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Half-Fiend Half-Ogre Ranger 10

Challenge Rating :14

HD: 10d8+80 hp:128
Speed: 30ft Initiative: 3
AC: 21 Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 18
Check Penalty: 0 Arcane Spell Failure: 15%
Base Attack Bonus: 10 Grapple: 22
+19/14 2d6+9(13) 19-20x2
with +1 Longsword
+17 with Melee Weapons+13/8 2d6+9 20x3
with +1 Longbow,composite
+12 with Ranged Weapons
Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 10 Will: 3
Spell Resistance :20
Strength: 26 Dexterity: 16 Constitution: 26
Intelligence: 14 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 12
Feats: 6
Point Blank Shot
Weapon Focus Melee
Precise Shot
Power Attack
Rapid Shot/Two-Weapon Fighting
Manyshot/Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Class Specials
Level 1: 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy
Level 2: Combat style
Level 3: Endurance
Level 4: Animal companion
Level 5: 2nd favored enemy
Level 6: Improved combat style
Level 7: Woodland stride
Level 8: Swift tracker
Level 9: Evasion
Level 10: 3rd favored enemy
+1 Studded Leather
+1 Longsword
+1 Longbow,composite

Equipment weight: 30.0 lbs

Spells per Day
Spells Level 1: 1
Spells Level 2: 1
Spell List
Spells Level 1:
Delay Poison

Spells Level 2:
Cure Light Wounds

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