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Winter is my favorite season. It makes me better and define myself.

Cold weather brings people together. It is the perfect time you can open your heart/soul and show your
love to each other.

It is the holidays time. The time when the big families gathers together and spend a lot of dream
moments. The holidays deliver big family meals, and just seems like the time moves a little bit slower
than usual.

People seem to be nicer. Maybe it is because they receive/get many presents. :D

In every winter season, people can count their realizations during all current year and start another one
with setting new goals for themselves.

Of course, Christmas Lights, Holiday parties, days off, New Year’s kisses, snow angels and other beautiful
things make the winter the best session of the year.

For sure, with the change of the session comes new beginning, but the most of them starting in winter.

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