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Part II – Adjacent Strings Patterns – (PDF 2 of 4)

Example 1

First box of the A minor penta scale. It's a 3 notes pattern starting on low E string : C / D / G notes
and then we just apply the same idea starting on A string and so on, following the scale's shape.
Then we apply the pattern diatonically over each boxes.
I generally play this stuff with hybrid picking : pick / middle / ring finger

Example 2

And know applied to the whole neck.

Some tricky fingerings here and there, just take the time to find the ones that work best for you.
Lick 1

Same idea in a musical context.

Example 3

Here's a 4 notes pattern using lot of 4th intervals.

Same idea as the previous one : we apply the pattern and follow the scale's shape.
To play this king of stuff the easiest way is to use 'mini' sweeps as shown under the tab.
I also use mini barre when notes are located on 2 or 3 adjacent strings / same fret
Example 4

And applied to all boxes.

Lick 2

Here's a lick connecting different boxes with some syncopations in the beginning.
Example 5

Here's a variation of the previous idea : we just add a note and get a 5 notes pattern. It's like minor
and add9 arpeggios. Nice soundind and colorful.
It's always great to use odd note grouping from time to time to vary and create some lag in the
rhythmic flow.

Lick 3

Here we mix the previous 5 notes pattern idea with the A dorian scale.
Example 6

Here's a new idea that I like a lot : sounds great, quite easy to play and most of all it's an easy way
to go outside the classic pentatonic sound and create some interesting and sophisticated sounding

As you can see, the concept is to play one not per string with mostly 5th intervals.

And we end up by playing those long sweeps all over the neck !

Example 7

Applied to the whole fretboard. It's worth all the hard work !
Lick 4

Here's a first lick demonstrating the previous idea. As you can see we don't have to necessarily play
the whole pattern in a row : we can break it into smaller parts helping us connecting different boxes

Lick 5

In this lick I combine some string skipping, five notes grouping and the long sweeping lines we just
As said before it's worth the hard work cause there's lots possibilities in there !

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