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4 Facts About the 17 Day Diet!

This diet trend has been showing up everywhere and everyone is talking about the book and
the man behind the diet. Read on to discover how this diet can work for you by fixing the
damage done to your metabolism and how you can stabilize your weight!

Many diets claim to give you insanely outrageous results in 5-7 days. This particular diet is not
a fly-by-night overnight plan. It is called The 17 Day Diet (it is not 17 days total) and promotes a
diet that avoids plateauing and allows you to fix whatever mistakes you've allowed yourself to
make with your metabolism.

The diet is made up of three cycles, each lasting 17 days. Like many diets, it includes a fourth
cycle: the maintenance cycle. Each title has a name:
. These phases are focused on cleansing, varying your diet to keep your metabolism guessing,
stabalizing and then 'arriving' at your goal weight.

What Can You Eat?

The first cycle limits you to 1,200 calories and includes low-fat yogurt, fruits, lean protein and
water. The second is similar at 1,500 calories and introduces two servings of healthy
carbohydrates. Cycle 3 is similar to the 2nd cycle with a limited amount of protein. The fourth
cycle is when you should be hitting your goal weight, and from there you will maintain.

During the first two cycles, you should be exercising at least 17 minutes a day. Low-impact
exercises like walking are the suggested routes to take due to the limited number of calories in
the first two cycles. In later cycles, you should be fitting in approximately 3-5 hours of exercise
per week. If you exercise too much, you may be tempted to snack more, so be careful!

The man behind the plan, Dr. Mike Moreno, says that a weight loss of 10-12 pounds is
possible in the first 17 days of this diet plan. He says that this is a safe diet plan with a great
variety of options given the cycles of the plan.  Naturally, as with any diet plan, everyone is
different, so thus the results will be different for everyone.

For more information, check out the official site , which also includes specific recipes.

Looking for healthy recipes? Check these out!


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