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Stage fear-abundant ability inside yet no courage to unleash it.

“Communication is key to accomplishment” but what if we have potential to accomplish yet

communication lags us behind all. Stage fear might sound like a petty issue but the one who
experience it can describe it is not so. You can ignore the negativity of outside but negativity and
lack of esteem which resides inside you are most envious enemies. While fighting from yourself
you have no weapon you can use in spite of your will power.

Weaving every word with hopes and perfection with magnificent touch in paper yet being
speechless when it’s time to present. Trembling of your lips, shaking of body makes you numb.
The frustration of the moment makes you feel your potential is worthless. You start to question
over your capabilities.

“More you try higher you fly” quotes like this can be easily found in Google but do they really
help you. What makes difference between a successful and unsuccessful man is not only hard
work but also endurance. Humiliations can be part of success or hindrance of success it’s all
depended upon your endurance.

We all have unlimited potential and capability within us but pearl is not easy to find in sea. It is
surrounded with negativity. To find the pearl you have to dive into the sea and search for it with
patience. It is not easy to get but worthy enough to search.

Seed of stage fear is sown in your mind and it takes time to become a tree with deep routes but
no matter how old the tree is if it’s unwholesome it needs to be eradicated. It might take time to
overcome but the inner potential you explore gives a new path to your life

“Humiliation could be outcome or motivation; it can lead to self realization or self deterioration”

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