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Syd:I wake up at seven in the morning.I eat,I brush my teeth and then I go to school.After I come
back home,I do my homework,watch TV,play some video-games,eat dinner and then I go back to

Mike:My daily program I usually wake up at 7 a clock in the morning. I have my breakfast, at
7.30 after my morning shower. At 8 o go to gym or I run in the park. At 9.30 I check my
timetable, I do my homework if there is any left and I get ready to go t school. My classes start at
11.30. I finish at 4 a clock in the afternoon. I get back home at 4.30 . I get rest, have dinner with
my family, do my homework and go to bed. That is my daily program.

Laura:This is my daily routine:

I usually wake up at 7 o' clock in the morning. Then I brush my teeth, eat and go to school. I
always do my homework and give good answers, and that's why I'm a good student.
After I finish school, I go home. I always eat when I get back home. After eating, I usually do my
homework and then play. I love playing outside, but I don't like playing until it gets dark.
After playing, I go inside and rest.
When it's 22 o' clock in the evening, I go to sleep.

SAM:At 7 I leave home and catch either the train or the bus to go to school .The entry bell rings
at five to 8! Therefore I have to be in front of the school at that time. Not being late is very
important in my daily routine!
“Lessons begin at 8 and end at 1:30 in the afternoon.”
Leaving the school I catch either the train or the bus that takes me back home. As soon as I get
home, I have lunch and immediately afterwards I do my homework.
At five o’clock I leave home and go to the downtown, where I meet my friends . We stop at a bar,
have coffee, talk for a while and then take a stroll through the downtown.
“At 7 I go back home and at 8 I have dinner with my family”.

Then we stay in the living room talking about the events of the day or watching television for a
while. At 10, I say good night to my parents and my sister and I go to my room. I undress, put on
my pyjamas and go to bed. I usually watch television for a while, and when I go to sleep I turn
off the television, turn off the light and fall asleep. 

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