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Test paper

It is winter and the snow was falling .It usually snowed in January here .Betty and James were playing in
the garden .They were building a snowman and they were throwing snowballs .They liked the snow very
much !Their mother and father did not like it.They always stayed in the house when it is cold .Mother
wsually watched TV and father listened to the radio .

belived/ were;

Did not live


Thought/ were/ made/did not behave

Said/ did not walked/

Who was murdered ?

When was she murdered ?

Who diseovered her body ?

Where was she found ?

Who think the police did the murder ?

When did the husland leave the hotel ?

What did he take with him ?

What was the women name?

What was her age ?

How many children did she have ?

She is very thin .She must be ill !

This homework was terribly difficult . lt took me 2 hours to do it !

Janice is very healthy .

Lee is very sad because his cat died.

Our is very friendly. She makes friends easily.

I earned $ 1000.I was very lucky.

He is so polite.

She is so caution because she’s has her heart broken many times.

This towel is damp because many people used it after washing theirs hands.

She is careful when she talks with small children.


My free time

In my free time l always go to the park or to my grandparents .

I really like to go in the park because there I meet with my friends and we play together .We ride the
bikes or we play with our drones.

When l go with my grandparents I meet my cousins and we play, or I go to take care by the bees with my

When I have time I read a book or I watch TV to enjoy myself in my free time.

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