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Didactics of Mathematics

Unit 2 - Research, Practice and Theory in Didactics of Mathematics

Present by

Liz Evelyn Perez G.

Magnolia Ortegón

Adriana Zuñiga

Yulieth Natalia Ruiz

Cesar Augusto Cabrera


Group: 551032_12


Liliana Isabel Moreno

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

School of Basic Sciences of Education


In this activity we seek to create a new interest on the part of the students towards

mathematics, since it is one of the biggest problems that teachers of mathematics face

today. All teaching in any discipline is presenting this problem, but it is more evident in this

area, and what teachers of mathematics seek is to promote abstract thinking and create a

suitable environment not only to talk about mathematics but to create mathematics.

The main objective of this activity is to inspire teachers to change the method of teaching

mathematics so that students feel more interested in entering this world as beautiful as

mathematics, since it has been presented for a long time. such an obvious problem and it

has not been possible to reach a change.

Specific objectives

 Promote the teaching of mathematics to teachers

 Create a student taste for math

 Present mathematics as a fundamental basis in everyday life

Link del mapa conceptual



[ CITATION Baz03 \l 9226 ]


Bazzini, M. G. ((2003)). Research, Practice and Theory in Didactics of Mathematics:

towards Dialogue between Different FieldsEducational Studies in Mathematics.

Connecting Research, Practise and Theory in the Development and Study of

Mathematics Education., 54((2) 3), 203-223. Obtenido de

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