you risk losing all your fiends. « 2) bchaving:&) By behaving: 1188. She claimed . to foretell the fture 2) tobe able; 6) being able; c) been able; 18, He {00K (0. eeere.ealy to run the 10 miles 2) getup; b) geting upc be getting up; 1190, There isn. ‘What will happen next 8) knowing; b) being known; c) to know; 1191. | don’t mind the students “ate; but they should apoiogize. 8) fo come; b) come; c) comings 1192, don’t Keep... 09 fon a} waiting; b) me waiting: ) wait 1193, [von't have them. ‘back when I scold them. 2) answer, b) to answer; ¢) answering, 1194. the book, Tenn reeommend it to you 12) To have cea; b) Reading: c) Having read; 1198. The people gave diferent answers. 8) questioned; b) questioning; e) to question; 1196, You can have 8) to clean b) cleaning; c) cleaned; 1197. Here's ‘Tom, a8 usual, boing ran; b) runs 6) running; AI9B_Nobody.vcvnen-my More to add, the mesting was closed 3) to have; b) having; «) had; 1199, Once... (of oxygen, the brain dies. a) depriving; b) to deprive; c) deprived; 1200, With my son. in Holland we are quite alone. 8) working; b) worked; ¢) having worked; n Mona Arhire, Anamaria Mica HL SYNTAX ‘The Subjunctive 48) Uses ofthe synthetic and the analytic subjunctive 1201. Its essential that he.......before noon, 8) will arive; 6) arrives; «) arrive; d) would ative; 1202. The doctor insisted that she ........t0 hospital at once. a) went; b) goes; e) would go; d) go; 1203. twas vital that everybody... {inoculated against the disease, 8) is; b) would be; c) be: d) are; 1204. Fat nsit fmm me to exteise you. a) be; b) ise) was; d) were; 1208. We can’t disclose their names! Heaven... a) farbds;b) forbid c) will forbid; d)forbad 1206. ito say that she refuses any help a) Suific; b) Suficient;c) Sufics; d) Suficed, 1207. Somebody... Window, there is no air in here, 8) opens; b) open: c) pened; ) will pen 1208. ernest may, am not going to do it, a) To come; b) coming; ¢) Come; d) comes; 1208, I's time ey up their minds! a) make; b) made; ¢) will make; €) have made; 1210. 'd eather you smenton i to my parents 1) don't; b) will not €) didn’t d) hadn't; ABUL. | wish the committee -....r00 the agenda instead of patting it of a) agreed; b) agre; ¢) agrees; ) will agrees 1212. [ranly you. me earlier a) have tod; 6) told 6) had ‘old; d) would tell; 1213. Even ifthey ready, nothing Would have changed, a) were; b) was, 6) be; d) had been; A214. ish YOU ween leaving a) aren't 8) ‘2 wasn’ d) would’ be; 1215 He was acting as if he, the place. 8) owned; b) vas owning; c) avs; d) ov, 1216. 'd rather they. cout oF a) were keeping, b) kept c) keep: d) are keeping: 1217, Here's my phone number in ease somthing... WFORE. 8) goes; 8) eo; c) would gos d) went; * Limbs enelert ~ 1600 de este grila 1218, She always spoke about those places asifshe them al 2) saw; b) ad seen; €) would see; d) sees: 1219, Even ifthe work.....tice as difficult, | woulda it. 18) had been; b) is; c) were: d) would be; : 1220, Suppose YoU... rnn--.8 Scholarship, would you accep it? 8) won: b) win; ¢) would win, d) will win; 1221, Twit. Detter forthe exams! 'a) prepare; b) hed prepared «) would prepare; d) have prepared; 1222," che 10 agree {0 Our proposal, we could proceed with the plan 8) Is; b) Would ¢) Were; d) Wass 1223, Do you mean you'd sooner a) weren't b) wasn e) wouldn't be; d) aren't; 1224, Ifahe «0 play tennis more often, she might pay beter, a) bas; 6) were; ¢) i d) would be; 1225, Imagine Ween. all Hose years ago! 18) didn't meet b) haven't met; €) met d) hadnt met; 126, Isat it od that shear nention it NOW? '8) could; b) would; c) should) might, 1227. tis ony fir that yo. the truth ') knew, B} may know; c) would know; d) should know; 1228, My idea shat you...everything as itis and go on alia. a) should leave; b) would leave; ¢) left d) leave; 1229. 1 was absurd that they. ‘such a thing! 8) suggest; b) should sugges; c) should have suggested; 8) suggested; 1230, He is anxious that everyone. take part in the ;b) could; c) should d) mh, fate, don’t walt for me a) should be; b) will be; €) would be; €) could be; 1232, They expressed a desire thatthe participants....jn an hour ') reconvene; b) should reconvene; ¢) reconvened; €) would reconvene; 41233, The suggestion is that we. some other means of raising money. 2) ried; b) try €) would ty; d) should try; 1234 ereevvnere YOU Hed any Relp don’t hesitate to asc me, 8) Would: 6) Bo; e) Will; €) Should; vp “Mona Arhire, Anamaria Miu 1235, My parents never allowed me near a precipice lest, L in, 2) could fll; b) should falc) would fall; €) fll 1236. The note Says that nobody... exempted from paying the fe. a) willbe; b) would be; c) shall be: ) be; 1237. He is criminal, whoever he. 1a) can be; b) shall be; c) shouldbe; d) may be; 1238. be happy with your ecw husband! 1) Cans b) May; e) Shout d) Might, 1239. I as afraid the results ....«..diseourage them, 8) can; b) may; €) might; d) will 1240, However bad Vssern-rnny Pl ever win the competition. 12) may try; b) shal ty; €) will ty; d) might ty; by Request Clauses 1241. fewas requested that anyone leaving last... 's) tur; b) would tur: ) should turn; d) turned; 1242, [agree that iti essential that yoU.......-fully acquainted with the fats. 2) are; b) willbe; c) be; d) shouldbe; ff the light 1248. Our suugestion was for them. until the rain stopped 2) wal; B) to walt €) should wait ) waited; 1244. tis only proper that young woman... acareer aFher own. 5) to want, b) should want; ¢) want; 6) wan 1245, May T suggest that’ you in touch with the authorities? 2) get; b) would get; c) got; d) shall get; 1246. My only wish was that my childen, home for Christmas. 2) would be: 6) could be; e) be; d) should be: 1247. ‘The publisher’s requirement was” that the novel vefady by the end ofthe year. 2) be; b) was; c) might be; d) should be 1248. The travel agency proposed nthe tip, ‘2) we should postpone; 6) us to postpone: ¢) out postponing; 4) being postponed; 1249. He was apprehensive that T late forthe mectng. 2) be; b) should be; ) would bed) might be; 0 Limba engleza ~ 1600 de teste gilt 1250. They particularly requested that the children’s bedtine... Tater than 8. 8) may not be; b) would not be; c) could not be; d) not be; «2 Purpose Clauses 1251. They stopped. somebody the way to the hotel a) to ask; b) asking; ¢) should ask; d) ask; 1282. She learned how to signin order tobe able.. ') communicate; b) communicating; c) should 4) to communicate; 1253, He is studying mathematics higher position. 8) to qualify: ) qualifying c) should qualify; €) might quality; 1254, She sent her daughter to a boarding $chOOl wr. HOW £0 cope on her own. 2) to lear; ) should leam; c) leaned; d) would lea; 1255. In order how smart he was, te kid recited long, Poems by hear 18) to demonstrate; b) demonstrating; c) demonstrate; 4) should demonstrates 1256, Ships ear ifeboas so thatthe passenger ...ifthe ship sinks. 8) escape; b) to escape c) can escape; d) would escape; 1257. 1 was dictating slowly $0 that the student,..c-cnePi dows every word 12) could) ean; ¢) might ) wills 1258. She is’ cleaning the house so that the ESS... everything shipshape a) find; b) would find; c) may find; A) will find; 1259. ‘The driver stopped at the crossing so ‘that the pds .n e801. ) could eross; b) crossed; ¢) would cross; &) might cross: 1260. She alvwxys cooks on Saturdays so thet the family ‘on trips on Sundays. ') may go; b) might go: e) ean go; d) would go; 1261. The postman didn't dare to” enter for fear that the og. im, 3) might bite; 6) would bite; e) should bite; d) bit 1262. 1 put my wallet into my breast’ pocket so that a thier, it ‘woo stab id’ teal) soul's) ight ot seal with the deaf nmunieate; Mona Aire, Anamaria Mica 1263, He didn’t unlock the door lest some stranger... 4) came; b) would come; c) could come; é) should come; 1264, 1 put down his addre85 $0 85. nen nnn ') should forget; b) not forget ¢) not to forget 4) should tot forget, 1265, They wrote carefully so that there... no mistakes, 8) could be; b) might be; c) be; d) should be; 1266. She feared lest she. deceived, '8) would be; b) should be; 6) could be; d) were; 1267. Everything was organized so that there.....u..any delay. 8) was; b) would not be; e) couldn't be; d) sould be; 1268. Ul’ make a cake in case someone. in at the weekend, 8) should drop; b) drops; c) will drop; ) dropped, 1269. He grew a bushy beard so that mODOdY eh. ‘) recognize; b) should recognize; c) would recognize; 4) to recognize; 1270, He used public phone for fer thatthe police... his all. 13) would trace; b) traced; ) might trace; d) should trace; 4) Conditional Clauses (If clauses) 1271. If the telephone » Somebody answers i 8) will ring; B) rings) rang d) would ring; 1272. 11 walk a long distance, | exhausted 3) fel; b) would feet; c) felt; d) should feel; TITS. Theyre enreotDOW if anything new comes Up. 8) would lt uss b) wil lt us; c) fetus; d) could le IITA. TEL ernest Book, I Will lend itt0 you. ‘) will find: 6) would find; c) founds 6) finds 1275. You'll have an accident if you ........speeding lke tht, 4) kept b) keep; e) will keep; d) would keep; 1276. iit ‘at Christmas, everybody was happy. 2) snows; 6) would snow; €) was snowing; d) snowed; 1277. ya. «let's get down to business. '8) come; b) will comes c) have come; d) came; 1278. Ifyou ....the car there, the police gave you a ticket 8) would parks 6) pars ) will park; ) parked: 1279. ft ‘o rain, we shal return. 8) happened; 6) will happen; c) happens; d) would happen; 2 Limba englezs — 1600 de este gril 1280. IF you «Wet, you should change your clothes immediately. 5) 29 Bae ) wil ed) ih 181 ‘the police ask tell them we have left early. Wi) Wal ©) Cou) Shaler 1282. Ifhe .....the answer, he would fell you. 8) knows; b) will knows c) should know; d) knew; 1283. IFT Left my home, I thnk I... lonely. : a) fel; b) will fel; fel; d) should feel, : 1284, He might be able to help you if yeu, to him, 8) turned; b) would turn; c) could turn d) will tam; 1285. Unless you ...... shim, he will not help you. a) will ask; b) ask; c) asked; d) would ask; 1286, If they te alarm clock, they wouldn't have’ ‘missed the plan. 2) set b) would set; c) had set; d) were so, 1287.1. her if ad been there, had seen; 6) would see; ) coud see; d) would have seen; 1288. Ifyou. ane, {might have forgotten. 2); didn't remind; b) hadn't reminded; c) wouldn't remind d) wouldn't have reminded; AOD. rcenley ot saved a large sum of money, they ‘wouldn't have been able to goon the wip. 1) Did; b) Would; ¢) Had; €) Could; 1290. fit ‘Tor the fog, the plane could have landed. a) wasn't b) weren't; ©) wouldn't be; d) hadn't been; 1291, But for. "we wouldn't have found our way ‘) you to help 6) your help; c) you helped: d) you helped me; 1292. it, for my father, the family woud be poor. 28) wouldn't be; b) isn ¢) weren't) had been; 1293. Supposing you.. large sum of money, whet would you do with i? 2) win; b) have won; c) will win d) won; 1294. If 0 me, you wouldn't be in this situation now. 4) listen; b) will listen; c) would listen; d) had Tisened; 1298. fhe to ask you to marry hi, what would you say? 1) is; b) was; 6) were; d) had been; 1296, Ifyou. 0 rudely, no wonder nobody ikes you. '8) would Speak; 6) spoke; c) wil speaks d) are speaki & ‘Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 1297. | shall lend you this book provided you. itby the end of the week. a) returned; ) will return; ) have returned; d return; 1298, Ifby any chance you... her phone number, could you sive it to me? ) will find; b) found; c) should finds ) find 1299, I wouldn't accept the job even 4) is; b) has been; c) wee; d) would be; you to have taken the leR tur, you would have offered to me. 13 got here caliee 8) Should; b) Would; c) Might; d) Were; ‘The Relative Clause 1301, Have you sen the boy has recently joined our team? 8) which: b) what; €) who; &) whom 1302. Those "want to apply forthe job should fill in the form, a) that: b). wich; c) what; d) who 1303. Pve seen a book in the Hbrary ...2.... you would be interested in 8) whom; b) which; c) wh; d) where 1304, She remembers tie dime... she was happy. a) that; b) where; c) when; &) which 1308. Tellme the reason ..... You've been away for so long. 1) for wat; b) why: €) of why: d) what for 1306. This is the man... inthe lobby. jg) Sham sa: Bho rhs) whom fs Bim who did I se 1307, Let's goto 2 film 8) that we might both enjoy i) which it might enjoy us; c) ‘wiih we might both enjoy; d) which might we both enjoy 1308. This is the Chld ca - 8) I've been looking after ) that ve been looking afer it; b) Who I've been looking after it; d) which afte I've been looking 1309. Can you see the lady ike my fiend? 2) wo she looks; b) tht does look; €) which looks; 4) who looks 1310. She denied having broken the bad news... everybody knew she did a) what; b) that; c) which; ) who Limbs enplezs~ 1600 de teste grita ISI, My father rang, WhO Was judging our cause 1) up the judge; b) the Judge up c) up him him up 1312. This is Martha, prepares dinner. 4) that; b) what; c) which; ) who 1313. The leer from you, was very funny, was a pleasure to rea. a) which; ) whose) that; d) what 1314, We don't have enough coffee for everybody. This is all islet. F ') which; b) wit; ¢) that; 2) what 1318. He is the strongest man Ive ever seen 3) who; b) that; e) what; d) wich BB16, All none She does is perfect. 1) what; b) whieh; e) whom; d that 1317. These are the children with he likes to play 8) who; b that; c) whom; ) which 1318, Hore are the things about he eares most a) which; b) that; c) whom; d) win 1319. This i the gh on ‘) who of | am fond; b) of that ¥am fond; c) Iam Fond of; 6) that of fam fond 1320. Tread a book. subject fascinated m 4) who's; b) that the; €) whose; d) which its ‘were in Japanese, 1322, We've met two important politcins, pictures were hanging on the wall '2) of which their 6) of which both; c) both of whom; both of whose 1323. You're the one «n-ar you need those vitamins, nt I. 4) that study; b) wit study; c) that studies; d) which studies 1324. This is the boy who Mike said ........ ean guide us to the fen fortune 2) that; b) wi; €) which d) ~ 1328, We should buy a tape so that the kids should have stories to isten to. 1b) that; c) whieh; €) whom a5 Mona Arbire, Anamaria Micu ‘The Adverbial Clauses of Time and Manner 1326, After the play » we'll see our fiends home. 1) will be over; b) is over, e) was over, d) will have been over 1327. all you as soon ready for the tri. 8) than Ian b) as I willbe; c) 251 aun; d) a5 1 will have been 1328. I'l ony be allowed to go out after 1 my homework. ‘a) have finished; b) will have finshed: 6) will finish; A) finished 1328. They told me they would visit us when they sn.c. i T0¥M. '8) would arrive; b) will arive; e) arrived; d) had arived 1330, She told me she would let me know as soon as she the money. 4) bas got b) bad got; ¢) would have got; d) will have got 1331, He didn’t want fo give a definite answer UI none Bis father, 8) asked; b) would have asked; ¢) has askeds d) had asked 1332. They kept on asking me to pone them when you. 8) would arive;b) arived;c) have arrived; d) will rsive 1333. By the time they even We'll have setled everything for them. a) will meet; b) are meeting; c) meet; d) met 1334. As he is 50 hard-working, be did the work just as you 4) have told hms; b) would have told him; 6) have been telling him; d) hd tolé him 1335. He came home yesterday the same time. 4) as I did; b) as I) than J di) like me 1336. you ative, the more they'Il appreciate you, 1) Tie soonest; b) The sooner; €) Sooner as; d) As Soon as 1337, He proved to be more cultivated ') then we expactd: b) than we would expect ©) than we hed expected; d) as we had expected 1338. He looks as, in the garden al day long. a) he had been digging: b) iThe had been digg ©) ife had dug; d) though he dug 1339. There's nothing more tobe done en the papers ) than sign; b) than signing; e) except signing; do sign 1340. The cook made such a good cake... before. a) than ever b) ashe had never made ¢) as he dida’t 4) that he had never made 86 Limba englext — 1600 de teste grila 1341, The machine isnot. ittobe. 18) moder as I wanted: b) modern as | want; e) as moder than; 4) so modem as | wanted 1342, Youare talking as though you... everything about the mater. a) know; b) were knowing; ¢) should know; d) knew 1543, She seems so attentive as ifthe concerto... atthe moment. 4) were being played; b) was being played; c) had been played; 4) is being played 1344, ovens T ould figure out, he was tying to get at how stitable he would be for my position. 4) So as; b) So that; €) As fr as; d) As soon as 1345. She looks exactly have always imagined, 8) 50 as; b) so that; ) like; d) as ‘The Adverbial Clause of Reason 1346. We are leaving school... we have finished the clases today. 2) fr; b) since; €) because; d) as Bt. Wwe have decided fo goto the countiyside, we have been packing up all moring. 2) As; b) For ¢) Because of; d) Because 1348. She has to feed her childzen now, she has nobody to Took aftr ther, 8) because; 6) for ¢) as; since 1348. IL have wo borrow te nove... [have to read i forthe exam. 2) for; b) as) since; d) because 1380. not has been raining all ay, we ean’ play tenis. b) Since; ¢) Because; d) Because of 1351. We coulda’ join you and it snot mm We didnt want to 18) as; ) for, e) because; d) since 1352. 1 wanted (0 tal to him by all means, aac I ked his speech very muck 8) for b) because; c) since; d) as 1353, They must have left, the lights ae all of a) because; b since; ¢) if 6) for 1354, You didn't tell me the whole truth F found out everything from Jane. 2) because; ) fr; c) a; d) since 1355, coon YOu rfised 0 play, we couldn’t play the game at all 2) For, b) Because) ) AS 87 ‘Mons Athite, Anamiria Micu The Adverbial Clause of Concession 1386 sno be managed to doa get deal of is work, hast fined iy ) Eves Fore Too) Frall 1357 ter yo Rel me lo frit any Way 2) Even if) Ne mater) Athougs 6) Though 1358, enjoyed ping with Jou f the theses ne te play cc vas torn Preyer 8 inspite) no maser 6) forall 1B) athe seems so abst minded in las, he does very wel inthe te pers "Even tough 6) athougs 6) Despite; &) For all 1360; She loves hin ys he Goes! tent ber very Wel dept even) aoups wih al 136 on you mon ete ip wth he. : fy ha gs you mays) Even you ty bar) Ting even tard) nape hard 1362, pe tue gi nthe wordt ik er ®)Even she may bs 8) Leer) Though she maybe; 3) For a 1369. Thy ae eco, eve tay mayo i ty ay be; they who may; shy may bento hoa Weak iertocome, oe hous tha se) ven 130 Mth on De ing crt pend all my weekends ey fom he then, even te was, he stood for hours on end wating for eas “The Negative Sentence (Negations) 1366, He solves problems without ict. '2) no; b) some; ¢) any; d) a 1367. Lean" hap. at her fungy hat ’2) not laughing: b) laughing; ) without laughing: d) any laughing : 368. He told her nen open the window when it rns 2) to not b) don'ts 6) to don’t d) not to 8 Limba englezt ~ 1600 de teste gr 1369. She hardly ever harmed any body. 8) hasn't; b) has; ) didn’t ) wouldn't 1370. nn ut his brother a) it wasn't Mike that phoned; b) Not Mike phoned; e) It was ‘Mike who phoned; d) Not Mike was that phoned ASTI. He wenn propery 8) does never work b) never does work ¢) never works; d) doesnt never work 1372. Thaven’t seen around. ‘) anybody; b) somebody; ¢) nobody; d) everybody 1373. Its essential panic. 8) to not; b)n0t to; ¢) don’ d) to don’t 1374, ‘come on time atleast this time? a) Does he can; b) Doesn't he beable; c) Can't he to; d) Cant he 1375. Which of te two cakes do you want to buy? 18) Neither one; b) None; c) Neither; 2) Noone 1376, can't speak French. 'a) Neither I; b) Neither me; c) Nether I can; d) Neither can 1377. She senso agrees with a) always, nobody; b) never, anybody; c) always, anybody, ‘) never, nobody 1378. How many ofthe poems sre written by you a) None; b) Neither; €) Not any; d) Noone 1379, She has ished nu OF de work she's boerasked odo. 2) no; b) neither; €)noae: d) not any 1380, came in at my call, 2) Not anybody; b) Nobody; ¢) Not enyone ; d) Anyone 1381. ‘my relatives knew about our pls. 3) None of b) None; c) Noone of d) Any of 1382. She ‘Pe. a) can not B) don’t can; e) cannot; ) doesn't can 1383. piece of wood would ever sink. a) None; b) Neither; e) Not; d) No 1384 sulted her. ‘) None dress; b) None ofthe dresses c) None dresses d) Not one ofthe drestes 1385, She refuses to talk to me unl. 18) don't apologize; b) won't apolog apologize apologizes » “Mone Athire, Anamaria Micu 1386, We won't tell anyone our secret, 8) never; b) ever; c) anytime; d) always 1387. single day is lft fr us to each the destination. 2) No; b) None; ¢) Nota; d) Neither 1388, He ‘answer back to his father 2) dare not dare not; doesnt dare d) don dre 1389, She rarely eats meat, 2) dos seb) doe shed) dosnt 1390, “Can we meet at § or at 6?" “I'm afraid hour is convenient.” 8) No; b) Nether; c) None: ) Either 1391 ase my parents Works on Saturdays, a) Neither; b) No; c) None of; d) Neither of 1392, There's litle mil inthe dB, nacn? a) isn't ib) ian’ there ) is theres d) sit 1393. Deer al 28) don’t hope; b) ope I don’t; «) do nat hope I; d) hope not 1394, Ts a long time since Tem YOU 8) haven't s82n you; b) didn't ses) hadn't seen; d) last saw 1396, She... Sarcely shut the door when somebody rang the bel. 2) hadn't; b) didn’; 6) hasn't; d) ad 1396, "I'm not interested in technical matters, 1) I'm mot eter, b) I'm neither; e) Nether | ams ) Either aren't 1397, She's ‘more a better player than hei 8) not; b) no; ¢) none; ‘any 1398 They phoned us on their way lest we worry. 8) shouldn't b) don’t; €) shoul d) not 1399, ida’ toll her the whole truth fr fear Ton Sere her to oath 8) might not b) shouldn'; c) might; d) wouldn't 1400. You won't succeed unless yOu... harder. 3) don't lear; b) won't learn; c) donot learn; d) learn 1401. Henry didn't come over, and 2) nor did Tom; b) nor Tem; e) Tom didn't too; 6) Tom nether 1402, He doesn't like eream, and she 8) doesn’t too; b) doesn’t thes; ¢) does neither d) doesn’t also ‘She ean neither sing, act well 1) neither; 6) not; €) nos ) and wi %0 Limba englexi ~ 1600 de teste grila 1404. She didn’t come last week, yesterday. 2) neither; b) no; c) neither came she; ) nor ql 1408. Neither my cousin nor my sister iny net frend 8) know; b) does know; ¢) Knows; d) did know ‘The Tag Questions 1406. You ere our new classmate, .. 8) are you: ¥) are you 6) dost you 1407, I've made a blunder, : 8) haven't I; 6) I haven't ©) dir 1408. [am right again a) am T not; Series dae 1408, The plane sof, a) doesn it; b) don't it ¢) isn't it 410. We didn’t see each other yesterday, 4) ite; we di) a we 1411. You enjoy travelling, 1) lati 8) dot you) dou. 1412, She became «teacher, a) isn't she; b) isn't it) dda’ She 11413. There is somebody knocking atthe door, 2 a) isn't there; b) isn ite) doesn't it 1414, You have na mote tie, se? 2) haven't you; b) don't you; 6) have you 1415. You couldn't fnish filing in the forms in due time, 2 2) aid yous) could you; ) you could 1416. Le’s go fora wall, 1) do wor 6) sal wes hal we 1417. Stop off the flower beds, 8) shall you; b) do you; c) will you 11418. There are few things that can be done to help her, a) aze there; b) can't they: c) are’ there 1419. She has hardly ever talked tous, 2 a) has She; b) hasn't she ) did't She 1420. Nobody answered the phone, 2 2) didn't they; b) did they; c) did he L421. Nothing can be done to prevent him from mazrying her, a) cat there; b) can there; 6) can it 1 ‘Mona Aire, Anamaria Micu 1422. Somebody is talking inthe other 000, an? a) isn't there; b) aren they; c) isn’t he 1423, He must be tere at 10pm? a) doesn't he; b) musin’t fe; €) must he not 1424, The clas raised thei hands, ocvvnon? a) didnt it; b) didn't they; e) didn’t he 1425. The audience is very numerous tonight, 2 28) aren't there; b) aren't they; ) isnt it Inversion / Word Order 1426... tothe dentis’s once a year? 3) You 9; Do you gsc) You do go AMT. Wheto a) you are got 1428. May a) she live long; b) live she long; ) she long live 1429. “I don't like this music. * [neither b) Neither do I) Neither 1 1430. *T often play tennis in the weekends.” aan 1) Sado I; b) So I do; c) So | 1431. Never before... such 2 stupid remark! 8) Uhave heard; b) have | heard; c) {did hear 1432. Only after she recognized his voice... the door. 8) she opened; b) she did open; c) did she open 1433, Not only nn the bil, but he also drove them home. a) he pals b) did he pay; c) he had paid 1434, Not uni she finished reading the entire novel... the light. a) did she tur off, b) she tured off) she did turn off 1485. Under no cireurnstances ‘accept something like that inmy house 2) would b)1 dos) would 86. that he coulda’t help shaking all ver his body ) ahs eal) pot ers) sear wen 1437. So swet that [wish T wouldn't ever leave this garden. a) these flowers smell; b) do these flowers smell; ©) these flowers do smell 1438. Hardly wore when Thad to leave again, a) I had anived; b) had | arrived; ) did I arive 1) you go; c) are you going 2 Lima englez5 1600 de teste grila seve about London befor | visited it nev; b) have 1 known; ¢) had | known 1440, Searels the baby when it was dity again. 8) did she bathe; b) had she bathed ¢) se had bathed 1441, He was so smart, a ') were his sisters; b) his sisters were; c) his sisters did be 142. She has more responsibilities in the company than 8) does her husband; b) ber husband does; ¢ has her husband TAB. oong T Could change my mind, 'a) You were more convincing: 6) Were you more convincing; ©) More convincing you were 144d, succeeded in the exam, we wouldn't have been allowed to a9 on boidays ‘) Had we not; b) Hadn't we; ©) We hadn't 8. No S00HF evnnne the café than he came right behind us ‘ again 2) we had eb) id we leas 1446, Here Dae de does she be NAAT. THE en 2) your daugter goes; b) goes your daughter; ‘does go your daughter 1448, We are waiting for him to come and... '} we go off b) do we go off ) off we go 1449, ~ ad broke on the spot. ') Down fll the vase: b) The vase down fll; ) Down the vase fell 1480, Dov the lane 1) they wefe walking 6) were they walking; ) were walling they ad we tet 3 “Mons Arhite, Anamara Micu MI. VOCABULARY. 1451. don't know why people tend 0. hm 2) prevel ) avoid 6) go around 1482, He sles from in his back 2) pais b) an ach) a hurt 1483. She... the box onthe table an lef. 2) lis 6 ay ea 1454. He proved i on ighing wit the bea. a) srongnes;b) tong 6) strength 1458, is 8 precious quality at war. 3) Bravenes;b) Bravity; 6) Bravery 1486. 1s good to be proud, but Too muEh na. canbe daraging 2) pride; b)proudnes; 0) prideness 1457, Next Sunday, they'll celebrate their 2) mariage; 3) wedding) engage 1458, Tomorow, I'll give you the money you have 2) borrowed b) owe) lent 59. What an story! 8) amusent; 6) amusing; €) amusable 1460. Which WoUIA YOU evswum GO: joka us Out, or watch TV? 8) profer;b) like) rather 1461. Your wife is a very woman! 1) attractive; b) attracting; c) atracted 1462, Wh 8 the non OF he electric bulb? 2) inventor; b) invener; c) invention 1463, He did't daze to sid on that slope. a) high; b) steps) tall 11464, He shouted at her She must have felt 1a) embarrassed; b)iritatedc) offended 1465. My brother spent the wr vonne Summer atthe seasie, 8) wile; b) al; every 1466. son bs poor marks, he was accepted to atend © university. a) In spite: b) Although: ¢) Despite 1467. A strong argument ‘between the two contract partis. a) rose; ) arose; c) raised 1468. The public... ther hands in agreement. a) rose; b) arose; 6) raised 6 Limba englexs| 600 de ete grils 1469, They are making efforts to a) rise; b) raise; ) arise 1470, She has ehanged her mind in the last moment, 4) as usual; b) as usualy; c) usually L471. The ttle boy was standing .. 8) besides; b) beside; c) beside 1472, He couldn't imagine himself walking... tens of palms trees onthe Mediterranean beaches. '8) among; b) between; ) through : 1473. Te aut, leaves are... by the wind. ‘) bor; b) bore; ¢) bore 1474, Ul ave finished the preparations. tonight a) until b tll; ©) by ATS, Put YOU one Of and 1s BO! 3) cloths; b) clothes; «) cloth 1476, The meting was put of. 18) due to; b) because; ¢) thanks to AATICIUS sec 1 fish i this lake. 8) unlegal b) legal; ¢) illegal 1478 Some people would do anything to become ie) inmortal funds for the homeless. his mother the chairman's ilness 2) interesting; 6) interested c) interest 1480, He has made a good speech, as he speaking infront of large audience. 2) used tobe; b) used to; ) is used to 1481, John's jokes are amusing. a) high; b) bight; €) bighly 1482. I'm sorry!" might have burt your el a) frightened; b) afraid; «) seared 143, They 20 nv injured in te accident 2) gravely; b) seriously; c)greviously 1484, Little by litle, the rain... and We could continue ou trp. 2) sopped 3) ede, essed 1g He st hve be ot nis om though, nt de tremblng of fer oie 2) se; )obeone; noice 1486. Mos psope in Bi have the houses 2) ase ensured lotr 9s “Mona Arhite, Anamaria Micu 1487, He strives to assure a god 2) living; b) lifes) live 1488. [Fyou want fo make a. cover ther. 2) complaining; b) complaint; €) complain 1489. He dreams of making a long by sea. 1) journey; b) voyage; c) travel 1490. Lots Of vn COME 1 this store to buy presents just before Christmas 2) cients; b) patients; c) customers 1491. The baby bird fell fom the nest and gota wing a) broken; b) broke; e) broked 1492. After entering the hal, he... his coat on the peg, a) ang; b) hanged; e) hung 1493. He mistook Belgium for Holland. What 1 a) an error, b) a mistake; c) a blunder 1494, She was so absent-minded that she... the theatre tickets at home. 8) et) le ) forgot tohis family, » you should address the clerk. 1495. She gets very inspired when painting onthe no. ofthe river. 4) shore; b) border, c) bank 1496, She hs maried nn MAR. 2) beautifal; b) handsome; 6) pretty 1497. On this road, you musta 70 miles per hour. 8) exceed; b) overcame; c) surpass 1498, She is almost so Well-read en er tutor i. a) as; b) than) ike 1498, She most often wear... clothes, even on special occasions. a) lose; 6 lose; ¢) last 1500, Lake ran to the station for fear he might ace th tain, 48) los; ) escape; c) miss 1501. The employees have to take into consideration the .. ofthe company. 2) politics; b) policy; ) polite 1502. Her family’s strong . before the age of 18, 2) principles; b) principals; c) principales 1503. She must always be of her duties. 1) remembered; b) recalled; c) reminded don't allow her to go to balls 96 Limba engle28 ~ 1600 de teste grils 1504, $9 nonsense! 2) eng) sigs 2 ag 1508, The Engh department res. English nt belo eae 1s He isd iy ee ne nn cn St 2) excl 8) exe aps on 1507, She vey busy loki ar Ber ote apie bye hut 1508, cn cold you please tel me what ime iis? 2) fi Soy) poli) Excise me 1509, Tis rhe nose Bok fr 2) as) ley dest ist Helos exty ike) as) similar 1K, MySay ae fd of nn si 3 case) casey 3) classi 1512 His spptaion fas ben trmed down because he bast vena experiene inthe el 3} won) gis eames ssi Ai eee rane Ae cams saving, ) saves) starvation 1514 The cules hanging on the Criss toe branches looked 2) isi) eastable ) vrei 1513, He yas srt sh race tha ing could top him. decide, dried) made up iste The boy was pnd fois 1) urbe) ak of behav) istchaviou 1st? Donte so. ave, Gotivough your paper once gin >) impaen angen 0 epato 1518, Te poor woman fats is her wheel 2) die nabs © sbi ssi Yrs ie Yu a0 2) frgeting 6) fore ©frgetable 100, Ireasn of you to male sch remark. 2) poli; ) pics) plc sat, Queen Ane ws one gue soa 0) strc 6) storie sz), Youd thaveto utp evenrrcbes,btonly ) uneven; bevels) od his ewin brother. 7 Mona Arhire, Anamaria Micu 1523, The trees shouldbe planted in the side ofthe garden, 5) south: b) southern; ¢) southy 1524, Is this ring made of gold? Yes, i's a o 8) golden: b) pol) goldy 1525. Mind your words! She's Very nv. when it comes to her chlldzen. 8) sensitive; b) sensible; e) sensual 1526. She only threw a short back to bed. a) glance; b) gaze) grasp 1527. He is very appreciated by his boss, because he is a very ‘worker. ') consent; b) conscious; c) conscientious 1528, She daivers lectures ‘psychology at university a) about; b) in ¢) on 1529, The fst lessons, 2) about; b) in; ¢) on 1530, They are having a conversation ov» different walks of ie a) about; b) on; ¢) in 1531. The population of our counzy ten years ago was diferent fom the wen population 8) setual;b) actually; c) current 1532. He swallowed some poison and died 8) deadly; b) dead c) deadly 1533, There is 2 small number of people in Europe nowadays, 4) literate; b)unliterste; e) inliterate 1534, Things like love and faithfulness ae ne him. 8) inmzterial;b) immaterial; c)imaterial 1535, Her acest results have been. a) dissatisfactory;b) unsatisfactory: c)insatisactory 1536, She found it tiresome and annoying to keep on dealing with at the busy street and went 1 driving wore quite dificult bis permanent 2) issatisfactiog: b) unsatisfactin; ) insatisection {WAS veneer im to ear such news in the presence of his fey 4) impleesant; 6) displeasan;c) unpleasant 1538, The tencher was with the students lack of stenton, a) implessed;b) displeased) unpleased 98 Limba engleza 1600 de este grid 1539. The... was very anxious about the interview he wast give. 8) interviewer, ) interviewing; €) interviewee 1540, They have made up ther minds to buy a small, car. 2) upexpensixe.b) inexpensive; ) non-expensive S41. Fe took up smoking out oT. 2) boring; b) boreness; ¢) boredom 1542, She was sitting thoughtfully watching a o.oo candle a) lighted; b) light) lit 1543, His initiative of helping the orphans proves the authenticity of es VRS, 4) mane; B) human; ¢) humanistic 1544... tennis, be enjoys playing football, ) Besides; b) Apart from; c) Except 1545, The medicines he took were very she recovered very quickly. ; a) effective; b) efficent ) affecting 1546, I's quite a problem to ‘iy son in the momings. 2) arouse; b) rouse; c)afose 1547, He coulda cope with her to marry him. 2) refuse; b) refusing; ) refusal 1548:This monument is as old as the. Gaiom) ) hills; 6) mountains; ) seas 1549, This year, We'VE Nad vee holidays in the mountains. 8) magic; 6) magical; e) magically . 1580, $e8 YOU wenn the School building in ton minutes ime 2) before; b) infront; c) infront of 4581, Look at him! He's eating Tike & nonin) 3) dog; b) horse c) pig 1582. Oly may God! He's 2s dead 288 wnonnoiiom) 12) docerail b) doorframe; c) doormat 1553, When they were younger, the 80 Fora walk, have the afteroon tea downtown and then take the am back home every Sunday. 8) used fr b) would; «) were used to 1884, He ig a5 mad a8 3 Mate oni) hare be epng so much oer & mere. I's only cof opinion. 1) matter; b) problem; ¢) issue 9 Mona Arhite, Anamaria Micu 1556, She's so happy to have finally found her {ior a) pai; b) match; e) partner 1557. Don't even think about telling it secret, 8) high; b) extras ) top 1558. He's lle bt oF 2. boul the prizes he won 8) dark; b) black; ¢) secret 1559. You shouldn’t lt yoursef be fooled by appearances, Beauty is only wavmne deep. (eying) a) surface; ) skin; €) shallow 1560, She's never wanted to get any closer to him. She has always, ep hi at son length 13) foots; b) hand’; ¢) arm's 1561, She's from Israel. She's an 42) Israelian;b) Israel; c) Irate 1562. This costume is fiom the Netherlands. Ttis a 1) Netherlandish; b) Holandish; ¢) Dutch 1563, Her fiancé was born in Switzerland, He isa 1) Swiss; b) Switzer, c) Switzerlander 1564, He reads very mich, He is re 12) bookmole;b) bookworm: c) bookmouse 1565. You shouldn't have missed the golden of getting a job with that company. 8) opportunity: b) chance; oxcasion 1566. He 18 8 even smoker. He couldn't stand half an hour ‘without smoking @ cigarette. a) hard; b) strong c) heavy 1567. T's raining ca an8 noo a) mee; b) dogs; c) kittens anyone! [e's horse, He hasn't tld anybody costume, 1568, There's a small bakery our house. a) opposite; ) in font ofc) facing 1869. Put something on, you are with eal 2) green; b) blue; c) violet 1570, She's ‘with anger. 8) blac; 6) biue c) red 100 Limba engleot~ 1600 de test gril 1V. ORTHOGRAPHY 1571, She has to letters from her fend this week. ') received; b) recieve; c) recieived STR. Vann fr having been So rude 12) appalogze; b) apologize; c) apologise 1573. You should bave a fw min" cons VEY day 8) practice; b) practise; ¢) practsse 1574, She feels... because she doesn’t know the lesson wel. ‘) embarassed; b) embarrassed; ¢) embarrased 1575. Can you giVe Me YOUE ver please? 8) address; b) adress; ¢) addres 1576, Pve seen nobody. 2) arround; b) arond; c) around 157, The navhty boy laughed while... hissistr with the bal ‘beating; b) hitting; e)hiting 1578, The two deskemates happened to be good friends. 8) happend; b) happened; c)hapened 1579. She speak German, 1) can rot ) canot ¢) cannot 1580, He laughed his teacher In the fice) nnn Was & foolish thing todo. '8) which; ) wites 0) wich 1581. After the match, he hopes to be not only a simple... but the winner 2) compete; b) competitor; ¢) competor 1582, Tidy up your room! The Swintons are 8) coming; b) comeing; c)caming 1583. He sharply stated his point of view and a) disapeared; b) dissapeared; c) disappeared 1584, Ob, what a landscape! 8) wonderfull; b) wonderful) wonderfook 1585, She boasted about having such valuable antique objects in cover tonight. ') possession; b) posession; c) possesion 1586, Riding his white horse was his favourite a) past time; b) pastime; c) pastime 1587, For the time Being, he is runing his father’s... company. 2) successful; b) succesful ) sucessful x 101 Mona Artie, Anamaria Mie 1588. Our team is happy to have won the great 8) price; b) praises) prize 1589. Sho is my bestfriend and always gives me helpful a) advise; b) advice; c)advize 1590, She was rejected because she had no a) secretaryal;b) secretarial; ) secretrial 1591, We found something fascinating in all the. 1) citys; b) cityes;c) ces 1592, The meeting ofthe economic... takes place on Tuesday. 2) department; b) department; ¢) departament wwe Visited. 1593, You may os.» YOU key if you put it in that pocket 8) loose; b) ose; ¢) loos 1594, He must be to tlk so lou during the show! a) ceazy;b) erezy;€) eazy 1595, wish you wouldnt always object to my 3) carelessness; b)earlesnes;c) erclessnes 1896, Why do't you mind your OM wenn? 2) busynes;b) business) bussnes 1597, Call me aga of eon 2) Wensday ) Wednesday; c) Wendsday 1598, Ifyou dont believe me, I can bring some 8) proves: b prof) proofs 1599, This page i full of 8) misprints b misprints; 6) mieeprints 1600. He simply can dance tote. 2th; 8 yt; yt [BON Nk: LOMANDA ty Astor CColeetia Canon" enna pstled Nicolae Noweles Seton Agorisn A tone fon Alena Jo at Corr Haag Mine Dicom ‘Slfin Binesea None Spree Ar Blandi Iulia Halden ‘Nicola Brean ew Mota Ft rar Rati ie ‘Sejm Bove “inde Bole Gheorghe Cian Mihacte Crse Ueonid Din Tsar tango oan Grogan ‘icofe Cine ‘Alvan sive Sina Condo Misces hanssee Cire ‘Nicole Rlaotesea ‘ited ‘Adan Marina Cont A Pape Vii Maes Ja Pacer Fry Neng ne Origa Minty Neila Th lees Constants Noes Cant ora {ratan Pope ‘ora Poener ein Pe Raion Zane Fagen Sion tid! Gre ‘Nici Sunes tiie Spiro ‘Nee Stadt (i deter Sorin il anil et George Cosbue et Ba Tit Meloesee ret Morar tes (Cont Coane Uni Jon Sima nie eb Leng Astle Aula” Po sol XIX. ibe Angtece asm rminse cake tar Alesana hngina “eur iC ‘kml Goda or Pei Pome se Eni Bnare Poem ase Hin tare Poeme alse ‘Merde Magn Pome ase Mave rams Meee BON He COMANIDA lin Frontera" Muzic si fe oman) eat sey hopes sajna 2088 » Plea medietior roman) fen Grogan sel nt 100 de anit de aie La aan ~ Pore Oeil oman) Toa» Gon Pal (rman Aes alos leputit a roman rn Eimear eonen) Sin Bonar aero Da rons pene) etn iy Op rele mat oe la Freud (meme econ a Gane acme Bone Pe Derma acme) stndr se = Evens tpn eset Doe oid lel sun oamenit tera Main Circ peara piss Romo ene, storia comunismul.. ae yee, Sins esc Alasend Masna = Colecta Esengiat™ Teoria ters compen iu) eine Ror Lt omsng.Repeeece Karma Seong ‘Se completa se dsp. mach expe pe ates Ediira Aula" OF IC sae Stbsenatu) tic ne SMe 5001 we “ ues See et jaa & sat {clan cn ie Sn expan bars “ior mento pen fea Foto heetiarh de tedute dee ‘Compt peta reducere profesor : Jocalitaica ws spocaiaien ——— ilps const pce Tel! Ot ats Ua6BA ce cui musinn@eaneere et teint wa THON DE COMANDA, Coleen Sta” : Isr ii Mera fee 8 Sienbe Manoiese Pra mod Meule Munase Des psc iol Monon esta pe ines wiser Nicol ale Peri cased romantica aan Ratu Sil enodes, tralionalisn avangirds lon Bold Poerispoximadens Mice nena Pessoal se in prova pasos Prat Vight Rermaele at Marin Pedant Grigor Telli L1-Cargile Felines pret Brevar Eugen Lovnesey not Grigor Breve Th Maoceseu Mc Mer ‘Colca flacalaurentl de ota 10" iter pote empl on Nicolae Literate preatierpiga Erling ei Lit scomunicae (cea at Marka tnetesc Concepts perionale Noon owed Englea,Pranceza, Germans Condavict.Borcou. Su. seca romirilor AL Gai Fone Geogratis Remdaicl ron Fone Hoan Florina er CCoectia wCapaitaten de notn 10" ‘Lime ear emi {subi revolt) ibe ors emi 1350 de tester “Teor itear ormuniate (eu ape). Neal Con iba roms empentiy vid Neceurns Matemates (ict esercl probleme) Tua, Mane, Drege tematich (let realty explicate) M.Tehu © Prigar soe rant Asimere site) M, Bogdan Dabs (Geogatia Romie (sieves siete Arcee ol dhe Gite ngteen Georzts Patna BON DE COMANDA, Colectia Chl suecesata™ (bacaaueeatadmitor a fculate) Fenglez de ata 10 ging hi, Ltt ale 160 estes tin ce Frpeersdenoin 10 IT Boeen Fraeera 1200 tesla: Barco Ramin dena Mgr Bure Royo ~ 100 sil Mgr Barcese, 2 Fitgrturuniseraid eich. Cries ‘Colca .Dietlonaele AULA” Denar de ion. ‘moni. stan. onime plamusne Git single 2 Dinara imbieomine Gate Intec a Diana eigler-romin (elatet1¥) Dana Cardy a Dina acerca (late HV) lie Pig Digna yemmanuno (elaste FV) Pap. Angeles Dieinar de wri leap Sunda Tsk Dcina engle-ramin Ba Ci 7 gir. hee). Deine ance ranin amin ese ‘inmates Jews de opurtie Fl. sei! aman) Dima Fine Barba roman) Cri Parson = Pome wae Nitta Sie "seu ssa pce enaderne esr int complica. se deca expe pares: ater ‘CP. 962, Braga SO0G10 Subssrnaatl) “ ste en fd ae Sete jeg ‘eet onset expel eu pla amare fumirl de enplare menionat pent cere i Profesor mei deo edie de 13% ‘Compl peir deere poles E Toeatises Specks Ci ut inant rn elena. “elo 0268/3 8647 tt O26832.6647: ‘ruil: musinadeltonet.r Peas nmi: wwe

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