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My trip to Pisco

The kick-off of my trip was beautiful and tired; the trip lasted three hours; moreover, I
knew I could see beautiful landscapes and animals if I sat next to the window.
Arriving in Pisco the first thing I could see was a parade in the Plaza, where I saw the
dancers say: "If you want to party, you have to dance". After watching the parade we
went to dinner and on the way we saw some homeless people, and it was very sad to see
how they were, because they should have a home.

The next day, we made a small trip to Paracas, and I was very focused on the sea and
the exaggerated graffiti that there were made by artists, they were funny. I was excited
to know the “Islas Ballestas” but we will feel the feeling of being there if we buy
tickets to get in. We were able to get a ticket, even though I was very nervous and
excited, especially since I was going to be able to see all the animals that there were, I'd
be crazy if I didn't want to come in. Besides my dad will take all the pictures he
wants if we go into the bottom of the sea with the boat. So I left my fears and gave
our tickets to the usher.

Once inside I was fascinated, and that's why every time my friends ask me where they
can go, I told them: “If you want to marvel, you can go to know Paracas”. If I
choose where to go on a trip next year, I will go to Paracas again, because I missed a
lot to know. A friend told me that if I go to Paracas again, I have to go to the Paracas
Museum, where I can learn about the history of that great culture. If I want to
know more about Paracas, I will have to read more about that culture, so when I
go again I'll be even more surprised. In addition, this time I won`t forget to bring
warm clothes if I don`t want to die frozen, because the wind in that place is very

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