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I like manual things, like to create origami sculptures.

I Also like to draw on paper, to paint and to sing.

I love manual art.

I remember that I used create origamis when I was a child.

Actually I would like to keep doing it, but I don´t have time like I had before.

I recall that I liked to make complex origamis.

These models could have more than 150 steps, or they could be completely original

I remember asking my father to buy me new origami books, because I wanted to learn
how to build new models.

So when I ran out of new models I began searching the internet.

After downloading the files, I would read the instruccions So I could have an
overall idea of what animal or thing would result if I folded the paper in a
special way.

However I lacked the time to read everything because of school and homework .

On vacacions I wanted to retake to origami sculpting during my vacations. But I was

unable to do it the way I wanted to.

Maybe I will practice it again sometime in the future.

me gustaria seguir haciendolo , pero yano tengo el tiempo de antes, me gustaba

hacer origamis que sean bien complejos que tuvieran mas de 150 pasos ,
o si no que pudiera ser a diferent model that i never made before. Recuerdo que le
pedia a mi papa que me comprara libros de origami nuevos y asi aprender mas y mas
modelos , entonces cuando crei que ya no habia mas modelos empeze to loook for on
internet, and i download a file in el que enseñaba criterios para hacer diseños
nuevos propios y no era de extrañar, como ya habia hecho bastantes diseños tenia
una idea de que animal saldria si lo doblaba de cierta manera, sin embargo
no pude terminar de leer el documento por que ya estaba en la universidad y las
tareas me quitaban todo el tiempo , en vacaciones queria nuevamente recordar y
tener la imaginacion
que tenia antes pero no lo conseguia,talvez en algun momento vuelva a conseguirla.

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