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SIX DATING TIPS to avoid marrying your future-ex husband

*Slow things down and get to know him as well as possible.

*Don’t insulate your relationship with him from other important

relationships, even if he says he wants to spend time only with you. You
won’t really know him if you don’t observe him among both your friends
and family and his.

*Don’t silence your voice or avoid conflict in order to preserve

relationship harmony. Say what you think, feel and believe about things
that matter.

*Don’t count on the quality of your love or nagging to create things in the
future that aren’t there to begin with.

* Do make a list of what's non-negotiable for you in a mate. Get out

sooner rather than later if there is a big red flag waving in your face.

*Keep your primary focus on your own goals and life plan, which will put
you on firmest footing whatever happens with a particular guy.

Only when we stay in a relationship over time and evaluate it with both
our head and our heart can we begin to put it to the test. This involves
lots of talking so that hot spots--whatever they may be--can be spoken to

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