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Topic: Social Distancing Corona Virus.

TS: (The social Distancing) is very important for keep the health of all persons in the period of

SS1: Reduce the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

SS2: Evite that droplets from infected people speaking, coughing, or sneezing end up in the
mouth or nostrils of nearby people.

SS3: Helps limit opportunities for contact with contaminated surfaces and infected people
outside the home.

CS: If you do not maintain the distance between people then you have more risks of contagion
and infect your family, friends, or people of interest.

(Social Distancing) is very important for keep the health of all persons in the period of
coronavirus because reduce the spread of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), also evite that
droplets from infected people speaking coughing or sneezing end up in the mouth or nostrils
of nearby people and helps limit opportunities for contact with contaminated surfaces and
infected people outside the home. So that if you do not maintain the distance between people
then you have more risks of contagion and infect your family or people of interest.

(Social distancing) is an essential way to decrease the spread of COVID-19. And it is

important that you follow the recommendations for social distancing in your community,
whether you live in a high-risk area or not. With schools closed and with people working from
home, it might be tempting to organize gatherings with friends or sleepovers for the children
or think that gatherings of more than 10 people are not a problem. But social distancing only
works if we all participate. And slowing or preventing the spread of the virus will save lives.

COVID-19 can spread from person to person even before symptoms begin. So, if someone in
your family begins to feel slightly tired, exhausted, or sore, it is important to stay home and
practice "self-isolation." This means limiting contact with others. If symptoms worsen, with
fever, cough, and shortness of breath, call your doctor. The doctor will tell you if you need to
have a COVID-19 test and what steps you should take next. If you think someone in your family
has COVID-19, quarantine is likely recommended.

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