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1) Introduction

This scenario revolves around a reference to a character appearing in the short story 'Elric at the End of
Time'. This character, Lord Jagged, is at Time Control HQ and is asked by Una Persson to return Elric to his
own plane. Jagged travels to the End of Time and appears to Elric in the guise of Arioch. In this guise,
Jagged helps Elric back to the Young Kingdoms. Back at Time Control, Una remarks on Jagged's skilled
acting "almost as if he was this Chaos God". Jagged just smiles mysteriously. (This aspect of Jagged/Arioch
also becomes clearer in the Dancers at the End of Time trilogy.)

It appears, then, that Arioch, as Jagged, is mucking around on Jerry Cornelius's plane. If he can do it there, he
can most certainly interfere on the Young Kingdoms plane.

Bored during a slight lull in the cosmic chess game between Law and Chaos, Arioch decides to begin stirring
things up a little. Diverting a minuscule amount of his godly energy, Arioch creates himself a minor avatar
on the Young Kingdoms plane. This avatar, Lord Jaeger, is a noble in Shazaar, a quiet and nominally Lawful

2) Personal Campaign Background

a) PC rundown

This scenario was written for four players whose characters had been in action in several of the adventures in
the Stormbringer 3rd Edition rulebook, notably the "Hall of Risk" and "Crystal of Daerdaerdarth". I try to
target the scenarios I write at the PCs who will be playing in them. The main characters were:

• Imranda - Ilmioran thief, Chaotic and potential servant of Balo after pleading for her life in the "Hall
of Risk"
• Kaine - Vilmirian thief
• Tan - Weeping Waste warrior who lost quite a bit of SAN in earlier adventures and may be a bit
• Melzan De Storm - Melnibonean noble, Rank 4 sorceror and servant of Arioch

b) NPC rundown

Some of these characters are based on NPCs from the SB3 scenarios mentioned above. Basic stats are
presented for these characters but a GM running this scenario can generate NPCs in these roles which are
more suitable to his/her campaign. I apologise for ripping off these NPCs from the original publications.
Duke Kromir of Aflitain

This character is based on Duke Escher from the SB3 scenario "Hall of Risk". Publically, Kromir is
staunchly Lawful and loyal to the King of Shazaar. Privately, however, he has been drawn towards Chaos by
the promise of still more power and even the kingship of Shazaar. In recent weeks a number of his estates
have suffered bandit attacks, crops have been burned, staff and peasants murdered. Last week someone tried
to assassinate Kromir himself. The Duke's troops have been on full alert since then and have been highly
visible on the streets of Aflitain. This has not led to a cessation of the attacks on his properties. In
desperation, Kromir has turned to the next character for help.


STR [10] CON [11] SIZ [10] INT [14] POW [13] DEX [11] CHA [11]
Atta 3% Parr 1% Agil 1% Mani 3% Perc 3% Stea 2% Know 4% Comm 3%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Broadsword Attack 43% Broadsword Parry 41%
Dagger Attack 23% Dagger Parry 21%
Self Bow Attack 39%
Read/Write Common 51%
Persuade 38% Credit 43% Orate 33% Ride 41% Music Lore 34% Navigate 36% Memorise 51%
Duke Kromir should have 6 additional skills of the GM's choice, the starting skill
percentages for which are:
30 35 22 46 18 38
Remember to add appropriate bonuses to these skills.

Parig Arass the Collector

This character is based on Thravose the Collector, from the SB3 scenario "The Crystal of Daerdaerdarth".

A Pan Tangian merchant, collector of antiquities, Parig is an agent for the Theocrat and is intent on
destabilising Shazaar. He has money, power and the ear of Jagreen Lern. While not a sorceror himself, the
Pan Tangian does have sorcerous allies. Parig is sometimes known as "Magpie", for his grasping, hoarding
greed, and as an alias among other spies working for the Theocrat. Together, Parig and Kromir form a
powerful, if clandestine, alliance.


STR [12] CON [9] SIZ [7] INT [14] POW [14] DEX [10] CHA [16]
Atta 4% Parr 4% Agil 4% Mani 4% Perc 4% Stea 4% Know 4% Comm 8%
Hit Points = 8 Major Wound Level = 4
Scimitar Attack 24% Scimitar Parry 24%
Read/Write Common 74%
Persuade 63% Evaluate Treasure 76% Memorise 76% Credit 86%
Poison Lore 54% Ride 40% See 61% Music Lore 74%
Parig Arass should have 6 additional skills of the player's choice,
the starting skill percentages for which are:
19 37 33 22 12 27
Remember to add appropriate bonuses to these skills.

Lord Jaeger

Arioch's avatar. Jaeger knows of the relationship between Parig and Kromir and his meddling is a way of
causing trouble for the two men: Kromir for his greed, Parig for simply being an upstart Pan Tangian, not one
of his beloved Melniboneans. By killing Kromir, Jaeger destabilises Shazaar. By hurting Parig, Jaeger
annoys the Theocrat (hence bringing about Parig's demise). In the conflict, people die. Arioch gains all
Jaeger can be "played" in one of two ways: the original scenario used a Chaos God Avatar to present a
serious challenge. Alternatively, use the Possessed Nobleman stats for a more "realistic" opponent. The two
sets of stats are presented later.

Remember, Elric has not yet summoned Arioch to the Young Kingdoms plane. This sort of low-level
meddling (while unbecoming to a Chaos God) is within his personal power at the moment.

Jaeger has a large fief on the Jharkor-Shazaar border, centred on the coastal town of Sorik.

It pleases Jaeger/Arioch that two of Shazaar's most powerful notables are in line for a fall here. It pleases the
God even more that a mortal who has pledged to Balo is involved: she should have had better taste in patron
demons. Lastly, there is a Melnibonean involved. A rarity in such times, if Melzan does well, it may
encourage Arioch to seek out Elric in a few years time.


1) The Duke of Aflitain Summons the PCs

How this is done depends on the PCs and the GM should determine suitable methods. Some ideas include:

a) thieves

Thieves can be arrested by the Duke's troops. Use as many as necessary but their stats can be:


STR [15] CON [11] SIZ [15] INT [12] POW [7] DEX [14] CHA [8]
Skill Group Bonuses
Atta 3% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 3% Perc -2% Stea -1% Know 0% Comm -3%
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Half Plate (D8-1) and Heater Shield
Damage Bonus: +1D6/+1D4
Broadsword Attack 53% Broadsword Parry 50%
Heater Attack 43% Heater Parry 40%
Disarm 33% Strike to Stun 33% Ride 65%

b) warriors

Warriors may be hired as extra muscle, recruited for patrol and security duties on the Duke's properties. They
may be required to swear a Shazaarian oath of loyalty to the Duke.

c) nobles

Noble characters should be extended a courteous invitation, with appropriately liveried footmen and an
official messenger bringing a personal invitation.

d) strangers

If any characters, for whatever reason, should not be in Shazaar (the campaign to that point may provide
reasons for this) then the Duke finds and invites them anyway. This may give the players reason to worry
about how the Duke knows about them.

2) The Meeting

All the characters are assembled at the Duke's palace, a large and luxuriously appointed building on a rise
near the sea (eastern side of Aflitain). Not far from a temple of Arkyn, the palace is surrounded by a high
wall and several acres of exquisitely tended gardens. A small ornamental lake, complete with fountain and
small flock of pink flamingoes, completes the scene. The wall and palace are built of white marble. Guards
are on the gate, walls and in the gardens themselves. The palace is tense, on high alert.

The adventurers are brought to a small but beautifully furnished chamber in the palace's east wing.
Comfortable sofas, chaise-longues, chairs and foot stools surround a plain, square marble table. The windows
offer a stunning view over the sea. The sun is just setting, staining the ocean blood red.

The Duke enters, accompanied by two plate-armoured guards armed with sword and shield (stats above).
Kromir is himself armed with a broadsword and dagger. His manner is direct and to the point.

"I will not mince words. Over the last few weeks a number of my estates and properties have been attacked
by a force or forces unknown. The damage has been considerable, both financially and in terms of lives.
Worse, these attacks have damaged my reputation and standing in the country. I cannot allow this situation to
continue yet I cannot be seen to take the Law into my own hands. In Shazaar, such matters are to be handled
by the appropriate authorities. Ordinarily, I would sit back and let our forces deal with this situation, but ..."

At this point the Duke produces a finely-crafted dagger from the folds of his robe. An 8" blade with a hilt
resembling a serpent, this is a weapon of obviously Pan Tangian origin. A successful See (BRP Spot) roll
allows the observer to notice that the tip of the blade is slighty broken. Further, allow various Knowledge
skills, Weaponsmith and other skills to determine if the characters know or suspect the blade's origin.

"A Pan Tangian assassin's blade," continues Kromir. "This weapon was hurled at me a few days ago. It
narrowly missed me and struck a retainer of mine. The chap died with green foam spilling from his mouth as
the poison took him. I shall remember his screams as long as I live. In the confusion, the assassin escaped but
I believe he is to be found in Aflitain."

"I cannot allow this situation to continue. I am reliably informed that you fellows may be able to help. I want
you to track down this assassin and bring him to me. I will pay in gold for your services."

At this point it should be noted that Kromir is in a knowledgeable position regarding the PCs and will use
that knowledge (courtesy of Parig Arass) to put the thumbscrews on the PCs. He will do anything in his
power to get the characters on side, perhaps offering favours, equipment or influence with the noble families
of Shazaar, instead of gold. If they do not "play ball", the Duke will do anything in his power to make life
miserable for the PCs.

The Duke's terms are reasonable: 2000LB in gold, plus extras as necessary.

3) The Assassin

Though referred to as 'he', the assassin is actually a woman, Katerien of Ilmiora, a character based upon
Jarmain the Assasin from the SB3 scenarios "Karyzoon's Quest".
STR [15] CON [14] SIZ [11] INT [13] POW [13] DEX [16] CHA [10]
Atta 9% Parr 8% Agil 8% Mani 9% Perc 2% Stea 5% Know 2% Comm 2%
Hit Points = 13 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Leather (D6-1)
Damage Bonus: +1D6/+1D4
Dagger Attack 53% Dagger Parry 51%
Thrown Dagger Attack 43% (three throwing daggers)
Short Sword Attack 33% Short Sword Parry 31%
Disarm 33% Strike to Stun 33% Poison Lore 34%
Search 29% Move Quietly 53% Hide 43% Ambush 53%
Listen 44% Ride 26% Plant Lore 28% Set Trap 48% Tie Knot 44%
Katerien should have 7 additional skills of the GM's choice, the starting skill
percentages for which are:
44 24 41 22 32 51 47
Remember to add appropriate bonuses to these skills.

Special Possessions


STR [30] CON [12] SIZ [1] INT [0] POW [10] DEX [20] CHA [0]
+5% To Hit / +3D6 Damage
Special ability: Invisible blade -10% to opponent's parry chance

Green Blood (Poison)

Katerien owns 4 doses of a poison called Green Blood. It is rare and requires the leaves of a speckled
bloodwort found in the Forest of Troos. It attacks the blood, turning it into a bilious acidic substance which
destroys soft bodily tissue (e.g. lung lining and gut). It causes 1D20 extra damage and is agonisingly painful.

Katerien was hired by an agent of Jaeger's in Aflitain. After her first unsuccessful attempt on the Duke's life,
the agent increased her fee and ordered her to try again. She is lying low in Aflitain's dock area, waiting for
the heat to die down before making a second attempt. This will happen in D4+2 days and has a reasonable
chance of success.

4) How to find the assassin

This should be a roleplaying exercise as the PCs 'hit the streets' and start asking questions to find the assassin.
Some ideas include

• Demon of Knowledge. This is a good avenue to try bit the demon's INT and POW are halved.
Something (Jaeger) is helping to screen the Assassin.
• Green Blood is an Ilmioran poison. Look for Ilmiorans, herbalists or apothecaries who may have
appropriate knowledge.
• Thieves Gangs. These people know the seamy underside of the nominally-Lawful Shazaar. Be aware
that they are likely to be hostile and suspicious. They might be approachable if treated with streetwise
respect by PC thieves (Shazaarian or foreign). If negotiated with correctly, they might be able to
reveal Katerien's whereabouts.
• Other avenues should be treated on their merits.
5) Hideout

Katerien and her team of three henchmen are hiding out in the docks area of Aflitain, in a dingy backroom of
a merchant's offices, now defunct. Katerien's stats are above.

Shown below is a map of the hideout, scanned from the original hand-drawn map:

Her warriors are:


STR [11] CON [13] SIZ [9] INT [11] POW [11] DEX [11] CHA [10]
Atta 0% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 0% Perc 0% Stea 0% Know 0% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Armour: Half Plate (D8-1)
Damage Bonus: None
Broadsword Attack 50% Broadsword Parry 50%
Self Bow Attack 40%
Hand Axe Attack 30% Hand Axe Parry 30%
Disarm 30% Strike to Stun 30% Ride 65%
Listen 42% See 19% Dodge 23% Track 15% Hide 37%


STR [9] CON [11] SIZ [9] INT [9] POW [11] DEX [16] CHA [9]
Atta 4% Parr 4% Agil 4% Mani 4% Perc 0% Stea 4% Know 0% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 10 Major Wound Level = 5
Armour: Leather (D6-1)
Damage Bonus: None
Broad Sword Attack 54% Broad Sword Parry 54%
Target Shield Parry 44%
Thrown Dagger Attack 34%
Disarm 34% Strike to Stun 34% Ride 69%
See 49% Listen 50% Tie Knot 38% Dodge 32%


STR [11] CON [11] SIZ [10] INT [14] POW [10] DEX [12] CHA [9]
Atta 2% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 2% Perc 2% Stea 2% Know 4% Comm 2%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Armour: Leather (D6-1)
Damage Bonus: None
Falchion Attack 52% Falchion Parry 50%
Thrown Dagger Attack 42%
Disarm 32% Strike to Stun 32% Ride 65%
Climb 20% First Aid 28% Dodge 46% Hide 32%

The gang's hideout is the small office of Halius Dean Import/Export, printed on a faded and rotting sign
above the door. The windows are dusty and See (BRP Spot) rolls are needed to make out anything of the
interior. The office is sandwiched between two large and still functional warehouses. There are narrow alleys
to either side and a slime-filled back alley (Balance or DEXx5% to avoid slipping). The back door to the
office can be seen from the rear alley.

As the PCs arrive for this encounter:

Krabal is hidden at (x) on the ground floor map. He will attempt to stall the party for as long as possible.
Radow is at the top of the stairs and will join Krabal ASAP. Lorox and Katerien will fight until down or
captured but Katerien will attempt to escape through the upper floor window (d) if badly pressed.

The PCs should attempt to take Katerien alive so she can be questioned, preferably by the PCs themselves or
the Duke's torturers (if necessary).

6) What Katerien Knows

• She was hired by a man named Kreshunt in the town of Sorik, on the coast north of Aflitain.
• Her job was to assassinate the Duke. Her payment was in Pan Tangian Gold Tigers (Large Gold).
• After her first botched job, she received orders to try again and another 5LG to buy some help. She
does not expect another chance if she misses next time.
• Kreshunt appeared to be Shazaarian and wore no obvious livery. Under forceful persuasion, she
remembers that Kreshunt rarely blinked and wore a bracelet emblazoned with the Chaos Star.

7) Conclusion for this part

The Pan Tang connection is designed to be a red herring. It might put some players in mind of Parig Arass.
Add other red herrings as desired, e.g. Pan Tangian ships in harbour, or a party of Pan Tangian adventurers
on an unknown mission.

During the players hunt for the assassin there will have been several more attacks on Kromir's property. If the
party cannot find Katerien, they may have the opportunity to foil her second attempt to assassinate the Duke.

The increase in attacks will mean that the Duke cannot spare men to find Kreshunt. He will offer to retain the
PCs' services and ask that they journey to Sorik to find Kreshunt. He will provide horses and provisions for
the estimated 2 - 3 day, 150 mile journey.


1) Introduction

This town is Jaeger's home base. He runs it smoothly and to all intents and purposes is as Lawful as Kromir.
It pleases Arioch immensely that the Lawful strictures of Shazaar prevent Kromir acting openly against him.

Does Kromir know it is Jaeger who is responsible for his current problems? He probably suspects Jaeger but
cannot prove it. Hence Kromir resorts to clandestine means.
2) The town

Sorik is a small port town on a narrow river. It has a small fishing fleet and acts as an occasional stop-over
for larger vessels (e.g. Purple Towns) which collect grain farmed from Sorik's extensive arable lands. In this
scenario, however, there are no large foreign vessels in port.

The town lies on a small bay. Most activity is concentrated around the harbour and most buildings are on the
flats or southern hillside. The north is dominated by Jaeger's castle. A scanned copy of the original hand-
drawn map is shown below:

3) Kreshunt

The name Kreshunt derives from an NPC name (Reshunt) in the SB3 "Crystal of Daerdaerdarth" scenario.

The object of the first part of the quest in Sorik is to find Kreshunt, the supposed merchant who hired
Katerien and her team to assassinate Duke Kromir.

Kreshunt is a successful merchant controlling grain exports and also several fishing vessels. Locally caught
fish is smoked or preserved for later transport to Aflitain and beyond. Most grain goes either to Aflitain or
Purple Towns. Kreshunt's business offices are located south of the river. His mansion is on the north side.


STR [9] CON [8] SIZ [12] INT [14] POW [17] DEX [12] CHA [10]
Atta 7% Parr 5% Agil 5% Mani 7% Perc 7% Stea 2% Know 4% Comm 7%
Hit Points = 10 Major Wound Level = 5
Falchion Attack 47% Falchion Parry 45%
Read/Write Common 74%
Persuade 57% Evaluate Treasure 57% Debate 57% Credit 47%
Plant Lore 34% Ride 51% Memorize 39% See 35%
Special Possessions
Chaos Star bracelet (non-magical but worth 200LB and useful as a binding object)
Keys to the office

Any of Sorik's townsfolk should be able to provide directions to Kreshunt's business offices. This looks like
many of the town's shops but better appointed. Downstairs is a single large room, with desks (for the
accounts and ledgers) and a counter which Kreshunt can use for inspecting the merchandise. Upstairs is
divided into two rooms: a dining room and a sumptuous office/meeting room where Kreshunt entertains
business guests. The office contains a strongbox, bolted to the floor and locked with an intricate lock (-20%
Pick Locks).

The strongbox contains 200SG and a small bag of gems as well as papers regarding Kreshunt's business. In a
hidden compartment is a Pan Tangian Assassin's dagger (twin to the one the player's saw in Aflitain) and a
letter describing the mission and the sort of talent to hire. The letter is unsigned but is sealed with the heavy
black seal of Lord Jaeger.

This should provide the PCs with ample proof as to who is behind the attacks. But what should they do next?

4) Options

Here are some suggestions.

a) Return to Aflitain

The PCs have proof of the Jaeger/Kreshunt plot and this could be used as evidence by Kromir. It would be
possible for the Duke to call in his troops and attack Jaeger's castle with the PCs as extra muscle. Kromir will
reward the PCs handsomely for this.

b) Attempt to bring Kreshunt to justice

The merchant has a small but very luxurious villa on the north side of town. He has several well trained
bodyguards. If he can be captured, he will be tried to the full extent of Shazaarian law.

c) Attack Jaeger's stronghold

Jaeger has a walled mansion which dominates the town. Jaeger has upwards of 50 human guards and
demonic servants on call as necessary.

d) Alert the authorities

Turn the whole clandestine plot over to the Shazaarian authorities. Shazaar's king will act decisively to bring
the conflict to an end, causing Kromir to lose face and probably favour with Parig Arass. The Duke will
become a thorn in the PCs' sides for a long time to come.

This option will likely leave Jaeger with no power base in the north of Shazaar. Arioch will be displeased to
say the least.

e) Join with Jaeger/Kreshunt against the Duke

An interesting possibility. Jaeger will certainly like this idea as it will destabilise Shazaar still further. In such
a case, the PCs will be involved in the fighting when Kromir masses his army in Sorik.

5) Kreshunt's Guards

The merchant has several trusted bodyguards in his home villa. Often two of these men will accompany
Kreshunt through the town, between home and office.
STR [12] CON [17] SIZ [14] INT [15] POW [16] DEX [17] CHA [10]
Atta 12% Parr 7% Agil 7% Mani 12% Perc 7% Stea 6% Know 6% Comm 7%
Hit Points = 16 Major Wound Level = 8
Armour: Leather (D6-1) and Target Shield
Damage Bonus: +1D6/+1D4
Broadsword Attack 62% Broadsword Parry 57%
Dagger Attack 52% Dagger Parry 47%
Target Shield Attack 42% Target Shield Parry 37%
Disarm 42% Strike to Stun 42% Ride 72% Dodge 56% Ambush 50% See 53% Search 20%


STR [10] CON [15] SIZ [13] INT [12] POW [17] DEX [10] CHA [9]
Atta 5% Parr 4% Agil 4% Mani 5% Perc 5% Stea -1% Know 0% Comm 5%
Hit Points = 14 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Leather (D6-1) and Target Shield
Damage Bonus: None
Battle Axe Attack 55% Battle Axe Parry 54%
Light Mace Attack 45% Light Mace Parry 44%
Target Shield Attack 35% Target Shield Parry 34%
Disarm 35% Strike to Stun 35% Ride 69% Tie Knot 45% Dodge 30% Hide 46%


STR [11] CON [12] SIZ [16] INT [13] POW [10] DEX [17] CHA [9]
Atta 6% Parr 1% Agil 1% Mani 6% Perc 1% Stea 2% Know 2% Comm 1%
Hit Points = 14 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Leather (D6-1) and Target Shield
Damage Bonus: +1D6/+1D4
Broadsword Attack 56% Broadsword Parry 51%
Short Sword Attack 46% Short Sword Parry 41%
Target Shield Attack 36% Target Shield Parry 31%
Disarm 36% Strike to Stun 36% Ride 66% Dodge 41% First Aid 44%


STR [9] CON [12] SIZ [12] INT [12] POW [14] DEX [13] CHA [7]
Atta 3% Parr 3% Agil 3% Mani 3% Perc 2% Stea 1% Know 0% Comm 0%
Hit Points = 12 Major Wound Level = 6
Armour: Leather (D6-1) and Target Shield
Damage Bonus: None
Broadsword Attack 53% Broadsword Parry 53%
Battle Axe Attack 43% Battle Axe Parry 43%
Target Shield Attack 33% Target Shield Parry 33%
Self Bow Attack 49%
Disarm 33% Strike to Stun 33% Ride 68% Dodge 50% See 51% Listen 42%

6) Lord Jaeger - The Jaded God

Lord Jaeger himself can be statted one of two ways. The original scenario used the Chaos God Avatar to
present a serious challenge. Alternatively, use the Possessed Human stats for a more "realistic" opponent.

In appearance, he is exceptionally handsome, blond haired, blue eyed and dressed in the finest robes. Armed
with a jewelled broadsword and matching dagger (an exquisite pair, worth 5000LB).

The Lord may attempt to escape if sorely pressed to maintain his "illusion of mortality".

In many ways an encounter with Jaeger should be a roleplaying experience, rather than a combat experience.
If it is necessary to make Jaeger's power plain to the players, thoughtless destruction of a few NPCs might be
the best way.


STR [30] CON [35] SIZ [15] INT [36] POW [40] DEX [20] CHA [30]
Hit Points = 38 Major Wound Level 19
Any Weapon Attack 97% Any Weapon Parry 97% Damage Any chosen by the God
Jaeger can use any skill at 97%
Jaeger can perform any act of sorcery at 97%
In combat treat all of Jaeger's weapons as demonic with a POW of 40. This should
ensure that he can deal with most other demons summoned or bound by the PCs.
Special Skills
This version of Lord Jaeger may have any of the following special powers:
Immunity to Poison, Strength Drain, Fear, Sleep, Wardpact vs. swords


STR [9] CON [13] SIZ [14] INT [23] POW [23] DEX [10] CHA [11]
Atta 22% Parr 9% Agil 9% Mani 22% Perc 22% Stea 9% Know 22% Comm 22%
Hit Points = 14 Major Wound Level = 7
Armour: Shapeshifting Demon Armour CON 50
Damage Bonus: None
Dagger Weapon Attack 66% Dagger Weapon Parry 66%
Broadsword Attack 80% Broadsword Parry 80%
Plant Lore 62% First Aid 62% Theology 82% Persuade 47% Move Quietly 33% Dodge 59%
Poison Lore 64% Ride 42%
Read/Write/Speak Common 102%
Read/Write/Speak Low Melnibonean 82%
Read/Write/Speak High Melnibonean 62%
Magical Skills
Lord Jaeger qualifies as a Rank 4 sorceror (he doesn't need to be Rank 5 as he's
already a god in disguise!) and may summon
Fire Elemental at 72 % Earth Elemental at 72 %
Air Elemental at 72 % Water Elemental at 72 %
Demon of Combat at 91 % Demon of Protection at 91 %
Demon of Desire at 91 % Demon of Possession at 91 %
Demon of Knowledge at 91 % Demon of Transport at 91 %
Summon two Elemental Rulers (Lassa and Grome)
Summon one Beast Lord at 23 % (Haashastaak)

Jaeger's Demons


STR [30] CON [20] SIZ [2] INT [0] POW [10] DEX [40] CHA [0]
A Shazaarian steel broadsword, with a gold hilt and chaos star set into the
It grants +10% to hit and +3D6 damage.


STR [0] CON [50] SIZ [14] INT [12] POW [15] DEX [0] CHA [0]
Shapeshifting chaos armour. It usually appears as Full Plate armour but can
become a cloak or even night clothes.


CON [17] INT [76] POW [24]
A gold ring, set with an octagonally-cut diamond. The owner simply needs to
talk, or telepathically think the question, to the demon who will normally
whisper its response. A successful Listen roll, with Speak High Melnibonean if
necessary is required for those other than the owner within 10feet to hear the demon's
answer. Alternatively, the demon may be ordered to give a silent response and its
answer is delivered telepathically.
STR [32] CON [10] SIZ [1] INT [15] POW [22] DEX [33] CHA [3]
A bronze medallion worn by Jaeger.


STR [36] CON [26] SIZ [15] INT [7] POW [10] DEX [18] CHA [1]
Hit Points = 29 Major Wound Level 15 No Armour
Scimitar Attack 90% Scimitar Parry 45 Damage D8+1+3D6
Target Attack 45% Target Parry 90% Damage 4D6


STR [21] CON [25] SIZ [20] INT [7] POW [6] DEX [13] CHA [1]
Hit Points = 33 Major Wound Level 17 Armour = 4 point furry hide
Claw Attack (x2) 82% Claw Parry 41% Damage 3D6
Bite Attack 41% Damage 3D6+Poison
Special rules: Poison causes delerium in 2D4 rounds. Half all skill percentages,
except Perception skills which are quartered) for 2D4 hours. This toxin could
conceivably be extracted from the corpse.

Jaeger's Guards

As befits a Lord, Jaeger has a troop of 50 heavily armed soldiers. Typical stats are:


STR [15] CON [11] SIZ [9] INT [11] POW [9] DEX [14] CHA [13]
Atta 5% Parr 5% Agil 5% Mani 5% Perc 0% Stea 2% Know 0% Comm 1%
Hit Points = 10 Major Wound Level = 5
Armour: Half Plate (D8-1) and Heater
Damage Bonus: None
Broadsword Attack 55% Broadsword Parry 55%
Battle Axe Attack 45% Battle Axe Parry 45%
Heater Attack 35% Heater Parry 35%
Self Bow Attack 55%
Disarm 35% Strike to Stun 35% Ride 70% Dodge 27% See 39%


1) Introduction

When the author ran this campaign, the players successfully followed the trail to Sorik, uncovered the
evidence linking Kreshunt to Jaeger and the plots against Duke Kromir, decided the opposition was too tough
to take on head-to-head and returned to Aflitain to report their findings to the Duke (as per option 4a in Part

Should your players choose a different path, then you must wing it but the following events may make the
players reconsider their decision.

2) Events Unfold

About a week after the events of Part Two, Duke Kromir uses his political influence to get things moving.
(Either he has the news from the PCs or assumes them dead or captured by his enemies.) The Duke petitions
the Shazaarian king and the Temple of Donblas in Aflitain. The King and High Priest of Donblas, Kullis
Shephon, decide that Jaeger is a criminal. They send a deputation to Jaeger's castle in Sorik.
Mearig Bryn, Judicial Champion of Donblas, Cyrilla Tacal, Priestess of Donblas, and six heavily armed
bodyguards, ride into Sorik and go straight to the castle.

Jaeger treats these people harshly: they are executed in various horrible ways and their corpses are displayed
on the walls of Jaeger's castle. The Lord then sends his troops onto the streets of Sorik where they proceed to
murder a few dozen of the townsfolk. A survivor flees to Aflitain and reports these events.

Shock descends on the Shazaarian capital until Duke Kromir urges a full scale assault on Jaeger's castle. He
assembles a unit of his best warriors and, together with a small army of troops sent by lesser nobles, heads
for Sorik and lays seige to Jaeger's castle. This leads to significant bloodshed, unrest and, of course, Chaos.
Jaeger is delighted!

Using various dupes and agents, Jaeger/Arioch has recruited a small army of his own. In addition to his fifty
Household troops, there are rabble archers and bandits prowling the streets of Sorik, ambushing Kromir's
troops and carrying out further raids against his holdings.

Then there is the problem of Jaeger's sorcery. Just about any Demon can be summoned and bound by Jaeger
so, in addition to those listed previously, the Chaos Lord's avatar has been releasing demons into the battle
just to make things interesting.

This is where the PCs come in.

Faced with such sorcery that not even the Priests of Donblas can cope, Duke Kromir again approaches the
PCs. He is aware of their skills and wants to recruit the PCs to do his dirty work for him. Kromir's plan
simple and unimaginative, as one would expect from someone in thrall to Pan Tang: a diversionary attack to
cover the PCs stealth assault to assassinate Jaeger.

At this point the PCs have a simple choice of do it or not. There would be no dishonour in turning down the
task, particularly given the risks they have already faced. Kromir will promise much gold and/or lands and a
title (minor baron or lordling) if they do this job for them. The Duke has influence and could make things
significantly easier for the PCs.

Emphasise Jaeger's sorcery skills. Not just the threat against the kingdom and the power of Law in the Young
Kingdoms but also the knowledge Jaeger must possess (forbidden though it may be in Shazaar).

Finally, there is military intelligence. It comes to light that Jaeger has forged an alliance with Duke Harrix,
ruler of large tracts of Western Shazaar. Harrix is building an army and will be marching to the coast to
relieve Sorik.

3) Jaeger's Forces

a) household guards

Half of Jaeger's fifty guards (stats reproduced below) are on duty at any given time. If the PCs get "up close"
with any of Jaeger's household guards, it will be noticed that they have turned from reasonably laid back
Shazaarian troops into insane fanatics using Jaeger's name as their battle-cry.

These troops can be split into units of ten men and spread around the castle and nearby streets. The greatest
concentration should be around the front wall and castle's ground floor. Their armour is in imitation of the
Melnibonean style of 400 years ago.
STR [15] CON [11] SIZ [9] INT [11] POW [9] DEX [14] CHA [13]
Atta 5% Parr 5% Agil 5% Mani 5% Perc 0% Stea 2% Know 0% Comm 1%
Hit Points = 10 Major Wound Level = 5
Armour: Half Plate (D8-1) and Heater
Damage Bonus: None
Broadsword Attack 55% Broadsword Parry 55%
Battle Axe Attack 45% Battle Axe Parry 45%
Heater Attack 35% Heater Parry 35%
Self Bow Attack 55%
Disarm 35% Strike to Stun 35% Ride 70% Dodge 27% See 39%

b) rabble

In addition, Jaeger has recruited a number of bandits and rabble archers to swell his forces with (somewhat
degenerate) troops. These are largely sword fodder and are designed to be used en-masse and cut down when
necessary. Jaeger will not hesitate to sacrifice them. They are, after all, mere mortals. Rabble troops seem
dull, glazed and resigned to their fate.


STR [12] CON [10] SIZ [12] INT [9] POW [11] DEX [10] CHA [7]
Atta 0% Parr 0% Agil 0% Mani 0% Perc 0% Stea 0% Know 0% Comm -2%
Hit Points = 11 Major Wound Level = 6
Armour: None
Damage Bonus: None
Broadsword or Light Mace Attack 50% Broadsword or Light Mace Parry 50%
Hatchet or Short Sword Attack 40% Hatchet or Short Sword Parry 40%
Self Bow or Thrown Dagger Attack 30%
Disarm 30% Strike to Stun 30% Ride 65% Move Quietly 30% Hide 35% Ambush 20%

c) demons

In addition to Jaeger's personal demons, listed previously, Jaeger has been unleashing demons into the fray.
These should all be Demons of Combat, of course, of horrific appearance and fighting with their own bodily
weapons. A typical example would be:


STR [20] CON [30] SIZ [12] INT [6] POW [16] DEX [15] CHA [--]
Hit Point = 21 Major Wound Level = 11
Claw Attack 41% Claw Parry 41% Damage 2D6
Bite Attack 41% Damage 1D10 + 1D6

Many other examples exist in the Stormbringer 3rd Edition rulebook and scenarios.

Jaeger has also brought to the Young Kingdoms plane two Hill Giants from an AD&D-style plane of
existence. They count as Demons because they are from a different plane and are certainly Chaotic because
of their AD&D alignment.


STR [50] CON [78] SIZ [50] INT [7] POW [10] DEX [10] CHA [1]
Hit Points = 64 Major Wound Level = 32
Armour: None
Damage Bonus: +3D6/+3D4
Thrown Rock Attack 50% Damage 2D8 + 3D4
Club Attack 60% Club Parry 60% Damage 1D10 + 3D6
Demonic Power: Fear, 10 metre radius. POW vs. POW to avoid being paralysed by terror.
Those affected cannot move, fight or think - all they can do is whimper, whine and
cower from the demon.

Notes: In appearance the Hill Giant Demons are large brutish humanoids, barbarically dressed in tattered
hides and scraps of leather, with overly-long arms, stooped shoulders and low foreheads. The skin tone of
these demons is a deep, ruddy brown. They have thick black hair and black eyes. From this description, some
players may guess what these creatures are. Encourage this. It will make them worry more about what the
summoner is capable of!

4) Jaeger's Castle

Based upon the Way Temple in the WFRP rulebook, a scanned version of the original hand-drawn map is
shown below:.
How the PCs get into the castle is, of course, up to them. Some possibilities include:

a) All out assault

Join with Kromir's forces and attack the gates and walls. This approach might be favoured by warriors. In
which case, let them fight it out with a couple of Jaeger's Household guards. Eventually, they reach the main
keep. Alternatively, review the Mass Conflicts rules on p. 43 of SB3.

b) Clandestine operations

Kromir launches an all out assault on the walls. The PCs sneak in during the confusion. There could be
opportunities for disguise, role-played encounters with Jaeger's troops or "mistaken identity" leading the PCs
onto the castle wall to fight against Kromir's troops. If they can make it to the main castle without being seen,
so much the better.

c) Sorcery

Teleporter or flying transport demons could get the PCs into the courtyard. Higher ranking sorcerors could
legitimately use Elemental rulers or Beast Lords to aid the Duke's troops. Encourage this: the more magic
that gets used, the more Chaos has influence on the Young Kingdoms plane. This is precisely what Jaeger
wants! Note, however, that other gods (Lawful of Chaotic) will not intervene here. But they are watching
with great interest.
d) Lawful means

The priests of Law are having catapults and ballistae built and are preparing for a long siege. It is possible
that they mught summon and embody Lawful artifacts to aid the Duke. This is wonderful, as Jaeger will have
no qualms whatsoever of responding with more powerful demons. The Hill Giants above are a useful
example: even if they never see hand-to-hand combat, they could be used to hurl rocks at the Lawful
catapults. The castle can withstand a long siege: Jaeger merely uses Demons of Desire to bring in food and
supplies for his men.

5) Jaeger's Battle Plan

It must be stated quite plainly that Jaeger/Arioch is enjoying himself immensely. He is watching all aspects
of the battle and could easily defeat Kromir's forces. The PCs and their actions are the spanner in the works.

Jaeger is most likely to be found directing the troops from the external first floor balcony and adjacent rooms.
If the PCs use clandestine means or break through the gate with Kromir's forces, they will be able to fight
their way through to Jaeger's apartments. Run combats with sections of Jaeger's forces within the castle as

It should appear that Jaeger is nothing but a renegade nobleman with dreams of power and the entire battle
should be run with that in mind. If high ranking sorcery is used (Lawful or Chaotic) Jaeger will stop
pussyfooting around.

He will be found waiting for his attackers uin the main throne room. This has been turned into a small portion
of the Higher Hell - a home from home. The walls are blood-red fire; sulphurous vapours rise from the floor;
THINGS lurk in a mist which doesn't move like normal mist - it congeals; the screams of damned souls echo
from a distance which cannot be contained within this room. Emphasise the sheer horror of this place.

SAN rules are very useful here. Even Melniboneans would suffer the horrors of this room.

Jaeger sits on the throne made of ornately carved wood (or skulls and bones, granite, a single giant ruby or
whatever takes the GM's fancy at the time). He will stand for no insolence on the PCs behalf and will not
hesitate to demonstrate his power on any accompanying NPCs. (It is probably unfair to kill the PCs with
Jaeger's powers ... but it might be fun anyway.)

This room is fully equipped for summoning demons of all types. Accompanying Jaeger are his two
bodyguard demons (if they have not been destroyed already) and two household guards. The two humans are
clearly insane by now and are beyond help.

Jaeger could be negotiated with. He has his demands which, if met, will cause him to accept a peaceful
settlement to the war he has caused:

• The upstart Duke Kromir's life

• An assassination attempt against the Theocrat
• The withdrawal of all hostile forces
• The Kingship of Shazaar

Of course, Arioch has little use for these things. Jaeger merely plays the PCs along, trying to maintain his
'illusion of humanity' for as long as possible. During negotiations, sounds of battle, men screaming and
dying, can be heard from outside. It is plain that Jaeger enjoys these noises.
It is possible that Kromir and his men might invade the negotiations, in which case, roll combat. Be aware,
however, that Jaeger knows Kromir's darkest secrets (that he is in thrall to Pan Tang and desires the throne of
Shazaar for himself) and will enjoy taunting the Duke.

Don't be afraid to roll combat here. If the PCs don't know what they are up against, they soon will. This
should be an interesting and deadly encounter.

If combat occurs, Jaeger will have his bodyguards and demons deal with the invaders and will not fight
himself unless attacked. From behind a wall of bodyguards, Jaeger will taunt the PCs about whatever
subjects are most dear to the PC in question. (The GM should have a ready supply of insults, dark secrets,
personal history, cryptic mysteries and outright lies tailored to each character.) And he will use his Chaotic
powers to disable - not necessarily kill - the PCs.

Include details of the Cosmic Struggle between Law and Chaos. Hint that the PCs are part of a larger design
and that "I might still have use for you mortals."

6) Results and rewards

The PCs (or survivors) will hopefully succeed in driving Jaeger away or killing the ruined body and mind of
the nobleman Arioch possessed.

If Duke Kromir survives and Jaeger is defeated, the Duke is awarded all of Jaeger's lands. He is elevated to
the position of Grand Duke Kromir of Aflitain and Eastern Shazaar. He is now the most powerful noble in
the land (second only to the King) and stands a good chance of gaining the throne if the King remains

Surviving PCs will be handsomely rewarded. Money can buy anything and Kromir will bestow lands and
titles on those who want them. As with Jaeger's taunts, the available rewards should be tailored to the
individual PCs.

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