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FICHA: 1667844

1. Lectura 1. Main idea.

Qualities that a teacher must have.

2. Lectura 2. Main idea.

The anthropology and the evolution of the human being

3. Lectura 3. Main idea

Characteristics and qualities of an international negotiator

4. What do Rosa and Carlos study?

Rosa and Carlos study technology in International Business

5. Where do they study International Business?

They study in Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

6. How do Rosa and Carlos show the competences?

They study alone and upload their evidence

7. Why do Rosa and Carlos study English?

Because an International Negotiator has to communicate in the international language

8. What is the definition of International Business, according to the reading?

Is to be able to negotiate internationally in another language

9. What kind of companies are going global?

More and more firms around the world are going global, including manufacturing firms,
service companies (i.e. banks, insurance, consulting firms) art, film, and music companies

10. What does international business causes?

International Business causes the flow of ideas, services, and capital across the world,
offers consumers new choices, permits the acquisition of a wider variety of products,
facilitates the mobility of labor, capital, and technology. It also provides challenging
employment opportunities, reallocates resources, makes preferential choices, and shifts
activities to a global level.

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