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Half-Troll Half-Ogre Barbarian 5

Challenge Rating :9
HD: 5d12+35 hp:73
Speed: 30ft Initiative: 3
AC: 25 Touch: 12 Flatfooted: 22
Check Penalty: -3 Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Base Attack Bonus: 5 Grapple: 15
+11 3d6+6(9) 20x3
with Mwk Greataxe
+10 with Melee Weapons+7 2d6+6 20x3
with Longbow,composite
+7 with Ranged Weapons
Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 4 Will: 2
Strength: 22 Dexterity: 16 Constitution: 24
Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 8
Feats: 2
Power Attack
Class Specials
Level 1: Fast Movement,Illiteracy,Rage 1/day
Level 2: Uncanny Dodge
Level 3: Trap Sense +1
Level 4: Rage 2/day
Level 5: Improved uncanny dodge
Mwk Breastplate
Mwk Greataxe

Equipment weight: 48.0 lbs

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