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An Introduction to

Shell Structures

Shell Structures

Michele Melaragno
Professor of Architecture and Building Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte


~ _ _ _ _ _ New York
Copyright © 1991 by Van Nostrand Reinhold
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1991
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-41113
ISBN 978-1-4757-0225-5 ISBN 978-1-4757-0223-1 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-0223-1
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Melaragno, Michele G.
Introduction to shell structures: the art and science of vaulting / by Michele
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Shells (Engineering) 2. Domes I. Title.

TA660.S5M445 1991
624.1'7762 -dc20 90-41113
"The vault never sleeps. . . "

-A Middle Eastern aphorism


Preface xi
Acknowledaments xiii

Part I

1. Domes: Their Morpholoaical Sianificance 3

Origins and Symbolism of Domes 4
Superstitious and Sacred Forms 5
Mortuary Symbolism 8
Christian Symbolism 10
Notes 11

2. Domes: From Ancient to Islamic 13

Domes from Their Ancient Beginnings 13
Roman Domes and Vaults 26
Early Christian Domes 32
Domes in Christian Architecture 34
Byzantine Domes 35
Islamic Domes 41
Notes 55

3. Domes from the Romanesque to the Present 57

Romanesque Domes 57
Domes in Renaissance and Baroque Italy 57
Architects of the Renaissance and Baroque Periods 71
European Domes Outside Italy 73


Further Development 79
The End of an Era 86
Notes 88

4. Dome Technologies 89
Structural Systems 89
Domes: Basic Forces 90
Lanterns and Skylights 96
The Structural Characteristics of Masonry 96
Basic Vaulting 99
From Masonry to Concrete 100
Timbrel Vaulting 100
The Erection of Domes-Early Technology 102
Ceramic Domes for Developing Countries 105
Wooden Domes 106
Notes III

Part II

5. Thin Shells 11 5
Shells and Surface Structures 11 5
Thin Shells and Space Frames 116
Curvature and Strength I 16
Shell Thickness 1I 8
Shells in Nature 120
The Origins of Man-made Shells 121
Overall Structural Equilibrium 122
Floating Concrete Shells for Boats and Ships 123
Prestressed Hulls 125
Ferrocement Hulls at Present 126
Notes 127

6. Selected Shapes of Shells 129

Geometric Aspects 129
Barrel Shells 130
Conoidal Shells 132
Cantilevered Shells 134
Hyperboloids 137

7. Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century 143

Buildings 143
Shells in Art 179


Experimental Shells 182

Shell Builders of the Twentieth Century 182
The Future of Thin Shells 193
Notes 194

8 . Construction Aspects of Shells 195

The Construction - Design Relationship 195
Supports 203
Hinges and Ribs 208
Precast Shell Technology 212
Double-shell Construction 2 14
Edge or Boundary Members 214
Prestressing 21 5
Posttensioning 2 19
Professional Guidance for Thin-shell Design Work 220
Notes 222

9. Computer AnalySiS of Shells and Domes 223

The Finite Method 223

Part III

10. Empirical Desian of Masonry Vaultina 241

Empirical Rules 241
Shape Optimization 243
Empirical Rules for Buckling 243
Funicular Polygons Through Three Points 245
Wind Forces 246
Notes 247

11. Spherical Shells 249

Proportioning and Sizing of Concrete Thin Shells 249
Spherical Dome Design 249
Nonspherical Dome Design 255
Notes 255

12. Barrel Shells 259

Barrel Vaults 259
Barrel Shells 260
Short Barrel Shells 260
Long Barrel Shells 267


13. The Desisn of Hyperbolic Paraboloids 271

Saddle-type Hyperbolic Paraboloids 271
Four-gable-type Hyperbolic Paraboloids 278
Umbrella-type Hyperbolic Paraboloids 283
Inverted Umbrella-type Hyperbolic Paraboloids 289

Part IV

14. Trussed Domes 297

Skeletal Structures 297
Geodesics and Space Frames 299
Trussed Domes and Their Builders 300
Trussed-dome Geometry and Technology 305
Types of Trussed Domes 308
Space-frame Domes 320
Cable (Tensegrity) Domes 322
Pneumatic Domes 324
Notes 325

15. Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes 327

Epiiooue 341
Appendix A ACI Buildino Code Requirements for Thin Shells and Folded Plates 343
Appendix B Excerpts from The Engineering Index Manual 1989 359
Selected Bibiiooraphy 407
Index 419


The art of building dome shell structures has given to the baroque for its assumed pompo-
been with us since ancient times. Current ex- sity in glorifying curves. In practical terms
amples in the Astrodome, the Superdome, such an attitude in design is clearly mani-
the Kingdome, and the Florida Suncoast fested in the present cityscapes that are to-
Dome stand to remind us of the counterpoint tally free of arches, domes, shells, and any
they play to the Pantheon, S. Sophia, S. other form that is not rectilinear. Is this what
Maria del Fiore, and St. Peter. The latter we really want-plans and elevations with
may be thought of by some as being ancient only straight lines, ninety-degree angles, or,
history, but they are present in the twentieth in some daring cases, forty-five-degree
century and hence are a part of our present angles? It does not seem so.
and future. Why do scholars continue to Similarly, the curricula in both civil engi-
study them? What can they teach us? A re- neering and architecture in structures seem
vival of interest in curvilinear structures is to ignore intentionally arches and vaults, lim-
under way, as the current examples just cited iting these subjects to graduate programs in
testify. thin-shell design as being a specialized eso-
At the beginning of this century, under teric subject. This tendency does not present
the influence of the art movement and the a free choice but is rather a limiting rule
dominance of industrialized building mate- passively accepted that will be passed on to
rials, any remnants of curvilinear architec- students. Arches, vaults, and thin-shelled
ture were mercilessly banished. Within that structures must be rediscovered. As the mon-
period avant-garde art emphatically pro- astic orders of the Middle Ages protected the
claimed a total repudiation of the traditions remnants of classical culture, our schools
and classical revivals that in architecture were have the responsibility to preserve these fun-
symbolized mostly by arches and vaults. damental concepts and theories of design
Ready-to-use rectilinear steel beams and col- without regard to ephemeral trends. It is
umns and easy-to-build rectilinear concrete helpful to remember that this approach has
forms struck a lethal blow to the curvilinear always been the philosophy of higher educa-
approach in architecture. Rectilinearity be- tion. Furthermore, it is obvious that in practi-
came synonymous with rationality, while cur- cal terms this orientation will enrich the spec-
vilinearity came to symbolize decadence. Re- trum of design options that have been
member, for instance, the negative stigma restricted for so long. This concept is not an


isolated observation but finds strong support tectural history, concrete shell structures cov-
in the current philosophy of post-modernism ered as case studies in the architectural press
as defined by Charles Jencks. and in scientific engineering texts from the
This work is dedicated to those architects structural point of view, and large steel
and engineers who, in common practice and domes usually described only in engineering
without special expertise in shells, have be- periodicals. However, these two disciplines
come interested in the practical design of and professions should not be dissociated, in
curvilinear forms, the origins of these forms, either theory or practice. From the start, se-
and future applications of them. Masonry lecting an architectural form implies having a
domes, concrete shells, and large steel con- structural system, thus involving both the ar-
temporary domes are presented in historical chitect and the engineer from the conceptual
terms as case studies and in conceptual terms phase. To exploit fully the potential that is
from the architectural and structural point of available in using curvilinear forms it is essen-
view. The same topics are then covered again tial for the two professions to develop over-
in practical terms, to allow one to make pre- lapping knowledge, an integration of under-
liminary designs using concrete shells of any standing. This work combines architectural
configuration using the finite method history, conceptual design theory, and basic
through a computer program outlined step- engineering into one interwoven format. In
by-step and to draw preliminary designs for discussing architectural history we are not
various types of domes, barrels, and hyperbo- studying history per se, but rather those ex-
lic paraboloids, and to make initial designs amples of domes and vaults built in the past
for steel domes. To achieve an architectural- that have survived to the present, from which
engineering approach, mathematics have we may learn methods and designs for use in
purposely been kept to a minimum, using current applications. The old adage of un-
only simple formulas and a few numerical derstanding the past to predict the future
sample problems. The mostly freehand illus- applies here.
trations focus on essentials by avoiding hard- Why is there a revival of interest in shell
line renderings, to downplay technical structures, and where it might lead? Cost fac-
aspects and give free rein to the subject mat- tors, materials availability, labor supply,
ter and reader creativity. The wide scope of housing crises, solutions to domestic and
the material makes it necessary to omit such Third World problems all playa part and are
aspects as analytical geometry, the classifica- examined here. With today's almost unlim-
tions of shell forms, and an analysis of mem- ited computer technology and the knowledge
brane stresses. that can be gained from understanding the
Assimilating masonry domes, concrete domes and vaults built both in the past and
shells, and steel domes into one work makes it present, it is hoped that this work on the
necessary to combine the languages of archi- practical aspects of designing curvilinear
tecture and engineering. An overview of forms will contribute to further exploration
most literature currently available shows that and encourage the application of thin shells
this is not a common practice. Masonry by the engineers and architects to whom it is
domes are usually discussed in texts on archi- addressed.


With deep appreciation I wish to acknowl- Mouton (Tulane University), Edward Allen
edge the contribution of my wife, Deborah; (Yale University), Charles Mitchell and Luz
in compiling the manuscript, she helped me Aveleyra (UNC, Charlotte), Mohsen Sefat,
to overcome a limitation derived from the Mrs. Felix Candela, D.]. Gross and James T.
onset of my visual impairment. Special grati- Langman (Roberts & Schaefer), David Kulla
tude is extended to my former student and (Duke Power), and Donald Wright (Dow
assistant Escandar Hadijizadeh, who pre- Chemical). I would like to express my sincere
pared most of the ink drawings, and to the respect for Van Nostrand Reinhold editor
many others who contributed through tele- Gene Dallaire and my gratitude for his trust
phone discussions and by sending reference in my work. I am very grateful to Joy Aqui-
materials. Among them are Dr. Anton Te- lino, also of Van Nostrand Reinhold, whose
desko, Dr. David Geiger, Dr. Stefan Medwa- efforts made the completion of this book
dowski (lASS), Jack Christiansen, Elwin C. possible.
Robison (Kent State University), William


The Publisher regrets that the following lines were omitted

from page xiii: Acknowledgments of
The Art And Science Of Vaulting by Michele Melaragno.

A special word of appreciation to Professors Jerzy A.

Starczewski and Bruce Moore of the Hammons School
of Architecture at Drury College for their editing of the
final manuscript exclusive of graphics.

Part I
Wood and
Masomy Domes

Domes: Their MorphollJ8ica1 SiEJIliflcance

Is curvilinearity, as it is applied to structures, potential forms. Besides the obvious possibil-

a morphological abstraction employed by ity of reinventing the wheel, it is ethically
only a few theoreticians, or is it a fundamen- unforgiveable to proceed without being at
tal issue that needs to be explored by anyone least minimally literate in the development of
seriously committed to the full range of de- the morphology of the building forms that
sign? Eliminating the issue of any subser- have generated the present architecture and
viency of one profession to another, no de- constitute the rationale for the development
sign practitioner can start from a position of the future.
that is not attached to a rational foundation The potential of forms outside the orthog-
without risking a fall into exercises of mean- onal Cartesian system of axes is so obvious
ingless relevance. Shells and domes as build- that it is hard to justify the coercive attitude
ing forms combine different roots that need of twentieth-century architectural forms.
analysis to rationalize and connect their mul- The exploration of form free of regimenting
tifaceted aspects. rules can start right now, with the develop-
Two basically different roots stand at the ment of a level of literacy that should involve
origin of vaulting, especially in its domical both architecture and engineering, at the
application. One root stems from psychologi- classroom level and in the professional office.
cal needs, the other from the technological The structure of objects at whatever scale
evolution of the art of building. These one may conceive them includes in itself the
aspects that merge to create man-made curvi- concept of essentiality, that is, the quality of
linear shells constitute a common cultural their being essential for their own existence.
foundation shared by the creative, artistic The structure of the physical objects that
mind and its logical, scientific, technological man builds, from utensils to buildings, consti-
counterpart, which ultimately have the same tutes the very minimum of essentials in which
goal of designing structures for human hab- nothing is redundant or superfluous. With
itation. this in mind, the idea of associating form with
Without having an inventory of the struc- structure acquires a definition of essentiality.
tural forms that centuries of architectural ex- Structural form is therefore not an extrava-
perience have actually produced, it is impos- gance, as often perceived, but becomes in this
sible to conduct a meaningful search through structural context a pure, rational factor of

Wood and Masonry Domes

existence. When man as creator uses his the structure of the whole automobile, elimi-
hands and mind to shape the physical world, nating the need for a conventional chassis
he often finds a source of inspiration in the and creating a revolutionary concept in auto
breadth of creation manifested in nature. Ei- manufacturing. Similar examples further
ther by artistic intuition from physically ob- illustrate the significance of thin-shelled
serving nature as a scientist, man creates structures within the various structural possi-
structures realizing that he has two bases bilities. Most eloquent are today's megastruc-
from which to operate: form, and the reality tures that use the structural efficiency of
of materials. shells to cover the largest column-free build-
In its basic state, a thin sheet of foil can be ings in the world, such as the concrete King-
seen as a starting point with no structural dome and the steel Superdome.
capabilities. As soon as the foil is shaped Masonry arches, vaults, and domes reflect
three-dimensionally, however, in some arbi- certain structural necessities, through their
trary form, it begins to have an element of characteristic thickness. Their thickness was
strength. Certain forms are, of course, better dictated by the coarseness of their constitu-
than others, as experience demonstrates and ent materials: stone, brick and mortar joints.
science validates. However, even before the Their inability to resist tensile stresses re-
existence of science, man conceived by intu- quired widening their cross-sections so that
ition a structural concept derived from ra- compression would reduce the effect of po-
tionalization of form. This constituted the tential bending. Substantial thickness was
beginning of his building endeavors. We often intuitively felt necessary to prevent
know, in fact, that in human evolution intu- buckling. Masonry vaults and domes thus
ition always preceded science, and daring, never attained the daring slenderness of
amazing structures were built long before those in concrete.
science was able to justify them. When reinforced concrete came of age,
When masonry finally explored the curvi- the reinterpretation then of the curved form
linearity of vaults and domes, the beginning reached daring proportions, producing in
of shells acquired on a large scale the expres- some cases shells with thicknesses proportion-
sions already evident in small applications. ately thinner even than the thickness of egg-
The potter molding the first utensils discov- shells, so that the ingenuity of man proved to
ered early in his progress the necessity of a be more advanced than that of nature itself.
turning wheel, in effect creating small-scale Obviously, the ability of reinforced concrete
domes. The goal of these forms was to attain to carry tension as well as compression was
efficiency in these utensils by reducing their the main key to its success. The concrete thin
thickness as much as possible. With reduced shell stemming from the parent masonry
thicknesses the potter could then increase the vault was like a newborn with a great future
sophistication of his artifacts, depending to be explored and exploited.
more on their structural form than on the
amount of clay in them. Today plastic objects
surround us in innumerable forms that start ORIGINS AND SYMBOLISM
mostly from a thin foil of material molded OF DOMES
into various configurations that give struc-
ture and therefore essentiality to the various
artifacts. When it became desirable or necessary to
A vivid contemporary example of shell complete a masonry structure using only such
structures can be found in the classic Volks- lapideous materials as fieldstone, cut stone,
wagen that Germany produced in the 1930s. or sun-dried or fired brick, without introduc-
For the first time, the body of a car was ing into the structure any systems of wood
molded from sheets of steel that then became beams (known as ligneous trabeation) to

Domes: Their Morpholoeica] Sienificance

cover the space enclosed by the walls, the eternity. The Sassanian culture that suc-
vault emerged as the only possible solution. ceeded the Assyrian instead erected stone
The vault, assumed to be a spatial extension masonry domes that have survived the de-
of the curvilinear arch, was born with the structive effects of time.
arch itself, as can be seen when considering, Although the dome is considered part of
for instance, the barrel vaults of the ancient the large family of vaults, it is a structure that
world. These acted in fact as a series of adja- has acquired over several millennia a charac-
cent arches structurally engaged by the ter of its own, with a strong background of
forces of shear to work jointly. symbolic significance. As is discussed later, its
The English term vault derives from the symbolism had a powerful influence all the
Old French vouter or vaulte, which in turn way from ancient times through classic
comes from the Latin volta, a participial form Roman architecture to Christianity and the
of volvere, to turn. As the etymology of the Renaissance in Western culture, while the
word indicates, the curvilinear nature of this Islamic world was also discovering the dome's
ancient architectural feature is inherent in its fascinating power and incorporating it in its
definition. symbolism as well.
In Chaldea (Babylonia), on the Mesopota- The English term dome seems associated
mian plateau, the earliest vault ever discov- with the Latin word domus (house), which
ered, dated at about 4000 B.C., was found at probably derived from the strong symbolic
Nippur. Its construction consisted of burnt value associated with the dome in many an-
bricks and clay mortar. The earliest examples cient religious traditions. As discussed later,
of barrel vaults, found in Egypt at Requa- these traditions considered the dome to be a
quah and Dendera, are dated approximately form that was of divine origin to represent
3500 B.C. These barrel vaults, only 6 ft (1.9 the concept of an ancestral house, which was
m) in span, covered the underground access eventually used for constructing houses
to tombs and were built of unburnt brick laid for God (temples, churches, mosques, etc.)
in horizontal courses. Also in Egypt, at throughout recorded history.
Thebes, near a temple built by Ramses II, a Another foreign word probably associated
pharaoh of the XIX Dynasty, there are some with the English word is duomo, the Italian
remnants of granaries built about the same term for cathedral. Considering the strong
time (c. 1300 B.C.) with vaults of a 12 ft (3.8 influence throughout Europe of the Italian
m) span. In Egypt, however, a fully devel- language in architecture during the Renais-
oped vault built with conventional voussoirs sance, it is possible that the dome covering
of cut stone appeared only in the XXVI the majority of the Renaissance churches in
Dynasty. Italy identified the concept of cathedral and
The Assyrian civilization of the second was then absorbed by another language for
millennium B.C. certainly had great knowl- what it represented, rather than being an
edge of and familiarity with vaulting, includ- exact translation. In Italian, the word for
ing domical structures, as verified both by dome is instead cupola, which is often used in
their numerous bas-reliefs illustrating vaulted architecture as a cognate in other languages.
gateways on a monumental scale and a vari-
ety of domes. However, there are no rem-
nants of Assyrian vaults. This seems to be SUPERSTITIOUS AND
explained by the fact that the construction SACRED FORMS
methods of the time did not consider durabil-
ity to be significant. In fact, the Assyrian
kings built palaces that were not intended Primitive civilizations commonly considered
even to survive their own reigns, totally op- certain inanimate objects to be live entities
posed to the Egyptian concept of building for with inherent power over human events (fet-

Wood and Masonry Domes

ishism). Most such objects were elements Of these, the Qubab (Fig. 1-1) even at
commonly observed in everyday life, as, for present has left an impact of considerable his-
instance the roof of a house or other struc- torical value. In Syria the Qubab is a circular
tural components of buildings that captured structure covered with a dome out of a tradi-
viewers' imaginations. From the circular tion that could probably have started as early
shape of the dome more than any other form as the fourth millennium B.C., but an Assyr-
derived purity, as did the power projected by ian relief from the eighth century B.C. proves
its monolithic configuration and the over- its certain existence by that time. The similar
whelming effect of a protective overhead present-day term in Turkish, kubbe, indicates
structure. These factors must have con- a domical structure.
quered the feelings of early humans and es- Some terms used by Smith in the source
tablished a tradition of associating religious previously cited to describe the symbolism
connotations with domes. associated with domes include the following:
Superstitious and religious traditions
among various cultures gave supernatural Ancestral abode (given by God)
mystical significance to the shapes of primi- Celestial symbol over: altar, throne, tomb,
tive shelters from which eventually evolved pulpit, baptismal font
the dome, with its extended religious symbol- Cosmic egg
ism and overtones. As reported by Smith l , Cosmic house
such sacred primitive forms of divine origin Divine form
included the following: Heavenly helmet
Divine heron
Teguriam (Roman) Heavenly bowl
Vinara (Indian) Martyrium
Mapnalia (Libyan) Omphalos (sacred stone)
Qobba (Arabian) Parasol
Tent or Tabernacle (Hebraic) Pine cone
Qubab (Syrian) Ritualistic sanctuary

1-1 Qgbab dwellinas in a contemporary Syrian villaae.

Domes: Their Morphological Significance

Royal baldachin halves of an egg, representing heaven and

Sepulchral ciborium earth. Furthermore, the egg is present in the
Tholos (tomb) legend of the origins of the Dioskouroi: the
children of Leda and Zeus were born from an
egg. According to this myth, such an egg was
Cosmic Symbolism in General the result of the union of Leda and Zeus
when Zeus transformed himself into a swan.
The house, the tomb, and the place of wor-
ship have often been considered by ancient THE DOMICAL TENT OF ALEXANDER
cultures to be shaped in a form that symbol- THE GREAT
ized the universe itself. The typical geometric An example of a structure that passed to his-
form for such a symbol was the dome. Associ- tory for its cosmic symbolism is the Domical
ating the house with the universe let each Tent of Alexander the Great.
part of the house have a corresponding coun- The dome-shaped tent of Alexander the
terpart in the cosmos, such as the ceiling rep- Great (356-323 B.C.) acquired a symbolic
resentative of the heavens, and therefore the value of divine nature that spread with great
dome became associated with the concept of impact to the culture of the Roman Empire.
house, tomb, place of worship, and universe. Such a structure, described by Plutarch as a
tent of refined manufacture supported by
THE COSMIC EGG fifty gilded posts, symbolized the sky, heav-
The dome's similarity in shape to the egg no ens, and cosmos, and furthermore repre-
doubt reminded observers of that familiar sented the divine nature attributed to the em-
form. As a matter of fact, some domes whose peror himself. The origin of this symbolism
shape most resembles that of the egg are re- can be traced from nomadic tribes in central
ferred to as being ovoidal, from the Latin Asia who lived in round tents. For them the
ovum, egg. There is no wonder then that an- spherical shape of their tent had a sacred
cient men made a connection between these significance whose acceptance spread to
forms of the dome and the egg and associated other populations as far away as the Middle
a number of symbols with their common East and Mediterranean. 3 Persian kings used
shape. the cosmic tent symbol to indicate their di-
The egg, the container of life, symbolized vine nature when giving official audiences. It
the cosmos in many ancient traditions. Per- was from them, following his conquest of
sian, Indian, Egyptian, and even pagan Persia, that Alexander received this idea.
Roman religions shared concepts of a cosmic
In India, the Vedic cult considered the The shape of the pine cone, with its round-
universe to be an immense egg containing ness terminating in a pointed crown, was as-
God. This egg was divided into two parts as sociated with the symbolism of a divine entity
made up of two domes: a lower one of silver by the cultures of ancient Syria. Confirming
that was the earth, and an upper one of gold the existence of this religious belief, a sym-
that was heaven. bolic representation of this tradition ap-
In ancient Greece and Rome, the Orphic peared on the face of a coin from the reign of
cult initiated by Orpheus visualized the uni- Caracalla. This piece, now in the British Mu-
verse as an egg whose upper half was heaven seum, shows a conoidal shape similar to that
and lower part was the earth. of the pine cone placed as a god figure inside
The cult of the Dioskouroi,2 which orig- a temple. The temple represented is that of
inated in Sparta and became popular Emesa in Syria, the divine form represents
throughout the Roman Empire, also held a the sky god (EI-Gabel) or Jupiter Sol (see Fig.
concept of the universe consisting of two 1-2).

Wood and Masonry Domes

1-2 The conoidal shape represented the sky Bod

(El-Gabel) or Jupiter Sol. This divine form is
shown in the temple of Emesa, Syria.


Another form that the domical shape has 1-3 The domical shape of the R.oman pileus,
been associated with in many religious beliefs which was the pointed cap of the Dioskouroi, a
is that of a heavenly helmet symbolizing the symbol of the popular cult, represented the
universe. In India the Hittite culture gave the immortality of the human soul.
helmet symbolic significance as a celestial
sign, and in Syria it had a similar association. through the symbolism of this cult as to pro-
In the Roman Empire the cult of the Dios- duce new concepts in pagan beliefs (see Fig.
kouroi also used the heavenly helmet symbol, 1-3).
which can be seen on the coins of Rome and The tradition was then absorbed by the
Palestine from the time of Augustus and Roman culture when, with the divinification
Herod. \ of emperors, the allegory of Alexander the
The pileus of the Dioskouroi, the pointed Great's domical tent fit perfectly the need of
cap crowning the heads of the legendary the new imperial architecture for symboliz-
twins Castor and Pollux, related the symbol- ing this pagan trend. The dome appeared in
ism of the dome to that of the religious be- imperial houses from Nero's Domus Aurea
liefs of the Dioskouroi cult regarding the im- on.
mortality of the soul. According to legend,
Castor and Pollux were the twin sons of Zeus
and Leda, born from an egg, whose symbol-
ism we have already seen. These two mytho- MORTUARY SYMBOLISM
logical brothers of Clytemnestra were visual-
ized as intermediaries between humans and
the pagan gods. Greeks and Romans both The connection of the domical form with the
worshipped them, in a cult that became par- design of tombs was a tradition that started in
ticularly popular in the Roman Empire. The prehistoric times. The dome was associated
popularity of the cult is even confirmed by with the cult of the dead among ancient pop-
the symbol of the Dioskouroi being found ulations in many parts of the world since at
even on Roman coins. Domical forms and life least the Stone Age and probably earlier, and
after death became so strongly associated Christianity picked up the tradition and car-

Domes: Their Morphological Significance

ried it on. The dome and the concept of housed the soul for eternity was the more
roundness symbolized a prototype house significant and gave the domical shape a
given to man by God, with the implication of higher value than other structural options.
being as old as the human species itself. The archaeology of the Etruscan necropolis
When the concept of the immortality of the testifies to the great importance the Etrus-
soul required an eternal house to be built for cans gave to their houses for the dead in
the dead, it was natural that the inspiring comparison to ones for the living. The Etrus-
form of the round dome with its divine origin can tomb was in fact often large enough to
be used as a model. contain the bodies of an entire family, includ-
The Scythians built dome tombs in ma- ing its servants, and it duplicated the concept
sonry after the previously used wooden types, of the house itself as a shelter that should
which were also domically shaped. Some Ger- protect the soul until the end of time. The
manic tribes used a circular tumulus for their typical Etruscan structure had to be covered
tombs and built the central space in a parabo- with one continuous surface and carried a
loid shape resembling their typical huts. large load consisting of a layer of soil. The
dome was thus the only structural alternative
available to them for such a task.
Etruscan Traditions The number of Etruscan domes has
proven to be so large that archaeological ex-
The Etruscans from the eighth century to the plorations have been made without requiring
first century B.C. built domical tombs by cut- total excavation. Often, after identifying the
ting into bedrock and covering the holes with location of a given circular tomb an opening
soil to form mounds. This tradition derived would be cut at its center and through it a
from ancient practices of the Italic popula- camera would be introduced to document
tions and others that had flourished through- photographically the contents of the tomb,
out the Mediterranean area since the second using artificial lighting. If photographs
millennium B.C. The earth mounds of the proved the interiors to be of major archaeo-
Etruscan tombs with their characteristic do- logical value, the tomb would then be exca-
mical shape are still visible in archaeological vated, reducing the overall amount of ar-
sites today. chaeological work needed. It is interesting to
The lower part of Tuscany approaching point out that the same method has often
the north side of the territory around Rome been used for archaeological thievery to
continues to reveal thousands of under- furnish Etruscan collector pieces illegally
ground round tombs, which are clearly visi- throughout the world.
ble from the air. Aerial photographs show
these circular structures that are only a few
feet below the surface of the undulating ter- Roman Traditions
rain. The Etruscan sites, covered by soil de-
posited over centuries, still contain innumer- Of particular significance in the Roman mor-
able archaeological structures, of which the tuary tradition is the Mundus, an under-
domical tombs are only the most evident. Es- ground circular structure covered with a
pecially around Tarquinia and Cerveteri dome. Used as tombs since prehistoric times,
thousands of tombs have been located, only the Mundi became most popular in the
part of which have been excavated. Over the Roman world. Such round buildings covered
last century the impulse of escalating archae- with domical roofs were typical in the funer-
ological fervor has revealed through such ex- ary architecture of Rome. The dome, repre-
cavations the domical structure of these senting the sky and heavens, was the essential
tombs prominent in the architecture of the component for structures designed to house
Etruscan culture. Probably the shape that the eternal spirits of the dead.

Wood and Masonry Domes

CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM came to be proclaimed the official religion of

the state, Christians found the need for a
symbolic expression that could use the dome
The emergence of Christianity from within in terms of their traditions.
the Roman Empire caused many Roman The mystic significance of the dome in
values and traditions to become part of the Byzantine architecture was greatly in-
new religion. Among these was the venera- fluenced by the Christian traditions of Syria
tion of martyrs that was, in effect, similar to and Palestine as brought out through their
the glorification of Greek and Roman heroes. theology. These schools of thought included
The circular, dome-covered rotundas built as the cults of the dead and of relics, as well as
tombs or memorials for such heroes were the domical symbolism associated with mar-
imitated by the Christians for their mortuary tyria. They also encompassed the cosmic idea
chapels or martyria, which were erected over of the dome over the house of God to repre-
the relics of the saints. The cruciform church sent Heaven.
with a central dome over its martyrium be-
came an early tradition in Christian symbol-
ism that lasted for centuries. This concept Modem Symbolism
spread following the increasing divulgation
of the cult of the martyrs that flourished par- The practice of attributing symbolic values to
ticularly between the fourth and sixth cen- geometric configurations applied to architec-
turies A.D. It is in this period that this particu- tural structures is not limited to ancient his-
lar architectural symbolism developed fully. torical traditions. For instance, the hyper-
Also derived from the pagan culture of bolic paraboloid, which is a relatively modern
Rome was the association of imperial power geometric form, stimulated mystical feelings
with divinity. The Christian counterpart to in Antonio Gaudi (1852 -1926), who saw the
the deification of the Roman emperor was Holy Trinity in the generation of a surface
the concept of Christ the king that lasted depending on three straight lines, the genera-
throughout the Middle Ages. Christianity ab- trix and two directrices. During his search for
sorbed this concept from pagan Rome, along a rational form to apply to the shape of the
with the symbolism associated with it. The I stone vault for the Sagrada Familia in Barce-
celestial dome representing the divine nature lona, Gaudi visualized the Father and Son in
of the Roman emperor as derived from the the two infinite straight lines constituting the
cosmic tent of Alexander the Great became directrices, and saw the Holy Ghost in the
part of Christian allegories. The result was a straight-line generatrix.
prominent role for the dome in Christian Although architecture will always remain
architecture. strictly connected with human events, the
symbolic component that derives from
human passions will always manifest itself
Byzantine Traditions through an allegoric language. The rational-
ity characterizing the twentieth century finds
The birth of the Byzantine Empire from its in the simplicity of geometric forms a way to
Roman counterpart started Christian archi- express a surrealistic world symbolizing the
tecture with great vigor. Born in the fourth dominance of modern science over the des-
century after a splitting of the Roman Em- tiny of humanity in this era. It is from this
pire into eastern and western counterparts, view that the serenity of smooth continuous
the Byzantine Empire produced a culture curved surfaces used for thin shells can be
that unified the Roman, Greek, and Oriental visualized as the expression of placid celestial
traditions, resulting in a new entity that bor- bodies in the universe or in the microcosm of
rowed from each of them. When Christianity the subatomical particles. This is of course a

Domes: Their MorpholoOical Sioniflcance

possible interpretation that could be accepted allegory in whatever form they may be ex-
in the case of the curvilinear forms discussed pressed will always be at the root of any archi-
in this context which does not include other tectural work.
architectural developments. Symbolism and


1. E. Baldwin Smith. The Dome: A Study in the History of Ideas (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971).
2. According to legend, the religious schools or cults of the Dioskouroi, founded by Orpheus, are assumed to
have begun by the end of the seventh century B.C. and possibly even a century earlier. Several cults were
popular in Athens at that time.
3. Various nomadic peoples settled in the area between the Black Sea, the Don, and the Dnieper rivers in
the eighth century B.C. These were belligerent tribes who interacted with the Assyrians, Phoenicians,
Persians, and Greeks. They were finally displaced by the Celts and dispersed in the fourth century B.C. See
Smith, op. cit.


Domes: From Andent to Islamic

Much more meaning can be derived by con- DOMES FROM THEIR

sidering masonry domes as case studies ANCIENT BEGINNINGS
rather than testaments to architectural his-
tory. A bird's-eye view of the major city- Rock-Cut Tombs
scapes of Europe and Asia would show sil-
houettes of domical structures against the The constructionally simplest as well as earli-
skyline. To a lesser extent curvilinear shapes est example of the dome is the rock-cut tomb.
would not be foreign even to the New World. Such tombs have been found in many civiliza-
Scores of monuments to the Christian faith in tions, including the Aegean, Egyptian,
western cities and equally numerous Islamic Greek, Etruscan, Medean, Persian, and
mosques throughout the lands under Otto- Roman.
man rule are crowned by imaginative geo- Typically placed below ground level (see
metric compositions of various shapes that Fig. 2-1), the rock-cut dome used as funerary
combine to create an identity unique to each architecture is significant in the development
cityscape. The ages of these structures vary
widely from one another, but regardless of
their life span they are all part of the present.
Many of the monuments of our historic
centers are deeply incorporated within their
urban structures as part of living history.
Their physical integrity and fully operational
status keep such structures far from being
museum pieces in need of protection. Still
standing on their own, they form an organic
agglomeration of structures well suited for
contemporary living in harmony with their 2- 1 Rock-cut domes with a pointed domical
surroundings. shape, at CaitaOirone, Sicily.

Wood and Masonry Domes

of the dome, especially considering the level excavated on the slope of a hill, with one axis
of importance the tomb had in ancient civili- running horizontally from the hill's slope to
zations. The rock-cut tomb, definitely a mon- the bottom of the tomb. The structure itself,
ument, employed the domical shape as a dis- 48 ft (14.6 m) in diameter and 44 ft (13.4 m)
tinct choice of geometric configuration, high, is cylindrical, with a domical cover that
under the influence of the symbolism asso- reaches the surface of the ground. The struc-
ciated with an eternal house for the immortal ture consists in the lower part of masonry
soul. The development of the technology courses laid horizontally, continuing at the
must of course have preceded that of the top to form a dome consisting of concentric
mortuary symbolism. However, rock-cut rings whose diameter is gradually reduced.
tombs are clearly among the first expressions The method of construction for the dome
of the masonry dome, even if the dome's requires no supporting centering. However,
structure did use the technique of concentric the orientation of the horizontal joints drasti-
corbeling. The most significant of the rock- cally reduces the dome's load-carrying ca-
cut tombs discovered to now is the four- pacity.
teenth-century B.C. Mycenaean tomb known Consisting as it does of thirty-four ma-
as the Treasury of Atreus or the Tomb of sonry courses crowned at the top by a single
Agamemnon (see Fig. 2-2). stone fitted to close the dome, this structure
is particularly important to the history of an-
cient construction techniques, because it in-
dicates the level of understanding in that
(c. 1325 B.C.)
epoch concerning the static equilibrium of
The Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Aga- curvilinear structural forms. This example of
memnon, in ancient Mycenae in the Pelopon- a so-called false dome marks a significant
nesus Islands of the Aegean Sea, is a famous stage in the history of the development of
example of corbeled domes in the Mediterra- vaulting.
nean area. Following the traditions of rock-
cut tombs, this structure was built within a pit Utilitarian Domes

Domes also appeared in early history in var-

ious utilitarian forms. In much of the world,
granaries, storage buildings in general,
ovens, kilns, ice houses, and cisterns were
often built using domical structures. The jus-
tification for adopting the dome for use in
such structures derives from functional con-
siderations and building technology factors.
Domical silos were used in Egyptian towns,
as shown by paintings found in the tombs of
Ramses III (late twelfth century B.C.) illus-
trating large dome-shaped silos and numer-
ous such ovens. Another painting in the tomb
of Ineny, an Egyptian architect, shows two
domed silos as part of his country house.
2-2 The Treasury of Atreus, also referred to Dome-shaped kilns were also used in
as the Tomb of Aeamemnon, in ~cenae. The China. They typically consist of several
upper part of the cylindrical stone structure, domed structures interconnected at their
built with thirtylour horizontal rines, is a bases and located along a hillside or artificial
sieniftcant example of the corbeled (false) dome. slope (see Fig. 2-3). In Iran, masonry domes

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-3 A cross-section of typical Chinese chamber kilns consistin8 of a series of interconnected domical
structures followin8 the slope of a hill or an artificial slope.

2-4 A sun-dried dome used as an ice house in Kerman, Iran. In this type of structure the ice is
packed between layers of straw, which allows it to be stored for a considerable time.

were used for ice houses. Inside the struc-

ture, ice was packed between layers of straw.
The masonry material used was usually sun-
dried mud brick (see Fig. 2-4). Beginning in
the Middle East, underground cisterns for
water storage were usually covered with ma-
sonry domes. The example in Figure 2-5
shows one of these structures, in Yazd, Iran.
Notice the wind towers around the dome,
which provide cooling action on the water
stored in the cistern. Dome structures for
pottery kilns are also found in California. Fig-
ure 2-6 shows examples of domical kilns at
the San Antonio de Padua Mission there (c. 2- 5 A masonry dome used to cover under8round
1800). In Mexico, pottery kilns are often cov- cisterns for water stora8e, at Yazd, Iran. The
ered with heavy stone domes. An example of wind towers around the dome cool the stored water.

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-6 Domical pottery kilns at San Antonio de Padua, California (c. 1800).

one such kiln may be seen in Figure 2-7. The tion, which discovered the corbeled stone
structure shown, at Metepec, Mexico, con- dome, used it extensively as a building form
sists of a cylindrical chamber built of regular for dwellings (see Fig. 2-8). The Egyptians
masonry courses crowned by a dome of ma- also discovered and used the dome on small-
sonry rubble. scale dwelling units, even though their philos-
Primitive domes were built to cover ophy of building excluded vaulting in general
structures used for habitation, defense, and from their formal architecture. A domical
burial. The sophisticated Neolithic civiliza- mud hut prototype in the British Museum
shows the application of the dome to lower-
class dwelling structures (see Figure 2-9).
The names identifying the various local
traditional forms vary. On the island of Pan-
telleria, between Sicily and Tunisia, the
structures in question, the sesi, were used as
tombs. In Puglia, in southern Italy, the struc-
tures referred to are called trulli. Some of
them are still standing, such as the typical
ones at Alberobello, used for habitation. The
specchie, also in Puglia, near Salento, are meg-
alithic structures of the same character as the
trulli but preceding them. In Sardinia they
are called nuraghi. These powerful structures
built with megalithic blocks were used in an-
cient times as dwellings but are today only
ruins left by the thousands all over the island.
The Balearic Islands have talayots that follow
the same building criteria as the other
megalithic structures around the Mediter-
For an overview of where ancient domical
- - -=- -- ---=-- ~ structures with primitive characteristics are
to be found in the Mediterranean region, see
2 -7 Masonry rubble covers this pottery kiln at the map in Figure 2-10.
Metepec, Mexico. Primitive domical structures with their or-

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic


2-9 A prototype of primitive mud huts from

ancient E8Ypt showine a circular floor plan and a
well-developed domical roof structure. Courtesy
the British Museum.

Igms in ancient times are by no means re-

"" ..... ..
stricted to the Mediterranean coast. Exam-
ples can also be found inland in France (see
2-8 A reconstruction of a Neolithic villaee at Fig. 2-11) and Ireland (see Fig. 2-12). How-
Khirokitia on the island of Cyprus, showine ever, the Figure 2-12 illustrates a stone barrel
houses with mud-brick domes over circular stone vault on a rectangular plan, rather than a
walls. From Mellart, 1965. circular do mica I vault.

2-10 The distribution of primitive domical structures found throuehout the Mediterranean.

Wood and Masonry Domes

because no metal objects have ever been

found in either the sesi or the village. How-
ever, it is possible that this Neolithic society
existed apart on this island while the rest of
the world might have been ahead of the
Stone Age by millennia. Furthermore, some
correlations seem feasible between the domi-
cal sesi and some megalithic monuments in
North Africa.

The nuraghi, which are megalithic structures
2-1 1 A primitive stone dwellinn in France, typical of Sardinia, consist of heavy walls en-
based on the rubble-masonry vaultinn technique. closing circular spaces covered by elongated
domes or truncated cones that give them the
aspect of powerful towers. These prehis-
toric structures seem to have originated in
the Neolithic Age and to have developed
through the Bronze and Iron ages until the
Roman conquest of the island. What is left of
the nuraghi today is only ruins (see Fig.
2-13), but they number over six thousand.
Their great numbers over a relatively small
island made them heavily concentrated in
certain areas. At one time the nuraghi were
thought to have been tombs, but there is no
doubt now that they were dwelling struc-
2-12 A primitive stone hut in Ireland. tures.
The general layout of a nuraghi consisted
of an entrance door with a heavy lintel and a
corridor with niches. The corridor led to a
Primitive Domes main circular chamber, over which a dome
extended vertically (see Figs. 2-14 and 2-15).
SESI The dome itself was of the corbeled type (see
The ancient tombs of Pantelleria called sesi Fig. 2-16). This major characteristic ties the
were constructed in the shape of tall domes nuraghi to the other primitive domes that
with a typical elliptical plan, although circular extended this construction's typology from
configurations have also been observed. Mesopotamia through Asia Minor to the
These structures consist of crude stones Mediterranean.
whose sizes at times are on a megalithic scale. The nuraghis' large, heavy stone blocks
The interior is usually subdivided into several that were laid in courses without mortar
circular cells connected by a corridor. joints suggest that it must have required an
Approximately fifty such structures have organized effort to quarry the blocks and lift
survived the destructive action of time. They and position them from the ground up to
are located on a promontory called Mursia, their sometimes considerable height. Some
near the remnants of a fortified village. The nuraghi include more than one story, with a
culture that built the sesi and the village must spiral stairway inside the thick walls, demon-
have been at the level of the Neolithic Age, strating a well-elaborated building concept.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-13 Nuraghi at Paggaggiu di Castel Sardo, Sardinia.

2-14 A longitudinal cross-section of a large multistructure nuraghi at St. Barbara di Villanova, Sardinia.

2-15 The plan of the nuraghi shown in Figure 2-14.

Wood and Masonry Domes

clear, but they might have been defensive

towers and parts of fortified villages.
Their construction characteristics are
equal to those of the trulIi that followed the
specchie up to the present.

Trulli are stone structures typical of the Pu-
glia region in southern Italy whose morphol-
ogy and construction features are still used
today. These prehistoric descendants of the
specchie followed the same techniques used
in other megalithic structures around the
2-16 An interior view of a nuraohi lookino at From father to son, the tradition of build-
its domical vault from below. ing this ancient type of structure continued
uninterruptedly over millennia. Trulli are
square or circular stone structures covered
with conical stone domes built with corbeling
The locations of the nuraghi on the island techniques. The rings of stones are jointed
of Sardinia include the most logical sites for not horizontally but by being efficiently in-
habitation, effective working conditions in clined toward the inside, and they are
agriculture, stock raising, and exploitation of crowned by a keystone cut in certain charac-
the sea. Nuraghi are thus found along the teristic shapes that are either pointed or
coast wherever the coastline offers access for spherical.
landing and along the valleys that allow pene- There are basically two types of trulli:
tration from shore to interior. Some nuraghi those built in the fields as rough shelters for
had the clearly defensive function of protect- storage, and those intended for habitation in
ing special areas, using fortifications and stra- settlements. The first type was built with field
tegic siting. stones collected while clearing the land. The
The architectural typology of the nuraghi area where these trulli are found has a sub-
did not remain constant but evolved over the stratum of limestone that deteriorates from
long period that saw nuraghi usage. Their atmospheric agents to produce fragments
multistory concept that produced structures that periodically have to be removed to be
up to three stories high is one indication of able to farm. The domestic type of trulli is
the evolutionary process that these primitive usually a combination of several trulli con-
domical structures underwent. nected to a main one. The stone courses are
"dry" (do not include mortar), and in dwell-
SPECCHIE ing trulli the walls are covered with a stucco
The specchie of the Puglia region are rem- in some shade of white. Particularly interest-
nants of ancient megalithic structures similar ing are the niches cut into the thick walls in
to the nuraghi of Sardinia, the sesi of Pantel- which utilities, furniture, and even beds
leria, and others found elsewhere in the Med- could be placed.
iterranean. Specchie are found specifically in A dwelling-type trulli used in the context
that area of the Puglia called Salento that of contemporary living may create quite an
includes the provinces of Taranto, Brindisi, interesting architectural composition. Trulli
and Leece and are numerous along the Ionic may be complemented, for example, by a
coast. Their particular use is not absolutely surrounding extension with a roof that

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

blends with its dome. A more typical arrange- plorer Antonio Pigafetta in 1519, they were
ment of trulli today is to combine a major one later recorded by Hans von Staden, who
and several smaller ones to form one family made a woodcut illustrating fortified villages
dwelling. with longhouses and characteristic barrel
The work of Edward Allen I has clarified vaults.
the configuration of typical trulli as being
built with a square floor plan having horizon- DOMES IN THE PACIFIC
tal courses, rather than being radially in- Conical wooden huts built with tree
clined, as in dome construction. The final branches, bamboos, or other ligneous mate-
construction is then a false dome, with its rials are found in many parts of the world
lower efficiency. Allen further describes the where the weather is not dominated by rain
imaginative technology that makes the transi- or low temperatures. Roofed with thatch,
tion between the square portions of the such huts as the Ethiopian one shown offer
buildings and the circular shape of their little shelter from rain and cold (see Fig.
domes in which pseudopendentives are 2-17).
employed. On the other hand, on the Pacific island of
Samoa a domical structure built with the
TALAYOT same materials becomes a much more sophis-
Talayot is a term used to identify the mega- ticated structure classifiable as a true dome.
lithic structures of the Balearic Islands, Its structural members bend along curvilin-
whose ruins are estimated to date back to the ear shapes to form a trellis of interwoven
second millennium B.C. in the Bronze Age. arches intersecting each other at almost
Similar to the nuraghi of Sardinia and other ninety-degree angles. Figure 2-18 shows such
megalithic structures in the Mediterranean, a dome built for a Samoan chief.
talayots were powerful stone structures cov-
ered with conical corbeled domes. Their use MASONRY DOMES IN NORTH AFRICA
is not certainly known, but they could have Domes typical of the Islamic tradition in ver-
been funerary monuments, although this hy- nacular architecture are still constructed
pothesis does not seem probable. They were today by local masons throughout North
more likely defensive towers or buildings for Africa and the Middle East. Without plans
worship. They are particularly numerous on or engineering specifications, these masons
the island of Majorca, where approximately a build domes based on empirical rules passed
thousand are still visible. On Minorca an- down from father to son. Figure 2-19 shows
other three hundred or so of these ruins can
be observed.

Vaulting in the New World

The techniques of vaulting were well under-

stood in the New World before any Euro-
pean introduction of them. Examples of bar-
rel-vault roof structures covering communal
houses have been recorded from centuries
ago. The earliest examples, known as long- __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ifi....--
houses were sited in the primitive fortified
villages of the Tunbinamba along the Brazil- 2-1 7 A primitive circular Ethiopian hut covered
ian coast. First discovered by the Italian ex- with a conical dome-shaped thatch roof

Wood and Masonry Domes

courses of compacted snow blocks, becomes

monolithic when its blocks are cemented to-
gether by becoming ice. Igloo construction
follows the same rules as the corbel dome.
The blocks that are cut from banks of com-
pacted snow with a typical ivory knife usually
measure from 3 to 4 ft (1 m to 1.2 m) in
length, 2 ft (.6 m) in height, and 8 in (20.3
cm) in thickness. They are arranged in a
2-1 8 This primitive wooden dome in Samoa series of concentric circular layers. The top
consists of a spheroidal trellis of interwoven of each layer is sloped inward by shaping the
bamboo built accordino to an indioenous ancient top surface with a knife to prevent the blocks
technoloBJ. This structure is the house of a from sliding inward after each course is com-
Samoan chief pleted. The typical igloo has an average di-
ameter of 15 ft (4.6 m) and an average height
the construction of a characteristic brick of 12 ft (3.7 m), adequate for a single-family
dome in Morocco. Such domes are found in dwelling. Smaller igloos built by travelers are
the Moslem countries of Africa as expressions usually 7 ft (2 m) in diameter by 5 ft (1.5 m)
typical of their culture, which seeks to distin- high (see Fig. 2-20). A number of intercon-
guish itself from the rest of the continent. nected small domes or one barrel vault con-
stitute the entranceway. A block of clear ice
IGLOOS or a membrane of intestinal tissue from a seal
The igloo of the Inuit or Eskimo tribes is a are used for windows.
significant example of primitive dome con- It is particularly interesting to underline
struction that emerged spontaneously from the special property of this structure that,
experience and survived for centuries be- although it starts from individual blocks, it
cause of the soundness of its structural princi- becomes monolithic at the end. This brings
ples. An igloo dome, built from consecutive to mind that clay structures in the Mid-

2-19 In the Islamic tradition of vernacular architecture, typical domical

structures are still constructed by local masons in North Africa and the
Middle East without plans or enoineerino specifications, from empirical
rules passed down throuoh father to son.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-20 The Eskimo ialoo is a sian!ftcant example of primitive dome

construction that oriainates from corbeled courses of compacted snow blocks
that become a solid monolith when they turn into ice.

die East have recently been converted into As Buddhism expanded, the architecture
strong, monolithic ceramic units by firing the of its stupas migrated to the Asiatic countries
clay at a high temperature with oil burners. that embraced this new faith. In the process,
it evolved in complexity from the original
Indian concept of the burial earth mound.
Domes of the Ancient East The stupa did not solve the structural
problem of static stability but rather was built
STUPAS (PSEUDODOMES) of almost solid masonry. Its importance in the
The monumental ancient structures known history of the dome is that it reinforced the
as stupas were built all over Asia as Buddhist significance of the domical shape that had
shrines. Their inclusion here has been deter- attained such important meaning in the reli-
mined not from their structural character, gious context.
which is of covered rock mounds, but for In Afghanistan, numerous ruins of ancient
their typical domical shapes. stupas can be found near Kabul and along the
Shrines of the Buddhist faith were estab- Kabul River. The most significant examples
lished in North India in the fifth century B.C. are the stu pas of Hadda and of Bamian. In
by its founder Prince Siddartha (Sakyamuni Burma during the so-called pagan period
Gautama, the first in a series of Buddhas that many stu pas were built. There were more
will reoccur forever). Stupas derived from than five thousand stu pas and temples within
the traditional old burial mounds built up of the area of the capital. In Pakistan, especially
earth. The first stupas were simply hemi- in the northwest, numerous stupas can be
spherical structures of solid masonry that found, particularly at the Khyber Pass and in
contained a small chamber in which the holy Taxila and Mankiala.
relics of the Buddha were preserved. Later In India the most important stu pas are in
they evolved into new domical forms, of Sanchi, in north-central India. Of these, one
which the most characteristic was in the of the most important, the Great Stupa, dates
shape of a bulb. to the third century B.C. Built of solid brick, it

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-21 The quat stupa (second century B.C.) at Sanchi, India.

measures 106 ft (32 m) in diameter and 42 ft

(12.8 m) in height. A significant example is
the Stupa of Amravati. The Quat Stupa in · f

Sanchi, erected in the second century B.C., is

shown in Figure 2-21.
In Laos, as in many other countries under
the influence of Indo-Chinese culture, reli-
gious architecture was easily absorbed from
neighboring countries. The architecture of
stupas came in particular from Thailand and
Burma in the sixteenth century. The Luang
Stupa is the most famous of these.
Buddhist stupas in Nepal are typical struc-
tures that derived directly from the cultures
of India and China. The most well known are
the Bodnnath Stupa and the Swayambhunath
Stupa, both in the vicinity of Katmandu.
Buddhist architecture in Thailand as in-
spired by its neighboring countries is re-
flected mainly in stupas. Some have a rectan-
gular configuration, but those in the so-called
Ayhudhya style of the Thai period (from the
thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries) in-
stead have a circular plan and are bell
shaped. Prachedi or Siamese bell-shaped
stupas were used here more as royal tombs
than shrines. An excellent example of Pra- 2-22 The stupa of Nakhon Pathom in
chedi is the stupa at Nakhon Pathom, with its Thailand. The main portion of the structure is
typical bell-shaped dome surmounted by an bell shaped (prachedi). A tall conical spire
elongated conical spire (see Fig. 2-22). extends over its top.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

Near East Traditions have restored the Old Achaemenid Empire.

Finally came the Sassanian period from A.D.
The history of vaults and domes seems to 226 until A.D. 640, when it was overrun by
have roots extending farther back in the Arab invaders.
Near East than in any other part of the Under Persian rule the architecture of
world. The area of earliest development is Mesopotamia continued its tradition of vaults
the Mesopotamian plateau between the and domes. For example, the palace at Feruz-
Tigris and Euphrates, where the fertility of Abad, south of Persepolis, contains three
the land flooded annually by these two rivers domes covering three square halls. This
made the area the most desirable on earth. structure was built with rubble masonry cov-
Here where human civilization began is ered with plaster in A.D. 250. A circular dome
where the Garden of Eden might have been, with elliptical cross-sections made of rubble
if it indeed existed, and where men discov- stone masonry that was covered with plaster
ered the stable effects of curvilinearity in roofed the central part of the palace of Shah-
arches, vaults, and domes. pur at Bishapur, west of Persepolis. Built in
The first settlers in this region were the A.D. 260, this Sassanian dome springs right
Sumerians, who invented writing. In the from ground level.
fourth millennium B.C. their architecture In the palace at Sarvistan, near Persepolis,
included vaults and domes. The tomb a vertically elongated dome pierced by nar-
chambers in the Royal Cemetery at Ur in row openings for lighting and ventilation ex-
southern Mesopotamia were characteristi- tends over a central part of the building.
cally vaults and domes built of stone rubble Built in A.D. 350, this Sassanian dome is car-
masonry. Following the Sumerians in this ried by squinch arches that span across the
area came the Babylonians, who acquired corner angles (see Fig. 2-23).
power in the twenty-first century B.C. The An ancient example of elliptical barrel
Babylonians or Chaldeans knew arches and
vaults. In the city of Nippur, unburnt brick
masonry has been used to build arches since
4000 B.C. In the necropolis of Mugheir, for
instance, corbeled vaults built with unburnt
brick show courses laid horizontally to make
false vaults. Another example is the half-cir-
cle arches in the harem at Khorsabad.
Following the Babylonians, the Assyrians
come to control Mesopotamia by 1210 B.C.,
followed in 612 B.C. by the Neo-Babylonian
period that lasted until 538 B.C. when the
Persians came to power.
The complexity of the Persian influence
on Mesopotamia can be simplified into its
basic historical periods. The Achaemenid
Empire lasted from 549 B.C. to 330 B.C.,
when it capitulated to the Macedonian Alex-
ander the Great. The Seleucid Empire ruled 2- 23 The Palace of Sarvistan, near Persepolis
the area from the death of Alexander to the (c. 350 A.D.), had a diameter of apprOXimately
rise of the Romans in 64 B.C. overlapping it 42 ft (12.8 m) and included a central dome
was the Parthian period, from 250 B.C. to A.D. shaped like a beehive with hiBh barrel vaults
226, during which the Parthians claimed to coverinB its exterior porches.

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-24 The palace at Ctesiphon in Mesopotamia, built under the reion of Khosrou I (A.D. 531- 579).
A structure of mud brick masonry, it contained a laroe barrel vault over the banquet hall.

vaults with exceptionally large dimensions spans proceeded gradually through trial and
can be seen in the vault over the hall in the error. The early examples were fairly short
palace at Ctesiphon in Mesopotamia. Built of in span, although even before the empire
brick masonry, this vault spanned 83 ft (25.3 Roman technology was able to span up to 80
m), rose 120 ft (36.6 m), and was 24 ft (7.3 m) ft (24 m) as in Pons Fabricius.
thick at the base (see Fig. 2-24). The geometry of the vaults used by the
Romans included the barrel vault, cross-
vault, hemispherical dome, and semidome.
ROMAN DOMES AND VAULTS The barrel vault was a direct extension of the
arch. The cross-vault, which results from the
intersection of two barrel vaults, was used for
The development of domes and vaults in covering square areas. The intersecting
Roman architecture grew out of Etruscan arches between the two barrels in a cross-
traditions that included arches, pseudo- vault are known as groins. Rectangular
domes, and pseudovaults covering large spaces were subdivided into squares, then
tombs. The Roman dome also inherited its covered with square cross-vaults. Hemispher-
circular planimetric form from the Etruscans, ical domes were used to cover circular spaces,
who favored domical roofs. Some examples semidomes to cover semicircular ones.
of such early Roman domes include the tem- The confidence that Roman builders had
ple of Venus at Baalbek and the mausoleum in geometry as a major factor in structural
of Caecilia Metellus on the Appian Way. strength is dramatically demonstrated by the
The concrete mixture and method that number and sizes of the vaults and domes
the Romans developed and used was a unique they built. Their preference for circular
material essential to the success of Roman forms over all other shapes indicates their at
vaulting. A mixture of lime and pozzolana least partial understanding of structural anal-
gave them a hydraulic cement that created a ysis as it is known today.
monolithic mass. The complexity and articulation of
The further development of the Etruscan Roman circular vaults go beyond the proto-
arch and vault by the Romans to cover larger typical structures visible in buildings. Hidden

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

applications in bridge construction reveal a BATHS AT BAIAE

relatively unknown aspect of the structural In the famous resort town of Baiae near Poz-
use of the vault (see Fig. 2-25). woli in the Naples area there was a complex
of public baths among the patrician villas.
The present remains include three separate
Significant Examples buildings that were originally covered with
of Roman Domes domes. These buildings have been identified
as the temples of Diana, Venus, and Mercury.
THE STABIAN BATHS, POMPEII Two of these domes had octagonal extrados
(c. 120 B.C.) and the third a conical exterior profile, but
The frigidarium (cooling room) in the Stabian all three had circular intrados. Their con-
Baths at Pompeii was covered by a concrete struction dates are later than those for the
dome that is the oldest of its type to have baths in Pompeii. More specifically, the three
survived. The intrados and extrados are both structures can be described as follows.
conical surfaces. The internal diameter at the
base is approximately 20 ft (6 m). At the top, The Temple of Diana. The dome over the
the dome was discontinued by a circular structure is 96 ft (29.26 m) in diameter. It
open mg. was built with sandstone (tufa) that is typical
of the area and in fact is still used in construc-
THE FORUM BATHS, POMPEII tion. Mixed with the tufa were masonry brick
(c. 80 B.C.) courses running horizontally to tie together
In the Forum Baths the frigidarium was cov- the less regular tufa courses.
ered with a conical dome similar in shape and
construction to that of the Stabian Baths, also The Temple of Venus. A 60 ft (18.28 m) di-
including a central eye at the top. ameter dome built with the same construc-
tion characteristics as those of the dome over
SEMIDOME THERMAE OF AGRIPPA, the Temple of Diana and Temple of Mercury
ROME (c. 20 B.C.) is used in this building. It consists of tufa
The partial dome incorporated in this struc- masonry laid in horizontal courses. Courses
ture represents an early example of this spe- of brick and concrete tie together the ma-
cial domical form in Roman architecture that sonry with structural rings of a material more
came to be used profusely in later centuries. dependable than soft sandstone.

2-25 Roman technoloBJ in masonry vaultinB as applied to bridBes.

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-26 The dome over the Temple of Mercury at Baiae, Pompeii. It was
built with tufa masonry and horizontal brick courses over a diameter of
66 ft (20 m).

The Temple of Mercury. This dome 66 ft (14.7 m) in diameter that encloses an inner
(20.11 m) in diameter is built with the same circle 44.3 ft (13.5 m) across. The shape of
construction characteristic of the other the dome varies gradually from polygonal to
domes at Baiae. However, since part of this spherical in its upper part until it culminates
dome has collapsed, it is possible to observe in a circular opening at the crown. This
its cross-section. These domes at Baiae could structure is all-concrete, with brick rings
have covered the frigidaria of the baths around its openings (see Fig. 2-28).
rather than the temples, as has been pro- A passage from Suetonius ("Praecipua
posed, because the openings in the domes cenationum rotunda, quae perpetuo diebus
were systematically placed according to cri- ac notcibus vice mundi circumageretur") has
teria used for frigidaria (see Fig. 2-26). led to the deduction that in this building the
hall for banquets and audiences was covered
THE DOMUS AUGUSTANA, ROME with a wooden dome decorated with astrolog-
The Domus Augustana, located near the ical signs that constantly revolved night and
Circus Maximus, included an octagonal hall day as the sky did above the earth. This may
in the domestic wing of this palace. Hidden to have symbolized the belief in the divine na-
exterior view, a dome covered this interior ture of the Roman emperor after the im-
space. Most Roman domes were mainly in- ported Eastern tradition of the domically
tended to complete the interior space, with shaped tent of Alexander the Great that sym-
little concern for making a statement on the bolized his cosmic power. Nero's intention to
outside. Many domes were indeed covered incarnate the sun god and his resulting deci-
on their exteriors with a secondary roof (see sion to build the Domus Aurea as sun palace
Fig. 2-27). seems to support the actual existence of this
wooden dome. Historical accounts of similar
THE DOMUS AUREA wooden domes in the Parthian Empire rein-
The Domus Aurea of Nero includes a dome force the possibility that when the Romans
over the main hall, with an octagonal base conquered the Parthians they imported this
contained within an inscribing circle 48.2 ft architectural feature. The writings of Philos-

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

and a general understanding of the statics of

vaults, the dome of the Pantheon is the result
of both daring design and good judgment.
These qualities have been proven over the
two millennia of its existence and its apparent
ability to endure indefinitely. If nothing else,
just by the fact that such a structure could be
built to last the Pantheon's dome has inspired
many great domes that succeeded it.
In addition to the engineering features
that make the dome viable, this structure has
unique, inspiring design qualities. Its simplic-
ity of geometry and the feeling of power and
strength that the overall admirable composi-
tion gives can readily influence designers of
other domes. The volumetric composition of
the Pantheon consists of a vertical cylinder
containing a sphere. The cylinder extends
for one-third its height above the equator of
the sphere. The sphere is actually built for
just half its surface, to form the hemispheri-
cal dome. The lower part of the sphere is of
course purely imaginary but could be per-
The extension of the cylindrical body
above the equator of the sphere (i.e., above
the springing level of the hemispherical
2-27 The Domus Aunustana, Rome. a) A floor dome) is primarily for structural reasons, al-
plan showinn the octanonal hall. b) A cross-section. though it also minimizes the exterior domi-
nance of the dome. Structurally it was neces-
sary to counteract the horizontal thrust at the
bottom of the dome. The weight and mass of
the extended portion of the cylinder acted as
tratus describe the ceilings of Parthian impe- a tension ring. Visually the extended cylinder
rial audience halls like this: "The ceiling of concealed part of the dome, because the inte-
which once was constructed in the form of a rior surface of the dome is what is most
dome like the heavens, covered with sapphire important.
stone, these stones being intensely blue and The Pantheon derives its name from the
of the color of the sky . . . . And in its dedication of this temple to all the pagan
heights are the images of the gods in whom gods of ancient Rome. The divine symbolism
they believe, and they appear golden." 2 of the dome as seen from inside reflects the
religious feeling in this pagan temple. Histo-
THE PANTHEON, ROME (A.D. 120-124) rians explain that the present Pantheon con-
This dome is the most important of all those tains two combined structures: a front por-
built before the advent of scientific engineer- tico that once belonged to the Temple of
ing. Empirically designed and capitalizing on Agrippa, son-in-law of Augustus, and a ro-
all the engineering techniques of its time, in- tunda, with a dome added later by Hadrian.
cluding such materials as Roman concrete The first temple, of Agrippa, was completed

Wood and Masonry Domes

, ........... the thickness of the dome, thus generating

................ coffers. Having a central opening on the top,

the oculum, contributes also to reducing the

J dome's weight. Both the coffers and the ocu-

lum were not only structurally expedient fea-
tures but also architectural elements. The
oculum is in fact the only source of illumina-

.. .. ". ..
tion, but it is particularly effective.
The never-ending interest in the dome of
the Pantheon continues to inspire scholars
around the world for the many lessons that
we can learn from the structure - not only
for its architectural morphology but also for
its engineering interpretation of statical sta-
bility and building technology.


Another dome of significant importance is
2-28 The Domus Aurea of Nero, Rome. a) A the one that once stood on the Hadrian Villa.
floor plan showina the main hall with an The basic configuration of this no longer
octaaonal floor plan, covered by a dome. b) A standing dome is hypothetically illustrated by
cross-section facina north. the reconstruction drawings in Figure 2-29.


in 25 B.C. but burned in the first century A.D. Destroyed and rebuilt several times, this
The second temple, now called the Pan- round little temple in the Roman Forum is
theon, was built between A.D . 120 and 124 surrounded by a colonnade and has an inte-
over the remnants of the first one. rior only 18.5 ft (5.6 m) in diameter. Crown-
The theoretical sphere that could be in- ing the main body was a dome in its latest
serted into the cylindrical body of the Pan- reconstruction by Septimius Severus.
theon would have a diameter of 142.5 ft
(43 .5 m). In other words, the diameter of this VAULTS OF THERMAE OF CARACALLA,
sphere is the diameter of a cylinder equal to ROME (A.D. 212-217)
the diameter of the dome at its base and to A dome over the calidarium here was similar
the height of the top of the dome above the to that of the Pantheon. The central hall was
floor. covered with three concrete vaults combined
The materials used for the Pantheon in- into one 183 ft long by 79 ft wide and 108 ft
clude masonry of bricks and tufa found be- high (56 m X 24 m X 33 m) on eight piers.
tween Rome and Naples and conventional
mortar using the local pozzolana instead of
sand, a practice still followed today because MINERVA MEDICA, ROME (A.D. 260)
of the abundance of this soil in the area. This dome covered a circular temple (see Fig.
Particularly important in the Pantheon 2-30), more precisely a nymphaeum, in the
dome is the lightening of it that reduced the luxurious Licinian (Pleasure) Gardens. The
horizontal thrust at the base of the dome. concrete dome covers a decagonal structure
This paring down was accomplished by 80 ft (24.4 m) in diameter. The walls of the
removing some of the materials within temple consist of semicircular niches open to

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

-_....... .........._.. •
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•,.". . "'" • • I

· f···· . . ................................... · J
~·t :: ~ : A

2-29 A reconstruction of the Hall of State in the Hadrian Villa, Tivoli,

near Rome. a) The plan. b) A cross-section.

the outside, creating vertical ribs that stiffen

the walls. Buttresses on top of the ribs coun-
teract the forces acting to spread the bottom
of the dome. In addition, a stepped, circular
ring at the bottom of the dome acts as a
structural tension ring. In the construction of
this dome can be noted for the first time the
use of pendentives to go from a decagonal
plan to the circular base of the dome. This
method was first picked up by Byzantine
architecture and then used extensively
An important feature of this dome is the
use of brick ribs along its meridians, and the
parallel hoops that create a secondary struc- 2-30 The dome of the Temple of Minerva
ture. This method of construction stiffens the Medica in the Licinian Gardens, Rome (c. A.D.
dome, limits potential cracks, and simplifies 260).

Wood and Masonry Domes

space covered by the vault in this central hall

of the Thermae of Diocletian is 200 ft by 80
ft (61 m X 24.5 m). Springing from high col-
umns, the vault is a cross-vault type 90 ft
(27.5 m) in height that includes intersecting


The term Early Christian generally refers to

that period in architectural history from
Constantine to Charlemagne. With the Edict
of Milan (A.D. 313) Constantine gave Chris-
tianity equal rights in the Roman Empire,
and in A.D. 326 he named Christianity the
2-31 The restored Temple of Venus, Baalbek official religion of the empire. With the coro-
(A.D. 273) with a circular floor plan that was nation of Charlemagne in A.D. 800 the old
probably covered by a dome whose inside Roman Empire ended and the Holy Roman
diameter was 32 ft (9.8 my. Empire began.
At the beginning of the early Christian
period, the splitting of the Roman Empire
into eastern and western counterparts oc-
curred, followed by the gradual decline and
construction. This technique had previously fall of the western empire, which led to a
been used in barrel vaults of the Colosseum standstill and eventual regression in the de-
(A.D. 70-82) and in Roman groined vaults of velopment of the dome. Few domes were
the first century and domes of the second built in this period, and those that were did
century A.D. not compare in scale with previous ones.
Contrary to the declining West, the em-
THE TEMPLE OF VENUS, BAALBEK pire's eastern provinces were protected from
(A.D. 273) barbarian invasions. There the Byzantine
Located in Baalbek, Syria (called Colonia culture preserved much of classic tradition
Julia Augusta by the Romans and Heliopolis and revamped the dome into anew, magnifi-
by the Greeks, because of the sun worship- cent architecture. Let us consider first exam-
ping prominent in that city) this small, circu- ples of domes built in Italy during this period
lar temple dedicated to Venus was covered and then some of the basic concepts that con-
with a stone dome. Its interior diameter was nected these domes to the architecture of the
only 34 ft (10.4 m). The present remains (see Christian churches of the time.
Fig. 2-31) do not include the dome, which Even though Byzantine architecture coin-
has collapsed in the course of time. cides in time with early Christian architec-
ture, it is considered separately, because of its
VAULT OF THERMAE OF DIOCLETIAN, own characteristics. It should be noted that
ROME (A.D. 302) the Byzantine Empire extended in Italy to
The vault over the vestibule of what is now Venice and Ravenna, so that the domes of
the Church of St. Maria degli Angeli was this period in those areas are unquestionably
converted in 1563 by Michelangelo. The Byzantine.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

Significant Examples gonal first floor and a circular second story,

of Christian Domes covered by the dome. Of particular signifi-
cance are the quarrying operation needed to
produce the huge block, the transporting of
This 80 ft (24.5 m) diameter dome over a it from the quarry to the site, the manual
circular structure is covered on its exterior by carving of it, and how this 470-ton block was
a low, conical roof supported by a timber lifted into position. All these processes were
frame . carried out in times characterized by a low
level of technological expertise.
ST. COSTANZA, ROME (A.D. 330) Even in terms of our engineering technol-
The dome covering the central area of St. ogy, lifting 470 tons approaches the highest
Constanza is hemispherical, with a base diam- limits of the largest crane now available.
eter of 40 ft (12 m) in the interior. On the Large crawler-mounted cranes, with their
exterior the dome is concealed by a low angle booms, cannot even attempt such lifts.
wooded framed roof. The original structure, Only a few of the largest tower cranes we
built by Constantine for his daughter Cos- now have could be used for such a task, and
tanza, was converted into a church. then only by using a close radius of opera-
tion. The handling of such astonishing
THE TOMB OF GALLA PLACIDIA, weight becomes even more impressive when
RAVENNA (c. A.D. 425) compared to the largest monolithic architec-
This cruciform structure, of small dimen-
sions, has its square central part covered by a
square tower supporting a small dome. This
dome is covered by a low pitched roof that
conceals it on the exterior. The dome is car-
ried by four pendentives that make the tran-
sition from the circular base to the square
tower. It is particularly interesting that the
pendentives and the dome are all part of the
same sphere.


(A.D. 530)
The dome covering this structure is a master-
piece of building technology. This dome, 35
ft (10.5 m) in diameter, is a monolithic struc-
ture weighing 470 tons, made from a single
block of stone that was hoisted on top of the
two-story building so that the crown of the
dome is 46.5 ft (13 m) aboveground. (see Fig.
2-32). The dome is relatively shallow, which
is perhaps understandable when we recog-
nize that the entire concavity was attained by
carving the stone mass by hand. The carved 2-32 The dome of the Tomb of Theodoric,
stone handles along the external perimeter, Ravenna (A.D. 530). Carved out of a sinole block
which were used for lifting the dome into of stone, the dome was lifted to the second story
place, are also astonishing. of the mausoleum. A unique masterpiece in
The main body of this mausoleum of the buildino technoloBY' this 35ft (10.7 m)
king of the Ostrogoths consists of a deca- diameter dome is in a perfect state of preservation.

Wood and Masonry Domes

tural masses ever recorded. For instance, in Church of the Virgin at Antioch (fifth
northern Europe the large monolithic blocks century)
at Stonehenge, which were either placed ver-
tically or lifted horizontally to lay across their
top, weighed only twenty-five tons. Even the Polygonal Domes
largest of obelisks transported from the Tem-
ple of Ammon at Karnak, Thebes, to the These domes were inspired by Roman me-
Piazza of St. Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, morials and tombs and were in a sense an
weigh just 230 tons, less than half the weight extension of the circular type. Of all poly-
of the dome of the Tomb of Theodoric. This gonal forms the octagon was the most pop-
structure can hardly fail to leave an indelible ular.
mark on the minds of architects and engi-
neers sensitive to the struggles of humanity to The Domus Aurea of Antioch (fourth cen-
overcome the impossible. tury): originally covered with a dome,
and reroofed with a wooden gilded
dome in the sixth century
Polygard Church of the Nativity in Bethle-
DOMES IN CHRISTIAN hem: built by Constantine over the site
ARCHITECTURE where Christ was believed to have been
born, destroyed A.D. 529, rebuilt by
As early as the fourth century A.D., Christian Church of the Ascension in Jerusalem:
churches were either rectangular in plan or built c. A.D. 378, partially destroyed
focal, focal ones usually being cruciform in A.D. 614 by Persians, rebuilt by Mo-
shape with a focal point at the center roofed destus, octagonal originally, rebuilt as
over with a domical vault. Churches of the circular
focal type were usually dedicated to the cult Church at Tel Hem: octagonal, built
of certain Christian martyrs and referred to fourth century, covered with wood Syr-
as cemetery churches or houses of martyrs ian-type dome
("martyria"). Some were actually built over Tomb of Hierapolis: octagonal, with ma-
the tombs of sanctified martyrs and were usu- sonry dome; built fifth century for the
ally small in early times. Later, as cults of apostle Philippus and his daughter
martyrs and relics gained acceptance in the Tomb of the Virgin in Jerusalem: octago-
Christian world, these small sanctuaries or nal domed Roman structure, fifth cen-
chapels became large churches with central tury; converted to oratorium during
domes inspired by some powerful symbolic Islamic rule
significance. Church of the Theotokos on Mt. Garizim:
A classification of these domed churches, octagonal domed structure; built c. A.D.
with examples, includes the following: 3 484 by Emperor Zeno and dedicated to
the Virgin as Mother of God as pro-
claimed by the Council of Ephesus; said
Circular Domes to contain fragment of the rock of
Such domes derived from the classical (ro- Baptistry Kal'at Sim'an: fifth-century oc-
tunda) tradition of Greece and Rome. tagonal structure assumed to have been
covered by a dome
The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem Baptistry Der Seta: hexagonal; building
Church at Beisan fifth or sixth century data not known; presumably covered
Church at Fa'lul (A.D. 526 - 527) by dome

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

Church at Midjleyya: small octagonal In typical churches with floor plans in the
church, sixth century shape of a Greek cross the main dome is at
Martyrium of St. George at Zor'ah: built the center, while small domes often cover the
A.D. 515; covered with 33 ft (10.15 m) four arms of the cross. The great tensile
diameter dome forces at the bottom ring of the large central
Chapel at Mir'ayeh: small octagonal dome are counteracted by the mass of the
structure four volumes surrounding the dome. Con-
trary to Roman domes, which were built over
circular or polygonal structures, Byzantine
Square Domes domes were built over square bases and be-
came circular by means of pendentives.
These domes derived from the shape of Byzantine technology does not seem to
tombs and had the additional symbolism of have employed centering for the construc-
cosmic houses. They were popular in Egypt tion of its domes, in which large, flat bricks
between the fourth and sixth centuries A.D. were used. Byzantine domes were usually
The pattern of a square structure with a cir- built over high drums and, contrary to
cular dome also spread to Asia Minor. Roman vaults, which were often covered
with protective wood roofs, these domes
Hagia Sophia at Badessa: originally built were exposed directly to view.
A.D. 313; rebuilt by Justinian; square, The shapes of Byzantine domes can be
covered originally by wood dome, re- classified into the following three different
built in masonry categories:
St. John the Baptist at Jerash (Gerasa):
built A.D. 531; covered with a wooden
Simple domes in which the pendentives
and dome are part of one single sphere;
Martyrium of St. George at Shakka
see the tombs of Galla Placidia (above)
Compound domes that can be subdivided
into situations where a) the dome itself
Cruciform Domes
is not part of the same sphere with the
pendentives but rises above them, hav-
Because of the unique significance of the
ing no geometric relationship to them;
cross in Christianity, the cruciform plan of
and b) the dome is supported by a high
Christian churches introduced a unique ex-
drum pierced by openings.
pression distinct from earlier cultures' plan
Melon-shaped domes such as St. Theo-
configurations. Cruciform geometry rein-
dore's or Sts. Sergius and Bacchus in
forces the idea of having a focal point at the
Constantinople. The variation of the
intersection of the two arms of the cross, thus
bulbous, onion-shaped dome typical in
emphasizing the cruciform concept with
Russia has the functional effect of re-
more intensity than were the previously men-
ducing snow loads.
tioned shapes.

Byzantine construction was typically brick,

BYZANTINE DOMES with thick mortar beds. The mortar was
made of sand and lime mixed with crushed
brick and tile and pottery fragments. Interior
Domical roofs over churches, baptistries, and surfaces were often covered with marble
tombs were the major elements in which By- slabs, mosaics, or frescoes. After the mortar
zantine architecture expressed itself, starting had set, the mason laid special brick courses
from the fifth century A.D. either horizontally or inclined, so as to form a

Wood and Masonry Domes

herringbone pattern visible also on the ex-

Byzantine domes were built with special
techniques intended to make the structure as
light as possible. Doing so would of course
reduce stresses in the masonry, a concept the
Byzantine builders obviously understood.
Light materials were often used for the pur-
pose, such as the pumice and even pottery
incorporated into the masonry of St. Vitale in

Significant Examples
of Byzantine Domes
Domes in Byzantine architecture are exem-
2-33 A representation of the Holy Sepulchre in
plified by some of the following structures.
the Seal of Baldwin V (A.D., 1183 - 1186.
THE HOLY SEPULCHRE, JERUSALEM Contrary to earlier illustrations on similar seals,
(A.D. 326-335) such as those of Baldwin I, Baldwin II, and
This church was originally built by Constan- Amaury (Amabric) I, this seal depicts the Holy
tine as a memorial over what was.believed to Sepulchre at the right of the Tower of David. To
be the tomb of Christ. Little is known of this the left of the Tower is the Templum Domini, the
first structure and its dome because it was converted Dome of the Rock. Notice the Arab
destroyed and rebuilt several times, first crescent over the bulbous dome of the Holy
being burnt by the Persians in A.D. 614. Be- Sepulchre and the cross over the Templum.
tween A.D. 616 and 618 it was rebuilt by the
Roman prefect Modestus, then destroyed in
1009 by the Fatimite caliph and rebuilt by
Constantine Monomachus in A.D. 1048. De- structure was built by the architects Anthe-
stroyed again by the Moslems, it was rebuilt mius of Tralles and Isodorus of Miletus
the last time by the Crusaders in the twelfth under Justinian. The original church of St.
century. Several hypotheses have been pro- Sophia was built by Constantine in 335 and
posed for the type of dome likely to have rebuilt by Theodosius II in 415. The dome,
been used in previous structures. Some as- which is 107 ft (32.5 m) in diameter and 180
sume the dome to have been hemispherical ft (51 m) above the floor level at the crown,
and made of masonry, others that it might dominates the entire space (see Fig. 2-34).
have been of wood. The reconstruction by Although this lofty structure imposes itself
Modestus between 807 and 820 included a on the whole space below, it suggests great
wooden dome, according to the historian Eu- lightness, as of a structure suspended from
tychius (A.D. 876-940). Cedars and pines heaven, as wrote the historian Procopius of
from the island of Cyprus were in fact used Caesarea, Palestine (c. A.D. 500-555).4
for the restoration of some parts of that The dome at the center of the church
wooden dome. Eutychius specifically de- covers a square floor area, from the corners
scribed the dome as being made of two of which four large piers extend vertically.
woo'den shells (see Fig. 2-33). These piers each have a cross-section of 25 ft
by 60 ft (7.5 m by 18 m). On top of them four
ST. SOPHIA, CONSTANTINOPLE (A.D. semicircular arches connect the piers to con-
532-537) stitute supports for the dome. These arches
Called Hagia Sophia, or Divine Wisdom, this create four pendentives 60 ft (18 m) high that

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

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2-34 a) The dome of St. Sophia in Constantinople, northeast elevation. One of the more important
domes in the world, it is built of brick masonry to a thickness that varies from 24 to 27 inches. The
larne dome, supported by hune pendentives, seems to be very linht. b) Floor plan, St. Sophia.

Wood and Masonry Domes

make a transition from the square floor plan To illustrate the frequency of earthquakes
to the circular base of the dome. The height in Istanbul, notice that thirty-six major ones
of the dome from its springing to its crown is were recorded in the period from A.D. 366 to
50 ft (15 m). Since its diameter is 107 ft (32.5 1894. There were many partial failures in the
m), the dome is hemispherical as observed structure of the dome, but there are few ac-
from inside. On the outside, a ring pierced counts of it worth mentioning. A notable
by forty windows encircles the base of the one, in 558, saw a portion of the central
dome, partially concealing more than one dome collapse, together with part of an adja-
dome, even as many as five, and occasionally cent semidome. According to the structural
more. configuration of the dome, the masonry ribs
The dome of St. Sophia is built of brick extending along its meridian lines could have
masonry laid in courses whose gradually in- contained a partial collapse of the dome
clined beds do not radiate from the center of shell's surface between the ribs, sparing the
the dome but have a lower slope. The thick- integrity of the whole dome but suffering
ness of 27 in (70 cm) in the lower part of the partial failure. One account of this event re-
dome is attained with square bricks-more ports the dismantling of the dome and recon-
properly called tiles-each 27 by 27 in (70 struction of it within a higher structure that,
by 70 cm) and 2 in (5 cm) thick, laid down flat though it maintained a spherical configura-
with mortar joints that are also approxi- tion, increased the curvature and thus re-
mately the same thickness. The upper part of duced the horizontal thrust. The rebuilt
the dome, which is only 24 in (61 cm) thick, dome raised the crown an additional 20 to 26
consists of square bricks 24 by 24 in (61 by 61 ft (6 to 8 m) higher than that of the original,
cm), again with a thickness of 2 in (5 cm). shallower dome. Later, during the ninth cen-
When the bricks are laid down flat they form tury, earthquake damage necessitated exten-
a wall 24 in (61 cm) thick. sive repair work to be done to the dome, and
These values for dome thickness contrast in the next century a major quake destroyed
remarkably with the thickness of the Roman the western semidome and supporting arch,
domes that preceded St. Sophia, emphasizing which definitely affected the major dome as
the increased efficiency of Byzantine building well. Another major earthquake, in 1346,
technology. By capitalizing on the techniques also produced severe damage to the central
developed for Roman monuments, the By- dome and certain adjacent ones. Finally,
zantines carried empirical engineering even after many seismic attacks, in 1847 the dome
further. received a major tension ring at its base-an
Of all the major domes from the ancient iron structural member to absorb horizontal
past that still exist today, St. Sophia holds the thrust at the base and relieve the masonry.
record for having survived the most earth- That this dome could have been designed
quakes. This achievement is not just a statisti- intuitively to withstand earthquake forces is
cal fact but underscores its extraordinary ca- extremely doubtful. Nevertheless, its exis-
pacity for survival. Domes, vaults, and arches tence today shows a remarkable quality of
are not ideally suited to resist horizontal seis- endurance that contradicts beliefs about the
mic forces, yet this structure never gave in, vulnerability of vaulting to undergo lateral
even after many partial collapses. Repaired forces. We have seen how Egyptian architec-
after each earthquake, the dome of St. So- ture, dramatically concerned with eternal
phia has been exposed over and over to ex- survival, had purposely avoided arches and
traordinary earthquake forces, which are vaults as well as domes, considering these
directly proportional to the weight of a struc- forms as if they were affected by a seed of
ture and are therefore considerably high in death. In this light then, Santa Sophia, with
masonry buildings. its amazing history of survival, disproves the

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

Egyptian belief that had mistrusted the KAPNIKAREA CHURCH, ATHENS (A.D.
strength of the dome. 875)
The dome covering the Kapnikarea Church
ST. VITALE, RAVENNA (A.D. 526-547) in Athens springs over an octagonal drum. Its
Built by Justinian and modeled on the Min- small size allows one dome alone to cover the
erva Medica in Rome, this dome was partially structure below.
constructed of clay pottery to attain a lighter
mass. Such a unique feature, found in only a CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES, ATHENS
few Byzantine domes, definitely indicates the (c.
A.D. 1020)
confidence that Byzantine builders had in The dome at the center of this cruciform
their knowledge of construction. This early church is supported by a tall octagonal drum
Byzantine dome is covered on its exterior by pierced by windows. The top of the drum
a wood structure supporting a roof. In the consists of the extrados of eight arches. The
tradition of Roman prototypes, the main role dome that sits over these arches thus has an
of this dome was to complete the interior undulated base that follows the profile of the
space, rather than to make a statement about arches themselves. This type of edge support
the exterior mass. Byzantine domes later de- for a dome is a characteristic repeated in
parted largely from this philosophy, produc- many Byzantine Greek domes.
ing compositions with more than one dome.
Among the first Byzantine domes in Constan- Crowning the roof of this church are five
tinople, this dome built by Constantine was domes of special importance in that this
destroyed and rebuilt several times: in A.D. church inspired the design of St. Mark's in
532, 564, and 740. The dome is partially Venice. This church was originally built by
hidden on the exterior by a tall drum that Constantine, rebuilt by Justinian, then de-
extends high above the springing of the stroyed in A.D. 1463 and finally rebuilt as a
dome itself (see Fig. 2-35). mosque.

2-35 The dome of the Church of St. Irene, Constantinople.

Wood and Masonry Domes

ST. SOPHIA AT NOVGOROD (A.D. 1052) filled with masonry, they are each pierced by
Shaped as bulbs, the domes of this church are two arched windows.
supported by five tall drums arranged sym-
metrically with one in the center and the ST. MARK'S, VENICE (A.D. 1063 -1085)
others at the four corners. The present church was erected over a pre-
vious basilica built in 864 that had burnt in
NEA MONI CHIOS (A.D. 1042-1056) 976. Crowning the church are five wooden
domes arranged with one main dome at the
The dome of this church is supported di-
center and four others at the ends of the arms
rectly by its external walls. Eight squinches
of a cross. The central dome has a diameter
support the drum, which in turn carries the
of 42 ft (13 m) at the base. All the domes
dome. The original dome, which collapsed in
include two shells with a wooden framework
1881 during an earthquake, was rebuilt in
between, leaving a large dead space enclosed
concrete, as it is today.
by the internal and external shells (see Fig.
ST. THEODORE, ATHENS (A.D. 1060-1070)
Similar to the dome of the Kapnikarea THE CHURCH OF KOIMISIS, DAPHNI
church, the dome of St. Theodore is a small (c. A.D. 1080)
central structure supported by an octagonal This dome is carried by an octagonal drum
drum below. Eight arches clearly visible from supported by squinches that are in turn sup-
the exterior carry the dome at its base. In- ported by columns.

II m u

2-36 The domes of St. Mark's in Venice. One dome is at the center,
and four are around it at the ends of each arm of the cross. The five
wooden domes were added in the thirteenth century. The diameter of the
central dome is 42 ft (12.8 my.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic


(c.A.D. 1100) 1321)

The Church of St. Theodore in Constantino- This church, which represents the most im-
ple is crowned by three domes in the front portant example of Byzantine churches in
and one at the center. The central dome, Yugoslavia, is roofed by a series of domes
which sits on a drum, has a diameter of only arranged symmetrically around a central
13 ft (4 m) at its base. Meridian flutings one. The exterior of the structure shows a
enrich its surface. Carrying the drum are typical pattern of combined courses of brick
four pendentives, in turn carried by columns. and stone masonry.

This church, constructed by Byzantine Greek 1554)
builders who had worked also on the recon- Located in the present-day heart of Moscow,
struction of St. Mark's in Venice, is on the the Church of St. Basil dominates Red
island of Torcello in the Venetian lagoon. Square. No fewer than eight domes complete
The church includes a central dome sup- the top of this church. They are all shaped in
ported by eight columns. Only part of the a typical bulbous configuration, but each
dome is still standing, and few vestiges are dome differs somehow from the others. The
now visible. shiny, bright finishing of the domes' surfaces,
painted with various colors, is particularly
ST. FRONT, PERIGUEUX, FRANCE (A.D. striking. The vivid colors combine with the
1120) elaborate design to generate an imaginative
Built on the same basis as St. Mark's in Ven- architectural composition that cannot fail to
ice, this church includes five domes. It is the leave an impression.
only prototype of Byzantine-domed structure
in this part of Europe to have been in-
fluenced by Venice. At its center the dome
has a diameter of 40 ft (12 m) at the base. ISLAMIC DOMES


(c. twelfth century A.D.) With the advent of Islamic architecture, the
This structure, presently the Gul Djami, con- historical development of the dome split into
sists of a central dome over a church with a two currents: the Western tradition that pro-
typical Greek-cross floor plan. The original gressed along its original direction through-
church has now been converted to a mosque. out Europe; and an Eastern modification of
Western models that was produced by the
LITTLE METROPOLE CATHEDRAL, new Islamic culture searching out its own
ATHENS (c. A.D. 1250) symbolic expression.
This church is the smallest cathedral in the The Islamic architecture that developed
world. It has a floor plan of only 38 ft by 25 ft to express the homogeneous religion is var-
(12 m by 8 m) and includes a dome only 9 ft iously referred to as Moslem, Muslim, Mo-
(2.8 m) in diameter that is supported by a tall hammedan, Saracenic, Moorish, and Otto-
octagonal drum. man. The religion originated in the seventh
century A.D. with Mohammed the Prophet,
AGHIA PARlGORITISSA, ARTA, GREECE who died in A.D. 632. By this time the dome
(A.D. had reached an apex during the Roman Era
The Aghia Parigoritissa is a church consisting and had been fully embedded in Christian
of a cubical overall configuration that is architecture. The dome's symbolic values-
crowned by five domes. expressed as imperial power and majestic

Wood and Masonry Domes

splendor, or in its ability to house the immor- Significant Examples

tal soul and honor the relics of the martyrs- of Islamic Domes
had already given it preeminence in architec-
ture. It is thus understandable how deeply The examples of Islamic domes that follow
the Moslems admired it and how far they have been selected as only a few out of many
went to make it the most powerful expression interesting structures that cover the vast Ot-
of their architecture. toman Empire and the even wider area under
The use of the Moslem dome spread Islamic influence. These domes, which are
throughout Asia and North Africa, following presented in chronological order, are merely
the expansion of the Islamic faith. At its peak indicated to draw attention to them, without
the Moslem world was quite widespread, in- entering into detailed descriptions.
cluding the entire present Middle East and
Mediterranean Africa as well as Afghanistan QUBBAT AS-SAKHRAH (DOME OF THE
and Turkey, the African countries of Mauri- ROCK), JERUSALEM (A.D. 685-692)
tania, Nigeria, Somali, the Spanish Sahara, This dome, one of the first Islamic ones, fol-
and Sudan, and, later, Mongolia, northern lowed soon upon Mohammed's death in A.D.
India, Pakistan, and ultimately even Indone- 632. This dome was actually inspired by the
sia and the Philippines. dome of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The territory over which the Islamic dome The original dome has been rebuilt, but
developed is so large that although the basic without changing its structure, format, and
underlying concept was the same, several spe- technique. The basic structure consists of a
cific types came to characterize the various double shell of a timber framework. The
local influences on the dome. For instance, original dome was covered with gilded cop-
Persian and Egyptian domes are more per sheathing (see Fig. 2-38).
pointed than others. Turkish domes are
mostly hemispherical, Indian ones usually THE TOMB TOWER, LAJIN, IRAN (A.D.
covered with marble sheeting. Persian domes 1022)
are often covered with polychrome ceramic This conical structure is in Lajin, in the re-
tiles, as was followed in Iraq. In Asia Minor, gion of the Elburz Mountains in Mazandaran
however, domes were roofed with lead in the Province, Iran. This dome of brick masonry
European tradition. is similar to two other structures built in the
Among the numerous factors that must same area (see Fig. 2-39).
have influenced the development of the
Islamic dome, one small dome on a Christian ARSLAN JADHIB TOMB, SANGBAST,
tomb had a surprising impact. The Tomb of IRAN (c. A.D. 1028)
Bizzos, in Ruweha, Syria, was a Christian Of most interest in this structure is its transi-
structure from the late fifth century A.D. that tion from a square plan to a polygonal drum,
included a cut-stone masonry dome over a then to a circular dome in which the three
cubical masonry structure of heavy walls that parts of the structure have similar volumes
became even thicker at their corners to form (see Fig. 2-40). This structure exhibits a sim-
square piers. These massive walls were un- plicity and harmony of design that avoids any
doubtedly justified by the need to resist the pomposity.
horizontal thrust at the springing line that a
heavy stone dome produces at its base. This DAVAlDAH IMAM MAUSOLEUM, YAlD,
dome, which is almost hemispherical except IRAN (A.D. 1036-1037)
for a slightly pointed vertex, seems to have The dates of construction for this mausoleum
inspired the typical configuration of the can be interpreted from an inscription on the
Islamic dome that followed it in time (see Fig. structure. Supporting a circular dome is an
2-37). octagonal drum connected by squinches.

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-37 The Tomb of Bizzos, Ruweha, Syria. a) Plan. b) Cross-section. c)


2-38 The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem (A.D. 685 - 692). The diameter
of the dome is 140ft (42 my.

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-41 The Davazdah Imam Mausoleum, Yazd,

Iran (A.D. 1036-1037).

2-39 The Dome of the Tomb Tower, Lajin,

Iran. (A.D. 1022).

This dome was built as part of an original

This drum in turn surmounts the square plan small mosque to which the extension was
of the building (see Fig. 2-41). added only a century ago. The typical transi-
tion from circular dome to octagonal drum
THE JAM! MOSQUE, ARDISTAN, IRAN to the square body of the structure is clearly
(A.D. exposed by its exterior configuration. The
This dome was erected after the main body volumetric relationship between the main
of the mosque had been built in a previous body, the drum, and the dome, expressed in
period (see Fig. 2-42). the overall composition, is of particular inter-
est (see Fig. 2-43).


(c. A.D. 1135)
The harmonious relationship of this dome
with its drum and main body produces a vol-
umetric composition of particular value that
is simple yet complex at the same time (see
Fig. 2-44).


(c. A.D. 1100)
This dome was built within the twelfth cen-
tury with the rest of the structure being
added later. The diameter of the dome mea-
sures 49 ft (15 m). The tile covering the
2-40 The Dome of the Arslan Jadhib Tomb, dome was added in later periods (see Fig.
Sanobast, Iran (A.D. 1028). 2-45).

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-42 The Jam; Mosque, ArJistan, Central Iran. (A.D. 10 2 - 1091).

DOME OF JABAL I SANG (MOUNTAIN ished, has received special recogmtIon. Of

OF STONE), KERMAN, (probably c. twelfth particular interest is the gradual transition
century A.D.) from the main polygonal body to a superim-
This whole structure in the southern part of posed polygonal drum that continues to a
Iran, which seems to have been left unfin- similar, smaller drum and extends to the
crowning dome (see Fig. 2-46).

2-43 The jami Mosque, Golpaeean, Iran (A.D. 2-44 The jami Mosque, Zavareh, Iran (c. A.D.
1104-1118). 1135).

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-45 The Jami Mosque, Qgzvin, Iran (twelfth century A.D.).

DOME OF THE IMAMZADA SAYY/D cause of the massive exterior walls that domi-
ISHAQ TOMB, SAVA (A.D. 1277-1278) nate the building (see Fig. 2-49).
(See Figure 2-47).
VARAMIN, I RAN) (A.D. 1261-1307) This structure located in Ashtarjan, a small
The main dome, built in gradual concentric village in the area of Isfahan, includes the
steps, rests on an octagonal drum over a central area covered by a dome which was
square plane structure below (see Fig. 2-48). originally built between 1299 and 1312. The
exterior parts were added later and rebuilt
THE HARUNIYYA TOMB, TUS (presently several times (see Fig. 2-50).
Meshed, Iran; probably fourteenth century A.D.)
The main dome consists of a two-shell struc-
ture that seems to lose its prominence be-

2-46 Dome of Jabal i Sane (Mountain of 2-47 Dome of the 1mamzada Sayyid Ishaq
Stone), Kerman (probably twelfth century A.D.). tomb, Sava (A.D. 1277-1278).

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-48 The Imamzada Yahya Mausoleum. Varamin (A.D. 1261 -1307).

2-49 The Haruniyya Tomb. Tus (presently Meshed), Iran (probably

fourteenth century A.D').

2-50 The Jami Mosque. Ashtarjan. Iran (c. A.D. 1315).

Wood and Masonry Domes

(c. A.D. 1322-1326) fourteenth-fifteenth centuries A.D.)
This structure dates from the Mongol period This type of structure crowned by a dome
(see Fig. 2-51). does not reflect a corresponding architec-
tural trend (see Fig. 2-54).
The date of construction has been derived IRAN (end of fourteenth century A.D.)
from an inscription in the building. Of special This brick dome covers a kiosk structure of
interest is the double body of the dome itself great simplicity and elegance. Although the
(see Fig. 2-52). tomb was damaged by vandals, the dome,
supported by piers, is still in good condition
IRAN (c. fourteenth century A.D.)
This dome is covered with both glazed and
unglazed brickwork (see Fig. 2-53).

2-51 The Jami Mosque, Varamin, Iran (c. A.D. 1322 -1326).


2-52 The Baba Luqman Mausoleum, 2-53 The Dardasht Minarets, Isfahan, Iran (c.
Sarakhs, Iran (A.D. 1356). fourteenth century A.D.).

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-54 The Kuh-i Banan Tomb (probably fourteenth -fifteenth century A.D.).

GUR-E AMIR MAUSOLEUM, ily decorated raised pattern enriches the ex-
SAMARKAND, U.S.S.R. (c. A.D. 1405) teriors of the domes (see Fig. 2-59).
This dome itself consists of two shells with a
large dead space in between, raising the THE SHRINE OF SHAYKH
outer shell much higher above the interior NI'MATALLAH, MAHAN, IRAN (fifteenth
one. A timber framework within the space century A.D.)
between the two domes supports the exterior Decorations were added to this structure
shell, typically shaped in a bulbous form (see until the nineteenth century, because of the
Fig. 2-56). importance of this shrine, which became the
object of many pilgrimages. Blue tiles and
MOSQUE OF GA WHAR SHAD, black and white decorations enrich the exte-
MASHHAD, IRAN (c. A.D. 1418) rior of the dome (see Fig. 2-60).
Simple yet ornate, this dome is one of the
first to show the heavy decoration that char-
acterized the later Safavid domes (see Fig.


A.D. 1451)

An ornate drum featuring a flowering motif

supports a dome covered with blue tiles. In
the interior, rich green tiles cover the space
(see Fig. 2-58).


The major dome, part of an earlier structure, 2-55 The Tomb of Shah Firuz, Sirjan (end of
was followed by a second added later. A heav- fourteenth century A.D').

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-58 The Shah Mosque, Mashhad, Iran. (c.

A.D. 1451).

2-56 The Gur-e Amir Mausoleum, Samarkand, THE SHRINE OF FATIMA, QUM, IRAN
U.S.S.R. (c. A.D. 1405). The innerdome's (c. sixteenth century A.D.)
diameter 35 ft (10.7 mY, the outer, 55 ft (16.8 The major dome is covered with blue tile and
my. decorated with a rich geometric pattern of
interconnected five-pointed stars. A minor
dome built in the nineteenth century is also
part of the structure. This second dome is
THE JAMI MOSQUE, SA VEH, IRAN gilded, adding richness to the shrine (see Fig.
(c. sixteenth century A.D.)
This dome is covered with turquoise, which
has a geometric design over it in dark blue THE GREAT MOSQUE OF THE SHAH,
and white colors (see Fig. 2-61). ISFAHAN, IRAN (c. A.D. 1612-1630)
This splendid dome consists of two shells.
The exterior one, with a bulbous shape, is

2-57 The mosque of Gawhar Shad, Mashhad, 2-59 The Darb i Imam, Isfahan, Iran (A.D.
Iran. (c. A.D. 1418). 1453 and late seventeenth century A.D.).

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-60 The Shrine of Shaykh Ni'Matallah, Mahan, Iran (fifteenth to

nineteenth centuries A.D.).

2-61 The Jami Mosque, Saveh, Iran (c. sixteenth century A.D').

over 30 feet (9.1 m) above the inner one. of the shrine, has recently been restored (see
Supporting the exterior dome is a wooden Fig. 2-64).
framework totally concealed in the space be-
tween the two domes. The exterior shell, THE MAUSOLEUM OF SULTAN
built of brick masonry, is covered with ce- MUHAMMAD ADlL SHAH (COL
ramic tiles (see Fig. 2-63). CUMBAZ), BIJAPUR, MYSORE, INDIA
(c. A.D. 1636-1659)
MASHHAD-I MIR BUZURC SHRINE, Carried aloft by structurally interlaced
AMUL, IRAN (A.D. 1623) arches, this impressive dome crowns the main
This dome, built over the tomb in the center body of this structure, described by Bannister

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-62 The Shrine of Fatima, Qym, Iran (c. sixteenth century A.D.).

2-63 The Great Mosque of the Shah, Isfahan,

Iran (c. A.D. 1612 -1630) The inner dome's
diameter is 68 ft (20.7 m), outer one 87 ft
(26.5 m).

2-64 The Mashhad-i Mir Buzura Shrine, Amul, Iran (A .D. 1623).

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

2-66 Domes of Mushtaquiyya'Ali Shah,

Kerman, Iran (c. nineteenth century A.D.).
2-65 The Mausoleum of Sultan Muhammad
Adil Shah (Gal Gumbaz) , Bijapur, India (c. A.D.
leum surrounded by kiosks, a gateway pavil-
1636-1659) The dome's diameter is 125 ft
ion, and elaborate gardens enclosed by a
(38 my.
perimeter wall, the Taj Mahal is an outstand-
ing monument with its dome the main fea-
ture (see Fig. 2-67).
Fletcher as "boldly proportional. "6 At the
base of the dome the span measures 125 ft
(38 m) (see Fig. 2-65). Mimar Sinan's Contributions to the
Islamic Dome
KERMAN, IRAN (c. nineteenth century A.D.) The history of the dome developed, as did
These two domes cover the tombs of two the history of architecture in general, for
holy men, creating a unique monument. Bold centuries with a peculiar absence of individ-
geometric patterns cover the surfaces of the uals' names in association with the many arti-
two domes (see Fig. 2-66). facts. A solemn silence seems to have envel-
oped pre-Renaissance architecture, giving it a
DOMES OF THE TAJ MAHAL, AGRA, character different from that of other forms
INDIA (A.D. 1630-1653) of art such as literature and the visual arts,
This mausoleum built by Emperor Shah where artists were usually recognized and
Jehan over the tomb of his wife Mumtaz routinely honored. It was only with the birth
Mahal has a central dome consisting of two of the Renaissance that architects finally
shells whose diameter is only 58 ft (17.7 m). came to be heard of by name throughout the
The inner dome is 80 ft (24.4 m) high, the Western world. In the East, however, the Ot-
outer dome 200 ft (61 m). The outer one, toman tradition continued a silence that has
shaped in typical bulbous configuration, never ended. On only one occasion was this
dominates the center of the structure, while silence broken, with one name that emerged
four smaller domes complete the exterior to give official parenthood to scores of struc-
composition around it. The Taj Mahal is one tures. The majestic mosques of Mimar Sinan
of the most elaborate and precious monu- (1489 -1587) glorified the symbolic value of
ments of Islamic art in India. With its mauso- the Ottoman dome at its fullest expression.

Wood and Masonry Domes

2-67 Domes over the raj Moho} (A.D.1653) in Aero, India.

Born a Greek Orthodox Christian in Cae- The most significant source of inspiration
sara, Palestine, in his early youth Sinan was for the domical architecture of Mimar Sinan
forcefully conscripted and converted by no doubt came from St. Sophia in Istanbul
Islamic forces in Turkey, as was then com- (see Fig. 2-34). The overpowering grandios-
mon. A carpenter and self-trained architect, ity of its dome had affected the culture of the
late in life, after completing his military ca- world and must have had even a deeper im-
reer, Sinan became the most prominent ar- pact locally.
chitect in the Ottoman Empire. Sinan pro- Sinan's first masterpiece was the Mosque
duced the astonishing number of more than of Sciahzadeh in Istanbul. This structure dra-
three hundred buildings and a thousand matically expressed the theme of the dome
domes, new or restored, at a time when de- by a unique composition of four cupolas
sign and construction techniques were less crowning the top of the mosque. Contrary to
efficient than today. the typical melon shape of common mosques,
Sinan's major contributions to the devel- these domes had a pure spherical profile. Of
opment of the Islamic dome give him a high particular significance is also Sinan's great
level of recognition. It thus becomes neces- cupola over the Suleimanye in Istanbul.
sary here to distinguish the Ottoman inter- Sinan's astonishing architectural career
pretation of the dome, from that of the rest did not start until he was forty-eight, when he
of the Moslem world, because Sinan's influ- was appointed chief imperial architect. Then,
ence was particularly focused in the territory a self-educated architect under the pressure
of the Ottoman Empire. of scores of commissions, he exhibited a Ren-
Although Sinan was most active during a aissance personality. "In a short time, Sinan,
time when there was great activity with domi- with the strength of his self-acquired skills
cal structures in Italy, cultural exchanges be- was soon able to claim mastery of and experi-
tween East and West then were minimal, ex- ence in the fields of: Structural Engineering,
cept for the Venetian trade, it is improbable Soil Mechanics, Statics and Strength of Mate-
for any such Western influence to have oc- rials, Building Physics, Hydraulic Engineer-
curred. ing, Surveying, Bridge Construction, Urban-

Domes: From Ancient to Islamic

ism, Architectural Design, and Interior ent options: 1) each of the four sides of the
Design." 7 In the first year of his architectural square supported either by walls or arches; 2)
career he built his first dome, cautiously, with all four sides carried by walls only; 3) two
a diameter of only 37 ft (11.3 m), for the sides carried by walls, the other two being
Haseki Hurrem Sultan Mosque. Gradually, supported by semidomes; and 4) three sides
his dome designs became larger and more supported by semidomes, the fourth by a
complex as he gained experience. With the wall. In general, to make the transition from
Selimiye Mosque he reached his highest ac- polygonal supports to a circular dome base
complishment in dome construction. Com- Sinan used pendentives and squinches, while
pleted in 1574-1575, this mosque was he counteracted horizontal thrust with but-
crowned by a dome 103 ft (31. 3 m) in diame- tresses and buttress towers in a variety of
ter that was supported vertically by an octag- designs.
onal base and laterally by eight buttress The basic dichotomy between the tradi-
towers connected to the dome by buttress tions of the Western and Eastern cultures has
arches. prevented much of the architecture of the
Sinan combined architectural composition Islamic world from finding adequate cover-
and structural design in such complexity that age in the Western architectural schools. The
he eventually accomplished in dome con- astonishing production of Ottoman architec-
struction what no other architect could yet ture, which is extremely rich in its detailing
claim. Of major relevance in this regard and grandiosity of expression - especially
is the uniqueness of his designs for dome through its magnificent domes-represents
supports. The systems he used are of three an invaluable endowment that remains
types: square, hexagonal, and octagonal. The largely intact in its original territories.
square support further includes four differ-


1. Edward Allen, Stone Shelters (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969).

2. E. Baldwin Smith, The Dome: A Study in the History of Ideas (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
3. Ibid.
4. Bannister Fletcher, A History of Architecture, 5 ed. (1905), 199.
5. Ibid., 206.
6. Bannister Fletcher, A History of Architecture, 18 ed. (1975), 445.
7. I. H. Gungor, "The Dome Tradition in Sinan's Works." Proceedings, symposium on Domes from
Antiquity to the Present, IASS-MSU, Istanbul, May 1988.


Dome5 from the Romane5que to the Pre5ent

ROMANESQUE DOMES Romanesque dome is one that consists of a

polygonal drum supporting an ovoidal dome
crowned by a small bulbous dome. A typical
Italian Romanesque builders' interest in the example is the dome over the Cathedral of
architecture of domes led to their creating Pisa (1063 - IllS). The elliptically cross-sec-
specific forms of domes with original struc- tioned dome is located over the crossing of
tural values. the nave and transepts. It is supported by a
Among the typologies that characterized polygonal drum and includes a fretwork area
the Italian Romanesque dome one particu- that serves to make the transition from the
larly stands out for its originality. This typol- drum to the dome itself. A small bulbous
ogy exhibits a hemispherical dome pene- dome supporting a cross completes the struc-
trated at its center by another dome shaped ture.
like a truncated cone. This conical dome
starts at the same springing level as the hemi-
spherical dome but then extends through
and above it. The cone's surface is thus the DOMES IN RENAISSANCE AND
one that is visible from the inside. On the BAROQUE ITALY
exterior, however, the observer sees instead
the hemispherical dome surmounted by the
upper part of the truncated cone, which is in The Renaissance may be subdivided into
turn surmounted by a small hemispherical three periods: the Early Renaissance (fif-
surface. teenth century), the High Renaissance and
One example of this typology is the dome protobaroque period (sixteenth century), and
over the baptistry of Pisa (1153-1265), de- the baroque (seventeenth and eighteenth
signed by Dioti Salvi. The central, conical centuries).
domes has a diameter of 60 ft (lS.3 m) at its The whole of the Renaissance in Italy is
base and is supported by eight columns and geographically subdivisible into three major
four piers. The hemispherical dome has a zones of influence. The Florentine zone
diameter of approximately 116 ft (35.4 m). started in Florence with the Early Renais-
Another common typology of the Italian sance and extended to all of Tuscany and

Wood and Masonry Domes

Genoa and Milan in the High Renaissance Gothic master-builder philosophy. To erect a
and protobaroque as well as baroque periods. dome on the magnitude of Santa Maria del
The Roman zone included the Papal State. Fiore was completely unprecedented. Domes
Its influence was, curiously enough, rejected of this size had not then been built for many
by southern Italy. The Venetian zone, late in centuries. Although Gothic techniques of
absorbing the Renaissance, was strongly in- vaulting could suggest much about the design
fluenced by the Byzantine architecture of the of vaulting in general, to design such large
Near East. Such geographic distinctions, domes raised many unknowns that had to be
which were strongly recognizable in the Early resolved.
Renaissance, gradually disappeared toward Brunelleschi designed the dome of Santa
the baroque period. Maria del Fiore (Saint Mary of the Flower)
Two domed structures stand out as major for a supporting drum that had already been
engineering works of the entire Renaissance: built. The octagonal shape of this drum thus
the dome of the cathedral of Santa Maria del imposed limitations on the dome built over it.
Fiore in Florence and the dome of St. Peter's The eight exposed ribs that spring from the
in Rome. The dome for Santa Maria del corners of the drum seem to follow the
Fiore became a worldwide prototype for the Gothic concept of slender arches. In any case,
design and construction of domes. Several the ogival shape of the dome, in conjunction
generations with many people involved par- with the ogival-shaped ribs, is reminiscent of
ticipated in the long process of conceiving, Gothic forms. Structurally, these forms al-
designing, and building these two cathedrals, lowed Brunelleschi to reduce hoop forces
but the actual conception of the two domes and the tension in the bottom ring. This solu-
and the solution of the architectural and en- tion avoided a major problem that would
gineering problems they raised rested upon otherwise have required using buttresses.
just two unique individuals: Brunelleschi and The reduced tension that resulted at the bot-
Michelangelo. tom of the dome could now be successfully
resisted by using iron chains. This method
was used in most of the domes built af-
The Florentine Zone of Influence: terward.
Significant Examples Another structural feature of this Brunel-
leschi dome was its adoption of a double-shell
As noted, the Florentine zone of influence system. Two domes are rigidly connected
started in Florence with the Early Renais- along the eight ribs and as well at the bottom
sance period and expanded to Genoa, Milan, and top rings. The external shell, the lighter
and Turin. Florence contains mostly struc- one, was considered to be an exterior protec-
tures of the Early Renaissance, with very few tive skin easily repairable from outside when
from the High Renaissance, protobaroque, necessary. The inner shell, which is less acces-
and baroque eras. The opposite is true, how- sible for repairs, is stronger and thicker. The
ever, of Genoa, Milan, and Turin. two combine into a single structure that
A number of significant domes were built offers a system that is much more rigid but
within this zone, among them being those lighter than a similar single-shell dome would
that follow. be (see cross-section in Fig. 3-1 ).1
One of the most important problems
SANTA MARIA DEL FIORE, FLORENCE Brunelleschi encountered was the need to de-
(1420-1434); CATHEDRAL (1417-1446) vise a construction method that would allow a
Among all the prototypes of Brunelleschi's span of 138ft (42 m) in diameter to start
work this masterpiece best combines his ar- from a springing plane at 151 ft (46 m)
chitectural and engineering genius with his aboveground. The committee for the con-

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

3-1 a) Plan, elevation. b) Loneitudinal cross-section throueh the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore,
illustratine the drum, the double shell, and the sheathine. Erected without centerine, the dome has an
eliptical shape. Its interior diameter is J 38 ft (42 mY, and its sprineine plane is at J 5 J ft (46 m)
above eround.

Wood and Masonry Domes

struction of the dome examined an astonish-

ing number of proposals from international
inventors trying to meet the challenging en-
gineering difficulties of erecting such a
dome. The engineering genius that Brunel-
leschi manifested amazed his contemporaries
and has been deeply admired by subsequent
Brunelleschi's innovative, unique con-
struction system dismissed the traditional ap-
proach of building a temporary centering on
scaffolds to support the tremendous weight
of the dome before it was completed. The
falsework for supporting workers and their
tools was hung from construction already in
place. Imaginative hoisting machines of
Brunelleschi's design and built under his su-
pervision constituted an amazing achieve-
ment integral to that of the dome itself. In
Brunelleschi's methodology design and con-
struction went hand in hand so harmoniously
that this aspect of his work remains a splendid
example of how to combine these two compo-
nents of architecture.


Centrally located over the plan of the church,
this dome was originally designed by Brunel-
leschi and completed after his death by An-
tonio Manetti.


This dome by Brunelleschi is of the ribbed
type. The dome is carried by pendentives and
crowned by a lantern. On the exterior, the
dome is purposely hidden by a high drum
that enclosed it (see Fig. 3-2).2 On top of the
drum is a low-pitched conical roof that covers
the dome completely. Two other, smaller,
domes complete the covering of the chapel.


This dome was also designed by Brunelleschi
and completed after he died. The major
dome is located at the center of the cruciform
plan, with smaller domes covering the roof of 3-2 The dome over the Pozzi Chapel in
the aisles. Florence.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present


EUSTOGIO, FLORENCE (1462-1466) This dome was designed by Francesco Ric-
This dome by Michelozzi is often compared chini in the early baroque period. The dome
to the dome of San Lorenzo by Brunelleschi. covers an octagonal structure, from which it
springs by means of pendentives.
PRATO, TUSCANY (1485-1491) THE SUPERGA, TURIN (1717-1731)
This dome designed by Giuliano da Sangallo Designed by Filippo Iuvarra, this dome is typ-
includes meridian ribs with vaults between ically baroque. Ornate and vertically elon-
them. Carried by pendentives, the dome sup- gated, it dominates the cityscape of Turin
ports a central lantern on top. The dome is from its hilltop location.
totally concealed by a drum pierced with cir-
cular windows and by a conical tiled roof SAN SEBASTIANO, MANTUA (1738-1782)
This dome was an addition to an existing
church designed by Leon Battista Alberti
CROCE, FLORENCE (1585-1609) that had been erected between 1472 and
1494. The architect for the dome was again
This dome by Giovanni Antonio Dosio was
Filippo Iuvarra.
probably designed in 1579, although it was
not constructed until six years later. Particu-
larly important is the elliptical plan of the
The Roman Zone of Influence:
dome, which is one of the first examples that Significant Examples
such other architects of the Roman baroque The Early Renaissance began in Florence
as Francesco Borromini fully explored later. and only slowly propagated to Rome. There
the architectural movement combined with a
SANTA MARIA IN CARIGNANO, GENOA literary revival that made Rome the world's
(1552-1603) center for classical studies. Here alone was it
This dome of the protobaroque period was possible to find vast documentation on classi-
designed by Galeazzo Alessi, an enthusiastic cal culture and see great numbers of proto-
admirer of Michelangelo's art. The dome types of classic architecture so well preserved.
over the center of the church is supported by Roman Empire domes were still there to in-
a high drum pierced by a series of windows of spire construction of a new generation of cu-
alternately equal size. The small, hemispher- pule, or rounded vaults.
ically shaped dome carries a lantern on top. It should be noted that most of the domes
At the four corners of the church tall, slender of the Italian Renaissance, baroque, and ear-
towers are crowned by small domes comple- lier periods are located in the historical
menting the larger one in the middle. centers of present-day cities. There the urban
scale makes it virtually impossible to have a
SAN SEBASTIANO, MILAN (1527-1596) free view of the domes, so that the magnifi-
The dome of San Sebastiano in Milan was cence of individual architectural exteriors is
designed and built by Pellegrino Tibaldi, lost in their totality. Only when cityscapes are
known as Pellegrino de' Pellegrini. This observed from rooftops or city parks can they
church, inspired by Giacomo da Vignola, has reveal the exteriors of domes. These domes
a circular floor plan that includes eight pilas- are more accessible to an observer from in-
ters around its perimeter. These pilasters side than out, making it difficult to correlate
support a coffered, hemispherical dome sur- the appearances of interior and exterior.
mounted by a lantern. Completely covering There are a number of prime examples of
the dome is a drum that supports a conical Renaissance domes still extant that exhibit
roof over the upper part of the dome. the influence of the Roman zone.

Wood and Masonry Domes

SAN SATlRO, MILAN (1482-1494)

This dome from the Early Renaissance pe-
riod was designed by Donato Bramante. Al-
though located in Milan, this dome and the
one following are classified as part of the
Roman zone of influence because of Bra-
mante's role in the architecture of Rome.
The dome is erected over the center of the
church and carried by pendentives. The
dome's exterior is concealed by a high drum
and covered with a conical roof of tiles, fol-
lowing the example of the Pazzi Chapel in
Florence by Brunelleschi (see Fig. 3-2).


This dome, also by Bramante, is a later addi-
tion over an existing church. Its diameter is
65 ft (20 m). Concealed on its exterior by a
high drum that terminates in a gallery, this
dome has a sixteen-sided polygonal plan. A
shallow roof covers the top of the dome,
which is pierced in its middle by a protruding
lantern. Fenestration through the dome and
drum illuminates the interior of the dome.


MONTORIO, ROME (1502-1510)
Bramante designed this small chapel to be
built over the spot where, it was believed,
Saint Peter received his martyrium. The
chapel's circular plan, built in the style of the
High Renaissance, resembles a Roman tem-
ple. The drum, which extends over the cylin-
drical structure, has a diameter of only 15 ft
(4.6 m). The dome exhibits a series of ribs on
its exterior. Although it is small in overall
size, this chapel is impressive for its sober


TOD!, UMBRIA (1508-1604)
This dome by Cola da Caprarola is a hemi-
spherical, ribbed structure springing from a Cross· section
high drum and surmounted by a lantern (see
Fig. 3-3).3 Four smaller domes cover the rest
of the church. These four additional domes 3-3 The dome of Santa Maria Della
are only partial, however, with their peaks Consolazione, Todi, Umbria. By Cola do Caprarola.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

reaching just to the bottom of the drum for THE SISTINE CHAPEL IN SANTA
the main central dome. MARIA MAGGIORE, ROME (1585)
This dome, by Domenico Fontana, covers the
THE MADONNA DI SAN BIAGIO, chapel shaped like a Greek cross that forms
MONTEPULCIANO (1518-1529) part of Santa Maria Maggiore.
This dome by Antonio da Sangallo the Elder
is a notable example of High Renaissance ar- SAINT PETER'S BASILICA (1585-1590)
chitecture. It covers the center of a cruciform The story of the dome of Saint Peter's Basil-
church and is supported by a high drum sup- ica goes back to 1506, with the idea for a new
ported in turn by pendentives. basilica commissioned by Pope Julius II. The
first of several architects to participate in its
THE MEDICI CHAPEL, design and construction was Bramante, as-
FLORENCE (1521-1534) sisted by Giuliano da Sangallo and Fra Gio-
This chapel is the new sacristy of San Lo- vanni Giocondo. At Bramante's death, in
renzo, designed by Michelangelo to house 1514, Raphael Sanzio was appointed as de-
the tombs of Giuliano and Lorenzo de Me- signer, and for a short time Sangallo and Fra
dici. Although it is in Florence, this protoba- Giocondo assisted, until their deaths in 1516
roque dome is included here in the zone of and 1520, respectively. Raphael also did not
influence of Rome because of Michelangelo's live long enough to have much impact on the
major activity in Rome. project. After his death, in 1520, Antonio da
Sangallo the Younger was nominated to di-
rect the project, with Baldassare Peruzzi as-
SAN ANDREA, ROME (c. 1550)
sisting. However, the political unrest of the
This dome designed by Giacomo Barozzi da times, which included the sack of Rome in
Vignola has an elliptical, horizontal cross-sec-
1527, did not allow much work to take place.
tion, which marks a new trend in dome de-
In 1546 Michelangelo was appointed to
sign. Like the Pantheon's dome, this one is
continue the work, but the construction of
partially concealed by a high drum whose
the dome he designed began only after his
weight is used also to counteract horizontal death, in 1564. In 1588 Giacomo della Porta
thrust at the base of the dome. The rectangu- and Domenico Fontana were commissioned
lar floor plan covered by the dome circum- by Pope Sixtus V to begin constructing the
scribes the ellipse, whose semiaxes are, re-
dome by following a wood model left by Mi-
spectively, 32 ft (10 m) and 26 ft (8 m). chelangelo. Of particular importance in this
work was the proven engineering skill of
THE GESU CHURCH, ROME (1568-1584) Fontana, who had previously moved the obe-
Also designed by Vignola, this structure was lisk in St. Peter's Square in Rome.
completed after his death by Giacomo della Michelangelo's original design had to be
Porta. The spiritual revival of the times made altered as the dome was actually built, be-
this church an inspiring example for other cause his initial dome, inspired by the dome
churches throughout Europe. The large, un- of the Pantheon, was lower and hemispheri-
obstructed space in the main nave could be cal. The modifications by della Porta and
used for processions or large audiences at- Fontana included, first, raising the springing
tending functions and sermons. Above it all line 15.66 ft (4.8 m) and changing the dome's
the dome dominated, inspiring those attend- profile to a more pointed configuration to
ing. Of special note is the lighting effect that follow more closely the funicular shape of the
was produced by reflected sunlight as it en- loads on the dome. This tapering of the shells
tered through large windows in the support- was increased even further toward the top, to
ing drum. diminish the dead load and reduce the tensile

Wood and Masonry Domes

forces in the hoops. The thickness of the ribs The tension in the bottom rings of the
was also diminished so that they projected dome is absorbed by ten chain reinforce-
less on the exterior than they had in Michel- ments. The chains include two of the ones
angelo's original design. One comparative originally installed during construction and
analysis4 reports improved performance in five more added by Giovanni Poleni in 1740
the della Porta-Fontana dome from reduc- when he was commissioned to repair crack-
ing the tensile force to 60 percent of what it ing in the dome. A discrepancy exists be-
would have been in Michelangelo's version. tween Poleni's accounts, which mention only
As finally built, the dome measures 137 ft two chains, and the Vatican's, which suggest
6 in (41.9 m) in diameter at the base, 250 ft a third hoop, documented by the ordering of
(76 m) above the floor. The base is supported the material necessary to construct a third
by four huge piers with square cross-sections hoop. It is interesting to note that the first
60 ft (18 m) on a side. In order to understand chains originally installed were not adequate
the huge scale of this dome it is helpful to to resist tensile forces in the hoops and actu-
know that the cross on top is at an elevation ally broke. The hoop reinforcements con-
of 452 ft (137.8 m) above the floor of the sisted of iron bars with eye terminals con-
church, and the top of the dome supporting nected by pins acting as chains. Their
the lantern is 365 ft (Ill m) above the floor. placement, near the extrados of the interior
The dome itself consists of two separate dome, awaited the warmest possible day so
brick shells each with a thickness of 46.85 in that the thermal contraction of lower temper-
(1.19 m) at the springing and an overall atures would guarantee there being adequate
thickness of 9 ft (2.7 m), including the inner tensile forces within the chains.
space (see the cross-section in Fig. 3-4). The Michelangelo Buonarroti was basically a
two domes are interconnected by sixteen sculptor and painter, as Sangallo pointed out
stone ribs that create a monolithic structure. when Michelangelo was commissioned to de-
sign fortifications for Rome. Michelangelo's
actual engineering experience was quite lim-
ited, being no match for his knowledge of art.
He had worked on fortifications for Florence
and had some experience in bridge design
and repair, but he lacked the expertise to
design and construct such a gigantic engi-
neering project as the dome of Saint Peter's.
Nevertheless, confident in himself and with a
personality typical in Renaissance man, Mi-
chelangelo undertook to design the dome
having as a model the dome of Santa Maria
del Fiore which served as proof that it could
be done. What Michelangelo produced was
in fact just an idea represented by a wood
model showing no specific construction de-
tails. He did not conceive of all the complica-
tions the dome job required and did not
create full engineering plans. The real engi-
neer was Domenico Fontana, although the
dome is usually credited to Michelangelo.
3-4 Cross-section through the dome of St. The massive, robust architectural charac-
Peter's in Rome. ter of this dome was typical of Michelangelo's

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

style. The interior of the dome is without are cut at the base of the dome, between the
doubt spectacular. Sixteen huge window ribs. Frescoes by Cesare Mariani decorate the
openings within the drum admit a quantity of interior of the dome and its drum (see Fig.
sunlight that makes the dome appear to be 3-9).
very light (see Fig. 3-5). Mosaics decorating
the interior surface that catch the light com- THE PAOLINA CHAPEL IN SANTA
ing from the lantern above contribute to the MARIA MAGGIORE, ROME (1605-1611)
apparent loftiness of the dome (see Fig. 3-6). The dome designed by Flaminio Ponzio is
A bird's-eye view from the dome is shown in over the Paolina Chapel, where Pope Paul V
Figure 3-7. was buried. This work is considered by many
Far from having become just an historical to be Ponzio's masterpiece.
example, the dome of St. Peter's still retains a
major place among masonry megastructures
that calls for its being more fully explored. A (1608-1628)
recent paper5 describes a computer structural
This dome crowns the church at Corso Vit-
analysis performed on Michelangelo's pro-
torio Emanuele, near the Piazza Argentina in
posed dome and on the actual design version
Rome. The church and dome are by Carlo
by della Porta and Fontana. This axisymmet-
Maderno, with only the lantern over' the
ric finite element analysis (ANSYS analysis
dome being by Francesco Borromini. The
code), which analyzed only one radian of the
dome surmounting the drum shows the ma-
dome, used the profile configuration of the
turity and complexity of the baroque style,
actual dome as given by Poleni and Di Ste-
with its intricate design dominated by pro-
fano. The support conditions assumed for
truding exterior ribs that merge smoothly
the dome include a fixed hinged connection.
toward the lantern. The young Borromini
This analysis concluded that the heavy lan-
was the most logical choice to complete such
tern over the dome generates strong vertical
a complex dome, commissioned by Maderno
deflections near the top of the dome, creat-
in his later years.
ing shear forces that tend to separate the two
The interior is decorated with fres-
shells, thus forming cracks between the ribs
coes painted by Giovanni Lanfranco between
and outer shell. Such cracks as were also ob-
1621 and 1625. The four pendentives sup-
served in 1742 by Poleni remain as they
porting the dome are also decorated by fre-
were, unaffected by repairs to them.
scoes, which represent the four evangelists.
These four paintings, by Domenico Zampieri
LORETO, ROME (1573-1592) (II Domenichino), were executed between
1621 and 1628.
Designed and built by Giacomo del Duca, this
major dome and the little one next to it cover
a church that was the work of several succes- SAINTS MARTINA AND LUCA, ROME
sive architects from 1507 to 1592. The origi- (1637-1647)
nal project, approved in 1505, was by Bra- Designed by Pietro da Cortona, a contempo-
mante, but Antonio da Sangallo actually rary of Francesco Borromini and Giovanni
began the construction. Sansovino continued Lorenzo Bernini, this dome covers a church
his work and del Duca completed it. The located in the Roman Forum on the side of
dome, crowned by a large lantern, is sup- the arch of Septimius Severus. The dome is
ported by an octagonal drum pierced by four supported by a high, heavy drum, and is of
rectangular windows. The dome includes the ribbed type, with eight of them being
eight ribs protruding on both the exterior visible on the exterior. On top of the dome is
and interior (see Fig. 3-8). Round windows a lantern that features two tiers of windows.

Wood and Masonry Domes

3-5 An interior view of St. Peter's dome at the sprinoino level. Below this
point a spacious walk protected by an inconspicuous baluster allows
inspectino the dome at its base. Sixteen huoe windows like these pierce the
drum at the base of the dome.

3-6 An interior view of the dome of St. Peter's. The liaht from the
lantern on top does not really contribute sianificantly to illuminatina the
dome, which is instead flooded by liaht from the sixteen larae windows in
the drum.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

famous for its precious dome. At the time of

its completion, the news about this unique
piece of architecture spread throughout Eu-
rope in just a few months. The dome can be
admired only from inside the church, not
being visible from street level. The plan of
the church is that of an ellipse (see Fig. 3-10)
contained within an orthogonal structure
that circumscribes the curvilinearity of the
church. The entrance, which is along the
major longitudinal axis of the ellipse, repre-
sents one of several possible solutions to an
elliptical floor plan. The dome over the ellip-
tical space is part of an ellipsoid: a rotational
surface with a horizontal axis differing from

3-7 A small cupola on the left side of the

main dome of St. Peter's faces the cathedral.
Desioned in 1564 by Vionola, this cupola is one
of the two twin ones over the Greoorian and
Clementine chapels that were lost from view from
the square when CarIo Maderno lenothened the
nave and added a hiBh facade, in 1606 - 1612.
This photooraph was taken from one of the small
windows in St. Peter's dome's external shell that
can be reached throuOh the two shells of the dome.

The drum is also pierced by windows, to add

more sunlight to the interior.


SAN CARLINO, ROME (1638-1641)
Francesco Borromini is the architect of this
church "at the Four Fountains," so called
because of the fountains at the four corners
where two streets intersect near the church. 3-8 The baroque dome of the Madonna di
This small elliptical church, usually known as Loreto at the Roman Forum (1573 -1592),
the San Carlino because of its size, is world desioned and built by Giacoma del Duca.

Wood and Masonry Domes

3-9 An interior view of the dome of the Madonna di Loreto.

that of a conventional dome, which has a ver- lar and three hexagonal half-cylinders.
tical axis of rotation. Crowning the dome is a tall hexagonal lan-
The exceptional fluidity of this design ex- tern that is topped with a spiraling steeple
tends with particular success from the floor that resembles a corkscrew. Unlike most cu-
plan to the three-dimensional dome. Of polas, which typically are suffocated by their
major significance is the effect achieved by surrounding buildings, this dome can easily
the natural lighting at the base of the dome , be admired from the outside, when the ob-
which makes the dome appear to float in server enters the cortile of the Sapienza, and
space and apparently detaches it from its even from some of the side streets.
Despite its small scale, the significance of SAN TOMMASO VILLANOVA, CASTEL
this dome in the development of domes can- GANDOLFO, ROME (1658-1661)
not be overemphasized. Contrary to that of This dome by Bernini crowns the middle of a
the large-scale domes that had preceded it, Greek-cross floor plan and is supported by
the dominant role of this work is in the virtu- pendentives. Castel Gandolfo is the summer
osity of its architectural form rather than its residence of the popes.
engineering and construction.
SANT' AGNESE, ROME (1652-1666)
SAN IVO DELLA SAPIENZA, ROME This dome by Borromini covers the church
(1642-1650) of Sant' Agnese in the Piazza Navona directly
This dome was designed and built by France- in front of the Fountain ofthe Four Rivers by
sco Borromini. As is typical of his designs, the Bernini. Borromini's work on the church in-
dome has an exterior configuration different cludes not only the dome but also the facade
from that of the interior (see Fig. 3-11). The and the two campanili that dominate the
interior reveals a tall, slender dome, whereas well-unified design. The original work on
the exterior shows an undulated drum in a this church was initiated by Carlo Rainaldi
pattern that consists of a series of three circu- (1611-1691).

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

differed, requiring some adjustments to be

made. The dome of the Santa Maria di
Monte Santo is elliptical in plan, whereas the
other is circular. The dome, designed by
Rainaldi, carries a lantern on top. The dome
is supported by a polygonal drum and delin-
eated by meridian ribs protruding over the
surface of the dome that extend from the
lantern to the top of the drum.


This dome, also designed by Rainaldi, is simi-
lar to the one just described. Notice, how-

3-10 The plan of San Carlino, showing the

complexity, articulation, and extraordinalJ' fluidity
of Borromini's design.


A short distance from the San Carlino and on
the same street is another precious elliptical
dome on an equally small church, this one by
Bernini. The dome here covers a floor plan
that is also elliptical, with its major and minor
axes being only 80 ft and 55 ft (24.4 m and
16.8 m), respectively.


ROME (1662-1679)
This church, located between the Via del
Babbuino and the Via del Corso, is the twin 3-11 The dome of San Ivo della Sapienza,
of the Santa Maria del Miracoli Church, be- Rome (1642 - 1650), by Francesco Borromini.
tween the Via del Corso and the Via Ripetta. This Significant example of Borromini's virtuosity
These two churches are crowned by domes lift an indelible mark on the histolJ' of domes.
that are designed to look equal but are not Shown is the exterior of the dome as seen from the
perfectly identical. The shapes of their sides cortile of the Sapienza.

Wood and Masonry Domes

ever, that its plan is circular rather than THE CHURCH OF THE SS. NOME DI
elliptical. MARIA, ROME (1737)
This church in the Roman Forum is next to
SAN CARLO AL CORSO, ROME the Church of Madonna di Loreto, with the
(1668-1672) Trajan Column in between. Although the
Dedicated to Carlo Borromeo, after his beati- two churches differ slightly their two domes
fication in 1610, the church, initiated in are almost identical.
1612 over the remnants of a previous Erected by the Confraternita del Santis-
church, was originally designed by Onorio simo Nome di Maria (Brotherhood of the
Longhi. The dome in the Roman baroque Holy Name of Mary) this church was the pay-
style is by Pietro da Cortona (1569-1669), a ment of a deed to the Virgin for the victory
painter and architect contemporary with over the Turks by Giovanni Subieski in the
Borromini. A high drum pierced by eight tall battle outside the gates of Vienna. Named
windows supports the dome, which carries a after the brotherhood, the church was
lantern on top. Both the cupola and the lan- erected where the small chapel of St. Ber-
tern are decorated on their interiors with nardo stood, forcing its demolition for the
frescoes by a painter named Brandi. Archi- new church. A precious image of the Virgin
tectural critics consider this to be one of the contained in the chapel from the eleventh
most harmonious domes in Rome. century, became the focal point in the new
church. Built according to the drawings of
SAN CARLO AI CATINARI, ROME Antonio Desret, the church with its elliptical
(1612-1620) floorplan is covered by a lofty circular dome.
Located at the Piazza Benedetto Cairoli, near
the Piazza Argentina, this church by Rosato
Rosati features a dome supported by a high The Venetian Zone of Influence:
drum that is pierced by ten windows framed Significant Examples
by exposed ribs between them. The four
pendentives that support the dome aloft are The Renaissance in Venice, and in the area
decorated with frescoes. The dome sits on that it controlled on the mainland, developed
the drum and is decorated with numerous differently than it did in the rest of Italy. Its
hemispherical niches carved into the thick- independent political stature and its distinc-
ness of the dome. Crowning the dome is a tive Venetian character both made it hard for
lantern to complete the traditional outline of Venetians to accept art movements from out-
the cupola. side. The different philosophy that the Ren-
aissance presented was not readily accepted
SAN CLAUDIO E SAN ANDREA DEI in Venice. For one thing, Venetians had an
BORGOGNONI, ROME (1728-1731) instinctive aversion to Rome as the represent-
Built by Antoine Derizet over the remnants ative of the dominant church. For another,
of a previous church, this church was de- the early Renaissance philosophy reached
signed for a French colony in Rome consist- Venice later than it did Florence and Rome.
ing of members from the region of Burgundy Furthermore, when it did arrive, Renaissance
as indicated by the name. The church at Pi- architecture adapted itself to the locally
azza San Claudio, near Piazza San Silvestro, is strong Venetian tradition already strongly in-
covered by a dome that includes a shallow fluenced by the Near East. The domes that
drum. The dome, which is pierced by four follow are important examples of this distinc-
circular windows near its base, includes me- tively Venetian style.
ridian ribs that form four window groupings.
Topping the dome is a typical lantern that
culminates in a cross.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

body of this church. One is at the crossing

and the other two are over the nave, 10 a
layout that recalls a Byzantine trend.


VICENZA (c. 1552)
This classical hemispherical dome over the
rotunda of the villa is one of the most famous
structures by Andrea Palladio. Such a classi-
cal Roman dome was a logical architectural
expression that Palladio used often in his
work. This dome followed his studies and
research in Rome that produced his treatise I
Quattro libri dell'architettura (The Four Books
on Architecture).


For this villa Palladio covered the rotunda
with a classical spherical dome that speaks of
order, symmetry, and placidity.


VENICE (1557-1592)
The Church of II Redentore is on the island
of Giudecca in the Venetian lagoon. This
church designed by Palladio is roofed at its
center by a hemispherical dome supporting a
3-12 The dome of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
(1489) in Venice, by Pietro Lombardi.
This church stands on one of the little islands
This dome by Pietro Lombardo covers the in the Venetian lagoon. It is crowned by a
sanctuary of a small church in Venice (see hemispherical dome over the center of a cru-
Fig. 3-12). 6 The dome consists of two shells, a ciform plan. The dome, designed by Palla-
hemispherical one of masonry and a taller dio, supports a lantern curvilinearly shaped
wooden dome supported by a wooden frame- like that of the church of II Redentore.
work. The exterior wooden dome carries a
lantern. The two domes are supported by a
shallow drum pierced with windows. This
drum is carried by pendentives that distrib- ARCHITECTS OF
ute the load over a square plan, as in earlier THE RENAISSANCE AND


(1506-1534) Only with the Italian Renaissance did the
Three identical domes, by Tullio Lombardo popular conception of the architect become
and Giorgio Pietro Spavento, cover the main one that combined the geniality of the artist

Wood and Masonry Domes

with the practicality of the master builder. As including, for instance, the dome of St.
with historical focus transferred from the Peter's. When Brunelleschi was commis-
mysticism of the Middle Ages to the human- sioned to take over the design and construc-
ism of the Renaissance, buildings came to be tion of this dome he started with a prelimi-
associated with the architect who conceived nary study of the necessary machinery
and built them, a tradition that has continued (basically hoists) needed for it, which he then
to the present. The history of the dome can personally designed from his own mechanical
now be discussed in terms of the men who engineering knowledge.
built these structures. The dome Brunelleschi built was unprece-
dented. He conceived of it as two structural
shells, one inside the other, interconnected to
Filippo Brunelleschi (1372-1446) act as one under load. Of great importance
also was his new idea for absorbing horizontal
With the contributions of Filippo Brunelles- thrust at the base by using metal chains
chi to the development of the dome, the rather than buttresses. Another important
dome entered a stage characteristic of what innovation was the construction method he
might be called the new Renaissance ap- devised to avoid using supporting scaffolds.
proach. The Gothic technology that had pro-
duced the elegant, slender arches and vaults
typical of the great northern cathedrals had Domenico Fontana (1543 -1607)
left a heritage of building technology upon
which Renaissance architects could capitalize. The major contribution that makes Domen-
Brunelleschi was the first in the large group ico Fontana significant in the history of the
of recognized architects whose names have dome is his fundamental role in constructing
come to be associated with their artistic pro- the dome of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome,
ductions. Before this point, buildings gener- although such a superb masterpiece is usually
ally resulted from the cooperative efforts of referred to as Michelangelo's dome by the
many rather than from any specific individ- architectural literature and the public at
ual associated with them. large, it is in reality the result of Fontana's
Although Brunelleschi began as a sculp- engineering conceptions. As noted earlier,
tor, in the tradition of the multitalented Ren- upon his death Michelangelo left only a
aissance artist he soon abandoned sculpture, wooden model as a guide for constructing
as his love for rediscovering classical architec- this monumental structure. It is obvious, of
ture motivated him to go to Rome to study course, that a tremendous gap existed be-
firsthand the remnants of its classical monu- tween the small model and the realization of
ments. In his move from Florence to Rome the engineering project by Fontana. The
(accompanied, incidentally, by Donatello), he wooden model failed to resolve all the prob-
established a pattern followed later by other lems that came up during its construction.
Renaissance architects. Mostly self-taught, One should remember also that in conceiving
Brunelleschi attained direct experience of his design Michelangelo had a brilliant exam-
Roman building traditions from his sojourn ple to follow in a model left by Brunelleschi.
in Rome. He combined this empirical knowl- The Renaissance architect-engineer Do-
edge with the latest Gothic technology to menico Fontana is particularly famous for his
achieve a high level of engineering genius. work on the noted obelisk in St. Peter's
Among Brunelleschi's number of works, Square. Although he created several build-
the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral ings of major importance his work, in con-
in Florence remains a superb masterpiece junction with that of Giacomo della Porta for
that marks the beginning of a new domical St. Peter's dome, places Fontana unforget-
architecture that inspired much later work, tably in the history of dome development.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

Francesco Borromini (1599-1667) tinct, powerful new art form. Although the
baroque was long discredited for its complex
Born in Como, Francesco Borromini moved articulations of geometric forms, it has re-
early on to Rome, where he apprenticed cently been reinterpreted and finally came to
under Maderno and Bernini. Brilliant, yet be understood for its inherent values. The
intense and moody, he lived a dramatic life intricacy of its design and the power of its
that terminated in an accidental suicidal act. curvilinear shapes had never been used be-
Early in Borromini's career he observed a fore and were for a long time overlooked as
workman on a construction site mistreating being merely an expression of pomposity and
some material. When Borromini reported verbosity. The idea of complexity as a devel-
him to be reprimanded, the corporal punish- opment out of simplicity is indeed a logical,
ment inflicted caused the man's death, which positive process. Now that this concept has
remained on Borromini's conscience for the finally been understood, the baroque and its
rest of his life. In another episode, in a mo- masters like Bernini have been accorded
ment of desperation he struck his forehead their rightful places.
with his own sword and languished for The interpretation of dome design that
months until he eventually died as a Bernini ventured into was a departure from
consequence. the traditional circular plan. With his work
Borromini the architect benefited from the dome shape transgressed the typical geo-
the new attitudes prevalent in the baroque metric arrangement resulting from rotating a
period. Dramatic new concepts then came generatrix around a vertical axis. For the
to envelop the world of the visual arts, first time, the dome was produced from a
especially architecture. Out of the Renais- portion of a solid surface generated as a
sance revival of classicism the baroque shape rotating around a horizontal axis. Such
evolved into an articulation of totally new domes' elliptical plans resulted from having a
forms with cerebral compositions exhibiting horizontal plane intersect a paraboloid.
great complexity. With these new opportuni-
ties Borromini's genius emerged trium-
phantly. Certainly in the design of domes, EUROPEAN DOMES
Borromini did not take second place to OUTSIDE IT AL Y
Renaissance domes in Europe outside of Italy
typically exhibit one or two centuries of de-
Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini velopmental delay behind their Italian proto-
(1598-1680) types. When Italian architecture was well into
its Baroque period, Renaissance-inspired
Born in Naples of a Neapolitan mother and a domes were still being built outside Italy.
Florentine father well known as a sculptor, The Renaissance spread first to central
Bernini moved to Rome, where he became Europe, with numbers of important domes
the dominant figure in the artistic circles of built especially in Germany and Poland. The
papal Rome. Like his father, the creator of examples that follow of domes in other coun-
the famous Barcaccia sculpture in front of the tries illustrate how the Renaissance concept
Spanish steps, Bernini was a sculptor first, of dome structures spread in the period
and only then an architect. The focal point of beyond the Italian Renaissance.
his art is his dynamic contribution to the ba-
roque dome development in its departure SIGISMUND CHAPEL, CRACOW, POLAND
from preceding Renaissance prototypes. Ber- (1517-1533)
nini explored a whole new geometric vocabu- Known as a pearl of the Renaissance, this
lary that made baroque architecture a dis- chapel and its dome are outstanding exam-

Wood and Masonry Domes

pIes of Renaissance architecture in Poland.

Built by an Italian architect from Florence,
Bartolomeo Berecci, called also Bartolomeo
Florentino, the chapel is part of the Wawel
Cathedral, the traditional burying place of
Polish kings. The chapel is crowned by a
dome supported by a cylindrical drum that
provides natural light at the base of the
dome, through a series of circular windows
piercing the drum itself. The lantern topping
the dome completes the domical structure in
the Renaissance style typical of Italian proto-
types. The chapel is also famous for its sculp-
tural decoration and marble royal tombs.


The dome of Les Invalides was built by Jules
Hardouin-Mansart to complete the Hotel des
Invalides begun by Liberal Bruant in 1670.
This structure represents one of the most
significant domes of the French Renaissance.
The dome of Les Invalides consists of three
concentric shells forming a dome centered
over a Greek-cross floor plan. It is supported
by a high drum on four piers. The dome's
internal diameter at its base is 90 ft 9 in (27.7
m). The inner dome terminates quite low,
3-1 3 The dome of Les Invalides, Paris (1680-
leaving a large opening on top that affords a
full view of the painted middle dome. The
1691), by Jules Hardouin-Mansart. Like the
dome of St. Paul's in London, this dome includes
outer dome, which carries a lantern on top, is
three concentric shells.
a timber structure covered with lead (see Fig.

ST. CASIMIR'S CHURCH, WARSAW Schluter. This church is considered the best
(1688-1692) example of the high baroque in Warsaw.
Built by Tylman of Gameren, this church in
Warsaw is a significant example of baroque ST. PAUL'S, LONDON (1675-1710)
architecture. On a Greek-cross floor plan, Rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666 on the
this church is crowned at its center by a dome site of the original cathedral, the new St.
resting over an octagonal drum. It has a lan- Paul's Cathedral marks the beginning of the
tern on top. Late Renaissance period in England (see Fig.
3-14).8 Saint Paul's is generally regarded as
ST. ANTONY OF PADOVA CHURCH, the masterpiece of Christopher Wren. It is
WARSAW (1687-1694) surmounted by a striking dome that stands
This church was built by Izydor Affaita ac- out against the cityscape. A tall drum sup-
cording to Tylman of Gameren. It was deco- ported on eight piers carries on its top three
rated and furnished by painter Francesco concentric shells that together constitute the
Antonio Giorgioli and sculptor Andrzej dome. The inner dome, a shell of brick ma-



3-14 The dome of5t. Paul's Cathedral (1710) , London, by Sir Christopher Wren. a) Exterior view. b) Cross-section.
Wood and Masonry Domes


SPAIN (1750-1755)
This church designed and built by Andres
Garcia de Quinones is partially roofed by a
tall dome that is 42 ft (13 m) in diameter and
sits over a high drum. The dome carries a
large lantern on top (see Fig. 3-15).


Built in the last part of the eighteenth cen-
tury in the heart of a Catholic country, this
church is usually referred to as the Protestant
Church of Malachowski Square. Designed by
Szymon Bugumil Zug, this church with the
large dome crowning it is considered an out-
standing example of neoclassical architecture
in Poland.


The development of domes in Russia follows

the history of Russian architecture in its frag-
mentary course. The first architectural phase
3-15 The dome of La Clerecia Church, started with the religious Byzantine tradition
Salamanca, Spain. This example of baroque in the 900s when Russia embraced the Chris-
domes in Spain has a diameter of only 42 ft (13 tian Orthodox faith. This period ended in
my. The dome sits on a high drum and carries a the 1230s when Russia was conquered by the
large lantern that is disproportionately large in Tartars and cut off from Western culture for
comparison to the dome. one and a half centuries.
The second phase started when Czar I van
III (1440 - 1505) invited Italian architects to
Russia to reconstruct the Kremlin, in Mos-
sonry 18 in (45.7 cm) thick, is painted by Sir cow. This marked the importation of the Ital-
James Thornhill. The interior dome, shaped ian Renaissance which blended well with
as part of a spherical surface, has its eye at local Russian traditions. The Italian influence
214 ft 3 in (65.3 m) above the floor. A second led also to a rediscovery of local craftsman-
structural dome is conical in shape, is built of ship that had been lost under the Tartars.
brick 18 in (45 cm) thick above the inner Some of the Italian architects involved were
dome. This intermediate shell carries the lan- Alevisio Novi, Pietro Solaro, and Marco
tern above it. The third dome consists of a Ruffo.
timber structure covering the second shell, The third phase started with the founding
thus providing a weatherproof skin with its in 1703 of the new city named St. Petersburg
lead cover. Iron chains and bands are pro- by its founder, Peter the Great. The Italian
vided as required on each shell to absorb any Renaissance and baroque influences that
tensile stress that might develop. had already encompassed Europe came to

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

dominate completely the architecture of St. terminates in a traditional Orthodox cross

Petersburg. Some of the architects who con- (see Fig. 3-16).
tributed the most to its architectural develop-
ment were Domenico Tressini, Carlo Barto- THE CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY OF
lomeo Rastrelli, Antonio Rinaldi, Carlo OUR LADY IN THE KREMLIN (1393)
Rossi, and Giacomo Quarenghi. See Figure 3-17.
The dominant role of the dome in the
religious architecture of the Renaissance and THE CATHEDRAL OF THE DORMITION
baroque eras found equal acceptance in Rus- IN THE KREMLIN (1475-1479)
sia. There, however, the Italian models blend Five previous domes cover this splendid
with local influences to generate new forms. church in the Kremlin that was intended to
Some of the major examples of Russian be the setting for important official ceremo-
domes are briefly mentioned as follows: nies, including the coronations of the czars.
The Italian architect Rudolfo Fioravanti,
ST. THEODORE STRA TELA TES, known as Aristotele F., was invited to Russia
NOVGOROD (c. 1361-1362) by I van III through the offices of the Russian
This domed church, built in Novgorod in the ambassador to Venice to design and oversee
middle of the fourteenth century under the the construction of this structure. After de-
urging of Semjon Aandrejevitch, the mayor, molishing the original two-year-old structure
exemplifies the bourgeois architecture typi- that had partially collapsed from an earth-
cal of the times. This small dome supported quake, Fioravanti redesigned the building,
by a circular drum perforated by several nar- following the model of Vladimir Dormition,
row apertures tops the center of the main according to Ivan Ill's wishes. Following
portion of the church. At its pointed crown it Russian medieval traditions, this church does
not reflect the new architecture then flour-
ishing in Italy.
The symmetrically organized five domes
are supported by individual drums arranged
so that the larger central dome dominates the
others (see Fig. 3-18).


MICHAEL, MOSCOW (1505-1509)
This structure designed by Alevisio Novi as
part of the Kremlin is covered by five domes
(see Fig. 3-19).


MOSCOW (1508-1600)
This belfry is in the Kremlin, completed in
the sixteenth century. This church is shaped
with an octagonal floor plan and rises in
three tiers crowned with a dome, as illus-
trated in Figure 3-20.


3-16 The dome of St. Theodore Stratelates, Five domes crown this church. The small bul-
Nov8orod (c. 1361-1362). bous domes are gilded. The central dome is

Wood and Masonry Domes

3-17 The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady

in the Kremlin (1393).

3-18 Top right: The dome of the Cathedral of

the Dormition in the Kremlin (1475 -1479), by
Aristotele Fioravanti.

3-19 Bottom right: The domes of the Cathedral

of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin,
designed by Alevisio Novi.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

3-20 The domes over the belfry in the Cathedral of Ivan the Great in
the Kremlin, started by Marco Bono in 1508 and completed in 1600.

mounted over a tower, with the others sym- smaller domes around the central one repeat
metrically arranged much lower. the motif from the top part of the central
dome (see Fig. 3-22).
See Figure 3-21. PETERSBURG (1818-1858)
A gilded dome at the center dominates this
THE SMOLNY CONVENT, ST. massive, rich structure.
PETERSBURG (1748-1755)
These domes designed by Carlo Bartolomeo A general view of the domes over the
Rastrelli include a high central dome with churches of the Kremlin can be seen in Fig-
four small ones around it placed over four ure 3-23.
lower towers.


Again designed by Rastrelli, the domes here
include a central one having a unique bul- The baroque period represented the apex in
bous form surmounted by a small bulb that the historical development of domical archi-
terminates in a pointed extension. Four tecture. The rediscovery of the Roman dome

Wood and Masonry Domes

- -- -<==:.
- --
3-21 The Church of the Trans.finuration, Kizbi (1714).

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

- -l---
I }

3-22 The domes of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Kiev (1747 - 1773) by Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

Wood and Masonry Domes

3-23 A general view of the Kremlin domes.

by the Renaissance was one theme the ba- variously popular from the late 1800s to its
roque developed to its fullest design virtuos- current great revival.
ity so that the tradition of the dome could Several classical revivals followed that of
decline only gradually. There are two basic the baroque, but their minor scale resulted in
reasons identifiable as the main causes of this only limited, sporadic applications in domes.
decline: a decline in masonry structures in Domes built after the baroque era were usu-
general, and a widespread declaration of war ally inspired by Renaissance domes. The Lu-
against past traditions. theran church built between 1777 and 1781
The advent of improved technology grad- in Warsaw by Szymon Bugumil Zug is a good
ually reduced the continued use of masonry, example of a classical revival. The interior
because of the new excitement generated by under this dome became famous for its flaw-
building in steel and reinforced concrete. Ex- less acoustics. Now the church serves not only
cept for a new generation of domes with steel as a religious center but as a concert hall for
frames, the traditional masonry dome has recitals, particularly of organ and chamber
now vanished as a significant form for archi- music. Also in 1781 Jacques SoufHot com-
tectural expression. The anticlassical cur- pleted the Pantheon in Paris (see Fig. 3-24).9
rents that swelled against the dome and cur- Some innovative domes were built in the
vilinear traditional architecture resulted 1800s. For example, Alesandro Antonelli
from new philosophies of art that emerged (1798-1888) designed the dome ofthe Basil-
with the end of romanticism from just before ica of San Gaudenzio in Novara and the
World War I to the years that followed it. dome for the Mole Antonelliana in Turin.
The development of the dome has fluc- The exceptionally tall profiles of these domes
tuated, because between one peak of popu- with their cuspidate configurations was
larity and another were various levels of ac- mainly to make them easily recognizable
ceptance. For example, the steel dome that from their exteriors and to dominate their
emerged in the nineteenth century has been cityscapes. Another example of a domical

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

structure from the same period is the dome classic dome and drum, both octagonal. And
of San Carlo in Milan, designed and built by at Ostia, which is now practically part of
Carlo Amati in 1840. It has a diameter of Rome, a cathedral designed by Magni in the
105 ft (32 m) and height of 120 ft (36.58 m) 1930s is covered by an octagonal dome. It is
and was built with unreinforced horizontal supported by an octagonal drum that clearly
courses. represents a nostalgia for the domes of the
By the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, past.
the domical structure was no longer a roofing
system exclusively for churches. Galleries, li-
braries, railroad stations, and government Domes of the U.S. State Capitols
buildings were now among the structures
covered with domes. The vernacular archi- The wide acceptance of Palladian architec-
tecture of this period often indulged in re- ture throughout Europe was exported to the
vivals of Renaissance and baroque proto- United States, where it met with astonishing
types, particularly in cities where the domical enthusiasm that led to a classical revival.
tradition was strong. In Rome, for example, Among the various elements of neoclassical
in the Via Veneto, over the corner of the architecture, the dome emerged supreme as
Excelsior Hotel, there is an elegant baroque- a major feature in public buildings.
revival small but graceful dome. At the
square in front of the Ponte Milvio the 1933 THE STATE CAPITOL, BOSTON
church the Gran Madre di Dio is roofed by a (1795-1798)
This early example of U.S. masonry domes,
on the state house in Boston, was designed by
Charles Bulfinch. This neoclassical building
is crowned by a precious guilded dome whose
vivid reflection merges nicely into the city-
scape of Boston.


The present dome of the U.S. Capitol build-
ing in Washington, D.C. is the work of
Thomas Ustick Walter (see Fig. 3-25). This
dome replaced the original one destroyed by
the British in the War of 1812. Inspired by
classical Palladian architecture, this building
was originally designed by Dr. William
Thornton to imitate the Pantheon in Rome.
The design and construction of the original
building continued until 1811 under the
guidance of E. S. Hallet, assisting Thornton,
and later by B. H. Latrobe, who rebuilt it
after its destruction.
The elliptical dome is basically of cast iron,
surmounted by a lofty drum. The drum is in
two parts; a lower portion encircled by a col-
3-24 A cross-section of the dome of the onnade on the outside and with an interior
Pantheon (1781) in Paris by Soujjlot. surface pierced by windows, and an upper

Wood and Masonry Domes

on state capitol buildings include the fol-


Main Statehouse, Charles Bulfinch:

Indiana, 1878-1888
Texas, E. E. Myers: 1882-1888
Georgia, Edbrooket Burnham: 1884-
Minnesota, Cass Gilbert: 1895 -1905
Rhode Island, McKim, Mead & White:
South Carolina, 1853 -1907
Montana, Frank Andrews: 1898 -1902
Colorado, E. E. Myers: 1886 - 1908
Mississippi, Theodore C. Link: 1901-
South Dakota, C. E. Bell: 1907
Pennsylvania, Joseph Huston: 1909
Kentucky, Frank Andrews: 1910
Arkansas, George R. Mann, Cass Gilbert:
Utah, Richard Kletting: 1913 - 1916
Wisconsin, George B. Post & Son:
Idaho, John E. Tourtelotte, 1912 -1919
3-25 The dome over the U.S. Capitol in
Washinoton, D.C., by Thomas Ustick Walter. A
cast-iron structure replaced the orioinal
hemispherical dome. Other U.S. Domes


VIRGINIA (1823 -1826: Rebuilt 1896-1898)
part also pierced by windows. The ribbed This dome over the library building at the
dome is completed on top by a lantern University of Virginia, near Charlottesville, is
crowned with decorative statuary. significant not for its engineering and con-
struction but for its history. This dome over
COLORADO STATE HOUSE, DENVER the Rotunda, as the building is usually called,
(1890-1900) stands out delightfully to crown the building
Built to resemble the U.S. Capitol building in that is the focal point of the campus. To-
Washington, D.C., this structure by E. E. gether with the rest of the campus, this build-
Myers, architect, is crowned with a dome ing and dome were designed by Thomas Jef-
standing 270 ft (82.5 m) above the ground. ferson during his retirement years, when he
Sheeted with copper, it was then covered dedicated himself to architecture. Inspired
with gold leaf donated by the miners of Colo- by the Pantheon, the Rotunda followed its
rado, where gold but not copper is mined. In proportions, reduced to half its scale. The
1950, a second coating of gold leaf preserved library building was originally designed with
the luster of this precious dome. three stories: two with oval lecture and as-
Some of the other domes that can be seen sembly rooms, and a third crowned by an

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

almost hemispherical dome, which was in- During the course of these various alter-
tended as a grand space for the library. ations the dome underwent substantial
When the library burned in 1895, the changes, such as the removal and reconstruc-
university commissioned the McDonald tion of the stepped rings around its base, a
Brothers architectural firm of Louisville, change in the copper sheetings, as well as the
Kentucky, to draw up plans for its recon- addition of cupolas over the skylight and the
struction, but after controversies with faculty like.
and students the commission was withdrawn This dome, only 77 ft (23 m) at its base,
and offered to Stanford White of the New remains a major monument as part of the
York firm of McKim, Mead & White. The American heritage. Its Palladian neoclassical
building was eventually rebuilt, not as an ex- architecture adopted by Jefferson to create a
actly perfect replica of the original one, but prototypical model for future American uni-
with modifications reflecting intentions Jef- versities, remains a source of inspiration (see
ferson had had that could not originally be Fig. 3-26).
applied for economic reasons. Subsequently, Other significant domes in the United
several further modifications have been States are mentioned as follows:
made on the building and dome. In 1938,
alterations were made to remove the library The University of Virginia, Charlottesville
from the Rotunda, and in 1939 and 1940 (1897); McKim, Mead & White; base
further modifications took place while refur- diameter 70 ft (21.3 m)
bishing the building. Between 1973 and New York University, New York, N.Y.
1976 additional changes were made to the (1897); McKim, Mead & White; base
building and dome, by Louis W. Ballou, an diameter 56 ft (17 m)
architect from Richmond. The Institute of Arts & Sciences, Brooklyn

3-26 The dome over the library of the University of Vir8inia (I 826),
Charlottesville, by Thomas Jefferson.

Wood and Masonry Domes

(1901); McKim, Mead & White; base ever strong cultural traditions of using ma-
diameter 64 ft (19.5 m) sonry existed. Around the Mediterranean
The Bank of Montreal, Montreal (1903- various countries still continue to use ma-
1904); McKim, Mead & White, base di- sonry vaulting techniques with lightweight
ameter 69 ft (21 m) clay products. Hollow-brick tile remains a
Madison Square Presbyterian Church, popular building block for partition con-
New York, N.Y. (1904); McKim, Mead struction and light vaulting throughout the
& White, base diameter 46 ft (14 m) world.
McKinley National Memorial, Canton,
Ohio (1905-1906); H. Van Buren Ma-
gonigk; base diameter 56 ft (17 m)
St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University,
New York, N.Y. (1905-1906); Howells THE END OF AN ERA
and Stokes, base diameter 52 ft (16 m)
Rodef Sholem Synagogue, Pittsburgh
(1905 -1908); Palmer and Hornbostel; With the discovery of Portland cement and
base diameter 90 ft (27.4 m) the concrete derived from it, masonry fell
Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C. into disuse. Unreinforced concrete might
(1906 - 1910); Hornblower & Marshall; sometimes have been considered a better
base diameter 80 ft (24.4 m) building material for masonry structures, but
Girard Trust Co., Philadelphia (1907); practical applications took different ap-
McKim, Mead & White and Allen proaches by creating a new technology that
Evans; base diameter 101 ft (30.8 m) bypassed traditional masonry forms. The use
The Cathedral of St. John the Divine, of concrete in its unreinforced state failed to
New York, N.Y. (1908-1909); Heins gain momentum. Only when it was combined
and La Farge; base diameter 132 ft with steel reinforcement did concrete suc-
(40 m) ceed in being fully utilized.
St. Francis de Sales Church, Philadelphia The technological development of the ma-
(1908-1911); Henry D. Dagit; base di- sonry dome can be seen in its inherent con-
ameter 61 ft (18.6 m) struction characteristics. Domes were used as
The Church of St. Barbara, Brooklyn a practical building typology to cover large
(1909); Helmle & Hubert; base diame- spaces with a permanent, durable material
ter 43 ft (13 m) instead of short-lived wood trabeation. Much
can be seen by observing the spans that his-
torical domical structures have covered.
Tile Domes in the United States Large and small domes have served their role
through a large spectrum of applications (see
Late nineteenth-century Spanish prototypes Table 3-1) that testifies to the flexibility of
of Catalan masonry timbrel vaulting reached domical morphology.
the United States through the initiative of Recent design demands for truly large
Rafael Guastavino. Using his unique system spans have proceeded beyond the capabilities
of tile vaults laminated in layers, scores of of masonry, passing the task directly to rein-
domes were built throughout the United forced concrete, and indirectly to steel and
States. From 1897 to World War II this wood. For reinforced concrete, the most sig-
method proliferated. nificant example is the Kingdome in Seattle
Brick-tile vaulting became practically ex- (1975) with a diameter of 660 ft (201m).
tinct in the 1940s in the United States, but Tables 3-2 and 3-3 detail significant steel and
the art of working with tiles lived on wher- wood domes.

Domes from the Romanesque to the Present

TABLE 3-1 Spans of Historical Masonry Domes


Treasury of Atreu, Mycanea 48 ft (14.6 m)

Stabian Baths, Pompeii 20 ft, internal (6 m)
Temple of Diana, Baiae 96 ft (29.3 m)
Temple of Venus, Baiae 60 ft (18.3 m)
Temple of Mercury, Baiae 66 ft (20.1 m)
Domus Aurea 44.3 ft, internal (13.5 m)
48.2 ft, external (14.7 m)
Pantheon, Rome 142.5 ft (43.4 m)
Temple of Vesta, Rome 18.5 ft, internal (5.6 m)
Minerva Medica, Rome 80 ft (24.4 m)
Temple of Venus, Baalbek 34 ft, internal (10.4 m)
S. Costanza, Rome 40 ft, internal (12.2 m)
The Baptistery, Nocera 80 ft (24.4 m)
Tomb of Theodoric, Ravenna 35 ft (10.7 m)
Martyrium of St. George, Zor'ah 34.5 ft (10.5 m)
S. George, Solonica 80 ft (24.4 m)
Church of Sts. Gergius and Bacchus, 52 ft (15.8 m)
St. Mark's, Venice 42 ft (13 m)
St. Sophia, Constantinople 107 ft (32.6 m)
St. Theodore's, Constantinople 13 ft (4 m)
St. Front, Perigueux, France 40 ft (12 m)
Little Metropole Cathedral, Athens 9 ft (2.7 m)
Jami Mosque, Qazvin, Iran 49 ft (15 m)
Taj Mahal, Agra, India 58 ft (17.7m)
Baptistry of Pisa 60 ft (18.3 m)
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence 138 ft (42 m)
Tempietto in San Pietro in Montorio, 15 ft (4.6 m)
Saint Peter's, Rome 137ft6in (41.9 m)
San Giorgia dei Greci, Venice 36 ft (11 m)
La Clereca, Salamanca 42 ft (13 m)
Les Invalides, Paris 90 ft 9 in, internal (27.7 m)
San Carolo, Milan 105 ft (32 m)
San Andrea al Quirinale, Rome 80 ft, major axis (24.4 m)
(elliptical dome) 55 ft, minor axis (16.8 m)
San Andrea, Rome 64 ft, major axes (19.5 m)
52 ft, minor axes (15.8 m)
Typical igloo 15 ft (4.6 m)

TABLE 3-2 Steel and Wood Domes' Sizes

Kaiser Aluminum, Honolulu, 1957; geodesic 145 ft (44.2 m)
Dome, Vienna, 1974; Schwedler 210 ft (64 m)
University Field House, Wichita, Kansas; Lamella 250 ft (76.2 m)
U.S. Pavilion, Expo, Montreal; geodesic 250 ft (76.2 m)
Charlotte Coliseum, N.C., 1955; Schwedler 332 ft (101.2 m)
Union Tank Car, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1958; geodesic 384ft (117 m)
Astrodome, Houston, Texas, 1956-1965 642 ft (196 m)
Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1971-1975; geodesic 680 ft (210 m)
Florida Suncoast Dome, St. Petersburg, 1990; cable 690 ft (210 m)

Wood and Masonry Domes

TABLE 3-3 Wood Dome Sizes In this dramatic sequence can be seen the
DIAMETER AT ancient masonry tradition being forcibly
BASE ousted by the new technologies.
University of Portland, 1984; 305 ft (93 m)
University of N. Arizona, 1978; 502 ft (153 m)
Tacoma Dome, 1983; 530 ft (162 m)
University of N. 533 ft (163 m)
Michigan, 1990; Varax

1. From Bannister Fletcher, A History of Architecture, 5 ed. (1905), 409.
2. Ibid., 153.
3. Ibid., 452.
4. Elwin C. Robison, "A Structural Study of the Michelangelo and Della Porta Designs for the St. Peter's
Dome." Proceedings, symposium on Domes from Antiquity to the Present, IASS-MSU, Istanbul, May 1988.
5. Ibid.
6. Fletcher, History of Architecture, 482.
7. Ibid., 508.
8. Ibid., 570.
9. Ibid., 508.


Dome TechnolO[Jies

STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS expression in Roman monuments. From the

early barrel vault to the sophisticated dome
of the Pantheon, Roman vaulting exploited
The layman's definition of shell brings to materials and forms through the intuitions of
mind the vision of a thin continuous surface anonymous builders. Through seemingly
enclosing an object. The surface of a seashell spontaneous growth vault technology
or of an egg are obvious examples. Likewise, evolved over millennia until the twentieth
when we talk of structures enclosing build- century. So even though the concrete thin
ings, what comes most readily to mind is the shell has now totally replaced the old tradi-
continuous surfaces of vaults and domes that tion of masonry vaulting, that tradition still
have become the major expressions of classi- retains its historical value through the innu-
cal architecture with the evolution of ma- merable monuments extant throughout the
sonry. world. From the Pantheon to St. Sophia and
Underlying these building morphologies is from Santa Maria del Fiore to San Carlino,
the idea of having smooth, continuous shapes many hundreds of masonry domes are still
where the angularity of a skeletal frame is magnificently preserved in the Western
totally absent and in net opposition. As ma- world, as are thousands of domes covering
sonry progresses vertically from foundation the mosques of the Muslim world.
through walls to roof, it necessarily flows into To speak in this context of structural
curvilinear surfaces. This is the only possible shells requires consideration of the dominant
alternative for roofing over an interior space materials used to construct shells-first ma-
with one continuous construction medium. sonry and then concrete and steel. For all
The vault became the key to opening up these materials it is logical to assume that the
spaces that were crowded by columns carry- material reacts as a homogeneous mass when
ing short lintels. considering its overall behavior. Masonry
When light, manageable bricks replaced shells are the product of a continuous mate-
stones as media, the great vaults of the an- rial that can be molded into curvilinear forms
cient world became possible. Large spans in the construction process. With centering
were the goal in the architecture of great and falsework, usually made out of timber,
cultures. They found their most triumphant master masons prepared forms to support the

Wood and Masonry Domes

heavy mass of the masonry during the slow DOMES: BASIC FORCES
construction phase. Masonry vaults and
domes must be dealt with differently from
masonry walls. During the construction of For a better understanding of the develop-
masonry walls, the structure is always in a mental background of domical structures it is
state of stable equilibrium, under the action necessary to examine the basic forces and re-
of dead loads, but structural shells never actions on and within domes. The design and
achieve equilibrium until being totally com- construction of masonry domes can be easily
pleted. For this reason, falsework is an abso- carried out by following some basic design
lute necessity for erecting structural shells. procedures.
Another major factor in the definition of The first step toward a general under-
structural shells is the degree of curvilinearity standing of domes as structures is to acquire a
in the shape that manipulates the flow of in- mental picture of the structural behavior
ternal forces throughout the form. A ma- common to all domes. To do so requires
sonry shell's external forces, its live and dead identifying the basic forces that travel
loads, flow through it to its supports in pat- throughout a shell. First are the internal
terns such that the stresses produced at any forces generated by loads that by definition
given cross-section are either ones of com- produce membrane forces that travel within
pression or of shear, these being the only two the shell all the way to its supports. Because
stresses that masonry is capable of absorbing they are planar elements, only those forces of
efficiently. Consequently, the pattern of the compression, tension, and shear that are con-
internal forces is conveyed through a shell in tained within the shell's thickness itself are
accordance with a specific geometry that will allowable. The following discussion analyzes
allow the generation of only compressive and and describes the forces for various configu-
shear stresses. Compression does not neces- rations of load conditions and geometric
sarily occur uniformly throughout any partic- forms, limited to spherical and conoidal
ular cross-section. It is necessary, however, to domes.
stay within positive compressive stresses,
without going into negative values (tension). Spherical Domes with No
As the theory of elasticity illustrates, tension Central Opening
is avoided when the resultant of compressive
forces at any given section is contained within Many kinds of circular domes are structurally
that section's middle third. Structural shells possible, since they can be attained by rotat-
therefore must capitalize on the geometric ing any shape of generatrix around a vertical
configurations that will allow this internal axis. For simplicity's sake this discussion is
condition. limited to spherical domes, implying any por-
To visualize this effect, imagine a simple tion of a sphere, from its minor circumfer-
piece of cloth hanging from various points ence up to a hemisphere and on around. A
that acquires a certain shape under the minor circumference will produce shallow
weight of sand superimposed on it. This cloth domes with a low rise, whereas the diameter
is nothing other than a membrane under ten- of a sphere will of course produce a hemi-
sion. Now imagine this membrane inverted, spherical shape having a high rise. A move-
without undergoing a change in shape by ment to circumferences farther around a
freezing. The structure becomes a thin shell sphere will produce a higher rise, but with no
and its state of stress is pure compression. increase in diameter.
The extraordinary variety of pure tensile The best way to visualize the geometry of
structures now available furnishes a valid in- the dome may be to refer to the terrestrial
ventory of forms for structural shells, if one globe, with its subdivisions in parallels, or cir-
can imagine them as being inverted. cles of latitude, which are also referred to as

Dome Technologies

hoops or hoop rings, and into meridians. The

forces and stresses within spherical shells can
thus be named after the hoops and meridian
lines. b) Next, the hoop force at any given lati-
Under vertical live or dead loads, hoop tude is figured as:
forces and stresses will be found to be under
compression in the upper portion of a dome, H = -T + wr cos cP
but in tension in the lower part. If a dome is
shallow enough, it may happen that for its c) Tension force in the base ring is then
entire surface the hoop forces and stresses calculable as:
are those of compression only. At the bottom
of a dome, regardless of whether or not it is
shallow, there is always a tension force, which
is usually absorbed by a tension ring at the
base. Under the same loading conditions, me- d) The angle cP, corresponding to the lati-
ridional forces and stresses are always under tude where the hoop force H is 0, can be
compression. found from the previous expressions, assum-
The symbols used in this example are H ing that H = O. Therefore:
for hoop forces, T for meridional thrust, and
S for the tension force in the tension ring, H = -T + wr cos cP = 0
following the terminology of the Portland
Cement Association. l The symbols CPl' CP2' Therefore T = wr cos cP
CPs . . . indicate the zenithal angles for
points 1, 2, 3, ... on the dome, and CPo in- But
dicates the zenithal angle at the oculum or
compression ring, if the dome has a lantern 21l r2w(cos CPo - cos CP)
opening. If the dome does not have a lantern 21l r sin 2 cP
opening at its crown, then CPo = O. The radius
of the sphere is indicated by r, but no symbol by equating the two expressions for T.
is needed for the radius of the base or of any We thus obtain cosscp - 2 cos cP + cos CPo
other hoop. =0.
The loading conditions being considered Considering a dome without an opening at
here are vertical dead and live loads. The its center, when CPo = 0 the equation above
unit load w combines together the, dead load can be solved for cp. Thus cP = 52 degrees.
and live load, for simplicity's sake, although This value is constant for any spherical dome
one is applied to the unit surface area of the that is uniformly loaded. Under these condi-
dome and the other to the unit area of hori- tions spherical domes thus have hoop forces
zontal projection for the dome. The symbol in compression in the area above the circle of
Wu is the total dead and live load as uniformly latitude that corresponds to cP = 52 degrees
distributed over the entire dome, from Po to and they have hoop forces in tension in the
the base: surface area below that circle.

Let us consider a spherical dome made of

brick masonry that has a uniform thickness of
On these bases it is possible to attain a twelve inches and is covered with one inch
number of results. of cement plaster on both sides. The unit
weight of the dome's surface is therefore
a) Meridional thrust 10 compression at (10 + 120 + 10) = 140 psf. Let the live load
any given point is: be assumed to be 20 psf. Thus, the combined

Wood and Masonry Domes

uniformly distributed load is (140 + 20) = I' = 4,928 = 34.2 si

160 psf. Let it be further assumed that the )1 12 X 12 P
dome does not have an oculum at its crown
and has a radius at the base of fifty feet and a Next, from c), above, the tension force in
rise of forty feet. the base ring is found as follows:
First, calculate the radius of the sphere r:
W" cos cP
r2 = (50)2 + (r - 40)2 S=-----:-
2n sin CPI
r = 51.25 ft

Since the dome has no central opening, = 2,060.9 (0.2196) = 73.8 ki s

S 2n (0.9756) p
CPo = o. Therefore, calculate CPI at the base as
follows: This tension force can be counteracted by
whatever ring or similar structural member a
50 ft designer chooses to use. Because CPI at the
sin CPI = 51.25 ft = 0.976 base of the dome is 77.32 degrees (that is,
larger than 52 degrees), the dome also has
CPI = 77.32 degrees hoop forces in tension. In considering hoop
forces in a masonry dome, hoops in compres-
Next, calculate the total uniformly distrib- sion present no problem, but having hoops in
uted load W". From the expression above, tension would not work, because of the in-
ability of masonry to resist tension. As a re-
W" = 2n r2 w (cos CPo - cos CPI) suit, the bricks in any given hoop that became
W" = 2n (51.25)2 (0.16) subjected to tension will tend to separate
(cos CPo - cos CPo 77.32)=2,060.9 kips along their vertical joints. For failure to
occur, however, the hoops must also undergo
Then from a) above, calculate the meridi- shear forces acting radially. These forces will
onal thrust T at the base of the dome. Where be able to counteract the tensile forces in the
CPI = 77.32 degrees, hoops, so that the masonry will actually work
in shear rather than in tension. If the mortar
2,060.9 beds are horizontal, the hoop forces and
2n (51.25) (0.952) shear forces will be in the same plane. How-
6.72 kips/ft ever, if the mortar beds are inclined the shear
forces acting on those beds will be a compo-
Since the dome is 12 inches thick, the maxi- nent of horizontal radial shear, and there will
mum meridional stress at its base is be another component perpendicular to the
mortar beds, which could easily be carried by
= 6,720 = 46.7 si the masonry.
f 12 X 12 P

From b), above, now calculate the hoop Spherical Domes

force H at the base of the dome. with a Central Opening

H= -T+ wr cos CPI Following the example of the Pantheon,

+ 0.16 (51.25) cos 77.32° =
H = -6.72 many domes were built with a central open-
-4.92 kips/ft (tension) ing or oculum. Such a structural discontinu-
ity has a significant effect on the entire dome,
The stress at the base of the dome produced which is reflected in the formulas previously
by the hoop force is then given. Thus, if CPo is the angle between the

Dome Technologies

vertical axis at the crown and a radius of We cos ¢o

the sphere passing a point around the edge of 2rr sin ¢o
the opening, the various formulas above will
be modified as follows. From this last formula the compressIOn
The surface area of the dome from the force on the collar is 0 if We is O. Also, We is
edge or collar of the oculum to a point PI is the only load that generates any force in the
figured as: collar itself, since We is the only load present
in the expression of S. Such loads applied
A = 2rr r2 (cos ¢o - cos ¢d below the collar as Wu and Wv do not produce
any concentrated force in the collar, al-
w is the uniform distributed load per unit though they do produce hoop forces. The
area of dome surface-including both dead collar therefore may be treated differently
and live loads combined. from the base ring, because the latter is
Wv is the total variable load that varies always needed, but the former can be omit-
from 0 at the collar to a point P I at a rate of ted whenever collar loads are not applied.
w' per radian to point PI.
Spherical Domes with a
Wv =
Variable Thickness
2rr r 2w' [(sin ¢I - sin ¢o) - cos ¢o (0 1 - ¢o)]
Domes have traditionally been built with
Combine the various total loads into one. variable thicknesses that increase from the
The expression then becomes W = Wu + crown toward the base. This practice is justi-
Wv + We where Wu and Wv have been pre- fied by the increasing meridional thrust T
viously defined. We is the total load applied that obviously gets larger toward the base.
along the collar. The various formulas for internal forces in
The various formulas that follow are ex- spherical domes are hereafter introduced for
pressed in terms of a w that may include all variable loads, following the previously men-
three component loads or any combination of tioned outline published by the Portland Ce-
them. ment Association. The meridional thrust T
Meridional force T per unit length of hoop per unit length of dome circumference at a
circumference in compression at point P I is given hoop is

2rr r sin 2 ¢I

But Wv is the total variable load above point

The hoop force H (whether tension or
P I that is generated by a unit load that in-
compression) per unit length of meridional
creases at the rate of w' per radian, starting
arch at point P I is
from 0 at the crown and reaching a maxi-
mum of PI for domes that do not have an
oculum at the top. Its expression is

where ¢I and ¢o are expressed in radians.

The total tension force S at the base ring is
Meridional thrust T at point PI is a com-
pressive force given by

The compression force in the collar is

Wood and Masonry Domes

The hoop force H at point P I is given per increases toward the base at a rate of W can
linear foot of meridion by be found as follows:

H = -T + w'cplr cos CPI Wv = 2n r2 W' (sin CPI - CPI cos CPI)

The tension force S at the base ring can be

= 2(n)(51.25 ftr (44.48)(sin 77.32°-
1.3488cos 77.32°)
found from
Wv = 498.57 kips

The meridional thrust T at the base of the

dome is
For example, consider a spherical brick
498.57 kips
masonry dome with no central oculum at its
crown, a radius at the base of fifty feet, and a (2)(n)(51.25 ft) 0.976 2
rise at the crown of forty feet. The dome
varies from 1 foot in thickness at the crown to T = 1.62 kips/ft of compression force per
1.5 feet at the base. The dome also includes foot of circumference. Therefore, the stress!
one inch of cement plaster on both its inside at the base of the dome that is generated by T
and outside. What is required is to calculate IS
the internal forces and stresses in the dome
that are generated by only the increase in its = 1620lb = 7.5 si
! 12" X 18" P
The unit weight of the dome at its crown is Now calculate the hoop force H at the base
W o = (10 + 120 + 10) = 140 psf. Its unit of the dome, as follows:
weight at its base is WI = (10 + 180 + 10) =
200 psf. Therefore, the increase in unit H = -T + w' (CPI)r cos CPI = -1620 +
weight from the crown to the base is w' = 44.48 (1.3488)(51.25) cos 77.32°
WI-WO' Thus, w' =200 psf-140 psf=60
H = -945 Ib/ft of circumference (tension)
From the geometry of domes we can cal-
The stress at the base of the dome pro-
culate that
duced by the hoop force is
r2 = 50 2 + (r - 40)2
r = 51.25 ft I' = = -4.38 psi
)t 12" X 18"

and The tension force S in the base ring is

found as follows:
sin cP = - - = 0.976
I 51.25 WV COSCPI 498.57 kips cos 77.32°
S= = ---...!.-----
2n sinCPI 2 sin 77.32°
CPI = 77.32° = 77.32 (360) = 1.34880 rad
S = 17.85 kips

The increase of the unit load per radian is In this problem the uniform distributed
w' = 60 psf/1.34880 = 44.48 psf. load is not included, and only the variable
portion of the load is taken into considera-
The total variable load above the base Wv tion, so that its effects can be evaluated
generated by a load that is 0 at the crown and separately.

Dome Technologies

Conoidal Domes unit surface of the dome. A is the surface area

expressed by the two formulas above, accord-
Conoidal domes differ from spherical domes ing to whether the dome has an oculum or
in that they originate from a different gener- not.
ating process. Conoidal domes are obtained If the dome has variable thickness, the
by rotating an arc of a circle around a vertical total load produced by the increase in thick-
axis when the center of the circle does not lay ness as it varies from 0 at Po to a maximum at
on the axis of rotation. There are two kinds PI is
of conoidal shells, according to whether the
center of the circle is on the same side of Wv = 2n r2w' [sin ¢I - sin ¢o - cos ¢I
the generatrix as the axis of rotation or on (¢I - ¢o] - n rr'w l (¢I - ¢O)2
the other side.
If r is the radius of the circle of an arc and If the dome has no oculum, then Po is
r' is the distance between center of the located at the crown, thus ¢o = 0, and sin
sphere and its axis of rotation, various for- ¢o = 0 and cos ¢o = I. In this case the ex-
mulas for the geometry and for the forces pression Wv becomes
applied to conoidal domes have similar ex-
pressions to those used for spherical domes. Wv = 2n r 2w' (sin ¢I - ¢I cos ¢1 2)
- n rr'w' ¢1 2
The surface area of a conoidal dome with
an oculum is figured as where w' is the rate of the load increase per
radian. This increase is expressed in radians
where A is the surface area of the dome ex- W" at PI - W" at Po
w' = --''---=---'''--~
tending between point Po at the edge of the
oculum and point PI' which is arbitrarily ¢I
chosen. The expressions ¢o, ¢I' and r' have
If the dome has an oculum with a collar
already been defined. In the formula above,
around its opening edge, We becomes the col-
¢o + ¢I is expressed in radians.
lar load, linearly distributed.
If a dome does not have an oculum at its
Having thus defined the three different
crown, Po is at the crown, and ¢o = O. There-
loads, W becomes the sum of all or any com-
fore, sin ¢o = 0 and cos ¢o = 1. The surface
bination of them. Therefore, W = Wv +
area of the dome in this case becomes
W" + We' The meridional thrust Tper unit of
length of a hoop is thus figured as
A = 2n r2(1 - cos ¢I) - 2n rr' ¢I

The total uniformly distributed dead and

live load over the dome from its crown to
point PI is The hoop force H per unit length of merid-
ian is calculated as
W" = 2n r2w (cos ¢o - cos ¢d
- 2nrr'w(¢1 - ¢o)

where w is the uniformly distributed dead

and live load. Although the live load should
be considered as being applied to the hori- where ¢I - ¢o is expressed in radians.
zontal projection, it is here combined with Then the total tension force S in the base
the dead load, which is distributed over the ring is given by

Wood and Masonry Domes

W cos ¢) on a compression ring can be calculated by

2n sin ¢) using the following expression:

Next, the total compression force in the We cos ¢o

collar is given as follows: 2n sin ¢o

We cos ¢o Here S is the compressive force on the ring

S= --=---'--""
2n sin ¢o and ¢o is the zenithal angle between the ver-
tical axis of the sphere and a radius passing
through any point at the edge of the ring.


The typical Renaissance dome is illuminated OF MASONRY
by an opening at the crown that is sur-
mounted by a glazed prismatic structure in
the shape of a lantern. Sunlight finds its way When mankind's nomadic phase ended and
in through the lantern into the dome from permanent buildings became desirable, the
above regardless of the dome's orientation, physical world presented two basic building
depending only on the altitude of the sun sources: timber from vast forests and stone,
above the horizon. both readily available in nature. Timber
The Roman Pantheon made a much structures seem likely to have generated a
bolder statement many centuries before the relatively minor architecture, but stone ma-
Renaissance, with its circular unprotecte.:l sonry created major architectural expres-
oculum that let the sun, rain, and wind all in, sions. The great longevity of masonry in
but without creating discomfort. However, comparison to that of timber, and its poten-
the protecting lantern of the Renaissance and tial for larger-scale applications, made ma-
baroque domes was indeed an improvement. sonry structures preeminent. Masonry thus
In present-day structures a glazed crown came to be the material associated with the
opening could be interpreted using a high- development of the art of building as it con-
tech vocabulary of interesting geometric tributed to the development of civilization.
forms in mechanical components. Prisms, The basic components of masonry are its
polished metal frames, various movable com- stone elements and their mortar embedment.
ponents, reflecting devices, and other ele- The former include natural field stones, cut
ments could capture air and sunlight, reflect- stones from quarries, or artificial bricks of
ing and diffusing them to produce ingenious, sun-dried clay or from clay fired in kilns.
efficient solutions. Mortar developed early on out of primitive
Whether in its historical or contemporary mud, natural bitumen, or mixtures of lime
versions, the lantern is not just a superim- and sand. Except for the substitution of poz-
posed system. It has structural effects on the zolana for sand in the Roman technology, no
dome itself that both create discontinuity in other major changes occurred in the history
the dome and add a specific load concen- of masonry. Within the simplicity of this
trated along the edge of the discontinuity. building material, structural morphologies
Along the edge of a dome a compression ring have flourished in an extraordinary modula-
thus becomes necessary. As mentioned, the tion of forms.
collar load from the lantern is carried by this The composition of masonry has included
ring as a compressive force. The effect of We a variety of schemes in different combina-

Dome TechnoloBies

tions of materials. Stones alone, bricks alone, pacity of masonry is for the most part a func-
or combinations of them were used in various tion of the strength of its mortar joints.
applications with different geometric pat- These critical elements are much weaker
terns, according to the prevailing tradition. than stones or bricks in general. The stresses
Despite this multiplicity the whole of ma- allowable in various types of masonry give
sonry can be considered a homogeneous ma- some idea about the order of magnitude of
terial when one visualizes a masonry form in the values in question. For instance, the safe
a structural context. working compressive-stress values listed in
The forms that emerged out of structural the CRSI manual indicate for limestone ma-
homogeneity substantiate the versatility of sonry 350 psi and 500 psi, sandstone masonry
masonry. In the hands of sensitive designers, 208 psi and 400 psi, rubble masonry 140 psi
rigid, unimaginative vertical surfaces ac- and 250 psi. The CRSI figures for the bear-
quired lightness and elegance. Rectilinear ing capacity of various brick masonry under-
walls could become curved, making possible bearing plates include hard-burned common
circular buildings. A wall could now be per- brick in cement mortar 200 psi, soft common
forated by openings complemented with brick in cement mortar 150 psi, hard-burned
structural lintels. Major spaces were framed common brick in lime mortar 150 psi, and
with structural arches. More freely and ima- soft common brick in lime mortar 120 psi.
ginatively, masonry expanded into fluid, The various kinds of mortar currently de-
curvilinear surfaces to generate vaults and fined by ASTM specifications give allowable
domes. bearing stresses as follows: 2,500 psi for type
To attain curvilinear surfaces in masonry M, 1,800 psi for type S, 750 psi for type N,
it was necessary to develop new building and 350 psi for type O.
techniques. The temporary supports that The Brick Institute of America has given
were needed for unfinished masonry during specific values of allowable stresses recom-
construction had to be kept in place until the mended for brick masonry. 2 The allowable
structure was completed and the mortar had stresses include the following types: compres-
had time to harden. Centering for arches as sive axial (fm ), compressive flexural (fm ), ten-
well as falsework for vaults and domes had to sile flexural (fl ), shear (v m ), and bearing (fm ).
be designed. The use of timbers and of cen- These stresses are derived as a percentage of
tering and falsework supported by scaffolds the computed compressive strength of ma-
became an integral part of masonry building sonry at twenty-eight days (Pm) that has been
techniques, much as form work has become attained by a formula taking into account the
necessary today for cast-in-place concrete. ultimate compressive strength of brick (£I,)
The major characteristics of masonry as a and two coefficients: A, equal to two-thirds
whole are inherent in the brick itself. Ex- without inspection and 1.0 with inspection,
tremely manageable in size and weight, and B equal to 0.2 for type N mortar, 0.25
bricks can be quickly and easily set in mortar for type S, and 0.3 for type M. The £I, factor
beds resting on complex curvilinear false- should not exceed 14,000 psi. The formula is
work. It is rewarding to observe the astonish- as follows:
ing ability with which experienced masons in
the Middle East can still produce masonry Pm = A(400 + B£I,)
artwork with apparent ease. Because it is usu-
ally covered by stucco, brick masonry has to Table 4-1, "Allowable Stresses in Nonrein-
be visualized to be seen for what it really is if forced Brick Masonry," gives the values of
one wants to capture its significance. the allowable stresses as a function of f:". To
When masonry performs structurally as a appreciate the order of magnitude of these
homogeneous mass, its total strength de- stresses, consider, for example, a type M
pends on its weakest link. The carrying ca- mortar undergoing no inspection and an n
Wood and Masonry Domes

TABLE 4-1 Allowable Stresses in Nonreinforced Brick Masonry

Without With
DESCRIPTION Inspection" Inspection"
Compressive, Axial b
Walls fm 0.20f:n 0.20f:n
Columns fm 0.16f:n 0.16f:n
Compressive, Flexural b
Walls fm 0.32f:n 0.32f:n
Columns fm 0.26f:n 0.26f:n
Tensile, Flexurale.f
Normal to bed jointsb
M or S mortar f, 24 36
N mortar f, 19 28
Parallel to bed jointsC
M or S mortar f, 48 72
N mortar f, 37 56
M or S mortar Vm 0.5 f:n, but not to 0.5 f:n, but not
exceed 40 to exceed 80
N mortar Vm 0.5 f:n, but not to 0.5 f:n, but not
exceed 28 to exceed 56
On full area fm 0.25f:n 0.25f:n
On one-third area or lessd fm 0.375f:n 0.3.75f:n
Modulus of Elasticityh Em 1000f:n, but not to 1000f:n but not
exceed to exceed
2,000,000 psi 3,000,000 psi
Modulus of Rigidityh E, 400f:n, but not to 400f:n, but not
exceed 800,000 to exceed
~si 1,200,000 esi
Source: Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry, August 1969, Brick
Institute of America. UDC 692.02.
'See Section 1.3. Where f:' is determined in accordance with Section (brick
tests), values of f:' shall be based on Table 2. Where f:' is determined in accordance with
Section (prism tests), values of f:' shall be reduced by one-third when there is no
engineering or architectural inspection.
b Direction of stress is normal to bed joints, vertically in normal masonry construction.
< Direction of stress is parallel to bed joints, horizontally in normal masonry construction.
If masonry is laid in stack bond, tensile stresses in the horizontal direction shall not be
permitted in the masonry. See Section 5.8.5.
d This increase shall be permitted only when the least distance between the edges of the
loaded and unloaded areas is a minimum of one-fourth of the parallel side dimension of
the loaded area. The allowable bearing stress on a reasonably concentric area greater
than one-third but less than the full area shall be interpolated between the values given.
<For computing the flexural resistance of cavity walls, the lateral load shall be distributed
to the wythes according to their respective flexural rigidities.
fIn the use of these allowable stresses, consideration shall be given to the influence of
unusual vibration and impact forces.
sSee Section
h Where determinations involve rigidity or relative stiffness considerations in combination
with other materials or where deflections are involved, the moduli of elasticity and
rigidity given for "With Inspection" shall be used.

equal to 14,000 psi. From the previous for- cording to the percentage of the various in-
mulas we attain an f:" = 3,070 psi. From this gredients in their mixture. From time imme-
the following allowable stresses can be deter- morial, conventional mortar has been mixed
mined: a compressive axial stress for walls of empirically, in accordance with the experi-
614 psi and for columns of 490 psi, a bearing ence of many traditions. Historically, the ex-
stress on the full area of 767 psi, and a shear tent of the variations has been limited by
stress of 27 psi, not to exceed 40 psi. combining lime and sand in slightly different
Mortar qualities vary considerably, ac- proportions and using different amounts of

Dome Technolo8ies

water. Modern mortar mixtures vary little builders the art of vaulting has been perva-
from the old ones, the major difference being sive in architecture to the present.
the inclusion now of portland cement, with a While focusing on the various expressions
consequent increase in strength. The propor- of domes that have distinguished themselves
tions of the various ingredients by volume in masonry, wood, and concrete and steel
have also by now been more exactly estab- structures, it is worth mentioning some other
lished. In the ASTM specification system the forms of vaulting, especially those in masonry
various proportions of components for the and concrete. Briefly describing here some of
type mortars for nonreinforced masonry are: the basic types of vaulting used for masonry
for M, 1 part portland cement to 1/4 lime to 3 structures will illustrate the structural back-
of sand; for S, 1 part portland cement to 1/2 of ground from which the masonry dome
lime to 41/4 of sand; for N, 1 part portland evolved. Similarly, other vaulting forms have
cement to 1 of lime to 6 of sand; and for 0, 1 been illustrated later in this work, with much
part portland cement to Ph - 21/2 parts lime greater emphasis, in connection with thin-
to 21/4-3 of sand. Notice that type 0 mortar shelled concrete domes.
is no longer permissible by the new ACI
530-88 specifications.
The allowable stresses in Table 4-1 are Barrel Vault
based upon the existence of a good bond be-
tween units and their mortar or grout. Named after artifacts that it resembles, this
Where the surface of the brick in contact vault is also known as a tunnel vault, wagon-
with mortar or grout is either smooth or head vault, and wagon vault. This vault is
heavily sanded, the possibility of making a characterized by its cross-section, which is
reduction in the allowable stresses should be constant throughout its length. Although a
considered. portion of a circle is the most popular archi-
tectural form, the barrel vault could also be
constructed using different cross-sectional
BASIC VAULTING From the structural point of view the bar-
rel vault has two totally different patterns of
behavior, according to whether or not it acts
Vaulting can be defined as an extension of as a series of contiguous arches or as a longi-
the arch into a three-dimensional space. tudinal thin shell. In the first case, usually
The fundamental statement that structural found in heavy masonry structures, the vault
strength derives from mass and form and bears along the longitudinal edges, acting
their relative relationship finds a clear and like several arches connected rigidly. In the
obvious demonstration in vaulting. With the latter case the vault acts as a beam supported
stiffness derived from curvature, vaults have by an arch at each end of its longitudinal
achieved astonishing strengths, which has re- span. It develops longitudinal stresses of ten-
duced the contribution of mass to a second- sion and compression within the shell's sur-
ary role. The stiffness that a vaulted struc- face, just as a beam would be stressed.
ture displays allows for extremely slender
configurations in structural surfaces. This
trait has created a special vocabulary within Groin or Cross-Vault
the language of architecture. Starting with
the first expressions of curvilinearity, in an- The groin vault, also called a cross-vault, re-
cient Etruria (see the Porta all' Arco, c. 300 sults from the perpendicular intersection of
B.C., in Volterra, Tuscany) and the cultures two barrel vaults. The intersecting lines thus
of Mesopotamia, in the hands of sensitive formed are curvilinear and extend diagonally

Wood and Masonry Domes

to form two intersecting arches. With respect to use in large-scale applications. Modem-day
to the rest of the vault's surface these arches cement, which comes from day and lime-
are in a valley resembling that of the groin of stone, shares with the baked day of ceramics
the human body, from which the name de- the same ancestral origin in basic soils found
rives. The term cross-vault arises from the freely on earth. Concrete is a low-key indus-
two longitudinal axes of the barrels, which trial product that requires only low-key
intersect at 90 degrees to form a cross. Such a technology and energy input for its manufac-
vault may be used to cover square or rectan- turing. It is a humble material found unre-
gular floor plans. The cross-section of the strictedly almost anywhere. Even without any
barrels can be part of a circular or elliptical reinforcement, it is obviously an improved
shape. product in the masonry family that can resist
compressive and shear forces many times
greater than brick or stone masonry can
carry. Concrete can thus be used for much
FROM MASONRY TO CONCRETE thinner, and larger, structures. In itself, the
smoother homogeneity of the mass of con-
crete in comparison to masonry makes it a
The adoption of pozzolana for use in mortar monolithic material in some ways better than
mixes in the region around and south of fragmented masonry composition.
Rome produced a special mix that was in Curvilinear structures in reinforced con-
reality a form of cement. The natural chemi- crete expressed as thin shells did not in fact
cal components of pozzolana, especially its revolutionize the prevalent view of domes.
silicate and aluminate, combined chemically With the advantages of a material such as
with the calcium in the lime to generate a steel and concrete combined one could have
new chemical product. The Roman vaults expected more extensive use of it in domes,
and domes that capitalized on the structural yet reinforced concrete came primarily to
strength of this new special mortar succeeded compete with steel frames in applications of
in establishing a new concept in masonry. columns and beams. Tension, compression,
From the original heaviness of massive walls shear, bending, and torsion were stresses that
Roman masonry developed a new sense of reinforced concrete could carry with the
lightness, through long-span curvilinear sur- same ease as could steel alone. With their
faces. The thin concrete shells of today owe relative costs it is dear why reinforced-con-
their ancestry to Roman vaults. Of course, crete structures competed with steel- and
these early megastructures were just the be- won.
ginning of a centuries-long tradition. Byzan-
tine, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque ar-
chitecture followed the Western tradition of
curvilinear masonry structures, improving TIMBREL VAULTING
the technology and adopting new forms in it.
Similarly, the Islamic culture of the Ottoman
Empire borrowed dome technology and Timbrel vaulting is a distinguished construc-
made it a major expression in religious tion system for domes that excels in its ele-
architecture. gance and efficiency over any other masonry
In its pure expression, concrete used in technology for curvilinear shapes. Its name,
isolation should properly be considered, like derived from timbrel (tambourine), reflects
terra-cotta, to have several obvious advan- the appearance and efficiency of this system,
tages over the ancient primitive manipulated which employs thin, slender vaults much like
day. Concrete should really be regarded as a the surface of the percussion instrument.
man-made stone that responds magnificently One could imagine that if a vault were

Dome Technologies

slapped, its tightness would make it reverber- sum or even clay to it. In some cases the
ate the sound just as a timbrel would. It came system included a first layer of tiles embed-
from two basic areas in Spain, Estremadura ded in gypsum mortar, which set quickly,
and Catalonia, but it was in the latter that the creating a structural layer on top of which
technique really expanded and flourished. other layers could then be superimposed. In
Whether this technology can be traced to this first, interior, layer the gypsum mortar
Italian traditions is subject to scholarly de- would be protected by superimposed layers
bate, but it is definitely not connected to the that included instead a conventional lime
Moorish culture or other known sources. mortar, which might even have in it hydrau-
This type of vaulting is so associated with lic cement.
Catalonia that the timbrel vault is also re- The astonishing facility of the timbrel
ferred to as the Catalan vault. vault is dramatically expressed by the dome
A major characteristic of this system is the over the cathedral of St. John the Divine in
behavior of mortar joints in it. In typical ma- New York. This dome, which is 132 ft (40.2
sonry the mortar acts as an embedment for m) in diameter, was built in successive circu-
the stone or brick components that provide lar courses that were 18 in (45.7 cm) wide but
for the uniform distribution of stresses, basi- had no centering. Workmen would stand on
cally those of compression and shear. In this the edge of the dome erected the day before
case the mortar is not assumed to carry any as they built the next course. There was no
tensile stress. In the timbrel vaulting system, protection in case of failure between the
however, the mortar has a major role as a workmen and the floor of the church 150
bonding agent that develops tensile resist- feet below.
ance and high shear strength. It thus de- The interweaving of the various layers of
velops a cohesive strength that dominates the tiles that form a laminated vault generates a
structural behavior of the timbrel vault. This structural system with great inherent cohe-
cohesive strength seems to have character- siveness. This integrity is reflected by a high
ized as well the masonry technology of early degree of structural durability that is compa-
Egyptian barrel vaults and of Byzantine, Sas- rable to the behavior of reinforced concrete.
sanian, and Moslem domes. This strength was dramatically demonstrated
The timbrel vault, which is applicable to once during the erection of the Boston Public
most curvilinear shapes and domes, uses Library in 1892. A stone block that weighed
brick tiles rather than voussoirs and has joints approximately two tons was accidentally
that lie horizontally instead of radially. The dropped and plunged through one of the
vault itself includes several layers of tiles su- vaulted floors below, perforating it without
perimposed. Each layer is constituted of tiles causing further damage. The localized dam-
connected along their edges and arranged age did not spread at all and was easily
with staggered joints. The layers also differ patched.
from one to the other in terms of the orienta- This vaulting system was made even more
tion in which tiles are arranged in them. The popular by its fire-resistance ability. Lamina-
various layers together make up a sort of lam- ting the layers allowed mortar joints to be
inated vault system. protected from the heat of fire by the tiles of
One basic feature of the timbrel vault is its the adjacent layers.
reduction of the falsework needed for its con- Late in its development, the timbrel sys-
struction. After the first segment of a timbrel tem was brought to the United States by Ra-
vault is in place, workmen can stand on it and fael Guastavino. There it gained astonishing
continue to extend it by bonding adjacent momentum, which spread it throughout this
tiles with a quick-setting mortar. The harden- and other countries. Its final decline in the
ing of conventional lime mortar was often United States did not occur until 1943, when
accelerated by adding small amounts of gyp- Guastavino the Younger retired. At this

Wood and Masonry Domes

point brick masonry could no longer compete dramatically affected. With its usual conser-
economically in the United States, because of vative approach, the construction industry
increased labor costs and the competitiveness has yet to capitalize on the high-level technol-
of concrete. ogy that has revolutionized most other indus-
tries today. The most significant contempo-
rary contribution in shell construction in
terms of building equipment is probably the
high-power lifting cranes now available.
Speed in construction constitutes a major
contributor to the efficiency and economics
The early use of masonry to erect walls can of any structure, which is a factor that can
only be considered a direct manifestation of benefit significantly from the high lifting ca-
construction concepts inherent in the mate- pabilities of cranes. This power allows large-
rials available. When instead masonry came size buckets that increase the rate of concrete
to be used to complete structures overhead as pouring. The crane's high lifting power also
a roof covering, this process required an in- makes it possible to increase the operating
ventiveness that marked a major step forward swinging radius of its boom, which increases
for civilization. Vaulting in its various forms the maneuverability and positioning of the
expressed amazing intuition, rationality, and bucket during casting. At present the con-
great faith in man's intellect, as well as bold- struction industry has available many large-
ness. The erection of heavy masonry vaults size construction cranes, from both domestic
springing overhead no doubt required a manufacturers and foreign sources, including
great deal of self-assurance on the part of ones in Europe and Japan.
ancient builders. For instance, removing the In examining ways to improve the effi-
temporary centering from under a com- ciency of shell construction it is important to
pleted masonry dome must have required sig- consider the role that the tower crane can
nificant courage, especially when the builders play. The advantages of the tower crane are
increased its span beyond that of the largest in fact major and need particularly to be un-
yet built. derlined for the U.S. market, where it is not
In its early, empirical stage, the develop- in widespread use. Its particular advantages
ment of the vault evolved simultaneously include having a large operating radius,
with experience in design and construction. because of its having a counterbalancing
Construction naturally had to follow design, weight. Also important is the tower crane's
but design could proceed only by capitalizing ability to position its bucket right at the point
on previous construction experiences. Such of casting, because of its large range of oper-
an approach based on an interdependence ating radius. The tower crane can place ma-
between construction and design produced in terials directly in any desired location,
the past a quality of work usually lost in cur- whereas the mobile crane cannot compete
rent professional practice. On occasions with it, because of its small inherent radius.
when this gap is bridged it is still possible to Mobile cranes require pouring concrete from
see work that recaptures frequently lost ar- the bucket into wagons that then have to
chitectural values. travel over the formwork to get to areas
where the mobile crane cannot reach.
In light of the lifting power that machines
Machines can supply today, the large, outstanding
domes of the past such as the Pantheon, St.
With the high degree of mechanization upon Sophia, and Santa Maria del Fiore, which
which the construction industry depends were built with rudimentary hoists operated
today, shell construction methodology is not by animal power, appear to be a much more

Dome Technologies

significant achievement in the art of building. major equipment on the job, but smaller
Let us then try to determine the point at hoists were also installed on the tops of the
which the modern era of mechanization de- walls supporting the dome.
parts from that of the building art that The significance of these hoisting ma-
started as far back as early Mesopotamia. chines created by Brunelleschi went beyond
The essential elements that provide their practical usefulness as they became the
strength in structures, whether produced by object of admiration and civic pride of the
nature or by man, are mass and form. In Florentines, who were the sophisticated citi-
building artificial structures, interposed be- zens of an outstanding city. The performance
tween the two elements comes the builder of the main hoist can be evaluated by recog-
who operates with tools in hand or with ma- nizing that the dome of Santa Maria del
chines he has conceived and built. From an- Fiore, without its lantern, weighed approxi-
tiquity, collective human machines have con- mately 50 million pounds. Thus, the average
sisted of organized work armies of several lifting work for the hoist per day over twelve
thousands of men. The building of the Meso- years must have been on the order of 20,000
potamian canals and Egyptian pyramids uti- pounds per day, with occasional peaks of per-
lized these complex human organizations. haps 50,000 pounds per day.
Machines have long operated also on projects Although Brunelleschi's technology
where mass was the predominant factor. On marked the architectural transition from
the other hand, the delicate vaulting and do- Gothic to Renaissance technology, the engi-
mical structures of antiquity depended on a neer-architects of the Renaissance gained
geometry that required other kinds of ma- their scientific impetus from the achieve-
chines: centering, scaffolds, hoists, wind- ments of Roman architecture. Pulleys,
lasses, positioners, and so on. The human tackles, and windlasses for pulling or lifting,
component in this matrix had to be skillful, as well as treadmills powered by men walking
but limited in number. The energy to power inside them, mu~t have been known at least
such machines was traditionally from humans since Roman times. Vitruvius wrote about
or animals, until the industrial era tapped some of these basic machines used in con-
new sources. Early machines usually operated struction. The concepts behind such simple
at very low speeds, with little concern given machines as the lever, the pulley, and the
for friction and the deformation of moving inclined plane became the objects of scien-
parts, which were usually made of wood or tific mathematical study for many Italian
soft metals. Renaissance scientists, including Federico
To build the great domes of the Renais- Commandino da Urbino (1509-1575), Giro-
sance the techniques and machines of the lamo Cardano (1501-1576), Niccolo Tar-
Gothic master builders constituted the start- taglia (1499-1557), Giambattista Benedetti
ing point. For instance, most of the historic (1530-1590), Bernardino Baldi (1553-
significance of the dome of Santa Maria del 1617), and Guidobaldo del Monte (1547-
Fiore in Florence comes from the construc- 1607). The Renaissance saw toothed gears
tion methodology, specifically the hoists and and worm gears used in hoisting machines, as
positioners that Brunelleschi designed, which Leonardo da Vinci, Giuliano da Sangallo,
capitalized on the experiences of centuries of and Francesco di Giorgio documented in
earlier builders. Tons of material had to be their drawings.
hoisted up to the springing level and higher
during the 12-year period that the dome was
being built. The workmen also had to be Scaffolds
lifted to their working stations and brought
down fast and safely every day. The ox-pow- Scaffolds have yet to be recognized as they
ered hoist that Brunelleschi used was the deserve in the usual descriptions of struc-

Wood and Masonry Domes

tures. The essential importance of their func- It has always been recognized that one of
tion was more widely recognized in the past, the major factors contributing to the cost of
when architecture, engineering, and con- concrete thin shells, especially in industrial-
struction operated under the same umbrella, ized countries, has been the high amount of
than now when the three fields are distinct. labor formwork requires. Therefore, adopt-
Because scaffolds were designed to support ing a system that permits extensive reuse of
structural dead loads and specific forces en- form work is the most efficient way to lower
countered only during construction, in the the construction costs of thin shells in such
past they determined the very shape of struc- countries.
tures. In curvilinear forms the role of scaf-
folding has been more significant than for
rectilinear structures. Another reason that The Labor Factor in Construction
architectural historians have neglected the
role of scaffolds and construction problems A labor force includes craftsmen and un-
in their descriptions of architectural struc- skilled laborers. Understanding their assets
tures is that they usually lack the engineering and limitations is vital, because the contribu-
knowledge in structural theory and construc- tion of labor to any building project is an
tion practice that the subject requires. essential factor not to be underestimated.
Current practice in scaffolding-almost The proper assessment of labor needs should
anywhere in the world, not just in high-tech- start at the design stage, to maximize overall
nology areas - has for several decades practi- efficiency.
cally abandoned the old traditional use of The fundamental roles in the realization
timbers. Now tubular metal scaffolds in ei- of a structure are those of the architect, engi-
ther steel or occasionally aluminum (when neer, builder, craftsmen, laborers, and ma-
light weight and corrosion resistance are im- chines. When the first three roles are com-
portant) are available for purchase or rental. bined into one, as often happens, certain
The geometry and various components structures become particularly sensitive to
patented in each of the many different scaf- this integrity. Sophisticated curvilinear struc-
fold prototypes create quite an intriguing tures, including domes, vaults, and modern
repertoire of solutions to building problems thin shells, are definitely among them.
that stimulate the interest of theoretical de- The contribution of labor to the efficiency
signers. Starting with patterns that form rigid of a particular type of building methodology
frames in basic units it is possible to design a involves a variety of factors, such as the re-
complex framework with a variety of bracing quired degree of craftsmanship, how un-
sections that will respond efficiently to sup- skilled labor will be used, whether prefabrica-
port any desired configuration of concrete tion will be on site or in the plant, and the
formwork. The light weight and ease of as- complexity of geometric shapes and construc-
sembly of steel and aluminum elements make tion form work involved. In thin-shelled con-
it possible, for instance, to build movable struction, more than in any other form of
formwork that is mounted on casters. By in- building, labor is one of the most critical
terposing hydraulically operated jacks, the components.
movable scaffolds that support the form work Felix Candela's work in Mexico is an ex-
can easily be lowered and moved to a new ample of brilliant solutions to thin-shelled
location where they can be lifted again to projects that realistically evaluated the poten-
build the next portion of a shell. This method tial of the labor forces available with respect
of construction has produced extraordinary to the methodologies being considered. With
cost reductions in the construction of con- relatively unskilled labor Candela succeeded
crete thin shells, by allowing for repetitive in attaining complex geometric shapes, un-
uses of the same formwork. doubtedly by having throughout the design

Dome Technolo8ies

process a clear perception of the construction sIZIng its basic integrity and extraordinary
methodology. Similarly, Pier Luigi Nervi's simplicity.
work in curvilinear structures achieved its ex- A pilot project (see Figs. 4-1 and 4-2) was
traordinary success by rationally optimizing completed with satisfactory results in a farm-
construction methods, labor, and design. In ing community in Iran. Even though it con-
fact, Candela and Nervi each combined into sisted only of improving an existing building
themselves the roles of architect, engineer, technology, its results can be seen as a brand-
and builder. new approach toward building durable
Another particularly important aspect of domes or thin shell structures in those parts
the relationship between labor and the con- of the world where clay is available but only
struction of shells involves some of the devel- low-level skilled labor can be attained.
oping nations at present. These countries The domical structures in this project in-
have found great potential in such low-cost clude a base slab, perimeter walls, and a
materials as conventional concrete and ferro- crowning shell, which together constitute an
cement, having seen that thin shells require a integral, monolithic mass that can be looked
minimum of material and can absorb unem- at as a surface structure with an intradox and
ployed labor forces. Some countries like an extradox. The extradox, the surface ex-
China have already capitalized on this con- posed to weather, is the most vulnerable part
cept, and many others are poised to take ad- of the structure and thus would benefit the
vantage of it, particularly with the help of the most from effective stabilization. However,
international organizations that disseminate the process of firing from the inside makes
such technical data. the intradox benefit the most from the fir-
ing. The duration of the baking affects how
much the heat treatment penetrates the
thickness of the structure. Ideally, the thresh-

Clay has of course been used as a building

material as far back as the beginnings of civi-
lization. Recent research in building technol-
ogy has retraced old Middle Eastern tech-
niques in an attempt to improve them with
new methodologies. The basic concept of
such dome construction consists first of mak-
ing clay domes according to the ancient tradi-
tions still alive in many Mideast farming com-
munities. These domes are erected over clay
walls. At this point the structure is self-sup-
porting, because the clay, dried by the sun,
has acquired adequate strength, although it
does not have the strength and durability of
clay fired in furnaces. The new technology
consists of introducing an oil burner within
the structure and keeping it burning for sev-
eral days. In this way the clay is fired, creat- 4-1 Introducin8 an oil burner into a clay shell
ing a strong, durable ceramic structure that is and letting it burn the structure for a few hours
a monolithic continuum. A bright whitewash will convert the clay to a hard, durable ceramic
then completes the structure visually, empha- product.

Wood and Masonry Domes

4-2 These ceramic shell structures were built in a farminn communio/ in

Iran as a pilot project to test the potential of firinn a clay shell with an
oil burner placed inside it.

old temperature of 600 C should reach the

extradox also. Two ways to do this might be
to insulate the exterior or fire the exterior
surface also, but this would substantially com- The idea of building wooden domes seems at
plicate the process. first extravagant if not bizarre. Yet in the
This technique has great potential, if it Near East the wooden dome is a historical
could be exported to the needy countries of reality encompassing great tradition that
the Third World that are in desperate need flourished for centuries in Syria and Palestine
of housing. Many dire situations in Africa and spread from there to the entire Islamic
and Asia could be substantially alleviated if world.
such low-tech building systems could be The idea of building a doubly-curved
brought in, perhaps by organizations similar structure in wood planking is easier to accept
to the Peace Corps. Everywhere that clay is once we consider that millennia of experi-
available and climatic conditions are favor- ence in shipbuilding had by then perfected
able, burnt clay domical structures could be the techniques for it throughout the civilized
clustered to form entire villages. Especially in world. The accentuated curvilinear forms of
tropical and subtropical zones, where the sun wooden hulls had reached great sophistica-
can quickly harden clay blocks, such ceramic tion in the elegant ships of Roman times. The
domes can be easily built and fired. curvature of Roman barges made with wood
The lightness of such a structure would planks that were found after centuries on the
lessen the necessity for its needing a substan- bottom of Lake Nemi near Rome was quite
tial foundation system that would require sig- advanced. Kept on the lake by the Roman
nificant excavation. A thick clay slab on emperors, these barges measured up to 240
grade could constitute both a foundation and ft (72 m) in length, which is even larger than
a dry floor surface. Over the slab the dome the span of most domes in the ancient world.
itself could be erected, by using the tech- A timber-framed dome of well-fitted planks
nique just described, creating, ultimately a would represent no problems to experienced
monolithic thermomass. The advantages of a carpenters. In fact, in terms of durability and
thick thermo mass are self-evident, whatever protection from the elements, wood domes
the climatic zone. would have been easier to preserve than con-

Dome Technologies

ventional ships, because domes were usually Church of St. Stephen at Gaza, fifth or
covered with metal sheathing rather than sixth century A.D.
being directly exposed. Church Mahoymac at Port of Gaza
In choosing wood to construct their domes
the builders of the Near East recognized the DOME OF THE ROCK, QUBBET
advantage of a light structure as opposed to a ES-SAKHRA, JERUSALEM (A.D. 688-692)
heavy masonry one under the seismic forces This dome is a timber structure consisting of
frequently felt in their earthquake-prone two shells resting over a masonry arcade.
area. Furthermore, it was obvious that a com- This most important Islamic structure,
plex, bulbous dome high aboveground was erected by Ummayad Caliph Abd AI-Malik,
much easier to build in wood than in heavy influenced later Islamic architecture. Built
masonry that had to be hoisted into place and on the top of Mount Moriah, from where it
temporarily supported by centering. is assumed that Mohammed ascended to
Is the wooden dome a replica of the ma- Heaven, this structure is in character with
sonry dome built thus just for practical rea- Syrio-Byzantine architecture, and specifically
sons? According to many scholars, 3 there is Syrian building techniques (see Fig. 4-3).
actually reason to believe that the wood
dome preceded the masonry version. It now
seems possible that the polygonal buildings of
the Hellenistic period that were once as-
sumed to have been covered with wooden
rectilinear members forming conical struc-
tures may have instead been covered with
wooden domes. Similarly, the Etruscans and
Romans knew the wooden dome, and some
sources believe that in India the wood dome
preceded the stone type.
Some examples of structures in the Near
East that are assumed to have been roofed
with wooden domes include the following 4

Marneion Gaza, c. A.D. 130: pagan temple

dedicated to Marnas
The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: built by
Constantine A.D. 326-335 as a memo-
rial over the tomb of Christ
Domus Aurea at Antioch: built by Con- 4-3 The Dome of the Rock, Qgbbet es Sakhra,
stantine in A.D. 327 and rebuilt after a Jerusalem.
fire in A.D. 588.
Martyrium at Nyssa Cappodocia, c. A.D.
380. Wood Domes of the Present
Several martyria in Constantinople, fourth
and fifth centuries A.D. After the early development previously seen,
St. Sergius at Gaza, c. A.D. 407 the use of wood for domes reappears in mod-
St. Simeon Stylites at Kal'at Sim'an, A.D. ern times and is still used today. It is interest-
460-490 ing to notice that the wooden dome found a
Sion Church in Jerusalem particularly fertile ground in the New World,
Cathedral of Etschmiadzin, Armenia, c. starting with various applications in the cu-
A.D. 483 polas of several state capital buildings. In the

Wood and Masonry Domes

United States, the wooden dome has also Rene Sarger C.E.T.A.C. Enterprise Delens;
reached its largest application with excep- N. V. Nemaho S.A.
tionally large spans of the same order of mag-
nitude of those reached by concrete and steel FACTORY FOR JOHN RENNOCK &
megadomes. The following are some of the SONS, LTD., HAUGHLEY PARK,
most significant examples that illustrate the SUFFOLK, ENGLAND (1958)
new innovative vocabulary of the wood dome This structure is of hyperbolic paraboloid
of the present. gable-type shells built of wood. Each shell,
supported at its four corners, covers a square
ORIGINAL DOME, U.S. CAPITOL, area whose sides are 57 ft 6 in (17.5 m). The
WASHINGTON, D.C. (1793-1867) reinforced-concrete columns to support the
The original dome was a wooden structure wood shell that are at each corner are tied
sheathed with copper in a basic design in- together by prestressed ties to absorb hori-
spired by the dome of the Pantheon that cov- zontal thrust. The wood shell consists of
ered a circular rotunda designed in the Palla- three layers of wooden boards placed at right
dian style. After being damaged in the War angles to each other. The various combina-
of 1812 it was rebuilt in its present state using tions of materials, including wood, concrete,
cast iron. and steel, in this structure derive from cost
considerations. The designers for the struc-
FIELD HOUSE AT MONTANA STATE ture were Johns, Slater & Haward and the
COLLEGE, BOZEMAN (1956) Timber Development Association, Ltd.
This wooden dome by O. Berg and F. F.
Willson covers an area of 70,000 sq ft (6,500 FOREST PRODUCTS PAVILION,
sq m) and has a diameter of 300 ft (90 m). PORTLAND, OREGON (1960)
The structure consists of 36 meridian ribs This timber structure consists of assembled
arranged radially and a series of hoops, both hyperbolic saddle-type paraboloids. The shell
made of laminated wood. The ribs have a consists of two layers of wooden boards with
cross-section of 7 X 16 in (180 X 400 mm) an overall thickness of 1 V2 in (4 cm). The two
with a curvilinear axis that follows the curva- layers are oriented along the convex and con-
ture of the dome, whereas the hoops are cave parabolas. The boards along the con-
made of individual straight members. The cave line, because they are in tension, are
primary facing, which includes the laminated only V2 in (l.2 cm) thick. Conversely, the
meridians and hoops, is completed with boards along the convex line, which are in
braces and a steel tension ring at the top. compression, are 1 in (2.5 cm) thick. The
Covering the frame is a 3 in (7.5 cm) wooden edge members consist of two layers of boards
deck. 1 X 10 in (2.5 X 25 cm) connected beneath
the shell and four layers on top of it so that
INFORMATION PAVILION, the overall thickness of the beam is 7V2 in (18
BRUSSELS (1958) cm) and their width is 10 in (25 cm). The free
This building is a saddle-type hyperbolic par- peaks cantilever 56 ft (17 m) outward from
aboloid thin shell built as an experimental the supports. This pavilion was designed for a
structure covering a rhomboidal floor plan. lumber association, so it was logical to use
Its sides are 60 ft (18.3 m) by 46 ft (14 m) wood to show its potential in thin-shelled ap-
long. The structure consists of wooden plications. The designers were John W.
planks arranged in a specific pattern. The Storrs and James G. Pierson.
prestressed shell is supported at two points.
The architect, engineers, and builders are, SPORTS BUILDING AT NORTHERN
respectively, Lucien-Jacques Baucher, Jean- ARIZONA UNIVERSITY, FLAGSTAFF (1978)
Pierre Blondel and Odette Filippone, and This wood dome excels as an example of the

Dome TechnoloOies

potential of wood's structural capabilities. A structural analysis of this dome was per-
Spherical in shape. this dome has a base diam- formed by the GENSAP program. Of partic-
eter of 502 ft (153 m) and a rise at the crown ular note are the loading conditions, which in
of 92 ft 4.75 in (28.2 m). It was erected in the design project snow loads up to 2 m high,
only five months. at a cost of $6 million for producing 40 Ib/ffl (195 kg/mt), with 30 psf
the whole complex. The structure of the (146 kg/mt) for horizontal wind and 17.4 psf
dome includes a wood deck and a skeletal (85 kg/mt) for dead load. This dome was
framework. The deck, built of tongue and designed by Rossman and Partners Archi-
groove panels 50 cm X 50 cm that are sup- tects and by John K. Parsons & Associates.
ported by purlins, is structurally independent
from the wood framework of the dome, but it TACOMA DOME. TACOMA.
provides lateral support to the members of WASHINGTON (/983)
the dome skeleton. The structural members, The Tacoma Dome still retains the record
which are laminated. consist of southern yel- for being the largest wood dome in the
low pine interconnected at their joints with world, with its base diameter of 530 ft (162
bolted steel connectors capable of providing m). It tops the dome over the Sports Building
80 percent fixed-end conditions. This partial at Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff
fixity. assumed for safety's sake to be only 50 by only 28 ft (8 m) but at a total cost of $44
percent, is included in the design conditions million versus $6 million for the Arizona
to increase the efficiency of the members. A complex. The main skeletal wooden frame-
typical wooden member cross-section is work consists of 414 major wooden lami-
5 11s X 27 in (13 X 43 cm) throughout the nated beams with a curved configuration
structure. except in perimeter areas, where having a cross-sectional depth of 30 in (76
the section is 8¥. X 27 in (22 X 43 em). The cm). Erected without using falsework-only
whole dome was built combining six spherical a central pole reaching the crown - the
triangles having an angle at their vertex of 60 wood frame bears around the base on 36
degrees. The fitting, which was fabricated on round concrete columns that are 26 in (66
the ground and lifted into place. was particu- cm) in diameter, interconnected by a pre-
larly accurate. The base support includes six stressed concrete ring. The wooden deck that
points per spherical triangle, for a total of completes the dome consists of treated Doug-
thirty-six points for the entire dome. At each las fir. As with most structural work today,
point the dome is supported by a reinforced this dome was analyzed by computer (see Fig.
concrete buttress 1.5m high. These but- 4-4). This dome was designed by Tacoma
tresses are in tum connected at their bases by
a post-stressed reinforced concrete ring that
resists the tension created by the dome.

4-4 The Tacoma Dome. Tacoma. Washinoton (1983).

Wood and Masonry Domes

Dome Associates, the winners of a competi- follow the contour of the shell, with a mini-
tion organized by the city of Tacoma. mum radius of curvature of 33 ft (10 m).
Such bending created a desirable stiffness but
EARLE A. CHILES CENTER, UNIVERSITY also generated undesirable prestressed bend-
OF PORTLAND, OREGON (1984) ing conditions. The wood used was crypto-
Designed by RSG Architects, Phoenix, Ari- meria, a Japanese type of cedar, with a cross-
zona, and engineered and built by Western section of 2.8 in (7 cm) in width and 1.6 in (4
Wood Structures of Tualatin, Oregon, this cm) in depth. These structures were designed
dome was designed on the base of the Varax and constructed by T. Maeno, M. Wada, T.
patent. This wooden dome, consisting en- Nagase, and T. Hisatok.
tirely of Douglas Fir members, has a diame-
ter at the base of 305 ft (93 m) and a rise at SPORTS TRAINING COMPLEX,
the crown of 62 ft (19 m). The main frame UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN MICHIGAN,
consists of laminated arched beams 24 inches MARQUETTE (1990)
deep made out of wood layers 11/2 inches This dome, almost completed at the time of
thick. These beams, with a constant cross-sec- this writing, retains the record for being the
tion but variable lengths, are interconnected largest wood dome in the world. Approxi-
at the joints by means of patented steel con- mately three feet larger than the Tacoma
nectors. All of the beams, 756 in number, dome, this dome has a diameter of 533.5 ft
were considered fixed at the joints and con- (163 m) at its base and a height at the crown
stitute the primary structure. The secondary of 126.25 ft (39 m) with a springing angle of
structures include purlins and two-inch wood 50.4 degrees. Its spherical shape has a curva-
planks forming the roof deck. The total cost ture with a radius of 344.5 ft (105 m). The
of the project of $7.5 million in 1984 was architects for the project were T.M.P. Asso-
estimated to have been 20 percent cheaper ciates, Inc., Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The
than an equivalent steel dome. The dome general contractor, responsible also for the
sprang from the ground level and thus elimi- structural design of the dome, was Western
nated the perimetrial wall. This design cut Wood Structures from Tualatin, Oregon
the dome's cost by approximately one-third, that retains the Varax patented system. The
as reported by some technical literature. dome was constructed entirely of Douglas Fir
and is supported by 40 concrete buttresses,
LATTICE WOOD SHELLS, NARA, which are an extension of the wood ribs.
JAPAN (1988) The main structure, consisting of lami-
Wood shells consisting of latticework were nated arched beams, includes 181 nodes.
first demonstrated by prototypes designed The connectors at each joint consist of fabri-
and constructed by Frei Otto in 1962. Such cated steel capable of joining six converging
grids, consisting of a close-knit framework of members. The glued laminated members are
curved wood members, form the structure rigidly bolted to the connector, forming a
itself, which is in turn covered by a nonstruc- rigid connection at the joint. The laminated
tural membrane. Otto's system was recently arched members have a constant cross-sec-
applied in Japan near Osaka, where three pa- tion throughout their length of 371f2 in in
vilions built in 1988 for the Nara Silk Road depth and 8% in in width consisting of glued
Exposition in Nara are covered with such a layers 11/2 in in thickness. Such arched mem-
system. The three shells vary in configuration bers are not all equally long. They vary con-
and measure, respectively, 205 ft (62.5 m) in siderably from one another. In this dome
length for the Nara Pavilion, 343 ft (104.5 they range from 38 to 15 ft without an even
m) for the Theme Pavilion, and 130 ft (39.5 distribution. The triangular areas delimited
m) for the Information Office. The struc- by the primary arched beams are in-filled
tures consist of wood members prebent to with laminated purlins, which in turn support

Dome TechnoloBies

the 2-in tongue and groove boards. The con- then infilled with laminated curved purl ins
crete buttresses at their base are intercon- that in turn carry a roof deck of tongue and
nected by a prestressed concrete ring 2 ft 6 in groove two-inch thick boards. A base ring of
deep and 5 ft 0 in wide, with 3 post-tensioned post-tensioned concrete absorbs the tension
tendons exerting 2400 kips force. The whole from the dome. The configuration of the
dome, consisting of five spherical segments, Varax dome always follows a perfect spheri-
was designed for a dead load (D.L.) of 20 psf cal surface with the nodal points precisely on
(958 Pa), a live load (L.L.) of 60 psf (2873 the surface and therefore easily identifiable
Pa), and a wind load of 80 mph (129 kmh). geometrically by their coordinates. The con-
necting members constitute the arches that
follow the configuration of the great circles
Varax Wood Domes
of the sphere. In other words, the circles lie
Western Wood Structures, a contracting on planes passing through the center of the
company with in-house engineering, has pat- sphere. The length of the arched members
ented the Varax system and has proven the spanning from joint to joint is variable. In
success of the method with the four struc- some cases the disparity is such that the long-
tures included in this text: Sports Training est may reach lengths more than twice that of
Complex at University of Northern Michi- others. The construction of the members to
gan, Marquette; Earle A. Chiles Center, Uni- attain their true curvature is easily attained
versity of Portland, Oregon; Tacoma Dome, by laminating thin boards not more than one
Tacoma, Washington; Sports Building at and a half inches thick. The axial capacity of
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. the members which are fixed at each end is
These structures have conquered world calculated on a conservative assumption that
records in terms of their size within wood their fixed ends are only partially fixed. Fur-
domes. The major patent in the system in- thermore, the superimposed wood deck gives
cludes a special six-way steel connector capa- a continuous support to the arched members
ble of joining six arched beams forming a in compression.
structurally rigid connection. Made of fabri- The feasibility of the wooden dome in the
cated steel components, these hubs receive United States building market has been
the wood laminated members which are proven by the erection of the Varax domes
bolted to them and are capable of transfer- discussed in this section. They have all won
ring axial forces as well as shear and the contracting bids with their lower costs in
moments. competition with steel and concrete counter-
The domes consist of a primary frame parts. Although not well publicized, the
made out of laminated arched wood beams wood dome structure has reached a stage of
which intersect each other at the joints form- maturity that demands a greater recognition
ing triangular inner spaces. These spaces are among the structural systems of the present.

1. Portland Cement Association, "Design of Circular Domes." Publication IS076. OlD, undated. Available
from Portland Cement Association.
2. Brick Institute of America, Recommended Practice for Engineered Brick Masonry. Reprinted 1986.
3. See, for example, E. Baldwin Smith, The Dome: A Study in the History of Ideas (princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1971).
4. Ibid., 10-41.

Part II
Concrete Shells:
Fundamentals and
Case Studies

Thin Shells

A thin shell is a term not in itself as readily wooden hull quite probably did, even if the
understandable by the layman as the terms wooden shell often was a combination of
dome or vault would be. It is in a sense a word timber framing and plank sheathing.
coined on the basis of its structural connota- The curvature of a shell can be of the
tions, as exhibited in the artifacts it creates. same sign throughout, that is, be concave or
A thin shell is a special kind of vault whose convex everywhere. In such a case the sur-
geometry may include many shapes. It could face is called synclastic. Domes are synclastic
be a spherical or elliptical dome, a parabolic surfaces, because any section attained by in-
structure, or a barrel vault in any configura- tersecting the dome with a normal plane pro-
tion, or be a paraboloid, a conoid, or a hyper- duces a line that has only a downward
bolic paraboloid. The thin shell thus requires curvature.
further definition. The curvature of a shell can also be of a
A thin-shelled structure is a three-dimen- different sign such that the surface is both
sional form made thicker than a membrane, concave and convex at the same time, which
so that it can not only resist tension as mem- is known as anticlastic. An example of an an-
branes do, but also compression. On the ticlastic surface is the hyperbolic paraboloid.
other hand, a thin shell is made thinner than When such a surface intersects with normal
a slab, which makes it unable to resist bend- planes, the sections formed can be a parabola
ing as a slab does. In short, thin shells are with either upward or downward curvature,
structures thicker than membranes, but thin- and at times even be a straight line.
ner than slabs.
Thin shells are made possible by the use
of materials that work well under tension
and compression. Masonry has no tensile SHELLS AND
strength, so the thin shell could not exist SURF ACE STRUCTURES
when masonry was the only technology avail-
able. Only the availability of reinforced con-
crete and ferrocement made the thin shell It is well to differentiate first between surface
possible. Wood could of course have served and linear structures. Within the former can
the purpose, as the wooden dome and be included all forms of skeletal systems, and

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

the latter can include all systems consisting of were equally supported and loaded. In the
a structural continuum. Among such systems space frame the axial forces in its top and the
are membranes, pneumatics, thin shells, members of its top and bottom layers would
folded plates, slabs, and the like. indicate the same distribution of tension and
Thin shells and other surface structures compression present within the shell's sur-
constitute a type of construction that is dras- face. The tension and compression forces
tically different from that of linear struc- within the diagonal members of a space
tures, whether they are planar or spatial. frame would likewise illustrate the shear
Thin shells, membranes, slabs, and pneu- force within the thickness of the thin shell.
matic structures, which are all part of surface This correlation between forces acting on the
structures, constitute an enormous field that space frame and the thin shell makes it conve-
offer a great variety of solutions to specific nient to test the efficiency of various geomet-
problems. Three-dimensional cables and ric forms for shells, by analyzing with a com-
two-dimensional membranes, for instance, puter program the distribution of forces and
correspond to each other in terms of forces, the deflection in an equivalent space frame.
as do arches to shells and beams to slabs. This Even with only an approximate model, ana-
correspondence of planar to three-dimen- lyzing a space frame could also give a general
sional structures derives from a similitude of overall qualitative representation of the
structural behavior observable in each indi- structural behavior of a similar thin shell.
vidual system. The similar behavior of cables They are both modern, efficient, light,
and membranes causes them to change shape versatile, capable of supporting long spans in
under different load conditions. As a conse- two directions for large roof coverings, and
quence, these two structures are always comparable in cost but thin shells and space
stressed only by tensile forces. frames are at opposite ends of the spectrum
Arches and thin shells relate to each other of possibilities for carrying building loads.
on the basis of their various similarities. Both Space frames funnel stresses from the whole
structures have in common a curvilinear con- structure to narrow paths, where struts and
figuration that forms the basis of their struc- ties are arranged to absorb them. Thin shells
tural strength. In other words, they attain instead spread loads throughout an entire
their structural strength primarily from their surface. Although both systems share a cer-
geometry. tain quality of lightness, thin shells are com-
plete in and of themselves, whereas space
frames require an additional skin to complete
THIN SHELLS their enclosure. In terms of thickness, thin
AND SPACE FRAMES shells do not require the depth that space
frames do or, for that matter, that of any
other structural system. Light in weight, thin,
Although thin shells and space frames are at flexible, structurally and spatially self-con-
opposite ends of the structural spectrum, tained and complete in itself, the thin shell
they can usefully be compared, because of depends for its effectiveness mostly on the
the similarity of their structural behavior. curvature of its shape.
Space frames consisting of large assemblies of
tension and compression members are in re-
ality skeletal structures, but on the whole
they act much like the full continuum of thin CURVATURE AND STRENGTH
shells. A space frame with an overall configu-
ration following that of a similar thin shell The concept of curvature as a factor in struc-
would clearly exhibit the stress conditions tural strength is discussed here from a practi-
within the thin shell, if the two structures cal, visual point of view, to help in visualizing

Thin Shells

the correlation between geometric form and certain point on its convex side, we can then
strength. similarly visualize a circle that touches the
That curvature is an element in structural curve for a certain length on its concave side.
strength can be easily seen through simple Such a circle is called an osculating circle,
visual examples. For instance, a sheet of typ- from the Latin osculum (kiss), just as the term
ing paper held by its short end bends down, tangent derives from a Latin root meaning to
incapable of supporting itself, but if it is touch.
arched slightly into a half cylinder it gains To describe a curve fully requires a com-
enough rigidity to hold a horizontal configu- mon vocabulary. To begin with, an osculat-
ration. The difference between these two ing circle is one that touches a concave curve
conditions can be attributed only to the con- at as many points as possible. In other words,
figuration of the cross-sectional shape of the it is a circle that fits against most of the curve
sheet of paper, since nothing else was differ- at that point. With this understanding it can
ent. Similarly, a thin sheet of metal has no now be noted that the curvature of a curve at
significant structural strength in its planar any point is the reciprocal of the radius of the
shape. However, when that same sheet is osculating circle at that point (l/R). At any
forcefully molded by a large press into an point of a curve, therefore, we can find its
automobile fender, astonishing structural curvature. At the limit when the curvature is
strength is acquired from this change in ge- zero, in other words when the radius of the
ometry. The well-known shape of automobile osculating circle is infinity, the curve be-
fenders displays two major directions of comes a straight line, with zero curvature.
curvature -longitudinal and transverse- With this in mind, let us now move from
that give to this form the characteristics of a examining curves to surfaces, or from planar
synclastic, undevelopable surface (see Fig. curves to spatial surfaces. A plane rotating
5-1). The concept of undevelopable surfaces around a line perpendicular to a surface in-
is discussed shortly. tersects the surface, thereby generating an
The rigidity acquired through curvature intersecting curve. There is an infinite num-
can be copiously illustrated, but let us con- ber of such planes, and thus an infinite num-
sider now the concept of curvature as applied ber of corresponding curves. Among these
to a curved line, then expand it to curved infinite curves would be one that would have
surfaces. If we take any curved line and visu- the highest curvature, and perpendicular to
alize a tangent line touching the curve at a it would be one having the smallest curva-
ture. These two curves would be indicated as
the major and minor curvatures at that point,
and would be at 90 degrees to each other.
The maximum curvature and minimum cur-
vature are referred to as principal cur-
If its curves are always concave, a surface
has positive Gaussian curvature. Similarly, if
its curves are always convex, the surface also
has positive Gaussian curvature. If a surface
has positive Gaussian curvature, it is said to
5-1 The stiffness that comes about throu8h the be synclastic. If a curve is concave for some
curvature of surfaces is employed in many intersecting planes but convex for others, its
manufacturin8 processes. The fenders of an surface is said to have negative Gaussian cur-
automobile, for instance, are practical examples vature, and the surface is therefore called
of thin-shelled structures that capitalize on anticlastic. When a surface has Gaussian cur-
8eometric forms as an element of their stren8th. vature equal to zero, the surface is a plane.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

The radius of its osculating circle has infinity having zero curvature as the overall curva-
as its limit, which thus implies zero cur- ture varies from positive to negative and an-
vature. other curve of zero curvature as the curva-
Among examples of synclastic surfaces are ture varies from negative to positive, so that
the sphere and parts of it. In this case it is there would then be two straight lines inter-
easy to visualize that at a given point a cross- secting the surface. The curves having zero
sectional curve is always either a concave or a curvature are therefore straight lines, which
convex arc, when the normal plane intersect- is one of the major characteristics of hyper-
ing the sphere rotates around the normal. bolic paraboloids.
One example of an anticlastic surface is a Synclastic or anticlastic surfaces are non-
hyperbolic paraboloid that includes curves developable in that their surfaces cannot be
that are concave parabolas for some sections flattened onto a plane without there being a
and convex parabolas for others, as the nor- dimensional increase. In both synclastic and
mal plane intersecting the surface rotates anticlastic surfaces, the two curvatures along
around the normal. the principal directions always have a value
Considering all the sectional curves that different from zero. If the surface has a cur-
can be attained when a normal plane inter- vature in one of the principal directions that
sects with a curved surface as that plane ro- is equal to zero (in other words if one of these
tates around the normal, it can be seen that curves is in fact a straight line), the surface is
there is always one direction of the normal neither synclastic nor anticlastic but is said to
plane that generates an intersecting curve be developable. Two examples of such sur-
with the maximum curvature and, at 90 de- faces are the cone and the cylinder.
grees to this direction, another intersecting Thus far we have looked at surfaces for
curve for which the curvature is the mini- their geometric characteristics, without refer-
mum. Once one of these two directions, ence to their structural capabilities. The dif-
called the principle directions, is determined, ference between developable and nondevel-
the other is immediately found. opable surfaces has structural implications
For example, in the case of a cone the that should be considered when selecting
intersecting curve with the minimum curva- forms. Synclastic and anticlastic surfaces have
ture is obviously the straight-line generator an inherent quality that stiffens them, since
since its curvature is zero. The other princi- they cannot change shape freely. Not being
pal curvature, which must be perpendicular developable, they have higher resistance
to it, is easily found by the plane perpendicu- against deformations produced by loads.
lar to the generatrix; it will form an ellipse. Therefore, they should be considered more
In a circular cylinder one of the principal efficient in structural terms than are develop-
curves is also the straight-line generatrix, so able surfaces.
that the other principal curve is perpendicu-
lar to this and is circular. In a hyperbolic
paraboloid one of its many concave parabolas SHELL THICKNESS
identifies the direction of one of the principal
curvatures. The convex parabola intersecting
the surface along the other principal direc- Most concrete shells have thicknesses from
tions can be found immediately, being 90 de- 11/2 inches to 6 inches. Many factors are in-
grees to the other. Considering that these volved in establishing their thickness.
two parabolas have opposite curvature (one Building codes, which vary from one
upward, the other downward) and that be- country to another, have a major influence
tween the two there are an infinite number of on minimum legal thicknesses. In Mexico, for
other curves that are determined by a normal instance, Felix Candela was able to cast con-
plane as it rotates, there must be a curve crete thin shells that were less than one inch

Thin Shells

thick, because of the more permissive code of certain unit and L the span in the same unit,
that country. In the United States the ACI then: t = K X L where K is a coefficient of
code has instead certain restrictions on con- proportionality. The smaller K is, the more
crete cover thicknesses for reinforcement efficient the shell is, because it uses less mate-
that force the thickness of shells here to be rial to perform an equivalent task.
considerably higher. Considering the egg as a thin-shelled
Traditionally, the minimum shell thick- structure produced by nature, then for an
ness was simply controlled by the allowable average egg the relationship above becomes
stresses, but in modern design other criteria
are used. The stresses in concrete thin shells lL
have always been kept low in the United 230
States in comparison to the stresses used for
other structures. For instance, in 1963 the This value should be kept in mind when ana-
ACI code allowed structures in general to lyzing man-made thin-shelled structures.
have a maximum bending stress of 1,350 psi, Typical dimensions for the preliminary
a bearing stress of 750 psi, and a compressive design of various types of thin shells will be
stress for columns of 638 psi, when using a shown. It would thus be useful for designers
3,000 psi concrete. At the same time, how- to be aware of the values of t = KL that were
ever, the designers of concrete thin shells used in various cases.
were keeping concrete stresses no higher Recommended preliminary design thick-
than 150 to 200 psi. At the time, a lack of ness for use in the United States is based on
confidence in the structural behavior of thin standard procedures derived from ACI code
shells suggested this conservative approach. recommendations and building codes. 2 The
The danger of local buckling and the possi- design criteria of the various structures in-
bility of cracks forming from secondary clude the following data.
stresses seems to have more than justified Concrete strength as at 28 days was 4,000
such prudent judgment. psi (27.6 MPa). Reinforcing steel should be of
The uncertainty of having proper con- grade 40 ksi (276 MPa) in the shell and grade
crete correctly placed also leaves serious 60 ksi (413.8 MPa) in its edge members. The
doubts about minimum specifications. In weight of the concrete was 150 lb/cf (2,400
most cases the actual composition of the con- KG/m 2 ). The dead load includes the weight
crete is not what was originally specified. On of the shell plus 5 psf (24.4 KG/m 2 ) for roof-
thin sections small imperfections can create ing and 5 psf (24.4 KG/m 2 ) for other uses.
seriously vulnerable areas. And factors such The live load should be 30 psf (146 KG/m 2 )
as vibration, placement, compaction, pene- on horizontal projections.
tration of the concrete through the reinforce- The recommended thicknesses for spans
ment, and the loosening of the elements of are discussed here (see Table 5-1) only in
coarse aggregate make it advisable to in- terms of spherical shells.
crease the concrete's thickness. Doing so pro- From brief observation of the coefficient
vides a double safety factor in reducing con- of proportionality K, one can see that the
struction errors as well as stresses. I efficiency of a structure increases as a span
increases. However, this is true only up to
300 ft (91.4 m), at which point it starts to
Thickness - Span Relationship diminish. This phenomenon can be under-
stood by considering that ACI restrictions for
A meaningful value for evaluating the effi- small spans force minimum thicknesses to ex-
ciency of thin shells is the relationship be- ceed what is required from structural stresses
tween the thickness and the span of the struc- only. After peak efficiency is reached for a
ture. If t is the thickness of the shell in a given span, its efficiency is reduced as the

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

TABLE 5-1 Spherical Dome Span Thicknesses Kresge Auditorium, M.LT., by Saarinen
DOME 1 TYPE OF SHELL (1955): sectional hemispherical dome
Span L = 100 ft (30.5 m) with triangular plan; sides 160 ft long
Height h = 10-50 ft (3-15.2 m) (48.8 m), thickness 3 112 in (9 cm)
Average Thickness t = 4.25 in (10.8 em) Shops, Bulgaria, by Doganoos (1957):
t=-L series of conoidal shells 23 ft wide (7 m)
282 with 59 ft span (18 m); thickness, 1Ifr, to
DOME 2 TYPE OF SHELL 2% in (3-6 cm)
Span L = 200 ft (61.0 m) May, D. and F. Store, Denver, by Pei
Height h=20-80 ft(6.1-24.4 m)
Average Thickness t = 3.75 in (9.5 em) (1958): four-gable hyperbolic parabo-
I loid roof shell covering space 112 X
t=-L 132 ft (34 X 40 m), thickness 3 to 5 in
DOMES TYPE OF SHELL (7.6-12.7 cm)
Span L = 300 ft (91.4 m) Church of San Jose Obrero, Mexico, Felix
Height h = 40-100 ft (12.2-30.5 m) Candela (1960): two saddle-type hyper-
Average Thickness t = 4 in (10.1 em) bolic paraboloids with 90 ft (27.4 m)
I cantilevers; thickness, 1SIr, in (4 cm)
900 Planetarium, St. Louis, by Obate (1962):
DOME 4 TYPE OF SHELL hyperboloid shell 160 ft (48.8 m) in di-
Span L = 400 ft (121.9 m) ameter, 75 ft high (23 m), thickness 3 in
Height h = 80-150 ft (24.4-45.7 m)
Average Thickness t = 6 in (15.2 em) (7.6 cm)

length of the span continues to increase as in Examples of shells in the morphology of na-
any other structure, reaching a point eventu- ture are particularly abundant (see Fig. 5-2).
ally where the efficiency is so low the struc- Eggs, sea shells, turtles, skulls, nuts, and the
ture becomes infeasible. nests that certain birds build by instinct are
all based on the shell. This large number of
CASE STUDIES IN SPAN THICKNESS applications indicates clearly how naturally
A few examples illustrating the thicknesses efficient the shell can be under certain condi-
adopted for some thin-shelled structures tions. The most efficient of these examples is
follow: probably the eggshell, whose lightness pro-
portional to its strength is amazingly high.
Market Hall, Algeciras, Spain, by Eduardo Birds are amazing builders of structures
Torroja (1934): octagonal dome of whose soundness and efficiency compete fa-
eight barrel shells, 156 ft (47.5 m) in vorably with the products of man's ingenuity.
diameter; thickness, 3 112 in (9 cm) The bird's nest, which is a good example of
Aircraft hangars, France, by Perret the inverted dome, results from birds' aston-
(1952): two contiguous barrel vaults ishing instinct to capitalize on the efficiency
330 ft (100 m) in span each, consisting of the domed geometric shape and on mate-
of 32 ft (lO m) wide arched sections; rials that are readily available. These sub-
thickness, 2Ifs in (6 cm) stances are usually straw, twigs, and grass,
Air Terminal, St. Louis, by Yamasaki performing mostly in tension. In many cases
(1954): groined vaults consisting of the mud is also used. When it hardens it adds
intersection of two barrel vaults; thick- compressive strength to the nest and further
ness, 4112 to 8 in (11.4-20 cm) stabilizes the structure.

Thin Shells

5- 2 Examples of shells in nature: a) eBB, b) turtle; c) sea shell; d) nut; e) skull.

Not all nests are built in the same shape, of THE ORIGINS OF
course, nor do they all have a cuplike form, MAN-MADE SHELLS
but the domical ones are often elaborate and
intriguing. One example is the nest that is
built by a bird called the social weaver, of The history of thin shells should be seen as
South Africa (Philetairus Socius). This type of coincident with the discovery of cement,
nest, which has a dome cover, is built by which made reinforced concrete possible.
groups of birds that may include at times as The natural cement used by the Romans sim-
many as 100 individual birds, both male and ply did not have sufficient strength for thin
female. Built in a tree, their structures can shells. It was used mostly for mortars in ma-
reach proportions of up to 10 feet (3 m) and sonry structures or as concrete filler within
often contain smaller individual nests. masonry masses, but never as a self-support-
Another interesting domed structure in ing material. Only a new generation of ce-
nature is the nest built by the South Ameri- ment with the compressive strength to bind
can ovenbird (Furnaridae). This nest is a hol- aggregate could be used to create shells. It
low dome built with mud and reinforced by could be combined with other materials capa-
grass and other fibers. About one foot (.30 ble of resisting tension.
m) in diameter, its thickness is about 1/2 inch The discovery of cement is attributed to
(13 mm) or more. The totally enclosed struc- the Englishman John Smeaton, in 1756. Dur-
ture has an indirect, narrow entrance at its ing the construction of the Eddystone light-
bottom. house, near Plymouth, he experimented to

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

formulate an hydraulic mortar using lime is an artificial stone made of a plastic mass
and clay in equal parts. He established that that hardens after being molded by hand and
instead of using lime and pozzolana (silica) as thus owes its very existence to this com-
the Romans had, he could obtain a similar, or pound. Similarly to the clay that is so readily
even better effect, by making the lime from a found in nature, concrete lends itself to the
limestone that already contained some clay. generation of many forms, as a medium for
This clay, and silica, with their necessary large-scale sculptures in the way that clay has
compounds, could be mixed in the desired had the potential to generate ceramic arti-
proportions with the calcium carbonate in facts. Clay and concrete are even similarly
the limestone and burnt together in furnaces. processed. They both require a stage of high-
In natural cements heat was applied to the temperature firing: ceramics after the clay
clay and silica during volcanic action inde- has been molded and cement after the clay
pendently of the calcium carbonate (lime). It and limestone have been combined to pro-
in turn was heat treated during the process of duce the "clinker."
producing the lime. Then the compounds When concrete is seen from the point of
from the clay and silica were combined cold, view of being a natural product useful to
with the calcium carbonate. The process of make creative shapes, it is clearly in the free-
making artificial cement involves the com- dom and curvilinearity of its forms that con-
pounding of clay and silica under heat, in the crete structures should manifest themselves,
presence of calcium carbonate. not in the rigidity of straight lines and plane
After Smeaton had opened the way to the surfaces. Thin shells are thus the most logical
use of this new product, two English engi- form of expression for concrete structures
neers, Wyatts and Parker, began producing when architectural integrity is considered.
cement in 1796, using natural deposits of On their own merits, thin shells owe to their
clay and limestone found in sedimentary special geometry their ability to carry exter-
layers near London. The name they chose nal loads and filter them through their sur-
for this commercial product was Roman faces to edge members, which then collect
Cement, capitalizing on the millennarian the loads and channel them to supports at the
dependability of the cement in Roman foundation. The geometry that sustains this
structures. structural process is the basic language the
In 1800 an engineer named Lesage pro- designer must learn first. Only then, after
duced another kind of cement using a lime- acquiring a certain literacy, the architect can
stone found embedded in clay banks along experiment with fine tuning shapes and
the beach of Boulogne-sur-Mer. Then, in forms by fine tuning through more-precise
1824, Joseph Aspidin produced the cement analysis. The concrete layer, the precise dis-
called portland, in Leeds, Canada. The name tribution of steel reinforcements, and the
derives from the type of Portland rock used configurations of edge members then be-
in masonry, because the concrete blocks come intriguing components in the de-
made with that cement had the same color as signer's hands, which take shape in the exhil-
the natural portland rocks. Others claim that arating process of structural and archi-
the name derives not from the golden color tectural design.
but from the strength associated with the
portland stone. Whatever the case, the name
has been used ever since. A similar cement OVERALL STRUCTURAL
was produced in Germany in 1830. EQUILIBRIUM
This short synopsis of the history of con-
crete serves only to introduce this material The overall equilibrium of a whole structure
that is the basis for the concrete out of which can be obtained in various ways. A structure
the thin-shelled concept was born. Concrete can consist either of a continuous self-stand-

Thin Shells

ing unit or be a structure combining differ- combined, small groups of structures can
ent units that achieve equilibrium only when produce unique compositions that often
united. Thus, in terms of structural equilib- achieve dramatic effects. For example, Felix
rium it makes sense to distinguish first be- Candela joined together two saddle-type hy-
tween shell structures that are self-standing perbolic paraboloids on two supports laced
and those that are combined structures. along longitudinal members so that it seems
that they merely touch each other. In this
case the two saddles are inclined, creating a
Self-standing Structures tensile connection between the two to
achieve stability in an atmosphere of lightness
Self-standing structures, whether they are and pronounced elegance. There are other
continuous or discontinuous, are in equilib- examples of combining three hyperbolic par-
rium by means of their own support systems, aboloids so as to create an equally astonishing
without needing the help of any other struc- effect and achieve overall stability through a
ture. Their support systems can consist of a system of mutual support.
number of supports or of a special type of Another approach for combining a large
support. For example, consider an umbrella- number of isolated structures is in reality a
type hyperbolic paraboloid that is supported modular system acting as a thin shell. An ex-
on only one central point by a single column ample typical of this kind of modular struc-
standing on an isolated footing. If the footing ture is a combination of individual umbrella
were to be sized only in terms of gravity loads types on one support or of inverted umbrella
and the soil's bearing capacity, the footing types on one support. In these two cases the
would probably be so small that it would not moduli are connected along their edges and
guarantee maintaining equilibrium against so can take full advantage of the repetitive
possible overturning. Such structures would use of one or several individual modular
not then be self-standing. However, if the formworks. Large continuous roof structures
footing were to be increased in size, equilib- can thus be built with modular elements or-
rium would be provided for the structure ganized on a grid pattern. Square or rectan-
without having to change the basic geometry gular grid systems are therefore convenient
of the whole structure. Likewise, the same to use for a large variety of buildings, from
umbrella-type hyperbolic paraboloid with the institutional to commercial and industrial. In
limited footing would become stable when fact, the economies achieved by modular con-
combined with other similar structures. struction make even low-cost industrial appli-
A hyperbolic paraboloid on two supports cations feasible.
(saddle type) would also be unstable by itself,
unless other means of support were provided.
A typical example for stabilizing such struc-
tures, without changing their basic visual and FLOA TING CONCRETE SHELLS
structural concept of using two main bearing FOR BOATS AND SHIPS
supports, consists of adding thin tensile mem-
bers at the free, cantilevered tips, to prevent
overall rotation or over-turning. It is important to realize that the first applica-
tions of concrete for practical uses were not
for buildings, as might be expected, but for
Combined Structures the hulls of small boats. Using concrete shells
thus reflected the most rational, natural of
There are several types of thin-shelled struc- responses to the many qualities of the new
tures that achieve equilibrium when com- moldable material. Early examples capital-
bined into groups of two or more. When ized on the strengths of the geometry of dou-

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

bly curved shells that only the moldability of a type of construction using a whole array of
concrete could allow. reinforcements, mostly wire mesh and con-
In 1848 a French gardener named Joseph- crete plaster with only fine aggregate. This
Louis Lambot built a concrete shell for the system cannot be classified as either typical
hull of a small rowboat, and a year later built reinforced concrete nor ferrocement, but
a similar boat with the same method of con- something in between. The many other boats
struction. Completely apart from engineer- built following these prototypes eventually
ing or architecture, Lambot realized the true produced the ferrocement hulls of Pier Luigi
potential of this material and used it intui- Nervi's work.
tively. He first built a hull of iron rods and In 1897 the first reinforced-concrete hull
wire mesh, then worked a cement mortar was built, in Rome, to construct a pontoon.
through this mesh reinforcement on both Then in 1902 GabeIlini built the first con-
sides, obtaining a finished surface on both crete hull, for a 50-ton barge. He expanded
interior and exterior. His mortar contained on that with the Liguira, a concrete barge of
only sand, with no additional aggregate. 160 tons, which soon saw large numbers of
Working by hand, Lambot plastered this other such concrete vessels built in this pio-
shell in 1848 in just the same way many other neering new technology. In 1910 the English
shells are built on a larger scale a century built their first concrete hull, the Sand Witch,
later. Some of the shells of Felix Candela in followed two years later by a pontoon, the
Mexico recall this construction technique Manchester Ship Canal. Then in 1917 the
which although expensive in man-hours pro- Norwegians built the first concrete hull for a
duces a good product when the labor cost self-propelled seagoing ship. The concrete
allows it. The most amazing feature of these hull of the Namsenfjord, designed and built
early prototypes is their durabilty: these two by N. K. Fougner, was 83.64 ft (25.5 m) long
boats are still in perfect condition in Paris at with a dead load of 182 tons.
the Brigonoles Museum as a testimony to
shell technology (see Fig. 5-3).
In 1896 an Italian named Gabellini built a Concrete Hulls in WorId War I
similar concrete hull for a small rowboat with
Historically, wars have accelerated techno-
logical development, under the impact of
needs required for survival. The reason con-
crete hulls developed so rapidly for large-
scale applications was the demand for cargo

ships using a material other than steel, which
was needed for other war products. The
United States vessel the Selma at 426 ft (130
m) became the largest ship ever built of con-
crete. It weighed 6,340 tons. The English
built the Armistice (205 ft [62.5 m], 1,150
tons) and the Creteravine, a 1,000-ton barge
built in Gloucester in 1919 which is one of a
large group of similar concrete barges built at
5-3 This ferrocement rowboat built in 1849 the time.
seen in Paris in 1974 was still in excellent After World War I a gradual change carne
condition. A similar prototype of thin-shelled about in the economic market for concrete
application was built by the same Joseph-Louis hulls, resulting in in their eventual eclipse
Lambot in 1848. about 1922.

Thin Shells

Concrete Hulls in World War II thin steel wires are completely dispersed in its
cement paste as embedded fibers. The best
World War II repeated the same need of the comparison is to visualize the composition of
previous world war for concrete hulls. Of the ferrocement as being like the mixture in fi-
many countries involved in building concrete berglass that combines the resin and glass
hulls the United States produced the largest fibers together.
number. Nervi's applications of ferrocement to
Germany also engaged heavily in building hulls included several fishing vessels and
concrete hulls of both the shell type and the pleasure craft, including an elegant sailboat,
framed type, which included stiffening ribs. the Irene. Powered by both an inboard motor
In 1944 German experimentation with ves- and sail, this vessel had a weight of 165 tons,
sels up to 3,700 tons proved the thin-shelled which resulted in a saving of 5 percent in
hull much superior to the frame type in weight compared to a wooden hull. Its cost
strength for impact loading. The English proved to be a significant 40 percent less than
produced the famous Mulberry Harbour pon- an equivalent wooden prototype. The
toon, used in 1944 for the successful landing strength of its shell, 1.4 in (3.6 cm) thick, was
of Allied forces in Normandy, as well as sev- shown when the vessel survived two acci-
eral hundred barges. dents, which required only minor replaster-
These and other experiences proved the ing and did not alter its seaworthiness. An-
durability, seaworthiness, and overall reliabil- other ferrocement application of great
ity of concrete ships. Reinforced concrete elegance was the Nennele, a 41 ft (12.5 m)
barges in Japan demonstrated their resistance ketch only 1/2 inch in thickness that Nervi
to fire and explosion by surviving the atomic designed and built in 1948 for his own use
test at Bikini, when one barge loaded with (see Fig. 5-4).
fuel oil was set afire. And the S.S. Aspin
proved for its seaworthiness in a 1944 hurri-
cane off Cape Hatteras by surviving winds of
an estimated 120 mph (193 km/hr) with PRESTRESSED HULLS
wave heights up to 100 ft (30 m).

The process of prestressing was applied to

Ferrocement Hulls concrete hulls as early as 1942, first in Ger-
many involving concrete barges weighing
The two world wars proved the feasibility of 500 tons each. This method of course cur-
the concrete hull in practical terms. Pier rently dominates the construction of most
Luigi Nervi built upon the technology of concrete hulls, because of its increased
wire mesh reinforcement and cement plaster. strength and consequent possible reduction
He clarified the concept of ferrocement and in shell thickness.
finalized its construction and design proce- The two methods used include prestress-
dures, applying it to several successful hulls ing, also called pretensioning, and postten-
and later to thin shells for buildings. Al- sioning. Of the two, posttensioning is the
though Nervi has been associated with the most widely used. Among its advantages is
development of ferrocement, he modestly the possibility of applying the tensioned rein-
disclaimed it (author's personal communica- forcement not only along rectilinear paths
tion with Nervi in 1974). but curvilinear ones as well.
Ferrocement is a homogeneous isotropic Prestressing or pretensioning consists of
substance that has equal strengths of com- applying tension to high-strength steel wires,
pression and tension in all directions, because bars, or cables (tendons) and keeping them

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

In posttensioning, tendons are introduced

into hollow ducts set into the structure. After
the concrete has hardened, the tendons are
tensioned and anchored at their ends to the
concrete with special anchors. Grout is even-
tually placed in the ducts to prevent their
corroding the tendons.


Following Nervi's work, the 1950s exhibited

a great enthusiasm for the architectural fea-
tures of concrete thin shells. By the begin-
ning of the 1960s, ferrocement hulls had
gained wide acceptance for use in pleasure
crafts, particularly in the United Kingdom
and Australia and New Zealand. The Awah-
nee, a ferrocement yacht 53 ft (16 m) long,
was built in New Zealand in 1965. In a series
of amazing events this vessel circumnavigated
the world, successfully surviving seventy-knot
winds, a collision with an iceberg, and a ram-
ming by a steel-hulled yacht.
5-4 Photoaraph showina the "Nennele" a 41 ft The popularity of the thin shell in engi-
ketch in ferrocement, one-half inch thick, neering terms is widespread among students
desiened and built in 1948 by Pier Luiei Nervi today. Since 1970, ferrocement-canoe races
for his own personal use. have become a national trend in various engi-
neering schools throughout the United
stretched between two anchors attached to The undeniably large-scale acceptance of
the ground while the concrete hardens. ferrocement hulls among numerous develop-
When it has acquired sufficient strength the ing countries of the world was described in a
tendons are released. They then try to regain 1979 report of an ad hoc panel of the Advi-
their original length, and in so doing they sory Committee on Technological Innova-
apply a compressive force in the concrete in tion of the Board of Science and Technology
parts of the structure that will later be for the International Development Office of
stressed under tension. This precompression the Foreign Secretary.3 This panel recom-
is of course designed to neutralize later mended ferrocement as a substitute for mate-
under load the tensile forces that will be in- rials now used to construct traditionally
ducted by the loads themselves. In this shaped indigenous boats. The technical feasi-
method there is a continuous bond between bility of ferrocement has been well estab-
the prestressing tendons and the concrete, lished, but field trials or demonstrations may
with no need for anchorages. However, rein- be needed in some developing areas to over-
forcements can be placed only in rectilinear come local resistance to innovation in boat
paths, as mentioned. building.

Thin Shells

The Food and Agriculture Organization digenous craft are appropriate for this mate-
of the United Nations (FAO) and the United rial. Small ferrocement workboats can be
Nations Industrial Development Organiza- built on site, by local, supervised, laborers
tion (UNIDO) have taken the initiative to who are usually available at low cost. Because
introduce ferrocement in developing coun- these boats are mainly hull and therefore
tries and demonstrate its importance in their have no costly fittings, the builder's savings
context. Thus far, however, such technical- are maximized. Small onshore workboats un-
assistance projects have been oriented toward dergo less stress than deep-water vessels and
large oceangoing trawlers with sophisticated require less stringent technology and quality
Western-style hulls, to increase commercial control. Moreover, existing wooden craft are
fishing capabilities. Commercial fishing on often so heavy that converting them to ferro-
this scale requires a considerable land-based cement sometimes yields boats of an equiva-
organization to preserve, transport, and mar- lent or lighter weight. Furthermore, ferroce-
ket products, and the cost of large fishing ment boats are inherently strong enough to
boats represents an investment that subsis- be powered, while some comparable wooden
tence-level fishermen simply cannot afford. boats are not.
We are here concerned with the individual Since design improvements can be added
boatmen, whether commercial or subsistence in ferrocement incrementally, a traditionally
fisherman, who would benefit from the low shaped boat might be improved over the
cost, long life, and easy repairs of small, fa- years in design. In particular, using ferroce-
miliarly shaped and propelled ferrocement ment allows all the complex curves of
boats. planked wooden boats, as well as the more
Ferrocement's unique low cost of mate- complex curves not possible in wood that
rials, its strength, and its ease of maintenance would improve a boat's performance. Finally,
and repair recommend themselves particu- ferrocement is free from attack by teredos
larly to the fabrication of small native craft. (shipworms), wood rot, and other hazards of
The usual curved-displacement hulls of in- the tropics.

1. See Iurgen Joedick, Shell Architecture (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1962), 98.
2. From R. M. Gensert, Kirsis Uldis, and Peller Miklos, "Economic Proportioning of Cast-in-Place Concrete
Thin Shells." Paper SP 28-3, Concrete Thin Shells, ACI, 1971,41-112.
3. Advisory Committee on Technological Innovation, Board of Science and Technology for International
Development Office of Foreign Secretary, "Ferro-cement: Application in Developing Countries," 4, 21-23.


Selected Shapes of Shells

GEOMETRIC ASPECTS efficiency was not felt for many centuries,

and the spherical dome continued to be in
use until engineering intuition suggested em-
The combined effects of mass and geometry ploying other shapes, such as parabolic cross-
are major factors in structural strength. This sectional forms. Similarly, the shape of the
chapter will focus on the role of geometry. barrel vault with a semicircular cross-section
The geometric surfaces used in architectural was determined originally from an intuitive
structures have been generated from differ- geometric shape that did work, since builders
ent approaches developed over thousands of did not realize the limited efficiency of circu-
years of building experience. As discussed in lar cross-sections against parabolic ones.
previous chapters, when dealing with ma- Even now, when structural analysis can
sonry the requirements of the material itself find optimal solutions for structural forms,
imposed forms that resolved superimposed geometric configurations may most probably
loads by means of internal forces acting in derive from aesthetic values. Reinforced con-
compression. Having adopted by trial and crete shells can follow almost any desired
error the geometric surfaces able to satisfy configuration, even if the resulting form is
these requirements, the builder then needed not particularly efficient structurally. Many
to adopt geometric surfaces that would lend examples verify this approach, including spe-
themselves to the requirements of the space cial cases where the concept can be seen
designed. This geometry resulted intuitively pushed to the limit. The Sydney Opera
from the building'S structural and spatial re- House is a dramatic example of arbitrary ge-
quirements, as seen in domes. For instance, ometry being forced to perform structurally
the spherical masonry dome derived from against better engineering analysis and
the desire to create a column-free space in judgment.
the round. Whether to adopt a specific spher- In the hands of a creative architect, the
ical configuration or an elliptical, parabolic, geometric vocabulary of basic forms that
or other configuration was determined by have been particularly adapted for thin-
the geometric understanding of the purity of shelled structures offers the potential for a
the sphere. Since the spherical configuration great variety of compositions. Felix Candela
did work, the need to improve its structural has shown, for instance, what can be done by

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

composing the basic elements of hyperbolic linear or curvilinear members interacting in

paraboloids. Even the forms of ancient vault- space to produce articulated structures.
ing could inspire reinterpretations in modern Although the role of geometry is too vast
versions using reinforced concrete. Reducing to be covered adequately here, a brief intro-
the mass through reduced thickness and re- duction to the major basic geometric shapes
ducing a vault's curvature could result in will prove useful.
thin-shells with light, lofty qualities, in new
forms of domes, pendentives, squinches, and
groin vaults.
Many other approaches suggest them- BARREL SHELLS
selves when one looks for inspiration in the
work of the architectural masters. In particu- Simplified Structural Behavior
lar, the dramatic explorations of geometric
forms in the architecture of Louis Kahn Ancient barrel vaults derived directly from
create an awareness of articulated forms in the arch because, in reality, they consisted of
space where thin shells could generate sur- a series of contiguous arches placed side by
faces of complex significance, whether as a side. Because each arch interacted with the
composition involving only surface elements adjacent one, the load applied to one was
or in combination with rectilinear longitu- shared by the adjacent ones also. These bar-
dinal members. It is exciting to visualize the rel vaults could therefore be considered as
potential of volumetric compositions that one-way arched slabs spanning across two
may be attained with thin surfaces and recti- parallel longitudinal supports. The modern

6-1 Axial and shear forces in the shell element under load.

Selected Shapes of Shells

6-2 Transmission of forces to the supports.

thin-shell barrel is definitely a two-way sys- (see Fig. 6-1). The neutral axis, which slices
tem, although there is no similarity to the the barrel horizontally, separates the area in
two-way slab. The structural behavior in the compression from that in tension. The longi-
barrel shell in one direction is totally differ- tudinal axial forces are equal to zero at the
ent than that in the other because it has both neutral plane, then gradually increase as they
a longitudinal and a transverse direction. move away from it. The axial transverse
The barrel shell acts as a beam spanning in forces NT run perpendicularly to the N L
the longitudinal direction, which is consid- forces and are always compressive. They act
ered the span of the barrel. The width of the as the compression forces in arches. The
barrel, perpendicular to its span, is the trans- forces NL and NT combine together and are
verse dimension. When the span of a barrel is then transmitted to the supports (see Fig.
longer than its width, the barrel is considered 6-2).
long, and when the span is shorter than the
width it is said to be short.
Short Barrels

Long Barrels Short-barreled shells behave somewhat dif-

ferently than long barrels. Although the long
The long barrel carries the distributed load barrel behaves almost like a conventional
to the supports just as a beam would. The beam, the short barrel behaves that way only
cross-section of the beamlike barrel is an in the lower part of its shell. In the upper part
arched thin shell. The supports at the ends of the longitudinal axial forces NL are zero, with
the barrels are usually arches, but they could the axial transverse forces NT dominating. In
also be conventional walls with curvilinear other words, the top of the shell acts like a
tops following the shape of the shell, or else series of adjacent arches. However, in the
two thin walls acting as vertical diaphragms. lower part of short barrels the longitudinal
As in a beam, the longitudinal axial forces N L axial forces of compression and tension reap-
in the upper part of the barrel are compres- pear, and the neutral plane is lower than
sive, with those in the lower part being tensile where it is in long barrels (see Fig. 6-3).

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

6-3 Behavior of barrel shells: a) lona shell; b) short shell.

CONOIDAL SHELLS straight lines, the surface is a hyperbolic

paraboloid (Fig. 6-5c).

Conoidal surfaces are translational shells gen- Some conoidal surfaces also belong to
erated by a straight line, the generatrix, other families of surfaces. For instance, the
translating over two curves known as the di- cylinder is also rotational.
rectrices that are contained in two vertical Translational surfaces can be obtained in
parallel planes (see Fig. 6-4). Since the gen- more than one way. For example, the hyper-
eratrix is a straight line, the surface is consid- bolic paraboloid can be generated by using a
ered a ruled surface. parabola as the generatrix and another pa-
Three cases can result from this: rabola, instead of straight lines, as a directrix,
as in the third case just seen.
1. If one of the two directrices is a horizontal
straight line, the surface is a conoid (Fig.
6-5a). Conoids
2. If the two directrices are equal curves, the
surface is a cylinder (Fig. 6-5b). Conoids are anticlastic, meaning that at any
3. If the two directrices are two skewed given point the curvature in a certain direc-

6-4 The conoid, one of three conoidal surfaces in addition to the

cylinder and the hyperbolic paraboloid. A ruled surface aenerated by
straiaht line aeneratrices slidina over curved and straiaht line directrices.

Selected Shapes of Shells

The horizontal projection of the two di-

rectrices over the horizontal plane xy
// have an equal length (BI = B2) only if
we so desire, but in general they can be
different (BI 1= B2)'

The values for YI and Y2 in the general equa-

tion above are given, respectively, by the fol-
lowing expressions:

It is important to notice that if BI = B2 then
the equation is considerably simplified, be-
cause YI = Y2 = y. Thus, the equation of the
conoid becomes

C EXAMPLE: Find the equation of a conoid,

given the following:
6-5 The three basic cases of conoidal shells: a)
a conoid; b) a cylinder; c) a hyperbolic paraboloid. Directrix 1 is a semicircle with its center at
the origin.
Its radius R = BI = 20 ft
tion is concave, whereas in another direction
Its equation z = J. (y) is y2 + z2 = 20 2 .
it is convex. The equation for the conoid is From this it follows that z = ,J20 2 - y2
easily determined once one knows the equa-
Directrix 2 is a straight line whose equa-
tions for the two directrices, which are, re- tion z = f 2 (y) is z = O.
spectively, z = II (y) and z = 12(Y) (see Fig. Other known data include BI = 20 ft,
6-6). The equation for the conoid is B2 = 15 ft, and L = 60 ft.

In this equation it can be seen that

The directrix z = II (y) is contained in the In this equation the values for YI and Y2' re-
vertical plane, by passing through its spectively, are
point of origin.
The other directrix [z = 12 (y)] is contained
in another plane parallel to zy at dis-
tance x = L between the two planes.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

6-6 Coordinates of the conoidal shell.

This can easily be recognized as an equation

for a hyperbolic paraboloid of the following
EXAMPLE: To find the equation for a conoi-
dal surface that is in this case also a hyperbo-
lic paraboloid, it should be noted that the
z= (:b) xy
equation can also be determined in a differ-
ent manner, to compare the two different where a = 30, b = 20, and h = -10.
methods. Let us assume the following data:

Directrix 1 coincides with the y axis.

Therefore, its equation, z = II (y), is CANTILEVERED SHELLS
Directrix 2 is a straight line passing
through one point whose y,z coordi- Cantilevered thin shells constitute their own
nates are (0,0) and through another subgroup within the larger family of shell
point of coordinates (20,10). The equa- structures, one that is distinct in terms both
tion of this directrix z = II (y) is of geometry and of structural behavior. Such
z = -(1/2)y. shells, which project outward from key points
Furthermore, L = 30 ft and BI = B2 = 20 of support, display an effect of lightness, as
ft. with any other cantilevered structure. The
Solution: For this surface the equation is as fact that their means of support are unclear
follows, because BI = B2: to the typical observer creates an illusion of
loftiness capable of inspiring a sense of
wonder and admiration.
From a structural point of view cantile-
vered thin shells have the distinction of being
Thus: able to produce forms that corresponding
masonry vaults could not attain. The direct
xy offspring of masonry vaults, concrete thin
60 shells have replaced them in present-day con-

Selected Shapes of Shells

struction by performing equivalent tasks members of a thin shell, with the leaf itself
much more economically and with better analogous to the membrane shell. In fact, the
structural performance. geometric configurations of the many types
The cross-section of the thin shell carries of leaves can legitimately inspire new rational
loads by virtue of membrane stresses only. It forms for thin-shelled applications.
is subjected only to tension and compression, A good example of this analogy between
by means of structural reinforcement and shells and leaves is a reinforced concrete sign-
concrete mass, as mentioned earlier. By cut- post built for a housing project by Felix Can-
ting a transverse cross-section through a dela on a lake in Mexico. It includes a frame-
whole shell it can be noted that zones are in work of longitudinal members that are
compression and under tension, just as a supported at two points on the ground and
cross-section would display through a cantile- cantilever out in opposite directions. The
vered beam. length of each section is about 53 ft (16 m).
To emphasize the validity of the rational- Each of the two cantilevered arms terminates
ity and structural efficiency of the cantile- in a slender thin shell that is in turn cantile-
vered thin shell, let us note that there are vered from the main framework of solid
several examples in nature that are based on members (see Fig. 6-7).
the same structural principle. One is the The dramatic nature of cantilevering is
trunks of trees that extend vertically from further emphasized when a structure widens
the ground, with branches projecting hori- away from its supports rather than tapering
zontally either from the trunk or from one off, thus creating the illusion of an even less
another. Rock formations are at times also stable structure. The music pavilion at the
cantilevered. And in the body structure of Santa Fe housing project in Mexico City, de-
several animal species the neck and limbs act signed by Felix Candela and Aldo Pani, in
as cantilevers controlled by muscle tension 1953 - 1957, can be considered to be divided
and compression. The most specific example into three adjacent components. Each has a
that comes to mind is the leaves of plants. triangular plan that joins the others to form
The stalk of a leaf and the ramified veins a fan-shaped canopy that cantilevers out from
through it can be compared to the edge a central vertex. The three triangular com-

6-7 A reinforced concrete sionpost for a housino project near Lake Tequesquitenoo, Mexico. The shell
desiBned by Felix Candela in cooperation with Guillermo Rosell and Manuel Larrosa.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

ponents of the canopy are portions of hyper- pedestrian entrance. This massive, muscular
bolic paraboloid surfaces. The cantilevered structure of reinforced concrete uses the can-
shell spans 40 ft (12 m) from the point of tilever action of the shell in a totally different
support. At the support two concrete walls manner visually from the structure by Can-
anchored to an underground footing balance dela. Here Nervi capitalizes on the efficiency
the moment generated by the cantilever (see of the geometry and the mass of the material
Fig. 6-8). Numerous cantilevered filling to erect a sculptural piece (see Fig. 6-10). A
station roofs by Candela are an interesting similar structure is the massive cantilevered
element of the Mexico City townscape (Fig. shell forming a canopy over the main en-
6-9). trance to the Hiraoka City Hall in Japan, by
Rationally designed structures do indeed Junzo Sakakura.
possess inherent aesthetics, as can be seen in The Sydney Opera House (1957) men-
the cantilevered shells that have been de- tioned earlier also represents a different con-
signed at times as sculptural pieces. Often cept in heavy shell structures. The form of
they are designed to function as entrance these concrete cantilevered shells is the work
canopies in front of a building of which they of Jorn Utzon. The shells cantilever upward
are a part, as is the canopy in front of the and forward at various angles of inclination
UNESCO Building in Paris designed by Pier to look like sails inflated by wind. Each shell
Luigi Nervi in 1957. The building (1953- springs from two supports on the ground. On
1958) itself was a collaboration between the interiors of the shells stiffening ribs con-
Nervi, Marcel Breuer, and Bernard Zehriuss. verge at the supports, there transferring their
This particular canopy, not to be confused loads from the shells to the foundation. On
with another, over the entrance at the Place the exterior the shells are as smooth and
de Frontenoy, is in front of the southwest white as the spinnakers of sailing ships.

41 It
19.20 It 10.5 It


6-8 Music Pavilion at "Santa Fe" Housing Project, Mexico City.

Architects: Felix Candela and Aido Pani. Balancing the overturning moment
because of the cantilever, two concrete walls anchor the structure to the
foundation 8 ft (2.5 m) deep.

Selected Shapes of Shells

6-9 Cantilevered roofs over the filling station in Mexico Cio/ designed by
Felix Candela. (Courtesy of]. A. Starczewski.)

the compositIOn of several partial surfaces

combined. The edges obtained by having
various intersecting planes with different ori-
entations are endless. Much more complex
curves result by intersecting hyperboloids
with other kinds of surfaces (see Fig. 6-12).
Interesting free forms can also be attained by
cutting out a portion of an hyperboloid (see
Fig. 6-13).


6-10 The canopy in front of the UNESCO An hyperboloid surface can be generated as a
bUilding in Paris designed by Pier Luigi Nervi. ruled surface with straight line generatrices,
or as a rotational surface produced by rotat-
ing an hyperbola around an axis. The equa-
tion for the hyperboloid of one - not two-
Free Forms sheets is as follows:

Using a revolving hyperboloid to explore ar-

chitectural forms can produce remarkable
results (see Fig. 6-11, a - h). Basically, as with
any other geometric surface, one could treat Notice that the surface is a quadric and,
the edges in various manners and deal with being expressed in this form, is thus referred


c D

6-11 Various arrannements and compositions of hyperbolic paraboloid modular elements. a,b) A
square hypar on two supports; c,d) Schematic models of umbrella-type hypars.


6-11 (continued) eJ) A combination of hypar modules in groups of two; g,h) A square-plan hypar
on two supports, with stabilizine struts or ties alone the edge beams.
Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

The sections perpendicular to the z axis are

then circles. The surface is now more prop-
erly called an hyperboloid of revolution. In
both surfaces, sections parallel to the z axis
are always hyperbolas.

Structural Aspects

From a structural point of view, an hyperbo-

loid of revolution that is generated by start-
ing from a cylinder can be seen as a series of
vertical straight lines arranged around a cir-
cular directrix. To twist the circle will make
the tops of all the straight lines rotate, but the
6-12 A balsa wood study model showing the points at the bottom will remain stationary.
potential of hyperboloids for a church bUilding. The cross-sections perpendicular to the z axis
will consist of circles having different diame-
ters. Moreover, the height of an hyperboloid
would be shorter than that of its original cyl-
inder, because the more twist there is, the
shorter is the height.
Under a vertical load arranged over the
top circle, an hyperboloid will tend to
shorten its height and increase its twist. In
such a condition the structure would not be
stable. To stabilize it requires preventing in-
creased twisting and consequently preventing
shortening of it. This can be accomplished by
adding another set of straight lines, but ones
twisted in the opposite direction. Shortening
the hyperboloid's height implies that it must
undergo both a clockwise and a counter-
clockwise rotation at the same time, which
cannot occur, thereby preventing twisting.

6-1 3 Free forms attained by cutting off pieces

of a hyperboloid. Trellised Hyperboloid

An hyperboloid structure can become a phys-

ical reality as a network of two sets of
to as systems of axes x and y, with the origin at straight-line generatrices with opposite incli-
the center. The hyperboloid of one sheet has nations when the hyperboloid is constructed
elliptical cross-sections, meaning that the sec- as a trellis rather than a continuous surface.
tions perpendicular to the z axis are ellipses. Whether they are in steel or concrete,
If a = b, then the equation becomes straight members hinged at their points of
intersection form a structure that could be
considered a space truss. Such a structure can
also be considered a space frame if its mem-

Selected Shapes of Shells

buildings. In this respect there is an interest-

ing example in an office building proposed in
1956 -1957 by I. M. Pei and Associates, ar-
chitects, and the Roberts and Schaefer Co.,
engineers (see Fig. 6-14). In it intersecting
diagonal members along the generatrices of
an hyperboloid form the exposed structure
of the high-rise building. The exterior lattice,
of tension and compression members, is con-
nected every thirteen stories to the internal
structural core of the building to stiffen the
structure against lateral deflection.


The last major advantage of the hyperboloid

is its ability to generate surfaces not only by
rotating an hyperbola around an axis but by
using straight-line generatrices. In reinforced
concrete this means that the complexities of
double-curvature formwork can be elimi-
nated by using straight boards, but equally
important is the possibility of prestressing a
shell along straight lines.


SPAIN (1956-1957)
This water tower by Eduardo Torroja, A.
Paez, and F. Del Pozo Associates consists of
two different hyperboloids connected at a
horizontal circle 129 ft (39.50 m) above-
ground. At this point the two hyperboloids,
at the top and bottom, share the same vertical
tangent. The merging circle previously men-
tioned is the smallest in diameter and can
6-14 An office buildine proposed by I. M. Pei thus be considered the waistline of the struc-
and Associates in cooperation with Roberts and ture. The top of the shell, at an elevation of
Schaefer Co. 168 ft (51.25 m), has a diameter of 105 ft (32
m), the largest in the shell. The bottom of the
shell, which is supported by piers at an eleva-
bers are fixed at their intersections rather tion of 97 ft (29.63 m) has a diameter of 69 ft
than being hinged. (21 m). The waist, at an elevation of 129 ft
The efficiency of the trellised hyperboloid (39.50 m), has a diameter of 59 ft (18 m).
has been especially recognized for the rigidity The thickness of the shell also varies. Its
it can achieve. Because rigidity is a major bottom varies from 11 in (28 cm) at the base
component in high-rise structural design, it is to 63/4 in (17 cm) at the highest water level.
logical for the trellised hyperboloid to be Above this line the thickness is kept constant
considered a potential system for tall, slender at 4 in (10 cm). Prestressing is applied along

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

thickness is 3 in (7.5 cm) on average. Two

tension rings, at the top and bottom, consti-
tute the only edge members required by the
whole shell. In comparison to the typical hy-
perboloids used for nuclear power plants, this
structure has a particularly elegant accen-
tuated angle of twist of its straight-line gener-
atrices. This angle emphasizes the sharpness
of the hyperbolic silhouette and the differ-
ences in the diameter of the base circle and
the circle at its waist. Furthermore, there is
significant asymmetry produced between the
part above and the one below the waist level
6-1 5 A hyperboloidal shell for a water tower (see Fig. 6-16).
in Fedala, Spain, by Eduardo Torroja.

both directions of the straight-line genera-

trices. Such double prestressing eliminates
concrete cracking in the shell, which is clearly
essential for a vessel that is to contain liquids
(see Fig. 6-15).


This shell by Obata is an hyperboloid of revo-
lution with a base diameter of 160 ft (48.8 m) 6-16 Planetarium in St. Louis, Missouri, by
and a height of about 75 ft (23 m). The shell Obata.


SiEJIliftcant Examples of Concrete Shells m

the Twentieth Centwy

BUILDINGS met. To illustrate thin-shell applications

throughout this century, this chapter briefly
describes a selection of representative
Present-day thin shells were made possible by projects.
the advent of concrete as a new building ma-
terial that let vaults and domes be built with CENTENNIAL HALL, BRESLAU,
much less thickness and weight than their GERMANY (/912-1913)
masonry counterparts. Moreover, new forms This structure designed by Max Berg repre-
were eventually built with ease to capitalize sents the beginning of a new era in the his-
on the tensile strength of reinforced con- tory of building with thin shells using rein-
crete. Reinforced concrete thin shells have in forced concrete. The dome, which is 213 ft
the twentieth century completely replaced (65 m) in diameter, was in itself a significant
masonry vaults and domes, in the process of achievement, not just in terms of domical
expanding the shapes of curvilinear forms to
an almost unlimited variety. When they have
been applied to cover large, unobstructed
spaces, concrete shells have also reached
spans of extraordinary length that match that
of equivalent steel structures.
Since thin shells are quite complex in
terms of the structural analysis they require
and the building technology they demand,
they represent a sophisticated building sys-
tem with a challenging complexity that im- -~ ..... "' .

plies a high degree of sophistication. Perhaps

not surprisingly, therefore, most applications 7-1 Centennial Hall, Breslau, Germany. This
of thin shells are found in Western countries, was the laroest buildino of any kind in the world
where these challenges might more easily be at the time of its construction.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

V-shaped ribs set adjacent to each other to

create an undulating surface significant for
its rigidity (see Fig. 7-3).


GERMANY (/931)
This segmental spherical dome designed for
Carl Zeiss was only sA in (15 mm) thick. The
testing ceremony had people stand on the
structure to prove visually its structural
strength, as illustrated in Figure 7-4. This
building is often regarded in the literature on
the development of the thin shell as a signifi-
7-2 Interior view of Centennial Hall, Breslau,
cant step forward in thin-shell design for
structures but as a practical application of
concrete in general. Radially arranged arches MARKET HALL, ALGEC1RAS, SPAIN (/934)
connected by concentric circular ribs form This thin-shell structure designed by
this dome, which is then carried by large Eduardo Torroja is prominent in the history
arches (see Figs. 7-1 and 7-2). The exterior of of the development of concrete thin shells.
the dome is totally hidden by a series of win- The octagonal dome is supported by eight
dows arranged on stepped-back tiers, thus arches that transfer the load vertically to
emphasizing the domical shape only on the eight columns aligned on a circle that is 156
interior. ft (47.5 m) in diameter. The whole shell con-
sists of eight individual barrel shells joined
DIRIGIBLE HANGAR, ORLY along their radial edges. Their free edges,
AIRPORT, PARIS (/916) along the perimeter of the octagon, are stiff-
Eugene Freyssinet, who contributed much to ened by supporting arches. Tie beams below
the development of concrete, designed this the arches absorb tension along the octagonal
cylindrical shell that is an example of early perimeter, acting together like a tension ring.
concrete technology. With a transverse span A compression ring on top provides central
of 330 ft (100 m), it consists of a series of day lighting and connects the eight barrels at

7 - 3 Dirigible hangar at Orly Airport. On the back of the ribs latticework

prOvides openings for natural lighting.

Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century


7-4 Testing an experimental thin-shell roof structure by showin8 a live load of people standing on it.

their top edges. Very light and crisp in its HAYDEN PLANETARIUM,
simplicity, this shell is only 3 1/2 in (90 mm) MANHATTAN (1934)
thick (see Fig. 7-5). Designed by Trowbridge and Livingston, ar-
chitects, and Wieskopt and Pickworth, engi-
FOUNDRY BUILDING, MILAN (1934) neers, this was the first thin-shell dome to be
The architect and engineer for this project built in concrete in the United States. The
was Giorgio Baroni. The structure is particu- dome's shape is hemispherical. The close net-
larly significant since it is the first example of work of bent wooden members necessary for
a hyperbolic paraboloidal geometric surface the form work is particularly impressive.
ever applied to a building. In this first appli-
cation to a roof structure the configuration OCTAGONAL ROOF, VILLAVERDE,
of the shell includes straight-line edge mem- SPAIN (1935)
bers around the perimeter. The shell in- This octagonal concrete dome designed by
cludes quadrants of hyperbolic paraboloid Eduardo Torroja is only 2 in (50 mm) thick
surfaces combined together and supported at (see Fig. 7-6).
their four points.



7-5 The dome of the Market Hall in Alaeciras, Spain, by Eduardo Torroja.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies


This, the third hyperbolic paraboloid thin
shell built by architect and engineer Giorgio
Baroni, has particular significance for being
the first application of this geometric surface
in the form of umbrellas. The whole roof is
made up of several umbrella-sloped struc-
tures connected along their horizontal edge
members to form one continuous system that
is in equilibrium.


This hall was built by architect and engineer
Hans Leuzinger and Robert Maillart, with
Prader & Cie. This exhibition structure was
erected to demonstrate the potential of thin
shells. It is a short cylindrical shell with a
parabolic cross-section. Two parabolic arches
stiffen this shell at midspan, and a walkway at
the base of the arches acts as a tie. A flat
7-6 Octagonal concrete dome in Villaverde,
horizontal slab stiffens the shell's lower edge
Spain, by Eduardo Torroja.
against horizontal deformation. The width of
this parabolic shell is 50.32 ft (15.3 m), and
its height at the crown is 38.4 ft (11.7 m).
The shell, built by the Gunite method, is only
2.36 in (60 mm) thick. The arches' ribs vary
from 2.30 to 37 in (60 to 940 mm) in thick-
SPAIN (1935)
ness (see Fig. 7-9).
This famous cantilevered thin-shell canopy
(shown in Figure 7-7) by Eduardo Torroja is U.S. ARMY WAREHOUSE, COLUMBUS,
another example of early thin-shell applica- OHIO (1941)
tions in the development of these structures. This huge complex covered with a thin-shell
roof was designed by Anton Tedesko, a pio-
INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, ALFA-ROMEO neer in thin-shell design who has been cred-
ited with exporting the method of shell calcu-
Designed by architect and engineer Giorgio lations from Germany to the United States
Baroni, this structure was built three years (see Fig. 7-10).1
after the first application of the hyperbolic
paraboloid, in Milan, where the Alfa-Romeo
administration was open to new ideas. The PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI (THE
reinforced concrete shells that form the roof CONGRESS PALACE), E.U.R., ROME
over this long rectangular building are con- (c. 1942)
tiguous and equal in size and configuration. This thin-shell roof structure covering the
Supported at four points, each shell is made Congress Hall at the E.U.R. complex in
of four quadrants connected along their com- Rome is a striking architectural piece. The
mon horizontal ridge lines. Sloping edge structure is a groin vault consisting of two
members gather the load from the surface intersecting circular cylinders that form a
and bring it to the supports (see Fig. 7-8). classic shape with circular arches along its

Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7 -7 The cantilevered thin-shell canopy over the Madrid Racetrack.
a) General view. b) Closeup frontal view. c) Closeup side view.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-8 An hyperbolic paraboloid modular roof ~stem for the AlJa-R.omeo

automobile factory in Milan.

edges and elliptical arches forming the that enclose the space between the underside
groins. It bears on four supports at the of the vault and the top of the building's
corners of the building Although the inter- volume create sharp separation between the
secting diagonal arched lines give it away, the roof and the building itself, making the vault
overall configuration strikes a note of strong extremely light visually. The sharpness and
similarity with such sectional domes as that simplicity of the overall configuration of the
over an M.I.T. auditorium (see below). The building divided into a cubical mass-a dark,
vault, over a square floorplan measures ap- shaded area above and a light, floating shell
proximately 131.5 ft (40 m) on each side and merely touching the building - bring out the
31 ft (9.5 m) in height. The glass surfaces character of the shell.

7 -9 Cement HaJJ, Zurich, by R.obert Maillart.

Sianificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

The shells are arranged in a three-by-three

matrix supported by pillars at each point
where the grid intersects the matrix. Clere-
story lighting is attained through glazed sur-
faces on each side of the rectangular domes.
This project, designed by the Architects' Co-
Partnership, was one of the first applications
of the new generation of thin shells in the
postwar period that opened the field of in-
dustrial building in concrete shells.


MICHIGAN (1946-1955)
The dome for this auditorium covers one of
twenty-five buildings designed by Eliel Saa-
rinen and his son Eero. This dome (see Fig.
7-14) reflected the spirit of the time and capi-
talized on the dramatic effects of curvilinear
architecture, a theme continued by Eero
Saarinen in the TWA Air Terminal in New
York City.
7-10 Shell roof for the U.S. Army warehouse
in Columbus, Ohio, by Anton Tedesko.
This complex of domical structures culmi-
nates in a major dome comprising the roof of
CONSTILLARES BUILDING, SPAIN (1948) a school building. The architect, Ricardo
This triangulated shell roof designed by Porro, brings out an architectural composi-
Eduardo Torroja is shown in Figure 7-11. tion of domes of various sizes that creates the
effect of a Middle Eastern structure (see Fig.
Figure 7-12 shows the exterior and interior
of this structure. CHURCH OF MARY, MONTERREY,
MEXICO (1947)
OUTDOOR SHELTER, SANCTI SPIRITI, The structure of this church by Enrique de la
SPAIN (1953) Mora is a relatively early expression recogniz-
This hemispherical dome of reinforced brick ing the potential of thin shells in architecture
masonry was designed by Eduardo Torroja in North America. With its cruciform floor
(see Fig. 7-13). plan this church was the first religious build-
ing in Mexico designed in a contemporary
BRYN MAWR RUBBER FACTORY, SOUTH architectural style. This structure consists of
WALES (1945-1951) two thin-shell parabolic barrels that spring
The main body of this factory is covered by from the ground to enclose the entire struc-
nine domical shells, the rest by various rows ture of roof and walls. Two barrels intersect
of barrel shells. The nine main domes are at 90 degrees to form a symmetrical cross.
segmental spherical shells each projecting The vertical enclosures at each end of the
horizontally 85 ft by 62 ft (25.5 m by 19 m). cross-arms are recessed from the ends of the

7-11 Triangulated shell roof by Eduardo Torroja for the Constillares
Building, Spain.

7-12 Hangar at Cuatro Vientos, Spain, by Eduardo Torroja.

Si8nificant Examples oj Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

barrels, exposing the slender thin edges of

the shells (see Fig. 7-16).


FRA N CE (1950-1952)
This structure, by Auguste Perret, includes
two identical cylindrical barrel vaults in a
corrugated form made of corrugations each
consisting of six toroidal shells. Each shell is
32 ft (9.75 m) wide, with a span of 333 ft
(101.5 m). The thickness of each shell is 2'/3
in (60 mm). A toroidal shape is generated
differently from a translational shell because
as the generatrix slides over the directrix,
instead of staying in a plane that remains ver-
tical, it is in a plane always perpendicular to
the directrix. Both the generatrix and the
directrix are arcs of circles. The directrix is
part of a circle whose radius is 374 ft (114 m),
and it has a span of 333 ft. Prestressed tie
beams at the springlines of the barrels absorb
the horizontal thrust of the shells (see Fig.
7-13 Outdoor shelter in Sancti Spiriti, Spain, 7-17).
by Eduardo Torroja .

7-14 The auditorium of the General Motors Technical Institute at Warren, Michinan.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies


7-15 Domical roofs over the School of Plastic Arts in Havana.

COSMIC RAYS RESEARCH LABORATORY, (45.7 m) long. The shell is in two parts: an
UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO interior one whose average thickness is 3 1/2 in
CITY (1951) (90 mm) and an outer one only 2 in (50 mm)
This shell designed by architects and engi- thick. To eliminate the horizontal thrust of
neers Jorge Gonzales Reyna and Felix Can- supports these shells are connected by under-
dela consists of two saddle-type hyperbolic ground ties along the sides of the triangle.
paraboloids that meet at midpoint along the The free edges of the shells are reinforced
length of the building to form one unit. The with thick arches going from one support to
horizontal boundaries of the shell are two the other that hide the thickness of the struc-
hyperbolas. The shell is particularly slender, tural shell. Of particular interest are the ex-
with a thickness at the crown of only ~/5 in (15 posed steel hinges that visually emphasize the
mm), to allow cosmic rays to enter without structural behavior of the shell, an architec-
interference. At the base of the shell, how- tural expression that Saarinen used also in
ever, the thickness increases to 2 in (50 mm). the TWA Terminal Building in New York.
In its overall shape this structure reflects its Significant architectural effects are attained
unique function. Most noticeably, arched by the pure simplicity of the geometric form
supports carry the vertical diaphragms at as emphasized by the floating effect of the
each end of the shell, revealing the thin edge white shell in contrast to the dark-glazed ver-
of the membranes (see Fig. 7-18). tical surfaces below it (see Fig. 7-19). For its
particular exposure, function, and location,
KRESGE AUDITORIUM, this structure stands out as an impressive ex-
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF ample of thin-shell architecture in the United
TECHNOLOGY, CAMBRIDGE (1952-1955) States.
Designed by architect Eero Saarinen and en-
gineers Ammann and Whitney, this thin- AIR TERMINAL BUILDING,
shelled spherical dome has a triangular floor ST. LOUIS (1954)
plan. Its supports are at the vertices of an This air terminal structure designed by Min-
equilateral triangle whose sides are 150 ft oru Yamasaki, consists of three identical units

Sionificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7 -16 The Church of Mary, Monterrey, Mexico.

7-17 Hanaars in Marianane, near Marseille.

7-18 The Cosmic Rays Research Laboratory, University of Mexico.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

and Rene Sarger. The shell is symmetrical

around a vertical axis and consists of thirteen
contiguous shells radially arranged to form a
continuous circular roof. With its diameter of
122 ft (36.6 m) this structure appears to be
an undulated shell supported at thirteen
points connected with a perimetral tie. From
the geometric point of view each of the thir-
7-19 The Kresge Auditorium, Massachusetts
teen component shells is obtained as a trans-
Institute of Technolo8J', Cambridge.
lational surface in which the generatrix is a
parabola and the directrix a cosine line. To
placed side by side. Each unit includes two provide the necessary rigidity at the free
cylindrical shells that intersect each other at edge its shell thickness was increased. The
right angles in a cruciform plan. The square overall thickness of the shell except for the
individual units measure 120 ft (36.6 m) on a edges is just over 3 in (7.6 cm).
side. The thickness of the shell varies from
4tf2 to 8 in (115 to 200 mm). The edge mem- SHELL FOR GREEK ORTHODOX
bers at the line where the shells intersect, or CHURCH, MILWAUKEE (1956)
along their free sides, are thickened to act as A shallow spherical dome was applied by
stiffening arches to carry the loads to the Frank Lloyd Wright in one of his last struc-
foundation at each corner. The crowns of the tures, the Greek Orthodox Church in Mil-
arches along the perimeter of the building waukee. Designed with a thickness of only
are 32 ft (9.75 m) high (see Fig. 7-20). 3tf2 in (90 mm), this dome with its low rise
gains slenderness from its shallow appearance
CANOPY, CIBA PLANT, CHURUBUSCO, (see Fig. 7-22). Supported along its perime-
MEXICO (1954) tral circular edge, the dome rests over a
This striking cantilevered shell designed by series of small arches that accentuate the
Felix Candela testifies to the close relation- lightness of the shell. Notice that the tension
ship between structure and art in the hands force at the edge of the dome is absorbed by
of a sensitive designer (see Fig. 7-21). The a circular band of larger thickness within the
cantilevered form consists of two hyperbolic shell, using the simplest structural technique.
paraboloid surfaces combined along their
longitudinal edges to form a single shell with CAPILLA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE LA
enough rigidity to cantilever out from a sin- SOLEDAD (CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF
gle supporting column. SOLITUDE), SAN JOSE DE ALTILLO,
CHURCH OF THE MIRACULOUS VIRGIN, This structure was designed by Felix Candela
MEXICO (1954-1955)
in cooperation with Enrique de la Mora and
This church designed by Felix Candela was Fernando Lopez Carmona. Its concrete shell
his first commission in which he combined roof is a saddle-shaped hyperbolic paraboloid
architecture and engineering. This structure with a rhomboidal plan 117.5 ft (35.67 m)
explores the potential of the hyperbolic para- long by 95 ft (29 m) wide. The shell is a
boloid. The concrete membrane is only 1% continuous surface with straight-line edge
in (35 mm) thick. members, but the structure is not symmetri-
cal. The tip on one side is approximately 35.6
MARKET HALL, ROYAN, FRANCE (1955) ft (10.85 m) from the floor with a cantilever
The architects and engineers for this struc- of 85.5 ft (26 m), whereas the other tip is 28
ture were Louis Simon, Andre Morisseau, ft (8.5 m) above the floor and cantilevers 32

Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7-20 The Air Terminal Building at St. Louis, by Yamasaki.

7- 2 1 The canopy at the entrance of the Ciba Plant, Churubusco, Mexico.

7 - 22 The shallow spherical dome for the Greek Orthodox Church in Milwaukee, by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies


7- 23 Elevation of a proposed thin-shell vault coverino a laroe atrium in front of the Exposition
Buildino in Turin.

ft (9.75 m). Because of this asymmetry the CHURCH OF SAN ANTONIO DE LAS
z - z axis that is vertical for symmetrical hy- HUERTAS (ST. ANTHONY OF THE
perbolic paraboloids is here slightly tilted. ORCHARDS), MEXICO CITY (/957)
The unbalanced moments produced by hav- Designed by Felix Candela in cooperation
ing two differently cantilevered parts are bal- with Enrique de la Mora and Fernando
anced for overall equilibrium by anchoring Lopez Carmona, architects, this complex
the shell to the wall and to the struts along structure consists of three units in a row.
the edges. Doing so also stabilizes the struc- Each groined unit consists of two intersecting
ture against unbalanced thermal deflections. saddle-type hyperbolic paraboloids. The
three units are joined by arched steel trusses
PROPOSED ATRIUM FOR EXPOSITION through which light penetrates the space. Of
BUILDING IN TURIN (/956-1957) particular interest is a crypt below the level of
This proposed thin-shell vault for covering a the church that also is covered by hyperbolic
large atrium in front of the Exposition Build- paraboloid reinforced concrete shells. The
ing in Turin, Italy, is by Pier Luigi Nervi and thickness of the shells is 11/2 in (40 mm).
L. Ravelli. This reinforced concrete shell
with a variable thickness included also some THE PALAZETTO DELLO SPORT
stiffening ribs that are visible from the inte- (SMALL SPORTS PALACE), ROME (1957)
rior. The large vault carriers exposed to view This structure, designed by Pier Luigi Nervi
strike a dominant note in Nervi's work that in collaboration with Annibel Vitellozzi and
somehow recalls the ribbed vaults of Gothic built by Ingg. Nervi e Bartolli Construction
architecture (see Fig. 7-23). Company, was designed, calculated, and con-
structed in a unified fashion by a master capa-
BUS GARAGE, DUSSELDORF, ble of optimizing all variables at once. Al-
GERMANY (/957) though this project was based on solid
The architect and engineer of this structure realism, since all such projects had success-
was Dyckerhoff-Widmann KG. This struc- fully outbid other proposals, the architectural
ture consists of shallow barrel shells for the value and purity of its structural design
roof, each 146 ft (44.50 m) long and with a emerge crystal clear.
width of 45 ft (13.7 m). The shell thickness of This shallow lamella concrete dome con-
3 5/8 in (44 mm) was made possible by pre- sists of 1,620 prefabricated skewed elements
stressing the shell. approximately 1 in (2.5 cm) thick. The units,

Si8niftcant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

constructed in ferrocement, were shaped like What is particularly significant in this de-
pans with an edge all around. During con- sign is the elegance of the exposed interior of
struction, the pans were placed with a space the dome, with its high level of craftsmanship
between them so that they would form cast- in the coffers and ribs, as well as the exposed
in-place ribs to make the lamella dome. The V-shaped piers, which give a sense of light-
ribs cast in between connected the pans to ness to the whole structure. The innovative
form a single structure. A thin layer of con- combination of precast and cast-in-place
crete covering the entire dome was cast mon- methodologies using on-site pre casting is also
olithically with the ribs noteworthy (see Fig. 7-24).
The edge along the tension ring on the
bottom is constituted by a series of triangular OPEN CHAPEL NEAR CUERNAVA CA,
precast elements that give unity to the ring MORELOS, MEXICO (1958-1959)
and transfer the meridian forces to the sup- Designed by Felix Candela, Guillermo Rosell,
porting piers, showing an undulated edge. and Manuel Larrosa, architects, this hyper-
The whole shell is in turn supported by bolic paraboloid shell which is only 1112 in (40
thirty-six Y-shaped piers that are aligned mm) thick has a dramatic effect because of its
along the tangent to the shell at the edge. continuous surface that constitutes an entire
With this arrangement, the piers carry the form similar to a paraboloid of revolution.
load, as axial compressive forces only. The Each end of this structure terminates in a
tapered Y-shaped piers, which are all pre- parabolic arch, the larger having a span of
fabricated at the site, are aligned along a cir- 102 ft (31 m) and a height of 72 ft (22 m) (see
cumference 257 ft (78.50 m) in diameter and Fig. 7-25). The height of the smaller arch is
are connected to a foundation ring 267 ft only 13l/4 ft (4 m).
(81.5 m) in diameter that is 8.2 ft (2.5 m)
thick. The ribs, shaped like lamella elements, MAY-D & F DEPARTMENT STORE,
convey the shell's forces by combining to- DENVER (1958)
gether the meridian and the hoops along in- This thin-shell hyperbolic paraboloid roof
clined patterns that eventually reach the structure covers a floor area that measures
piers. It should be noted that the piers have 112 ft (34 m) by 131 ft 8 in (40 m). The shell
only an architectural purpose: using a tension is in the shape of a four-gabled structure sup-
ring would have been both cheaper and ported at its four corners by abutments that
structurally stronger. absorb the thrust from the inclined edge
This shallow dome covers 51,000 sq. ft. of members without the use of ties. Anchored
floor area with a capacity of 5,000 seats. It on the abutments are steel hinges exposed to
has a base diameter at the shell edge of 192 ft view. The thickness of the shell varies from 3
(58.5 m) and a height from floor level to to 5 in (75 mm to 125 mm), but the insulation
crown of 69 ft (21 m). underneath it makes its overall thickness ap-

7-24 The dome of the Palazzetto dello Sport, Rome.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

- j

7 - 25 The open chapel near Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

pear so much larger that there is no real dif- bolic parabolas. The edges, which lie on in-
ferentiation between shell and edge mem- clined rather than vertical planes, have the
bers. The architects were I. M. Pei and shape of hyperbolas. The groins act as arches
Associates, the engineers Roberts and to carry the load to the ground at eight sup-
Schaefer Company (see Fig. 7-26). port points. The structural behavior of these
groins is just like that of three-hinged arches.
GROIN VAULT FOR THE CATHEDRAL In addition to the two hinges at the support,
OF NEW NORCIA, PERTH, it may be assumed that each arch has a third
hinge at its crown, where the section of the
This shell structure by Pier Luigi Nervi in arch is almost flat. The arch is thus much
collaboration with F. Vacchini and C. Van- more flexible at its crown. The foundations
noni is a groin vault covering an equilateral consist of inverted umbrella shapes with a
triangular floor plan with side lengths of 116 perimetral tie to resist horizontal thrust from
ft (35.40 m). Three vaults join together in a the groins. The height at the crown of the
parabolic cross-section with a height at the hyperbolic edges is 33.6 ft (10.25 m), while at
crown of 101 ft (30.85 m). The construction the center of the structure (the crown of the
consists of precast-concrete skewed elements groins) the height is 20.1 ft (6 m). The roofs
joined together (see Fig. 7-27). waterproofing consists only of black-tar paint
sprinkled with white gravel chips.
This concrete roof shell designed by Felix STRUCTURE FOR THE PHILLIPS
Candela in cooperation with Joaquin and PAVILION AT THE BRUSSELS
Fernando Alvarez Ordonez is an octagonal INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION (1958)
groined vault (see Fig. 7-28). Its geometric This shell structure consists of several hyper-
shape derives from four intersecting hyper- bolic paraboloids combined to form a single

Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

\ . .. -

7-26 The May-D &.. F Store in Denver, by I. M. Pei (1958).

unit covering a pavilion. Designed by Le Cor- dial beams underneath, but no hoops (see
busier, this structure acquires particular sig- Fig. 7-30). These beams form an integral part
nificance from its powerful geometry that is with the shell and have a V cross-section. The
at times considered an eccentric mathemati- beams and shell have been designed to act
cal expression (see Fig. 7-29). independently of each other. That is, the
shell can carry loads without the help of the
THE PALAZZO DELLO SPORT, ROME prefabricated beams, and the beams them-
(1958-1960) selves can also carry the whole load. Al-
This dome designed by Pier Luigi Nervi in though this ambivalent behavior is indeed
collaboration with Marcello Piacentini covers possible, it seems that in actual practice the
a structure with a capacity of 16,000 seats membrane action of the dome prevails over
that was designed for the 1960 Olympics. Its the load-bearing ability of the arch action.
shape, a portion of a sphere, consists of a shell The shallow dome, which is approximately
31/2 in (90 mm) thick with prefabricated ra- 230 ft (70 m) in diameter, is supported by

7-27 An elliptical arain vault for the Cathedral of New Norcia in Perth,
Australia, by P. L. Nervi.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-28 a) Restaurant at Xochimilco, Mexico, by Candela and Ordonez. b) Hyperbolic paraboloidal

elements 1Va in thick that form the shell structure of the restaurant.

forty-eight triangular slab piers inclined so EXPERIMENTAL BUILDING, INSTITUTO

that they are tangent to the dome at its edge TECHNICO DE LA CONSTRUCCION Y
in order to be stressed only by axial loads. DEL CEMENTO, CONSTILLARES,
As in most of Nervi's work, this one was SPAIN (1959)
designed and built by his construction com- This thin-shelled structure by architect and
pany, Ingg. Nervi e Bartolli, making the engineer Eduardo Torroja, consists of pre-
structure cost competitive. More important is cast concrete components. The shell's thick-
its unified concept of design and construction ness is only 2.2 in (55 mm). The shape chosen
that optimizes the various factors of struc- for the shell's configuration was derived from
ture, architecture, and construction, based a process of structural optimization. The
on partial prefabrication. Once the abut- structure consists of a series of three-hinged
ments were built, the construction time for arches set atop two supporting walls. The
the dome itself took less than three months. arches consist of two leaves, each with a span

Sionificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7-29 The roof of the Phillips Pavilion at the Brussels International

Exhibition, by Le Corbusier.

of 58 ft (17.70 m) and a rise of 13.8 ft (4.22 LOHR IRONWORKS FOUNDRY,

m). Each of the two leaves that form the arch GERMANY (1959-1960)
is stiffened by the curvilinear shape of the This particular hyperbolic paraboloid roof-
longitudinal axis and the cross-section. Each shell system is subdivided into several quad-
of the two elements forming the arch is 33 ft rants combined to cover the whole foundry
7 in (10.24 m) long and includes ten precast (see Fig. 7-31). Each quadrant is similar to the
components. In its particularly light and ele- others, in a distinct shape much like a hood.
gant style, this prototype has the potential to The overall form is determined by the major
inspire a variety of other, large scale, appli- requirement of providing natural ventilation
cations. to exhaust fumes from the plant.

7-30 The dome of the Palazzo dello Sport, Rome, by Pier Luigi Nervi.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-31 Sculptural hyperbolic paraboloids formi1lfJ roof hoods over a

foundry in Lohr, Germany.

Each individual hood covers a plant area buildings by Felix Candela (see Fig. 7-33).
of44 ft 3 in by 49 ft 1 in (13.5 m by 15 m) Two saddle-type hyperbolic paraboloids
and is approximately 29 ft (9 m) high. The bearing on two supports are tilted and joined
shell consists of two mirrorlike hyperbolic together so that one balances the other. The
paraboloids joined together including an in- total span is approximately 180 ft (55.2 m).
clined glazed surface for lighting. Capping The cantilevered parts project approximately
the top of the hood is a hyperboloid that 90 ft (27.6 m) on each side of the two sup-
forms a sort of small chimney. Massive and ports. The edge members soar vertically,
sculptural at the same time, these thin shells slightly inclined, to leave a space between
by C. Siegel and R. Wonneberg project a them that separates the two shells and allows
totally different image from Candela's light, for day lighting. The metal ties that lace to-
lofty hyperbolic paraboloidal shells. Notice gether the edges of the two shells are particu-
that the design analyses for these structures larly elegant. The overall configuration of
have depended mostly on model testing. the building strongly resembles the tradi-
tional headdress of the Sisters of Charity, an
CENTRE NATIONAL DES INDUSTRIES order of nuns world famous for its service in
This impressive structure on three supports MEXICO (1959-1960)
spans 780 ft (238 m). It was designed by Cam- This church by Felix Candela, Enrique de la
elot, de Mailly, and Zehrfuss, architects, and Mora, and Fernando Lopez Carmona is simi-
built by Esquillon, engineers (see Fig. 7-32).2 lar in concept to that of the Church of San
Jose Obrero just seen, with three saddle-type
CHURCH OF SAN JOSE OBRERO (ST. hyperbolic paraboloids connected together
JOHN'S THE LABORER), MONTERREY, (see Figs. 7-34 and 7-35). On a tilted axis,
MEXICO (1960) each hyperbolic paraboloid has a lower peak
Dramatic hyperbolic paraboloid shells here that projects outward at the ends of the canti-
form the structure of one of the most famous levered members, and a higher peak soaring

Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

vertically. The overall configuration of the tested in Bergamo, Italy, at the Instituto
structure is almost triangular. Only three Sperimentale Modelli e Strutturi. A further
supports, consisting of concrete abutments, analysis using the STRESS computer pro-
support the structure. Starting from the sup- gram was also conducted by the U.S. struc-
ports the length of the cantilevered edges is tural engineering firm. It assumed an equiva-
77 ft 6 in (23.6 m). lent space truss simulating the behavior of
the shell (see Fig. 7-36).
The architects for this whole project were FACILITY, NEW ORLEANS
McSweeney, Ryan and Lee, with structural Architects Curtis and Davis, E. B. Silverstein
engineers Robinson and Associates. Pietro and Associates, and M. Bergman and Asso-
Bellushi was the architectural consultant, and ciates in conjunction with structural engi-
Pier Luigi Nervi was the structural consul- neers Skilling, Helle, Christiansen and Rob-
tant who made the preliminary design. The ertson designed this thin-shell roof which
thin-shell roof that constitutes most of the included posttensioned cylindrical sheets 253
building consists of eight hyperbolic parabo- ft (77 m) in span and 60 ft (18.28 m) high.
loids of reinforced concrete that enclose a The cross-sectional shape of the barrels con-
square plan 120 ft (36.6 m) on a side. The sists of three centered arches whose radii are
height of the shell is 130 ft (40 m), its average 38 ft (11.60 m) in their upper parts and
thickness only 5 112 in (140 mm). As in other 12.25 ft (3.73 m) in the lower. Along the
Nervi structures, the shells are stiffened by a valley, where contiguous barrels join to-
system of ribs that form a triangular pattern gether, a beam 5 ft 6 in (1.68 m) deep stiffens
visible from the inside. These ribs are created the barrels. Additional arch stiffeners are
by casting concrete out of Gunite over and in provided across the barrels to divide the lon-
between small precast concrete pans. gitudinal length into four parts. These in-
Nervi's basic design made use of large crease the longitudinal buckling strength and
scale (1 : 15) models of reinforced concrete reduce the bending moment transversely.

7-32 Center for Industries and Technolo8J', Paris.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

90 ft approx.

7-33 Church of San Jose Obrero, Monterrey, Mexico, by Felix Candela .

Sionificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7-34 Chapel of St. Vincent at Coyoacan, Mexico, by Felix Candela, E.

de la Mora, and F. Lopez Carmona.

The average thickness of the shell is 41/2 in MAIL-PROCESSING FACILITIES,

(115 mm), increased to 51/2 in (140 mm) PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND (1960)
where the prestressing and posttensioning This new Providence Post Office was de-
tendons are placed. Portions of the barrels signed by C. A. Maguire & Associates (see
along the edges of the building are cantile- Fig. 7-37). The roof consists of several barrel
vered to form an overhang that is stiffened shells combined to cover the whole building,
by edge beams. Included in the structure are which is 420 ft (128 m) long by 300 ft (91.5
other, shorter-spanned barrels 139 ft (42.35 m) wide. The barrels are supported at their
m) long that are similar in construction to low points around the perimeter by columns
larger ones. exposed on the outside of the structure and

7-35 A structural diaararn of the chapel of St. Vincent de Coyoacan.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies


7-36 St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco.

7 - 37 The thin-shell roof structure in concrete for the new Providence

(R.I.) Post Office, by C. A. Maouire &.. Associates.
Significant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

7-38 Domical structures by Oscar Niemeyer in Brasilia.

additional columns in the interior. The free whose thickness is 4.4 in (110 mm), are pre-
edges of the barrels cantilever over the pe- stressed. The convex shells forming the
rimeters of the walls to reveal the thickness of ridges are in compression, and their thickness
the shells on the exterior. Notice that pneu- is only 2.25 in (57 mm). The shells also have a
matic form work was employed in the con- slight curvature in their longitudinal direc-
struction of this structure. tion to eliminate bending stres~es.


BRASILIA (1960) NEW YORK (1962)
These two spectacular domical structures by This cantilevered concrete roof system con-
Oscar Niemeyer match the grandiose scale of sists of four interacting vaults in slightly dif-
this new city. One is an inverted dome placed ferent shapes. Only four piers support the
next to a similar upright dome so that the two entire shell system, in a free form that recalls
structures seem to complement each other the letter Y. The overall space enclosed by
(see Fig. 7-38). They are intended to repre- this fluid form is approximately 315 ft (96 m)
sent symbolically by their geometry the com- long. Although this exciting curvilinear com-
plementary action of the Senate and position is not really a thin shell in terms of its
Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. thickness (see Figs. 7-39 and 7-40), it has left
an inspiring mark on the development of thin
CENTRAL RESEARCH AND shells. Designed by Eero Saarinen and Asso-
DEVELOPMENT STATION, ARTIFICIAL ciates, architects, and Amman and Whitney,
LEATHER INDUSTRY, COS WIG, engineers, this impressive structure has at-
GERMANY (1961) tracted significant attention in architectural
The architect and engineer for this thin-shell circles, both favorable and critical. One critic
structure were F. Schaarschmidt and Claus calls it "a graphic shell-concrete representa-
Hoffmann. It consists of a series of cylindrical tion of a soaring bird,"3 another a "neurosis
shells 62 ft (I8.90m) long by 16 ft 5 in (5m) of forms filtered through a solid professional-
wide placed side by side along their longitu- ism in a bold structuralism utilized as an
dinal edges. The shells have, alternatingly, an advertising technique."4 Whatever the pre-
upward (concave) curvature then a down- vailing opinion, the engineering process suc-
ward (convex) curvature so that the whole cessfully integrated form and engineering,
roof undulates in shape. The concave shells following the original architectural concep-
forming the valleys develop mostly tensile tualization, to solve the static and construc-
stresses. To reduce these stresses these shells, tion problems in Saarinen's design.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

RESIDENCE, POUCNY, FRANCE (1962) front serve to visually reduce the weight of
This unique egg-shaped thin shell designed the structure. An observer could perceive the
by Bruno Camoletti and Eric Hoechel capital- profile of the shell exposed at the sides of the
izes on the continuity of the shell to its maxi- building. Clearly expressed on the exterior,
mum extent. Although the sharp cutoffs in its the plastic form of this shell is an inspiring
surface convey a strong contrast that detracts piece of architecture that gives new interpre-
from continuity, the form is exciting and in- tation to the concrete shell as it paradox-
spiring (see Fig. 7-41). ically combines lightness and mass (see
Fig. 7-44).
In this structure by Kenzo Tange the hyper- THE EVOLUTION MUSEUM,
bolic paraboloid that is used originally for
walls takes full advantage of the straight-line Designed by Kalff, architect, the structure
generatrices (see Figs. 7-42 and 7-43). Eight for this museum uses two low-rise spherical
hypar surfaces enclose this complex struc- domes, connected along a common edge.
ture, which is covered outside with aluminum The overall appearance of the structure,
sheeting. The inside view shows the concrete which looks like a fiying saucer, is also reen-
shell itself without the covering. forced by the dynamic fenestration cut into
the edge (see Fig. 7-45). Similar to the egg-
PALACE OF THE ASSEMBLY shaped structure in Pougny, France, this kind
(PARLIAMENT), CHANDICARR, INDIA of design capitalizes on the imagery that solid
(1951-1965) geometry suggests (see Fig. 7-41).
The first studies for this building, designed
by Le Corbusier, were initiated in 1951 long CHURCH OF SANTA MONICA, MEXICO
before its final completion. This powerful, CITY (1966)
massive cylindrical shell has an inverted roof This shell structure is one of the last by Felix
profile with an unusual upward concavity. Candela. It was designed jointly with archi-
The horizontal cantilevered edge on the back tects Enrique de Ie Mora and Fernando
and the curvilinear cantilevered band on the Lopez Carmona (see Fig. 7-46).

7-39 The TWA Terminal at Kennedy Airport, New York.

7-40 An interior view of the TWA Terminal, New York.

7-41 A shell structure designed for use as a residence in Pougny, France.

7-42 An exterior view of the hyperbolic paraboloidal shells in St. Mary's

Cathedral, Tokyo.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies


See Figure 7-48. 5


This shell structure has unstiffened edges
(see Fig. 7-49).


Pierre Camoletti served as architect for this
shell structure. Figure 7-50 shows the roof
under construction. 6


See Figure 7-51.


FRANCE (1971)
R. Taillibert was the architect for this project
(see Fig. 7-52).7





7 -43 An aerial perspective of St. Mary's CIBA-GEIGY WATER PURIFICATION

Cathedral, Tokyo. PLANT, PRATTELIN, SWITZERLAND (1979)
See Figure 7-53. 8


AUSTRIA (1974-1977)
Heinz Isler's Shells This structure consists of a free-form shell
with several components that suggest an un-
FACTORY FOR TROSCH COMPANY, dulated composition overall that does not
present a sense of unity. Piercing the struc-
This is a thin shell on pneumatic forms. ture are circular skylights, with side apertures
for fenestration (see Fig. 7-54). The self-
ESCHMANN FACTORY, SWITZERLAND standing structure, designed as an addition to
(1958) an existing school, was designed by Gunther
This is also a thin shell on pneumatic forms. Domenig, architect, and Otto Theiler,
ROOF FOR THE WYSS GARDEN Free-form shells do not contribute directly
CENTER, SOLO THURN, SWITZERLAND to advancing any specific type of shell but do
(1961) prove the versatility of the shell as a system
See Figure 7-47. and suggest its possibility for independent de-

7-44 The powerful yet plastic articulated conft8uration oj the massive
concrete rooJ vault by Le Corbusier Jor the capitol in Chandi8arh, India.

7-45 The Evolution Museum in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

7-46 Church oj Santa Monica in Mexico Cio/.

7-47 Roof for the Wyss Garden Center, Solo Thurn, Switzerland by H.

7-48 Thin shell for a B.P. 8as station by H. Isler.

7-49 Shell structure for the Sicily Company buildin8 by H. Isler.

7-50 Shell roof for a residential building by Pierre Camoletti.

7-51 Structure by H. Isler in Camarino, Switzerland.

7-52 Sports complex in Chamonix, France by H. Isler.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-53 Ciba-GeiBY water purification plant in Prattelin, Switzerland by H. Isler.


[I ~ .. AIRPORT (1948)
This structure designed by Ammann and
IIJ Whitney, engineers, consists of two short bar-
·1 rels. Two shells are placed side by side along
their length, then coupled together. Their
length is only 28 ft 11 1/2 in (8.8 m), their
transverse width 257 ft (78.3 m). Their con-
crete shells have a variable thickness that in-
creases from 3 in (75 mm) at the crown to 6
in (150 mm) at the base (see Fig. 7-55).


This cantilevered thin-shell canopy built in
the 1950s in prestressed concrete was de-
signed for the grandstand at the Hippo-
dromo in Caracas. The thickness of this 90 ft
7-54 Free10rm shell built without formwork, (27.5 m) shell is 3 inches (75 mm). Arthur
usinO sprayed-on concrete. Froehlich was the architect, Henry M. Layne
the engineer (see Fig. 7-56).


sign. Adding to the difficulty of the analysis is (1957-1973)
form work that may at times be complicated. Extremely impressive for its grandiose scale,
This particular free form resembles some the Sydney Opera House (see Fig. 7-57)
sort of an organic growth rather than an ex- stands as a gigantic sculpture employing ar-
ercise in geometry. It is in reality a conglom- chitectural goals to support its rationale.
eration of structures united along well-de- From different points of view, including pri-
fined joint lines. marily that of its structural integrity, which is

Sioniftcant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

the major point in the present context, the course proved disastrous, as later part of the
Opera House has taught an interesting lesson foundations had to be demolished and re-
of great value not only for structures in gen- built. Then, as the building progressed, the
eral but for shell architecture in particular. design kept changing in trying to obtain cer-
From the point of view of its construction this tain feasible engineering solutions. The proj-
project included a series of major mistakes ect thus developed in an irrational manner,
that, although disastrous, now offer at least with construction ahead of design and design
some guidance on what not to do. independent of engineering. Many of the ar-
The beginning of the series of errors was chitectural design solutions were in fact not
in the selection of the original architect, who feasible from an engineering standpoint and
was dismissed long before the completion of could thus not be built. And even when struc-
the project. It seems, according to Felix Can- tural design succeeded in making possible the
dela, who is certainly one of the best qualified construction of the architectural design, the
if not the best to describe the whole project,9 results were far from harmonious. This di-
that the major responsibility for the selection chotomy between architecture and engineer-
of the architect lay with Eero Saarinen, who ing thus undermined the integrity of the
was on the building committee. He was par- project. For instance, the concrete sails that
ticularly impressed by a set of architectural were logically supposed to be thin shells sim-
sketches presented by a Scandinavian archi- ply never materialized. One proposed solu-
tect named Utzon Jorn, who was then in his tion had included a concrete framework
thirties. Considering Saarinen's approach to fixed at the base, cantilevered out to support
design, it is no wonder that he likely re- a sheathing of precast panels of ferrocement
sponded enthusiastically to a proposal con- covered with mosaics. Then in 1964, one of
sisting of only a few pictorial drawings rather the sails collapsed. In that year the building
than a completely documented presentation. committee dismissed Jorn and replaced him
P. L. Nervi pointed out right from the begin- with a new architect, who brought the proj-
ning that a proposal for such a complex proj- ect to completion.
ect should have more specific information in A lack of experience by the young archi-
architectural terms and noted that this one tect in projects of this type and size proved to
did not include engineering data on its struc- be the chief cause of this failure. A more
tural and construction feasibility. This lack of experienced architect would have known, for
structural design at the early stages of the instance, that for a thin shell to be structur-
project was the primary cause of the major ally feasible it should try to approach a fu-
cost and schedule overruns. nicular shape of its loads. Instead young Jorn
For political reasons, the building commit- was more preoccupied with imaginative free-
tee decided to start construction in 1959, be- form configurations some of which were not
fore the end of its term, and began building even geometric in shape, so that they were
the foundations before the design of the en- incapable of being represented in analytical
tire building had been completed. This of geometric terms. Some design proposals did,

7 - 55 Airplane han8ar, Chica80 Municipal Airport, desi8ned by Ammann and Whitney (1948).

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-56 Prestressed concrete cantilevered shell at Hip6dromo, Caracas,


however, have an aesthetic rationale that KINGDOME, SEAITLE (1975)

could have been justified. For instance, to cut The Kingdome proves the validity of using
out various sails from the surface of one long, thin-shell concrete spans comparable to
sphere so that each had the same curvature the span of the steel Superdome (1975). The
would have unified the design, yet it would two structures are almost equal in size but the
not have been sufficient to save the integrity concrete structure proved much more eco-
of the project. nomical. The common assumption today that

7-57 Opera House, Sydney, Australia.

Si8nificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

concrete thin shells are dead as practical The concrete dome covering the stadium
structural options is certainly mistaken, as the consists of a tension ring at the base, a com-
Kingdome proves. For this reason, it deserves pression disc at the crown, and a thin-shell
particular attention at this point. dome between the two. The tension ring
The Kingdome covers Seattle Stadium, measures 24 ft (7.3 m) in width and has a
which is surrounded by King County, from thickness of 2 ft (61 cm). Its diameter mea-
which the name derives. The architects for sures approximately 660 ft (201.17 m) (see
this project were Naramore, Bain, Brady and Fig. 7-58).
Johanson, from Seattle, Washington. The en- The dome has a rise of 110ft (33.5 m), a
gineers were Skilling, Helle, Christiansen and span of 661 ft 4 in. (201.6 m), and a surface
Robertson from Seattle and Praeger Kavan- consisting of 40 thin-shell sectors each 5 in
agh-Waterbury from New York. thick (12.7 cm). Each pie-shaped sector con-
The basic costs of the Kingdome were for sists of a hyperbolic paraboloidal surface
construction ($43 million) land, administra- whose double-curved geometry contributes
tion, and taxes ($12 million), and sports to stiffening the shell. This geometry allows
equipment ($4 million), for a total of $59 for using straight-line generators, which
million. The unit cost per seat for the 65,000 made it possible to build the wood formwork
seats in the concrete Kingdome (under with components of straight lumber. The
$1,000) has been reported as being substan- sectors are connected along their radial edges
tially less than the cost per seat for the equiv- to stiffening ribs protruding upward from
alent steel Superdome and Astrodome. Con- the shell. All forty ribs, which are approxi-
troversy concerning the final costs of this mately 6 ft (1.83 m) deep and 2 ft (61 cm)
structure attracted considerable public atten- wide, extend from the compression ring to
tion at the time, which focused on litigation the outer edge of the tension ring, stiffening
between county and contractor, but the basic the shell (see Fig. 7-59). Christiansen later
figures are still valid. One of the reasons be- applied this same technique to build a thin-
hind this economic achievement in a concrete shell roof of an airport hangar.
thin shell has been attributed to the engineer- The actual dome of the Kingdome springs
ing experience of J. V. Christiansen in thin- from a height of 132.5 ft (40.4 m) above
shelled design. ground at the base of the tension ring. It is

7-58 The Kin8dome, Seattle.

Concrete ShelIs: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-59 Interior of the 65,OOO-seat Kinodome.

supported by forty columns located under perimetral movable towers supported the
the forty arched ribs. The load from the ribs form work built for casting the ribs.
thus transfers directly to the columns, with- When concrete, rather than steel, was se-
out affecting the thin-shell surfaces between lected for the construction of this dome a
the ribs. number of factors contributed to the deci-
The construction methods employed by sion, including the following: 1o
the contractor, which were preengineered
into the design stage, were essential to the Proven economic efficiency m terms of
remarkably low cost of this structure. As overall cost
noted earlier in regard to P. L. Nervi's de- Fireproof construction qualities, eliminat-
sign, construction strategies constitute a ing any need for protection such as
major factor in the economic success or fail- sprinkler systems
ure of thin-shell structures. Minimum cost for fire insurance
In the Kingdome's construction the false- Minimum maintenance
work consisted of a central, stationary, tower Most economical roofing requirements
and four mobile ones at the outer edges
mounted on tracks. These could be moved to
make it possible to use the same formwork DOMES FOR NUCLEAR
again and again. Four sectors were cast simul- REACTOR BUILDINGS
taneously, then the form work was moved for With the proliferation of nuclear power
the next castings, until all forty sectors had plants around the world, certain building ty-
been built. For equilibrium the sectors being pologies must follow unique standards which
cast simultaneously were those that were dia- set them apart from any other industrial
metrically opposite. Arched trusses spanning building. Of most concern within the context
radially out from the central tower to the of shell structures is the shallow concrete

Sianiftcant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

dome that covers most of the reactor build- cal structure below. The dome is reinforced
ings. Usually referred to as concrete contain- by a series of concentric hoops 15 in (380
ment buildings, they include a reinforced mm) on center that consist of No. 10 rein-
concrete structure composed of a vertical cyl- forcing bars (30 mm) placed on the top and
inder with a shallow dome over a flat circular bottom within the shell's thickness. A second
foundation slab. type of reinforcement is placed radially
Inside the concrete containment structure throughout the dome, also in two layers on
is a steel shell that is the containment vessel the top and bottom of the shell. These consist
subject to a sequence of design requirements. of No. 11 bars (35 mm). Starting from the
The concrete containment structure is thus crown of the dome, these radial reinforcing
the first protective barrier against exterior rods are spaced at ten-degree intervals
forces, with the steel containment being the throughout the full 360 degrees. These rods
first barrier against internally generated con- extend out approximately 25 ft (7.5 m)
ditions. Between the exterior cylindrical con- from the center. The successive rods also ex-
crete shell and the steel vessel inside it is an tend radially, spaced 2 degrees 30 minutes
annular space 5 ft (1.5 m) wide for control- apart.
ling the temperature and pressure around The first of three power stations owned by
the exterior of the steel vessel. Duke Power in the Carolinas was Oconee,
As an example typical of such domes, con- near Seneca, South Carolina. It included
sider the two units of the McGuire Nuclear three power-generating reactors that became
Station (built December 1981 and March operational respectively in July 1973, Sep-
1984) in Cornelius, North Carolina, as de- tember 1974, and December 1974. The
scribed in the Final Safety Analysis Report by three cylindrical reactor buildings, identical
its owner, the Duke Power Company. The in form and covered with identical domes,
geometric characteristics of these identical were built with posttensioning concrete
reactor buildings include an outside cylinder methodologies, a process not used for these
diameter equal to 131 ft (40 m), a wall thick- structures afterward. The geometry of the
ness of 3 ft (0.9 m), and a height of 177 ft (54 cylindrical buildings shows them to have an
m). The shallow dome covering each reactor exterior shell diameter equal to 123 ft 6 in
building has a rise that measures 27 ft 13/4 in (37.6 m) and a wall thickness of 3 ft 9 in
(8.27 m) from the springing circle to the top (1.145 m). The three domes each have a di-
of the crown. The design loads include dead ameter of 123 ft 6 inches (37.6 m), with a rise
loads, seismic loads, accident loads for tem- of 43 ft 3 in (13 m), as measured from the
perature and pressure, live loads for snow springing line to the top of the crown. The 3
and ice, penetration loads and pipe reactions, ft 3 in (1,000 mm) thickness of the dome is
and loads for tornadoes, wind, construction, kept uniform throughout, except at the edge
pipe rupturing, and seven combinations of support, where it is slightly thickened as it
these loads. The codes followed were ACI meets the cylinders below.
318-63, ACI 307-69, ASTM A615 (Grades
40 and 60), and ASTM 36. For four loading
combinations the working-stress design
method was used, with the ultimate-strength SHELLS IN ART
design method used for the other three. The
dome has a specified minimum thickness of The correlation between shell structures and
27 in (685 mm) as a safety measure against the visual arts can usefully be summarized as
missile impacts of various natures, including a) the definition of forms, the perception of
those generated by tornado loads. forms, and the analysis through geometry; b)
The dome is rigidly supported around its the recognition of form as an element of aes-
perimeter and is monolithic with the cylindri- thetics, involving definition and analysis of

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

7-60 "Abstraction" (1927), by Antoine 7 -61 "Construction" (1933), by Antoine

Pevsner. Brass, 24 X 25 in. Pevsner. Oxidized brass and plastic, 28 X 25 in.

aesthetic elements; and c) the incorporation

of aesthetic elements into art.
The definition and interpretation of what
form is has varied widely, from Democritus
(c. 460 B.C.) of the atomistic school to Kant
(1724-1804), who gave the term its present
significance. For the artist, however, who is
free to choose any given interpretation or
devise his own, it would be hard to deny the
fascination of geometry, which analyzes and
rationalizes form.
The intriguing Platonic concept of form
and idea, for instance, implies the existence
of form independent of the human mind.
Any man-made creation becomes a replica of
original models that the human soul experi- 7 -62 "Construction for an Airport" (1937),
enced in the world of "Ideas" prior to its by Antoine Pevsner. Bronze, tin, and oxidized
incarnation. Thus, forms like the hyperbolic brass, 32 in. wide.
paraboloid, which are so complex and so dif-
ferent in the ways they can be originated, are
human discoveries of prototypes that tran-
scend the physical world. Because these ideas or as corporeal bodies whose form is
forms are not found in nature and have not inherent in the matter of which they consist
been experienced by the human eye, they do according to Aristotelian concepts, they have
not have a material or conceptual existence, greatly affected the visual arts outside
yet once we have learned of the properties of architecture.
their nature, they become a reality with a Constructivism, an art movement in Rus-
distinct visual entity. sia after 1913, which came about through the
Whether shells with their three-dimen- efforts of Vladimir Evgrafovitch Talin,
sional geometry are interpreted as Platonic Elieyer Lissitzky, and Alexander Rodchenko,

Si8nificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

followed some of the techniques of Cubism

and used materials typical of the industry of
the times. In its first exhibition. in 1915.
some of the work exhibited could have been .,.... .........
defined as geometric constructions in which
the basic vocabulary coincided with that of
modern thin shells. Naum Pevsner (Gabo)
and his brother Antoine Pevsner issued
manifesto for constructivism in 1920. but i
1922 the movement had moved from Russia' ::.-.:......:.-"---~
into Germany. there becoming part of the
The work of Antoine Pevsner is particu-
larly significant in relation to the geometry of
thin shells. In his logically organized compo-
sition. "Construction" (1933). the various
7-63 "Endless Ribbon" (/935 - 1936). by
surfaces are unified by their common origin
Roben Maillart. The apparent free form of this
and by their encircling form. The warped
shell borne on supportina boulders randomly
surfaces defined by the metal grid are hyper-
arranaed on the around is in reality the expression
bolic paraboloids (see Fig. 7-60). For other
of a rational thin shell desianed strictly on
works by Pevsner that relate to this theme.
structural theory.
see Figures 7-61 and 7-62. A sculptural piece
by Robert Maillart entitled "Endless Rib-
bon" (see Fig. 7-63) is a thin shell built of of variations. Thin shells are probably the
reinforced concrete. This significant work best morphological structures to express this
can be classified within Constructivism or be range, through their inherent plasticity of
placed in a category one might call construc- form, which lends them to diverse expres-
tive-spatial art. What it represents is the di- sions. From Maillart's "Endless Ribbon" to a
rect correlation between the language of thin-shelled utilitarian water tank. thin shells
sculpture and that of modern thin-shell archi- come in an immense variety of structural
tecture that moves a sensitive engineer such forms.
as Maillart to express himself also as sculptor. Another practical application of shells in
Maillart's structural shells as a whole testify the art world is in the symbolic architecture
to this similarity of language in a direct, con- of monuments. For example, the monument
vincing manner. by Kenzo Tange at the Hiroshima Peace
The transition from pure sculpture to util- Center (see Fig. 7-64) is a saddle-type hyper-
itarian architecture includes a great spectrum bolic paraboloid. This reinforced concrete

7 -64 Monument by Kenzo Tanae at the Hiroshima Peace Center.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

. ~

7-65 An experimental concrete shell loaded with sand baos to test deflection. By Eduardo Torroja for
the lnstituto Tecnico de la Construccion y del Cemento in Costillares, Spain.

thin-shell structure stands as a sculptural common uses. Among the first experiments
piece in a simple, pure form that speaks for to determine structural efficiency through
itself. form was the work of Antonio Gaudi, dis-
cussed in greater detail below. Another in-
teresting experimental work was conducted
in 1931 by Dyckerhoff-Widmann KG and
EXPERIMENT AL SHELLS Walter Muller-Grah in Munich. It consisted
of a thin shell % in (15 mm) thick that cov-
ered an area approximately 22 ft (6.7 m)
Because not many shells have been con- square. The surface of the shell was spherical
structed for experimental purposes, those with a square perimeter, that is, a sectional
that have been built have a special value for dome. Four edge beams stiffened the shell
individuals involved in design and construc- and carried the load to supports at each of
tion. Regardless of the accuracy of the analy- the four corners.
sis, it is always exciting to have indisputable
proof that what was built was indeed struc-
turally feasible. Such prototypes verify both
the design assumptions and the construction SHELL BUILDERS OF THE
methods. Also, testing full-scale models for TWENTIETH CENTURY
deflection under load is a rewarding experi-
ence for designers. Slender thin shells em-
phasizing particularly small thicknesses and The advent of concrete as a new building
long spans can be loaded and tested for de- material at the beginning of this century pro-
flection by using, for instance, sand bags, as duced basic changes in the philosophy of con-
in Figure 7-65. struction that also affected the development
Historically, experimentation on thin of the dome. Unrein forced concrete was not,
shells preceded practical applications of these however, perceived as a practical construc-
techniques to conventional structures for tion alternative, being neglected in favor of

Sioniftcant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

the revolutionary new reinforced version. found more practical, easier application in
Now having a material that was good under reinforced concrete shells. Gaudi's major ac-
both compression and tension, builders used complishment was the development of the
it in totally new ways. Reinforced concrete let hyperbolic paraboloid. Whether it is seen as
builders abandon the criteria for masonry an artistic creation or as a discovery of geo-
and employ it mostly in tension, compression, metric relationships in the Platonic sense,
and bending for a wide range of applications, Gaudi's hyperbolic paraboloid is an almost
including building frames. magic shape that will continue to intrigue the
This new field of architecture and struc- mind. This concept explores not only the
tural typology captured the imagination of geometric relationships that generate the
numerous designers, from whom some form but also the possibilities of construction
emerged most notably as innovators. methods and the very rationality of structural
behavior. The Church ofthe Sagrada Familia
in Barcelona for which he designed the hy-
Antonio Gaudi (1852-1926) perbolic paraboloid remains a memorable
landmark for those sensitive to architectural
Antonio Gaudi practiced in his native Spain, pacesetting.
where he trained as a sculptor and architect.
Reflecting the prevailing cultural vivacity, he
projected into his artistic production a multi- Robert Maillart (1872-1940)
plicity of media from sculpture and architec-
ture to calligraphy, wrought iron, and com- The relative position of Robert Maillart's ca-
positions of colorful tilework. His major reer within the context of structural shells is
contribution, through which he certainly not based so much on his realization of many
enriched the development of curvilinear ar- shell structures as on the influence this master
chitectural forms, was in the creation of new had on concrete as a new building material.
shapes. Although his period preceded the sci- Born in Bern, Switzerland, MaiIlart spent
entific approach to architecture, Gaudi pio- most of his life in his native country and left a
neered scientific components in architectural strong legacy of work there. He began his ca-
design by exploring the potential of geome- reer at the infancy of reinforced concrete as a
try. A century after the powerful explora- building material and in exploring the poten-
tions of baroque architecture into the intrica- tial of this moldable, durable mixture created
cies of curvilinear geometry, Gaudi reissued a prototypes still considered avant-garde today.
proposal to generate new curvilinear shapes Art and technology became one in the numer-
for architecture. His methodology was based ous structures he left behind. His work in-
upon a fundamentally rational approach that cludes over forty bridges and many industrial
indicated deep comprehension of engineer- buildings. Maillart's contribution to concrete
ing principles on his part. Geometry, as a structures has had tremendous influence on
factor in structural strength and not just for the state of the art of concrete design. The Ze-
its own sake, was the basic concept Gaudi menthalle for the Swiss Provinces exhibition,
adopted. By experimenting with catenary though an isolated sample of Maillart's design,
shapes attained empirically from studying establishes this eminence. He was the father of
wires and membranes under loads, Gaudi flared columns connecting with floor slabs to
generated rational forms capable of creating eliminate supporting beams and designed
efficient shapes for masonry structures under unique bridge forms. Maillart's name remains
pure compressIOn. associated with innovative concrete forms that
Gaudi's pioneering work opened the way extend to the structural virtuosity of thin
to employing a structural geometry that later shells.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

Eugene Freyssinet (1879-1962) reflected the accepted philosophy of a unified

approach in the building art.
This French engineer is known mostly as an The true genius of Nervi is not, therefore,
innovator in reinforced concrete structures. in his concept of unifying the building arts
He contributed significantly to the develop- but in his clear, honest, logical and yet imagi-
ment of prestressed concrete technology by native view of how to build. As he once stated
founding inventive techniques for this new to this author, it is the building itself when
methodology in reinforced concrete. Freys- completed and occupied that counts-not
sinet's strong association with thin-shell de- the ideas of buildings on paper with which
sign is shown by his dirigible hangar at Orly. one could fill up museums.
An ardent admirer of building technology
throughout history, Nervi marveled at the
Franz Dischinger (1887 -1953) achievements of the Gothic builders. With a
profound appreciation for integrity he ex-
This major contributor to the development plored the powerful contribution of geomet-
of concrete thin shells was part of the original ric forms to structural strength and the logi-
group of German engineers responsible for cal interpretation of how materials must be
the great impetus associated with new used. His explorations in geometry were bold
theories of shell construction in the 1920s in and extremely imaginative yet always con-
central Europe. He started his professional tained a strong, disciplined rigor that avoided
career with the firm of Dyckerhoff-Widmann illogical extravagance. In this regard it is
KG in 1913. In 1922 he was part of the team helpful to remember his firm criticism of the
designing the hemispherical dome for the design proposal accepted for the Sydney
Zeiss optical company. Up to 1932 Dis- Opera House.
chinger's work dominated the design and As a true connoisseur of building materials
construction of the most prominent shell Nervi considered reinforced concrete in light
structures in Germany. One of his major con- of basic values that current trends have
tributions to the theory of shells is his part in
writing a treatise on the design and construc-
tion of thin shells that was published in Ger-
many in 1928 as von Emperger's Handbuch. ll
In his writings he included membrane
theories for concrete domes with various ge-
ometries such as spherical, conical, elliptical,
and cycloidal shapes, bringing in new design
theories from experiences derived from the
experimental dome in Jena.

Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979)

Pier Luigi Nervi was born in Sondrio, Italy,

and a graduate in engineering from the U ni-
versity of Bologna (see Figure 7-66). He
emerged in the 1950s as a versatile personal-
ity bridging architecture and civil engineer-
ing. These two fields are much more unified
in the educational systems of Europe than in
other parts of the world, so in reality Nervi 7-66 Pier LuiBi Nervi.

Sinnificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

largely forgotten. The plasticity of this mate- Although Torroja's work was done mostly
rial that had in its early experimental stages in Spain, his fame spread throughout the aca-
produced hulls for boats by the middle 1800s demic world as he served as a visiting profes-
was again proposed by him in a variety of sor at Harvard, Princeton, Raleigh Architec-
curvilinear forms. In his hands concrete was tural College, M.LT., and the University of
liberated not only from the linearity of the Buenos Aires.
building frame but was also allowed to ex-
pand into the thin layers of ferrocement in Anton Tedesko (1903-
the large, thin shells he built.
The great success of Nervi's structures de- The work of Anton Tedesko made a major
rives from his intuitive use of prefabrication contribution to the advancement of thin-shell
that used a modular type of building compo- design in the United States. Born in Gruen-
nent that was mass produced and cast at the berg, Germany, Tedesko (see Figure 7-67)
site. He was able to assemble complex struc- brought to the United States academic
tures with great economy. Nervi used his knowledge of thin-shell design acquired from
own construction company to outbid and to education and early experience. After joining
construct his own designs in competition with the prestigious firm of Roberts and Schaefer
those of other builders. in Chicago and becoming a naturalized citi-
zen in 1938 he spent a life of intense profes-
sional activity that included designing a large
Eduardo Torroja Miret (1899 -1961) number of shell structures.
Tedesko remained in the United States
Eduardo Torroja Miret continued the tradi- working with various other private firms.
tion of architectural virtuosity in Spain begun Among his thin shells is the groined vault for
by Antonio Gaudi. Born in Madrid just forty- the new Lambert Field terminal building in
seven years after the birth of that master, St. Louis, done in collaboration with Hell-
Torroja must have been influenced in his ar- muth, Yamascale and Leinwebel. And in col-
chitectural thinking by the daring and inno-
vative creativeness in Gaudi's art. They do in
fact share the unique combination of engi-
neering and architectural expertise that rein-
force each other to produce a talent found
most typically in the masters of the Italian
Renaissance. A contemporary of Nervi, Tor-
roja has left in his native Spain a legacy of
structural elegance similar to that which
Nervi left in Italy and around the world. Like
Nervi, Torroja was trained in civil engineer-
ing and expanded his knowledge into archi-
tectural composition. The material he used
most often was reinforced concrete in the
form of thin shells.
One biography describes a particular work
of his as a "veritable ballet of eggshell con-
crete butterflies." 12 The structure in ques-
tion was the Zarazuela race course in Madrid,
built in 1935 and damaged during the civil
war, yet still standing structurally intact (see
Fig. 7-7). 7-67 Anton Tedesko.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

laboration with I. M. Pei he designed a hy-

perbolic paraboloidal gable-roofed shell in
Denver that stands out as an inspiring

Felix Candela (1910- )

Felix Candela (see Fig. 7-68) is often de-

scribed as a combination architect, engineer,
and builder, a contemporary master builder
who reflects the traditions of the Renais-
In the early 1950s the name of Felix Can-
dela came to dominate the field of shell ar-
chitecture, not just in North America but in-
ternationally. The astonishing number of
thin-shelled structures Candela created in 7-68 Felix Candela.
Mexico alone-more than 900-leaves no
doubt about his expertise and artistic sen-
Coming from an architectural education
rather than an engineering background, freedom in construction, his work neverthe-
Candela uses the geometry of his daring less remains impressive. Candela's structures
structures as a starting point that evolves are refreshingly free of the cold, mechanical
through engineering and construction to qualities that the industrialization of the
completion. One of the major geometric building art frequently generates.
forms he has most uniquely explored is the
hyperbolic paraboloid. This simple yet com-
plex form lends itself to the most unimagin- Eero Saarinen (1910-1961)
able architectural compositions, ones that
only Candela has thus far been able to create. Inheriting his vocations from his mother and
He should clearly be credited with opening father, a sculptress and an architect, respec-
up the myriad possibilities of this particular tively, young Saarinen moved with them
geometric form. from his native Finland to the United States
In his hands solid geometry becomes not a in the early 1920s. As a sculptor and later as a
tool to work with nor an aid in general, but in graduate in architecture at Yale he entered
effect a major substance that generates archi- his father's design firm and in time acquired
tecture. It is thus this aspect of Candela's an identity of his own linking him to the U.S.
work that should be particularly recognized development of curvilinear architecture.
as invaluable to architectural education. Saarinen's powerful prototypes included dif-
In addition to his creative uses of solid ferent species of curvilinear forms, from con-
geometry, Candela uses materials and con- vex to concave, from orthodox geometries to
struction techniques in a unique, imaginative unorthodox free forms.
way. His structures achieve unbelievably Spurred by the new architecture of the
small thicknesses that astonish and perplex 1950s that emerged with intense energy after
observers. Although the building codes in the war, Saarinen was definitely in the van-
Mexico, where most of Candela's structures guard of those exploring the possibilities of
are, are particularly lenient and allow much curvilinearity by using concave catenary

SiBnificant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

shapes for suspended roofs as well as convex his approach to design came from this point
domical shells. From his concave suspended of view. However, he was able to reach the
roof over the Dulles Airport terminal in same level of architectural quality as other
Washington, D.C., to the traditional dome he designers that started from an aesthetic con-
used with anew, modern vocabulary for the cept of form.
M.I.T. Auditorium in Cambridge, Massachu- Beginning his career just after World War
setts, (see Fig. 7-19), Saarinen has left an in- II, Mihailescu was not familiar at the time
delible mark. with the architecture of Felix Candela, but he
Saarinen's career was interrupted by his was motivated by the work of the German
premature death. Unlike Nervi and Candela, school of the 1930s. He saw in the thin shell
Saarinen expressed himself in mostly archi- structure the practical expression of an ana-
tectural terms and therefore had more im- lytical surface containing within its thickness
pact in architectural circles, which could have membrane stresses. This was the exciting
led to his continued achievement. One stimulus from which his work started. Prac-
wonders whether the progress of curvilinear ticing in Romania, in isolation from the shell
architecture would have been extended work produced outside of the iron curtain,
beyond its current level if Eero Saarinen had Mihailescu approached his work with a
lived longer. strong individuality.
Major works by Mihailescu include the fol-
lowing: a railway depot in Brasov, Romania
Mircea Mihailescu (1920- (1947), consisting of forty conoidal shell ele-
ments, each cast on movable centerings (see
Born in Brasov, Romania, Mircea Mihailescu Fig. 7-69a); a textile factory in Bucharest
graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnik in (1958), consisting of a cylindrical roof shell
1944. He was educated as an engineer with a cast on movable centering (see Fig. 7-69b); a
strong background in analysis and therefore health spa in Olanesti, Romania (1960), con-

7-69 Work by Mircea Mihailescu in Romania: a) a railway depot in

Brasov (1947).


7-69 (continued) b) textile factory in Bucharest (1958); c) health spa
in Olanesti (I 960) ; d) railway station in Predeal (I 963).


7-69 (continued) e) sports hall in Onesti (1968). f and 0) exhibition

buildino in CIvi (1 970) .

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

sisting of four intersecting hyperbolic para-

boloidal shell surfaces (see Fig. 7-69c); a rail-
way station in Predeal, Romania (1963),
having a square plan of 50 m (164 ft) X 40 m
(131 ft), which is a hyperbolic paraboloidal
shell (5 cm thick with an undulated pattern)
consisting of precast elements assembled and
prestressed by cables inserted into the shell
(see Fig. 7-69d); a sports hall in Onesti, Ro-
mania (1968), whose roof structure includes
five thin shells, consisting of precast and pre-
stressed concrete elements (see Fig. 7-6ge);
and an exhibition building in Clvi, Romania
(1970). This roof structure consists of twelve
cruciform shells, consisting of precast ele-
ments joined by prestressed edge beams (see
Fig. 7-69f,g).

Heinz Isler (1926-

The work of Swiss engineer Heinz Isler (see

Figure 7-70) represents the present state of
art in concrete thin-shell design. As this work
is mostly in central Europe, especially in Swit-
zerland, Isler represents present-day Europe
in the field of structural engineering, specifi-
cally within the context of shell design.
During his education as a civil engineer at 7-70 Heinz Isler. (Courtesy of the Art
the Federal Technical Institute in Zurich
Museum, Princeton, University)
(1945 - 1960) Isler took advantage of an in-
novative curriculum allowing creative ex-
pression of basic engineering theories. One
great influence on Isler's creative individual- rived not through theoretical analysis or de-
ity was a professor at the institute named scriptive geometry but through simple exper-
Pierre Lardy, who encouraged applied re- imentation. Isler's approach consisted of
search in the formulation of structural forms. applying basic fundamental techniques that
It seems that later Isler was greatly in- were already well-known (see Figs. 7-71a-
fluenced by the work of Felix Candela, espe- C) . 14 These methods involved finding funicu-
cially his famous hyperbolic paraboloidal lar shapes in tension and reversing them
shell at Xochimilco, Mexico. 13 upside down to attain configurations of struc-
Isler's official career in thin-shell design tures that were in pure compression under
started with a paper called "New Shapes for gravity loads. Isler worked extensively in sus-
Shells" that he presented at the historic First pending fabrics from isolated or continuous
Congress of the International Association for supports, then freezing these forms with a
Spatial and Shell Structures organized by hardening substance to create permanent
Eduardo Torroja in Madrid in 1959. This models. Another method he employed was to
paper showed the way toward the creation of anchor a rubber membrane along the rigid
rational structural forms for thin shells de- edge of some particular configuration and

7-71 Heinz Isler experimentin8 with three-dimensional catenary models.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

inflate it to act as formwork. The configura- civil engineering from Northwestern Univer-
tions of the inflated membrane generated by sity in 1950, then worked mostly in the Seat-
pressures perpendicular to the membranes, tle area, on scores of concrete shell struc-
rather than by vertical gravity forces, made a tures. Among his major contributions is the
difference between the two that could even- structural design of the Kingdome in Seattle
tually be neglected. Still another method (see Figs. 7-58 and 7-59), which, when com-
Isler used to generate forms was to let a pleted, was the largest concrete-shell-roofed
slowly expanding form project out of a rigid- structure in the world. His other major works
edged frame under air pressure. include a barrel shell for the Rivergate Exhi-
Because Isler attained his structural forms bition Hall in New Orleans, in 1968, which
outside the normal constructs of geometry attained a record for being the largest-
and they were therefore not reproducible spanned concrete barrel vault in the world,
through applying analytical geometry, his and also the impressive hyperbolic paraboloi-
methodology depended on taking precise dal concrete roof shell over an airport hangar
measurements of small-scale models to obtain in Seattle, in 1962.
full-scale prototypes. With this empirical ap-
proach Isler was able to achieve an identity
that distinguishes his work from that of The Roberts and Schaefer Company
others in shells. Isler strongly differentiates
himself both from those who use preestab- This company, founded in 1905, occupies a
lished geometric forms and those who work significant place in the history of the evolu-
in imaginative unsubstantiable configura- tion of concrete shell structures in the United
tions. His forms are therefore often free of States. Roberts and Schaeffer was basically an
the coercion of geometry and the structural engineering company dealing with industrial
irrelevance of arbitrary design. In so doing, structures, mostly those associated with the
Isler abandons certain traditional engineer- processing of coal. The company later en-
ing approaches for making forms work and tered into the design and application of shells
keeps his distance from those who conceive to industrial buildings. Especially at the be-
for,ns that are disconnected from the laws of ginning of the 1930s the company showed
statics. particular interest in the scientific theories of
Following Candela's example, Isler is also shells that were then being imported from
particularly interested in lightening shells by Germany.
removing edge members that are not neces- From 1932, when the company began rep-
sary. Often such members are a burden resenting the German-patented Z-D system
rather than a relief to the whole shell. Isler's for thin-shelled concrete building typologies,
work in this area is a noteworthy addition to up to the beginning of World War II, this
the state of the art that should not be firm dominated the design and construction
overlooked. of concrete thin shells in the United States.
The major reasons behind this status were
the absence of practical expertise in this area
John V. Christiansen (1927- of engineering in the United States at the
time but also the presence in the company of
Born and educated in the United States,John Anton Tedesko, who brought it his knowl-
V. Christiansen acquired a major reputation edge and experience with Z-D systems. Rob-
by working in the area of concrete thin shells erts and Schaefer spread the popularity of
as a structural engineer. He graduated with a concrete shells throughout the country with
B.S. in architectural engineering from the designs such as the ice hockey arena for the
University of Illinois in 1949 and an M.S. in Hershey Chocolate Company in Pennsylva-

Sieniftcant Examples of Concrete Shells in the Twentieth Century

nia, which in 1936 held the record for the THE FUTURE OF THIN SHELLS
largest thin-shell concrete structure in
The future of thin shells cannot easily be
predicted, because there are many factors
Ammann and Whitney that can potentially affect the development of
such a structural system. A few basic observa-
The Ammann and Whitney consulting engi- tions may nevertheless serve as indicators.
neering firm, based in New York, was estab- The present technology makes it feasible
lished in 1946 by consolidating into one com- to build long-span roof structures in wood,
pany two professional consulting practices. In steel, or reinforced concrete, as demon-
the structural engineering of major concrete strated by the megastructures recently built
shells and steel domes this firm is associated for stadiums. Although wood has sporadically
with important projects throughout the been used for these purposes, its cost is usu-
country. ally the highest of the three, and its span
From the start, Ammann and Whitney de- limitations have already been reached. Steel
veloped an original reinforced-concrete thin- and reinforced concrete are still competitive
shelled barrel-vault prototype that would ac- in a few countries, but on a worldwide basis
commodate a new generation of new and steel is definitely higher in cost. Because con-
larger planes demanding wider-span hangars. crete can easily be produced anywhere in the
The first structures built following this de- world, at a lower cost than steel, it thus seems
sign were two hangars in 1948 for American logical that reinforced-concrete thin shells
Airlines in Chicago, each having a clear span should be the structural system used to erect
of 257 ft (78.3 m) (see Fig. 7-55). A second permanent roof structures enclosing long-
application was a 1951 TWA hangar in Chi- span buildings. It is important to recognize
cago with a 270 ft (82.3 m) clear span. An- that concrete thin shells have had only a life-
other application was the TWA hangar in St. span of less than a century, quite a short time
Louis (1954), with a span measuring 270 ft in comparison to other systems. Building
(82.3 m). And finally the Swissair hangar in technology has a tradition of moving slowly
New York (1960), with a span of 180 ft in accepting or rejecting systems, so it seems
(55 m). probable that thin shells still have a long life
Ammann and Whitney were the consult- ahead of them.
ing engineers for the M.I.T. Auditorium in Recently, the efficiency of concrete thin
Cambridge, Massachusetts, designed by Eero shells has definitely advanced at a good rate.
Saarinen in 1955 (see Fig. 7-19), and for the Currently available in particular markets are
structural design of the University of Illinois high-strength concrete mixtures that have
Assembly Hall in Urbana (1962). This struc- reached no less than 8,000 psi ultimate
ture, designed by the architects Harrison & strength in twenty-eight days. Such new
Abramovitz, was a folded-plate lightweight values can greatly reduce the required thick-
concrete dome with a 400 ft (122 m) diame- nesses of concrete shells, making it feasible to
ter. Other significant reinforced-concrete design a new generation of shells that are
shells designed by this firm include the bar- extraordinarily efficient, to lower costs and
rel-vault shell structure for the De Kalb Phys- expand the limits of spans.
ical Education Building in De Kalb, Illinois The spherical dome built in reinforced
(1956), with a clear span of 171 ft (52 m), and concrete no longer has the limitations of its
the inverted concrete shell for the Albany masonry counterpart. Tension stresses in it
Mall Meeting Center in Albany, New York, can be carried by its steel reinforcement, con-
with Harrison & Abramovitz, architects. trary to the limitations of masonry domes,

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

which could carry only compression loads. structure much freer and lighter than its old
The thrust at the base of a thin shell can masonry parent. With this freedom, flat low-
easily be absorbed by a steel-reinforced ten- rise spherical domes can achieve slender
sion ring. Thin-shell technology has reduced ratios never possible before, allowing the
thicknesses in dramatic terms, thereby reduc- free-span diameters of modern domes to ex-
ing dead loads, with obvious advantages. ceed several hundred feet in length.
All in all, the concrete dome is a fresh new

1. From David P. Billington, Thin Shell Concrete Structures (New York: McGraw-Hili, 1982). Used with
2. Ibid.
3. Sir Banister Fletcher, A History of Architecture (New York: Scribners, 1975), 1290.
4. Manfredo Tafuri and Francesco Dall, Modern Architecture.
5. Courtesy, The Art Museum, Princeton University.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. "The Uproar of the Sydney Opera House," in Architectura (Spain, Mexico;) and in In Defense ofStructuralism.
10. "Seattle's Dome," Consulting Engineer (Sept. 1976),53-55.
11. Billington, op. cit., 9.
12. Ann Lee Morgan and Colin Naylor, Contemporary Architects (Chicago: St. James Press, 1987),915.
13. Billington,op. cit. See also David P. Billington, The Tower and the Bridge (New York: Basic Books, 1983),
14. Courtesy, The Art Museum, Princeton University.


Construction Aspects of Shells

THE CONSTRUCTION -DESIGN cost estimations can vary erratically. This ele-
RELATIONSHIP ment of subjectivity, caused by varied experi-
ence, can produce extreme bids, endanger-
ing the economic feasibility of shells. A strict
Unlike more orthodox structures, thin shells collaboration between the design and con-
escape being regimented into clearly estab- struction companies is of fundamental impor-
lished construction methodologies because of tance to ensure that maximum efficiency is
their very nature. The problem arises to reached.
some extent from the novelty of these struc- A classic example is provided in the work
tures that were never before used in con- of Pier Luigi Nervi, who combined his expe-
struction, such as hyperboloids of revolution, rience in design and construction with that of
hyperbolic paraboloids, and conoids. How- his design studio and construction company.
ever, even when the geometry is historically As a result architectural, structural, and con-
well known, as it is in the case of domes, struction planning proceeded hand in hand,
difficulties may derive out of the technology complementing and reinforcing each other.
that present-day materials imply. For in- This seemingly simplistic example was the
stance, traditional domes, which were usually key to Nervi's success at winning out over the
built in masonry, do not share the same prob- competition with creative projects and low
lems of cast-in-place concrete shells. More bids.
specifically, new problems are created when Historically, the team approach within ar-
technologies for precasting or prestressing chitecture, structural design, and construc-
concrete are used, as well as when concrete is tion has not flourished in American profes-
sprayed under pressure by the Gunite sional practice. However, in the early stages
method or cast on inflatable pneumatic of shell construction in the United States
forms. Moreover, in constructing a specific there was close collaboration between design
geometric form an additional consideration is firms and contractors both before and after
that certain shells can be built from either the bidding. Design firms in fact developed
straight-line generatrices or curvilinear ones. construction advisors on whom they de-
Construction methodology is thus so pended while continuing to offer assistance
unique and variable from case to case that to bidding contractors in terms of cost esti-

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

mates, planning of construction methods and SPECIAL PNEUMATIC FORMING

strategies, and even collaborating with them The adoption of pneumatic forming was an
closely during construction. Even construc- important step toward making feasible the
tion sequences recorded on film to illustrate construction of curvilinear concrete forms.
previous shell erections were often offered by In pneumatic forming a membrane is inflated
design firms to contractors. The existence of to generate a tensile surface capable of sup-
adequate design fees to compensate the engi- porting a concrete layer that is then applied
neering efforts, and the high standards of the on top of it. Concrete spraying has been the
time, led the 1950s to produce a broad prolif- most practical method of constructing shells
eration of shell structures. by using pneumatic forms.
Many techniques have been used to con- A completely new approach toward the
struct concrete shells. We shall start with the inflatable forming method that was devised
simplest, which is wood formwork, and work in the 1950s had several applications that
toward the more complex systems. proved the technical feasibility of the
method. In this technique the concrete is
poured before inflating the pneumatic form.
Then the concrete is lifted by inflating the
The Forming of Shells membrane and spreads uniformly until the
membrane is fully raised. This method offers
WOOD FOR FORMWORK extraordinarily simple construction that
The first material ever used to construct cur- looks more and more attractive cost-wise
vilinear forms was wood. It was applied first when we recognize that the system can be
to the construction of form work for masonry applied repeatedly.
and later for concrete. Although the longitu- The first step in this method is to cast on
dinal morphology of wood causes it to per- the ground a circular concrete ring constitut-
form well, especially in rectilinear forms and ing the foundation, and eventually the ten-
planar surfaces, it has also done well in the sion ring itself. On the top of this ring a slot is
construction of double-curved surfaces. The formed by inserting a narrow wedge with a
capabilities· of wood in this regard have al- tubular inflatable form connected to it at its
ready been clearly demonstrated not only by base. Once the concrete hardens and these
the precision of the wood form work used for inflatable inserts are removed, what is left
vaults and domes but even more so with dou- within the concrete ring is a hollow tubular
ble-curvature surfaces used in shipbuilding. space and a slot.
The amazing technological virtuosity of A specially manufactured, reusable, neo-
wood in the construction of curved surfaces prene membrane, shaped exactly like the de-
has been proven in many applications varying sired configuration of the dome, is obtained
according to their geometry and scale. On a from an outside supplier. This one compo-
small scale, musical instruments, for instance, nent, which must be made with great accu-
verify the ability of wood to attain precise, racy, is a major part of the cost of the dome.
complex geometric shapes in doubly-curved This neoprene form has a tubular edge that
surfaces. On a larger scale, craftsmen have can be inserted while still uninflated into the
used wood to produce complex shells for en- slot in the top of the concrete ring, falling
tire buildings. Although there is a substantial into the tubular slot in the concrete. When
difference between wood form works and this tubular edge is inflated it will spread out
final wood shells, the degree of accuracy and in the tubular concrete slot, thus sealing the
smoothness of wooden forms must be partic- balloon form to the concrete ring pneumatic-
ularly high, for it is well known that exposed ally. At this point the pneumatic form lies on
concrete surfaces reflect glaringly any imper- the ground, within the surrounding concrete
fections in the wood form. ring, ready to be inflated at the right time.

Construction Aspects of Shells

Steel reinforcement is now placed over the sawing into the concrete thin shell. Only a
neoprene form as it lies on the ground. This smalI air compressor is needed for inflation,
reinforcement consists of circular hoops and which could be operated by a gasoline en-
radial lines capable of sliding as the form gine, alIowing domes to be built in areas
gradualIy rises. One form it often takes is as a where electricity is not available.
series of chains that slide easily to cover the A patent exploring in detail this construc-
spherical form. Other construction processes tion methodology was registered in Italy in
and patterns can be devised to alIOW the ad- the early 1960s under the name of BinishelIs,
justment of the steel reinforcement as it from the name of the young architect who
moves from lying flat on the ground to drap- developed the process. Several structures
ing properly over the inflated form. built with this method have since proved its
After the pneumatic form and its rein- feasibility, including a demonstration proto-
forcement have been placed on the ground, type built in just a few hours on the Columbia
concrete is poured over the entire circular University campus in New York. Other ex-
area covering the pneumatic form and rein- amples of structures built with this method
forcement to a uniform thickness, except that include a dome over a recreational center
an additional amount is cast exactly at the near Arezzo, Italy, that is 65.6 ft (20 m) in
center. Another neoprene membrane is now diameter, and two domes covering a gymna-
placed on top of the concrete so that when sium that are, respectively, 104.96 ft (32 m)
the first membrane is inflated the concrete and 49.2 ft (15 m) in diameter.
wilI be sandwiched between the two mem-
branes. The first membrane must be hermet- PLASTIC FOAM FORMING
icalIy sealed, but the second one, which is In the late 1960s Dow Chemical patented
anchored along its perimeter, does not need and produced a system using a plastic foam to
an airtight seal. Its function is to retain the form concrete thin shelIs. The name they
concrete in place and give it a smooth, fin- gave to this process was Spiral Generation,
ished appearance. A hose is then connected the plastic foam used for the process was
to an air pump to convey air under the neo- manufactured by Dow under the name Sty-
prene form and lift it gradually. In a few rofoam. Although Styrofoam stilI has a foot
hours the form will be fulIy inflated, acquir- in the market, the Spiral Generation process
ing its desired spherical shape. As the form is no longer in use, although more than two
rises, the reinforcement system and concrete hundred shells were built by it and, as we
stretch correspondingly, following the shape shall see, it may have many related uses.
of the membrane. The inventor of the method, Donald R.
The air pressure required to support the Wright, of Dow's lab in Midland, Michigan,
concrete is much lower than one would began by forming spherical domes with Sty-
guess, relatively speaking. A shelI one inch rofoam as their main structural material to
thick requires a pressure of only 0.0868 psi (6 carry uniformly distributed compression
hPa). This is extremely low, when one con- loads. As the diameters of domes increased,
siders that the pressure in a bicycle tire tube however, the Styrofoam domes became basi-
is approximately 50 psi (3,450 hPa). calIy the form work for the concrete shelIs
There are several major advantages to this that were built over them. Wright's concept
system, which can offer a great range of ap- was to design a mechanical means of bending
plications. Construction time is short, and the Styrofoam planks and cementing them to-
erection materials and tools are minimized. gether to form a continuous curvilinear
Labor in general is greatly reduced, since this form.
method requires only a few expert man- Wright generated forms by rotating the
hours. Openings for doorways and fenestra- forming head around a vertical axis in a spi-
tion can be provided after erection simply by raling motion from the base of the dome to

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

its crown, thus laying down superimposed interior plaster coating. Sandwiched as it is
courses of Styrofoam planks. These superim- between the exterior concrete and the inte-
posed layers are then bonded together by rior plaster layers, the Styrofoam remains
heat while bent. A special cam controls the well protected from ultraviolet degeneration.
precision with which the forming head ro- These intrinsically lightweight structures
tates. The Styrofoam planks are fed contin- perform quite satisfactorily in earthquake
uously to the forming head by operators sta- zones, since the seismic forces that are pro-
tioned on a rotating platform that follows the portional to the structural mass are conse-
forming head. The Styrofoam planks are quently low.
shaped and bent so that the contact surface The Styrofoam's thickness can be deter-
between layers lies on radially inclined mined either in terms of the minimum struc-
planes. At its fastest this operation proceeds tural strength required of it or in terms of its
at the rate of approximately thirty feet per thermal-insulation value. Structurally speak-
minute (see Figs. 8-1, 8-2, 8-3). ing, when a Styrofoam dome acts as form-
Typically, a cross-section through a fin- work for a concrete shell, the uniformly dis-
ished Spiral Generation dome shows the ex- tributed load over the Styrofoam shell is 12.5
terior concrete shell and its reinforcement, psf (60 kg/m2) per inch of concrete thick-
the Styrofoam permanent formwork, and the ness. Typical thicknesses of Styrofoam used
for the form work of domes follow a rule
of thumb of using approximately one inch
of thickness for each ten feet of base diam-
The Spiral Generation process is meaning-
ful in the evolution of thin shells and has
found applications in different market condi-
tions. From a technological point of view, the
validity of this process has been proven by a
series of thin shells built with this method as
indicated by case studies discussed later.
The reason the Spiral Generation process
had a short life span and failed to gain sub-
stantial momentum probably reflects the
operation of industrial dynamics. The main
intent of the Dow Company in devising this
process was to open a new market for their
Styrofoam, not to enter the building con-
struction technology field. Yet in so doing
Dow pointed out that lightweight form work
could easily be assembled by a simple me-
chanical device, which is what intrigues the
mind and opens the way to creating other
processes for generating different types of
forms. Once the form work is completed, the
process of spraying concrete over it relies on
conventional processes not peculiar to the
Spiral Generation system. The Styrofoam
8-1 Typical Spiral Generation process equipment form work of this system remains perma-
shOwing the assembling of 20 in X 20 in X 9 ft nently in place and does not require disman-
(50 em X 50 em X 2.75 m) Styrofoam strips. tling, as does conventional form work. The

Construction Aspects of ShelIs

8-2 A heatinn plate sealinn tonether Styrofoam strips.

8-3 A 30 ft (9.15 m) diameter Styrofoam dome, 2 in (50 mm) thick,

nearing completion.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

formwork remammg provides the highly reinforcements provided in connection with

desirable side benefit of adding thermal the Styrofoam. In all cases, a tension ring was
insulation. included at the base.
The obsolescence of the Spiral Generation
method in the present economy does not in- FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC SHELLS
validate its significance, because it could Fiber-reinforced plastic is a material that has
probably find other markets outside the penetrated the housing industry gradually
United States or produce feasible new solu- through a variety of products. From its appli-
tions, if properly modified. Although the cation in fabricating molded hulls for small-
technique is no longer on the commercial and medium-sized boats it has grown to more
market for building construction, it should substantial applications in building con-
not be considered dead as an option for ar- struction.
chitectural and engineering designers. Dow This material consists of combinations, in
Chemical patents found commercial applica- various percentages, of a plastic resin and a
tion in domes for odor control in wastewater fiber reinforcement. The resin can be polyes-
treatment facilities, low-temperature ware- ter, epoxy, phenolic, polystyrene, polycar-
houses, agricultural shelters, and recreation bonate, or nylon. The fiber reinforcement
enclosures. By the early seventies, Dow had material can be glass cloth, glass fibers, glass
licensed Spirex Structures, Inc., to construct chopped strands, Al 20 s whiskers, or boron
concrete domes using the Spiral Generation or carbon filaments. The basic mechanical
forming method. As reported by the latter characteristics of fiber-reinforced plastics in-
company, over 200 domes were built using clude ultimate strength in tension, compres-
the process by the mid-1970s. sion, shear and flexure, and modulus of elas-
Some of the case studies of spiral genera- ticity and specific gravity, as indicated in
tion applications include: Table 8-1.
For architectural applications, as in ma-
• four 221-ft (67.4 m) diameter domes at rine hulls made with techniques from auto-
the wastewater treatment facilities at the motive body construction, the plastic resin
Delta Street sewage treatment plant in EI most commonly used is polyester. The major
Paso, Texas advantage of this material is its ease of use in
• two 136-ft 8-in (41.5 m) diameter domes molding complex surfaces. Also, it is not only
over the trickling filter installations for structural but provides an impenetrable roof-
Chemung County Sewer Authority in El- ing material. Fiber-reinforced plastics can be
mira, New York mass produced, prefabricated, in lightweight
• a 90-ft (27.4 m) diameter dome for the components that can easily be connected to
Cherry Country Playhouse in Traverse produce complex assemblies.
City, Michigan The housing units made of such prefabri-
cated components that have occasionally ap-
Although most of the applications of this peared on the market have usually incorpo-
process were restricted to spherical geome- rated a thin-shell roof, which seems the most
try, the cam that guides the erection of the logical solution for creating a continuous sur-
Styrofoam dome can also produce elliptical face combining walls and roof into one com-
configurations. Most applications were in plete structure. The configuration often in-
low-rise domes containing membrane stresses cludes a double shell with thermal insulation
in the Styrofoam that were in the compres- interposed that produces a whole that is a
sion range only, although for smaller appli- rigid and efficient structural system. The
cations hemispherical shapes were also built double-shell construction can be either of the
which include tensile stresses. In the latter sandwich type consisting of two plastic layers
case, tensile forces were absorbed by special bonded to a rigid foam core or can consist of

Construction Aspects of Shells

TABLE 8-1 The Mechanical Properties of Fiber-reinforced Plastics

Percent Elasticity
Plastic Resin (v = vol. Specific Ultimate Strength (ksi) I
Matrix T~Ee w = wt.) Gravit~ Tension Compression Shear Flexure of Esi)
Polyester Glass cloth 65w 1.8 70 50 90
Epoxy Glass cloth 65w 2.0 60 70 100
Phenolic Glass cloth 65w 1.9 60 40 95
Polystyrene 1.2 Glass W' fibers 30w 1.28 142
Polycarbonate Glass 1/4" fibers 40w 1.44 19' 1.5
Nylon 66 Glass 1/4" fibers 40w 1.41 29 4 1.6
Epoxy Glass (E)
directional 73w 2.17 238 8.1
Epoxy Glass (E)
directional 56w 1.97 149 6.2
Polyester Glass, chopped
strand, random 45w 1.6 25 26 1.8
Epoxy AI 20, whiskers 14v 1.64 1135 6
Epoxy Boron filaments 70v 330 12 300 40 (flex)
Epoxy Carbon filaments 38v 1.42 80 134 11.3 107 3.1
Source: Compiled from Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, vol. 44, no. lA. (New York: McGraw-Hili,
1967), and L. J. Broutman and R. H. Krock, Modern Composite Materials (Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1967).
I Kpsi = 6.9 Mpa.
2Without reinforcement, tensile strength = 6,500 psi (44.8 MPa).
'Without reinforcement, tensile strength = 9,500 psi (65.5 MPa).
'Without reinforcement, tensile strength = 10,000 psi (69.0 MPa).
'Specimen only 0.02 X 1.25" in size.

two distinct shells structurally interconnected a special steel belt reinforces the joint to ab-
by shear-resistant elements spaced several sorb circumferential tensile force (see Fig.
inches apart to create cavities that are filled 8-4).
with loose insulating fibers. The years of experience accumulated in
One example of fiber-reinforced plastic the construction of fiberglass hulls have led
shells used to create a prototype housing unit to practical applications being extended to
is the Casa Finlandia Futura, in Finland some building structures. Occasional isolated
(1967 -1968), designed by the architect prototypes demonstrate ingenious uses de-
Matti Suuronen. The structure is of the sand- rived by some manufacturers. For example, a
wich type, with a polyurethane foam core. futuristic molded fiberglass structure built on
Each unit has a diameter of 26 ft (8 m) and the outskirts of a resort town in southern
consists of two circular shells, one atop the Italy in the early 1970s is cylindrical in con-
other. The top one (convex) connects to the figuration and covered with a monolithic
bottom one (concave) at the equatorial line to shallow spherical dome. It has a diameter of
form a continuous spheroidal surface that is approximately 30 ft (9.1 m) and is two stories
pierced by a series of small windows. Each high, in two interconnected shells forming a
shell is constructed of four segments, so that combined insulated wall approximately 1 ft
the erection sequence includes assembling all (30 cm) thick. The structure, used appropri-
components by mechanically joining and ately as a nightclub because of its open floor
sealing their edges. At the structure's equa- plan, has minimal fenestration and doors that
tor, where the two half-shells are connected, fit smoothly within the curvature of the walls.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

. , / ~.-.;::::--~

{( \-

8-4 Casa Finlandia Futura, by Matti Suuronen (1967-1968).

The tactile characteristics of the indoor and site and assembled there to complete a domi-
outdoor surfaces of this structure, in their cal roof structure, sealing the joints and
continuous molded, rounded configurations, creating a monolithic surface impervious to
remind one of the finishing of the plastic inte- water. Structural reinforcement could easily
riors of present-day commercial aircract. be installed at the base in a matter of minutes,
Such occasional prototypes that could be within a preformed groove. Minor reinforce-
industrially manufactured in large quantities ment in the form of a small steel cable could
remain isolated cases. Extensive application even be posttensioned, if so desired, in con-
of the methodology has not yet gained a foot- necting the various roof segments. Stand-up
hold in the building industry. The lack of seams could be sealed with cementing com-
practical acceptance seems to result from so- pounds to create structural bonding capable
ciological rather than climatological condi- of absorbing tension stresses whenever they
tions, probably because of these synthetic occur. These examples are only an indication
products' striking contrast with conventional of the many possibilities fiber-reinforced
building materials which are preferred by the shells could offer.
public at large.
This method of using molded, fiber-rein- PSEUDOSHELLS
forced domical structures for a single build- Occasionally a structure is not really what it
ing unit is not the only approach to follow appears to be in a statical sense. When form
and may in fact have led to the overall lack of and structure do not correlate, this is usually
success of fiber-reinforced building construc- the result of construction limitations. Some
tion. Instead, a more appropriate approach curvilinear surfaces that seem to be concrete
for this technology might be to use molded thin shells may actually have a structural sys-
components incorporated within different tem totally different from the one expected.
kinds of building processes. Specifically, pre- The purity of continuous surfaces cannot
cast curvilinear fiber-reinforced roof seg- always capitalize on the inherent structural
ments could be used to generate domical roof values of membranes and thin shells. Yet
structures by being assembled together and apart from this structural rationale, the ge-
erected over a compatible building form. ometry of forms has its own validity for the
Lightweight double-shelled components justification of the shape of the delineated
sandwiched with rigid insulation like Styro- structure and the configuration of the en-
foam can be easily built and transported to a closed space.

Construction Aspects of Shells

Pseudoshells built with structural systems To avoid the complications of using form-
other than that of thin shells may have strong work in this location, this shell was not built
reasons to diverge from the typical methods in structural concrete. Similarly, the U.S.
of shell construction. For instance, the lack Capitol building in Washington, D.C., is
of certain materials or the absence of re- crowned by a dome whose masonry appear-
quired building trades in a given area could ance conceals a cast-iron framework.
justify realizing a specific form using a substi-
tute system. The relationship between form
and structure must always be interpreted in
terms of prevailing circumstances. There SUPPORTS
may be many controlling factors in addition
to structural efficiency. In this regard the Edges and Boundary
pseudoshell has its own validity. Members Framework
The nature of pseudoshells might seem to
exclude them from association with thin Edge members are necessary to transfer
shells per se, but it is logical to identify them membrane stresses from the shell to its sup-
in some way within the overall context of thin ports. They constitute a primary framework
shells. Examples of such structures, sup- supporting the shell from the ground up.
ported by a hidden interior framework, can Their characteristic is that they develop reac-
be found in many wooden domes of the an- tions in a plane tangential to the shell at its
cient world and in some steel domes today. boundary. They should also theoretically
The structure shown in Figure 8-5 is a shal- allow certain displacements within the shell
low spherical dome consisting of a structural that are induced by membrane stresses. How-
steel system covered with a nonstructural ever, because in reality the reactions in these
concrete shell. This 1966 structure is the res- members are not exactly tangential to the
idence of its architect, Charles Deaton, on shell, as they should be, bending moments
Genesee Mountain near Golden, Colorado. arise in both the edge members and the shell.

8-5 A pseudoshell supported by structural steel. This residential structure is shaped to resist hiBh wind

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

In the shell such disturbances fortunately dis-

sipate rapidly, farther away from the edges. A
Another phenomenon caused by edge mem-
bers is a difference in distortions that comes
about between points that are part of the
shell and ones that are part of the edge mem-
bers, caused by differences in stiffness. At a
given point of contact the stiffer edge mem-
ber will undergo a smaller distortion than B
that in the shell, which would have a larger
displacement if it were freed from the edge
member (see Figs. 8-6 and 8-7).

8-7 Various types of edae-member conftaurations

of typical cross-sectional shapes that can be used
on either horizontal or sloped edaes.

Edge Support for Domes

Supporting a thin-shelled dome around the

edge of its membrane presents a delicate
problem in judgment on the part of the de-
signer. The dome can be either isostatic or
hyperstatic, that is, statically determinate or
indeterminate, depending on the details of
the connection between the membrane shell
and the edge member (the tension ring at the
base) or on the support condition of the edge
member itself. For the dome to be isostatic
8-6 Various conftaurations of ridae members to it is required that the membrane shell be
connect two adjacent shell elements, either alona hinged to the edge member (the tension
their ridaes or their valleys. ring). Doing so guarantees that the reaction

Construction Aspects of Shells

at the edge of the membrane will always be are tensile. Although in this case the edge of
tangent to the membrane itself and moments the shell and the edge member are both in
will not transfer from the tension ring to the tension, the difference in stiffness here be-
membrane. For this isostatic condition to tween the two would generate different free
occur it is also required that the edge mem- displacements, separating the shell and edge
ber itself be simply supported. member. There are two practical options to
If these conditions are not totally satisfied approximate a support condition that would
the dome becomes hyperstatic and additional make the shell isostatic and reduce the in-
stresses arise. The shell cannot resist these compatibility between the structural behav-
stresses generated by bending because of its ior of the shell's edge and the edge member.
structural inability to do so, as inherent in the One is to eliminate the tension ring com-
very definition of thin shells. The isostatic pletely and use the edge of the membrane to
conditions of support also guarantee that resist the tensile force, provided the shell is
thermal expansion and contraction of such a thick enough to include the necessary rein-
shell occur freely, without generating an op- forcement. The other is to incorporate the
posing reaction, and thus without adding fur- tension ring in the shell itself, making the two
ther stresses. compatible in the elastic sense, that is, equally
There is another consideration involving stiff. This can be done by slightly increasing
the support of domical thin shells to make the the thickness of the shell around its edge and
shell behave according to theoretical assump- providing reinforcement.
tions. This is based on the fact that the edge If the dome includes a tension ring at its
of the shell and the tension ring act differ- base, a problem arises in detailing a hinged
ently from each other and undergo different connection between the shell and the ring
degrees of deformation. If they are joined around the perimeter of the dome. One solu-
together they deform equally in a given di- tion is to provide a groove in the ring, in
rection, the result of a compromise between which the edge of the shell could sit. This
shell and edge. The edge member acts upon groove would be shaped like an L with a hori-
the free edge of the shell with forces that zontal and a vertical lip capable of developing
modify the free deformation of the shell vertical and horizontal reactions, respectively
caused by membrane stresses alone. Con- (see Fig. 8-8). Another alternative would be
versely, the membrane modifies the free de- to do exactly as suggested above, but make
formation of the edge member acting inde- the edge of the shell slightly thicker, to pro-
pendently. The most important of the two vide sufficient bearing surface for the shell
actions is of course that within the shell itself,
because the stresses induced by the edge
member alter the membrane stresses in the
shell, thereby inducing bending.
A practical example to illustrate this phe-
nomenon would be a shallow dome under
vertical live and dead load with the hoop
forces in compression for the entire dome.
Because the edge member at the base is defi-
nitely in tension, along the edge where shell
and edge member meet there are the oppos-
ing forces of compression and tension, which
tend to separate the shell from the edge
member. A similar situation can be observed 8-8 An example of momentless edae support for
in a dome approaching the size of a hemi- domes. Here a hinaed connection aenerates both
sphere in which the hoop forces near its base a vertical and a horizontal reaction.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

(see Fig. 8-9). Yet another solution is to use a contracts. This part of the connection would
typical concrete-hinge technique in which the provide only a vertical reaction, so the hori-
tension ring has an inclined edge perpendicu- zontal reaction around the full rim of the
lar to the meridional force at the edge of the dome would need to be furnished by another
shell. The shell will then extend into the ring part of the connection constituting the ten-
as usual. Another particularly ingenious type sion ring. An example of this system can be
of support consists of hanging the edge of the seen in the Felix und Regula Church in Zu-
shell from a continuous concrete ring above rich (see Fig. 8-10).1
it, using flexible steel rods that would deform
as would a pendulum as the shell expands and POINT SUPPORT (Ribbed Dome)
The Fieldhouse of the University of Virginia
at Charlottesville illustrates a particular type
of support for domical shells, consisting of
hinged point supports. This dome, with a di-
ameter of 282 ft (86 m), consists of a series of
radial ribs supporting precast barrel units
that form a scalloped shell. The radial-arched
ribs spring from a horizontal tension ring
that is supported by several cast-in-place col-
umns. The prestressed ring is loaded by the
radial forces coming from the arched ribs
that induce the tension. The connection de-

tailed in Figure 8-11 shows the ribs sup-
ported by the ring and hinged to it. Only the
vertical and horizontal reactions are pro-
vided, with moments excluded by using an
8-9 A momentless edee support. This simply L-shaped support. Two threaded steel rods
supported condition eenerates only a vertical embedded in each rib go through the joint to
reaction component. anchor the rib to the ring. These anchors are

8-10 Hineed connections between the shell of an isostatic (statically

determinate) dome and its tension rine.

Construction Aspects of Shells

"1--- - Precast rib


Tension ring


8- 1 1 Detail showing in turn a precast rib with posttensioned anchors

connected to a prestressed ring that is supported by columns.

posttensioned by tightening a nut at their piers, or arches; by pendentives that embrace

threaded ends which are accessible through a the whole base of the dome and carry the
pocket within the concrete ring. Not having load to columns, piers, or other supporting
an edge member around the perimeter of the elements; or by some sort of transitional
dome eliminates disturbances in the shell structure to connect the circular base of the
generated by differences between free defor- dome with the tops of the four walls to form a
mation in the shell and in the edge member. square plan. To do this requires a squinch, a
This is possible because the dome is sup- sort of small vault shaped like part of a cone,
ported only by point supports, not a continu- with a horizontal axis placed diagonally
ous support, that is, an edge member. across the corners of the square. The result-
ing octagon facilitates the gradual change-
Squinches, which were widely applied in the As shown in Figure 8-12, squinches have
technology of Persian domes, still find ex- historically been connected by several ma-
pression in the morphology of the concrete sonry courses laid horizontally in an octago-
shell. The various types of dome supports can nal configuration that changed gradually so
be grouped into two basic categories: single- that at the top they attain a circular form.
point supports and continuous supports. The Because bricks are such a small unit in ma-
latter can be supports either at ground level sonry, the gradual change in curvature be-
or ones extending vertically to carry the base tween one course and the next can generate
of the dome aloft. Once the dome is aloft, it smooth surfaces. Squinches have been built
can be supported in various different ways: also using stone masonry, and are thus basi-
with a circular drum carried by columns, cally part of a construction morphology

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

sonry because of its mechanical ability to

carry compressive and shear stresses only.
Another ancient technique still in use
today for domical structures supported on
square bases depends on using large
squinches. In this case the squinches reach
practically to the top of the dome and consti-
tute almost the entire dome itself (see Fig.


Hinged Edge Members

8-12 A diaorammatic illustration of an Iranian Because thin-shelled structures are different

masonry technique in dome construction usinO from typical orthogonal concrete frames
transitional squinches to pass oradually from a used for conventional buildings, they often
square base to circular courses in the dome. The include a primary framework of edge mem-
small squinches at the corners are connected by bers in complex geometric configurations
increasinoly curved horizontal courses of masonry that transcend the simplicity of rectilinear or-
so that as the courses reach the top of the thogonal designs. A glance at the complexity
squinches a circular base is finally obtained for of one of Felix Candela's geometric forms
the sprinoino course of the dome. gives an immediate idea how shell structures
are articulated. This articulation often im-
plies incorporating hinges that either connect
edge members to one another or to founda-
tions. These hinges can be in either concrete
or steel (see Figs. 8-14 and 8-15).
Concrete hinges are formed by converg-
ing the steel reinforcement at the end of one
member, near the connection. After con-

8-13 A typical Iranian technique usinO laroe

conical squinches that start from the corners of a
square structure to form a complete vault as they
finally meet at the crown.

based on masonry. This device may have

valid applications in concrete as well.
A modem reinterpretation of traditional
masonry forms could probably be attained
using, for instance, unreinforced concrete.
This material would be the equivalent of ma- 8-14 A typical concrete hinoe.

Construction Aspects of Shells

8-16 A typical reinforced-concrete hinge by

8-1 5 A typical steel hinge for reinforced- Mesnager.
concrete structural members. Connection usable
for rectilinear as well as arched members.

verging at the center of the hinge itself, the

reinforcement extends into the next concrete
member and continues to expand gradually
there. The steel forming the hinge must be
symmetrical in its configuration, as it extends
into the two connecting members on each
side of the hinge.
Although various types of concrete hinge
connections might be devised by a structural
designer, two prototypical designs have as-
sumed the status of standards. Both proto-
types come from France and carry the names
of the engineers who originally devised them:
Mesnager and Considere, respectively. The
different configurations of these two hinges
are illustrated in Figures 8-16 and 8-17. 2
The concrete hinge consists basically of 8-17 A typical reinforced-concrete hinge by
converging the reinforcement that passes Considere.
from one member to the other, without using
additional hardware. Another type of con-
nection to hinge concrete members together crete types and obviously more efficient,
depends on an articulated steel mechanism of though more costly. Typical examples are the
components that behave more like typical exposed hinges at the TWA building at Ken-
hinges. Even visually these hinges reflect nedy Airport in New York and those sup-
what an observer may be expecting to see. porting the dome of the MIT auditorium, as
Steel hinges are more flexible than the con- illustrated in Figures 8-18, 8-19, and 8-20.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

8-18 The steel hin8es suPportin8 the ed8e of the dome over Kres8e
Auditorium at MIT.

Structural Ribs collect and transfer stresses to the supports.

The lamella system includes two sets of curvi-
Reminiscent of Gothic structures as an inte- linear ribs that intersect each other to form a
gral part of the vault from which they pro- sort of rhomboidal pattern. Although this
trude, structural masonry ribs typically col- system is most often used in steel construc-
lect stresses from the vault and carry them to tion, it is also at times employed in concrete
a singular point of support. Similarly, in con- thin shells as well, as in the Palazzetto dello
temporary thin-shell technology, specifically Sport in Rome (Figure 7-24). Precast forms
that of the lamella roof system, exposed ribs in this roof of ribs and shell constitute a mon-

Construction Aspects of Shells

8-19 A sectional drawino detailino the hinoe shown in Fioure 8-18.

tion of the 1,620 ferrocement pans on site

made it possible to reduce the cost drastically.
However, this system did not eliminate the
need for full wooden formwork.
One alternate method might employ reus-
able fiberglass pans instead of permanent fer-
rocement ones. This would be similar to the
conventional reusable forms used for waffle
slabs. The Palazzetto dello Sport was such a
unique structure that its individual forms
would not have found practical possibilities
for reuse, but the idea of revising pan forms
of fiberglass has considerable merit that sug-
8-20 A schematic illustration of the hinoe in gests establishing this method as a standard.
Fioure 8-19. Barrel vaults, for instance, could employ this
construction technique to great advantage, as
could other types of shell geometry, such as
the hyperbolic paraboloid. Capitalizing on
olithic unit bonded by concrete and inter- closely spaced ribs employing reusable pan-
laced by reinforcement. This complex pat- shaped form inserts greatly increases the effi-
tern of ribs would have been quite expensive ciency of a structure, minimizing the volume
if the form work had been constructed by of concrete needed and keeping down labor
conventional systems. Only the mass produc- costs for formwork.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

PRECAST SHELL TECHNOLOGY two adjacent elements, then grouting the

joint. Doing so creates continuity for tensile
Joinin, Precast Components and compressive stresses passing from one el-
ement to the next.
The precast concrete components for shell If only compressive stresses are to be
structures can include either a large number transferred, there is no need to splice the
of small modular units or a few large precast reinforcement. This technique generates an-
parts. In general, precast thin-shell elements other kind of joint, as illustrated in Figures
must be joined together to form one continu- 8-21 and 8-22. This joint detail consists of
ous shell. The joints are usually formed by large segments described in the technical lit-
splicing dowels projecting from the sides of erature~ and seen in the dome of the Plane-

Connection line _ _ _~

... , .. -. ' ,-'

f-----i'c..---------.L-----;~-------....~ Insulation

Precast element Precast element

8-21 A detail of the connectino device between two precast concrete

seoments of a spherical dome. Notice that the two edaes of the adjacent
seoments are in contact at the bottom and leave a specially contoured oap
at the top for oroutino and sealino the joint.

. : ....... : \........ ,
8-22 The edoes of two adjacent precast panels such as those seen in
Fioure 8-21.

Construction Aspects of Shells

tarium at the New Jersey Cultural Center in ft (7.1 m). They include thirty-two spherical
Trenton. This precast dome, which is 82 ft sectors extending from a precast disc at the
(25 m) in diameter at its base, was con- crown to a cast-in-place prestressed ring at
structed of thirty-two segments shaped like the base. The panels are only 1.2 in (30 mm)
spherical isosceles triangles. Two equal sides thick, with meridian members 11.8 in (300
each 63 ft (19.2 m) long followed the merid- mm) deep and hoop members 5.9 in (150
ian lines, with the 8 ft (2.44 m)-long base as mm) deep, spaced 6.4 ft (2 m) center to
part of the base hoop. The top vertex of the center, and monolithically cast. Once assem-
triangle of course coincides with the crown of bled, the thirty-two sectors were connected
the dome. The elements were 3 inches (75 along their meridians by grouting.
mm) thick, reinforced at their edges by ribs An example of the third type of assembly
so that the joint between two adjacent trian- is furnished by the 1961 dome over a sports
gular segments involved two adjacent ribs center in Tbilisi, which has a base diameter of
each 63 ft long. The profile ofthe joint shows 241 ft (75.2 m) and consists of 496 precast
that at the bottom of the joint the two adja- flat elements 1.18 in (30 mm) thick assem-
cent parts contact each other, but in the bled to form ten concentric circles into a two-
upper part of the joint there is a gap to allow layer dome. As is typical for this type of con-
insertion of pressurized nonshrinking grout. struction, the elements are trapezoidal and
When completed, the joint was covered by a vary in size as the concentric loops progress
neoprene cord which in turn was covered by from base toward crown. On the first ring
polysulfide caulking. The top of the joint and the panels had a length along the meridians
the exposed surfaces of the jointed ribs were of 16 ft (5.8 m), with the length along the
then covered with a synthetic rubber coating. lower hoop 15 ft (4.7 m) and that along the
A cast-in-place tension ring at the base and a higher hoop 7.7 ft (2.4 m).
compression ring at the top hold the thirty- A recent paper by G. K. Khaidukov4 de-
two spherical triangular segments together. scribing the technical characteristics of typi-
cal precast concrete domical shells built in the
U.S.S.R. furnishes significant data on the ef-
Examples of Precast-Shell ficiency of Soviet technology in shell con-
Technology struction as measured by the amount of steel
reinforcement used per unit area of shell
Precast concrete methodology for thin-shell surface:
domes has been particularly popular in con-
struction methods adopted in the Soviet Karaganda works (1965): 107 ft (32.5 m)
Union. The precasting process can be subdi- diameter; 3.34 Ib/ft2 (16.3 kg/m2) of
vided into three basic methods of assembly, steel reinforcement.
the first being defined as having the individ- Sports center, Tbilisi (1961): 241 ft (75.2
ual components assembled along meridian m) diameter; 3.28 Ib/ft2 (16 kg/m2)
lines extending from the base ring toward the steel reinforcement.
crown. A second type includes assembling Druzhba sports center, Moscow, for 1980
components defined by meridians and hoops Olympics: 308 ft (96 m) in diameter;
along their perimeter. The third type in- 7.78 Ib/ft 2 (38 kg/m 2) of steel
cludes assembling elements along concentric reinforcement.
circular hoops to constitute two-layered Domes for Borispol air terminal, Kiev,
domes. 513 ft (160 m) in diameter; Chelya-
The domes over the 1965 Karaganda inte- binsk, 327 ft (102 m) in diameter;
grated iron-and-steel works are examples of Minsk, 330 ft (103 m) in diameter: all
the first type of precast concrete domes. 5.53 Ib/ft2 (27 kg/m2) of steel
Their diameter is 107 ft (32.5 m), the rise 23 reinforcement.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

DOUBLE-SHELL in reality of several surfaces combined. The

CONSTRUCTION individual components may then be different
from each other or equivalent. Still, with re-
As discussed in earlier chapters, multishell spect to one system of coordinates they are
construction has been used in various dome components with a geometric discontinuity
typologies historically. St. Mark's twelfth- along their connecting edges.
century Byzantine architecture, with one Structurally speaking, the edges along
outer shell and an inner one, contains a large which individual surfaces are joined to con-
space between the two with an interposed stitute an overall thin-shell structure are in
framework. Many Islamic domes are built in reality longitudinal members, distinguishable
the same manner. As described before, the as ridge members or valley members accord-
dome of St. Paul's in London, includes three ing to the angle between their joining sur-
shells. However, all these are assemblies that faces. These members collect the shear
do not constitute a single integral structure. stresses from the thin-shell surfaces and carry
The first example of a double-shell masonry them to the foundation.
dome acting as a structural unity was Santa In addition to these members connecting
Maria del Fiore in Florence, conceived by several surfaces together are others along the
Brunelleschi. The same concept was followed free edges of each thin shell, which are usu-
by Michelangelo in his design for St. Peter's ally called edge members. All these ridge
in Rome. members, valley members, and edge mem-
Double-dome construction not motivated bers can be grouped together under the gen-
by structural strength has deep-rooted tradi- eral term boundary members.
tions, as in Ottoman architecture, where the Although the designer can choose what-
exterior dome makes an emphatic statement ever configuration of members works best to
to impress the viewer by the imposing sight of satisfy structural optimization, construction
a precious crown dominating a building. The ease, or subjective aesthetic considerations, it
materials used for these coverings, such as will be useful to consider a few basic practical
copper or glittering ceramic tiles, emerge on types that seem to have been the most com-
the cityscapes with an astonishing dominance. monly used. These types, classified in terms
These chromatic, daring domes often can be of cost factors, offer a meaningful basis for
seen from great distances, for miles in the comparison to guide the designer.
flat desert territories around many Islamic Four basic types of ridge members can be
centers. The interior domes of these lofty considered, as follows:
celestial forms have their own role of com-
pleting the interiors. The materials of which • Deep rectangular cross-sectional members
they were built were not affected by weather, connecting two shell surfaces at an angle
and the interior dome's structure needed with each other, framing into the member
only to carry its own weight, leaving the at approximately one-half its depth, mak-
upper dome to resist the live load and wind ing the member visible inside and outside.
force. Assumed cost factor: 1.00.
• Deep rectangular members connecting
two shell surfaces forming an angle with
EDGE OR BOUNDARY MEMBERS each other, framing into the member at its
top, and making the member visible only
In thin shells the shell itself is a continuous from the inside.
surface whenever the surface has a geometric Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.80.
continuity that is defined by only one specific • Shallow rectangular members connecting
equation. Often, however, a concrete shell two shell surfaces at an angle with each
will have construction continuity but consist other, framing into the member at the

Construction Aspects of Shells

bottom, and making the member visible their efficiency and substantially reduces the
only on the outside. amount of reinforcement needed in compari-
Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.70. son to conventionally reinforced concrete.
• Shallow member following the contour of This technology used for beams, girders, and
the shell, built by thickening the shell on slabs is also valid for edge members and
top to make the member visible only from shells.
the outside. The practice of prestressing concrete
Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.60. began in the United States, with circular in-
stead of linear prestressing. In 1935 the Pre-
There are also four basic types of edge load Company introduced a new method for
members, as follows: winding wire reinforcement through a spe-
cial apparatus to stress the wires. This process
• Deep rectangular members along the edge made possible the prestressing of circular
of the shell in which the shell frames at the storage tanks such that they gained substan-
mid-depth of the member. tially in efficiency and thus in popularity.
Assumed cost factor: 1.00. Over a thousand of these structures were
• Deep rectangular members along the edge built up to the mid-1960s.
of the shell in which the shell frames at the The pioneering stage shows prestressed
top of the member. concrete technology being applied to arched-
Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.80. floor systems, as patented by P. H. Jackson in
• Shallow rectangular members along the 1886 in San Francisco. Two years later, C. E.
edge of the shell in which the shell frames W. D. Doehring in Germany patented an-
at the bottom of the member. other method for prestressing concrete. Both
Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.70 methods failed from a practical point of view
• Shallow rectangular members along the because the pretensioning in the steel was lost
edge of the shell following the inclination as the concrete contracted through creep and
of the shell so that the member appears to natural shrinkage. Then in 1925 R. E. Dill in
be an edge with increased thickness. Nebraska applied a posttensioning method of
Assumed cost factor: approximately 0.60. coating steel reinforcements to prevent their
bonding with concrete, then tensioning the
The rectangular cross-section for the edge reinforcement and anchoring it with nuts to
members mentioned is just a schematic indi- the concrete once it had set. In 1928 E.
cation of a generic cross-section that can actu- Freyssinet in France finally devised the first
ally take any configuration desired, from a practical method of prestressing concrete, by
triangular to any other polygonal shape, solid using high-strength steel wires with a yield
or hollow. It should also be mentioned that point in excess of 180,000 psi (1,240 MPa) to
regardless of the shape of the cross-section attain a prestressing value of 150,000 psi
the boundary member can have throughout (1,035 MPa) and a strain of approximately
its length whatever cross-section is required 0.005. This left enough strain and tension in
by the variation of the load. Tapered edge the reinforcement even after creep and
members are in fact commonly used in many shrinkage had occurred. Subsequently, in
thin-shell designs as accepted practice. 1939, Freyssinet developed conical wedges
for anchoring and special jacks for tension-
ing. In 1940 a Belgian named G. Magnel
PRESTRESSING developed another anchoring method.
The most significant contribution to pre-
stressing was the industrial application of
As described before, the technique of pre- prestressed beams by a German named E.
stressing concrete structures greatly increases Hoyer. In his system wire reinforcement sev-

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

eral hundred feet long was tensioned be- tween steel and concrete along the length of
tween two solid anchorages attached to the the beam required no end anchorage.
ground. Several beams separated by spacers
were cast along the length of the reinforce-
ment. When the concrete hardened, the Prestressing in Isostatic Domes
wires were cut, separating the beams from
each other (see Figs. 8-23 and 8-24). In Prestressing the edge rings of domes is a con-
Hoyer's method the continuous bond be- venient procedure that offers several advan-
tages. When the wires in the ring are pres-
tressed, then released after the concrete has
hardened, the ring is set in compression. As a
result, the dome lifts, detaching itself from
the form work. This makes the removal of the
forms much simpler and also eliminates
It is especially important to determine the
prestressing force recommended in the ring.
The simplest approach is to apply enough
compression to balance the tension that will
be induced in the ring by full dead and live
loads on the dome. Doing so will let the dome
rise from the form after prestressing, because
only the dead load would be applied when
the forms are removed. Later, when full live
loads are applied, there will be no deforma-
8-23 End anchorage devices for prestressed tions and the ring at the base will be in a state
concrete. of repose.

8-24 The industrial application of prestressing as designed by E. Hoyer. Prestressing of several beams
at the same time by tensioning a wire reinforcement several hundred feet long, then cutting it after the
concrete has hardened, thus securing the bond.

Construction Aspects of Shells

THE PRESTRESSING FORCE bending stresses in the shell. The connection

The prestressing force (P.) to be applied at between ring and shell must be articulated to
the tension ring should have a magnitude as allow for rotation. If this is not possible the
given by shell becomes hyperstatic, according to the
analysis in the previous chapter, and the pre-
P.=HR (8-1) stressing force will be different, as will be
discussed in the next section.
where R is the radius of the dome at the base
where the tension ring is. Its expression is EXAMPLE: Given a spherical dome with a
rise of 30 ft (9.2 m) and a radius R at the base
R = r sin A (8-2) of the dome of 80 ft (26.6 m) with a thickness
of 4 in (100 mm) and a live load assumed to
where r is the radius of the sphere out of be 20 psf (950 N/m2) of horizontal dome
which the dome has been cut and A is the projection, calculate the recommended pre-
angle at the center of the sphere between the stressing force in the tension ring.
central vertical axis of the dome and a radius Solution: The radius of the sphere con-
passing through the base of the dome. H is taining the dome is
the hoop force per foot of length at the base
r2 = 80 2 + (r - 30)2
of the dome. Its expression is the following:
H=-- r = 121.66 ft (37 m)
tan A (8-3)
Since the thickness of the dome has been
where V is the vertical reaction per foot of
considered to be 4 in, the dead load per
length at the base of the dome. But
square foot of shell is then

w 150
21lr sin A (8-4) w = 12 X 4 = 50 psf (2,400 N/m2)

W in this expression is the total weight of the

Combining the dead and live loads together,
dome above its base. Substituting the value of
V in the expression of H we obtain
the total load per square foot of shell be-
comes approximately
H= WcosA
WT = 50 + 20 = 70 psf (3,350 N/m2)
21lr sin2A (8-5)
The total surface area of the dome, a, is
Substituting equations (8-2) and (8-5) into
(8-1), we obtain the recommended value for a = 21lr2 (1 - cos A)
the prestressing force at the tension ring as
follows: where

P = W . 80
SIn A= = 0.6575702
• 21l tan A (8-6) 121.66

Because this dome is isostatic, the edge of Thus,

the shell and the tension ring at the base must
not be rigidly connected, to avoid having A = 41.114825 deg.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

And by substituting applied at the base of the dome. Notice first

that the horizontal component of the meridi-
a = 2n (121.66)2 (1 - cos 41.114825) onal force N at the base would make the edge
a = 22,922 sf (2,130 m 2) of the shell move horizontally inward, away
from the edge ring, in an amount d. as given
the total dead plus live load for the whole by
dome becomes
d = -(H - .uN)
W = 22,922 X 70 = 1,604,568Ib (7,137 kN) • 2Et (8-8)

The recommended prestressing force in the where

tension ring at the base of the dome can then
A: Angle at the center of the sphere con-
be calculated as
taining the dome between a vertical
radius and the radius passing through
P=------- the base of the dome
s 2n tan (41.114825) E: Modulus of elasticity of the material
292,588.9 lb (1,302 kN) (8-7) of which the dome consists
H: Horizontal hoop force in the mem-
Again, remember that the tension ring in brane per ft of shell
this isostatic case must be hinged to the shell N: Meridian force in the membrane per
edge. Otherwise the dome becomes hyper- ft of shell
static and the expression just given is no R: Radius of the dome at its base: as
longer valid. given in (8-2), R = r sin A
r: Radius of the sphere containing the
Prestressing in Hyperstatic Domes t: Thickness of the shell
.u: Poisson's ratio
Statically indeterminate (hyperstatic) domes
require different prestressing forces than Notice that the edge ring is also stressed in
those required by statically determinate (iso- such a manner to move outward, i.e., away
static) domes. Domes can be hyperstatic for a from the shell edge, by an amount given as
variety of reasons arising from the support
conditions. Having a rigid base ring around N cos A (2R)2
its edge makes a dome hyperstatic even if the dR = 4 Ebd (8-9)
ring itself is simply supported. This is caused,
it should be remembered, by the different where A, E, N, and R have been previously
elastic behavior that occurs between the edge defined
of the shell and the much more rigid con-
b: Width of the edge ring at the base of
crete ring. The condition that changes the
the shell
membrane stress theory in the area of the
d: Depth of the edge ring at the base of
shell near its edge introduces some bending the shell
moments into this area of the shell.
To make the case simpler, it is assumed Thus, the total gap between the edge of the
that the geometry of the base ring, which is shell and its base ring would theoretically be
rigidly connected to the shell, is such that the the sum of the two individual displacements
meridional force N passes exactly through in the horizontal plane: (d R + d s). Thus, it is
the centroid of the beam. evident that the prestressing force p. in the
Let us now determine the recommended base ring should be enough to close the
value of the prestressing force p. that is to be (dR + d s ) gap.

Construction Aspects of Shells

The relationship between the prestressing by means of a special jack. The solid cone is
force and the gap is given by the following then placed inside the hollow one and the
expressIOn: wires gripped in the grooves between the two
cones. As the wires tend to regain their origi-
nal length they pull the two cones together,
(8-10) thus increasing the gripping force.

The Magnel System. This now-obsolete sys-

Then, substituting the values for .1R in equa-
tem consists of conical wedging anchorages
tion (8-9) and .1s in equation (8-8) in the ex-
to pull and stretch two wires at the same time,
pression above and solving for Ps we obtain
thereby pushing against a pressure plate at
each end of the concrete member.
Ps = -(H - .uN) + N (cos A) R
t (8-11) The Roebling System. Also now obsolete, this
technique for stretching a single cable in-
Observe that in the case of hyperstatic sup- cludes two pressure plates, one at each end of
port conditions the prestressing force is ap- a concrete member, having a threaded hole
proximately 5 to 19 percent higher than in through which a turning screw pulls the
the equivalent isostatic case. cable.

The Macalloy and Dywidag Systems. These

POSTTENSIONING methods are used to tension a steel rod rather
than wires or cables. The rod has threaded
ends and is pulled by turning two nuts that
In the posttensioning process, tendons are apply pressure on the concrete through pres-
inserted in the concrete member after it sure plates.
hardens and are then stretched between two Among the numerous anchorage systems
anchorages at the ends of the member. for posttensioning that are commercially
There are quite a number of types of anchor- available in various countries are the follow-
age currently available, but they all have de- ing worth mentioning:
veloped from a few basic types.
The Coyne System. This type consists of one The Anderson system
end anchorage obtained by embedding wires The Prescon system
directly into the concrete. Its success depends The Stressteel Bas system
on the bond between the steel and the con- The Stressteel Multistrand system
crete. The anchorage at the other end is a England:
steel anchor block that is pulled away from The CCL system
the concrete end during posttensioning and The McCall's Macalloy system
kept in place by inserting spacers between the The PSC (Freyssinet) system
block and the concrete end. This system is The Stress-Block system
usually used to secure dams and retaining The Stronghold system
walls to bedrock to prevent a structure from Germany:
sliding. The Dywidag system
The KA system
The Freyssinet System. This anchorage con- The Leoba system
sists of a hollow cone and a solid cone with The PZ system
grooves. The hollow cone is placed in a cavity Switzerland:
at the end of the concrete member, after The BBRV system
which wires are slid through it and stretched The VSL system

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

8- 2 5 A posttensioned shell structure at the University of Illinois. One of the laraest concrete domes of
the time (1961). It is 400 ft. in diameter and is constructed in liahtweiaht concrete with a total
weiaht of 10,700 kips.

An example of a modern posttensioned enter into the final details of specific building
shell structure, at the University of Illinois, systems that constitute the avant-garde in the
Urbana (1961), is shown in Figure 8-25. The design profession. Concrete thin-shell struc-
architects were Harrison and Abramovitz; tures fall without a doubt into this category.
structural engineers, Ammann and Whitney. It is essential for structural designers of thin
The ring at the base of this 400 ft diameter shells to locate practical sources of informa-
dome was stressed with a reinforcement hav- tion to complement theory and to receive
ing a cross section of 85 sq in of steel consist- practical guidance. In terms of scientific in-
ing of 2,503 wires with a diameter of 0.236 in formation and education, U.S. cultural and
each. The prestressing in the wires consisted professional organizations are clearly the best
of 150,000 psi, which induced 1000 psi com- sources. Their collections of information,
pressive stress in the concrete base ring. usually derived from scholarly papers pre-
sented at international symposia, are usually
processed and redistributed in a technically
applicable format. From highly scientific for-
mats to applicable routines that are easy to
PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE apply, the professional literature published
FOR THIN-SHELL by these organizations can be of extraordi-
DESIGN WORK nary help to any designer feeling isolated in
professional terms.
Because the design of thin shells does not
Usually outside the cultural sphere of influ- fall within conventional educational topics in
ence of the United States it is hard to find most architectural and engineering schools, it
professional guidance in designing specific is fundamental to point out in this context
structures requiring experience and judg- the practical availability of technical litera-
ment that cannot reasonably be acquired in ture from U.S. professional societies. This is
conventional educational institutions. Build- of special significance for professionals out-
ing codes are usually the only source of guid- side the United States and particularly for
ance around the world, but they seldom those in developing countries, for apart from

Construction Aspects of Shells

the glamor inherent in the geometry of thin ing commentaries are fundamental guide-
shells, these structures should be of great in- lines essential to designers worldwide. The
terest to economically depressed countries. 126 ACI committees contribute to its pro-
The low cost of concrete and minimal duction of a number of technical reports in
amount of material that thin shells require, addition to the codes, which are routinely
along with the labor this work will require, improved and updated. Chapter 19 of the
make thin-shell construction important for "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
countries poor in materials but rich in un- forced Concrete " (ACI 318-89) is included
skilled labor. in the Appendix, with a reprint of Chapter
Although it was founded in the United 19, dealing with thin shells and folded plates.
States in 1903 and operates primarily there, Also included in the Appendix is a reprint of
the American Concrete Institute (ACI) has the ACI commentary on the building codes
worldwide validity for anybody interested in dealing with Chapter 19.
the various aspects of shell engineering. The The Portland Cement Association,
ACI constitutes a fundamental source for founded in 1916, is another major organiza-
guidelines covering the scientific aspects of tion in the United States and Canada whose
structural analysis and design, as well as tech- main objectives include the promotion of
nological aspects of construction and the concrete structures. Supported by its mem-
maintenance of structures. Because of the bership of cement manufacturers, this orga-
general validity of the scientific role that nization produces numerous technical ser-
the ACI has assumed, the potential restric- vices in the research and development of
tions offered by local building codes do not concrete structures. Presently its seven dis-
invalidate the practical importance of ACI trict offices in the United States and five in
guidelines in other countries. Once the basic Canada reach architects, engineers, and con-
concepts expressed in ACI publications are tractors with information and product dem-
understood, it is not hard to accommodate onstrations. Although the Portland Cement
the possible restrictions that local building Association's technical papers cannot strictly
codes can legally impose. speaking be called codes of standard practice
The ACI is a professional society of some in the way the ACI codes are, they are ex-
nineteen thousand members that includes tremely valuable practical guidelines for the
practitioners in engineering and architecture design of concrete structures, including, of
as well as educators and builders in these course, thin shells.
fields. This wide spectrum of interested indi- The International Association of Shell
viduals includes those whose roles could be Structures, as indicated by its name, was an
either of producing knowledge and informa- organization dedicated to the study of shell
tion on concrete or benefiting from the dis- structures that in their avant-garde status
semination of information and guidelines would have benefited from the sharing of
that the Institute can provide. The Institute data among scholars around the world. This
is a technical organization dedicated to im- organization, founded in Spain, was origi-
proving the design and construction of con- nally promoted by Eduardo Torroja, whose
crete structures within the great multiplicity reputation in reinforced concrete structures,
of existing structural typologies, which runs and particularly in thin shells, had spread
from conventional structures to the unique beyond his own country. A new organization
and innovative, including thin shells. eventually grew out of the original in 1959
The invaluable contributions of the ACI by extending the field of interest from shell
to those working in concrete structures are structures per se to spatial structures. In so
basically represented in the publications pro- doing the new organization changed its name
duced by the Institute, among which the to the present International Association for
Codes of Standard Practice and accompany- Shells and Spatial Structures (lASS).

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

The authority and prestige of this organi- tribute to the professional papers presented
zation have been apparent from its inception at its meetings. The extremely wide scope of
because of the scholars who joined it and the the association includes the history of archi-
worldwide international pool from which it tecture, design concepts, structural design
gathers experts together. The widespread in- theories, and construction aspects, resulting
ternational character of the lASS, which in an efficient approach to the development
covers the world with its symposia, is ex- of shells within the professional circles involv-
pressed by the international sources that con- ing these disciplines.


1. From Schweizerische Bauzeitung (April 1950).

2. For further information see Michele Melaragno, Simplified Truss Design (Malabar, Florida, R. Krieger, 1986).
3. See, e.g., Paul E. Mast, "Construction of Precast Thin Shells and Folded Plates," Concrete Thin Shells, ACI
publication SP-28 (1971), and "Precast Dome: Circle Amid Squares," Engineering News Record 174:10 (Mar.
11, 1965).
4. See G. K. Khaidukov, "Development of Reinforced Concrete Dome Shells in the U.S.S.R.," Proceedings,
lASS Symposium, "Domes from Antiquity to the Present," Istanbul, May 30-June 3, 1988.


Computer Analysis of Shells and Domes

THE FINITE METHOD sion of the original STRUDL programs de-

veloped at MIT from 1965 to 1972. The
following example provides the guidelines
For the design of thin-shell and dome struc- necessary for the practical application of this
tures, finite analysis is the method usually program to any structural shell of various
employed. For this reason the computer pro- configurations. Following the example step
gram used here to solve thin-shell and dome by step will make it clear how to prepare the
problems is GT STRUDL, which stands for necessary input.
Georgia Tech Structural Design Language.
GT STRUDL, which has a large capability to EXAMPLE: Consider a circular dome that is
solve complex problems through the finite part of a sphere whose radius Rw = 125 ft
analysis method, is a computer program de- (38.10 m). The dome, shown in Figure 9-1,
veloped between 1975 and 1977 as an exten- has a radius Rb = 100 ft (30.48 m) at its base

h=50 ft (15.24 m)

9-1 A schematic representation of a simply supported shell showino an isostatic condition.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

and a height h = 50 ft (15.24 m) at its crown. 83.938 ft, 92.154 ft, 99.578 ft, 106.147 ft,
The origin of the xyz coordinate system coin- 111.893 ft, 116.499 ft, 120.194 ft, 122.856
cides with the center of the sphere. The hori- ft, 124.463 ft and finally at the point of the
zontal axes are x and y, with the vertical axis crown, at 125.000 ft (38.10 m). Each hoop
being z, directed upward. All the supports at contains 36 nodes so that the total number of
the base have an elevation of 75 ft (22.85 m) nodes, including those at the crown, is 361
above the point of origin, with the crown (see Fig. 9-2).
having an elevation of 125 ft (38.10 m). For The surface is divided into 360 elements
this analysis the dome will be subdivided into (Fig. 9-3) arranged so that there are 36 ele-
360 finite elements. The dome is subdivided ments between two consecutive hoops. The
by 10 horizontal hoops that are each at a incidence of each element is given by the
given elevation above the point of origin: at nodes at each corner of the element, taken in
75.000 ft (22.85 m) for the base, then at a clockwise direction. For example, element

ROTATION' Z ••• v •.• ~ a.,


9-2 Computer-nenerated drawinn showinn a simple supported dome all around its edne at the base.


ROTATlOIU Z •. a v ••• x •••

9-3 A computer drawinn of an underformed structure showinn its elements shrunk.

Computer Analjrsis of Shells and Domes

1 has an incidence of 1, 2, 38, and 37 (see in Figures 9-7 to 9-9, are all shaped as similar
Fig. 9-4). Element 360, whose shape is trian- quadrilaterals and identified as type SBQH6.
gular, has an incidence of 360,325, and 361 From 325 through 360, all around the
(see Figs. 9-5 and 9-6). The elements are not crown, as shown in Figure 9-10, the elements
all equal and are of two different types. The are all similar triangles, identified as SBHT6.
elements from 1 to 324 inclusively, as shown The thickness of the dome is constant over


ROTATIONI Z e.. v e.. x 27e.e

9-4 A dome with its joints labeled from 1 throunh 252.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

its entire surface at 5 in (127 mm). The dead psf (1.44 kPa). Note that there is a significant
load on the shell, including the concrete shell difference between the dead and live loads.
itself, the roofing, the ceiling, and other ele- In accordance with the general assump-
ments is 150 psf (7.19 kPa), which is oriented tions of this example problem, this dome is
in the z direction and applied on each ele- assumed to be simply supported around the
ment. The live load is applied on each ele- edge at its base. All the supports on the
ment in the z direction in the amount of 30 ground can therefore provide only vertical


ROTATION: Z 0.0 V 0.0 X 270.0

253 254

9-5 A dome with its joints labeled from 253 throuoh 324.

Computer Ana{ysis of Shells and Domes

reactions, that is, in the z direction. Since the x and y directions, but none vertically. This
joints are considered fully restrained, they joint is thus released accordingly, as indicated
must be released from the horizontal reac- in the computer printout.
tion components in the x and y directions and The so-called incidence of each element is
from any restraining moment. the identification of the element in terms of
The apex of the dome, joint 361, is as- the nodes Goints) constituting the vertices of
sumed to generate horizontal reactions in the the element. Thus, in writing the incidence



ROTATION: Z 0.0 Y 0.0 X 270.0

360 325 326

9-6 A dome with its joints labeled from 325 throunh 360.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

for each element, the node Uoint) number of Output: It is impossible to reproduce here
each vertex is written. the entire output for this example, but fortu-
As mentioned, elements 1 through 324 nately the symmetry of the geometry and of
are tra~zoidal, thus they have four vertices. the loading of the dome make it unnecessary
Elements 325 though 360 are triangular, so to cover all the elements and nodes. For this
that they have only three vertices. reason, provided below are only selected e1e-


x 27•• '

9-7 A dome with its finite elements labeled from 1 throuoh 216.

Computer Analjrsis of Shells and Domes

ments within two adjacent meridians that go the second. The elements within these merid-
from base to crown. These two meridians can ians, starting from the base and proceeding
be identified by the nodes that they connect: toward the crown are: 1, 37, 73, 109, 145,
1,37,73,109,145,181,217,253,289,325, 181, 217, 253, 289, and 325. Therefore, the
and 361 for the first one and 2, 38, 74, 110, results listed hereafter will be limited mostly
146, 182, 218, 254, 290, 326, and 361 for to those for the preceding elements. All the


ROTATION: Z e., v 8.8 x 278.0

9-8 A dome with its finite elements labeled from 217 through 288.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

numerical values in the output are expressed direction of the meridians.

in pounds or feet, as applicable, since these In this output SXX is the hoop force, in
were the active units specified. The reference tension or compression, acting on a cross-sec-
system used for the output, which is referred tion 1 ft (305 mm) in length and 5 in (127
to as the planar system, includes in this case mm) in thickness (see Fig. 9-11).
an x-x axis on the plane element along the SYY is the meridional force (compression)
direction of the hoops and a y-y axis in the acting on a cross-section that is 1 ft in length


ROTATION: Z e.e V e.e X 270.0

9-9 A dome with its finite elements labeled from 289 throuah 324.

Computer Analysis of Shells and Domes

and 5 in in thickness. the shell acting on the specified cross-

SXY is the shear force within the plane of sections.
the shell applied on the same cross-sections to MXX is the bending moment acting
which the hoop force and the meridian force perpendicular to the x-x axis, that is, in
are applied. the direction of the meridian, acting on the
In Figure 9-12, VXX and VYY are the same-sized cross-section lying along the
shear forces perpendicular to the surface of hoops.

ROTATION: Z e.e V e., x 270.0

9-10 A dome with its finite elements labeled from 325 throuah 360.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies




.. SYX

9-11 A oraphic illustration of axial and shear stresses.


.... o VYV





----I.~.~ MYV

9-1 2 A oraphic illustration of bendino stresses.

GENERATE 36 JOINTS SPHERICAL Z ID 1,1 R 125. PZ 53.13 TZ O. ,10.
MODIFY 9 ID 36 PY -5.313
GENERATE 35 ELEMENTS ID 1, 1 FROM 1, 1 TO 2, 1 TO 38,1 TO 37,1
MODIFY 8 ID 36 FROM 36 TO 36 TO 36 TO 36
GENERATE 9 ELEMENTS ID 36,36 FROM 36,36 TO 1,36 TO 37,36 TO 72,36
GENERATE 35 ELEMENTS ID 325,1 FROM 325,1 TO 326,1 TO 361,0
ELEMENTS 360 INCIDENT 360 325 361

9-13a Running the program: a printout (input). The symbol "$" indicates the insertion of a
comment; this insertion will not affect the program and will not be read by the computer.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

MYY is the bending moment acting per- The values for the individual forces S, V,
pendicular to the y-y axis, that is, in the di- and M are given at each node according to
rection of the hoops, acting on a cross-section the elements of which the node is a part.
that is 1 ft long and 5 in thick lying along the Since these values differ from element to ele-
meridians. ment, the practical value to use would be an

9-3b Runnina the proaram: a printout (input) (continued).

Computer Ana&,sis of Shells and Domes




GLOBAL O. 0000000 a 0000000 0000000

GLOBAL o 0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
GLOBAL o 0000000 a 0000000 O. 0000000
4 GLOBAL 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
5 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 O. 0000000
6 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
7 GLOBAL O. 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
8 GLOBAL o 0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
9 GLOBAL a 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
10 GLOBAL a 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
II GLOBAL O. 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
12 GLOBAL 0.0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
13 GLOBAL a 0000000 0.0000000 o 0000000
14 GLOBAL 0000000 a 0000000 0.0000000
15 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 0000000
16 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 . 0000000
17 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 0000000
18 GLOBAL O. 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
19 GLOBAL a 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
20 GLOBAL O. 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
21 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 a 0000000
22 GLOBAL 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
23 GLOBAL 0.0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
24 GLOBAL a 0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
25 GLOBAL a 0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
26 GLOBAL o. 0000000 O. 0000000 O. 0000000
27 GLOBAL 0.0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
28 GLOBAL a 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
29 GLOBAL 0.0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
30 GLOBAL a 0000000 O. 0000000 a 0000000
31 GLOBAL a 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
32 GLOBAL a 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
33 GLOBAL o 0000000 O. 0000000 o 0000000
34 GLOBAL 0000000 a 0000000 a 0000000
35 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 0000000
36 GLOBAL 0000000 0000000 0000000


NODE 1 SXX ·0 285921E+04 SYY -0 167305E+05 SXY -0. 162354E+03
MXX O. 189720E+03 MYY -0. 154592E+03 MXY O. 131623E+03 VXX 0.106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 2 SXX ·0 285921E+04 SYY -0 167305E+05 SXY O. 162361E+03
MXX O. 189717E+03 MYY -0. 154588E+03 MXY -0. 131624E+03 VXX -0.106418E+03 VYY 156598E+03
NODE 38 SXX -0 276891E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY 0 174147E+03
MXX 0 309075E+03 MYY 0 .652732E+03 MXY a 150687E+03 VXX -0 9B5700E+02 VYY -0.301232E+03
NODE 37 SXX -0 276881E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY -0.174141E+03
MXX 0 309080E+03 MYY 0 .652735E+03 MXY -0 150687E+03 vxx 985708E+02 VYY ·0 301232E+03

NODE 2 SXX -0. 2B5921E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY -0 162360E+03

MXX O. 189718E+03 MYY -0. 154592E+03 MXY 0.131624E+03 VXX 0.106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 3 SXX -0 285921E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY O. 162363E+03
MXX 0.189719E+03 MYY -0 . 154594E+03 MXY -0. 131625E+03 VXX -0. 106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 39 SXX -0 276879E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY 0.174151E+03
MXX 0 309077E+03 MYY 0 . 652737E+03 MXY O. 150686E+03 VXX -0. 9B5708E+02 VYY -0 301232E+03
NODE 38 SXX -0 276879E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY -0.174146E+03
MXX 0 309076E+03 MYY 0 . 652732E+03 MXY ·0 150684E+03 VXX 985700E+02 VYY ·0. 301232E+03

NOOE 3 SXX -0. 285921E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY -0. 162368E+03
MXX O. 189717E+03 MYY -0. 154589E+03 MXY 0 131623E+03 VXX O. 106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 4 SXX -0. 285920E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY O. 162359E+03
MXX O. 189717E+03 MYY -0. 154591E+03 MXY -0 . 131623E+03 VXX -0. 106418E+03 VYY 156597E+03
NODE 40 SXX -0. 276878E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY 0.174145E+03
MXX a . 309076E+03 MYY 0 652734E+03 MXY O. 150687E+03 VXX -0 985704E+02 Vyy -0 301232E+03
NODE 39 SXX -0. 276878E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY -0 174157E+03
MXX 0 .309077E+03 MYY 0 . 652732E+03 MXY -0 150687E+03 vxx 985704E+02 VYY ·0 301232E+03

NODE 4 SXX -0 285921E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY -0. 162361E+03

MXX O. 189719E+03 MYY -0 154594E+03 MXY O. 131624E+03 VXX O. 106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 5 SXX -0 285921E+04 SYY -0. 167305E+05 SXY O. 162370E+03
MXX O. 189718E+03 MYY -0. 154591E+03 MXY -0. 131625E+03 VXX -0. 106418E+03 VYY O. 156597E+03
NODE 41 SXX -0 276877E+04 SYY -0. 152245E+05 SXY O. 174158E+03
MXX 0 309077E+03 MYY 0 652735E+03 MXY 0 . 150686E+03 VXX -0 985705E+02 VYY ·0.30 1232E+03
NODE 40 SXX ·0 276877E+04 SYY -0 . 152245E+05 SXY ·0 174147E+03
MXX a 309077E+03 MYY 0 652737E-;-03 MXY ·0 . 150686E+03 VXX 985705E+02 Vyy -0. 301232E+03

9-14 a (above) and b (below). Other examples of typical printouts.

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

H~ "10 CONTOUR STEP see.eeee L8,FEET

LO OL+LL MIN -5820.88 MX -U88.56


V , . , Z e.e

9-15 Contour of the NXZ resultant.

average. Examples of typical printouts are Displacements at the Base

shown in Figures 9-13 and 9-14. Contours Under the effect of loads, the nodes or joints
for particular resultants are shown in Figures on a dome are displaced from their original
9-15 and 9-16. positions because of elastic deformation in
the structure. These displacements are ex-

Computer Anao/sis of Shells and Domes


lD Dlf LL MIN -6971. 86 !'lAX -537-4.60


ROTATION: Z e., v •• e X e.e

9-16 Contour of the MXX resultant.

pressed in terms of the movement of their placement of each node occurs along radial
components in the x, y, and z directions. directions. Because of the orientation of the
The first nodes to be analyzed are the sup- two horizontal axes x and y, the radial dis-
ports on the ground, numbered from 1 placement of nodes 1 and 19 have ranged
through 36. The first hoop on the ground from +0.423 in to -0.423 in, the positive
constitutes the edge of the base of the dome, and negative signs being in respect to the
which must be in tension, regardless of the orientations of the axes. These displacements
stress conditions in the hoops above. The dis- are centrifugal. Since the y axis is positive in

Concrete Shells: Fundamentals and Case Studies

the direction of node 1, the centrifugal dis- ment of node 1 in the y direction is inward.
placement of this node must be positive, with Some of the negative displacements for the
that of node 19 required to be negative. nodes aligned with node 1 are inward, some
Similarly, we can see that the positive dis- outward. From the computer output can be
placement of node lOis in the direction of seen the following:
the x axis, equal to +0.423 in, and the nega-
tive displacement of node 28, also on the x
axis, is likewise equal to -0.423 in, in which DISPLACE-
both displacements are centrifugal. All the NODE HOOP /:;. (ft) (mm)
nodes on the ground have 0 vertical (z direc- 1 1 -0.0352500 inward (10.74)
tion) displacement. 37 2 +0.0056879 outward (1. 73)
Horizontal displacement can be calculated 73 3 -0.0080555 inward (2.45)
109 4 -0.0058910 inward (1.80)
by adding vectorally the displacement com- 145 5 -0.0041729 inward (1.27)
ponents of any of these nodes in the x and y 181 6 -0.0029016 inward (0.88)
directions. 217 7 -0.0008663 inward (0.26)
253 8 +0.0011710 outward (0.36)
289 9 +0.0042273 outward (1.29)
325 10 +0.0197200 outward (6.01)
Displacement at the Apex 361 11 0.0000000 (0.00)

Node 361, at the apex ofthe dome, which is

supported horizontally (in the x and y direc-
tions) for the stability of the dome, can have Free-Node Vertical Displacement
only vertical displacement. This is indicated
to be -0.0049866 ft (1.52 mm), with the The nature of the vertical load makes the
negative sign indicating that the displace- meridional forces displace the nodes verti-
ment is downward. cally downward, in the z direction. This dis-
placement is equal for all the nodes on the
same hoop, but it varies for each hoop, as
Free Nodes Horizontal Displacement follows:

Except for the nodes at the base, on the

ground (1 through 36) and the one at the DISPLACEMENT
apex (361), all other nodes are considered HOOP /:;. (ft) (mm)
free nodes, meaning that they are not re- 1 0.00000000
strained and can develop displacement in 2 0.0004739 (0.14)
3 0.0009254 (0.28)
both the horizontal (x and y) and vertical (z) 4 0.0019862 (0.61)
directions. 5 0.0028090 (0.86)
In addition to the tenth hoop on the 6 0.0035658 (1.09)
7 0.0042311 (1.29)
ground which acts as a tension ring at the 8 0.0047663 (1.45)
base, there are nine other horizontal hoops, 9 0.0052590 (1.60)
each containing 36 nodes. Because of the 10 0.0050568 (1.54)
Apex 0.0049866 (1.52)
geometric configuration of the spherical
dome, which is less than a hemisphere, the Readers interested in all the numerical values may write
the author for a copy of the full program or obtain a
hoops are in compression, as indicated by the complete output by running the input through an IBM
displacements at each hoop, which are in- computer using the Georgia Tech STRUDL program.
Contact the Department of Civil Engineering at the
ward. To see this consider that the displace- Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta or its various
ments of nodes 73, 109, 145, 181, and 217 affiliates.
Because the entire program cannot be reproduced here,
are aligned with nodes 1 and 361 on the y-z only those elements between meridians I and 2 (that is, I,
vertical plane. The radial horizontal displace- !l7, 7!l, 109, 145, 181,217, 25!l, 289, and !l25) are shown.

Part III
Practical Aids for the
Preliminmy DesiEJIl of
Thin Shells

Empirical DesiEJIl cf Masomy Vaultin8

Architecture is architecture, regardless of its cussed below, were based on a retrospective

date of execution. Masonry vaults and domes analysis of case studies. It was only with Gio-
from all periods can coexist in the vocabulary vanni Poleni in the late eighteenth century
of an ageless architecture that will always that a more scientific approach to design
have meaning. Masonry vaults and domes in began to take shape.
fact opened the way to the understanding of
the validity of using curvilinear forms in
space, which solved the problem of building EMPIRICAL RULES
long-span roofing structures in heavy, dura-
ble materials, in place of perishable wooden
structures, which could not survive indefi- Empirical rules derive from experience accu-
nitely. mulated over the course of centuries and
It is interesting to speculate about what form the basic guidelines that the master
generated the physical design of the overall builders of the past used to design vaulting
shape, span, height, thickness, supports, and before the coming of the scientific era. The
so on for the classical vaults and domes. How basic criteria for applying the rules recom-
did the builders of the Pantheon find the mending the sizes of individual components
confidence to place so many tons of masonry are based on the overall dimensions of the
and concrete overhead without fearing col- structure and knowledge of the materials to
lapse? How did Brunelleschi devise the con- be used. The use of empirical methods was
struction techniques for building the dome of made possible by recognizing the exact wood
Santa Maria del Fiore without using any cen- species, type of rocks, and the like, and by
tering? To some extent, architectural trea- assessing the characteristics of the materials
tises had tried to codify rules and guidelines for their assumed strength, durability, and
for design. Thus, in the absence of scientific even deformations in comparison with the
theories at the time the only possible conclu- problem at hand. The underlying assumption
sion is that early designers and builders pro- was that if it had worked before, it would also
ceeded along empirical lines. By observing work in a similar case at hand. This was the
previous structures as case studies, some gen- general approach of the practical architect or
eral concepts eventually emerge. For in- master builder used to solving problems that
stance, Carlo Fontana's rules for domes, dis- would probably frighten the average present-

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

day engineer who depends more on scientific masonry domes. He described some of the
knowledge than experience. Many of these relationships between the clear span (internal
rules, known among the building trades and diameter) of a masonry dome and certain
passed along from generation to generation, other geometric elements, such as the radius
were not codified and were subject to inter- of the intrados and extrados, the diameter of
pretation and change according to the ap- the lantern, the thickness of the dome at its
proach of the individual builder. Only in the base and of the drum, and how to locate the
Renaissance, with the beginning of scientific center for the intrados curve and extrados
methodology, did some of these rules of curve. Although these observations were
thumb come to be expressed gradually and merely empirical and without scientific ratio-
more clearly by theoreticians in the building nale, these rules produced gigantic domes
sciences. Several Italian architects wrote ar- such as that of St. Peter's in Rome, which is
chitectural treatises and dissertations that still standing safely, despite cracks that devel-
codified and explained many of these rules in oped centuries ago.
scientific terms.

Blondel's Rule for Vault Abutments

Fontana's Rules for Domes
Among the empirical formulas devised for
Carlo Fontana (1634-1714), (not to be con- designing vaults and arches is a rule attrib-
fused with Domenico Fontana, the engineer uted to Jacques Fran~ois Blondel (1705-
and architect who built the dome of St. 1744) that is basically empirical in nature and
Peter's from a wooden model left by Michel- furnished a starting point, in the absence of
angelo) codified some of the rules he had any other guiding rules. The technique is
derived from analyzing the construction of theoretical and does not consider materials'

10-1 An illustration of Jacques Franfois Blondel's eiahteenth-century

formula for establishina the width of abutments for vaults and arches.

Empirical Desinn of Masonry Vaultinn

characteristics and construction details. The through the centroid of the cross-sections of
rule provides a geometric method that can be the structure.
used to calculate the widths of abutments for In a 1748 work I Poleni showed graphi-
vaults and arches, but no other members. Its cally the composition of two forces by the
application, illustrated in Figure 10-1, can be rule of the parallelogram, according to the
summarized as follows. Taking the vault or graphic statics of today. In one figure he
arch in question, inscribe an isosceles trape- showed the diagramatic composition of an
zoid in it, with the upper base and two sides arch consisting of spherical elements that
of equal length. Extend one of the sides of could transfer only normal loads from one to
the trapezoid downward for a length equal to the other. He showed clearly the composition
its own length, then consider the horizontal of the gravity force in each element with the
projection that will give the required thick- force coming from the element above. In so
ness for the abutment. doing he determined from the top of the
structure down to its abutments the resultant
line of thrust through the structure.

The concept that form and mass constitute FOR BUCKLING
the basic elements of any structural composi-
tion is also applicable to thin shells. Probably
because of their high efficiency, the relation- Structural failure under compressive loads
ship of mass to form is most significant in that is caused by geometric instability in the
these structures. In this case geometry pre- material is called buckling. This phenome-
vails, allowing dramatic reductions in the non occurs not only in such linear structures
mass of the material needed. This becomes as beams, columns, and struts but also in
particularly obvious if one experiments in a planar structures like plates and in spatial
simple, intuitive manner. Almost any struc- structures such as thin shells.
tural designer has noted the rigidity that can Although thin shells gain substantial stiff-
be obtained from a thin piece of cardboard if ness from their curvature, which of course is
it is properly folded. one of their fundamental inherent character-
Historically, an intuitive understanding of istics, they are still vulnerable to the critical
the contributions of geometry to structural effects of buckling. Often buckling rather
strength can probably be traced back to eigh- than the allowable membrane stress turns out
teenth-century experiments. Then, consider- to be the controlling factor in establishing a
ations of shapes for arches and domes on the required minimum thickness for a given thin
basis of the loads to be superimposed on shell.
these structures were substantially developed Formulas to determine allowable buckling
by the Venetian nobleman, Marquis Gio- loads are presented below. These formulas
vanni Poleni (1685-1761). This nobleman are particularly valid for use in preliminary
became a philosopher, humanist, theologian, design and are simple to use. Their nature is
physicist, mathematician, and professor of as- partly empirical in that they have a tangible
tronomy at the University of Padua by the validity that is supported by experience
time he was twenty-five. He discovered that rather than theoretical assumptions. It is im-
the funicular polygon of equally spaced loads portant to note that strictly theoretical for-
is a catenary that is very close to a paraboloid. mulas do not always provide answers that are
Therefore, arches and domes constructed to in accord with actual tests, so that empirical
follow this configuration have meridional formulas are the ones that are in fact prac-
axial forces of compression only, which pass tically used. These formulas vary according

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desinn of Thin Shells

to the different types of shells; spherical diameter at its base and a 20 ft (6.1 m) rise at
(domes), rotational (in general), translational its crown that has a thickness of 4 in (10 cm)
(synclastic), and barrel types. Of these only and carries a live load of 30 psf (1.44 kPa).
the spherical and the barrel are considered Solution: Since the dome is close to being
here. hemispherical, K = 0.3, E is found by E = 33
wl. 5 -IPC where w = the unit weight of con-
Buckling in Spherical Domes crete (in pef) and r c = the ultimate strength
of the concrete at 28 days (in psi). Then, by
The empirical formula to determine the load substituting we find that E = 33 (150)1.5
that would cause a spherical dome to buckle ~4,000 = 3,834,000 psi. Then r = 25.625
is as follows: 2 ft = 307.5 in. Finally, we can determine the
allowable load by substituting
K E t2
WeT = (4)2
W a ll=1/3 X.3 X 3,834,000 X (307.5)2

where. 65 psi=
9,342 psf (0.45 MPa)
W CT= Critical distributed load, in psi, on
the dome, either as dead load or live However, the actual distributed load is
load or a combination. Although one (150 X 0/12) + 30 = 80 psf. Because 80 psf
load is distributed over one sf of the «9,342 psf, the shell is quite stable against
dome and the other over one sf of buckling.
horizontal projection, they are not
differentiated here, to simplify this Buckling in Long Barrels
approximated formula.
K = Coefficient that varies from 0.30 for A long barrel shell acts like a simply sup-
hemispherical domes to 0.15 for ported beam spanning from one supporting
shallow domes (with a rise equal to arch to another generating longitudinal com-
1/10 the base diameter) pression forces near its top, with longitudinal
E = Modulus of elasticity, in psi tension forces near the bottom. Buckling can
t = Thickness of the dome, in inches thus occur in the zone of maximum compres-
r = Radius of the sphere, in inches sion, which is the longitudinal strip that goes
from one arch to the other near the crown.
The allowable load would of course be The empirical formula for the critical load
only a fraction of the critical load that would that can produce buckling is as follows:
cause the buckling of the dome. This fraction
could vary between 1/2 and 1/3. With the latter,
the most conservative case, the allowable load
to prevent buckling in a spherical dome be-
comes where

1 t2 W CT= Critical distributed load, in psi, on

wall=-K E2'
3 r the barrel, either as dead load or live
load or a combination.
where Wall is in psi. The other quantities were K=0.6
previously defined. E = Modulus of elasticity, in psi
t = Thickness of the barrel, in inches
EXAMPLE: Check the stability against buck- r = Radius of the supporting arches, in
ling of a spherical dome with a 50 ft (15.2 m) inches

Empirical Desinn of Masonry Vaultinn

The allowable load would be only a frac- structure. The method is of course equally
tion of the critical load causing the buckling valid to determine the optimal shape of an
of the barrel, varying as before between 1/2 arch in pure compression under the same
and 1/3. Again taking the latter as the more loads when the catenary curve is reversed
conservative case, the allowable load to pre- from this concave to a convex configuration.
vent buckling in a long barrel becomes Corresponding to this empirical method
of modeling is the graphic method of draw-
1 t2 ing funicular polygons, which is widely
W =-K E-
.I1 3 r2 enough known to require no further descrip-
tion. However, in using the funicular poly-
where W.I1 is in psf and the other quantities gon to determine the configuration of a cable
are as previously defined. or arch it is necessary to follow a special pro-
cedure to establish the location of a certain
EXAMPLE: Check the stability against buck- pole. In constructing a force polygon a pole P
ling of a long concrete barrel shell that is is selected arbitrarily, with the resulting
supported at each end by circular arches hav- funicular polygon being one of many belong-
ing a 50 ft (15.2 m) span and a 20 ft (6.1 m) ing to a specific family of curves. Among the
rise. The shell is assumed to be 4 in (10 em) curves in this family there is one in particular
thick and carry a live load of 30 psf (1.44 that passes through three specific points that
kPa). together identify the desired configuration of
Solution: The value of K = 0.6 (constant). the cable or arch. These three points coin-
E is found from the equation. E = 33 W1.5 ../PC cide with the two supports at each end and
where w = the unit weight of concrete (in with either the lowest or highest point corre-
pcf) and f' c = the ultimate strength of con- sponding to the sag of a cable or rise of an
crete at 28 days (in psi). Then we find by arch. The description that follows briefly
substituting that E = 33 (150)1.5 ..'4,000 = outlines the method for determining the new
3,834,000 psi and t = 4 in and we calculate pole P'
r = 307.5 in. Establish first the location of the two sup-
Finally, by substituting we determine that ports X and Z and the location of the vertical
loads. Now draw a force polygon, using an
(4)2 arbitrary pole P, and draw a funicular poly-
w.I1 = 1/3 X 0.6 X 3,834,000 X ---'--'--- gon (see Fig. 10-2). Then draw vertical lines
through supports X and Z and through the
130 psi= 18,684 psf (0.9 MPa)
loads. Next find X' and Z' as the intersections
of the vertical lines through X and Z and the
However, the actual distributed load is
funicular polygon. Then locate point Y (in
(150 X '¥'12) + 30 = 80 psf. In conclusion, be-
reference to X and Z) which defines the sag
cause 80 psf < < 18,684 psf, the shell is quite
or rise of the cable or arch. Now draw a
stable against buckling.
vertical line through Y that intersects the
funicular polygon at point Y'. Draw lines X Y
and Z Y. From pole P draw line m parallel to
FUNICULAR POLYGONS line X Y and then find point A, which is the
THROUGH THREE POINTS intersection of line m and the force line in the
force polygon. Similarly, from point P draw
line n parallel to line Z Y and find point B,
The catenary curve attained by suspending the intersection of line n and the force line in
loads from a string under tension is one of the force polygon. Through point A now
the most practical empirical methods for de- draw a line m' parallel to line X'Y'. Similarly,
termining the exact shape wanted in a tensile through point B draw a line n' parallel to line

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells


"", ~

k" V

o· 100' 200' 300'


10-2 The funicular po!Yaon throuah three points.

Z'Y'. The intersection of line m' and line n' included in the building code in the area for
will then locate the new pole P'. which the structure is being designed or can
Using the pole P', construct now a new be found in prepared charts. s Next calculate
funicular polygon. This polygon will be the the dynamic pressure q (psf) from the follow-
exact configuration of the cable or arch that ing expression:
has the desired span and sag or rise.
q = 0.00256 V2

WIND FORCES where V is the velocity of the wind in mph.

The wind pressure at any point of a spher-
ical building p (psf) can be found from the
Wind forces on domes can be calculated fol- following expression:
lowing procedures similar to those for any
other building configuration. The method is p=q XCpe
basically empirical because it depends on test-
ing made on aerodynamic models. A practi- Where Cpe is the coefficient for external pres-
cal step-by-step procedure is as follows: First, sure found at each point (see prepared
attain the wind velocity value which is either charts4 ).

Empirical Desion of Masonry Vaultino


1. See Giovanni Poleni, Memorie Istoriche della Gran Cupola del Tempio Vaticano, 1748.
2. See Mario Salvadori and Matthys Levy, Structural Design in Architecture (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1981), 393. Note differences there in symbols.
3. See Michele Melaragno, Wind in Architectural and Environmental Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982,
48, Fig. 2-9.
4. See Ibid., 194, Table 3-2 (27).


Spherical Shells

PROPORTIONING AND SIZING by R. M. Gensert, Uldis Kirsis, and Miklos

OF CONCRETE THIN SHELLS Peller. 1 The information presented here and
in later chapters covers the optimization of
Preliminary Design overall dimensions and individual component
sizes, based on the structural efficiency and
Most designers would no doubt agree that cost of a great variety of spherical and sec-
the most excruciating phase of any project is tional domes, barrel shells, and hyperbolic
when one is facing a sheet of paper with paraboloidal shells in reinforced concrete.
nothing yet on it: nothing to develop, noth- This chapter focuses on spherical shells.
ing to modify, nothing to disagree with. Ex-
tending this first stage unduly is obviously to
be avoided. It is thus desirable to decide upon SPHERICAL DOME DESIGN
a preliminary structure as soon as possible,
using whatever means may be available.
Doing so is particularly important in struc- When spherical shells under normal loading
tural design because analysis begins from conditions are considered, experience sug-
a proposed structure having a known gests that they have some relationships be-
geometry. tween span and height that make them more
Besides the needs of structural design, economical than other domes. The spherical
which are demanding enough in themselves, shells in question consist of concrete with a
the building-design process also requires hav- minimum specified strength of!c' = 4,000 psi
ing a starting point. The rules of thumb that (27.6 MPa) at 28 days and weighing 150 pef
should result in feasible forms are eagerly (240 kG/m 3 ). The reinforcing steel used in
sought out by students and kept handy by these shells is grade 40 (276 MPa). The live
experienced designers. Architectural trea- load is 30 psf (1.4 kPa) on the horizontal shell
tises from Vitruvius to Alberti and Palladio projection. The dead load includes the
have explored and tried to codify rules of any weight of the concrete itself plus 5 psf (0.24
sort that might help in navigating the un- kPa) for roofing and the same load for miscel-
charted waters of design. laneous other dead loads. Such specifications
The recommendations presented in this for materials and loads are applied to all
chapter are the result of structural analyses structures mentioned in this chapter. The

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desien of Thin Shells

recommended values for various spans for

dome height at the crown are shown in Table
11-1. That these shells vary uniformly in
thickness from a maximum at the base to a
minimum at the crown is justified by taking
into consideration that secondary stresses
usually develop near the tension ring because
of incompatible structural behavior in this
zone (see Table 11-2 and Figs. 11-1 and

Spherical Sectional Dome Design

Rectangular Plan
Sectional spherical domes are attained by in-
tersecting a spherical dome with three or
more vertical planes and generating a poly- , ~ TEN~ION RING
gonal floor plan that will produce arches at
the intersections. Such a structure can be
looked at from different points of view. On 11-1 Plan (top) and elevation (bottom) of
the one hand, the intersection of the dome spherical dome.

TABLE 11-1 Recommended Dome Heiehts for Various

Spans: Spherical Dome Shells

100 ft (30.48 m) 11 ft (3.35 m) 13.5 ft (4.11 m)

200 ft (60.96 m) 28 ft (8.53 m) 34 ft (10.36 m)
300 ft (91.44 m) 49.5 ft (15.09 m) 58.5 ft (17.83 m)
400 ft (121.92 m) 76 ft (23.16 m) 84 ft (25.60 m)

TABLE 11-2 Spherical Dome Shells: Dimensions And Thicknesses

DIAMETER HEIGHT At Crown At Base Width Depth

Jt (m) Jt (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)

100 (30.5) 10-50 (3-152) 3'12 (8.9) 5(12.7) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5)

200 (61) 20-30 (6.1-9) 4 (10.2) 8 (20.3) 12 (30.5) 18 (45.7)
200 (61 ) 40 (12.2) 4 (10.2) 6 (15.4) 12 (30.5) IS (45.7)
200 (61 ) 50-SO (15.2-24.4) 3112 (S.9) 5 (12.7) 12 (30.5) IS (45.7)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 4 (10.2) 10 (25.4) 16 (53.6) 20 (50.S)
300 (91.4) 60-80 (18.3-24.4) 4 (l0.2) 8 (20.3) 16 (53.6) 20 (50.8)
300 (91.4) 100 (30.5) 4 (10.2) 6 (15.4) 16 (53.6) 20 (50.8)
400 (121.9) 80 (24.4) 6 (15.4) 12 (30.5) IS (45.7) 24 (61)
400 (121.9) 100 (30.5) 6 (15.4) 10 (25.4) IS (45.7) 24 (61)
400 (121.9) 150 (45.7) 6 (15.4) S (20.3) IS (45.7) 24 (61)

Spherical Shells


I a
I ~
I F2
I m'
I F3
m' y' I
I I p'
F4 (.'lew po!e)
I I n

3 i

: I

x~z min

11-2 Graphic illustration of the optimized proportions for the preliminary design of spherical domes.

with the vertical planes can be thought to same concept even if the proportions are
mutilate the structural integrity of the mono- drastically changed. After all, the new con-
lithic dome. On the other hand, the portion crete domes do have different structural re-
of the dome constituting the arches and pen- quirements than their masonry counterparts.
dt;ntives can be considered the supporting According to the number and orientation
structure for the dome above. In this case the of the intersecting planes, floor plans for
dome resting on the pendentives and arches spherical sectional domes can be regular or
is in itself structurally integral. irregular polygons, with or without equal
The supporting arches, which are geo- sides. It is possible to have sectional domes
metrically part of the same sphere that in- with triangular, square, or even pentagonal
cludes the dome, have their own structural configurations. Rectangular floor plans can
individuality. Their thickness will thus be be designed by intersecting the dome with
larger than the thickness of the dome, mak- two pairs of vertical parallel planes perpen-
ing them individual members, which are usu- dicular to each other. The vertical planes will
ally necessary components of shells in then intersect each other at points located on
general. the circular perimeter at the base of the
The configuration of a sectional dome is dome. In this respect some sectional domes
that of a dome with pendentives coming with rectangular and square floor plans will
down to constitute the points of support. be examined later. Although the square plan
This geometric form has been seen to be has been much more widely used throughout
used historically quite often, especially in history, rectangular floor plans offer a
Byzantine domes, yet it can still be employed broader range of design options.
in contemporary architecture by applying the The geometry of sectional domes includes

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

several interrelated factors. By knowing the tion automatically defines the radius of the
correlations between them it is possible to sphere RI of which the dome is a part. Now
deduct some of the factors after selecting de- RI can be derived, as follows:
sired values for the others. These factors in-
clude the following: RI2 = R2 + (RI - He)2

He = Height of dome at crown RI = ~R2 + (RI - HJ2

HL = Height at crown of longitudinal R2+H/
arch (longer span) 2He
HT = Height at crown in transverse arch
(shorter span) The height at the crown of the two arches
LL = Span of longitudinal arch HL and HT is related in such a way that the
LT = Span of transverse arch sum of the two is equal to He' the height of
R = Radius of circle at base of dome the dome at the crown. Therefore, He =
RI = Radius of sphere of which the dome HL + H T. And when the plan is square
is a part rather than rectangular, HL = HT and HL =
Consider a practical design situation that HT = 1/2 He.
can be better explained with a numerical ex- The height at the crown of longitudinal
ample. Suppose that it has been decided to arch HL can also be found in another
design a dome having four pendentives and manner.
a rectangular floor plan. The lengths of Consider the great circle whose radius is
the longitudinal and transverse dimensions RI and whose equation is x2 + y2 = R12,
therefore correspond to span LL of the longi- where to calculate HL we assume that x =
tudinal arch and LT of the transverse arch. LT/2 and y = HL + (RI - He).
Having thus established the location of the Therefore,
pendentives, and knowing that they are lo-
cated on a circle at the base, it is now possible
to determine the radius of circle R, as
By substituting the values known we can find
HL •
By the same token HT can be calculated.
The height of the dome at its crown He x=-
must now be assumed. Making this assump- y=HT+(R1-Hc)

TABLE 11-3 Spherical Sectional Domes with Rectangular Plans: Dimensions

ft (m) I! (m) ft (m) I! (III) I! (m) I! (m) ft (m)
100 (30.5) 55.9 (17.04) 10 (1.05) 50 (15.24) 161.2 (49.13) ±2 (0.61) ±8 (2.44)
100 (30.5) 55.9 (17.04) 15 (4.57) 50 (15.24) 111.7 (34.05) ±3 (0.91) ±12 (3.66)
100 (30.5) 55.9 (17.04) 20 (6.10) 50 (15.24) 88.1 (26.85) ±4 (1.22) ±16 (4.88)
100 (30.5) 55.9 (17.04) 25 (7.62) 50 (15.24) 75.0 (22.86) ±5 (1.52) ±20 (6.10)
200 (61.0) 111.8 (34.08) 15 (4.57) 100 (30.48) 424.1 (129.27) ±3 (0.91) ±12 (9.66)
200 (61.0) 111.8 (34.08) 20 (6.10) 100 (30.48) 322.5 (!l~.30) ±4 (1.22) ±16 (4.88)
200 (61.0) 111.8 (34.08) 25 (7.62) 100 (30.48) 262.5 (80.01) ±5 (1.52) ±20 (6.10)
300 (91.4) 167.7 (51.11) 20 (6.10) 150 (45.72) 713.1 (287.35) ±4 (1.22) ±16 (4.88)
300 (91.4) 167.7 (51.11) 25 (7.62) 150 (45.72) 575.0 (175.26) ±5 (1.52) ±20 (6.10)
300 (91.4) 167.7 (51.11) 30 (9.14) 150 (45.72) 483.7 (147.43) ±6 (183) ±24 (7.32)

Spherical Shells

Therefore, Therefore,

Now, substituting the values already known,

Once again substituting the values already we can determine that HL = 8.0 ft (2.44 m).
known we can find H T . Similarly, to calculate HT assume that
EXAMPLE: Consider a sectional spherical x=-
dome with a rectangular floor plan. Let 2
y = HT + (RI - He)
LL = 100 ft (30.48 m) and LT = 50 ft (15.23
m). Then, to find radius R, Therefore,

~ ~L( r ~T r
55.9 ft (17.04 m)
Substituting the values already known, we
Let the height of the dome at its crown be now have HT = 2.0 ft (0.61 m). Thus, be-
assumed to be Hc = 10 ft (3.05 m), from cause HL + HT = Hc we can verify that
which can be determined radius RI of the 8.00 + 2.00 = 10.00 ft (3.05 m).
sphere, as follows: For the practical design of rectangular sec-
tional domes, refer to Table 11-3.
RI2 = R2 + (RI - He) 2 Spherical sectional domes with square
R2 + Hc 2 plans, which have been more popular than
the rectangular type, can be considered vari-
ations on the rectangular ones. Table 11-3
= 161.24 ft (49.15 m) gives suggested dimensions for thicknesses of
shells and arches for different cases. Unlike
Once all the perimeters are established, those for the rectangular sectional domes,
HL and HT can be found. the symbols used here are all the same, be-
The great circle's radius is RI = 161.24 ft, cause the four arches in this case are all equal.
so that x2 + y2 = R12. Thus, to calculate HL
assume that EXAMPLE: Design a sectional dome over a
square floor plan, with a low height at the
crown of Hc. Table 11-4 considers spans L,
which vary from 100 ft (30.5 m) to 300 ft

TABLE 11-3 (continued)

At Base At Crown Width Depth Width Depth Width Base Width Base

in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
5 (12.7) 4 (10.2) 12 (30.5) 18 (45.7) 10 (25.4) 14 (35.6) 18 (45.7) 18 (45.7) 15 (38.1) 14 (35.6)
4 (10.2) 4 (10.2) 10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
4 (10.2) 4 (10.2) 10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
4 (10.2) 4 (10.2) 10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
5 (12.7) 4 (10.2) 30 (76.2) 40 (101.6) 24 (61.0) 34 (86.4) 40 (101.6) 40 (101.6) 34 (86.4) 34 (86.4)
4 (10.2) 4 (10.2) 26 (66.0) 36 (91.4) 22 (55.9) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 35 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
4 (10.2) 4 (10.2) 20 (50.8) 36 (91.4) 16 (40.6) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
8 (20.3) 5 (12.7) 50 (127.0) 68 (172.7) 44 (111.8) 58 (147.3) 68 (172.7) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3) 58 (147.3)
7 (17.8) 5 (12.7) 44 (111.8) 64 (162.6) 38 (96.5) 54 (137.2) 64 (162.6) 64 (162.6) 54 (137.2) 54 (137.2)
6 (15.9) 5 (12.7) 38 (96.5) 62 (157.5) 32 (81.3) 52 (132.1) 62 (157.5) 62 (157.5) 52 (132.1) 52 (132.1)

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desion of Thin Shells

TABLE 11-4 Spherical Sectional Domes with Square Plans

At Crown At Arch
(L) --(~- _ _ (It_,)_ _ ~- (H)
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 1,004.7 (306.23) 10 (3.05) 5 (1.52)
100 (3D.48) 141.4 (43.10) 674.0 (205.44) 15 (4.57) 7.5 (2.29)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 509.9 (155.42) 20 (6.10) 10 (3.05)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 412.4 (125.70) 25 (7.62) 12.5 (3.81)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 2,009.6 (612.53) 20 (6.10) 10 (3.05)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,347.9 (410.84) 30 (9.14) 15 (4.57)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,019.7 (310.80) 40 (12.19) 20 (6.10)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 824.8 (251.40) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 3,015.5 (919.12) 30 (9.14) 15 (4.57)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,825.3 (556.35) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,320.9 (402.61) 70 (21.34) 35 (10.67)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,045.2 (318.58) 90 (27.43) 45 (13.72)

(91.4 m). Assume a 100-ft-square floor plan point of view the variation would hardly be
in this case, which corresponds to a circle at appreciable, and from a construction point of
the base with radius R = 141.4 ft (43.10 m). view the savings in concrete might not justify
The height of the shell at the crown Hc con- the complicated form work demanded by a
sidered for such a span varies from 10ft variable shell thickness. It might thus be ad-
(3.05 m) to 25 ft (7.62 m). Assume a height of visable, if the designer chooses to do so, to
10ft (3.05 m) for a very shallow dome. From keep the arches with a constant cross-section
the table, the radius RI of the sphere of equal to that which is required at the base.
which the dome is a part is 1004.7 ft (306.23 With three dimensions known, the de-
m). The recommended thickness of the dome signer can now shape the overall configura-
at the base (T B) is 4 in (10.1 cm) and the tion by working out the details. These might
recommended thickness of the dome at the include, for instance, any cross-sectional
crown (Td is the same, so that the shell has a shape for the arches that is larger than the
constant thickness throughout. The four minimum required. The details of the sup-
equal arches, spanning 100 ft (30.48 m), have ports of the arches over piers or walls and of
a recommended width at the base (Bx max.) the members connecting the four supports
of 30 in (76.2 cm) and the same recom- might also be added. The supports them-
mended depth at the base (Dx max.). At the selves could constitute major architectural
crown the arches instead have a recom- components with hinges of either concrete or
mended width (Bx min.) of 24 in (61.0 cm) steel.
and a recommended depth (Dx min.) of24 in The tie members could have various con-
(61.0 cm) also. Therefore, with their square figurations. In pier supports, for instance, the
cross-sections the arches can taper slightly. ties could be exposed rods or concrete
Such a small change in the required cross-sec- beams. In supporting walls the ties could be
tion makes it questionable whether the taper- reinforcing steel rods embedded in the upper
ing would really be beneficial. From a visual parts of walls so as not to be visible. Re-

Spherical Shells

TABLE 11-4 (continued)

At Crown At Base At Base At Crown At Base At Crown
~ ~ (B. max.) (B. min.) (D. max.t (D. min.)
in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
4 (10.1) 4 (10.1) 30 (76.2) 24 (6\.0) 30 (76.2) 24 (6\.0)
4 (10.1) 4 (10.1) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
4 (10.1) 4 (10.1) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
4 (10.1) 4 (10.1) 24 (6\.0) 18 (45.7) 24 (6\.0) 18 (45.7)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 54 (137.2) 44 (11\.8) 54 (137.2) 44 (11\.8)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 50 (127.0) 40 (10\.6) 50 (127.0) 40 (10\.6)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 48 (12\.9) 42 (106.7) 48 (12\.9) 42 (106.7)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 46 (116.8) 40 (10\.6) 46 (116.8) 40 (10\.6)
5 (12.7) 7 (17.8) 82 (208.3) 72 (182.9) 82 (208.3) 72 (182.9)
5 (12.7) 6 (15.2) 74 (188.0) 66 (167.6) 74 (188.0) 66 (167.6)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 70 (177.8) 60 (152.4) 70 (177.8) 60 (152.4)
4 (10.1) 5 (12.7) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3)

member that these tie members are necessary and He. Even for these shells, however, the
to absorb outward horizontal reactions at the relationship HL + HT = He still holds true.
bases of the arches and are essential struc- In Table 11-5 the preliminary design di-
tural components of the dome as a whole. mensions for the shell and arches are given
With this in mind, it might be desirable to for various cases, as indicated. The similar-
express them architecturally by making them ities between spherical and nonspherical
visually independent in such a way as to domes allow reference to the same figures
clearly indicate their function. illustrating spherical sectional domes to visu-
alize these domes as well.


Rectangular Plans These shells, like the nonspherical shells with

rectangular plans just seen, are similar to
Following the same procedure previously their spherical counterparts with square
used for spherical sectional domes, we can plans.
now consider another family of shells that are Table 11-6 furnishes the preliminary di-
similar but do not follow exactly the shape of mensions for the shell and its arches in var-
spherical surfaces. The arches at the edges of ious cases. To visualize the configuration of
these shells have various configurations for such a shell refer to the illustrations earlier of
any given set of values, which include LL' L T , spherical sectional shells with square plans.


1. From R. M. Gensert, Uldis Kirsis, and Miklos Peller, "Economic Proportioning of Cast-in-Place Concrete
Thin Shells." ACI Publication SP-28, 1970. Used with the permission of the American Concrete Institute.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

TABLE 11-5 Thin-Shelled Nonspherical Sectional Domes with Rectansular Plans


LL LT He HT HL At Base At Crown

ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (01) in (em) in (em)

100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 10 (3.05) 5.0 (1.52) 5.0 (1.52) (12.7) 4 (10.2)
100 (30.48) 50 (15.24) 10 (3.05) 3.8 (1.16) 6.2 (1.89) (12.7) 4 (10.2)
100 (30.48) 50 (15.24) 10 (3.05) 1.7 (0.52) 8.3 (2.53) 5 (12.7) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 15 (4.57) 7.5 (2.29) 7.5 (2.29) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 15 (4.57) 5.6 (1.71) 9.4 (2.87) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 15 (4.57) 2.5 (0.76) 12.5 (3.81) 4 (10.2) (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 20 (6.10) 10.0 (3.05) 10.0 (3.05) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 20 (6.10) 7.5 (2.29) 12.5 (3.81) 4 (10.2) (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 20 (6.10) 3.3 (1.01) 16.7 (5.09) 4 (10.2) (10.2)
100 (30.48) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62) 12.5 (3.81) 12.5 (3.81) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62) 9.4 (2.86) 15.6 (4.75) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
100 (3Q.48) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62) 4.2 (1.28) 20.8 (6.34) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (30.48) 15 (4.57) 7.5 (2.29) 7.5 (2.29) 8 (20.3) (12.7)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 15 (4.57) 5.6 (1.71) 9.4 (2.87) 5 (12.7) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 15 (4.57) 2.5 (0.76) 12.5 (3.81) 5 (12.7) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 20 (6.10) 10.0 (3.05) 10.0 (3.05) 5 (12.7) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 20 (6.10) 7.5 (2.29) 12.5 (3.81) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 20 (6.10) 3.3 (1.01) 16.7 (5.09) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (30.48) 25 (7.62) 12.5 (3.81) 12.5 (3.81) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 25 (7.62) 9.4 (2.87) 15.6 (4.75) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
200 (60.96) 100 (3Q.48) 25 (7.62) 4.2 (1.28) 20.8 (6.34) 4 (10.2) 4 (10.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 20 (6.10) 10.0 (3.05) 10.0 (3.05) 14 (35.6) 4 (15.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 20 (6.10) 7.5 (2.29) 12.5 (3.81) 12 (30.5) 6 (15.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 20 (6.10) 3.3 (1.01) 16.7 (5.09) 8 (20.3) 5 (12.7)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 25 (7.62) 12.5 (3.81) 12.5 (3.81) 12 (30.5) 6 (15.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 25 (7.62) 9.4 (2.87) 15.6 (4.75) 10 (25.4) 6 (15.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 25 (7.62) 4.2 (1.28) 20.8 (6.34) 7 (17.8) 5 (12.7)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 30 (9.14) 15.0 (4.57) 15.0 (4.57) 10 (25.4) 6 (15.2)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 30 (9.14) 11.2 (3.41) 18.8 (5.73) 7 (17.8) 5 (12.7)
300 (91.44) 150 (45.72) 30 (9.14) 5.0 (1.52) 25.0 (7.62) 6 (15.2) 5 (12.7)

TABLE 11-6 Nonspherical Sectional Domes with Square Plans

L BASE(R) SPHERE (R,) (Hcl (H)
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) ft (m)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 1,004.7 (306.23) 10 (3.05) 5.0 (1.52)
100 (3Q.48) 141.4 (43.10) 1,004.7 (306.23) 10 (3.05) 3.8 (1.16)
100 (3Q.48) 141.4 (43.10) 1.004.7 (306.23) 10 (3.05) 1.7 (0.52)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 674 (205.44) 15 (4.57) 7.5 (2.29)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 674 (205.44) 15 (4.57) 5.6 (1.71)
100 (3Q.48) 141.4 (43.10) 674 (205.44) 15 (4.57) 2.5 (0.76)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 509.9 (155.42) 20 (6.10) 10 (3.05)
100 (3Q.48) 141.4 (43.10) 509.9 (155.42) 20 (6.10) 7.5 (2.29)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 509.9 (155.42) 20 (6.10) 3.3 (1.01)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 412.4 (125.70) 25 (7.62) 12.5 (3.81)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 412.4 (125.70) 25 (7.62) 9.4 (2.86)
100 (30.48) 141.4 (43.10) 412.4 (125.70) 25 (7.62) 4.2 (1.28)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 2.009.4 (612.47) 20 (6.10) 10 (3.05)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 2.009.4 (612.47) 20 (6.10) 7.5 (2.29)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,347.9 (410.84) 30 (9.14) 15 (4.57)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,347.9 (410.84) 30 (9.14) 11.2 (3.41)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,347.9 (410.84) 30 (9.14) 5.0 (1.52)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,019.7 (310.80) 40 (12.19) 20 (6.10)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,019.7 (310.80) 40 (12.19) 15 (4.57)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 1,019.7 (310.80) 40 (12.19) 6.7 (2.04)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 824.8 (251.40) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 824.8 (251.40) 50 (15.24) 18.8 (5.73)
200 (60.96) 282.8 (86.20) 824.8 (251.40) 50 (15.24) 8.3 (2.53)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 3,015.5 (919.12) 30 (9.14) 15.0 (4.57)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 3.015.5 (919.12) 30 (9.14) 11.2 (3.41)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1.825.3 (556.35) 50 (15.24) 25 (7.62)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1.825.3 (556.35) 50 (15.24) 18.8 (5.73)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,320.9 (402.61) 70 (21.34) 35 (10.67)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,320.9 (402.61) 70 (21.34) 26.3 (8.02)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,320.9 (402.61) 70 (21.34) 11.8 (5.73)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1.Q45.2 (318.58) 90 (27.43) 45 (13.72)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,045.2 (318.58) 90 (27.43) 33.9 (10.33)
300 (91.44) 424.3 (129.33) 1,045.2 (318.58) 90 (27.43) 15.0 (4.57)

Spherical Shells

TABLE \\-5 (continued)


Cross-section at Base Cross-section at Crown Cross-section at Base Cross-section at Crown


in (em) (em) (em) (em) (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)

10 (25.4) 18 (45.7) 10 (25.4) 14 (35.6) 18 (45.7) 18 (45.7) 14 (35.6) 14 (35.6)
10 (25.4) 18 (45.7) 10 (25.4) 14 (35.6) 18 (45.7) 18 (45.7) 14 (35.6) 14 (35.6)
12 (30.5) 18 (45.7) 10 (25.4) 14 (35.6) 18 (45.7) 18 (45.7) 15 (38.1) 14 (35.6)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
10 (25.4) 16 (40.6) 10 (25.4) 12 (30.5) 16 (40.6) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 12 (30.5)
20 (50.8) 42 (106.7) 16 (40.6) 36 (91.4) 42 (106.7) 42 (106.7) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4)
22 (55.9) 42 (106.7) 18 (45.7) 36 (91.4) 42 (106.7) 42 (106.7) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4)
30 (76.2) 40 (101.6) 24 (61.0) 34 (86.4) 40 (101.6) 40 (101.6) 34 (86.4) 34 (86.4)
18 (45.7) 38 (96.5) 14 (35.6) 32 (8I.3) 38 (96.5) 38 (96.5) 32 (81.3) 32 (81.3)
22 (55.9) 38 (96.5) 18 (45.7) 32 (8I.3) 38 (96.5) 38 (96.5) 32 (81.3) 32 (81.3)
26 (66.0) 36 (91.4) 22 (55.9) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
20 (50.8\ 36 (91.4) 16 (40.6) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
20 (50.8) 36 (91.4) 16 (40.6) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
20 (50.8) 36 (91.4) 16 (40.6) 30 (76.2) 36 (91.4) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 30 (76.2)
34 (86.4) 74 (188.0) 28 (71.1 ) 64 (162.6) 74 (188.0) 74 (188.0) 64 (162.6) 64 (162.6)
40 (101.6) 70 (177.8) 34 (86.4) 60 (152.4) 70 (177.8) 70 (177.8) 60 (152.4) 60 (152.4)
50 (127.0) 68 (172.7) 44 (111.8) 58 (147.3) 68 (172.7) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3) 58 (147.3)
32 (81.3) 68 (172.7) 26 (66.0) 58 (147.3) 68 (172.7) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3) 58 (147.3)
36 (91.4) 66 (167.6) 30 (76.2) 56 (142.2) 66 (167.6) 66 (167.6) 56 (142.2) 56 (142.2)
44 (111.8) 64 (162.6) 38 (96.5) 54 (137.2) 64 (162.6) 64 (162.6) 53 (137.2) 54 (137.2)
32 (81.3) 64 (162.6) 26 (66.0) 54 (137.2) 64 (162.6) 64 (162.6) 54 (137.2) 54 (137.2)
36 (91.4) 62 (157.5) 30 (76.2) 52 (132.1) 62 (157.5) 62 (157.5) 52 (132.1) 52 (132.1)
38 (96.5) 62 (157.5) 32 (81.3) 52 (132.1) 62 (157.5) 62 (157.5) 52 (132.1) 52 (132.1)

TABLE \\-6 (continued)


At Crown At Base At Base At Crown At Base At Crown

(Tel --~ --.JIl.Lmax. (B.)min. (D.)max. (D.)m",,--
(em) (em) in (em) (em) in (em)

(10.2) (10.2) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0)

(10.2) (10.2) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0)
(10.2) (17.8) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0)
(10.2) (10.2) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
(10.2) (10.2) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
(10.2) (12.7) 28 (7l.l) 24 (61.0) 26 (66.0) 24 (61.0)
(10.2) 4 (10.2) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
(10.2) (10.2) 20 (50.8) 16 (40.6) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
(10.2) (10.2) 20 (50.8) 16 (40.6) 26 (66.0) 20 (50.8)
(10.2) (10.2) 24 (61.0) 18 (45.7) 24 (61.0) 18 (45.7)
(10.2) (10.2) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 22 (55.9) 16 (40.6)
(10.2) (10.2) 16 (40.6) 12 (30.5) 22 (55.9) 16 (40.6)
(10.2) (12.7) 54 (137.2) 44 (I I 1.8) 54 (137.2) 44 (IlI.8)
(12.7) (17.8) 48 (121.9) 40 (101.6) 54 (137.2) 44 (I I 1.8)
(10.2) (12.7) 50 (127.0) 40 (101.6) 50 (127.0) 40 (101.6)
(10.2) 5 (12.7) 38 (96.5) 32 (81.3) 48 (121.9) 42 (106.7)
(12.7) 14 (35.6) 44 (111.8) 38 (96.5) 48 (121.9) 42 (106.7)
(10.2) (12.7) 48 (121.9) 42 (106.7) 48 (121.9) 42 (106.7)
(10.2) (12.7) 32 (8I.3) 26 (66.0) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6)
(10.2) 9 (22.9) 36 (91.4) 30 (76.2) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6)
(10.2) 5 (12.7) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6)
(10.2) (12.7) 30 (76.2) 24 (61.0) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6)
(10.2) (15.2) 32 (81.3) 26 (66.0) 46 (116.8) 40 (101.6)
(12.7) (17.8) 82 (208.3) 72 (182.9) 82 (208.3) 72 (182.9)
(15.2) 10 (25.4) 74 (188.0) 66 (167.6) 80 (152.4) 70 (177.8)
(12.7) (15.2) 74 (188.0) 66 (167.6) 74 (188.0) 66 (167.6)
(12.7) (20.3) 54 (137.2) 46 (116.8) 72 (182.9) 62 (157.5)
(10.2) (12.7) 70 (177.8) 60 (152.4) 70 (177.8) 60 (152.4)
(12.7) (17.8) 44 (111.8) 40 (101.6) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3)
(15.2) 10 (25.4) 50 (127.0) 44 (IlI.8) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3)
(10.2) (12.7) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3) 68 (172.7) 58 (147.3)
(12.7) (15.2) 38 (96.5) 30 (76.2) 66 (167.6) 54 (137.2)
(12.7) (20.3) 42 (106.7) 34 (86.4) 66 (167.6) 54 (137.2)


Barrel Shells

BARREL V AUL TS cally are portions of conics such as circles,

ellipses, and parabolas. Another type of gen-
eration for the cylindrical surface of the bar-
Barrel shells can easily be visualized from rel vault is translational. In this case the sur-
their similarity to a portion of a typical bar- face is generated by an arched generatrix
rel; they are simply part of a cylindrical sur- sliding over straight-line directrices. Regard-
face. From the point of view of their mor- less of which of the two previously described
phology, barrel shells are simple-almost generating processes is used, the surface can
intuitive-structures. Once the arch was dis- be described as developable, implying that
covered, extending it to barrel vaulting was it can be developed on a plane-in other
natural. Going from a planar to a three-di- words it is a cylindrical surface of any shape
mensional structure in the practical construc- that can easily be flattened. From a structural
tion was relatively simple, since at this level point of view, this implies that this particular
all structures are in reality three-dimensional. shape has no inherent stability unless addi-
The morphology of the barrel vault is ba- tional considerations are taken into effect.
sically the same conceptually, whether the Still in geometric terms, barrel vaults and
transverse cross-section of the vault is circu- shells can be described also as being synclas-
lar, elliptical, or parabolic. Structural charac- tic, meaning that the curvature of any spe-
teristics will vary considerably as a function of cific cross-section is always positive or always
the various geometric cross-sectional shapes, negative. In other words, the vault's cross-
but from a morphological point of view the sectional shape is always either concave or
barrel vault in whatever form remains basi- convex. It is important to recognize that not
cally the same. all surfaces are synclastic. For instance, hy-
There are several approaches through perbolic paraboloids are surfaces that are typ-
which the barrel vault can be examined and ically anti clastic. In the history of building
evaluated. Its geometry describes it as a ruled technology the barrel vault comes at the be-
surface, meaning a surface generated by a ginning of the development of curvilinear
straight-line generatrix that slides over two surface structures. As previously seen, its
identical directorices. These directorices can connection with the arch makes the barrel
be arches of a circle, or may have many other vault one of the earliest attempts to attain
configurations. The shapes used most typi- structural integrity in masonry.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

BARREL SHELLS length or span. For instance, the tables that

follow include widths of 300 ft (91.4 m) with
At present, the thin-shell barrel acts quite longitudinal dimensions of 30 ft (9.1 m),
differently from the old barrel vault. clearly indicating how short these spans are.
Whether they are short or long, barrel shells In such cases, of course, the structural behav-
in general are supported at each end by ior of the shell in terms of its internal forces
arches that are an integral part of the shell and stresses is drastically different from that
itself and can be considered as stiffening ribs. which would be found in long-barrel shells.
Barrel thin shells span from arch to arch.
More precisely, they can be seen as ruled
surfaces originating from straight lines span- Short Barrels with Nonrigid Edges
ning across from one arch to the next. Thus,
the spacing between arches coincides with the All barrel shells, including short ones, consist
longitudinal length of the barrel. Masonry of a shell that spans longitudinally from one
barrel vaults and concrete barrel shells are support to the next, even if the barrel's longi-
two different structural systems, not to be tudinal span is shorter than its transverse
confused with one another though their ge- (width) span. Again, the supports consist of
ometry is the same. arches that are built integrally with the shell.
Short-barrel shells may have edges in the
longitudinal direction that are nonrigid and
SHORT-BARREL SHELLS unstiffened (see Fig. 12-1). Usually, however,
the thickness of the shell along its longitu-
Short-barrel shells are those with a width sub- dinal edges is purposely increased, to add a
stantially larger than their longitudinal little more rigidity to the elastic edges of the





12-1 Plan (top) and perspective (bottom) of a short-barreled shell with a nonrisid edse.

Barrel Shells

shell. Edge thickness characteristically in- Short Barrels with Rigid Edge Beams
creases from the bottom up to a certain point
about 4 to 5 ft (1.20-1.50 m) from the edge. As do all barrel shells, these short barrels also
The increase in the thickness of a shell can span structurally from one support to an-
more than double. Thus, except for these other which consist of arches built integrally
longitudinal strips of variable thickness, the with the shell. Short-barrel shells with longi-
rest of a shell will have a constant thickness tudinal edge beams stiffening their edges as
throughout. In this case the supporting seen at the bottom of Figure 12-3 behave
arches would have a constant width and a structurally in a manner implying that these
constant depth throughout. Instead, barrel beams do not carry the weight of the shell
shells with rigid edge beams are recom- from support to support, as would be the case
mended to have a variable thickness from the with masonry vaults. Instead these beams act
edge to the crown. The optimized propor- only as stiffeners for the shell. The shell is
tions for preliminary design can be found also stiffened to a lesser degree by thickening
from Figure 12-2. its edges as shown in the last case. Note that


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en ~0' ~
S ./ .~
V ,/

z s~ /
~a:: y

,,~ ~

"~ 0.2
/ ~<$

V I?~~
V ibo.\..' /
~<;)'-: V
L\0' 1/



o· 100' 200' 300'


12-2 Optimized proportions for the preliminary desien of short-barreled

shells with nonrieid edee beams.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desi8n of Thin Shells




12-3 The plan (top) and perspective (bottom) of a short-barreled

shell with ri8id ed8e beams.

edge beams have a rectangular cross-section The optimized proportions for prelimi-
and should not be confused with the thicker nary design can be found in Figure 12-4.
stiffening edge strips in the previous case,
even if they both do perform as stiffeners.
Table 12-2 gives the information neces- The Design of Short-Barrel Shells
sary to design short-barrel shells with stiffen-. with Nonrigid Edge Beams
ing edge beams and stiffening edge strips.
The table supplies detailed dimensions for Whenever a barrel's longitudinal span is
the constant thickness of the shell, the width shorter than its transverse, we have to use the
of its stiffening strip, and dimensions for the term short barrel. In this case the longitudinal
transverse arched rib and edge beams. The edge of the shell does not include an edge
arched ribs constituting the supports are rec- beam, but in place of the edge beam the shell
ommended in this case to have a variable is stiffened by a thicker edge strip.
depth, whereas for the short barrel with The specifications upon which Tables
nonrigid edges the supporting arches were 12-1 and 12-2 are based include using con-
recommended to be uniform in depth. The crete with a minimum specified strength of
recommended depth of the arches actually !C' = 4,000 psi (27.6 MPa) at 28 days, rein-
increases from the bottom up, so that their forcing steel of grade 40 (276 MPa), live
maximum depth is at the crown. loads of 30 psf (1.44 MPa) of horizontal shell

Barrel Shells


DNG :n)( INP ,...Sf

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~N ~\J

\ ~

111( INP ~Sf

-- - -
V I--
z ~, ~N '" 50

::... --
Cf. 0.2
L bN<: ~ f--
,...- ~


a: ACI

« L~N<: \111

- - -
I::: I--

'" 3C
0 1,.,..,\ "lIN, LS ~N
a: LUI'" ~

f,-- ~

0' 100' 200' 300'


12-4 Optimized proportions for the preliminary desion of short-barreled

shells with riOid edoe beams.

projection, and dead loads from the weight of shells with longitudinal spans from 30 ft
of the concrete itself based on 150 pef (2,400 through 80 ft (9-24 m). For each span the
KG/m~), plus 5 psf (0.25 kPa) for roofing table shows transverse spans from 100 ft
and another 5 psf for miscellaneous loads. through 300 ft (91.4 m). Then various shell
Unlike the net shell type that has a short heights are considered for each individual
barrel with stiffening edge beams, which has case, from shallow to deep. For example, for
a variable cross-section, this type includes a longitudinal span of 30 ft and a transverse
shells that are uniformly thick except for span of 100 ft (30.5 m) the table includes a
their thicker edge strips. height at the crown from 15 ft through 45 ft
Table 12-1 includes five different groups (4.61-13.7 m).

TABLE 12-1 Short-Barrel Shells with Nonriaid Edaes
Width of
Transverse Longitudinal Constant Strip of
Span (width Span (length Height Thickness Shell Variable TRANSVERSE ARCHED RIB
of barrel) of barrel) at Crown at Bottom Thickness Thickness Width De~th
Jt (m) Jt (m) Jt (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 15 (4.6) 7 (18) 3 If., (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 25-45 (7.6-13.7) 5 (13) 3 1/ . (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 30 (9.1) 20 (6.1) 10 (25) 3 If., (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
150 (45.7) 30 (9.1) 30 (9.1) 7 (18) 3 If., (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 14 (36)
150 (45.7) 30 (9.1) 40-70 (12.2)-(21) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 40 (12.2) 8 (20) 4 (10) 64 (163) 10 (25) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 55 (16.8) 6 (15) 3 If., (9) 48 (122) 10 (25) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 70-85 (21.3-25.9) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 50 (15.2) 9 (23) 4 (10) 72 (183) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 65 (19.8) 7 (18) 3'/. (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 80-110 (24.3 - 33.5) 5 (13) 3'/. (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.1) 55 (16.8) II (28) 4 (10) 88 (224) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.1) 70 (21.3) 9 (23) 3'/. (9) 72 (183) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.1) 85 (25.9) 7 (18) 3'/. (9) 56 (142) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.1) 100-145 (30.5-44.2) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 12 (30) 24 (61)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) 10 (25) 3'/. (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 6 (15) 3'/. (9) 48 (122) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 35-45 (10.7-13.7) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 10 (25) 3 If., (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
150 (45.7) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) 7 (18) 3 If., (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 14 (36)
150 (45.7) 40 (12.2) 50-70 (15.2-21.3) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
200 (61.0) 40 (12.2) 55 (16.8) 8 (20) 3'/. (9) 64 (163) 10 (25) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 40 (12.2) 70-85 (21.3-25.9) 5 (13) 3'/. (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 65 (19.8) 10 (25) 3'/. (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 80 (24.3) 7 (18) 3 If., (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 95-110 (29.0-33.5) 5 (13) 3'/. (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 85 (25.9) 10 (25) 3'/. (9) 80 (203) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 100 (30.5) 7 (18) 3'/. (9) 56 (142) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 115-145 (35.1-44.2) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 12 (30) 24 (61)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 25 (7.6) 8 (20) 3 If., (9) 64 (163) 10 (25) 16 (41)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 35-45 (10.7-13.7) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 40 (12.2) 10 (25) 3'/. (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 50 (15.2) 6 (15) 3 If., (9) 48 (122) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 60-70 (18.3-21.3) 5 (13) 3'/. (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 55 (16.8) II (28) 3'/. (9) 88 (224) 10 (25) 22 (56)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 70 (21.3) 7 (18) 3'/. (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 85 (25.9) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 80 (24.4) 9 (23) 3 If., (9) 72 (183) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 95 (29.0) 6 (15) 3'/. (9) 48 (122) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 110 (33.5) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 100 (30.5) 10 (25) 3'/. (9) 80 (203) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 115 (35.1) 6 (15) 3'/. (9) 48 (122) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 130-145 (39.6-44.2) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 12 (30) 24 (61)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 10 (25) 3 If., (9) 80 (203) 10 (25) 20 (51)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 35-45 (10.7-13.7) 5 (13) 3 If., (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 60 (18.3) 50 (15.2) 8 (20) 3 If., (9) 64 (163) 10 (25) 16 (41)
TABLE 12-1 (continued)
Width of
Transverse Longitudinal Constant Strip of
Span (length Height Thickness Shell Variable TRANSVERSE ARCHED RIB
Span (width
of barrel) of barrel) at Crown at Bottom Thickness Thickness Width Depth
It (m) It (m) It (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
150 (45.7) 60 (IS.3) 60-70 (lS.3-21.3) 5 (13) 31/2 (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
200 (61.0) 60 (IS.3) 70 (21.3) S (20) 3'j, (9) fi4 (163) 10 (25) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 60 (18.3) S5 (25.9) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 60 (IS.3) 95 (29.0) S (20) 3'j, (9) 64 (163) 10 (25) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 60 (18.3) 110 (33.5) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) 60 (IS.3) 115 (35.1) S (20) 3'j, (9) 64 (163) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 60 (lS.3) 130-145 (39.6-44.2) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 12 (30) 24 (fil)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 35 (10.7) S (20) 3'j, (9) 64 (163) 10 (25) lfi (41)
100 (30.5) SO (24.4) 45 (13.7) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) SO (24.4) 60 (18.3) 7 (IS) 3'j, (9) 56 (142) 10 (25) 14 (36)
150 (45.7) SO (24.4) 70 (21.3) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 10 (25) 12 (30)
200 (61.0) SO (24.4) S5 (25.9) 6 (15) 3'j, (9) 4S (122) 10 (25) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) SO (24.4) 110 (33.5) 6 (15) 3'j, (9) 4S (122) 10 (25) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) SO (24.4) 130 (39.6) 7 (18) 3'j, (9) 56 (142) 12 (30) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 80 (24.4) 145 (44.2) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 40 (102) 12 (30) 24 (61)

TABLE 12-2 Short-Barrel Shell with Rigid Edge Beams

- - - -

Transverse VARIABLE
Span Shell Width of
(Width Longitudinal Height Thickness Constant Strip of Depth Depth
of Span (length at at Shell Variable Constant at at
-'~arrel) _ _ . of barrc_I_)_ _ Crown Bottom Thickness Thickness Width Bottom Crown Width
It (m) Jt (m) It (m) in (em) In (em) in (em) In (em) In (em) In (em) in (em) in (em)
100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 15-45 (4.6-13.7) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 12 (30)
150 (45.7) 30 (9.1) 20-70 (6.1-21.3) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 14 (36)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 25 (7.6) 6 (15) 4 (l0) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 16 (41) 16 (41) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 40 (12.2) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) 55-70 (16.S-21.3) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 14 (36) 16 (41)
200 (61.0) 30 (9.1) S5 (25.9) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 12 (36) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 35 (10.7) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 20 (51) 16 (41) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 50 (15.2) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 16 (41) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 65-S0 (19.S - 24.4) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 14 (36) 16 (41)
250 (76.2) 30 (9.1) 95-110 (29.0-33.5) 5 (13) 31/2 (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 12 (30) 16 (41)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.2) 40 (12.2) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 16 (41) IS (46)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.2) 55 (16.S) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 16 (41) IS (46)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.2) 70-S5 (21.3-25.9) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 14 (36) IS (46)
300 (91.4) 30 (9.2) 100-115 (30.5-35.1) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 12 (30) IS (46)
400 (121.9) 30 (9.2) 50-70 (15.2-21.3) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (SI) 16 (41) 20 (51)
400 (121.9) 30 (9.2) 90-150 (27.4-45.7) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (81) 16 (41) 20 (51)
500 (152.4) 30 (9.2) 65 (19.S) 7 (IS) 5 (13) 2S (71) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 20 (51) 22 (56)
500 (152.4) 30 (9.2) 90 (27.4) 6 (15) 4 (10) 20 (51) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 16 (41) 22 (56)
500 (152.4) 30 (9.2) 115-190 (35.1-57.9) 5 (13) 3'j, (9) 20 (51) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 16 (41) 22 (56)
TABLE 12-1 Short-Barrel Shells with Nonriaid Edaes (continued)
Transverse VARIABLE
Span Shell Width of
(Width Longitudinal Height Thickness Constant Strip of Depth Depth
of Span (length at at Shell Variable Constant at at
Barrel) of barrel) Crown Bottom Thickness Thickness Width Bottom Crown Width De~
I! (m) I! (m) I! (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 15-45 (4.6-13.7) 5 (13) 3'1. (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41)
150 (45.7) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41) 18 (46)
150 (45.7) 40 (12.2) 30-70 (9.1-21.3) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41) 18 (46)
200 (61.0) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 16 (41) 16 (41) 20 (51)
200 (61.0) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) 5 (13) 3 11. (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 20 (51)
200 (61.0) 40 (12.2) 55-85 (16.8-25.9) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 14 (36) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 35 (10.7) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 20 (51) 16 (41) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 50-65 (15.2-19.8) 6 (15) 3 1; ' (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 20 (51) 16 (41) 20 (51)
250 (76.2) 40 (12.2) 80-110 (24.4-33.5) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 14 (36) 20 (51)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 12 (30) 14 (36) 24 (61) 20 (51) 22 (56)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 55 (16.8) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 16 (41) 22 (56)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 70 (21.3) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 16 (41) 22 (56)
300 (91.4) 40 (12.2) 85-115 (25.9-35.1) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 14 (36) 22 (56)
400 (121.9) 40 (12.2) 50 (15.2) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (81) 20 (51) 24 (61)
400 (121.9) 40 (12.2) 70 (21.3) 6 (15) 4 (10) 24 (61) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (81) 20 (51) 24 (61)
400 (121.9) 40 (12.2) 90 (27.4) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (81) 16 (41) 24 (61)
400 (121.9) 40 (12.2) 110-150 (33.5-45.7) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 16 (41) 14 (36) 32 (81) 16 (41) 24 (61)
500 (152.4) 40 (12.2) 65 (19.8) 7 (18) 5 (13) 28 (71) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 20 (51) 26 (66)
500 (152.4) 40 (12.2) 90 (27.4) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 20 (51) 26 (66)
500 (152.4) 40 (12.2) 115 (35.1) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 20 (51) 26 (66)
500 (152.4) 40 (12.2) 140-170 (42.7-51.8) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 20 (51) 16 (41) 40 (102) 16 (41) 26 (66)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 15 (4.6) 6 (15) 3 1; ' (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41) 20 (51)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 25-45 (7.6-13.7) 5 (13) 3'h (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 20 (51)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 20 (6.1) 6 (15) 3 1; ' (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41) 22 (56)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 30 (9.1) 6 (15) 3 1; ' (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 16 (41) 22 (56)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 40-70 (12.2-21.3) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 16 (41) 22 (56)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 25 (7.6) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 10 (25) 14 (36) 16 (41) 20 (51) 24 (61)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 40 (12.2) 6 (15) 3 1; ' (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 16 (41) 16 (41) 24 (61)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 55-85 (16.8-25.9) 5 (13) 3 11. (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 24 (61) 24 (61)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 35 (10.7) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 10 (25) 14 (36) 20 (51) 20 (51) 24 (61)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 50 (15.2) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 10 (25) 12 (30) 20 (51) 16 (41) 24 (61)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 65 (19.8) 5 (13) 3'h (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 16 (41) 24 (61)
250 (76.2) 50 (15.2) 80-110 (24.4-33.5) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 14 (36) 24 (61)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 40 (12.2) 7 (18) 4 (10) 28 (71) 12 (30) 14 (36) 24 (61) 20 (51) 26 (66)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 55 (16.8) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 20 (51) 26 (66)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 70-85 (21.3-25.9) 6 (15) 3 11. (9) 24 (61) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 16 (41) 26 (66)
300 (91.4) 50 (15.2) 100-115 (30.5-35.1) 5 (13) 3 1; ' (9) 20 (51) 12 (30) 12 (30) 24 (61) 14 (36) 26 (66)
Barrel Shells

Design of Short Barrel Shells with LONG BARREL SHELLS

Rigid Beams

These shells are classified as having short Long barrel shells (see Fig. 12-5) are charac-
barrels because their length is equal to or less terized by the fact that their longitudinal
than their width, and they also have rigid span is substantially larger than their trans-
edge beams. For all the shells in this chapter verse span. In the cases shown in Table 12-3,
the design specifications call for using con- the longitudinal spans vary from two to four
crete with a minimum specified strength of times the width of the barrel.
4,000 psi (2.26 MPa) at 28 days, weighing The structural behavior of the long barrel
150 lbs. per ef (2,400 kG/m 3 ), reinforcing shell is somewhat different from that of the
steel of grade 40 (2.76 MPa), a live load of 30 short-span one. For one thing, the beam ac-
psf (1.5 kPa) of horizontal shell projection, tion in long-span barrel shells resembles the
and a dead-load weight of the concrete itself structural behavior of a girder. Because of
plus 5 psf (.25 kPa) for roofing and another 5 the elongated rectangular shape of the long
psf for miscellaneous loads. The shell thick- barrel, it is necessary to combine several such
ness is constant except for a strip near the barrels together to cover buildings with floor
edge, where it increases steadily, to its maxi- plans that are almost square. The barrels are
mum at the bottom. connected along their longitudinal edges so
that each edge supports the adjacent one.
Outside edges will remain unstiffened, how-
The Effects of Rigid Edge Beams ever, unless an edge beam is provided.
The optimized proportions for the prelim-
Even when other factors vary, shells' uniform inary design of long barrel shells can be
thicknesses will always be equal for shells re- found in Figure 12-6.
gardless of whether or not they have rigid
edge beams. Differences will occur only in
edge strips, where thickness and width will Design of Long Barrel Shells
vary. In two short-barreled shells in which
one is rigid along its edges because it has rigid The optimal dimensions in terms of the
beams but the other does not, if their longi- height of a shell at its crown with respect to
tudinal spans, crown heights and transverse its longitudinal span vary according to the
spans are equal, the shells will have a uniform ratio between its longitudinal and transverse
thickness. In a nonrigid-edged barrel with a spans. The values given here have been de-
longitudinal span of 40 ft (12.2 m), a crown rived from shells designed to employ con-
height of 15 ft (4.6 m), and a transverse span crete with a minimum specified strength of
of 100 ft (30.4 m), the stiffening strip will be 4,000 psi (27.6 MPa) at 28 days weighing 150
80 in (203 em) wide, with a thickness at its pef (2400 kG/m 3 ), reinforcing steel of grade
base of lOin (25 cm) that reduces gradually 40 (276 MPa), a live load of 30 psf (1.5 kPa)
to 31/2 in (9 cm). In a barrel having the same of horizontal shell projection, and a dead
dimensions but with rigid edge beams, the load, including the weight of the concrete
stiffening edge is only 20 in (51 cm) wide, itself, of 150 pef (2,400 kG/m 3 ), plus 5 psf
with the thickness at the base also being 10 (0.25 kPa) for roofing and another 5 psf
in, reducing gradually to 3 1/2 in (9 cm). (0.25 kPa) for miscellaneous loads.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells



12-5 Plan (top) and perspective (bottom) of a desian in lana-barreled



""" - -- --
r- :--

o· 100' 200' 300'


12-6 Optimized proportions for the preliminary desian of lana-barreled


Barrel Shells

The recommended approximate values lections. Table 12-4, which follows, deals
for the dimensions of long-barrel shells are with long barrel shells, showing four to five
given in Table 12-4. different values for the height of a crown for
The values indicated here are average any given combination of longitudinal and
heights within the range of various possible transverse spans.
dimensions and do not represent specific se-

TABLE 12-3 Dimensions for Selected Standard Spans and Heights of Long Barrel Shells
Transverse Height Constant
Longitudinal Span (width at Shell
S~an at Barrel) Crown Thickness Width DeEth Width Depth
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) In (em) In(em) In(em) in (em) In (em)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 5 (1.5) 4I/2 (11 ) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 30 (76)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 6 ( 1.8) 3 1/2 (9) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 30 (76)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 8 (2.4) 3 1/2 (9) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 30 (76)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 10 (3.0) 3 1/2 (9) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 30 (76)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 5 ( 1.5) 4 1/2 (11 ) 24 (61) 12 (30) 10 (25) 32 (81 )
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 6 ( 1.8) 4 (10) 24 (61 ) 12 (30) 10 (25) 32 (81 )
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 8 (2.4) 3 1/2 (9) 24 (61 ) 12 (30) 10 (25) 32 (81 )
100 (30.5 ) 50 (15.2) 10 (3.0) 3 1/2 (9) 24 (61 ) 12 (30) 10 (25) 32 (81 )
150 (45.7) 25 (7.6) 10 (3.0) 3 1/2 (9) 24 (61 ) 18 (46) 12 (30) 48 (122)
150 (45.7) 25 (7.6) 12 (3.7) 4 (10) 24 (61 ) 18 (46) 12 (30) 48 (122)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 10 (3.0) 5 1/2 (14) 28 (71 ) 18 (46) 14 (36) 54 (137)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 12 (3.7) 4 (10) 28 (71 ) 18 (46) 12 (30) 48 (122)
150 (45.7) 50 (15.2) 14 (4.3) 3 1/2 (9) 28 (71 ) 18 (46) 10 (25) 40 (102)
150 (45.7) 75 (22.9) 10 (3.0) 6 ( 15) 32 (81 ) 20 (51 ) 12 (30) 48 (122)
150 (45.7) 75 (22.9) 12 (3.7) 4 (10) 32 (81 ) 20 (51 ) 12 (30) 48 (122)
150 (45.7) 75 (22.9) 14 (4.3) 3 1/2 (9) 32 (81 ) 20 (51 ) 10 (25) 44 (112)
150 (45.7) 75 (22.9) 16 (4.9) 3 1/2 (9) 32 (81 ) 20 (51) 10 (25) 40 (102)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 18 (5.5) 5 1/2 (14) 34 (86) 34 (86) 16 (41 ) 50 (152)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 20 (6.1 ) 4 (10) 34 (86) 24 (61 ) 14 (36) 60 (152)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 22 (6.7) 3 1/2 (9) 34 (86) 24 (61 ) 14 (36) 56 (142)
200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 24 (7.3) 3 1/2 (9) 34 (86) 24 (61 ) 14 (36) 52 (132)
200 (61.0) 75 (22.9) 18 (5.5) 5 1/2 (14) 36 (91 ) 30 (76) 16 (41) 64 (123)
200 (61.0) 75 (22.9) 20 (6.14) 4 (10) 36 (91 ) 30 (76) 14 (36) 64 (123)
200 (61.0) 75 (22.9) 22 (6.7) 3 112 (9) 36 (91) 30 (76) 14 (36) 60 (152)
200 (61.0) 75 (22.9) 24 (7.3) 3112 (9) 36 (91 ) 30 (76) 12 (30) 56 (142)
200 (61.0) 100 (30.5) 18 (5.5) 5112 ( 14) 42 (107) 32 (81 ) 16 (41 ) 64 (163)
200 (61.0) 100 (30.5) 20 (6.1 ) 4 1/2 (11 ) 42 (107) 32 (81 ) 14 (36) 64 (163)
200 (61.0) 100 (30.5) 32 (9.8) 3 1/2 (9) 42 (107) 32 (81 ) 12 (30) 60 (152)

TABLE 12-4 Approximate Values for Dimensions of Long-Barrel Shells

Twice as long 100 ft (30.4 m) 7 ft (2.1 m)
200 ft (61.0 m) 13 ft (4.0 m)
300 ft (91.4 m) 18 ft (5.5 m)
Three times as long 100 ft (30.4 m) 10 ft (3.0 m)
200 ft (61.0 m) 18 ft (5.5 m)
300 ft (91.4 m) 24 ft (7.3 m)
Four times as long 100 ft (30.4 m) 13 ft (4.0 m)
200 ft (61.0 m) 21 ft (6.4 m)
300 ft (91.4 m) 29 ft (8.8 m)

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

Structural Characteristics of the gly standing barrel, its longitudinal edges are
Long Barrel Shell free, so it is advisable to stiffen them with
longitudinal edge beams. Similarly, in a series
The long barrel shell spans longitudinally of adjacent barrels the outside edges of the
from one support to the next. The supports first and last barrels should be stiffened with
for it, the transverse arched ribs, are built edge beams.
integrally with the shell. These arched ribs Table 12-4 furnishes the necessary dimen-
are in turn supported in various manners. sions for many given combinations of longi-
The long barrel acts primarily as a beam with tudinal spans, transverse spans, and heights
an upper zone in compression and a lower of crowns. The design dimensions also in-
zone in tension, divided by a line acting as a clude the thickness of the shell, which is kept
neutral axis. constant throughout, and give the width and
Long barrels can stand alone individually depth of the arched ribs, which also have
or be combined into a series of adjacent shells constant cross-sections, and the width and
mutually supporting each other. With a sin- depth of the edge beam.


The Design of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

SADDLE-TYPE As is typical of saddle-type hyperbolic parab-

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOIDS oloids, the whole structure consists of one
continuous surface, contrary to most hyper-
Square Plan on Two
bolic paraboloidal structures, which as noted,
Supports (Horizontal)
usually include several surfaces connected by
The usual name for this type of surface, the edge members. In this case the edge mem-
saddle, comes from its similarity with that of bers are located only on the perimeter. Fig-
conventional saddles for horseback riding. ure 13-2 differs from 13-4. In the first, the
This type of hyperbolic paraboloid forms one two cantilevered tips are at the same level
continuous surface, which distinguishes it from the ground, while in the other, they are
from other such applications that are attained at different heights. In the second case, the
by combining different parts of hyperbolic paraboloid is inclined or sloped.
paraboloids. The saddle-type hyperbolic pa- Looking at the projection of this hyper-
raboloid structure has no joint lines marking bolic paraboloid on a horizontal plane in Fig-
the connections of different parts and has a ure 13-1, we can observe that the square
unified flow without lines of discontinuity. shape of the structure identifies four corners,
This structure is a portion of a larger surface two at each end of the diagonal of the square
form. Its perimeter is constituted of straight that are on the ground and two at the ends of
lines that in space are skewed but if projected the other diagonals that are the upper
on a horizontal plan would generate a square. corners of the structure. The two points on
This shape consists of a hyperbolic parabo- the ground form the points of support, with
loid enclosed by four edge beams that slope the two on the peak that are at an equal
down from two high tips to lower points (see height above the ground constituting the tips
Figs. 13-1 and 13-2). The four edge beams of the cantilevered portions of the hyperbolic
are straight but have variable cross-sections paraboloid.
whose depths and widths increase as the sec- The straight-line edges of these hyperbolic
tions get closer to the lower point. Two of the paraboloids were obtained by intersecting
four corners act as supports; the other two, the hyperbolic paraboloidal surface with four
being the highest tips, cantilever out. The vertical planes.
structure is symmetrical with respect to axes Because the structural supports are lo-
running as the diagonals of the square plan. cated at the two diagonally opposed corners

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells





13-1 A horizontal plan of a saddle-type hyperboliC paraboloid with a square plan on two supports.



13-2 An elevation of a sloped saddle-type hyperboliC paraboloid with a square plan on two supports.

of the square projection of the hyperbolic main supports with their bearing capacity in
paraboloid, this makes the structure quite un- compression and minimizes the visual effect
stable if its loading is asymmetrical. It is thus of having additional supports, is to add verti-
important to stabilize the structure with addi- cal tensile members at either the two upper
tional supports to avoid its overturning. One tips of the shell or along its cantilevered
elegant solution, which keeps only the two edges.

The Desien of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

To identify this particular group of hyper- The recommended optimal dimensions

bolic paraboloidal shells on two supports re- for this type of shell (see Table 13-1) are
quires distinguishing the shape of the hori- based on using concrete with a minimum
zontal projection as square rather than specified strength of f: = 4,000 psi (27.6
skewed or diamond shaped. It also is neces- MPa) at 28 days, reinforcing steel of grade 40
sary to establish that the two high tips of the (276 MPa), live loads of 30 psf (1.44 MPa) of
shell that are diagonally opposite each other horizontal shell projection, and dead loads
are at an equal height above the ground. from the weight of the concrete itself based
Identifying this condition distinguishes this on 150 pef (2,400 kG/m S ), plus 5 psf (0.25
specific case and any other inclined shell kPa) for roofing and another 5 psf for miscel-
from the sloped type in the horizontal po- laneous loads. The shell's thickness is con-
sition. stant throughout.


v V

0.2 l/
Z /
Q /


0' 100' 200' 300'

13-3 Optimized proportions for the preliminary desien of horizontal

hyperbolic paraboloids on a square plan on two supports.

TABLE 13-1 Horizontal Saddle-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Square Plan on Two Supports
Shell Minimum Section Maximum Section
Diagonal Tip
Span Side Height Thickness WIDTH DEPTH WIDTH DEPTH
ft (m) ft (m) !! (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
84.85 (25.9) 60 (18.3) 10 (3) 3112 (9) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 10 (25)
113.14 (34.5) 80 (24.4) 15-45 (4.6-13.7) 3112 (9) 28 (71) 28 (71) 10 (25) 10 (25)
141.42 (43.1) 100 (30.5) 20-50 (6.1-15.2) 3112 (9) 34 (86) 34 (86) 12 (30) 12 (30)
169.70 (51.7) 120 (36.6) 25 (7.6) 4 (10) 38 (97) 38 (97) 14 (36) 14 (36)
169.70 (51.7) 120 (36.6) 30-55 (9.1-16.8) 31/. (9) 36 (91) 36 (91) 14 (36) 14 (36)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 30 (9.1) 5 (13) 46 (117) 46 (117) 18 (46) 18 (46)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 35 (10.7) 4 (10) 46 (117) 46 (117) 18 (46) 18 (46)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 40-60 (12.2-18.3) 3112 (9) 44 (112) 44 (112) 16 (41) 16 (41)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 35 (10.7) 6 (15) 54 (137) 54 (137) 24 (61) 24 (61 )
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 40 (12.2) 5 (13) 52 (132) 52 (132) 24 (61) 24 (61)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 45 (13.7) 4 (10) 52 (132) 52 (132) 24 (61) 24 (61)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 50-65 (15.2-19.8) 3112 (9) 50 (127) 50 (127) 20 (51) 20 (51)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 40 (12.2) 8 (20) 60 (152) 60 (152) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 45 (13.7) 6 (15) 58 (147) 58 (147) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 50 (15.2) 5 (13) 58 (147) 58 (147) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 55 (16.8) 4 (10) 58 (147) 58 (147) 28 (71) 28 (71)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 60-70 (18.3-21.3) 3112 (9) 58 (147) 58 (147) 28 (71) 28 (71)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 45 (13.7) 10 (25) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 50 (15.2) 7 (18) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 55 (16.8) 6 (15) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 60 (18.3) 5 (13) 64 (163) 64 (163) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 65-70 (19.8-21.3) 4 (10) 64 (163) 64 (163) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 75 (22.9) 3112 (9) 64 (163) 64 (163) 30 (76) 30 (76)
The Design of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

The recommended optimal values for the different heights from the ground.
average dimensions of this type of hyperbolic The sloped hyperbolic paraboloid is a par-
paraboloid are as follows (see Fig. 13-3). ticular case with respect to the horizontal
type, which is more orthodox. By sloping the
Diagonal Span Tip Height whole shell, dramatic effects can be attained,
100 ft (30.5 m) 12.5 ft (3.8 m) as seen in a number of Felix Candela's shells
200 ft (61 m) 40 ft (12.2 m) in Mexico.
300 ft (91.4 m) 75 ft (22.9 m) The recommended optimal dimensions
for this type of shell (see Table 13-2 and
Figures 13-4 - 13-6) are based on the same
Square Plan on specifications for materials and loads given
Two Supports (Sloped) with Table 13-1.
The recommended optimal values for the
This type of structure is geometrically similar average dimensions of this type of hyperbolic
to the saddle-type hyperbolic paraboloid de- paraboloid are as follows:
scribed above, the only difference being that
in this case the whole structure is rotated Diagonal Span Tip Height
around a horizontal axis that passes through 100 ft (30.5 m) 12.5 ft (3.8 m)
the two lower supports. An inclined or sloped 200 ft (61 m) 50 ft (7.6 m)
structure thus has its two cantilevered tips at 300 ft (91.4 m) 100 ft (30.5 m)




1 3-4 The plan of a sloped, saddle-type, square-plan hyperbolic parabolOid on two supports.

TABLE 13-2 Sloped Saddle-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Square Plan on Two Supports
Tip Constant Minimum Maximum
Diagonal Height Shell Section Section
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) in (CIII) in (CIII) in (CIII) in (CIII) in (CIII) ia (CIII)
84.85 (25.9) 60 (18.3) 10-20 (3-6.1) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 22 (56) 22 (56) 20 (25) 10 (25)
84.85 (25.9) 60 (18.3) 25-40 (7.6-12.2) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 20 (51) 20 (51) 10 (25) 10 (25)
113.14 (34.5) 80 (24.4) 15-20 (4.5-6.1) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 30 (76) 30 (76) 10 (25) 10 (25)
113.14 (34.5) 80 (24.4) 25-45 (7.6-13.7) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 28 (71) 28 (71) 10 (25) 10 (25)
141.42 (43.1) 100 (30.5) 20 (6.1) 10 (3) 5 (13) 38 (97) 38 (97) 14 (36) 14 (36)
141.42 (43.1) 100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) to (3) 4 (10) 38 (97) 38 (97) 14 (36) 14 (36)
141.42 (43.1) 100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 38 (97) 38 (97) 14 (36) 14 (36)
141.42 (43.1) 100 (30.5) 35-50 (10.7-15.2) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 34 (86) 34 (86) 12 (30) 12 (30)
169.70 (51.7) 120 (36.6) 30 (9.1) 10 (3) 6 (15) 48 (122) 48 (122) 20 (51) 20 (51)
169.70 (51.7) 120 (36.6) 35-40 (10.7-12.2 10 (3) 4 (10) 44 (112) 44 (112) 16 (41) 16 (41)
169.70 (51.7) 120 (36.6) 45-55 (13.7-16.8) to (3) 3'1.r (9) 36 (91) 36 (91) 14 (36) 14 (36)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 40 (12.2) 10 (3) 7 (18) 54 (137) 54 (137) 24 (61) 24 (61)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 45 (13.7) 10 (3) 6 (15) 48 (122) 48 (122) 20 (51) 20 (51)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 50 (15.2) 10 (3) 5 (13) 44 (112) 44 (112) 16 (41) 16 (41)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 55-60 (16.8-18.3) 10 (3) 4 (10) 44 (112) 44 (112) 16 (41) 16 (41)
198.00 (60.4) 140 (42.7) 65 (19.8) 10 (3) 3'1.r (9) 44 (112) 44 (112) 16 (41) 16 (41)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 50 (15.2) 10 (3) 9 (23) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 55 (16.8) 10 (3) 7 (18) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 60 (18.3) 10 (3) 6 (15) 64 (163) 64 (163) 30 (76) 30 (76)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 65 (19.8) 10 (3) 5 (13) 56 (152) 60 (152) 28 (71) 28 (71)
226.27 (69.0) 160 (48.8) 70-75 (2l.3-22.9) 10 (3) 4 (10) 54 (137) 54 (137) 24 (61) 24 (61)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 65 (19.8) to (3) 9 (23) 70 (178) 70 (178) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 70 (21.3) 10 (3) 8 (20) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 75-80 (22.9-24.4) 10 (3) 6 (15) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
254.56 (77.6) 180 (54.9) 85-90 (25.9-27.4) 10 (3) 5 (13) 58 (147) 58 (147) 26 (66) 26 (66)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 85 (25.9) 10 (3) 8 (20) 74 (188) 74 (188) 34 (86) 34 (86)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 90 (27.4) 10 (3) 7 (18) 70 (178) 70 (178) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 95-100 (29.0-30.5) 10 (3) 6 (15) 66 (168) 66 (168) 30 (76) 30 (76)
282.84 (86.2) 200 (61.0) 105-110 (32.0-33.5) 10 (3) 5 (13) 64 (163) 64 (163) 26 (66) 26 (66)
The Desian of Hyperbolic Paraboloids



13-5 The elevation of a sloped. saddle-type hyperbolic paraboloid on a square plan on two supports.


z JV
~ 0.2
c.. V
c:: rr
~ 0.1

o· 100' 200' 300'

13-6 Optimized proportions for the preliminary desian of sloped

hyperboliC paraboloids on a square plan on two supports.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desinn of Thin Shells

FOUR-GABLE-TYPE can be done conveniently by using four ties

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOIDS to connect the four corners along the perim-
Square Plan The recommended optimal dimensions
for this type of shell (see Table 13-3 and Figs.
This structure strongly resembles a conven- 13-7 - 13-9) are based on the same specifica-
tional gable roof. In this case the plan is tions as given before for Table 13-I.
square, but it could also be rectangular, as The recommended optimal values for the
shown in the next example. This structure average dimensions of this type of hyperbolic
consists of four identical hyperbolic parabo- paraboloid are as follows:
loidal surfaces that form the four quadrants
of a square. Each surface has two inclined Span Tip Height
edge members at its perimeter and two hori- 100 ft X 100 ft (30.5 24 ft (7.3 m)
zontal edge beams, which join adjacent sur- m X 30.5 m)
faces and form the roofs ridges. The sloped 200 ft X 200 ft (61 66 ft (20.1 m)
edge beams have variable cross-sections m X 61 m)
whose depths and thicknesses increase to- 250 ft X 250 ft (76.2 93 ft (28.3 m)
ward the lower corners of the supports. The m X 76.2 m)
horizontal edge beams on the ridge where
the four quadrants merge also have variable
cross-sections, with their depths and widths Rectangular Plan
increasing as the sections progress from the
edges of the structure toward its center. Each This type of four-gabled structure is similar
edge member produces horizontal thrust that to the previous one, except that its plan is
must be counteracted at each corner, which rectangular rather than square. Although the







13-7 The plan of a four-nable-type, square plan hyperbolic paraboloid.

The Design of Hyperbolic Paraboloids


13-8 The perspective of a four-gable-type, square plan hyperboliC



-,j '/
l<~ /

z I- ~ ~~
V \ ~..>-

) "\ ~O~ \ "1-

iIi ~
a. b_

- '\
j:: I'"

l ~

/ \ ~
~I ~


1\\ f11- ~



0' 100' 200' 300'


13-9 The optimized proportions for the preliminary design of a

four-gable-type, square and rectangular plan hyperbolic paraboloid.

TABLE 13-3 Four-Gable Hyperbolic Paraboloid with a Square Plan
ConsIant Minmum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Side Tip Shell Section Section Section Section
Span Height Thickness Width DefIth Width Depth Width Depth Width Depth
f!. (m> ft (m> ill (CJII> ill (CJII> ill (CJII> in (CJII> ill (CJII> ill (CJII> in (CJII> ill (CJII> in (CJII>
60 (18.5) 10 (5) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (50) 12 (SO) 10 (25) 6 (15) 24 (61) 12 (SO)
60 (18.5) 15-55 (4.6-10.7) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 20 (51) 10 (25)
80(24.4) 15 (4.6) 6 (15) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 4 (10) 52 (81) 16 (41)
80 (24.4) 20 (6.1) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (56) 14 (56) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (56)
80(24.4) 25 (7.6) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (50) 12 (50) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (61) 12 (SO)
80(24.4) 50 (9.1) S'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (50) 12 (50) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (61) 12 (SO)
80(24.4) 55 (10.7) S'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 20 (51) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) S'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 20 (51) 10 (25)
100 (50.5) 25 (7.6) 5 (l!J)10 (25) 10 (25) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 5 (l!J) 44 (1l2) 22 (56)
100 (50.5) 50 (9.1) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 20 (51) 10 (25) 6 (15) 40 (102) 20 (51)
100 (50.5) 55 (10.7) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 7 (18) 52 (81) 18 (46)
100 (50.5) 40 (12.2) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 52 (81) 16 (41)
100 (50.5) 45 (l!J.7) 5'h (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (56) 14 (S6) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (lJ6)
100 (50.5) 50 (15.2) 5'h ... (~ ._10 (25_)_ 10 (25) 14 (56) _1.! ---.!Q. (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (lJ6)
The DesiBn of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

square plan may be more practical because of 13-10- 13-12) are based on the same specifi-
its biaxial symmetry, the rectangular plan has cations given with Table 13-1.
much to recommend it. Its strong resem- The recommended optimal values for the
blance to a typical gable roof elimintes the a verage dimensions of this type of hyperbolic
dramatic effects that hyperbolic paraboloid paraboloid (see Fig. 13-9) are as follows:
surface can produce. And this type of assem-
bly of hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces can Long Side Short Side
produce practical roof structures in shell con- SEan SEan TiE Height
struction, to enjoy its desirable economic 100 ft 60 ft 20 ft
values. The economy of this form capitalizes (30.5 m) (18.3 m) (6.1 m)
on the simplicity of form work of using 140 ft 60 ft 20 ft
straight-line generatrices and the economy (42.7 m) (18.3 m) (6.1 m)
that any thin-shell structure offers, due to the 160 ft 80 ft 32 ft
minimal amount of concrete it uses. (48.8 m) (24.4 m) (9.8 m)
The recommended optimal dimensions 180 ft 80 ft 45 ft
for this type of shell (see Table 13-4 and Figs. (54.9 m) (24.4 m) (13.7 m)





13-10 The plan of a four-Bable-type, rectanBular plan, hyperbolic


1 3-11 The perspective of a four-Bable-type, rectanBular plan, hyperbolic parabolOid.

TABLE 13-4 Four-Gable Hyperbolic Paraboloid with a Rectansular Plan
Long Short Constant Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Side Side Tip Shell Section Section Section Section
S~an S~an Height Thickness Width Depth Width Depth Width Depth Width Depth
ft (m) ft (m) ft (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 15 (4.6) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (61) 12 (30)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 20-40 (6.1-12.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 20 (51) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 20 (6.1) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (61) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 30-45 (9.1-13.7) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (51) 10 (25)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 30-40 (9.1-12.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 12 (30)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 45-50 (13.7-15.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 10 (25) 7 (18) 20 (51) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 20 (6.1) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 5 (13) 36 (91) 18 (46)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 25 (7.6) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 30-45 (9.1-13.7) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 12 (30) 12 (30) 10 (25) 7 (18) 24 (61) 12 (30)
120 (36.6) 80 (24.4) 25 (7.6) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 5 (13) 36 (91) 18 (46)
120 (36.6) 80 (24.4) 30 (9.1) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (81) 16 (41)
120 (36.6) 80 (24.4) 35-50 (10.7-15.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
140 (42.7) 80 (24.4) 30 (9.1) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 6 (15) 36 (19) 18 (46)
140 (42.7) 80 (24.4) 30 (9.1) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 6 (15) 36 (19) 18 (46)
140 (42.7) 80 (24.4) 35-40 (10.7-12.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (81) 16 (41)
140 (42.7) 80 (24.4) 45-55 (13.7-16.8) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
160 (48.8) 80 (24.4) 35 (10.7) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 20 (51) 10 (25) 6 (15) 40 (102) 20 (51)
160 (48.8) 80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 18 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 7 (18) 36 (91) 18 (46)
160 (48.8) 80 (24.4) 45-50 (13.7-15.2) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (81) 16 (41)
160 (48.8) 80 (24.4) 55-60 (16.8-18.3) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 24 (61) 24 (61) 10 (25) 5 (13) 48 (122) 24 (61)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 35 (10.7) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 6 (15) 44 (112) 22 (56)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51 ) 20 (51) 10 (25) 7 (18) 40 (102) 20 (51)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 7 (18) 36 (91) 18 (46)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (81) 16 (41)
120 (36.6) 100 (30.5) 55 (16.8) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 14 (36) 14 (36) 10 (25) 7 (18) 28 (71) 14 (36)
140 (42.7) 100 (30.5) 35 (10.7) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 24 (61) 24 (61) 10 (25) 5 (13) 48 (122) 24 (61)
140 (42.7) 100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 6 (15) 44 (112) 22 (56)
140 (42.7) 100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 20 (51) 10 (25) 7 (18) 40 (102) 20 (51)
140 (42.7) 100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) 18 (46) 10 (25) 7 (18) 36 (91) 18 (46)
140 (42.7) 100 (30.5) 55-60 (16.8-IS.3) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (SI) 16 (41)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 26 (66) 26 (66) 10 (25) 5 (13) 52 (132) 26 (66)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 24 (61) 24 (61) 10 (25) 6 (15) 4S (122) 24 (61)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 7 (IS) 44 (112) 22 (56)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 55 (16.S) 3'/. (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51 ) 20 (51) 10 (25) 7 (IS) 40 (102) 20 (51)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 60 (lS.3) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 18 (46) IS (46) 10 (25) 7 (IS) 36 (91) IS (46)
160 (4S.S) 100 (30.5) 65 (19.S) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 16 (41) 16 (41) 10 (25) 7 (\8) 32 (SI) 16 (41)
ISO (54.9) 100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25) 26 (66) 26 (66) 10 (25) 5 (13) 52 (132) 26 (66)
ISO (54.9) 100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 4 (10) 10 (25) 10 (25) 24 (61) 24 (61) 10 (25) 6 (15) 48 (122) 24 (61)
ISO (54.9) 100 (30.5) 55 (16.S) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 22 (56) 22 (56) 10 (25) 7 (IS) 44 (112) 22 (56)
ISO (54.9) 100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) 20 (51) 20 (51) 10 (25) 7 (IS) 40 (102) 20 (51)
ISO (54.9) 100 (30.5) 65 (19.S) 3'j" (9) 10 (25) 10 (25) IS (46) IS (46) 10 (25) 7 (18) 36 (91) IS (46)
The Desion of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

o. 4

" /
Q:' II
pi v i" HO Fn~ PAr = 1PO'

N.~OF T8 AN 1=&
f- Ij/

SIJ bR- '8P, N
z 60'

~ 0.2
If HO Fn ~ PAr = 4P'

0' 100' 200' 300'


13-12 The optimized proportions for the preliminary desion of an

umbrella-type, square and rectanaular plan hyperbolic paraboloid_

UMBRELLA-TYPE of four quadrants of hyperbolic paraboloi-

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOIDS dal surfaces connected along their inclined
edges. When the four quadrants are joined
along their horizontal edges, a unit is formed.
This type of structure resembles the um-
brella (see Figs. 13-13 and 13-14) from which
its name derives. The support for the whole U mbrella-Type Hyperbolic
structure is at its center. However, the struc- Paraboloids (Square Plan)
ture is usually combined with other, similar,
ones to form a system in which each column This type of hyperbolic paraboloid resembles
is the nodal point of a grid. Large buildings a square pyramid with the support under its
can be roofed with this system. An umbrella- apex being like the stem of an umbrella.
type paraboloid is in reality a combination Though it is less glamorous than the hyper-

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desi8n of Thin Shells



13-13 The plan of an umbrella-type. square plan hyperbolic paraboloid.

13-14 The perspective of an umbrella-type. square plan hyperbolic


bolic paraboloid on two supports. this type is loads given with respect to Table 13-1.
quite economical and practical for one-story The recommended optimized values for
modular concrete buildings. By using these as the average dimensions of this type of hyper-
the basic model. a large structure can be built bolic paraboloid are as follows (see also Fig.
in modular formwork to cast individual units 13-12):
that can then be joined together.
Such structures have sometimes been used Side Spans Tip Height
as individual structures with self-standing sta- 50 ft X 50 ft 7.5 ft (2.3 m)
bility attained by the proper footing. In the (15.2 m X 15.2 m)
United States outdoor shelters shaped as hy- 100 ft X 100 ft 29 ft (8.8 m)
perbolic paraboloidal umbrellas have been (30.5 m X 30.5 m)
built as typical structures in state parks. 150 ft X 150 ft 55 ft (16.8 m)
The recommended optimized dimensions (45.7 m X 45.7 m)
for this type of shell (see Table 13-5) are 200 ft X 200 ft 86 ft (26.2 m)
based on the specifications for materials and (61 m X 61 m)

TABLE 13-5 Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Square Plan
Minimum Maximum HORIZONTAL
Section Section EDGE BEAM
Side Peak Shell
(m) (m) In (em) in (em) In (em) In (em) in (em) In (em) in (em)
ft ft
40 (12.2) 5 (1.5) 3'1. (9) 20 (51) 3 (8) 40 (102) 6 (15) 6 (15) 6 (15)
40 (12.2) 10 (3) 3'1. (9) 10 (25) 3 (8) 20 (51) 6 (15) 6 (15) 6 (15)
40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) 3'1. (9) 7 (18) 3 (8) 13 (33) 6 (15) 6 (15) 6 (15)
40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3'1. (9) 5 (13) 3 (8) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15) 6 (15)
40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3'1. (9) 4 (10) 3 (8) S (20) 6 (15) 6 (15) 6 (15)
60 (18.3) 10 (3) 4 (10) 22 (56) 3 (8) 54 (137) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
60 (18.3) 15 (4.6) 3'1. (9) 18 (46) 5 (13) 36 (91) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
60 (18.3) 20 (6.1) 3'h (9) 14 (36) 5 (13) 27 (69) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
60 (IS.3) 25 (7.6) 3'1. (9) 11 (28) 5 (13) 22 (56) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3'h (9) 9 (23) 5 (13) IS (46) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
60 (18.3) 35 (10.7) 3'1. (9) S (20) 5 (13) 15 (38) 10 (25) 6 (15) 8 (20)
SO (24.4) 15 (4.6) 6 (15) 2S (71) 6 (15) 70 (17S) 15 (38) 10 (25) 12 (30)
SO (24.4) 20 (6.1) 3'h (9) 24 (61) 7 (IS) 52 (132) 15 (3S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
SO (24.4) 25 (7.6) 3'1. (9) 20 (51) 7 (18) 42 (107) 15 (38) 10 (25) 10 (25)
SO (24.4) 30 (9.1) 3'1. (9) 16 (41) 7 (18) 35 (S9) 15 (38) 10 (25) 10 (25)
SO (24.4) 35 (10.7) 3'1. (9) 14 (36) 7 (18) 30 (76) 15 (3S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
SO (24.4) 40 (12.2) 3'1. (9) 12 (30) 7 (IS) 26 (66) 15 (3S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 20 (6.1) 9 (23) 35 (S9) 7 (IS) S5 (216) 17 (43) 12 (30) 16 (41)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 5 (13) 36 (91) 9 (23) 6S (173) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 4 (10) 34 (S6) 10 (25) 57 (145) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 35 (10.7) 3'1. (9) 32 (SI) II (28) 49 (124) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 3'1. (9) 2S (71) II (2S) 43 (109) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 3'h (9) 25 (64) II (28) 3S (97) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 3'1. (9) 22 (56) 11 (2S) 34 (S6) 17 (43) 12 (30) 14 (36)
Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells

U mbrella-Type Hyperbolic
Paraboloids (Rectangular Plan)

This structure, which is similar to the pre- Long Side Short Side
vious one, differs only in that the shape of its Span Span Tip Height
plan is rectangular rather than square (see 120 ft 40 ft 25 ft
Figs. 13-15 and 13-16). Once again the rec- (30.6 m) (12.2 m) (7.6 m)
ommended optimized dimensions for this 120 ft 60 ft 29 ft
type of shell (see Table 13-6) are based on the (36.6 m) (IB.3 m) (B.B m)
specifications given for Table 13-1. 130 ft BO ft 36 ft
The recommended optimal values for the (39.6 m) (24.4 m) (11 m)
average dimensions of this type of hyperbolic 140 ft 100 ft 43 ft
paraboloid are as follows: (42.7 m) (30.5 m) (13.1 m)



~ --~I •
, I




~ ~
13-15 The plan of an umbrella-type rectanaular plan hyperbolic

1 3-16 A perspective of an umbrella-type rectanaular plan hyperbolic parabolOid.

TABLE 13-6 Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Rectan9ular Plan
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum HORIZONTAL
Long Short Constant
Section Section Section Section EDGE BEAM
Side Side Peak Shell
ft (m) (m) It (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 10 (3) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 27 (69) 5 (13) 6 (15) 3 (S) IS (46) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) 3'/2 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) IS (46) 5 (13) 3 (S) 12 (30) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3 1/2 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 13 (33) 5 (13) 3 (S) 9 (23) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) II (2S) 5 (13) 3 (S) 7 (IS) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 3 1/2 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 9 (23) 5 (13) 3 (S) 6 (15) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) 3112 (9) S (20) 3 (S) 35 (S9) 7 (IS) 3 (S) IS (46) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 26 (66) 7 (IS) 3 (S) 13 (33) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) IS (46) 7 (IS) 3 (S) 9 (23) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 3 1/2 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 15 (3S) 7 (IS) 3 (S) S (20) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 14 (36) 7 (IS) 3 (S) 7 (IS) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (S) 42 (107) 9 (23) S (20) 3 (S) 17 (43) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3112 (9) S (20) 3 (S) 34 (S6) 9 (23) 3 (S) 14 (36) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 29 (74) 9 (23) 6 (I 5) 3 (S) 12 (30) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 25 (64) 9 (23) 3 (S) 10 (25) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 22 (56) 9 (23) 3 (S) 9 (23) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.3) 15 (4.6) 3112 (9) S (20) 3 (S) 35 (S9) 7 (IS) S (20) 3 (S) 26 (66) 7 (IS) 12 (30) 12 (30)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.3) 20 (6.1) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 26 (66) 7 (I 8) 6 (I 5) 3 (S) 20 (51) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.3) 25 (7.6) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 21 (53) 7 (18) 3 (8) 16 (41) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.3) 30 (9.1) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) IS (46) 7 (18) 3 (8) 13 (33) 7 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.3) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 15 (38) 7 (18) 3 (8) II (28) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 13 (33) 7 (IS) 3 (8) 10 (25) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 20 (6.1) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 43 (109) 9 (23) 8 (20) 3 (8) 26 (66) 9 (23) 14 (36) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 25 (7.6) 3'/2 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 34 (S6) 9 (23) 3 (8) 22 (56) 9 (23) 12 (30) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 29 (74) 9 (23) 6 (15) 3 (8) 17 (43) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 25 (64) 9 (23) 3 (8) 15 (38) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 40 (12.2) 3 1/2 (9) 6 (15) 3 (S) 22 (56) 9 (23) 3 (8) 13 (33) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 60 (IS.3) 45 (13.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 19 (48) 9 (23) 3 (8) 12 (30) 9 (23) 10 (25) 10 (25)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 50 (127) II (28) S (20) 3 (8) 25 (64) II (28) 14 (36) 14 (36)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 42 (107) II (28) 3 (8) 21 (53) II (28) 12 (30) 12 (30)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 36 (91) II (2S) 3 (S) IS (46) II (28) 12 (30) 12 (30)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 32 (81) II (28) 6 (15) 3 (8) 16 (41) II (28) 12 (30) 12 (30)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 45 (13.7) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 28 (71) II (28) 3 (8) 14 (36) II (28) 10 (25) 10 (25)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 50 (15.2) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 25 (64) II (28) 3 (8) 13 (33) II (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (IS.3) 30 (9.1) 3112 (9) 10 (25) 3 (8) 58 (147) 13 (33) 10 (25) 3 (8) 25 (64) 13 (33) 14 (36) 14 (36)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 35 (10.7) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 50 (127) 13 (33) 8 (20) 3 (S) 22 (56) 13 (33) 14 (36) 14 (36)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 44 (112) 13 (33) 3 (8) 19 (48) 13 (33) 14 (36) 14 (36)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 45 (13.7) 3112 (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 39 (99) 13 (33) 3 (8) 16 (41) 13 (33) 12 (30) 12 (30)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 50 (15.2) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 35 (S9) 13 (33) 6 (15) 3 (8) 15 (3S) 13 (33) 12 (30) 12 (30)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 55 (16.8) 3112 (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 32 (81) 13 (33) 6 (15) 3 (S) 14 (36) 13 (33) 12 (30) 12 (30)
TABLE 13-6 Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a ltectQlIJIUlar Plan (continued)
Long Short Constant Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum HORlWNTAL
Side Side Peak Shell Section Section Section Section EDGE BEAM
ft (-) ft (-) ft (-) in (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea) ill (ea)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) 20 (6.1) 5 (IS) 10 (25) S (8) 4S (109) 9 (2S) 10 (25) S (8) S4 (86) 9 (2S) 18 (46) 18 (46)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) 25 (7.6) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) S4 (86) 9 (2S) 8 (20) S (8) 28 (71) 9 (2S) 14 (S6) 14 (S6)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) SO (9.1) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) 28 (71) 9 (2S) S (8) 2S (58) 9 (2S) 12 (SO) 12 (SO)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) S5 (10.7) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) 25 (64) 9 (2S) S (8) 20 (51) 9 (2S) 12 (SO) 12 (SO)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) 22 (56) 9 (2S) S (8) 17 (4S) 9 (2S) 12 (SO) 12 (SO)
100 (SO.5) 80 (24.4) 45 (IS.7) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) 19 (48) 9 (2S) S (8) 16 (41) 9 (2S) 12 (SO) 12 (SO)
60 (18.S) 40 (12.2) 10 (S) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 27 (69) 5 (IS) 6 (15) S (8) 18 (46) 5 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (I8.S) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 18 (46) 5 (IS) S (8) 12 (SO) 5 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.S) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) IS (SS) 5 (IS) S (8) 9 (2S) 5 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (I8.S) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 11 (28) 5 (IS) S (8) 7 (18) 5 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (I8.S) 40 (12.2) SO (9.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 9 (2S) 5 (IS) S (8) 6 (15) 5 (IS) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80(24.4) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) S5 (89) 7 (18) 8 (20) S (8) 18 (46) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80(24.4) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 26 (66) 7 (18) 6 (15) S (8) IS (SS) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 18 (46) 7 (18) S (8) 9 (2S) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) SO (9.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 15 (S8) 7 (18) S (8) 8 (20) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80(24.4) 40 (12.2) S5 (10.7) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 14 (S6) 7 (18) S (8) 7 (18) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (SO.5) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) 42 (107) 9 (2S) 8 (20) S (8) 17 (4S) 9 (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (SO.5) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) S'h (9) 8 (20) S (8) 54 (86) 9 (2S) S (8) 14 (S6) 9 (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (SO.5) 40 (12.2) SO (9.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 29 (74) 9 (2S) 6 (15) S (8) 12 (SO) 9 (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (SO.5) 40 (12.2) S5 (10.7) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 25 (64) 9 (2S) S (8) 10 (25) 9 (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (SO.5) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 22 (56) 9 (2S) S (8) 9 (2S) 9 (2S) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (I8.S) 15 (4.6) S'k (9) 8 (20) S (8) S5 (89) 7 (18) 8 (20) S (8) 26 (66) 7 (18) 12 (SO) 12 (SO)
80 (24.4) 60 (I8.S) 20 (6.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 26 (66) 7 (18) 6 (15) S (8) 20 (51) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (I8.S) 25 (7.6) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 21 (5S) 7 (18) S (8) 16 (41) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.S) SO (9.1) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 18 (46) 7 (18) S (8) IS (SS) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (I8.S) S5 (10.7) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) 15 (S8) 7 (18) S (8) 11 (28) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.S) 40 (12.2) S'k (9) 6 (15) S (8) IS (SS) 7 (18) S (8) 10 (25) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
The Desian of Hyperbolic Paraboloids

INVERTED UMBRELLA· TYPE cal to be able to guarantee that the drainage

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOIDS system will always work when necessary, be-
cause failure within the system would create
excessive loading. In certain climates, large
This type of structure resembles an umbrella, accumulations of snow can be expected, and
but with the structure inverted (see Figs. 13- only melting would make it possible to re-
17- 13-19). This inversion creates a drastic move the load. This particular system should
difference not only in reversing the types of thus be considered impractical for high
stresses but also in the way that rain and snow latitudes.
drain off, i.e., rather than flowing outward, As with the umbrella-type hyperbolic pa-
the runoff is collected at the center. Drainage raboloid, the inverted umbrella can also be
pipes are therefore required in the middle of combined with others to create a system for
the supporting column. It is particularly criti- covering large buildings.



Sf- OR SP I'N • 10C

~ ....- -
" ''''' ,... " '" ,

~I /""





VV V r--


0' 100' 200' 300'


13-1 7 Optimized proportions for inverted umbrella-type hyperbolic

paraboloids in a square and rectanaular plan.

Practical Aids for the Preliminary Desian of Thin Shells




r - - - -__ '-j'----___- - - ,

1 3-18 The plan for an inverted umbrella-type, square plan hyperbolic


1 3-19 The perspective for an inverted umbrella-type, square plan

hyperbolic paraboloid.

Inverted Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic The recommended optimal values for the

Paraboloid (Square Plan) average dimensions of this inverted umbrella
type of hyperbolic paraboloid are as follows:
The configuration of this structure empha-
sizes the cantilevered action of the shell, Side Span Tip Height
much more so than the umbrella-type pre- 50 ft X 50 ft 8 ft (2.4 m)
viously seen. (15.2 m X 15.2 m)
The recommended optimal dimensions 100 ftlOO ft 25 ft (7.6 m)
for this type of shell (see Table 13-7) are once (30.5 m X 30.5 m) 25 ft (7.6 m)
again based on using materials and loads with 200 ft X 200 ft 76 ft (23.1 m)
the specifications seen for Table 13-1. (61 X 61 m)

TABLE 13-7 Inverted Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Square Plan
Side Edge Shell Minimum Section Maximum Section EDGE BEAM
It (m) ft (m) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em) in (em)
40 (12.2) 5 (1.5) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 20 (51) 3 (8) 10 (25) 10 (25)
40 (12.2) 10 (3) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 10 (25) 3 (8) 10 (25) 10 (25)
40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 7 (18) 3 (8) 10 (25) 10 (25)
40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 5 (13) 3 (8) 10 (25) 10 (25)
40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 31/. (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 4 (10) 3 (8) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.3) 10 (3) 4 (10) 6 (15) 3 (8) 27 (69) 5 (13) 12 (30) 12 (30)
60 (18.3) 15 (4.6) 3 1;' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 18 (46) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.3) 20 (6.1) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 14 (36) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 11 (28) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 9 (23) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
60 (18.3) 35 (10.7) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 8 (20) 5 (13) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 15 (4.6) 6 (15) 6 (15) 3 (8) 35 (89) 7 (18) 16 (41) 16 (41)
80 (24.4) 20 (6.1) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 26 (66) 7 (18) 14 (36) 14 (36)
80 (24.4) 25 (7.6) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 21 (53) 7 (18) 12 (30) 12 (30)
80 (24.4) 30 (9.1) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 18 (46) 7 (18) 12 (30) 12 (30)
80 (24.4) 35 (10.7) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 15 (38) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 13 (33) 7 (18) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 20 (6.1) 9 (23) 8 (20) 3 (8) 42 (107) 8 (20) 24 (61) 24 (61)
100 (30.5) 25 (7.6) 5 (13) 6 (15) 3 (8) 34 (86) 8 (20) 20 (51) 20 (51)
100 (30.5) 30 (9.1) 4 (10) 6 (15) 3 (8) 28 (71) 8 (20) 16 (41) 16 (41)
100 (30.5) 35 (10.7) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 24 (61) 8 (20) 14 (36) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 21 (53) 8 (20) 14 (36) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 45 (13.7) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 19 (48) 8 (20) 14 (36) 14 (36)
100 (30.5) 50 (15.2) 3 1; ' (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 17 (43) 8 (20) 14 (36) 14 (36)
Practical Aids for the Preliminary Design of Thin Shells

Inverted Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Long Side Short Side

Paraboloid (Rectangular Plan) Span Span Tip Height
100 ft 40 ft 19 ft
This structure is similar to the previous one (30.5 m) (12.2 m) (5.8 m)
except that its floor plan is rectangular rather 150 ft 40 ft 30 ft
than square (see Figs. 13-20 and 13-21). (45.7 m) (12.2 m) (9.1 m)
The recommended optimal dimensions 150 ft 60 ft 35 ft
for this type of shell (see Table 13-8) are (45.7 m) (18.3 m) (10.7 m)
based on materials and loads with the same 150 ft 80 ft 38 ft
specifications as seen for Table 13-1. (45.7 m) (24.4 m) (11.6 m)
The recommended optimal values for the 200 ft 100 ft 56 ft
average dimensions of this type of hyperbolic (61 m) (30.5 m) (17 m)
paraboloid are as follows:



13-20 The plan for an inverted umbrella-type, rectangular plan

hyperbolic paraboloid.

13-21 The perspective for an inverted umbrella-type, rectangular plan hyperbolic paraboloid.

TABLE 13-8 Inverted Umbrella-Type Hyperbolic Paraboloid on a Rectangular Plan
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum HORIZONTAL
Long Shon Constant
Section Seaion Seaion Seaion EDGE BEAM
Side Side Edge Shell
(m) It (m) It (a) in (C7II) in (CJII) in (CIII) In (CIII) in (OIl) in (CIII) in (CIII) in (ca) in (ca) in (OIl) in (OIl)
60 (18.~) 40 (12.2) 10 (3) 3'h (9) 16 (41) 3 (8) 54 (137) 10 (25) II (28) 3 (8) 36 (91) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15)
60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) ~'/. (9) II (28) 3 (8) 36 (91) 10 (25) 7 (18) 3 (8) 24 (61) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15)
60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3'h (9) 8 (20) 3 (8) 27 (69) 10 (25) 5 (I~) 3 (8) 18 (46) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15)
60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3'h (9) 7 (18) 3 (8) 22 (56) 10 (25) 4 (10) 3 (8) 14 (36) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15)
60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 3 1}. (9) 5 (13) 3 (8) 18 (46) 10 (25) 4 (10) 3 (8) 12 (~O) 10 (25) 6 (15) 6 (15)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 15 (4.6) ~'h (9) 15 (38) 3 (8) 69 (175) 14 (36) 7 (18) 3 (8) 35 (89) 14 (36) 8 (20) 6 (15)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3 1}. (9) II (28) 3 (8) 52 (132) 14 (36) 6 (15) 3 (8) 26 (66) 14 (36) 8 (20) 6 (15)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3'h (9) 7 (18) 3 (8) 35 (89) 14 (36) 4 (10) 3 (8) 17 (4~) 14 (36) 8 (20) 6 (15)
80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) ~'h (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 30 (76) 14 (36) 3 (8) 3 (8) 15 (38) 14 (36) 8 (20) 6 (15)
SO (24.4) 40 (12.2) 35 (10.7) 3'h (9) 6 (15) 3 (8) 27 (69) 14 (36) 3 (8) 3 (8) 14 (36) 14 (36) 8 (20) 6 (15)
100 (~0.5) 40 (12.2) 20 (6.1) 3'h (9) 38 (97) 5 (13) 85 (216) IS (46) 15 (38) 5 (13) 34 (86) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 25 (7.6) 3'h (9) 30 (76) 5 (13) 68 (173) 18 (46) 12 (30) 5 (13) 27 (69) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 30 (9.1) 3'h (9) 25 (64) 5 (13) 57 (145) 18 (46) 10 (25) 5 (13) 23 (58) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 35 (10.7) 3 1}. (9) 22 (56) 5 13 49 (124) 18 (46) 8 (20) 5 (13) 19 (48) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 40 (12.2) 40 (12.2) 3'h (9) 19 (48) 5 (13) 43 (109) 18 (46) 8 (20) 5 (13) 17 (4~) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 15 (4.6) 3'h (9) 26 (66) 5 (13) 69 (175) 14 (36) 19 (48) 5 (13) 52 (132) 14 (36) 6 (15) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (IS.~) 20 (6.1) ~'h (9) 19 (48) 5 (13) 52 (132) 14 (36) 14 (36) 5 (13) 39 (99) 14 (36) 6 (15) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3'h (9) 15 (38) 5 (13) 42 (107) 14 (36) II (28) 5 (13) 31 (79) 14 (36) 6 (15) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3'h (9) 12 (30) 5 (I~) 35 (89) 14 (36) 9 (23) 5 (13) 26 (66) 14 (36) 6 (15) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 35 (10.7) 3'h (9) II (28) 5 (13) ~O (76) 14 (36) 8 (20) 5 (I~) 22 (56) 14 (36) 6 (15) 8 (20)
80 (24.4) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3'h (9) 9 (23) 5 (13) 26 (66) 14 (36) 8 (20) 5 (13) 20 (51) 14 (~6) 6 (15) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.~) 20 (6.1) 3 1}. (9) 24 (61) 5 (13) 85 (216) 18 (46) 14 (36) 5 (1~) 51 (130) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.~) 25 (7.6) ~I}. (9) 19 (42) 5 (13) 68 (173) 18 (46) II (28) 5 (13) 41 (104) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (~0.5) 60 (18.3) 30 (9.1) 3'h (9) 16 (41) 5 (13) 57 (145) 18 (46) 9 (23) 5 (13) 34 (86) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (~0.5) 60 (18.~) 35 (10.7) 3'h (9) 14 (36) 5 (13) 49 (124) 18 (46) 8 (20) 5 (I~) 29 (74) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3 1}. (9) 12 (30) 5 (13) 43 (109) 18 (46) 7 (18) 5 (13) 26 (66) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
100 (30.5) 60 (18.3) 45 (13.7) ~'h (9) II (28) 5 (13) 38 (97) 18 (46) 6 (15) 5 (13) 23 (58) 18 (46) 8 (20) 8 (20)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.3) 25 (7.6) 3'h (9) 32 (80) 7 (18) 100 (254) 22 (56) 16 (41) 7 (18) 50 (127) 22 (56) 8 (20) 8 (20)
120 (~6.6) 60 (18.3) ~O (9.1) 3 1}. (9) 27 (69) 7 (18) 84 (21~) 22 (56) 14 (36) 7 (18) 42 (107) 22 (56) 8 (20) 10 (25)
120 (36.6) 60 (18.~) 35 (10.7) 3'h (9) 23 (58) 7 (18) 72 (183) 22 (56) 12 (30) 7 (18) 36 (91) 22 (56) 8 (20) 10 (25)
120 (~6.6) 60 (18.3) 40 (12.2) 3'h (9) 20 (51) 7 (18) 63 (160) 22 (56) 10 (25) 7 (18) 32 (81) 22 (56) 8 (20) 10 (25)
120 (~6.6) 60 (18.3) 45 (1~.7) 3 1}. (9) 18 (46) 7 (18) 56 (142) 22 (56) 9 (23) 7 (18) 28 (71) 22 (56) 8 (20) to (25)
120 (~6.6) 60 (18.~) 50 (15.2) 3'h (9) 16 (41) 7 (18) 50 (127) 22 (56) 8 (20) 7 (18) 25 (64) 22 (56) 8 (20) 10 (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.~) ~O (9.1) ~'h (9) 32 (81) 7 (18) 1I7 (297) 26 (66) 13 (~~) 7 (18) 50 (127) 26 (66) 10 (25) 10 (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.~) 35 (10.7) ~'h (9) 27 (69) 7 (18) 100 (254) 26 (66) 13 (~3) 7 (18) 4~ (109) 26 (66) 10 (25) to (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.~) 40 (12.2) ~'h (9) 24 (61) 7 (18) 88 (224) 26 (66) 10 (25) 7 (18) 38 (97) 26 (66) 10 (25) to (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 45 (13.7) ~'h (9) 21 (5~) 7 (18) 78 (198) 26 (66) 9 (23) 7 (18) 33 (84) 26 (66) 10 (25) 12 (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.3) 50 (15.2) 3'h (9) 19 (48) 7 (18) 70 (178) 26 (66) 8 (20) 7 (18) ~O (76) 26 (66) 10 (25) 10 (25)
140 (42.7) 60 (18.~) 55 (16.8) ~'h (9) 17 (43) 7 (18) 64 (163) 26 (66) 7 (18) 7 (18) 27 (69) 26 (66) 10 (25) 10 (25)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 20 (6.1) 5 (I~) 31 (79) 7 (IS) 85 (216) 19 (48) 25 (64) 7 (18) 68 (173) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 25 (7.6) 3 1}. (9) 32 (81) 9 (23) 68 (173) 19 (48) 26 (66) 9 (23) 55 (140) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 30 (9.1) 3'h (9) 27 (69) 9 (23) 57 (145) 19 (48) 22 (56) 9 (23) 46 (1I7) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 35 (10.7) 3'h (9) 23 (58) 9 (23) 49 (124) 19 (48) 18 (46) 9 (23) 39 (99) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 40 (12.2) 3'h (9) 20 (51) 9 (23) 43 (109) 19 (48) 16 (41) 9 (23) 34 (86) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
100 (30.5) 80 (24.4) 45 (13.7) 3'h (9) 18 (46) 9 (23) 38 (97) 19 (48) 15 (38) 9 (23) 31 (79) 19 (48) 10 (25) 12 (30)
Part IV
Skeletal Steel Structures
and Megadomes

Trussed Domes

SKELETAL STRUCTURES the pattern of stress distribution in curvilin-

ear thin shells.
Trussed domes could be looked at as
Trussed domes are structures whose general being space frames, since they are in reality
overall shape is that of a dome whose struc- within that structural system. In this case,
ture consists of a skeletal main framework to however, the curvilinearity of their geometry
carry the internal forces and a skin applied to makes it logical to associate masonry domes,
this frame that creates the actual enclosure. thin shell domes, and trussed domes together
The overall geometric effect of the space en- within the scope of this work.
closed by these domes does not differ sub- The reasons for including trussed domes
stantially from that of a masonry dome, but within the overall group of curvilinear struc-
from a structural point of view there are two tures may be less evident at first glance.
distinctly different systems. On the one hand, Trussed domes combine the behavior of cur-
it could be said that the overall structural vilinear structures and trussed systems in one
behavior of a trussed dome is the same as that of the latest structural concepts. They are at
of a masonry dome: the zones of compression the end of the process of the evolution of
and tension throughout the dome's surface structural strength achieved through geome-
are the same in each case. On the other hand, try rather than mere mass.
there is a substantial distinction between a Curvilinearity as a structural and architec-
continuous structural surface and a discon- tural form has evolved according to the avail-
tinuous skeletal structure. Although this may ability of the basic structural systems offered
seem to contradict the last point, it does not by technology, which are, in chronological
because one effect is global and the other is order, masonry vaulting, reinforced concrete
primarily local. shells, and metallic trussed systems. Metallic
A structural analysis of trussed domes is trussed domes find their logical place among
based on the same criteria used for three- the company of masonry domes and thin
dimensional spatial trusses, but in the trussed shells as part of the same evolutionary pro-
dome the distribution of the axial forces cess.
throughout the framework still conforms to The reemergence of the dome after the

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meoadomes

baroque era was distinguished by a new form architectural significance expressing the ma-
of expression brought about through new ture forms of a number of elements. John
materials available for building construction: Claudius Loudon was already known for de-
cast iron and wrought iron. These two, com- sign work in iron and glass domes applied to
bined with glass, generated unique domes greenhouses when he built the dome for a
that had no precedent. The metal framework greenhouse in 1827 for Bretton Hall in
formed by thin structural elements could be- Yorkshire that was 100 ft (30.5 m) in diame-
come minimal, leaving the glass surface to ter with an iron framework. Other notable
dominate. For the first time, a transparent domes were those over the greenhouse pavil-
enclosure could create a protective space that ions in the Wilhelma Botanical Garden in
could bring full sunshine indoors. Light and Stuttgart by Ludwig von Zanth built 1842-
heat thus trapped became available to be 1853 in glass and iron with a configuration
fully enjoyed in a space with a unique charac- having a Moorish flavor and, finally, the
ter. In an elegant, subdued statement the dome over the Palm House at Sefton Park,
iron skeleton gently delineated a silhouette Liverpool (1896), by Mackenzie and Moncur.
that, without imposing, outlined the overall Within the urban context are many emi-
configuration of the dome. Luminance, bril- nent examples of the glass and iron dome
liancy, and iridescence all became key words from the nineteenth century, including the
associated with glass domes made possible by following:
iron skeletons. So it was that at the beginning
of the nineteenth century the dome reap- London Coal Exchange (1846-1849), by
peared with new vigor under the impulse of a J. B. Bunning
new technology and revitalization of certain New York World's Fair (Crystal Palace),
architectural forms. Bryant Park, Manhattan (1853), by
The first applications of iron domes were George Casten son and Charles Geld-
in combination with metal sheathing, which meister, which was of major importance
soon extended to the iron and glass combina- for the acceptance of the iron and glass
tion used for pavilions and greenhouses in dome throughout the rest of the cen-
public parks and, later, within the urban tury
framework, as in the Italian gallerie. Among Austro-Hungarian Bank, Vienna (1856-
significant iron domes of the 1800s are the 1860), by H. von Ferstel
domes over the Bourse du Commerce in New Corn Exchange, Leeds (1860-
Paris (1806 -1811), which has a diameter of 1863), by C. Brodrick
approximately 130 ft (40 m) and consists of a Palmhouse (greenhouse), Munich (1860-
cast-iron framework and cooper sheathing; 1865), by A. von Voit
the Royal Brighton Pavilion (1815-1823), St. Augustin, Paris (1860-1871), by V.
with a cast-iron framework and an exterior Baltard
onionlike configuration by architect John Funthaus Church, Vienna (1864-1875),
Nash; St. Petersburg Cathedral (1840- by F. Fowke
1842), by Auguste Ricard de Montferrand, Galleria Victor Emmanuel II, Milan
which included a concealed, complex cast- (1865-1877), by G. Mengoni, which
iron framework supporting an external hemi- had a base of 119 ft (36.21 m) and a
spherical dome. height of 154 ft (47.08 m)
Various other examples of nineteenth-cen- Albert Hall, Kensington (1871), by H. G.
tury iron and glass domes could be cited. One Scott, which had an elliptical base with
is the hemispherical dome in the center of minor and major axes respectively of
Syon House, or Greenhouse, in 1827 by 190 ft (58 m) and 223 ft (68 m) and a
Charles Fowler, an example usually reported height of 213 ft (65 m)
in the literature not for its engineering but its Kibble Palace, Botanic Gardens, Glasgow

Trussed Domes

(1872), by John Kibble before Buckminster Fuller's domes acquired

Exhibit Hall, Vienna (1873), by S. Russell, the popularity they attained in international
Hansehauer, and Schmidt architectural forums.
Jardin d'Hiver, Laeken Royal Park, Brus- It is interesting that the majority of the
sels (1873-1876), by A. Balat and geodesic domes, unlike their monolithic
Maguet predecessors, have been used as self-standing
Three domes, Paris World's Fair (1878), structural enclosures rather than as roofs for
by L. Hardy, A. G. Eiffel, and L. other structures. Most geodesic domes are
Savvestic self-standing buildings that spring directly
Victoria Regia House, Schoneburg Royal from the ground, instead of from a building'S
Botanic Garden, Berlin (1882), by top, as was the case with traditional dome
Schulze applications in the past. Geodesic domes
Galleria Umberto I, Naples (1870), by therefore seem to form part of a new vocabu-
Emanuele Rocco lary whose use differs completely from that
GUM Department Store, Moscow of the typical application of the dome as an
(1888-1893) element crowning a building. From this point
Central dome, 1889 World's Fair, Paris, of view steel trussed domes have given a new
by J. A. Bouvard, surrounded by two impulse to the evolution of curvilinearity in
minor domes, by J. C. Formige present-day architecture.
Administration building, World's Colum- It seems reasonable to expect that con-
bian Exposition, New York (1893), by crete thin shells and trussed domes, with
Richard Morris Hunt their common curvilinear geometry, should
Headquarters, Universal Brotherhood both benefit from their association. Among
and Theosophical Society, San Diego the potential gains that might feasibly be en-
(1897-1901) visioned is a new generation of combined sys-
Exhibition Hall, Palais des Machines, Paris tems complementing one another by using
World's Fair (1900) the continuous thin shell and the skeletal
Grand Palais, Louvet, associated with the trussed dome in an interacting play of sur-
Paris exhibition faces and voids. Such an architectural compo-
sition of opposing complementary factors in
surfaces and voids would be part of the tradi-
GEODESICS AND SPACE FRAMES tional manner in which architecture has artic-
ulated its language. It thus appears feasible to
speculate theoretically and connect these dif-
The transition from planar trusses to three- ferent curvilinear systems. For example, one
dimensional trussed vaults and domes oc- can visualize solid thin shells penetrated by
curred immediately upon the availability of smaller domes in skeletal curved surfaces that
metal structural elements such as cast iron, support a glazing skin, and many other pos-
wrought iron, and, later, steel. Trussed-dome sibilities.
technology is thus about one century old. Current trends in steel construction have
The rectilinear metal members used pri- capitalized enormously on the potential of
marily to create rectilinear skeletal frames the trussed dome. The largest structures in
were also employed to generate curvilinear the world are based on this structural con-
structures. Because metal domes had entered cept. The New Orleans Superdome seems
the inventory of structural systems over a not to be at the limit of the possible, as the
century earlier, the geodesic dome technol- Florida Suncoast dome indicates.
ogy that became popular in the 1950s was Looking at the trussed dome in terms of
preceded by a long term of incubation. Many such large-scale structures, one might assume
steel domes had in fact already been built that the system is valid only for megastruc-

Skeletal Steel Structures and Me8adomes

tures. However, such small-scale domes as the throughout Europe. His contributions in-
glazed botanical greenhouses of the early cluded both the construction aspects as well
twentieth century have a great deal of charm as the statical analysis of structures. Innova-
and are currently enjoying a resurgence in tive structural design was codified through
construction. It seems feasible to predict that his publications that spread throughout the
there will be a new generation of small-scale professional circles of Europe.
domes. The opportunities seem endless. We will focus on Schwedler's major role in
For instance, imagine bronze-finished metal the field of metal trussed domes. Six of his
members in triangular patterns, with dark- papers written in 1866 proposed a new struc-
tinted glass forming the skin and pure ab- tural system for trussed domes that attained
stract forms of crystals recalling Platonic and major popularity in Europe as well as in the
Archimedean solids. Springing from a low United States. The Schwedler dome system
base on the ground or projecting from the was very successful and continues to be used
fa~ade of a building, covering a terrace at a today. Although the first prototypes were
corner of a high rise or over a roof garden, built out of cast iron, the domes that followed
these metal and glass domes could be fitted used the new material, steel. In the 1950s, a
onto or within building masses as effectively Schwedler steel dome attained the world
as setting precious stones in a jeweled piece. record for reaching the largest trussed dome
diameter at its base. In a 1984 publication,l
Schwedler is referred to as the "father of
TRUSSED DOMES domed structures."
AND THEIR BUILDERS Schwedler started his career with a practi-
cal approach - by passing the licensing
exams as a surveyor first and then acquiring
Several men contributed variously to the de- considerable experience in hydraulics and
velopment of the trussed dome, among them road construction as a construction inspector.
Schwedler, Zeiss, Dykerhoff, Widmann, and At 28, even before attaining an engineering
Zimmerman. Their names remain associated license, he won the competition for the de-
with the types of domes they created. Above sign of a cast-iron railroad bridge over the
all, however, one man dominates the field of Rhine River at Cologne, basing his design on
trussed domes-Buckminster Fuller, an en- theoretical statical analysis rather than the
gineer and philosopher, master builder and empiricism and practical model analysis ap-
inventor. proach used by the engineering practice at
that time in England. In his publication
Johann Wilhelm Schwedler "Theory of Bridge Girder Systems" in 1851,
(1823 -1894) Schwedler proved scientifically the empirical
design formulas used in Britain. He began his
Born in Berlin in the first part of the nine- long career in the design of steel structures
teenth century, Schwedler represents a major through a series of government appoint-
figure in the field of structural engineering. ments and teaching positions. An exception-
He specialized in metal structures when the ally brilliant engineer, he had a strong back-
material was just at its early stages of applica- ground in mathematics and physics. A major
tion, although cast iron was already in a ma- part of his work included steel railroad
ture stage of development in England. In the bridges through girders and suspension sys-
progressive and highly industrialized world tems. His government appointments brought
of nineteenth-century Prussia, Schwedler ex- him much recognition and gave him at one
panded the British innovative technology of time major control over on all government
cast-iron structures for bridges and build- buildings in Prussia and supervisory author-
ings and attained outstanding recognition ity on engineering licensing boards.

Trussed Domes

With its practical and theoretical back- far beyond architectural circles so that it is
ground, the Schwedler method for dome de- known by laymen and professionals alike. No
sign was based on simple calculations since other structural system has achieved such
the structures wer~ statically determinate. popularity among the general public. As a
The simplicity of the system and the clarity of matter of fact, the popularity of this particu-
presentation that characterized his writing lar type of dome has made the modern dome
explain the popularity and long-lasting suc- known to those who would otherwise have
cess of Schwedler's contributions to the de- remained unaware of dome structures in any
sign of trussed domes. form.
Basically an engineer, Fuller was also rec-
Hermann Zimmermann (1845-1935) ognized in architectural circles. Queen Eliza-
beth II decorated him with the Royal Gold
Born in Langensalza, Germany, Zimmer- Medal for Architecture. His many design ef-
mann has an important place in the historical forts include a uniquely conceived prototype
development of the trussed metal dome. At housing unit, with which he was directly in-
sixteen years of age, the young Zimmermann volved in its mass production, as well as float-
went to sea. Eight years later, he entered the ing cities, underwater human stations, and
Polytechnic of Karlsruhe where he began in space-frame construction systems. He was ba-
mechanical engineering and later changed to sically an engineer with a global vision of
civil engineering. After attaining a doctorate world-scale problems (see Figure 14-2.)2
in philosophy in 1874 and a doctorate in en- Fuller's accomplishments were numerous
gineering in 1875, he launched his engineer- and of a singular quality, though always in-
ing career with the German railroads in spired by basic essential human needs. He
Strasbourg, where he built his first steel should be regarded as an engineer, however,
dome. He later moved to Berlin and contin- even if the common usage of this term is
ued his work in steel structures. A prolific interpreted in a far more restrictive manner
author in structural engineering for steel than his career exemplified. By probing into
constructions, he made a brilliant contribu- philosophy and looking at individual prob-
tion in steel space frames which culminated
with the dome of the Reichstag in Berlin
(dome of the Parliament). The pattern of the
structural assembly that characterized his
steel domes constituted a structural typology
that gained exceptional popularity in Europe.
The specifics of the Zimmerman domes are
later illustrated in this chapter with other
major structural dome types.

R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

In the history of the dome, Buckminster

Fuller represents the most significant con-
tributor from the United States. In terms of
twentieth-century dome architecture, Fuller
is definitely the most prominent personality
worldwide (Figure 14-1). His major achieve-
ment is the innovative design of the dome
typology referred to as geodesic. The popu-
larity of this structure has extended its fame 14- 1 Buckminster Fuller.

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meoadomes

14-2 A model by Buckminster Fuller illustratino a proposed meoadome

two miles in diameter to cover the island of Manhattan.

lems as only part of a universal system Fuller David H. Geiger (1935-1989)

became a fascinating figure with a superior
engineering genius. This American engineer acquired a major
Focusing on the geodesic dome as the reputation through scores of long-span struc-
major subject in this context, Fuller con- tures for sports and recreation facilities, ren-
ceived of a structural and geometric system ovations and feasibility studies of sports and
of such efficiency that it made possible the recreation facilities, controlled environments
creation of structures with spans never be- in large-scale encapsulations, convention and
fore seen. exhibition centers, and college and university
facilities (Figure 14-3). It is hard to do justice
William Mouton (1931- to the number of accomplished projects and
notable structures he was associated with or
William Mouton is a professor of Architec-
ture and Structures at Tulane University,
and is himself an engineering graduate of
that school. He holds various patents that cul-
minate in the complex structural system that
resulted in the Cajundome in Lafayette,
Louisiana. Proposed originally for a competi-
tion in New York and later again for the
structural system of the Superdome in New
Orleans, his patent finally found prominent
application in this dome covering the La-
fayette Civic Center. Designed by Mouton as
structural engineer under commission by ar-
chitect Neil Nehrbass, this dome stands out
for the way it utilizes the concept of space
frames in the overall structure of domes. (See
further details under the section below called
"Space-Frame Domes.") 14-3 David H. Geioer.

Trussed Domes

responsible for. Most of his reputation is finally for the Florida Suncoast dome, the
based on his innovative work in tensile struc- largest dome in the world, 690 ft (210m) in
tures and his writings on cable domes, which base diameter (see Figs. 14-4 and 14-5).
are particularly impressive. In this respect he Also of great interest are other long-span
was the engineer of two domes in Seoul, steel tensile structures with extraordinary, in-
Korea, for the 1988 Olympics, for a dome novative structural concepts, among them
over the Illinois State University Arena , and the following.

14-4 An aerial view of the Florida Suncoast Dome under construction.

14-5 The Suncoast Dome with its roof completed. (Courtesy of GeiBer

Sleeletal Steel Structures and Meeadomes

14-6 The Undsay Parle Sports Center, Caleary, by David H. Geieer.

Lindsay Park Sports Center,

Calgary, Alberta

This tensile roof structure, completed in

1982, includes a main arched member span-
ning 366 ft (120 m) and features a multi-
layered translucent skin roofing (see Fig.

Ontario Pavilion, Expo 86,

Vancouver, British Columbia

This unique cable-and-strut space-truss struc-

ture is clad in a silicon-coated fiberglass fab-
ric. The structure, shaped into a semitoroidal
configuration, resists applied loads through
shell action (see Fig. 14-7).

Dean Smith Center, Chapel Hill, N.C.

This dome at the University of North Caro-

lina, which is shown here under construction,
is a patented, skewed, girdered steel-roof sys- 14-7 The interior of the Expo 86 Pavillon,
tem (see Fig. 14-8). Vancouver, British Columbia, by David H. Geieer.

Trussed Domes

14-8 An aerial view of the Dean Smith Center at the University of

North Carolina, by David H. Geiger.

TRUSSED·DOME GEOMETRY basis of suitable polyhedra whose geometry is

AND TECHNOLOGY analyzed in terms of its essential components.
These factors include the number, configura-
As discussed earlier, the geometry used to tion, and area of the faces, the number and
enclose large spans with curvilinear forms lengths of the members or sides, and the
was not originally based on structural consid- number and coordinates of the vertices.
erations of statics, because the structures pre-
ceded the development of such scientific
theories, but followed instead the intuitive As in plane geometry, a circle can be consid-
concept of enclosing a space with a minimal ered the limit toward which a polygon
amount of surface area. Obviously, the evolves when the number of its sides tends
sphere is the most efficient form to do so. toward infinity. If this concept is extended
Thus, spherical domes using part of a com- from planar to spatial forms, the sphere can
plete sphere were the most spontaneous ap- be considered the limit for a polyhedron
plications adopted when continuously curved (multifaceted solid) whose number of faces
structures were to be built. increases toward infinity. In designing domi-
If a structure consists of longitudinal rec- cal structures to be built with rectilinear and
tilinear elements made of timber or steel cov- planar elements it is therefore convenient to
ered by a membrane, the form used to ap- consider polyhedra that approach the shape
proximate an ideal sphere would actually be of a sphere by having the maximum number
a polyhedron. Obviously, polyhedra with a of regular features possible, as for instance
large number of faces approach a sphere equal edge lengths and face configurations
more closely and, moreover, have an addi- (equal triangles, squares, and pentagons).
tional advantage of including shorter mem- Among regular polyhedra the first family,
bers. known for their particular simplicity, is that
Trussed domes consisting of a framework of Platonic solids, followed by the so-called
of rectilinear members are designed on the Archimedean solids.

Skeletal Steel Structures and Megadomes

The family of Platonic solids includes five
regular polyhedra: the tetrahedron, the octa-
hedron, the exahedron (cube), the dodecahe-
dron, and the icosoahedron, named, respec-
tively, for the number of faces they have.
One trait of these solids is that each type A
contains edges that are of equal length. An-
other characteristic is that each solid has all
its faces equal to each other. For instance, the
tetrahedron has four faces consisting of equal
equilateral triangles, and the dodecahedron
has twelve faces in the shape of equal penta-
gons (see Fig. 14-9).

Another group, with thirteen regular polyhe- c
dra, constitutes a family referred to as the
Archimedean solids, which are more com-
plex than the Platonic solids previously seen
(see Fig. 14-10). The solids involved are
given in Table 14-1.
In this family of geometric solids the faces
of any given solid are not all equal, as they
were in the case of the Platonic solids, and o E
not all the edges in each solid are of equal
length. 14-9 The Platonic solids. a) The tetrahedron,
with four vertices, four faces, and six edges; b)
DUALS an octahedron, with six vertices, eight faces, and
There is a certain relationship among some twelve edges; c) a cube or hexahedron, with eight
pairs of regular solids that is referred to as vertices, six faces, and twelve edges; d) a
duality. By virtue of this relationship two dodecahedron, with twen9' vertices, twelve faces,
solids are said to be duals if the sum of the and thiTo/ edaes, and e) an icosahedron, with
number of vertices, faces, and edges of one twelve vertices, twen9' faces, and thiTo/ edaes .

TAB L E 14-1 The Archimedean Solids

Truncated Tetrahedron 12 8 18
Truncated Octahedron 24 14 36
Truncated Cube 24 14 36
Truncated Dodecahedron 60 32 90
Truncated Icosahedron 60 32 90
Rhombicuboctahedron 24 26 48
Cuboctahedron 12 14 24
Rhombicosidodecahedron 60 62 120
Icosadodecahedron 30 32 60
Truncated Cuboctahedron 48 26 72
Snub Cube 24 38 60
Snub Dodecahedron 60 92 105
Truncated Icosadodecahedron 120 62 108

Trussed Domes

solid is equal to the sum of the vertices, faces, EULER'S LAW

and edges of the other. For instance, the oc- There is a relationship that ties together the
tahedron and the hexahedron are duals be- number of vertices, faces, and edges of regu-
cause the octahedron has six vertices, eight lar polyhedra, including both the Platonic
faces, and twelve edges, the sum of which is and the Archimedean solids. This relation-
twenty-six. Similarly, the hexahedron has ship, called Euler's law, for the Swiss mathe-
eight vertices, six faces, and twelve edges, the matician Leonhard Euler (1707 -1783), is
sum of which is also twenty-six. stated as follows:

8 c

14-1 0 The Archimedean solids. a) a truncated tetrahedron; b) a truncated octahedron, c) a truncated

cube; d) a truncated dodecahedron; e) a truncated icosahedron; j) a rhombicuboctahedron; 0) a
cuboctahedron; h) a rhombicosidodecahedron; (i) an icosadodecahedron; j) a truncated cuboctahedron;
k) a snub cube; 1) a snub dodecahedron; m) a truncated icosadodecahedron.

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

Number of Vertices + Number of Faces = Renaissance architecture. Really stretching

Number of Edges + 2 this point, one can say that even the dome of
Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence can be con-
For example, in a cube there are eight sidered a trussed dome. Recall that in it an
vertices, six faces, and twelve edges. Thus, interior and an exterior shell were connected
by an infrastructure of meridional and hori-
8V + 6F = 12E + 2 = 14 zontal ribs. Its octagonal dome included eight
major meridional ribs and sixteen additional
From the previous expression one could ribs. Horizontally, nine hoops connected
then write these ribs by means of masonry arches, giving
a clear outline of a skeletal framework.
V + F - E = 2 = Constant Although trussed domes have been built
in various materials, as discussed, the most
The expression (V + F = E) is a quantity valuable present-day techniques for braced
called the Euler characteristic, which is used domes use wood, steel, and aluminum. Steel
in the relatively new discipline in mathemat- currently dominates the field. Before steel,
ics called topology, which deals with the cast iron was used in many applications, as for
properties of figures that remain valid when instance the dome of the Capitol in Washing-
the figures undergo continuous changes of ton, D.C. (1851-1867), but at present it has
their configurations. only historical value.
All trussed domes have their nodes ar-
ranged so that they lay on a continuous sur-
TYPES OF TRUSSED DOMES face of a solid of revolution that is most
commonly a sphere, but could have other
configurations as well. First, a broad classifi-
Contrary to the structural continuum of the cation of steel braced domes subdivides them
masonry dome or the modern thin shell, into two basic categories:
trussed domes are actually braced skeletal
constructions consisting of individual longi- Domes whose members are straight so that
tudinal members framed to each other at consequently the dome itself is circum-
their nodal points. At each node the mem- scribed by the surface that contains the
bers can either be hinged or fixed, depending nodal points.
on the kind of construction in use. Masonry, Domes whose members are curved and lay
concrete, steel, and wood have all been em- on the same surface that contains the
ployed to construct braced domes. Because of nodes.
their own inherent characteristics, each mate-
rial suggests the kind of connection that is A second major classification for steel
most feasible with it. For instance, concrete trussed domes is as follows:
usually suggests having fixed end connec-
tions, unless special circumstances recom- Framed or skeletal domes: single-layer
mend hinges. In wood, all connections are structures whose members are either
usually considered hinged. In steel, joints are straight or curved. These domes are
usually hinged, unless fixed ends are attained thus assemblies of many longitudinal
by welding. members connected at their nodal
Trussed masonry domes have also been points.
constructed by using masonry with arches Trussed domes: double-layer domes in
built monolithically with their masonry shells, which not all the nodes lie on one
as typical of Gothic structures and often of surface

Trussed Domes

Stressed-skin domes: domes in which the intuitive structure that evolved from the no-
skin and the members are intercon- tion of arches. If the dome is conceived as
nected and act structurally together being an extension of arches rather than a
Surface domes: domes with the skin as the superposition of concentric rings, then the
structural part that consists of precut ribbed dome is the most intuitive kind of
panels of steel and aluminum con- dome system.
nected along the edges. The panels are
cut, and then their edges are bent per-
pendicularly to the surface creating a Schwedler Domes
standing lip that can be mechanically
fastened. Kaiser domes made of alumi- Schwedler domes, named after their inven-
num are included in this category. tor, J. W. Schwedler, are essentially ribbed
domes characterized by each panel being en-
A third classification of steel trussed closed by two consecutive ribs and hoops and
domes is the following: 3 braced by two diagonal members so thin as to
be able to carry only tension. No compression
Ribbed domes can be allowed, since they would buckle from
Schwedler domes their slenderness. When an asymmetrical
Network domes load generates tension in one diagonal and
Zimmermann domes compression in the other, the diagonal under
Framed domes tension responds and provides the dome the
Lamella domes necessary equilibrium. When the load is re-
Grid domes (either two-way or three-way) versed, the other diagonal will be stressed in
Geodesic domes tension to do the necessary work. This type
Space-frame domes of dome can be recognized by its network of
Cable (tensegrity) domes major ribs and hoops with slender, cross-di-
Pneumatic domes agonal bracing (see Fig. 14-11).
These domes appeared first at the end of
the last century in Germany. The largest
Ribbed Domes span, built in Vienna in 1874, had a diameter
of 210ft (64 m). The largest Schwedler
Ribbed domes are structures with their main, dome, built in 1955, covers the Charlotte
arched ribs arranged radially, connected at Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina (see
the crown and base. They are also referred to Fig. 14-12). 4 The architect for the project
as stiffened domes, if the ribs are connected was Odell Associates, the engineering firm
to a horizontal ring at the base, and unstiff- responsible for the design of the dome Fred
ened domes, if they are hinged to isolated Severud Elstadt, and Kruger of New York.
footings. The connections at the crown can This dome is supported by a series of con-
also be either hinged or fixed. With a hinge crete piers located at the springing points of
at the crown, the ribs must be supported by the meridian ribs. The major components of
diagonal members. In general the ribbed the dome are these meridian ribs and hori-
dome is completed by several horizontal rings zontal hoops, which produce trapezoidal sec-
and the resulting trapezoidal panels are then tors that are diagonally braced. The struc-
divided by a diagonal member into two trian- tural steel employed for the meridians and
gles. The diagonals are stressed only when hoops is shaped out of wide flange sections.
the load is asymmetrical. This type of dome The steel sections were welded together.
can be considered to consist of an assembly of Covering the dome is a lightweight deck com-
arches and is an expression therefore of an posed of a mixture of fibers and cement that

Skeletal Steel Structures and Menadomes

14-11 A Schwedler dome; a) elevation, b) plan.

14-12 The Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, N.C.

is supported by structural bulb tees. The the welding of the base ring was completed,
deck, of Porex, also provides thermal insula- contraction caused by temperature changes
tion in addition to its structural sheeting ac- made the crown spring up from the scaffold.
tion. It is covered with a reflective aluminum
lamina that consists of a series of aluminum
panels with clamped edge seams that are al- Network Domes
lowed to move under thermal expansion and
contraction. The dome has a diameter of 332 Network domes consist of a series of horizon-
ft (101 m) and a rise of60 ft (18.3 m). It was tal polygonal hoops arranged so that each
erected using nothing but scaffolds for the hoop is rotated with respect to the hoop
crown ring. It is interesting to note that when below to an angle equal to 180 divided by the

Trussed Domes

number of sides. In other words, the nodal Lamella Domes

points in any given hoop are aligned verti-
cally with the midpoint between the two Lamella domes consist of an assemblage of a
nodes below. Therefore, the nodes of alter- large number of elements called lamella,
nate hoops are aligned on the same vertical which are made up of two members that in-
plane. This dome consists only of horizontal tersect each other to form an X. Two X's side
members and diagonal members, which form by side form a lozenge approximating a dia-
isosceles or equilateral triangles. A peculiar mond. The length of each member forming
characteristic of these domes is that they are the X is equal to twice the length of the side
stable-and statically determinate (isostatic) of the diamond. In order to transfer the load
-only if the number of their sides is odd. and create a stable structure, the X's are built
so that one of the diagonals is continuous but
the other is connected with a pin to the con-
Zimmermann Domes tinuous one (see Figs. 14-13 and 14-14).
This type of dome has been so popular in
Zimmermann domes, which are named after
the United States that a company in St.
their inventor, were particularly popular in Louis, Roof Structures, Inc., specializes in its
Germany, where they originated. From a design and construction. The head of the
geometric standpoint they exhibit a series of company invented a special type of lamella
horizontal polygonal hoops whose number of dome referred to as the Kiewitt dome,
sides doubles with respect to the hoop imme- named for him, which is assumed to be eco-
diately above. These domes are statically de-
nomically feasible for spans exceeding 120 ft
terminate. Their peculiarity consists in the (36 m). The most famous application of these
fact that the nodal points at the base consti-
patented structures is the dome for the
tute simple supports providing only vertical
Harris County Sports Stadium in Houston
reactions, with horizontal reactions being (see Fig. 14-15)5, widely called the Astro-
generated by special connections placed
along the horizontal members that constitute
\ \
the base hoop. These connections work like
ties that stress the members in tension only.
So the horizontal reactions that anchor the
dome to its foundation or supporting struc-
ture are tensile forces that are applied at spe-
cific points on the bottom hoop. In this type
of dome the number of horizontal connec-
tions must be equal to that of the simple

Framed Domes

Framed domes consist of meridional ribs and

horizontal polygonal hoops that intersect
each other at nodal points where the connec-
tions are of the moment-resistant type. These
are made either by welding them or using
brackets. There is an absence of diagonal
members because the dome is in reality a
moment-resistant frame rather than a trussed 14-1 3 The oeneral layout of a lamella-roofed
structure like the ones seen thus far. structure.

Skeletal Steel Structures and Megadomes

dome, the term under which it is discussed in

detail below.
A particular advantage of lamella domes
in general is their high speed of erection. For
instance, a 250-ft (76.2 m) diameter dome
over a university field house in Wichita,
Kansas, was erected in only twelve days.

The distribution of axial forces among the
members in a lamella dome can best be illus-
trated with a practical example, as seen in
Figure 14-16. This example consists of a sin-
gle concentrated vertical load at the crown of
the dome. Although force distribution varies
according to the orientation and points of
application of loads, the drawing provides a
general indication of the relative magnitude
of the forces under vertical loads and speci-
fies the nature of the forces, whether of ten-
sion or compression.
The lamella dome in question is a rela-
tively shallow structure consisting of a series
of hoops and diagonal members. Notice that
it is possible to identify six modular sectors
(see the shaded one) arranged radially
14-14 A lamella roof structure showing a around the center. The forces in each sector
complete lamella element (two adjacent X's) are symmetrically distributed such that the
consistinn of interlaced X-shaped members. At members in the hoops are all in tension,
each nodal point one member is continuous, the whereas some of the diagonals are in tension
other not. The lennth of each member is 2A. and some in compression. The thin lines in

14-15 The Astrodome in Houston, Texas, during construction.

Trussed Domes

Bass. It was Kiewitt's firm of Roof Structures,

Inc., in St. Louis, that furnished the patented
lamella-dome system. The structural consul-
tants for checking the design were Praeger,
Kavanagh and Waterbury of New York, and
their consultant Dr. Henri Marcus. Addi-
tional consultants were Walter Moore of
Houston and Dr. Z. S. Makowsi of London
The dome covering this stadium is the par-
ticular lamella-type structure in steel referred
to as a Kiewitt dome, a brilliant system ex-
pressed in the Astrodome with great success.
This dome marked the beginning of a new
era of giant domes covering large stadiums
that created a spirit of rivalry among munici-
palities competing with each other from civic
pride. New Orleans entered the competition
14-16 The distribution of axial forces in a
in 1966 with planning toward the Super-
lamella dome under a sin8le vertical load at the
dome, which set a record for overall size and
crown: this plan illustrates the modular sector
cost. Cost-wise, the total of $31 million in-
and the ma8niwde of the axial forces (the hemy
vested for the Astrodome fell way behind the
lines show compression members, the thin lines
$178 million finally spent on the Superdome.
tension members) .
Nevertheless, the Astrodome's dome is only
38 feet (approximately 5 percent) less in di-
the drawing indicate tension members, the ameter than the Superdome.
heavy lines compression members. In this It should be noted that these cost figures
particular case, in which the load is singular are not those just for the domes but also in-
and concentrated at a point, the axial forces clude the overall buildings. The technical lit-
diminish as the distance increases away from erature on the dome reported before its com-
the crown, because the load is progressively pletion an estimated value of some $24
distributed among a larger and larger num- million, including $20 million for the struc-
ber of members. This effect would not of ture and its mechanical system alone. More
course appear in the case of a series of loads specifically, a cost of $4.29 per square foot
being applied to all the joints. was ultimately calculated to be the unit cost
of the structure, inclusive of patent rights
THE ASTRODOME and engineering expenses.
This stadium covered with a lamella-type The structure of the Astrodome basically
steel dome is formally titled the Harris consists of trussed beams 5 ft (1.5 m) deep,
County Stadium, for its location in Houston X-braced according to the geometrical struc-
within Harris County, Texas. The Astro- tural scheme typical of the Kiewitt lamella
dome, as it is generally referred to, was com- patent. The dome is covered with a solid-
pleted in 1965, nine years from its ground- metal skin over its lower third, with translu-
breaking. The architects for the project cent acrylic sheets over the middle third, and
included the firms of Lloyd and Morgan, and with a solid-metal skin on its crown. The
Wilson, Morris, Crain and Anderson, both clear span of the dome measures 641 ft 8 in
from Houston. The contractors were H. A. (195.7 m), and the outside span reaches 712
Lott and Johnson, Drake and Piper, the ft (217m). The height of the crown is 208 ft
structural engineers C. R. Kiewitt and L. O. (63.4 m) above the floor of the stadium,

Skeletal Steel Structures and Megadomes

which is below grade. The translucent third dome included aerodynamic wind-tunnel
of the roof includes 4,600 skylights. In to- testing on a 1/8 in = 1 ft 0 in (approximately
tal the roof surface measures 350,000 ft 2 1 : 100) scale model by McDonnell Aircraft in
(32,500 m 2 ) and includes 2,150 tons of steel. St. Louis. No fewer than forty-eight condi-
The huge tension ring at the base of the tions were analyzed, to consider different
dome has a calculated weight of 376 tons angles of attack by the wind flow. Wind gusts
independent of the dome. The dome, with its of 165 mph (265 km/h) and sustained speeds
total dead load of 2,526 tons for the struc- of 135 mph (217 km/h) were considered.
tural steel, carries a uniformly distributed Positive pressure of 40 psf (1.95 kPa) and
load of 16.6 psf (0.80 kPa). The circular floor negative pressure (suction) also of 40 psf
plan (see Fig. 14-17) allows a seating capacity were the recommended loading values de-
varying from 45,000 to 66,000 spectators ac- rived from this wind study. Then various
cording to the type of events, from sports to phases of analysis refined the design by read-
political conventions. justing the structural sizing of the trussed
The structural steel dome adopted to components.
cover the clear span over this stadium was not In addition to these specific values, the
just an architectural solution based on form various loading conditions used included a
configuration but rather the result of a care- dead load of 30 psf (1.44 kPa), a live load of
ful comparative study of various feasible sys- 15 psf (0.72 kPa), and a 7.5 psf (0.36 kPa)
tems. Among the systems taken into consid- asymmetric load on half of the structure.
eration were geodesic domes in both steel Other conditions had to be investigated as
and aluminum, Kaiser domes, air-supported well, including temperature expansion and
pneumatic membrane structures, aluminum contraction from variations within a 140 ° F
geodesic space frames, wooden space frames, (78°C) range. Furthermore, particular con-
and suspension-type cantilever trusses. Al- centrations of mechanical-system components
though the Kiewitt type of lamella dome sys- generated asymmetrical loads that also had to
tem had previously been employed with suc- be examined.
cess, the largest span ever reached to date To visualize the scale of the individual
had been only 285 ft (86.9 m), yet the engi- components in the Astrodome note that the
neers felt confident that it was capable of members within the tension ring had an ap-
reaching the much larger span required for proximate length of 32 ft (9.75 m), while
this project. those within the lamella units in the roof
The structural analysis performed for this sometimes reached 122 ft (37.2 m) in length.

14-17 An interior view of the Astrodome, about one year from completion.

Trussed Domes

The construction methods employed in At the bottom of the dome, under its ten-
this project required erecting thirty-seven sion ring, the dome rests on seventy-two
steel towers, including one in the middle that uniquely connected support columns. These
extended to a height of 212 ft (64.6 m). columns are free to translate radially with
These towers had a temporary function of respect to the tension ring but are semirigidly
supporting the centering during construction fastened sideways in the tangential direction.
and were eventually disassembled and sal- This kind of support prevents a bending mo-
vaged. These towers tapered from 20 ft by ment between the dome and its supporting
20 ft (6.1 m by 6.1 m) at the base to 10 ft by columns.
10 ft (3.05 m X 3.05 m) at a height of 100 ft This megastructure, which at the time of
(30.5 m). Looking like derricks, these towers its construction held the world record for
were increased in height as the erection of being the largest covered structure of its
the trussed, arched ribs progressed. After the kind, is unique in its construction. For one
tension ring was completed, the erection of thing, almost all its connections are welded.
the dome started with the trussed, arched Exceptions include the rolling connections
ribs going from the tension ring to the between the tension ring and the supporting
crown. These trusses were fabricated in 55 ft columns, which allow for free expansion and
(16.8 m) sections in the shop, then brought to contraction of the dome without stressing the
the site. Two consecutive ribs were welded at columns. Another unique characteristic is
ground level to form one segment 110ft that the connections between the 110 ft (33.5
(33.5 m) long. These segments were then m) segments of the trussed ribs were field
erected in sequence, using the towers as tem- bolted, not welded. All the remaining con-
porary supports, while being connected to nections between the various components of
each other by bolts. Between the twelve ribs the trusses and the connections between
the X-shaped lamellae completed the struc- trusses were welded. The electrodes used
ture of the dome. The length of the lamellae throughout were E7018 (low hydrogen) for
legs was about 60 ft (18.3 m). As discussed the tension ring and E60 10 for the field
earlier, the various lamellae when connected splices on the main ribs and the hoop ring.
to each other form diamond-shaped patterns. The difference in the electrodes come from
When the six hoop rings were installed, the the differences in the thicknesses and types of
lamella diamonds became subdivided into steel of the sections being welded. Butt welds
two triangles approximately 30 ft (9.1 m) in were used in the tension ring to connect
length. Then each of these triangular areas beams with flanges up to 23/4 in thick. The
was filled with purlins, which finally com- steel used for the tension ring was high-
pleted the framing of the dome. strength A 441, but for the rest of the dome it
All the elements of the Astrodome were was A36. To check the dependability of the
made of curved shapes. These include the welds, the Magnaflux Corporation took 478
tension ring, the domes ribs, the X-shaped gamma-ray shots of critical welds. More spe-
lamellae, the hoops, and the purlins. All these cifically, the Engineering Testing Laboratory
trusses consisted of wide-flanged shapes for of Houston, which was in charge of testing,
the top and bottom chords, with the diagonal subcontracted the testing of welds to Magna-
members consisting of 3-in (7.6 cm) square flux (now MQS) specialists for field opera-
equal leg angles in various thicknesses. The tions while retaining for itself the job of eval-
overall depth of the dome was a constant 5 ft uating and certifying the welds. Magnaflux
(1.5 m). The wide flange chords were placed MTL tested the welds by radiographing them
with their flanges oriented vertically and with cameras placed right over the welds to
their webs horizontally so that the diagonal be inspected. Cobalt 60 provided the energy
angles were welded between the inside faces source for the gamma rays that were used to
of the wide flanges. sensitize the film placed in the camera. The

Skeletal Steel Structures and Megadomes

results of the daily shootings were processed ization of the Superdome started with its
in Magnaflux's laboratory and analyzed by origination by a legislative act on November
experts in the Engineering Testing Lab. 8, 1966, followed by its initial construction
The dependability of a weld is often taken phase begun August 11, 1971, and its open-
for granted and subjected only to visual in- ing day of August 3, 1975. The architects for
spection, yet some imperfections may not be the Superdome included Curtis and Davis,
visible. This was certainly proven in the case Edward Silverstein and Associates, Nolan,
of the tension ring for the Astrodome, Norman and Nolan, and Sverdrup and Par-
in which twenty-three welds inspected by cel. The contractors were Huber, Hunt and
gamma rays, after previous usual acceptance, Nichols and Blount Brothers.
were found to be faulty and had to be re- The total area of the Superdome's roof is
moved and rewelded before certification 9.7 acres (39,254.4 m2 ). Its maximum height
could be granted. The testing of the welds measures 273 ft (82.3 m) The total cost of the
within the lamella dome itself, not in the ring, project, which included a great spectrum of
was performed by a team of inspectors with facilities, was $173 million. To place these
portable testing cameras that used Radium overall costs in perspective, consider the fol-
192 in a dosage of ten curies. Even some lowing data. The total area of the project
welds in the lamella portion of the dome consisted of 52 acres (21 hectares) and fea-
were found faulty; ten of them had to be tured 52 convention rooms, 68 restrooms, 64
removed and redone. Interestingly, the private box suites, garages for 5,000 cars and
checking operation for welds was extended to 250 buses, 32 escalators, and 9 elevators.
evaluate the performance of the individual The cost of the dome itself must of course be
welders on the project. This method con- separated from the costs of the rest of the
sisted of testing each welder at least once, structure to make meaningful comparisons
which turned up more defective welds. among various structural systems involving
THE SUPERDOME The Superdome has a spherical configura-
After the competitive trend established by tion that is part of a sphere 600.4 ft (183 m)
the Astrodome, the New Orleans Superdome in radius, so that the dome itself is relatively
took the record for being the largest steel shallow. The structural typology of this dome
dome in the world. Actually, the competitive- is the same lamella type as the Astrodome,
ness among stadiums with large domes mostly but the construction process for the Super-
concerns the overall capacity of the structure, dome differed from the Kiewitt patented
not the size of the dome itself. In fact, the process used in the Astrodome. For the Su-
supremacy of the Superdome over the Astro- perdome the structural configuration of the
dome is mostly in its seating capacity and in lamella carried a special patent. This dome,
the ancillary structures rather than its dome designed by Binkley Engineering Associates
size (see Figs. 14-18 and 14-19). 6 of St. Louis, includes in its essential compo-
The seating arrangements for different nents a trussed tension ring, a solid compres-
events in the Superdome can include more sion crown, and six basic hoop rings between
than 20,000 seats for basketball, 63,524 seats them. The tension ring at the base of the
for baseball, 76,791 seats for football, and dome has the configuration of a truss 8.9 ft
95,427 seats as an auditorium, compared to (2.7 m) deep. This truss consists of top and
the 66,000 maximum seating capacity of the bottom chords made of W14 X 426 struc-
Astrodome. On the other hand, the differ- tural shape that is butt welded to form a con-
ence in dome diameters is not as great: 680 ft tinuous ring around the dome. The individ-
(210 m) for the Superdome and 642 ft (196 ual lamellae consist of curved members that
m) for the Astrodome. follow the line of the spherical roof. These
The various steps leading to the final real- members, 7.4 ft (2.25 m) deep, are intercon-

Trussed Domes

14-18 and 14-19 The Superdome durina construction.

nected in their diamond-shaped assemblages Among the many considerations taken

by either welded or bolted connections. The into account with the design data for the
bolts used in this case are of the friction type. dome, was wind load from hurricane forces,
The basic steel types used for the entire including sustained wind speeds of 149 mph
dome are either ASTM-A36 or high-strength (240 km/h) with gusts up to 199 mph (320
A572 steel. km/h). Wind-tunnel testing was again found

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

necessary, as in the Astrodome. The Super- From a developmental point of view,

dome test model for wind loading was built to grid domes originated in Europe where they
a scale of 1 : 288. The gradient wind profiles are still the most popular type. Among the
taken into consideration included those both designers whose names are associated with
for open-country and city locations. Among such domes are: Stephane du Chateau from
the various wind-loading conditions tested on France, F. Lederer from Czechoslovakia, and
the model, the critical one was the one de- Fujio Matsushita from Japan; all are struc-
rived from uplifting because of negative pres- tural engineers. Some examples of grid
sure. This suction force was calculated to be domes include:
70 psf (3.4 kPa).
The Superdome is supported by ninety-six Market in Agadir, designed by Stephane
steel columns consisting of W30 X 108 mem- du Chateau. This structure is a single
bers that are 8 ft (2.44 m) high. The pinned layer three-way grid dome on three
connection between the column and the ten- supports spaced 36 m (118 ft) apart.
sion ring allows for free expansion and con- Electric power station at Grandval,
traction of the tension ring, without employ- France, designed by Stephane du Cha-
ing restraints that could produce unwanted teau. This grid spherical dome is a sin-
stresses. The pin connection on the top of the gle layer three-way type. The shallow
column allows radial movement, but the top dome includes 313 joints intercon-
of the column is rigid in the direction tangen- nected by members with an average
tial to the tension ring. This kind of connec- length of 2.14 m (7 ft), has a diameter
tion ensures the lateral stability of the dome. of 42 m (137 ft), and rises at the crown
The ninety-six supporting columns, pin con- of only 6 m (19.6 ft).
nected at their bases, can move radially, as Municipal swimming pool in Drancy,
mentioned, allowing maximum horizontal France. This structure designed by Ste-
displacement between the top and bottom phane du Chateau is a three-way single
hinges. layer spherical dome with a diameter of
47 m (154 ft) at base. The basic compo-
nents include tubular members of gal-
Grid Domes vanized steel with a constant outside di-
ameter of 11.4 cm (4.5 in) but with a
Grid domes consist of arched members whose variable thickness according to the axial
curvature follows the surface of the inner- forces that the members carry. Also the
sphere. These domes are distinguished as tension ring at the base consists of a
two-way and three-way types. The two-way galvanized steel tube of 40.6 cm (16 in)
type consists of two families of arches inter- and a thickness of 8.8 mm (0.35 ft).
secting each other. The three-way type con-
sists instead of two families of arched mem-
bers crisscrossing each other as in the pre- Geodesic Domes
vious case, plus another family of members
constituting a series of horizontal hoops. The Geodesic domes derive their name from the
two-way subdivision creates a series of dia- Greek geos (earth) in the sense that this
mond-shaped panels, while the three-way dome's geometry follows that of the geoid,
type has a triangular configuration since the the spherical form of the earth in its spherical
hoops cut the diamonds in half. In addition, geometry. Made extremely popular in the
grid domes can either be single-layer or dou- United States by Buckminster Fuller, these
ble-layer types. The members are continuous domes are just another type of trussed dome
along each rib, then the ribs themselves are characterized by a geometry that attempts to
hinged together at the nodal points. make all members of equal length. Although

Trussed Domes

this goal is theoretically not possible within The icosahedron used by Buckminster
such a pattern of triangles as is necessary for Fuller for his patented domes is not the only
structural stability, the method produces polyhedral form used in designing geodesic
members whose lengths are in fact almost domes, other polyhedra have also been used.
identical. In 1976 Keno determined that in subdi-
The geometric subdivision of the dome is viding a sphere it was possible to subdivide its
that of the icosahedron, the Platonic solid surface into a maximum of 120 equal trian-
consisting of twenty identical triangles whose gles. The configuration of the triangle used
vertices all lay on the surface of the same in this subdivision is not regular, implying
sphere. In so doing one obtains a spherical that the sides of the triangle were all different
icosahedron with twenty identical spherical and that there would ultimately be three dif-
triangles, that number being the maximum ferent groups of members of different
one of equal equilateral triangles into which a lengths. This knowledge was of course a
sphere can be subdivided. There are several major factor in the continued development
criteria that must be used in subdividing a of this system, because it established the im-
sphere in a regular pattern, which is usually possibility of subdividing a sphere by using
selected on the basis of how long the member triangles of equal sides in a number larger
must be. Figure 14-20 illustrates the various than twenty and also postulated the opportu-
patterns possible. Each type of subdivision nity of using more than one length for a sin-
produces a pattern called frequency and is gle member dome.
identified by its own number-the higher Buckminster Fuller's major contribution
the number, the larger the number of ele- to the creation of the geodesic dome, as he
ments in the subdivision. Some patterns even called it, was at first more in terms of his
include hexagons and pentagons. In pin-con- devising a unique geometric subdivision of
nected members these shapes are not stable, the sphere than in structural terms.
so it becomes necessary to stabilize the struc- Structurally speaking, Fuller's domes fall
ture with additional bracing. into two basic groups: one-layer domes and

FREQUENCY~16~~~ml '-...




14-20 Subdividino a sphere into dijferent patterns of increasino

compleXity results in increasino the number of elements in it. The five
patterns shown here are classified in terms of their frequency, from 1 to 16.

Skeletal Steel Structures and Menadomes

two-layer domes. The one-layer dome con- in the lower part the meridional forces are
sists of members that connect nodal points all stilI in compression but the hoop forces are in
lying on the surface of one sphere. These tension.
domes are applicable only to limited spans, Some examples of popular geodesic domes
relatively speaking. More specifically, it is include the following:
useful to consider them as being subdivided
into three categories: small spans up to about Trade fair, Afghanistan, 1956, by Buck-
40 ft (12.2 m), medium spans up to 90 ft minster Fuller: temporary lightweight
(27.4 m), and large spans up to 120 ft (36.6 structure erected in forty-eight hours
m). Each of these categories requires its own Kaiser Aluminum, Honolulu, 1957, by
pattern of triangular subdivisions. Fuller: aluminum, 145 ft (44 m) in
Two-layer domes consist of two concentric diameter
spherical domes spaced apart. These domes V nion Tank Car Company plant, Baton
can have spans that are larger than those of Rouge, Louisiana, 1958-1959, by
single-layer domes. The nodal points of one Fuller: covers railroad-car rebuilding
of the concentric domes are connected to the plant and held the world record for the
nodal points of the other, creating structural largest clear-span building of the time.
unity. The exterior layer is subdivided into Diameter: 384 ft (117 m). Rise: 120 ft
triangles only, but the interior layer can be (36.5 m). Members: 321 hexagonal
subdivided into triangles, hexagons, and pen- steel panels integrated with a bracing
tagons. This subdivision does not create a system of tubular compression mem-
lack of structural stability, though, because bers and rod tension members (see Fig.
the nodes of the inner layer are all stabilized 14-21)
by the triangulated outer layer. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis,
Besides single-layer and double-layer geo- 1961, by Murphy and Mackey: alumi-
desic domes it is convenient to consider a num tubing in a double-layer hexago-
third type. The two previous types were char- nalpattern
acterized by having a skin cover superim- V.S. Pavilion, Expo 67, Montreal, by
posed on the skeletal structure, without B. Fuller and Sado: structure enclosing
structural interaction. In the third type of two-thirds of a sphere with diameter of
geodesic dome the skin provides structural 250 ft (76.2 m), height of 200 ft (61 m).
action. Within this type occur two different
situations: when the members of the dome
and its skin are structurally connected so as to
work together in tension and compression SPACE-FRAME DOMES
and when the skin carries the load alone and
the individual panels are joined together
along their folded edges to form a dome A new structural system for dome construc-
without having skeletal members. tion that capitalizes on the basic concept of
The stress distribution in geodesic domes space frames can be called space-frame
is very much like the distribution that occurs domes because of the structural systems from
in continuous domes. For instance, in both which it arises. This structural typology can
types the gravity loads that are symmetrically expand in a variety of configurations. This
applied generate only compressive forces in versatile application patented by William
the members above a certain horizontal circle Mouton can be applied to various kinds of
of latitude, whereas below it tension and vaulting, including domes, using Mouton's
compression occur. This follows the pattern techniques.
that in the upper part of a dome the meridio- By using a double-grid space-frame sys-
nal and hoop forces are in compression, but tem, or delta truss, Mouton established a fun-

Trussed Domes

14-2 1 Steel dome over Union Tank Car Company plant, Baton Rouoe,
Louisiana, /959, by Buckminster Fuller.

icular configuration for a whole structure square foot for spans up to 200 ft (61 m). In
under design loads. He built modular compo- such welded connections the pipes used are
nents at ground level, then erected them on cut by shearing, which squeezes the end parts
temporary supports, bolting together the to form an elliptical cross-section. The weld-
modules. The bolted connections between ing at the joints is not significantly stressed,
modules were not stressed. The modules since all the members come together at the
could have a rectangular square projection, joint so as to bear against each other in com-
as in translational shells, or a triangular pro- pression and eliminate any tensile stress. Be-
jection, as with domes. In both cases, how- sides reducing cost, welding also avoids weak-
ever, the modules had to be curved to gener- ening the cross-sections as in bolted con-
ate an overall vaulted structure. Since the nections and forms an uninterrupted connec-
curvature was derived from the funicular po- tion that not only creates a more pleasing
lygonal shape of the loads, the upper and visual effect but also offers more control over
lower grids of the modules were equally the overall dimensions of the structure. The
stressed, so that the diagonal members con- ability to build a whole structure in large pre-
necting the two were able not to be stressed fabricated components reduces to a mini-
at all. Their design was based only on their mum the problem usually encountered in er-
slenderness ratio, which was limited by a ecting space frames in situ member by
value of 200. member. The only problem consists of con-
The system as developed contained trolling the tolerance of each member at its
welded connections at the joints instead of connection to close all gaps after the erection
expensive hubs and bolts. A further substan- process is complete.
tial economy that resulted from the simpli- A significant application is the Cajun-
fied welded connections was that the overall dome, completed in 1985, conceived and de-
weight of these structures was reduced to signed by William Mouton, which was intro-
perhaps as low as three to five pounds per duced earlier under dTrussed Domes and

Skeletal Steel Structures and Menadomes

Their Builders." This dome covers the civic capable of sustaining an additional 2,500 Ibs.
center in Lafayette, Louisiana. The Cajun- (1,135 kg). Numerous catwalks are sus-
dome system involved assembling six basic pended throughout the structure to allow ad-
components connected at ground level to ditional loads at the suspension points.
form large pie-shaped spherical triangles. It seems certain that the unique concept
These large elements were then lifted and underlying the delta truss has not reached its
connected together to form the dome. They maximum potential in the Cajundome, which
were so large that only forty-eight of them has opened the way for larger-scale ap-
were necessary to complete the dome. Before plications.
these pie-shaped elements were lifted and
connected, their vertices were connected by
cables and put in tension, creating bowstring
arches along their edges. Then, after they CABLE (TENSEGRITY) DOMES
had been lifted and connected to adjacent
elements, the tensioning cables were re-
moved as the dome was completed. The latest to appear among the various struc-
With an overall depth of 70 ft (21.3 m), tural systems for trussed domes is the cable
the dome included 3-in (7.6 cm) diameter dome, sometimes referred to as the tense-
tubular members for its lower portion, 1.5-in grity dome, as developed out of Buckminster
(3.8 cm) tubing for the diagonal members, Fuller's work. As with most structures, the
and L-shaped sections for the upper mem- cable dome can be looked at from different
bers, facilitating the installation of the deck- points of view to emphasize various structural
ing. These consisted of a corrugated metal aspects. The cable dome can be seen in
deck forming a composite system that had 3 regard to its unique structural characteris-
in (7.6 cm) oflightweight concrete cover with tics that differentiate it from conventional
an ultimate strength of 28 days of f~ = 6,000 domes, or as simply another form of suspen-
psi (41.4 MPa), protected in turn by roofing sion structure. More specifically, one could
material. The concrete topping, acting in emphasize this kind of dome as a direct result
composite action with the steel deck, was of Fuller's concept of tensegrity, from the ten-
adopted basically to stiffen the metal deck sion integrity, explained below.
itself by eliminating the potential fluttering The structural behavior of the cable dome
and noise that could derive from having a is exactly opposite that of the traditional con-
resonance problem in the steel deck. ventional domes. The base ring is in com-
Further studies by Mouton on possible ap- pression rather than tension, and the ring at
plications for this system indicated the possi- the crown is in tension rather than compres-
bility of having extremely slender structural sion. Along its meridians the stresses are ten-
configurations for the tubular members of sile, contrary to the compressive stresses in
various spans of domes. To give some idea of conventional domes. And of major conse-
the great efficiency of the system, domes 100 quence is the fact that the space enclosed by
ft (30.5 m) in diameter could use tubing only the cable dome, from its base to its crown, is
1 in (2.5 cm) in diameter, 60-ft (18.3 m) not totally free and unobstructed, as it is in
domes could use s/4-in (1.9 cm) diameter tub- conventional domes, but includes instead
ing, and 40-ft (12.2 m) domes needed only structural members that are in both tension
In-in (1.3 cm) diameter tubing. and compression. Although these members
The composite action of the bottom are particularly light and diffuse, they are still
chord, top chord, steel deck, and concrete present within the dome space itself, so that
topping makes the Cajundome extremely ef- this space cannot technically be defined as
ficient and capable of carrying loads substan- being free. This point could probably be ar-
tially beyond its design loads. Each node is gued in terms of practical significance. Shal-

Trussed Domes

low domes springing on top of usable space required, by eliminating redundancies. He

may reduce the difference between free and thus succeeded in reducing statically in deter-
nonfree space within the dome itself, yet minant structures to statically determinant
structurally a distinction still remains. ones. He was equally ingenious at setting up a
When a cable dome is seen as being part of sequence in building that was both logical
the inventory of tensile structures in general, and highly efficient. To date only two domes
it should be evident that it follows all the of this type have been built, although others
rules of such structures, without noticeable are under construction. Already built are two
differences arising from its spherical configu- domes in Seoul, Korea, for the 1988 Olympic
ration. From the compression ring at its base games, which measure 393 ft (120 m) and
the cable dome develops upward by means of 295 ft (90 m) in diameter, respectively. Two
vertical compression members in various pat- structures presently under construction in-
terns that reach the crown of the dome. All clude an elliptical dome over the Illinois State
the other members, with various geometric University Arena and a circular one over the
patterns extending radially or around the pe- Florida Suncoast Dome in St. Petersburg (see
rimeter, are in tension, forming creative as- Figs. 14-4 and 14-5). The former measures
semblies of which Fuller's tensegrity is the 252 ft (76.8 m) along the minor axis of the
most striking. ellipse and 300 ft (91.4 m) along its major
The cable dome maximizes tension as its axis. The Suncoast Dome has a diameter of
principal condition of stress. Most of its mem- 690 ft (210m) that surpasses even the diame-
bers consist of cables in tension, while some ter of the Superdome.
other members are in compression. Such To retain the characteristic lightness in-
three-dimensional structures consist only of herent in cable domes, the roofing surface
tension and compression members having the employs flexible fabric membranes. The two
unique characteristic of allowing compres- stadiums in Korea are enclosed by four such
sion members not to come in contact with independent layers: an exterior membrane of
each other, thus giving almost the impression high-strength fiberglass fabric that is coated
of floating in space. As Fuller described it, on both sides with silicone, then an 8-in (20
such an assembly can be defined as "small cm) layer of silky fiberglass enclosed in poly-
islands in a sea of tension." In formulating ester bags to provide a thermal insulation
tensegrity, or tension integrity, Fuller ex- shield with a value of RIO, another layer of
pressed a concept in which tension members Mylar six inches below the insulation to pro-
flow with continuity while compression mem- vide a vapor barrier, and, finally, two feet
bers appear disconnected from each other. below, a fiberglass fabric in an open weave
Such structural systems, of course, acquire coated with silicone to provide an acoustic
maximum efficiency because they include layer.
only axially loaded members, which are ex- These domes' very nature makes them un-
tremely efficient since all cross-sections in a dergo major structural distortions, as is typi-
given member are equally stressed, as is also cal of cable structures in general. As their live
each point in any given cross-section. In addi- loads change, the nodal points translate, with
tion, tensegrity maximizes the number of vertical displacements of great magnitude.
tensile members, which are by their nature For instance, in the Florida Suncoast Dome a
much more efficient than are compression live load of 12 psf (0.57 kPa) creates a maxi-
members. mum downward displacement of 3.35 ft
Significant credit for expanding the tense- (1.02 m), and under a 22 psf (1.05 kPa) wind
grity concept to domes goes to David H. load the maximum upward displacement
Geiger. By applying the system to domes not would be 1.22 ft (0.37 m). These major dis-
only did he devise new geometric schemes, tortions, however logical they may be for
but he also reduced the number of members cable structures, are much larger than those

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

for conventional domes, so that rigid roofing main circular assembly. The structure in-
materials would not be easily adaptable for cludes a series of radial cables, diagonal
use with cable domes, making flexible-fabric cables, and compressive members completing
membranes the logical solution for cable a complex geometric assembly that supports
domes. This aspect of the cable dome may a multilayered fabric membrane that encloses
seem to give it a temporary nature in compar- the space. The horizontal projected area of
ison to the permanency associated with con- this circular dome includes an area of
ventional rigid domes, but the validity of the 371,764 ft 2 (34,556 m 2 ). The dead load for
cable dome remains untarnished. In reality, the dome totals 1,860 kips (8,273 kN), which
the membrane itself can be considered to be includes the tension and compression mem-
roofing, which by its very nature is assumed bers as well as the roofing membranes. An
to need replacement as part of its mainte- additional dead-load component includes
nance even in more permanent surfaces. This that of the mechanical room and fans,
similarity eliminates any basic conceptual dif- speakers and platforms, catwalks, bridge cat-
ference between the cable dome and others. walks, and lighting and electrical panels sus-
The cable domes just described were all pended from the major hoops. All these add
designed within a short time span by the same an additional dead weight of 714 kips (3,176
design firm in New York and reflect a uni- kN). The overall dead weight of these two
form approach with the same structural char- values together amounts to 2,574 kips
acteristics. A typical unit dead load of 3 psf (11,449 kN). Using these values, the distrib-
(0.14 kPa) applies throughout all these cases, uted dead load per square foot of horizontal
even when the size of the dome increases projection of the dome becomes approxi-
considerably, as it does in the Florida Sun- mately 7 psf (0.34 kPa). The. wind analysis
coast Dome. Even the projected costs for conducted for this dome includes an evalua-
domes under construction in the United tion of vibration frequencies for ten different
States seem to be close to the twenty dollars modes from n = 9 to the fundamental mode
per square foot value of the two domes built n = 1. The corresponding frequencies vary
in Korea.' from f= 9.791 cyc./sec. for n = 9 to f=
The 690 ft (210m) diameter base of the 4.773 cyc./sec. for n = 1. The fact that the
Florida Suncoast Dome has entered the cable fundamental frequency of free vibration is
dome into the major leagues of the world's estimated to be quite far from the frequency
largest domes, a status that could easily in- of wind-induced vibrations guarantees a safe-
crease even more, since cable structures have guard from resonance.
proven themselves to be the most efficient
long-span structures in general. At this point
in the development of the dome three differ-
ent methodologies have reached almost equal PNEUMATIC DOMES
records. The Kingdome in Seattle, the Su-
perdome in New Orleans and the Suncoast
Dome in St. Petersburg have demonstrated There has been a proliferation of pneumatic
now that concrete shells, steel trussed frame- structures built in recent years. Their inher-
works, and tension structures, followed ent curved configuration of forms associates
closely by wood domes, have all reached the the pneumatic to other curvilinear spatial
largest spans conceivable for domes. The de- structures, but their statical mechanism is so
sign profession is stiIllearning from the dome unique that they really stand out on their
of the St. Petersburg project. This dome, own. Pneumatic structures are supported by
with the compressive concrete ring at its base an interior air pressure and include single
and double tension rings at its top, includes membranes or multiple air-inflated mem-
four intermediate hoops constituting the branes made of special fabrics and usually

Trussed Domes

stabilized by cables. To keep this work within which opened in early 1988. It is a cable-re-
reasonable limits, pneumatic structures have inforced pneumatic dome by the structural
not been included. Several noticeable domes engineering companies Takenaka Komuten
of recent years were therefore excluded, in- Company and Nikken Sekkei Ltd., both of
cluding the Tokyo Dome, the "Big Egg," Tokyo.


1. See Z. S. Makowski, Analysis Design and Construction of Brand Domes (Nichols Publishing Co., 1984), p. 5.
2. Figures 14-2 through 14-8 courtesy of Geiger Engineers.
3. See Z. S. Makowski, Steel Space Structures (Michael Joseph, 1965).
4. Figure 14-12 courtesy of Aerial Photography Services, Inc.
5. Figures 14-15 and 14-17 courtesy Houston Sports Association.
6. Figures 14-18 and 14-19 courtesy Louisiana Superdome.
7. See David H. Geiger, Andrew Stefaniuk, and David Chen, "The Design and Construction of Two Cables
for the Korean Olympics" in Shells, Membranes and Space Frames, Proceedings, lASS Symposium, Osaka,
Japan, 1986, vol. 2 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986).


Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes

The following analysis of a steel dome is illus- after the specifications of the coordinates of
trated by solving a specific problem, using these points indicates their function as sup-
the powerful computer program that is inter- ports. The apex of the dome coincides with
nationally known and available world wide nodal point 25.
wherever IBM services are provided. The This dome is referred to a system of Car-
System STRUDL II was originally developed tesian coordinates, XYZ, so that the plan of
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the dome is on the XY plane and Z is the
and it is still available, although new up- vertical axis oriented upward from the base
graded versions are also offered such as the of the dome. In the program input the nodal
one by Georgia Tech. The problem is pre- points or joints are described in terms of
sented to the attention of the reader as a their coordinates. The members are de-
simple analytical tool and can be applied by scribed by means of their so-called member
following the step-by-step sequence illus- incidence, which includes the number of the
trated hereafter. joint at the start and end of each member.
Like the joints, all members are identified by
PROBLEM: The structure analyzed here, the a number.
Schwedler dome, is a trussed steel dome with For a better understanding of the overall
a hexagonal floor plan. The dome is in- geometry of the dome, consider the follow-
scribed within a perfect hemisphere whose ing description. In this example, twenty-five
diameter is 100 ft (30.5 m). All the nodal joints are arranged in four hoops that start
points of the dome are thus located on the from the ground with hoop number 1 and go
hemisphere. The dome consists of 66 mem- up to hoops 2, 3, and 4. Joint 25 forms the
bers connecting 25 nodal points to form a crown above the hoops. The dome's 66 mem-
series of polygonal hoops and meridians. bers are arranged into 24 hoop members, 24
These hoops and meridians form a series of meridian members, and 18 diagonal ones.
isosceles trapezoids that are triangulated by Members 1 through 6 are, as stated, in the
diagonal stabilizing members. (See Figures first hoop, at the base, 19 through 24 on the
15-1 and 15-2 for a graphic illustration of the second hoop, 37 through 42 on the third
dome's plan and elevation.) hoop, and 55 through 60 on the fourth.
The nodes from 1 through 6 are at Meridian members 7 through 12 are be-
ground level and act as supports. The letter S tween the first and second hoop, 25 through

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

15-1 Plan view of Schwedler Dome analyzed in the problem.

30 between the second and third hoops, 44 of inertia of the members' cross-section is not
through 48 between the third and fourth needed. Furthermore, because the members
hoops, and 61 through 66 between the are what is described as being prismatic, their
fourth hoop and the crown. Diagonal mem- cross-sections remain constant.
bers 13 through 18 are between hoops 1 and All members of this sample dome are
2,31 through 36 between hoops 2 and 3, and made of steel, as indicated by the modulus of
49 through 54 between hoops 3 and 4. No- elasticity E, specified to be 29,000 ksi for all.
tice that all the diagonal members are equally There are two loading conditions for the
inclined. Facing the dome, the diagonal dome. The first consists of a series of concen-
members go from the lower right to the trated loads applied vertically downward
upper left. (-Z) at each joint from 7 through 25, ex-
In the input, the geometry of t.he joints cluding the joints on the ground. Each load
and members is expressed in feet, with the in this first loading is - 1 kip. Loading two is
cross-sections of members AX given in the wind load. After stating the data of the
square inches. Notice also that because of the problem in these terms, specify that the pro-
absence of bending stresses in the members, gram should perform a stiffness analysis of
by the definition of space truss, the moment the structure. Then, on another line, write a

Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes



15-2 Elevation of the Schwedler Dome analyzed in the problem.

command that requests the following: the makes the first hoop unnecessary. If one
axial forces in the members, the reactions at wants to avoid this and allow the first hoop to
the supports, the distortions (the elongation work, it is necessary to release the X and Y
or contraction of the members), and the dis- reaction components at their supports.
placement of the joints. Consider that the total load on the dome is
For simplicity'S sake, the example problem equal to 19 kips (84.5 kN). Therefore, the
has been kept short, without limiting its clar- vertical reactions at the supports coincide
ity. The few joints and members shown are with
enough to present the overall behavior of a
dome of this type. The process is of course
the same for any other type of trussed dome, '6
19 = 3.16 k'IpS (14.1 kN)
regardless of the complexity of its geometry.
The computer information in the output
provides the reactions at the six supports. It OUTPUT: After the command "stiffening
has been assumed that these six supports at analysis," indicated in the input, the com-
the base are fixed hinges, which implies cer- puter resolves the structure and generates
tain effects. First, the reactions in the XY the answers to the questions that were asked.
plane are radially oriented and equal to each The units used are specified in inches and
other, as shown in terms of their X and Y kips.
components. Notice, for instance, that joints This step-by-step illustration of how to
1 and 4 have a Y component equal to 0, since enter the input of a problem can easily be
the orientation of the reaction is along the X applied to other similar problems. It is now
axis itself. Second, since the supports are essential to be able to read and understand
fixed hinges, the axial forces in the members the solutions given by the computer (see Fig.
in the first hoop are all equal to 0, which ] 5-3). The output shown considers that the

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

format in which the answers are given is con- symmetry is not in fact specular and there-
stant and will apply to other similar prob- fore invalid. This accounts for the variations
lems, independent of valid geometric con- in the values of the axial forces in the diago-
figurations. nals. Furthermore, in the results it is notice-
The Schwedler dome used in this example able that the axial forces in these members
reflects certain characteristics that readily be- are extremely low. Consequently, they can be
come apparent in the results of the static practically neglected when the structure is
analysis. The geometry of this dome consists loaded vertically at its nodal points. On the
of trapezoids braced by diagonal members all other hand, under other loading conditions,
inclined in the same direction, which gener- such as those of horizontal wind forces, these
ates a structure that is not totally symmetrical members of course become more significant
with respect to its vertical central axis. The than in the previous case.







1 X 0.0 Y50 Z 0 S (joint at first level)

2 X 25 Y 93 . 30 Z 0 S DO
3 X 75 Y 93 . 30 Z 0 S DO
4 X 100 Y 50 Z 0 S DO
5 X 75 Y 6 . 70 Z 0 S DO
6 X 25 Y 6.70 Z 0 S DO
7 X 3.81Y50 Z19.13 (joint at second level)
8 X 26.90Y90.01Z19.13 DO
9 X 73.09 Y 90.01 Z 19.13 DO
10 X 96. 19 Y 50 Z 19. 13 DO
11 X 73.09 Y 9.99 Z 19. 13 DO
12 X 26.90 Y 9.99 Z 19. 13 DO
13 X 14.65Y50 Z35.35 (joint at third level)
14 X 32.32 Y 80.61 Z 35.35 DO
15 X 67.67Y80.61Z35.35 DO
16 X 85 .35 Y 50 Z 35 . 35 DO
17 X 67.67 Y 19.39 Z 35 . 35 DO
18 X 32.32 Y 19.39 Z35.35 DO
19 X 30.87Y50 Z46.19 (joint at fourth level)
20 X 40.43 Y 66.56 Z46.19 DO
21 X 59.56 Y 66.56 Z46.19 DO
22 X 69. 13 Y 50 Z 46. 19 DO
23 X 59.56 Y 33.44 Z 46 . 19 DO
24 X 40.43 Y 33 . 44 Z 46. 19 DO
25 X 50 Y 50 Z 50 (joint at crown)

15-3 Problem input. Each of the lines in the .ftaure represents an input command that is typed on
individual lines.

Computer Analj'sis of Trussed Domes

1 1 2 (hoop member a t first level)
2 2 3 DO
3 3 4 DO
4 4 5 DO
5 5 6 DO
6 6 1 DO
7 1 7 (Meridian member from first to second hoop)
8 2 8 DO
9 3 9 DO
104 10 DO
11 5 11 DO
126 12 DO
136 7 (Diagonal member from first to second hoop)
141 8 DO
152 9 DO
163 10 DO
174 11 DO
185 12 DO
197 8 (Hoop member at second level)
208 9 DO
219 10 DO
221011 DO
231112 DO
24127 DO
257 13 (Meridian member from second to third hoop)
268 14 DO
279 15 DO
281016 DO
291117 DO
301218 DO
311213 (Diagonal member from second to third hoop)
327 14 DO
338 15 DO
349 16 DO
351017 DO
361118 DO
371314 (Hoop member at third level)
381415 DO
391516 DO
401617 DO
411718 DO
421813 DO
431319 (Meridian member from third to fourth hoop)
441420 DO
451521 DO
461622 DO
471723 DO
481824 DO
491819 (Diagonal member from third to fourth hoop)
501320 DO
511421 DO
521522 DO
531623 DO
541724 DO
55 1920 (Hoop member a t fourth level)
562021 DO
572122 DO
582223 DO
592324 DO

15-3 (continued)

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

602419 DO
611925 (Meridian members from fourth hoop to crown)
622025 DO
632125 DO
642225 DO
652325 DO
662425 DO


1 TO 18 AX 10
19 TO 36 AX 8
37 TO 54 AX 6
55 TO 66 AX 1
LOADING 1 (dead load only)


*RESULTS OF LATEST ANALYSES* (The following information will apply to all outputs.)




LOADING - 1 (Dead load only. 1 K at each joint)

Note: Posi ti ve = Tension. Negative = Compression

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORCE.

~ ; ~:~
(Zero hoop force because jOints are hinged support)
3 4 0.0 DO
4 5 0.0 DO
5 6 0.0 DO
6 1 0.0 DO
(Compression force in meridian member from fi rst to second hoop)
7 7 [-3.2290678
8 8 -3.2286053 DO
9 9 -3.2275028 DO
10 10 -3.2294693 DO
11 11 -3.2288837 DO
12 12 -3.2285614 DO
(Force in diagonal member from first to second hoop)
13 7 [-0.0013212
14 8 0.0013976 DO
15 9 -0.0016562 DO
16 10 -0.0017128 DO
17 11 0.0017889 DO
18 12 0.0015042 DO
19 8 [0.8194115 (Tension force in hoop member at second hoop)
20 9 0.8197028 DO

15-3 (continued)

Computer Ana~sis of Trussed Domes

[ 0.8191081
0.8195431 DO
23 12 0.8181520 DO
24 7 0.8191823 DO
14 r2605985
(Compression force in meridian member from second to third hoop)
27 15 -2.6068220 DO
28 16 -2.6067934 DO
29 17 -2.6062260 DO
30 18 -2.6070166 DO
0.0019513 (Force in diagonal member from second to third hoop)
33 15 -0.0000778 DO
34 16 0.0015883 DO
35 17 -0.0015439 DO
36 18 -0.0000100 DO
[ 0.2983205
(Tension force in hoop member at third hoop)
39 16 0.2960368 DO
40 17 0.2978735 DO
41 18 0.2970852 DO
42 13 0.2972810 DO
(Compression force in meridian member from third to fourth hoop)
45 21 -2.1002312 DO
46 22 -2.0996237 DO
47 23 -2.1000576 DO
48 24 -2.0992851 DO
(Force in diagonal member from third to fourth hoop)
51 21 -0.0000305 DO
52 22 0.0003698 DO
53 23 -0.0003424 DO
54 24 -0.0000244 DO
21 O.91"26'
(Compression force in hoop member at fourth hoop)
57 22 -0.9091181 DO
58 23 -0.9087155 DO
59 24 -0.9091525 DO
60 19 -0.9102634 DO
.8543866 (Compression force in meridian member from fourth hoop to crown)
63 25 -0.8539101 DO
64 25 -0.8525422 DO
65 25 -0.8539518 DO
66 25 -0.8514223 DO

MEMBERS DISTORTIONS (Elongation or Contraction in inches)

. . . . . . . . . DISTORTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 0.0 (Hoop member at first level)
2 0.0 DO
3 0.0 DO
4 0.0 DO
5 0.0 DO
6 0.0 DO
8 -0-0.0026056
00260'' ] (Meridian member from first to second hoop)
9 -0.0026049 DO
10 -0.0026066 DO
11 -0.0026060 DO
12 -0.0026056 DO
13 -0 . 0000028 ] (Diagonal member from first to second hoop)
14 0.0000030 DO

15-3 (continued)

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

15 -0.0000036] DO
16 -0.0000037 DO
17 0.0000038 DO
18 0.0000032 DO
19 0.0019579] (Hoop member at second level)
20 0.0019584 DO
21 0.0019584 DO
22 0.0019574 DO
23 0.0019547 DO
24 0.0019573 DO
25 -0.0026296] (Meridian member from second to third hoop)
26 -0.0026307 DO
27 -0.0026313 DO
28 -0.0026305 DO
29 -0.0026307 DO
30 -0.0026315 DO
31 0.0000045] Diagonal member from second to third hoop)
32 -0.0000044 DO
33 -0.0000002 DO
34 0.0000037 DO
35 -0.0000036 DO
36 -0.0000000 DO
37 0.0007272] (Hoop member at third level)
38 0.0007244 DO
39 0.0007217 DO
40 0.0007262 DO
41 0.0007243 DO
42 0.0007246 DO
43 -0.0028294] (Meridian member from third to fourth hoop)
44 -0.0028261 DO
45 -0.0028260 DO
46 -0.0028249 DO
47 -0.0028258 DO
48 -0.0028248 DO
49 -0.0000036] Diagonal member from thi rd to fourth hoop)
50 o. 0000037 DO
51 -0.0000001 DO
52 0.0000008 DO
53 -0.0000008 DO
54 -0.0000001 DO
55 -0.0072125] (Hoop member at fourth level)
56 -0.0071967 DO
57 -0.0071951 DO
58 -0.0071919 DO
59 -0.0071967 DO
60 -0.0071985 DO
61 -0.0068891] (Meridian member from fourth to to crown)
62 -0.0068712 DO
63 -0.0068892 DO
64 -0.0068811 DO
65 -0.0068895 DO
66 -0.0068709 DO


JOINT / - - - - - - - - -FORCE- - - - - - - - - /
1 GLOBAL 0.6300007 -0.0010781 3.1663551
2 GLOBAL 0.3160568 -0.5447277 3.1673689
3 GLOBAL -0.3153579 -0.5458395 3.1661491
4 GLOBAL -0.6298786 0.0013797 3.1666031
5 GLOBAL -0.3147978 0.5445471 3.1663170
6 GLOBAL 0.3139770 0.5457184 3.1672020

15-3 (continued)

Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes


JOINT / - - - - - - - - -FORCE- - - - - - - - - /
7 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0,0000000 -0.9999996
8 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996
9 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996
10 GLOBAL -0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
11 GLOBAL -0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
12 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999999
13 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
14 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996
15 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996
16 GLOBAL -0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
17 GLOBAL -0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
18 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
19 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
20 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996
21 GLOBAL -0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999999
22 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999999
23 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999996
24 GLOBAL 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.9999999
25 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.9999996

1 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 (First hoop)
2 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] DO
3 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 DO
4 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 DO
5 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 DO
6 GLOBAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 DO

FREE JOINTS (All except supports)
DISPLACEMENTS - (note that uni ts are inches)
7 GLOBAL -0.0019522 0.0000436 -0.0022687] (Second Hoop)
8 GLOBAL -0.0009459 0.0017234 -0.0022662 DO
9 GLOBAL 0.0010125 0.0016761 -0.0022665 DO
10 GLOBAL 0.0019498 -0.0000441 -0.0022695 DO
11 GLOBAL 0.0009350 -0.0017183 -0.0022682 DO
12 GLOBAL -0.0010197 -0.0016782 -0.0022666 DO
13 GLOBAL -0.0007262 0.0000320 -0.0062509] (Thi rd Hoop)
14 GLOBAL -0.0003385 0.0006478 -0.0062576 DO
15 GLOBAL 0.0003859 0.0006058 -0.0062619 DO
16 GLOBAL 0.0007241 -0.0000323 -0.0062525 DO
17 GLOBAL 0.0003268 -0.0006414 -0.0062605 DO
18 GLOBAL -0.0003974 -0.0006150 -0.0062567 DO
19 GLOBAL 0.0072192 0.0057551 -0.0232507] (Fourth Hoop)
20 GLOBAL 0.0085688 -0.0033460 -0.0231849 DO
21 GLOBAL 0.0013721 -0.0091092 -0.0232026 DO
22 GLOBAL -0.0071888 -0.0057464 -0.0231765 DO
23 GLOBAL -0.0085834 0.0033661 -0.0232072 DO
24 GLOBAL -0.0013867 0.0091049 -0.0231991 DO
25 GLOBAL 0.0000035 0.0000014 -0.0222927 (Crown)

15-3 (continued)

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes


LOADING 2 (Horizontal wind load)

The program has been run again for load 2 in substi tution of load 1 in the input. The following
commands instruct the computer specifying the new load. All other commands remain unchanged.

LOADING 2 (horizontal wind load)

JOINTS 1 4 LOADS FORCE Y -1. 435 (positive pressure + suction)
JOINTS 2 3 LOADS FORCE Y -3.228 (positive pressure)
JOINTS 5 6 LOADS FORCE Y -1. 076 (suction)
JOINTS 7 10 LOADS FORCE Y -2.395 (positive pressure + suction)
JOINTS 8 9 LOADS FORCE Y -5.552 (positive pressure)
JOINTS 1112 LOADS FORCE Y -1.851 (suction)
JOINTS 13 16 LOADS FORCE Y -1.437 (positive pressure + suction)
JOINTS 14 15 LOADS FORCE Y -3 . 227 (posi ti ve pressure)
JOINTS 17 18 LOADS FORCEY-1.076 (suction)
JOINTS 1922 LOADS FORCE Y -.428 (positive pressure + suction)
JOINTS 2021 LOADS FORCE Y -.939 (posi ti ve pressure)
JOINTS 2324 LOADS FORCE Y -.313 (suction)
JOINTS 25 LOAD FORCEY -.439 (positive pressure + suction)

LOADING 2 - (Horizontal wind load)

MEMBER JOINT / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FORCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /
1 2 0.0 (Zero hoop force because joints are hinged support)
2 3 0.0 DO
3 4 0.0 DO
4 5 0.0 DO
5 6 0.0 DO
6 1 0.0 DO
7 7 0.0004548 (Compression force in meridian member from first to second hoop)
8 8 0.6681308 DO
9 9 7.6292801 DO
10 10 0.4753883 DO
11 11 -5.9938040 DO
12 12 -1.8730125 DO
13 7 -8.2662373 (Force in diagnol member from first to second hoop)
14 2 10.8226509 DO
15 9 -1.4507809 DO
16 4 -12.6774006 DO
17 11 8.5137644 DO
18 6 0.6472248 DO
19 8 -9.4929752 (Tension force in hoop member at second hoop)
20 9 -2.8740139 DO
21 10 4.7387848 DO
22 11 -4.8920145 DO
23 12 1.6189051 DO
24 7 6.1421947 DO
25 13 1.1346626 (Compression force in meridian member from second to third hoop)
26 14 -0.3914562 DO
27 15 2.7340355 DO
28 16 0.7175829 DO
29 17 -3.0081205 DO
30 18 -0.6486032 DO
31 13 -3.9879713 (Force in diagnonal member from second to third hoop)
32 8 3.5229559 DO
33 15 -0.8095253 DO
34 10 -4.5381279 DO
35 17 4.1774368 DO
36 12 0.3965685 DO

15-3 (continued)

Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes

37 14 -3.4405384 (Tension force in hoop member at third hoop)

38 15 -1.3106489 DO
39 16 0.6654616 DO
40 17 -2.3581371 DO
41 18 0.9135219 DO
42 13 2.6321945 DO
43 19 1.3965158 (Compression force in meridian member from third to fourth hoop)
44 20 -0.2804738 DO
45 21 0.6108908 DO
46 22 0.3549191 DO
47 23 -1.5242672 DO
48 24 -0.1651973 DO
49 19 -1.6042547 (Force in diagnonal member from third to fourth hoop)
50 14 -0.0277439 DO
51 21 -0.4807160 DO
52 16 -0.5605590 DO
53 23 1.7583752 DO
54 18 0.2630093 DO
55 20 -0.5351181 (Compression force in hoop member at fourth hoop)
56 21 0.0077036 DO
57 22 -0.4474396 DO
58 23 -0.9417682 DO
59 24 0.5034653 DO
60 19 0.6843173 DO
61 25 1.1816597 (Compression force in meridian member from fourth hoop to crown)
62 25 -0.7976235 DO
63 25 -0.0399108 DO
64 25 1. 0096312 DO
65 25 -0.8845217 DO
66 25 0.4697953 DO

MEMBER / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DISTORTION···· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. /
1 0.0 (Hoop member at first level)
2 0.0 DO
3 0.0 DO
4 0.0 DO
5 0.0 DO
6 0.0 DO
7 0.0000004 (Meridian member from first to second hoop)
8 0.0005392 DO
9 0.0061575 DO
10 0.0003837 DO
11 -0.0048375 DO
12 -0.0015116 DO
13 -0.0177401 (Diagonal member from first to second hoop)
14 0.0232264 DO
15 -0.0031133 DO
16 -0.0272121 DO
17 0.0182749 DO
18 0.0013889 DO
19 -0.0226823 (Hoop member at second level)
20 -0.0068664 DO
21 0.0113240 DO
22 -0.0116901 DO
23 0.0038678 DO
24 0.0146760 DO
25 0.0011450 (Meridian member from second to third hoop)
26 -0.0003951 DO
27 0.0027597 DO
28 0.0007241 DO
29 -0.0030363 DO
30 -0.0006547 DO

15-3 (continued)

Skeletal Steel Structures and Meaadomes

31 -0.0092570 (Diagonal member from second to third hoop)

32 0.0081776 DO
33 -0.0018789 DO
34 -0.0105327 DO
35 0.0096956 DO
36 0.0009205 DO
37 -0.0083864 (Hoop member at third level)
38 -0.0031953 DO
39 0.0016223 DO
40 -0.0057488 DO
41 0.0022271 DO
42 0.0064160 DO
43 0.0018805 (Meridian member from third to fourth hoop)
44 -0.0003774 DO
45 0.0008220 DO
46 0.0004775 DO
47 -0.0020510 DO
48 -0.0002223 DO
49 -0.0035962 (Diagonal member from third to fourth hoop)
50 -0.0000622 DO
51 -0.0010778 DO
52 -0.0012568 DO
53 0.0039423 DO
54 0.0005897 DO
55 -0.0042318 (Hoop member at fourth level)
56 0.0000610 DO
57 -0.0035412 DO
58 -0.0074535 DO
59 0.0039854 DO
60 0.0054117 DO
61 0.0095280 (Meridian member from fourth to crown)
62 -0.0064367 DO
63 -0.0003220 DO
64 0.0081491 DO
65 -0.0071362 DO
66 -0.0037912 DO


JOINT / - - - - - - - - -FORCE - - - - - - - - - /
1 GLOBAL -0.0000888 0.0 -0.0004461
2 GLOBAL 5.7020416 9.0562611 -4.1121044
3 GLOBAL 0.7471076 1.2868929 -7.4827566
4 GLOBAL -2.0670614 16.3445892 1.0692272
5 GLOBAL -0.5869516 1.0110245 5.8786907
6 GLOBAL -3.7950497 7.1761904 4.6473856


JOINT / - - - - - - - - -FORCE - - - - - - - - - I
7 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -2.3949986 -0.0000000
8 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -5.5519915 -0.0000000
9 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -5.5519915 -0.0000000
10 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -2.3949986 0.0000000
11 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -1.8509989 0.0000000
12 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -1.8509989 0.0000000
13 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -1.4369984 0.0000000
14 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -3.2269983 0.0000000
15 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -3.2269983 -0.0000000
16 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -1.4369984 -0.0000000
17 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -1.0759983 0.0000000
18 GLOBAL 0.0000000 -1.0759983 0.0000000
19 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -0.4279997 -0.0000000
20 GLOBAL -0.0000000 -0.9389994 -0.0000000

15-3 (continued)

Computer Analysis of Trussed Domes

21 GLOBAL 0,0000000 -0,9389994 0,0000000

22 GLOBAL -0,0000000 -0 4279997 -0,0000000
23 GLOBAL -0,0000000 -0 ,3129995 -0,0000000
24 GLOBAL -0,0000000 -0 3129995 -0,0000000
25 GLOBAL 0,0000000 -0 ,4389997 0,0000000


1 GLOBAL 0,0 0,0 0,0 (Fi rst hoop)
2 GLOBAL 0,0 0,0 0, 0 DO
3 GLOBAL 0,0 0 ,0 0, 0 DO
4 GLOBAL 0,0 0 ,0 0, 0 DO
5 GLOBAL 0,0 0, 0 0, 0 DO
6 GLOBAL 0,0 0 ,0 0, 0 DO
DISPLACEMENTS (Note that uni ts are in inches)
JOINT / - - - - - - - - - - - -DISPLACEMENT- - - - - - - - - - - - /
7 GLOBAL -0,0056905 -0,0245344 0,0011337 (Second hoop)
8 GLOBAL 0,0012354 -0,0547199 -0,0089837 DO
9 GLOBAL -0,0056310 -0,0386253 -0,0009270 DO
10 GLOBAL 0,0094212 -0,0430106 0,0022676 DO
11 GLOBAL 0,0033276 -0,0259938 -0,0001296 DO
12 GLOBAL -0,0005402 -0,0385068 0,0051350 DO
13 GLOBAL -0,0123695 -0,0532574 0,0069745 (Third hoop)
14 GLOBAL 0,0010798 -0,0707045 -0,0186707 DO
15 GLOBAL -0,0021155 -0,0625436 -0,0102934 DO
16 GLOBAL 0,0090743 -0,0579540 0 ,0029067 DO
17 GLOBAL 0,0013929 -0,0468785 0 0076742 DO
18 GLOBAL -0,0008342 -0,0540068 0,0134283 DO
19 GLOBAL -0,0144919 -0,0585036 0,0135414 (Fourth hoop)
20 GLOBAL -0,0004845 -0,0714568 -0,0191549 DO
21 GLOBAL -0,0004235 -0,0656953 -0,0116330 DO
22 GLOBAL 0,0029003 -0,0596845 -0,0054722 DO
23 GLOBAL 0,0002825 -0,0495631 0,0066313 DO
24 GLOBAL -0,0037029 -0,0585337 0,0210419 DO
25 GLOBAL -0,0031984 -0,0597433 0,0056266 (Crown)

15-3 (continued)


The historical continuum of human progress The demographic growth of the last part
finds what is probably its clearest expression of the twentieth century has created a world
in the evolution of architectural forms. population on an unprecedented scale, with
The morphology of curvilinear structures in needs of an astonishing magnitude. Spectacu-
present architecture is connected directly to lar sporting events, for instance, have begun
the forms developed over thousands of years to demand huge enclosed spaces for
of experience with them. Thus, only by hundreds of thousands of spectators in a new
knowing the historical development of var- generation of stadiums with immense pro-
ious curvilinear forms is it possible to fully portions. The long-span roofing systems nec-
understand their present applications. Ob- essary to enclose column-free spaces had thus
viously, the steel and concrete materials of to be developed through the ingenuity of
the present differ substantially from the ma- structural engineering to extend the limits of
sonry of the past, yet the overall structural existing systems enough to satisfy the new
concepts can be applied equally to the demands. Although some solutions have ex-
present and the past. The recent large-scale panded along new directions such as im-
megastructures over stadiums are not iso- proved suspension systems, a major impulse
lated creations but expressions of a gradual has concentrated on improving the dome
progressive development of engineering pro- that since ancient times has been used to en-
cesses that include structural analysis and ex- close the largest-spanned spaces. It is of
amining the strength of materials. From the major importance, therefore, that domical
primitive prehistoric prototypes of masonry structures be properly discussed and right-
vaulting to the large-span steel and concrete fully placed within the ranks of the other
domes of the late twentieth century, it is fun- important structural options of the present.
damental to recognize and apply the continu- This must be done to correct the erroneous
ous thread linking together so many struc- perception that many members of the design
tures. It is on this basis that the historical profession have of curvilinear structures in
development of domes has been particularly general. Whether they are of steel, rein-
emphasized in this work, hoping that the forced concrete, or wood, domes do repre-
present-day design applications of curvilinear sent the most logical structural system for the
forms would be perceived adequately in their largest column-free space, but they also have
proper historical context. major practical applications for much shorter


spans. The religious architecture of the Mos- present-day Western architecture is at a low
lem world alone clearly indicates, with its point, interest in the engineering aspects of
domes over present-day mosques worldwide, shells is extraordinarily high. A recent engi-
that domes still constitute a reality on a scale neering index for the United States alone
that should not be ignored. shows a remarkable number of papers pub-
The computer has been responsible to a lished in a recent year under the general
great extent for facilitating structural analysis heading of domes and shells. For instance,
in the megadomes of the present. This tool the 1989 annual, included in Appendix B,
has revolutionized the structural engineering indicates 326 papers for that year alone,
profession not only by simplifying the design while the 1988 annual shows 261 papers. N0-
of contemporary domes but also in promising tice that the 1988 and 1989 years were by no
great potential expansion for even larger means an exceptional period, since high
domes in the future. Especially for optimiza- numbers of papers were published in pre-
tion procedures that make available quick vious years as well. On the basis of such data
verifications, the computer offers an extra- it seems obvious that the engineering aspects
ordinary ability to analyze a great variety of curvilinear structures rests on solid foun-
of configurations and loading conditions. dations that are unaffected by ephemeral ar-
Within this context, the architectural and en- chitectural trends. When architects even-
gineering team can visibly scan a virtually tually rediscover the inherent structural
limitless spectrum of rational and imaginative integrity of curvilinear forms they will find a
forms with ease, resulting in the expansion of substantial body of engineering knowledge
the existing morphology. on which they can depend in creating a new
Although the use of curvilinear forms in morphology of shells.


ACI Building Code Requirements for Thin

Shells and Folded Plates*

Since concrete is the basic, most common material for the construction of thin shells,
the requirements of such specific codes as those of the American Concrete Institute
must be followed. Unfortunately, for many years these codes did not address in
specific terms the unique problems related to thin shells, so that in the absence of
special provisions only the common rules on concrete structures could in general be
followed. One major result has been a great thickness for shells being imposed by
minimum cover requirements for steel reinforcement. Naturally, code requirements
vary from country to country, so that although ACI restrictions were enforced in the
United States, shells only three-quarters of an inch thick were legally possible in
Mexico, as demonstrated by the numerous thin shells there by Felix Candela.
The ACI's design provisions for shells and folded plates are covered in Chapter
19 of its code. These include such major topics as definitions, criteria for structural
and model analysis, reinforcement, prestressing, and construction. In separating the
supporting members of a thin shell structure from its whole, the code explicitly
specifies that Chapter 19's provisions apply only on the thin shell portion of the
structure. The edge beams, columns, footings, and other supporting members are
covered by other chapters in the code. Naturally, thin shell designs should also be
controlled by the rest of the code, except for provisions that may conflict with those
in Chapter 19.

*From Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-89). The full text of
Chapter 19 and its Commentary are reprinted with the permission of the American Concrete
Institute, Detroit.

ACI Buildina Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi (see
Fe = specified compressive strength of concrete,
= square root of specified compressive strength
of concrete, psi
= specified yield strength of nonprestressed re-
inforcement, psi
= thickness of shell or folded plate, in.
= develop length, in.
= strength reduction factor (see 9.3)

19.1 Scope and Definitions

This code and commentary provides building
code information on the design, analysis, and
construction of concrete thin shells and folded
plates. The process began in 1964 with the pub-
lication of a practice and commentary by ACI
Committee 334,19.1 and continued with the in-
clusion of Chapter 19 in ACI Building Code
ACI 318-71 and in later editions. The current
revision reflects additional experience in de-
sign, analysis, and construction gained since the
earlier publications, and was influenced by the
publication of the "Recommendations for
Concrete Shells and Folded Plates" of the In-
ternational Association for Shell and Spatial
Structures (lASS) in 1979. 19 .2
Since Chapter 19 applies to concrete thin
shells and folded plates of all shapes, extensive
discussion of their design, analysis, and con-
struction in the commentary is not possible. Ad-
ditional information can be obtained from the
references listed at the end of this chapter,
which are provided for the assistance of the
designer. They are not an official part of the
code. The designer is responsible for their in-
terpretation and use. Particular emphasis on de-
velopments and practice in the United States is
given in "Concrete Thin Shells," ACI
SP_28. 19-3

19.1.1 Provisions of Chapter 19 shall apply to R 19 .1.1 Chapter 19 is intended to apply to

thin shell and folded plate concrete structures, thin shells and folded plate concrete structures
including ribs and edge members. in building construction. Discussion of the ap-
plication of thin shells in special structures such
as cooling towers and circular prestressed con-
crete tanks may be found in the reports of ACI-
ASCE Committee 334 19.4 and ACI Committee
344. 19 .5

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

[Code] [Commentary]

19.1.2 All provisions of this code not specifi-

cally excluded, and not in conflict with provi-
sions of Chapter 19 shall apply to thin-shell

19.1.3 Thin shells: three-dimensional spatial R 19.1. 3 Common types of thin shells are
structures made up of one or more curved slabs domes (surfaces of revolution), 19.3. 19.6-19.9 cy-
or folded plates whose thicknesses are small lindrical shells, 19.3. 19.6. 19.8. 19.10-19.15 conoids,
compared to their other dimensions. Thin shells 19.6. 19.16-19.18 elliptical paraboloids, 19.6. 19.19 hy-
are characterized by their three-dimensional perbolic paraboloids, 19.3. 19.6. 19.8. 19.19-19.28 and
load-carrying behavior which is determined by groin vauIts.19.3. 19.19. 19.29. 19.30 Considerable in-
the geometry of their forms, by the manner in formation on the experience gained in the de-
which they are supported, and by the nature of sign, analysis and construction of these shells
the applied load. may be found in the cited references.
Less experience is available regarding other
shell types or shapes, including free-form shells.
However, a number of these have been success-
fully built.
Thin shell elements are slabs or plates with
thicknesses less than one-fifth the transverse
width and less than one-twentieth the radius of
curvature on span lengths.

19.1.4 Folded plates: a special class of shell R19.1.4 Folded plates may be prismatic,19.3.
structures formed by joining flat, thin slabs 19.6. 19.31-33 nonprismatic,19.34 or faceted. The
along their edges so as to create a three-dimen- first two types, which are the most common,
sional spatial structure. consist generally of planar thin slabs joined
along their longitudinal edges to form a beam-
like structure spanning between supports. Fac-
eted folded plates, which are much less com-
mon, are made up of triangular and/or poly-
gonal planar thin slabs joined along their edges
to form three-dimensional spatial structures
similar to continuously curved thin shells such
as domes or other shell forms. Only limited ex-
perience is available on the design, analysis, and
construction of faceted folded plates.

19.1.5 Ribbed shells: spatial structures with R19.1.5 Ribbed shells I9.3. 19.35. 19.36 generally
material placed primarily along certain pre- have been used for larger spans where the in-
ferred rib lines, with the area between the ribs creased thickness of the curved slab alone be-
filled with thin slabs or left open. comes excessive or uneconomical. Ribbed shells
also have been used because of the construction
techniques employed and to enhance the aes-
thetic impact of the completed structure.

19.1.6 Auxiliary members: ribs or edge beams R 19.1.6 Most thin shell structures require ribs
which serve to strengthen, stiffen, and/or sup- or edge beams at their boundaries to carry the
port the shell; usually, auxiliary members act shell boundary forces, to assist in transmitting
jointly with the shell. them to the supporting structure, and to accom-
modate the increased amount of reinforcement
in these areas.

ACI BUilding Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

19.1.7 Elastic analysis: an analysis of defor- R 19.1. 7 Elastic analysis of thin shells and
mations and internal forces based on equilib- folded plates means any method of structural
rium, compatibility of strains, and assumed elas- analysis which is based on assumptions which
tic behavior, and representing to suitable provide suitable approximations to the three-
approximation the three-dimensional action of dimensional behavior of the structure. The
the shell together with its auxiliary members. method must provide the internal forces and
displacements needed in the design of the shell
proper, the rib or edge members, and the sup-
porting structure. Equilibrium of internal
forces and external loads and compatibility of
deformations must be satisfied.
Methods of elastic analysis based on classical
shell theory, simplified mathematical or analyti-
cal models, or numerical solutions using finite
e1ement,19.37 finite differences, or numerical in-
tegration techniques, are described in the cited
The choice of the method of analysis and the
degree of accuracy required depend on certain
critical factors. These include: the size of the
structure, the geometry of the thin shell or
folded plate, the manner in which the structure
is supported, the nature of the applied load and,
finally, the extent of personal or documented
experience regarding the reliability of the given
method of analysis in predicting the behavior of
the specific type of shell or folded plate.

19.1.8 Inelastic analysis: an analysis of defor- R19.1.8 Inelastic analysis of thin shells and
mations and internal forces based on equilib- folded plates means a refined method of analy-
rium, nonlinear stress-strain relations for con- sis based on the specific nonlinear material
crete and reinforcement, consideration of properties, nonlinear behavior due to the crack-
cracking and time dependent effects, and com- ing of concrete, and time dependent effects
patibility of strains. The analysis shall represent such as creep, shrinkage, temperature, and load
to suitable approximation the three-dimen- history. These effects are incorporated in order
sional action of the shell together with its auxil- to trace the response and crack propagation of a
iary members. reinforced concrete shell through the elastic,
inelastic and ultimate ranges. Such analyses usu-
ally require incremental loading and iterative
procedures to converge on solutions which sat-
isfy both equilibrium and strain compatibil-
ity.19.38 Analysis of this type generally requires
extensive computer time.

19.1.9 Experimental analysis: an analysis pro-

cedure based on the measurement of deforma-
tions and/or strains of the structure or its
model; experimental analysis is based on either
elastic or inelastic behavior.

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

[Code] [Commentary]

19.2 Analysis and Design

19.2.1 Elastic behavior shall be an accepted R19.2.1 For types of shell structures where
basis for determining internal forces, and dis- experience, tests, and analyses have shown that
placements, of thin shells. This behavior may be the structure can sustain reasonable overloads
established by computations based on an analy- without undergoing brittle failure, elastic analy-
sis of the uncracked concrete structure in which sis is a generally acceptable procedure. The de-
the material is assumed linearly elastic, homoge- signer may assume that reinforced concrete is
neous, and isotropic. Poisson's ratio of concrete ideally elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic,
may be assumed equal to zero. having identical properties in all directions.
Poisson's ratio may be assumed equal to zero
since in concrete shells the three-dimensional
effects of Poisson's ratio are not very signifi-
cant. In shells of unusual size, shape, or com-
plexity, the analysis should consider behavior
through the elastic, cracking, inelastic, and fac-
tored load.
For unusual shell types, it is important to
verify that the elastic behavior is not terminated
by a brittle failure.

19.2.2 Inelastic analyses may be used where it R19.2.2 Inelastic analysis procedures will gen-
can be shown that such methods provide a safe erally require extensive use of computer proce-
basis for design. dures. Several references indicate possible solu-
tion methods.19.~8-19.40

19.2.3 Equilibrium checks of internal resist-

ances and external loads shall be made to en-
sure consistency of results.

ACI Buildino Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

19.2.4 Experimental or numerical analysis R19.2.4 A wide range of numerical analysis

procedures may be used where it can be shown procedures is available. The designer must en-
that such procedures provide a safe basis for sure that the method selected is appropriate.
design. The finite element method can be used to sat-
isfy displacement compatibility and boundary
conditions. It does not necessarily satisfy overall
or local equilibrium with sufficient accuracy un-
less a fine enough finite element mesh size is
used. Other computational techniques include
finite difference and numerical integration
methods. Experimental analysis of elastic
models has been used as a substitute for an ana-
lytical solution of a complex shell structure. Ex-
perimental analysis of reinforced micro-con-
crete models through the elastic, cracking,
inelastic, and ultimate ranges should be consid-
ered for shells of unusual size, shape, complex-
ity, or importance.
For model analysis, only those portions of
the structure which affect significantly the items
under study need be simulated. Every attempt
should be made to ensure that the experiments
reveal the quantitative behavior of the proto-
type structure.
Similarly, wind tunnel tests of a scaled-down
model do not necessarily provide usable results
and should be conducted by a recognized ex-
pert in wind tunnel testing of structural
models. 19.41

19.2.5 Approximate methods of analysis not R19.2.5 In general, solutions that include
satisfying compatibility of strains either within both membrane and bending effects and satisfy
the shell or between the shell and auxiliary compatibility of strains and equilibriums are
members may be used where it can be shown preferred. Approximate solutions which satisfy
that such methods provide a safe basis for statics but not the compatibility of strains may
design. be used only when extensive experience has
proved that safe designs have resulted from
their use. Such methods include beam-type
analysis for barrel shells and folded plates hav-
ing large ratios of span to either width or radius
of curvature, simple membrane analysis for
shells of revolution, and others in which the
equations of equilibrium are satisfied, while the
strain compatibility equations are not.
However, in complex structures where sev-
eral shells join together, or where shells join
auxiliary members, a more accurate analysis
should be used.

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

[Code] [Commentary]

19.2.6 In prestressed shells, the analysis must RI9.2.6 If the shell is prestressed, the analysis
also consider behavior under loads induced must include its strength at factored loads as
during prestressing, at cracking load, and at well as its adequacy under service loads, the
factored load. Where prestressing tendons are load which causes cracking, and the behavior
draped within a shell, design shall take into ac- under loads induced during prestressing. This
count force components on the shell resulting was recommended in ACI 318R-77, 19.2.3,
from tendon profile not lying in one plane. and was moved to the code for clarity. Axial
forces due to draped prestressed tendons may
not lie in one plane and due consideration must
be given to the resulting force components.
The effects of post-tensioning of supporting
members on the shell must be taken into

19.2.7 The thickness h of a thin shell, and its RI9.2.7 In general, Chapter 19 assumes the
reinforcement, shall be proportioned for the use of the strength design method of 8.1.1. On
required strength and serviceability. All ele- this basis the thin shell's thickness and rein-
ments shall be proportioned by the same forcement must be proportioned to satisfy the
method, using either the strength design strength provisions of this code, so as to resist
method of 8.1.1 or the alternate design method internal forces obtained from an analysis, an
of 8.1.2. experimental model study, or a combination
thereof. The thickness of the shell is often dic-
tated not by the requirements of strength, but
by the limitation of deflection of edge members,
by the requirements of stability imposed by
19.2.8, or by the required reinforcement cover
and the construction exigencies.
The necessary thickness and reinforcement
may be also provided by using the alternate
design method prescribed in 8.1.2. The design
method chosen shall be used consistently
throughout the structure.
If composite action is involved, the provi-
sions of Chapter 17 must be satisfied. Chapter
16 applies if elements are precast. When shell or
folded plate elements are precast and connected
by cast-in-place segments, composite action
must be considered.

ACI BUilding Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

19.2.8 Shell design shall investigate and pre- R19.2.8 Thin shells, like other structures that
clude the possibility of general or local insta- experience in-plane compressive forces, are
bility. subject to buckling when the applied load
reaches a critical value. Because of the surface-
like geometry of shells, the problem of calculat-
ing buckling load is complex. If one of the prin-
cipal membrane forces is tensile, the shell is less
likely to buckle than if both principal mem-
brane forces were compressive. The kinds of
membrane forces that develop in a shell depend
on its initial shape and the manner in which the
shell is supported and loaded. In some types of
shells, post-buckling behavior must be consid-
ered in determining safety against instability. 19.2
Investigation of thin shells for stability shall
consider the effect of the following factors: (1)
anticipated deviation of the geometry of the
shell surface as built from the idealized, perfect
geometry, (2) large deflections, (3) creep and
shrinkage of concrete, (4) inelastic properties of
materials, (5) cracking of concrete, (6) location,
amount, and orientation of reinforcement, and
(7) possible deformation of supporting ele-
For shells of moderate size, the smallest
practical shell thickness used in reinforced con-
crete construction is such that the danger of
buckling is usually minimal and simplified anal-
yses suffice. Practical measures to improve re-
sistance to buckling successfully used in the past
include the provision of two mats of rein-
forcement - one near each outer surface of the
shell, a local increase of shell curvatures, the use
of ribbed shells, and the use of concrete with
high tensile strength and low creep.
A practical procedure for determining criti-
cal buckling loads of shells is given in the lASS
recommendations. 19.2 Some recommendations
for buckling design of domes used in industrial
applications are given in ACI Committee 344
Report. 19.5 Approaches for other shells are con-
tained in "Concrete Shell Buckling," ACI
SP_67. 19,42

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

[Code] [Commentary]

19.2.9 Auxiliary members shall be designed RI9.2.9 Auxiliary members must be designed
according to the applicable provisions of this in accord with the general provisions of the
code. The design method selected for shell ele- code, using one of the two methods prescribed
ments under 19.2.7 shall also be used for auxil- in 8.1, which is consistent with the design
iary members. A portion of the shell equal to method of the shell elements. Portions of the
the flange width specified in 8.10 may be as- shell may be utilized as flanges for transverse or
sumed to act with the auxiliary member. In longitudinal frames or arch-frames and beams.
such portions of the shell, the reinforcement Such flanges may be curved or sloping. Canti-
perpendicular to the auxiliary member shall be lever action of the flanges must be investigated
at least equal to that required for the flange of a in determining reinforcement in the flange per-
T-beam by 8.10.5. pendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sup-
porting member, as required by Chapter 8. In
all cases, at least the minimum shrinkage and
temperature reinforcement must be used.

19.3 Design Strength of Materials

19.3.1 Specified compressive strength of con-
crete!,. at 28 days shall not be less than 3,000

19.3.2 Specified yield strength of nonpre-

stressed reinforcement J, shall not exceed
60,000 psi.

19.4 Shell Reinforcement

19.4.1 Shell reinforcement shall be provided R19.4.1 At any point in a shell, two different
to resist tensile stresses from internal membrane kinds of internal forces may occur simulta-
forces, to resist bending and twisting moments, neously: those associated with membrane ac-
to control shrinkage and temperature cracking, tion, and those associated with bending of the
and as special reinforcement at shell bounda- shell. The membrane forces are assumed to act
ries, load attachments, and shell openings. in the tangential plane midway between the sur-
faces of the shell and are the two axial forces
and the membrane shears. Flexural effects in-
clude bending moments, twisting moments, and
the associated transverse shears.

19.4.2 Membrane reinforcement shall be pro- R19.4.2 Membrane reinforcement should be

vided in two or more directions in all parts of provided to carry the full calculated membrane
the shell. tension forces with no tensile stress carried by
concrete. Throughout the shell membrane re-
inforcement must be provided in at least two
approximately orthogonal directions. In high
stress areas, a third layer of membrane rein-
forcement may be utilized.

19.4.3 The area of shell reinforcement at any R19.4.3 Minimum membrane reinforcement
section as measured in two orthogonal direc- corresponding to slab shrinkage and tempera-
tions shall not be less than the slab shrinkage or ture reinforcement must be provided in at least
temperature reinforcement required by 7.12. two approximately orthogonal directions even
if the calculated membrane forces are compres-
sive in one or more directions.

ACI BuiJdina Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

19.4.4 Reinforcement required to resist shell R19.4.4 The requirement of ensuring

membrane forces shall be provided so that the strength in every direction is based on safety
design strength in every direction shall be at considerations. Any method of design which as-
least equal to the component of the principal sures sufficient strength consistent with equilib-
membrane forces in the same direction due to rium is considered acceptable. The direction of
factored loads. the principal membrane tensile force at any
point may sometimes vary depending on the
direction, magnitudes, and combinations of the
various applied loads.
The magnitude of the internal membrane
forces, acting at any point due to a specific load
system, generally is calculated on the basis of an
elastic theory in which the shell is assumed un-
cracked. The computation of the required
amount of reinforcement to resist the internal
membrane forces has been traditionally based
on the assumption that concrete cannot resist
tension. A great many shell structures have
been successfully designed and constructed
over the years. This experience provides evi-
dence of the adequacy of this approach. The
associated deflections, and the possibility of
cracking, should be investigated in the service-
ability phase of the design.
Where reinforcement is not placed in the
direction of the principal tensile forces and
where cracks at the service load level would be
objectionable, the computation of reinforce-
ment may have to be based on more refined
approaches I9 .43. 19.44 which consider the exis-
tence of cracks. In the cracked state, the con-
crete is assumed unable to resist either tension
or shear. Thus, equilibrium is attained by
means of tensile resisting forces in reinforce-
ment and compressive resisting forces in

19.4.5 The area of shell tension reinforce- R19.4.5 The requirement that the tensile re-
ment shall be limited so that the reinforcement inforcement yield before the concrete crushes is
will yield before crushing of concrete in com- consistent with 10.3.3. In shells, initial crushing
pression can take place. of the concrete is not likely to occur. However,
it has been suggested that such crushing would
occur in some portions of some shells where the
principal membrane forces are approximately
equal and opposite in sign. It can be shown l9 .45
that a limit on the maximum amount of rein-
forcement effective in resisting the principal
tensile membrane force will insure that the
crushing of concrete does not take place before
the yielding of reinforcement. The limit sug-
gested on the ratio of reinforcement in any por-
tion of shell is the smaller of 0.6f'. J, or 2,400/
J,. These limits are the same as those used in
ACI 318-77 but are expressed here in ratio

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

[Code] [Commentary]

19.4.6 In regions of high tension, membrane RI9.4.6 It is generally desirable for all shells
reinforcement shall, if practical, be placed in and particularly important in regions of sub-
the general directions of the principal tensile stantial tension that the directions of reinforce-
membrane forces. Where this is not practical, it ment approximate the directions of the princi-
is permitted to place membrane reinforcement pal tensile membrane forces. However, in some
in two or more component directions. structures it is not always possible or practical
for the reinforcement to follow the stress trajec-
tories. For such cases, orthogonal component
reinforcing is allowed.

19.4.7 If the direction of reinforcement varies RI9.4.7 When the directions of reinforce-
more than I 0 deg from the direction of princi- ment deviate significantly (10 deg) from the di-
pal tensile membrane force, the amount of rein- rections of the principal membrane forces,
forcement may have to be increased to limit the higher strains in the shell must occur to develop
width of possible cracks at service load levels. the capacity of reinforcement. 19.44 This might
lead to the development of unacceptably wide
cracks. The crack width should be estimated
and controlled if necessary.
Permissible crack widths for service loads
under different environmental conditions are
given in the report of ACI Committee 224.19.46
Crack width can be limited by an increase in the
amount of reinforcement used, by reducing the
stress at the service load level, by providing re-
inforcement in three or more directions in the
plane of the shell, or by using closer spacing of
smaller diameter bars rather than wider spaced
larger bars.

19.4.8 Where the magnitude of the principal RI9.4.S The practice of concentrating tensile
tensile membrane stress within the shell varies reinforcement in the regions of maximum ten-
greatly over the area of the shell surface, rein- sile stress has led to a number of successful and
forcement resisting the total tension is to be economical designs, primarily for long folded
concentrated in the regions of largest tensile plates, long barrel vault shells, and for domes.
stress where it can be shown that this provides a The requirement of providing the minimum re-
safe basis for design. However, the ratio of shell inforcement in the remaining tensile zone is in-
reinforcement in any portion of the tensile zone tended to control cracking.
shall be not less than 0.0035 based on the over-
all thickness of the shell.

19.4.9 Reinforcement required to resist shell RI9.4.9 The sign of bending moments may
bending moments shall be proportioned with change rapidly from point to point of a shell.
due regard to the simultaneous action of mem- For this reason, bending reinforcement, where
brane axial forces at the same location. Where required, is to be placed near both outer sur-
shell reinforcement is required in only one face faces of the shell. In many cases, the thickness
to resist bending moments, equal amounts shall required to provide proper cover and spacing
be placed near both surfaces of the shell even for the multiple layers of reinforcement may
though a reversal of bending moments is not govern the design of the shell thickness.
indicated by the analysis.

ACI Buildino Code Requirements

[Code] [Commentary]

19.4.10 Shell reinforcement in any direction RI9.4.10 The value of cp to be used is that
shall not be spaced farther apart than 18 in. nor prescribed in for axial tension.
five times the shell thickness. Where the princi-
pal membrane tensile stress on the gross con-
crete area due to factored loads exceeds 4cp if.
reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart
than three times the shell thickness.

19.4.11 Shell reinforcement at the junction of RI9.4.11 and RI9.4.12 On curved shell sur-
the shell and supporting members or edge faces it is more difficult to control the alignment
members shall be anchored in or extended of precut reinforcement. This must be consid-
through such members in accordance with the ered to avoid insufficient splice and develop-
requirements of Chapter 12, except that the ment lengths. Sections 19.4.11 and 19.4.12
minimum development length shall be 1.2t" but specify extra reinforcement length to maintain
not less than 18 in. the minimum lengths on curved surfaces.

19.4.12 Splice development lengths of shell

reinforcement shall be governed by the provi-
sions of Chapter 12, except that the minimum
splice length of tension bars shall be 1.2 times
the value required by Chapter 12 but not less
than 18 in. The number of splices in principal
tensile reinforcement shall be kept to a practical
minimum. Where splices are necessary they
shall be staggered at least t" with not more than
one-third of the reinforcement spliced at any

19.5 Construction
19.5.1 When removal of formwork is based on RI9.5.1 When early removal of forms is nec-
a specific modulus of elasticity of concrete be- essary, the magnitude of the modulus of elastic-
cause of stability or deflection considerations, ity at the time of proposed form removal must
the value of the modulus of elasticity E. shall be be investigated in order to insure safety of the
determined from flexural tests of field-cured shell with respect to buckling, and to restrict
beam specimens. The number of test speci- deflections. 19.s. 19.47 The value of the modulus of
mens, the dimensions of test beam specimens, elasticity E. must be obtained from a flexural
and test procedures shall be specified by the test of field-cured specimens. It is not sufficient
Engineer. to determine the modulus from the formula in
8.5.1, even if f. is determined for the field-
cured specimen.

19.5.2 The Engineer shall specify the toler- RI9.5.2 In some types of shells, small local
ances for the shape of the shell. If construction deviations from the theoretical geometry of the
results in deviations from the shape greater shell can cause relatively large changes in local
than the specified tolerances, an analysis of the stresses and in overall safety against instability.
effect of the deviations shall be made and any These changes can result in local cracking and
required remedial actions shall be taken to en- yielding which may make the structure unsafe
sure safe behavior. or can greatly affect the critical load producing
instability. The effect of such deviations should
be evaluated and any necessary actions should
be taken promptly.

Thin Shells and Folded Plates


19.1. ACI Committee 334, "Concrete Shell Structures-Practice and Commentary," (ACI
334.IR-64) (Revised 1982), ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 61, No.9, Sept. 1964, pp. 1091-
1108. Also ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 4. See also, Discussion, ACI JOURNAL,
Proceedings V. 62, No.3, Part 2, Mar. 1965, pp. 1755-1765.
19.2. lASS Working Group No.5, "Recommendations for Reinforced Concrete Shells and
Folded Plates," International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Madrid, 1979, 66 pp.
19.3. Concrete Thin Shells, SP-28, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, 424 pp.
19.4. ACI Committee 334, "Reinforced Concrete Cooling Tower Shells-Practice and
Commentary," (ACI 334.2R-77) (Revised 1982), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1977,
10 pp. Also ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 4.
19.5. ACI Committee 344, "Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete
Structures," (ACI 344R-70) (Reaffirmed 1981), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1970,
16 pp. Also ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 4.
19.6. Billington, David P., Thin Shell Concrete Structures, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1982,373 pp.
19.7. Ketchum, Milo S., "Design of Shell Structures-Short Shells and Domes of
Revolution," Consulting Engineer, V. 17, No.1, July 1962.
19.8. Tedesko, Anton, "How Have Concrete Shell Structures Performed?," Bulletin,
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (Madrid), No. 73, Aug. 1980,
19.9. Christiansen, j. V., "The King County Multipurpose Domed Stadium," Proceedings,
lASS World Congress on Space Enclosures (Montreal, 1976), Building Research Centre,
Concordia University, Montreal, 1976, V. 2, pp. 11)49-1061.
19.10. "Design of Cylindrical Concrete Shell Roofs," Manual of Engineering Practice No. 31,
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1952, 1977.
19.11. Chinn,j., "Cylindrical Shell Analysis Simplified by Beam Method," ACIJoURNAL,
Proceedings V. 55, No. 11, May 1959, pp. 1183-1192. Also, Discussion, ACIJoURNAL,
Proceedings V. 55, No.6, Part 2, Dec. 1959, pp. 1583-1603.
19.12. Gibson, j. E., The Design of Shell Roofs, 3rd Edition, E. & F. Spon Limited, London,
1968, 300 pp.
19.13. Bryant, Anthony H., and Scrivener, John C., "Cylindrical Shell Roofs with Draped
Prestressing," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 95, ST4, Apr. 1969, pp. 611-634.
19.14. Harris, Harry G., and White, Richard N., "Inelastic Behavior of RC Cylindrical Shells,
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 98, ST7, July 1972, pp. 1633-1653.
19.15. Mast, Paul E., "Design and Construction of Northlight Barrel Shells," ACI JOURNAL,
Proceedings, V. 59, No.4, Apr. 1962, pp. 481-525. Also, Discussion, ACI JOURNAL,
Proceedings, V. 59, No. 12, Dec. 1962, pp. 1903-1910.
19.16. Hadid, H. A., and Chandra, R., "An Experimental Investigation of a Reinforced
Mortar Parabolic Conoidal Shell," Bulletin, International Association for Shell and Spatial
Structures (Madrid), No. 28, Dec. 1966, pp. 53 - 62.
19.17. Hadid, H. A., "Variational Methods for the Analysis of a Conoidal Shell," Bulletin,
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (Madrid), No. 35, Sept. 1968,
pp. 23-36.
19.18. Medwadowski, S. j., "Bending of Thin Shell Conical Frustum Segments," Proceedings,
lASS Symposium on Simplified Calculation Methods (Brussels, 1961), North-Holland
Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1962.
19.19. Parme, Alfred L., "Hyperbolic Paraboloids and Other Shells of Double Curvature,"
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 82, ST5, Sept. 1956, pp. 1057-1081. Also, Discussion, V. 83, ST2,
Mar. 1957.
19.20. Candela, Felix, "General Formulas for Membrane Stresses in Hyperbolic Paraboloidal
Shells," ACIJoURNAL, Proceedings, V. 57, No.4, Oct. 1960, pp. 353-371.

ACI Building Code Requirements

19.21. Scordelis, Alexander C.; Ramirez, H. D.; and Ngo, D., "Membrane Stresses in
Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells Having an Arbitrary Quadrilateral Shape in Plan," ACI JOURNAL,
Proceedings, V. 67, No. I,Jan. 1970, pp. 36-44.
19.22. Schnobrich, William C., "Analysis of Hipped Roof Hyperbolic Paraboloid Structures,"
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 98, ST7,July 1972, pp. 1575-1583.
19.23. Shaaban, Ahmed, and Ketchum, Milo S., "Design of Hipped Hypar Shells," Proceedings,
ASCE, V. 102, STll, Nov. 1976, pp. 2151-2161.
19.24. Schnobrich, W. C.; Mohraz, B.; and Hoebel, J. L., "Influence of Edge Beam Properties
on the Stress in Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells," Proceedings, lASS International Colloquium on
Progress of Shell Structures in the Last Ten Years and Its Future Development (Madrid,
1969), International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Madrid, 1970, V. 3.
19.25. Gioncu, V., "Stresses and Deflections in Umbrella Roof HP Shells," Bulletin,
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (Madrid), No. 56, Dec. 1974,
19.26. White, Richard N., "Reinforced Concrete Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells," Proceedings,
ASCE, V. 101, ST9, Sept. 1975, pp. 1961-1980.
19.27. Scordelis, Alexander C., and Ketchum, Mark A., "Structural Behavior and Design of
Saddle HP Shells," Proceedings, lASS World Congress on Shell and Spatial Structures (Madrid,
1979), Laboratorio Central de Ensayo de Materiales de Construccion, Madrid, 1980, V. 2,
pp. 4.239-4.254.
19.28. Tedesko, Anton, "Shell at Denver-Hyperbolic Paraboloidal Structure of Wide
Span," ACIJoURNAL, Proceedings, V. 57, No.4, Oct. 1960, pp. 403-412.
19.29. Csonka, P., "Composite Sectorial Shells with Cantilevered Front Side," Bulletin,
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (Madrid), No. 28, Dec. 1966,
19.30. Scordelis, Alexander C., "Analysis and Design of HP Groined Vaults," Proceedings,
lASS World Congress on Space Enclosures (Montreal, 1976), Building Research Centre,
Concordia University, Montreal, 1976, pp. 561-568.
19.31. Pultar, Mustafa; Billington, David P., and Riera, Jorge D., "Folded Plates Continuous
Over Flexible Supports," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 93, ST5, Oct. 1967, pp. 253-277 .
. 19.32. Cheung, Yau-Kai, "Folded Plate Structure by the Finite Strip Method," Proceedings,
ASCE, V. 95, STl2, Dec. 1969, pp. 2963-2979.
19.33. Klaiber, F. Wayne; Gutzwiller, MartinJ.; and Lee, Robert H., "Analytical and Model
Studies of Prestressed Folded Plates," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 99, ST6, June 1973, pp.
19.34. Johnson, Claude D., and Lee, Ti-Ta, "Long Nonprismatic Folded Plate Structures,"
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 94, ST6, June 1968, pp. 1457 -1484.
19.35. Esquillan, Nicholas, "The Shell Vault of the Exposition Palace, Paris," Proceedings,
ASCE, V. 86, STl,Jan. 1960, pp. 41-70.
19.36. Esquillan, Nicholas, "Olympic Ice Stadium at Grenoble," ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings, V.
66, No.7, July 1969, pp. 513-521.
19.37. Ashwell, D. G., and Gallagher, R. H., Editors, Finite Elementsfor Thin Shells and Curved
Members, John Wiley & Sons, London, 1976, 268 pp.
19.38. Lin, Cheng-Shung, and Scordelis, Alexander C., "Nonlinear Analysis of RC Shells of
General Form," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 101, ST3, Mar. 1975, pp. 523-538.
19.39. Hand, Frank R.; Pecknold, David A.; and Schnobrich, William C., "Nonlinear Layered
Analysis of RC Plates and Shells," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 99, ST7, July 1973, pp. 1491-1505.
19.40. Kabir, Ahmad F., and Scordelis, Alexander C., "Analysis of RC Shells for Time
Dependent Effects," Bulletin, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
(Madrid), No. 69, Apr. 1979, pp. 3-13.
19.41. Models for Concrete Structures, SP-24, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1970, 448 pp.
19.42. Concrete Shell Buckling, SP-67, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1981,234 pp.
19.43. Gupta, Ajaya K., "Membrane Reinforcement in Shells," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 107,
STl, Jan. 1981, pp. 41-56.

Thin Shells and Folded Plates

19.44. Baumann, T., "On the Question of Multi-Directional Reinforcement of Plate and Shell
Structure," Der Bauingenieur (Heidelberg), V. 97, No. 10,1972 (in German).
19.45. Fialkow, Morris N., "Ductility Requirements for Reinforced Concrete Cylindrical Shells
and Folded Plate Structures," ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings, V. 77, No.2, Mar.-Apr. 1980, pp.
19.46. ACI Committee 224, "Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures," (ACI 224R-80),
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1980, 42 pp. Also ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3.
19.47. Tedesko, Anton, "Construction Aspects of Thin-Shell Structures," ACI JOURNAL,
Proceedings, V. 49, No.6, Feb. 1953, pp. 505-520.


Excerpts from The Engineering Index

Annual 1989

The latest bibliographical references on shell structures are extremely significant to

anyone interested in exploring this field in all its ramifications. It is essential to find
access to the latest bibliographical data, especially for researchers outside the United
The original source of the following reference material is The Engineering Index
Annual 1989, a major publication that describes itself as "the world's first and most
comprehensive collection of time-saving abstracts on engineering developments."
This work, published annually since 1884, has been compiled by Engineering
Information, Inc., a nonprofit organization.
Because the list of publications in this field is quite extensive, it has been found
necessary to give only the references to the 1989 Index. It should be kept in mind
that for each group of publications published each year the Index classifies the
various articles into different areas that may vary from year to year. In the 1989
Index, for instance, fifty-four subtitles were selected.
The abstracts for the individual articles can be found within the Annual Index.
The six-digit number at the beginning of each listing here is used to locate the
abstract for that particular article. Any major research library should have the
engineering indexes.

Reprinted with the permission of Engineering Information, Inc. The full text of most of
articles referred to herein can be ordered directly from Engineering Information, Inc., 345
East 47 St., New York, NY 10016.

Excerpts from The Eneineerine Index Annual 1989

036954 Numerical Study of Axisymmetric transmit loads to the foundation. The article
Waves in an Elastic Cylindrical Shell discusses the foundation requirements, cutting
Partially Filled with a Viscous Liquid. This and assembling the triangular panels; setting
paper is devoted to a study of the natural steel and applying concrete; interior and
longitudinal-transverse waves in an elastic exterior finishes; and the costs and material
cylindrical shell of the Kirchoff-Love type, quantities.
filled with a viscous compressible liquid. Hurd, M.K. Caner Constr v 33 n 11 Nov 1988 4p.
Direct numerical integration of the equations
of motion is the basis of this study. Examples
of the calculation of the eigenvalues of 036957 Transient Waves in Inhomogeneous
natural and steady oscillations in this Anisotropic Elastic Shells. This paper
formulation of the problem are discussed. For considers the problem of transient wave
a shell with a viscous compressible liquid there propagation in linearly elastic Cosserat shells
are an infinite number of modes with of constant thickness that may be anisotropic
complex eigenvalues. The Wien effect is and inhomogeneous. The methods of rays and
observed for the upper conical waves. 12 Refs. of singular wave curves are combined to find
Nochkin, I.M. (Moscow Inst of Electronics and and integrate the transport equations
Mechanical Engineering, Moscow, USSR); Pashkov, governing growth-decay behavior of the six
LA.; Troyanovskii, I.E. Sov Appl Meek v 24 n 2 Aug possible wave modes. Conditions on material
1988 P 144-148. parameters and wave geometry are obtained
for various different uncouplings of the wave
modes. Some special cases of propagation
036955 Axisymmetric Problem of the conditions and of decay equations are worked
Penetration of a Compressible Fluid by out in detail. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
Thin Elastic Spherical Shells. This article Cohen, H. (Univ of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manit,
describes the solution of a linear axisymmetric Can); Thomas, R.S.D. Acta Meek v 77 n 1- 2 Apr
problem concerning the penetration of a 1989 p 47-67.
compressible fluid by thin elastic spherical
shells. The problem is solved in four
formulations with different boundary 036958 Elasto/Visco-Plastic Dynamic
conditions on the free surface of the fluid. In Response ofAxisymmetrical Shells Under
the first two formulations, the free surface is Mechanical and/or Thermal Loading. An
assumed to be movable. However, its rise near analytical method for the e1asto/visco-plastic
the penetrating shell is not considered in dynamic problems of axisymmetricaI thin
formulation 1 and is accounted for in shells subjected to mechanical and/or thermal
formulation 2. In the other two formulations, loads is developed. The equations of motion
the free surface is constrained by a rigid and the relations between the strains and
shield in formulation 3 and by a deformable displacements are derived by extending
shield in formulation 4. It is assumed that the Sanders' elastic shell theory. For the
wetted surface of the shell is impermeable to constitutive relations, Perzyna's elasto/visco-
the fluid and that the disturbances generated plastic equations including the temperature
in the fluid by the shell decay at infinity. 6 Refs. effect are employed. The derived fundamental
Kubenko, V.D. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian equations are numerically solved by the finite
SSR, Kiev, USSR); Gavrilenko, V.V. Sov Appl Meek difference method. As numerical examples,
Oct 1988 p 374-384. the simply supported cylindrical shells made of
mild steel are treated and the following two
cases are analyzed: a nonuniform temperature
036956 Geodesic Dome of Polystyrene and cylinder subjected to impulsive internal
Concrete. Structurally, the geodesic dome is a pressure, and an internal pressure cylinder
space truss and is the strongest known subjected to impulsive thermal load. In both
straight-line form enclosing space. It is cases the variations of displacements and
efficient as well as strong; there is no straight- internal forces with time are discussed.
line geometric form that requires less surface (Author abstract)
skin to enclose a given amount of space than Tao, Katsumi (Toyohashi Univ of Technology,
a geodesic dome. In the concrete and Toyohashi, jpn); Takezono, Shigeo; Taguchi,
polystyrene dome described, folds in the Toshihiro; Hotada, Kazuo. ]SME Int] Ser 1 ]SME
concrete shell replace the straight bars. The Int] Ser 1 v 32 v32 n3 n3 jul jul 1989 1989 P
folds, however, act just as the bars would to 341-347.

Excerpts from The Eneineerine Index Annual 1989

ACOUSTIC WAVE EFFECTS Guseinov, I.G. (Acad of Sciences of the

Azerbaidzhan SSR, Baku, USSR). Sov Appl Meek v
036959 Interaction of Unsteady Acoustic 24 n 2 Aug 1988 P 138 - 144.
Waves with Plates and Hollow Shells in a
Fluid. A method is developed for solving 036962 Soundproof Characteristics of
coupled problems for the unsteady interaction Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells. This paper is
of acoustic waves with plates and hollow concerned with the soundproof characteristics
spherical or cylindrical shells in a fluid by of infinitely long, cylindrical sandwich shells
applying double integral transforms and composed of orthotropic face layers and a
investigating them simultaneously. Analytical honeycomb core. The shell is excited by
solutions of unsteady hydroelastic problems axisymmetric acoustic waves traveling within
are obtained for spherical and cylindrical the shell. To simplify the shell governing
shells. These solutions can be used to study equations it is assumed that the facings resist
transient processes and their effect on the only bending moments and the honeycomb
stress and deformation of the structural core resists only transverse shear forces. The
elements for a wide range of parameters of sound transmission loss for the shell wall, TL,
the hydroelastic system. 15 Refs. is derived and calculated numerically for
Kubenko, V.D. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian various values of the physical parameters
SSR, Kiev, USSR); Moseenkov, Yu. B. Sov Appl involved. (Author abstract) 11 Refs. In
Meek v 23 n 10 Apr 1988 p 951-957. Japanese.
Chonan, Seiji. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunsku A
036960 Investigation of Axisymmetric Hen v 54 n 505 Sep 1988 p 1684-1691.
Electroacoustic Waves in a Cylindrical
Sandwich Shell by Three-Dimensional and 036963 Soundproof Characteristics of
Applied Theories. The power series method Cylindrical Sandwich Shells with a
is utilized in the present paper to solve Honeycomb Core. An analysis is presented
problems on axisymmetric electroacoustic for the soundproof characteristics of infinitely
wave propagation in a cylindrical sandwich long sandwich cylindrical shells subjected to
shell on the basis of the three-dimensional inner axisymmetric acoustic waves. To
electroelasticity equations. Approximate simplify the shell equation it is assumed that
dispersion dependences are obtained on the the core material resists only transverse shear
basis of the theory of vibrations of forces and that the facings do not resist
piezoceramic shells with finite shear stiffness transverse shear forces. Acoustic waves in the
extended to the case of inhomogeneity over air surrounding the shell is denoted by the
the thickness, and comparison of these Helmholtz equation. Sound transmission loss
dependences with the exact solutions found TL is calculated for various values of the
permits estimation of the limits of applied physical parameters of the core and the
theory applicability. 6 Refs. facings. (Author abstract) 6 Refs. In Japanese.
Shul'ga, N.A. (Acad of the Sciences of the Chonan, Seiji. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C
Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, USSR); Rudnitskii, S. 1.; Hen v 54 n 505 Sep 1988 p 2156-2163.
Evseichik, Yu. B. Sov Appl Meek v 23 n 10 Apr 1988
p 1005-1011. 036964 Sound Insulation Characteristics of
Finite Length Orthotropic Shells. An
036961 Action of Acoustic Waves on a analysis is presented of the acoustic
Spherical Shell Filled by a Viscous, characteristics of orthotropic cylindrical shells
Compressible Fluid. This paper considers excited by axisymmetric plane sound waves
within the axisymmetric problem, the action traveling within the shells. The shell is
of acoustic waves on a spherical shell, filled by exposed in a free field in the range of length
a viscous compressible fluid. The limitations L, and is otherwise covered with an infinite
for an imcompressible, viscous, and ideal fluid rigid baffle. The problem is studied on the
follow from the results. The tangential and basis of a thick shell theory in which account
bending stresses are shown as functions of the is taken of the effects of shear deformation
angular coordinate at relatively high and rotatory inertia. The air outside the shell
frequency when the shell is filled by air, oil, is described by the Helmholtz linear acoustic
and kerosene. When the shell is filled by air, equation. The sound transmission loss
the stresses created by the plane wave are through the shell wall, TL, is obtained and
larger than for a shell filled by kerosene or calculated for various values of the physical
oil. 8 Refs. parameters involved. (Author abstract) 10 Refs.

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

Chonan, s. (Tohoku Univ, Sendai, Jpn); Koriyama, cylindrical shells weakened by a curvilinear
H.i Sound Vib v 126 n 3 Nov 8 1988 P 525-532. hole. A modified method of series expansion
in a small parameter is proposed in this paper,
036965 Simplified Method for a which can be utilized in analyzing cylindrical
Hydrodynamic Loading Prediction of an composite orthotropic shells weakened by
Acoustic Wave. This paper discusses existing small and medium elliptical holes. 13 Refs.
methods for the hydrodynamic loading Revenko, V.P. (Scientific-Production Organization,
prediction on a circular cylindrical shell USSR). Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p 368-373.
subjected to an underwater weak shock wave.
To this end, a new, special purpose finite 036968 Fourier Integral Representation of
element program was developed. The new Curvilinear Influence Functions Applied to
program treats the acoustic fluid medium by Surface Structures. The paper proposes the
an equation which defines the incident application of curvilinear influence functions
particle velocity in the fluid in the absence of represented by Fourier integrals to problems
the structure. This is then coupled to the of surface structures. It investigates in detail
structure to yield the total fluid loading. characteristic properties of such integrals.
Tensile pressures are not allowed by Particular attention is called to differentiation
restricting the water pressure to above of the integrals representing functions with
ambient level. (Edited author abstract) 14 Refs. curvilinear discontinuities, as in this case their
Moussouros, Minos (US Naval Surface Warfare distributional features are most visible. The
Cent, Silver Spring, MD, USA). Am Soe Meeh Eng problem is illustrated by an example of an
Pap Preprint - American Society of Mechanical infinite plate. (Author abstract) 12 Refs.
Engineers, Houston, TX, USA, Jan 22-25 1989. Muc, A. (Technical Univ of Cracow, Cracow, Pol);
Publ by American Soc of Mechanical Engineers Zielinski, A.P. Thin-Walled StTuct v 7 n 2 1989 P
(ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1989 OCN12 18p. 85-98.
036966 Inelastic Response of an Infinite 036969 Co Shell Plate and Beam Elements
Cylindrical Shell to Transient Acoustic Free From Their Deficiencies. The author
Waves. The geometrically and constitutively proposes a generally applicable new
nonlinear response of an infinite, circular, formulation which removes all shear and
cylindrical shell submerged in an infinite fluid membrane locking mechanisms from the finite
medium to a transverse, transient acoustic element equations of the structural Co shell,
wave is analyzed. Circumferential Fourier plate, and beam elements. Employment. of full
series solutions are obtained through the integration with the proposed formulatIon
numerical integration of coupled ordinary eliminates also the zero energy modes problem,
differential equations and convolution and!or softening effects, associated with the
integrals. Numerical results are presented in use of the technique of reduced integration in
the form of response histories, response Co plate and shell element applications. The
snapshots, and iso-damage curves for incident formulation proposed is obtained through a
waves of rectangular pressure profile. simple and cost effective scheme. (Edited
Response solutions obtained with the first- author abstract) 52 Refs.
order doubly asymptotic approximation are
compared with their 'exact' counterparts. Briassoulis, Demetres (Agricultural Univ of Athens,
(Edited author abstract) 25 Refs. Greece). Comput Methods Appl Meeh Eng v 72 n 3
Mar 1989 p 243-266.
Geers, T.L. (Univ of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA);
Yen, C.-L. AMD Symp SeT ASME Appl Meek Div v 94 036970 Analysis of Simply-Supported
1988 Large-Scale Interaction Problems, Presented Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shell
at the Winter Annual Meeting of the ASME, Roofs. An elasticity solution has been
Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27-Dec 21988. p 13-45. presented for the analysis of a laminated
circular cylindrical shell roof with simply.
supported edges, and the displacements and
ANALYSIS stresses of the solution are expressed in terms
of infinite series. A solution according to the
036967 Analysis of the Stress-Strain State of classical shell theory (CST) is also developed.
a Nonshallow-Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell Computations are made for various ratios of
with an Elliptical Hole. The method of midsurface radii to thicknesses and the results
expansion in a series in a small parameter has of the CST have been examined in the light of
been applied successfully in analyzing isotropic the elasticity solution results. (Author abstract)

Excerpts from The Ensineerins Index Annual 1989

Ren, J.G. (Changsha lnst of Technology, Hunan, coupled first order differential equations is
China). Compos Struct v 11 n 4 1989 P 277 - 292. solved for each shell substructure using the
Pade approximation for matrix
036971 Continuum-Based Stiffened exponentiation. The substructures are then
Composite Shell Element for Geometrically joined by matching all of the displacement and
Nonlinear Analysis. A continuum-based, force boundary variables. The strength of
laminated, stiffened shell element is used to SSM from the substructure synthesis viewpoint
investigate the static, geometrically nonlinear is demonstrated by analyzing several shell
response of composite shells. The element is structures including a hermetic capsule and a
developed from a three-dimensional continuum refrigeration compressor shell. In all
element based on the incremental, total examples, finite element method (FEM)
Lagrangian formulation. The Newton-Raphson predictions are used to support SSM results.
method or modified Riks method is used to For the compressor shell, SSM results compare
trace the nonlinear equilibrium path. A well with the limited experimental data.
number of sample problems of un stiffened and (Edited author abstract) 58 Refs.
stiffened shells are presented to show the Tavakoli, M.S. (Georgia lnst of Technology,
accuracy of the present element and to Atlanta, GA, USA); Singh, R. ] Sound Vib v 130 n 1
investigate the nonlinear response of laminated Apr 8 1989 P 97 -123.
composite plates and shells. (Author abstract)
28 Refs. 036974 Extending Life of LD Converter
Liao, C.L. (Virginia Polytechnic lnst & State Univ, Vessel. At Kakogawa Works, all three LD
Blacksburg, VA, USA); Reddy,J.N. AlAAJ v 27 n 1 converter vessels were renewed for 1987-
Jan 1989p95-101. 1988 because of working limits caused by shell
deformation. In renewing the vessels, an
036972 Accurate Rigid-Body Modes analytical method was developed to quantify
Representation for a Nonlinear Curved deformation of the barrel shell, which is the
Thin-Shell Element. For certain highly curved dominant factor in vessel life. Based on the
shells, such as bellows, the formulation of a analytical results, an air jet cooling technique
curved-shell finite element with curvilinear and steel plate were developed and applied to
displacement components may fail to properly the new vessels. As a result, it is now possible
model some rigid body modes, even with to extend the life of vessels using a high ratio
either the explicit inclusion of rigid-body terms of MgO-C bricks. (Author abstract) 4 Refs. In
or the use of high-order displacement Japanese.
functions. It is suggested in this paper that the Kita, Ryuji; Nishikawa, Tsuneaki; Okazaki,
rigid-body modes can be properly included if Toshiyuki; Mine, Takao; Nishijima, Akifumi;
the Cartesian displacement components are Kawasaki, Hiroya. R&D Res Dev Kobe Steel Ltd v 39
used. A 48-degree-of-freedom (DOF) curved n 1 Jan 1989 p 61-64.
thin-shell element is formulated, and both the
curvilinear and the Cartesian forms are used 036975 Review on the Analysis of
for this investigation. Examples of the Laminated Shells. Laminated shell structures
nonlinear analyses of a bellows shell and a are increasingly being used in chemical,
spherical cap are given to demonstrate the mechanical, marine and aerospace
advantage of using the Cartesian formulation. applications. A significant amount of research
Curved elements may also suffer from has been conducted in the past on studying
membrane locking, which is caused by the the structural response of these structures. A
inability of an element to bend without review of various investigations on the analysis
stretching. (Edited author abstract) 53 Refs. of these shells is given here. Specifically, this
Yang, T.Y. (Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, IN, review deals with the development of various
USA); Kapania, Rakesh K.; Saigal, Sunil. AlAAJ v 27 theories for modeling the thick laminated
n 2 Feb 1989 p 211-218. shells, including shear effects; analytical
studies, development of various finite elements
036973 Eigensolutions of Joined/Hermetic to model these shells, including applications to
Shell Structures Using the State Space tire modeling; buckling and post-buckling
Method. A substructure synthesis method analysis of perfect and imperfect laminated
based on state space mathematics is proposed shells; and vibration and dynamic response
for the eigensolution of axisymmetric joined/ analysis of various laminated shells. (Author
hermetic thin shell structures. In the state abstract) 157 Refs.
space method (SSM), a system of eight Kapania, R.K. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA). J Pressure Vessel in the form of elastically or rigidly fastened
Tecknol Trans ASME v III n 2 May 1989 p 88-96. plates and shallow shells. We employ
Timoshenko's theory of shells. The desired
036976 Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of unknown functions are represented as series in
Shallow Shells Using Higher Order Finite the coordinate functions, each of which may
Elements. Based on K. Marguerre's shallow not necessarily satisfy the specified attachment
shell theory, a family of higher-order finite conditions for the structure. We employ
elements each consisting of 17 - 25 nodes and solution methods for problems of plates and
with separate in-plane and bending shells based on the use of complete functionals
displacement variables has been developed for and of the contour equation of the domain in
the geometrically nonlinear analysis of shallow setting up the approximating function. (Edited
shells subjected to lateral loads. A step- author abstract) 11 Refs.
iteration Newton-Raphson scheme has been Serazutdinov, M.N. Meek Solids v 23 n 3 1988 P
adopted in solving the final system of 136-14l.
recurrent nonlinear equations. Several
numerical examples, including a spherical cap 036979 Analysis of Simply Supported
and a square shallow shell with surface in Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Subject to
double sine curves, are presented to Lateral Impact Loads. An analytic solution is
demonstrate the versatility and convenience of given for the problem of simply-supported
the use of higher-order elements in modelling orthotropic cylindrical shells subject to impact
shallow shells and also the sufficient accuracy loading. The closed-form solution has not
of the predictions made by the present been obtained previously. The analysis is based
formulation in the context of geometrically on an expansion of the loads, displacement
nonlinear analysis. (Author abstract) 13 Refs. and rotations in a double Fourier series which
Chan, H.C. (Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); satisfies the end boundary conditions of
Chung, W.C. Comput Struct v 31 n 3 1989 P simple support. Each expansion is assumed to
329-338. be separable into a function of time and a
function of position. By neglecting in-plane
and rotary inertia the problem becomes a
036977 Nonlinear Analysis of Shell second order ordinary differential equation in
Structures by Degenerated Isoparametric
time for the Fourier coefficients of the radial
Shell Element. Two rotation strategies
deflection. For a given loading impulse the
termed the finite rotation method and the
solution can be found by invoking the
mixed rotation method are proposed to
described the rotation of the shell normal and convolution integral. The results show that
four rotation strategies in the literature are for impact by a heavy mass, the solution is
equivalent to that obtained by an approximate
reviewed. The rotation variables of the finite
procedure of neglecting the mass of the shell,
rotation method are chosen to be the
incremental rotations with respect to the Xl which leads to a simple single degree of
freedom analysis. For problems of impact by
and X2 axes of a moving coordinate system
rigidly tied to the shell. Both the rotation smaller masses, the higher response
frequencies of the cylinder become important.
increments between two successive increments
The impact duration, peak force, and peak
and the rotation corrections between two
deflection relative to the quasi-static response.
successive iterations are used as the
(Edited author abstract) 17 Refs.
incremental rotations. The previous covergent
stress is employed to update the geometric Christoforou, A.P. (Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City,
stiffness matrix and its performance is UT, USA); Swanson, S.R. ASME Aerosp Div Publ AD
compared with that of the standard geometric v 13 Recent Advances in the Macro- and Micro-
stiffness matrix update method. (Edited Mechanics of Composite Materials Structures,
author abstract) 20 Refs. Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Hsiao, Kuo-Mo (Nat! Chiao Tung Univ, Hsinchu,
Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27-Dec 21988. Publ by
Taiwan); Chen, Yeh-Ren. Comput Struct v 31 n 3
American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
1989 P 427 -438.
New York, NY, USA, 1988 P 77-84.
036978 On the Analysis of Shallow Shells ANISOTROPY
with Complex Contours. In this paper, we
offer a variational method and some solutions 036980 Membrane Theory for Anisotropic
for the problem of determining the stress- Laminated Shells of Revolution. The
strain state of thin-walled structural elements present paper discusses the derivation and

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual J989

application of the membrane theory equations spherical shells with simply supported
governing the small deformation of laminated, boundaries. Numerical examples show that
anisotropic, elastic shells of revolution. The the approach developed in the paper is
equations are derived by use of the Hellinger- effective. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
Reissner variational principle in conjunction Ye, Jianqiao (Hefei Polytechnical Univ, Hefei, Jpn).
with the asymptotic expansion technique. Appl Math Modelling v 12 n 5 Oct 1988 p 467 - 470.
They are then used to analyze specific shells
under loadings of practical interest. (Author 036984 Optimal Design of a Cylindrical
abstract) 3 Refs. Shell Under Overall Bending with Axial
Logan, D.L. (Rose-Hulman lnst of Technology, Force. The problem of optimal design of a
Terre Haute, IN, USA); Widera, G.E.O. J Pressure cylindrical shell loaded by bending moment
Vessel Technol Trans ASME viii n 2 May 1989 p Mo and axial force N is presented. As a
130-135. criterion of optimality we assume the
minimum value of the cross-sectional area for
BENDING given values of external loadings. In the
general case the shape of the central line of
036981 Plane Bending of a Long Cylindrical the profile and thickness of the wall of a shell
Shell During Simple Thermomechanical are used as design variables. The constraints
Deformation. This paper examines dynamic are connected with strength and with local
processes in a long cylindrical shell-tube in the stability of the wall of a shell. The concept of
case of simple thermomechanical deformation a 'shell of uniform stability' is applied and two
under the influence of mechanical and different types of profiles of uniform stability
thermal loads. Since the shell is long it is are looked for, namely the uniform stability
regarded as a beam with corrected stiffness in profile with variable thickness and a constant
bending, tension, and torsion. Governing thickness profile of uniform stability. (Author
relations for small strains and finite abstract) 9 Refs.
displacements are obtained on the basis of Kruzelecki, Jacek (Technical Univ, Cracow, Pol).
thermodynamic relations from the nonlinear Bull Pol Acad Sci Tech Sci v 36 n 3-4 1988 P
theory of elasticity. Nonlinear equations of 141-150.
motion for the plane bending of such a
shell-tube are obtained. 10 Refs. 036985 Theory and Numerics of Thin
Kayuk, Ya. F. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian Elastic Shells with Finite Rotations. A
SSR, Kiev, USSR); KiI'chinskaya, G.A. Sov Appl bending theory for thin shells undergoing
Mech v 24 n 2 Aug 1988 P 157-162. finite rotations is presented, and its associated
finite element model is described. The
036982 Monomial Test: Testing the Flexural kinematic assumption is based on a Reissner-
Behavior of the Degenerated Shell Mindlin theory. The work-conjugate stress
Element. Shear locking of the degenerated resultants and stress couples are integrals of
shell element is a result of the development of the Biot stress tensor. This tensor is invariant
spurious shear strain by the element, when with respect to rigid body motions and
subjected to high order Kirchhoff therefore appropriate for the formulation of
displacement fields. The shear locking constitutive equations. The rotations are
phenomenon is analyzed in this paper using described by using Eulerian angles. The finite
an analytical test. The effects of the element descretization of arbitrary shells is
integration scheme, order of the element, performed using isoparametric elements. The
order of the modeled Kirchhoff field and the advantage of the proposed shell formulation
element distortion are analyzed explicitly and and its numerical model is shown by
quantitatively for the four-node, eight-node application to different non-linear plate and
and nine-node degenerated shell elements. shell problems. Finite rotations can be
(Author abstract) 23 Refs. calculated within one load increment. Thus
Briassoulis, Demetres (Univ of Illinois, the step size of the load increment is only
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA). Comput Struct v 29 n limited by the local convergence behaviour of
6 1988 P 949-958. Newton's method or the appearance of
stability phenomena. (Edited author abstract)
036983 New Approach for the Bending 27 Refs.
Problem of Shallow Shell by the Boundary Gruttmann, F. (Univ Hannover, Hanover, West
Element Method. A very simple method is Ger); Stein, E.; Wriggers, P. Ing Arch v 59 n 1 1989
suggested in this paper to analyze shallow P 54-67.

Excerpts from The Ennineerinn Index Annual 1989

BLASTING they are prone to buckling, and to such an

extent that this is often the dominant
036986 Using Geometry to Improve consideration in their design. Early attempts
Survivability. The research effort has to determine buckling pressures were
concentrated on developing the Hyperbolic unsatisfactory. Although initial geometric
Paraboloid (HYP AR) structural system for distortions are now recognised as the cause of
buried shelters. Individual HYPAR panels- this, little comprehensive work has been
hyperbolic paraboloidal curved surfaces-are conducted on doubly-curved shells,
joined together in varying geometries to form particularly hemispheres, subjected to external
protective shelters. The HYP AR structure has pressure and having asymmetric initial shapes.
several advantages: reduced wall thickness; This paper presents the results of such a
reduced materials and field labor costs; and study, in two parts. In Part I, the background
reduced field erection time. The HYP AR research on doubly-curved shells is briefly
panel uses its geometry and construction reviewed. The kinematic, equilibrium and
materials to efficiently dissipate the energy constitutive equations used in the work are
released by the detonation of conventional stated. The adopted numerical procedure
weapons. The HYPAR panel is a composite which can generate static or dynamic solutions
consisting of an outer layer of fiberglass- is described along with the results of
reinforced asphalt, a middle layer of steel- convergence studies. (Edited author abstract)
reinforced portland cement concrete, and an 44 Refs.
inner layer of polyester fabric. The reinforced Shao, W.J. (Ministry of Communications, Shanghai,
asphalt and concrete layers are structural ones China); Frieze, P.A. Thin-Walled Struet v 8 n 2 1989
which help dissipate blast energy through p99-118.
deformation and cracking, while the polyester
fabric provides a spall protection. 4 Refs. 036989 Simple Buckling Problems Within
Burkett, William R. Mil Eng v 80 n 523 Aug 1988 the Shell Theory of Rubber-like
P 450-452. Materials. In an earlier paper, the authors
have formulated a fairly general theory of
BUCKLING finite strains deformation of shells of an
incompressible hyperelastic material. The
036987 Influence of Initial Imperfections basic equations of this theory were derived,
on the Buckling of Orthotropic Truncated from 3-D finite elasticity under the single
Spherical and Conical Shells. The influence assumption: material fibers initially normal to
of small geometric imperfections in the shape the shell reference surface remain straight in
of the middle surface on the non- the process of an isochronic deformation.
axisymmetric buckling and post-critical Consequently the resulting 2-D model of the
behavior of thin elastic shallow orthotropic shell incorporates effects due to transverse
truncated spherical shells under uniform shear and transverse normal deformations as
external pressure truncated conical shells well as higher order effects accommodated in
under axial compression is studied by the dependency of the 2-D strain energy
Lyapunov-Schmidt method. Cases of buckling function on the gradient of strain measures.
are investigated when the least bifurcation In this note they present some further results
load of non-axisymmetric buckling of a for the buckling of initially straight rods
corresponding ideal shell is a double under axial end forces. They illustrate
eigenvalue of the linearized problem and limitations of particular variants of the general
either two unstable eigenmodes or one stable shell theory. 5 Refs.
and one unstable eigenmode interact. It is Makowski, J. (Ruhr-Univ, Bochum, West Ger);
obtained that small imperfections lower the Stumpf, H. Z Angew Math Meeh v 68 n 6 1988 P
value of the upper critical load of an ideal 251-252.
shell. Examples are presented of special
non-axisymmetric shell buckling cases. 14 Refs. 036990 Zwei Varianten der
Bermus, I.M. (Rostov Univ, USSR); Srubshchik, Schalenbeulrechnung im Elastoplastischen
L.S. Sov Appl Meeh v 24 n 2 Aug 1988 P 149 -156. Bereich. [Two Different Methods'for Shell
Buckling Calculation in the Elastic-Plastic
036988 Static and Dynamic Numerical Region]. The material behavior in the
Analysis Studies of Hemispheres and elastic-plastic region depends on the fact
Spherical Caps. Part I. Background and whether the concerned point is loaded or
Theory. Shell-like structures are prevalent in unloaded. For buckling calculations one
nature. However, because of their slenderness transfers generally the criterion for loading or

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

unloading from the prebuckling mode of the 036993 Beulversuche an Duennwandigen

ideal shell. But there are no ideal shells. Every Fluessigkeitsgefuellten Schalen. [Buckling
real shell has initial imperfections, and real Tests on Thin-Walled Fluid-Filled
events start with the growing of one buckle. Shells.]. This paper deals with the problem of
Hence it corresponds better to the reality to the buckling of thin walled cylindrical tanks
transfer the criterion for loading or unloading under the action of a fluid filling and an axial
from the buckling mode. A calculation load. In addition, the partial removal of the
procedure of that kind is presented; its bottom membrane of such tanks is studied. The
applications demonstrated by numerical experimental results obtained can be used for
examples. (Edited author abstract) In German. the testing of mathematical models. 3 Refs. In
Esslinger, Maria (DFVLR, Braunschweig, West Ger); German.
Poblotzki, Gert. Forschungsber Dtsch Forsch Rammerstorfer, Franz Georg (Technische Univ
Versuchsanst Luft Raumfahrt DFVLR n FB 88-26 Wien, Vienna, Austria); Billinger, Wolfgang; Fischer,
1988pl-49. Franz Dieter. DIAl Desterr Ing Archit l v 133 n 8
Aug 1988 P 430-43l.
036991 On Buckling of Ellipsoidal Cups
Under Internal Pressure. A method for the 036994 Numerical Analysis of Diamond
calculation of the critical load for a semi- Buckles. Both linear and nonlinear analyses
ellipsoidal shell with a stiffening rib at the edge are performed on the buckling of a cylindrical
is presented. The external and internal shell under axial compression. Among the
buckling energy of the shell is described. The post buckling shapes of the cylindrical shell, a
Rayleigh quotient is used as the static buckling number of diamond modes are found to be
criterion, assuming the deflection function to possible. The analysis is compared to those
depend on four shape parameters. Some conducted by A. Maewall and W. Nachbar,
numerical examples are presented showing the M.A. Crisfield, and Y. Yoshida et al.
influence of the rib stiffness and the shell Agreement is established in conceiving the
dimensions on the critical pressure value. deformed shape with circumferential number
(Author abstract) 6 Refs. of 14 as the stable postbuckling mode of the
cylindrical shell. The transition from the
Magnucki, K. (Technical Univ of Poznan, Poznan,
axisymmetric mode to a diamond mode of
Pol); Wegner, T.; Szye, W. Ing Arch v 58 n 5 1988 P
collapse is shown to be an instantaneous
process triggered in the proximity of the
critical state by a small perturbation of the
036992 Schalenbeulen: Von der DASt- load increment. (Edited author abstract) 17
Richtlinie 013 zur DIN 18800, Tell 4. [Shell Refs.
Buckling: From DASt Guideline 013 to DIN Liu, Wing Kam (Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL,
18800. Part 4]. Following a review of the USA); Lam, Dennis. Finite Elem Anal Des v 4 n 4
buckling safety proof for shells according to Feb 1989 p 291-302.
DASt guideline 013 which must be kept in two
stages, the method of representation in DIN 036995 Theoretical and Experimental Study
18800, Part 4 is explained in detail. It is shown of a Curved Strip Compressed by a Flat
that the large rlt dependency of the reduction Plate. The quasi-static loading of a curved
factor ex which exists for the axially compressed strip compressed by a flat, rigid plate is
cylinder can be suppressed for the building considered, with particular reference to large
material steel. In this way, it is possible to deformations and the ensuing buckling
conduct the buckling safety proof in a single behavior. Experiments were performed on
stage for all shells examined analogous to the curved strips of constant width but of different
buckling of columns. Only two basic buckling thickness. The strips were initially deformed
curves, for K) 'normal' and K2 for 'very' to a fixed radius of curvature and stress
imperfection-sensitive shells, are sufficient. relieved before pinning the ends. The span
With the aid of detailed investigations, it is was held constant at about 305 mm. The
shown that the K2 curve may possibly be raised deformation characteristics have been
slightly. As compared with dimensioning analyzed using an incremental finite element
methods according to DASt guideline 013 used technique. Particular attention has been paid
in the past, economic benefits would be to modeling the situation when a node
possible using this method. (Author abstract) contacts the plate and the condition for
14 Refs. In German. separation of the strip from the plate. The
Bornscheuer, Friedrich Wilhelm. Bautechnik v 65 n predicted loads and deformation modes
10 Oct 1988 p 325-33l. agreed well with experimental results from

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

tests on steel and aluminum specimens. uniform external pressure is analysed using
(Edited author abstract) 9 Refs. the spline finite strip method. A Total
Iseki, H. (McMaster Univ, Hamilton, Ont, Can); Lagrangian formulation on the displacement
Sowerby, R.; Bhattacharyya, D.; Gatt, P. J Appl Meeh dependent pressure load in the orthogonal
Trans ASME v 56 n 1 Mar 1989 p 96-104. curvilinear reference frame is derived. An
improvement for the arc-length iteration
036996 Buckling of Edge Damaged, method is presented. The postbuckling
Cylindrical Composite Shells. The stability equilibrium path and the contour map of
of thin composite layered anisotropic equal radial deflection computed an~ in good
cylindrical shells under axial compression is agreement with the experimental and
considered for the case of nonuniform analytical results reported in Esslinger, M. and
boundary conditions. Such conditions are Geier, B., Postbuckling Behaviour of
employed to model the situation where there Structures, Springer-Verlag, Wien, New York,
is edge damage to the shell. The influence of 1975. (Author abstract) 14 Refs.
weakening or a crack at an edge on the Cheung, Y.K. (Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong);
critical buckling load of a variety of single and Zhu, D.S. Thin-Walled Struet v 7 n 3-4 1989 P
multilayered shells is investigated. Results 239-256.
indicate that isotropic shells exhibit a rather
sudden steep reduction in the critical buckling 036999 Non-probabilistic Models of
load for relatively small edge damage. Uncertainty in the Nonlinear Buckling of
However, some anisotropic composite shells Shells with General Imperfections:
may not be so sensitive and, in contrast, only Theoretical Estimates of the Knockdown
a gradual reduction may be brought about by Factor. A nonprobabilistic, set-theoretical
the edge damage. The degree of sensitivity to treatment of the buckling of shells with
edge damage appears to be dependent, in uncertain initial geometrical imperfections is
some complex fashion, on the various presented. The minimum buckling load is
geometric and physical shell parameters. determined as a function of the parameters
(Author abstract) 8 Refs. which describe the (general infinite) range of
Sabag, M. (Technion - Israel Inst of Technology, possible initial imperfection profiles of the
Haifa, Isr); Stavsky, Y.; Greenberg, J.B. J Appl Meeh shell. The central finding of this paper is a
Trans ASME v 56 n 1 Mar 1989 p 121-126. theoretical estimate of the knockdown factor
as a function of the characteristics of the
036997 Bifurcation Buckling of Circular uncertainty in the initial imperfections. Two
Cylindrical Shells Under Uniform External classes of set-theoretical models are employed.
Pressure. This paper presents asymptotic The first class represents the range of
solutions for the eigenvalue problems of variation of the most significant N Fourier
buckling under uniform external pressure of a coefficients by an ellipsoidal set in N-
circular cylindrical shell having an arbitrary dimensional Euclidean space. The minimum
combination of the boundary conditions for buckling load is then explicitly evaluated in
the simply supported, clamped, and free ends. terms of the shape of the ellipsoid. (Edited
A simple formula for the buckling pressure is author abstract) 29 Refs.
derived, which is shown to be accurate Ben-Haim, Yakov (Technion - Israel Inst of
enough for engineering purposes by Technology, Haifa, Isr); Elishakoff, Isaac. J Appl
comparison with available results. The Meeh Trans ASME v 56 n 2 Jun 1989 p 403 -41 o.
eigenvalues calculated for all possible
combinations of the boundary conditions show 037000 Post-buckling Behavior and
that the buckling pressures are affected Imperfection Sensitivity of Spherical Shells
significantly by the presence of a free end as Based on Nonlinear Elastic Stability
well as axial constraint at a supported end. Theory. Using the nonlinear elastic stability
(Author abstract) 17 Refs. theory and its applications to shells, we have
Koga, Tatsuzo (Univ of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Jpn); investigated the post-buckling behavior and
Morimatsu, Shigeyuki. AIAA J v 27 n 2 Feb 1989 p imperfection sensitivity of spherical shells with
242-248. amplitude modulation. For this purpose, we
assume that the buckling modes have the
036998 Postbuckling Analysis of Circular form of Legendre polynomials with an
Cylindrical Shells Under External exponential function as a modulating factor.
Pressure. The postbuckling behavior of We use a numerical analysis technique with
circular cylindrical shells of finite length under high precision. The amplitudes of the post-

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

buckling modes and the critical loading design procedure is suggested. (Edited author
factors of the spherical shell with various abstract) 15 Refs. In German.
imperfection modes are presented. (Edited Knoedel, Peter (Univ Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, West
author abstract) 10 Refs. Ger); Maierhoefer, Dieter. Stahlbau v 58 n 3 Mar
Fan, Q.S. (Tsinghan Univ, Beijing, China). 1989 p 81-86.
Thin-Walled Struct v 8 n I 1989 P 1-18.
037004 Experimental Investigation on the
037001 Postbuckling Analysis of Shells by Dynamic Buckling of a Cylindrical Shell
Spline Finite Strip Method. The postbuckling Due to Seismic Excitation. (lst Report:
analysis of shells is studied by the spline finite Plastic Buckling Due to Bending Load). The
strip method. The selection of higher order fundamental characteristics of plastic dynamic
terms in the incremental variational principle buckling of a thin cylindrical shell due to
is discussed. An improvement on the arc- seismic excitation, where bending load was
length iteration method is presented. The predominant, were clarified experimentally.
examples all demonstrated the versatility and The relationship between seismic response
accuracy of the present method. The displacement acceleration, strain of cylindrical
computed results for a circular cylindrical shell model and input acceleration was
shell under axial compression correlate very investigated. The dynamic buckling load was
well with the experiment results. (Author compared with that for static buckling, and
abstract) 15 Refs. the differences between them were discussed
Zhu, D.S. (Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); as well as the threshold for postbuckling.
Cheung, Y.K. Comput Struct v 31 n 3 1989 P (Author abstract) 6 Refs. In Japanese.
357-364. Fujita, Katsuhisa; Ito, Tomohiro; Wada, Hiroshi.
Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 55 n 515
037002 Transverse Shear Effects in Stability Jul 1989 P 1634-1637.
Problems of Laminated Shallow Shells. This
paper presents the analysis of the accuracy of 037005 New Solution for Vessel Liner
the classical shell theory in the prediction of Buckling Analysis. The thermally
buckling loads of laminated shallow shells of constrained and perfectly confined cylindrical
revolution loaded by external pressure or shell finds its critical buckling load in infinity.
axially compressed. The shells studied are Disturbances such as shape or support
circular cylinders, barrels, inverse barrels and imperfections are required to yield finite
spherical sections. In each case the boundary critical buckling loads. Based on a conservative
conditions are simple supports. (Author imperfection model, the new solution allows
abstract) 7 Refs. the quantification of the influence of
Muc, Aleksander (Univ of Liverpool, Liverpool, imperfections on buckling stress. As a large
Engl). Compos Struct v 12 n 3 1989 P 171-180. deflection solution, it follows the load
displacement path under increasing prestress
037003 Zur Stabilitaet von ZyIindern Vnter up to neutral equilibrium. Thus, the
Axiallast und Randmomenten. [Stability of occurrence of subcritical limit load conditions
Cylindrical Shells V nder Axial Loads and due to non-linear bending can be determined.
Edge Moments]. Existing methods of (Edited author abstract) 12 Refs.
determining the critical axial loads of Tschiersch, R.T. (Thyssen Henrichshuette AG,
cylindrical shells take into account only the Hattingen, West Ger); Huessler, W. ASME Pressure
membrane stress state. However, parts of the Vessels Piping Div Publ PVP v 139 Design and
shell structures are loaded by additional edge Analysis of Piping, Pressure Vessels and
moments. These result from external forces, Components, 1988, Presented at the 1988 ASME
from the edge conditions themselves or from Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh,
the deviation of the membrane forces due to PA, USA,Jun 19-23 1988. Publ by American Soc
a break in the generatrix. This paper reports of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
on a study, which investigated the influence of USA, 1988 P 133-138.
edge moments on the nonlinear bifurcation
loads of axially compressed cylinders. Edge 037006 Static Buckling of the Shells of
moments are shown to reduce the bifurcation Revolution Due to the Asymmetric
load irrespective of the length of the cylinder. Loading. Finite element buckling analysis
The results obtained were approximated by program of the shells of revolution under an
easy to handle formulas. After some remarks asymmetric loading was developed. In this
on the imperfection sensitivity, a practical program, the buckling mode for asymmetric

Excerpts from The Eneineerine Index Annual 1989

loading is presented as a summation of free COMPOSITE

vibration modes. The program was verified by
comparing with the test and the theoretical 037009 Finite Deformations of Thin
results. (Author abstract) 7 Refs. Anisotropic and Composite Shells and
Chiba, T. (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Defining Relations. Defining relations for
Co, Yokohama, Jpn); Sugino, H.; Mieda, T.; composite shells formed by superposition of
Yoshida, M.; Ohya, H.; Kobayashi, N. ASME layers with specified structure of the
Pressure Vessels Piping Div Publ PVP v 150 reinforcement were derived using Green's
Application of Modal Analysis to Extreme Loads, strain formula and the Cauchy stress tensor as
Presented at the 1988 ASME Pressure Vessels and a starting point. An asymptotic analysis was
Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, P A, USA, Jun carried out for revealing the kind of functions
19 - 23 1988. Publ by American Soc of Mechanical contained in the defining relations, with
Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1988 P plastic and creep deformations taken into
1-7. account. A system of experiments was
suggested for finding these functions on the
assumption that with finite deformations the
037007 Nonlinear Investigations of material is nonlinearly elastic. The cause of a
Composite Shells by Finite Element deviation of the obtained results from given
Method. For investigations of structures computational conditions was suggested as a
consisting of layered fiber composite shells a noticeable manifestation of inelastic properties.
special shell finite element has been developed Evaluations for glass reinforced plastics are
and applied to some illustrative problems. presented. 12 Refs.
The element's features are: geometrically
Teregulov, I.G. (Kazan Inst of Civil Engineering,
nonlinear formulation; arbitrary set-up of the
USSR). Meek Compos Mater v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 p
composite (i.e. symmetric or non-symmetric
stacking sequences with different layer 453-458.
materials); material non-Iinearities in terms of
stiffness degradation due to layer cracking; 037010 Stress-strain State of a Composite
thermal loading. Due to the FE-formation Shell with Circular Slit. A shell of revolution
used, buckling analyses can be conducted by with an infinitely thin slit cut on the
solving accompanying eigenvalue problems. circumference was subjected under
(Author abstract) 19 Refs. mathematical simulation to a distributed load.
A system of coordinates was introduced to
Dominger, K. (Vienna Technical Univ, Vienna,
describe the state of stress and strain of the
Austria); Rammerstorfer, F.G. ASME Pet Div Publ
PD v 24 Composite Material Technology 1989,
shell. The elasticity relations were derived and
Twelfth Annual Energy-Sources Technology
the state of stress and strain of each shell was
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, USA,
determined and reduced to the solution of a
Jan 22-25 1989. Publ by American Soc of
system of equations. The boundary-value
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
problem of the slit was solved with the network
USA, 1988 P 117-125.
method. A calculation algorithm system was
recommended which was based on Godunov's
orthogonal matching method. It was found
037008 Buckling Design of Vierendeel from analyzing the curves that a
Recticular Shells. Double layer reticular shell circumferential slit with axisymmetric load
structures carry very little transverse shear, induces an inhomogeneous state of stress and
thus, it may be appropriate to substitute the strain. 3 Refs.
inter-layer diagonal members with 'space' Gerasimenko, P.V. (All-Union Extramural
members perpendicular to the middle surface. Polytechnic Inst, Moscow, USSR); Preobrazhenskii,
In this paper the shear stiffness of double I.N. Meek Compos Mater v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 p
layer grids without diagonals is presented and 459-462.
used to calculate the design buckling load for
domes built with this geometry. (Author 037011 Allowing for Binder Stiffness and
abstract) 8 Refs. Reinforcement Extensibility in Designing a
Castano, Francisco (Unistrut Space Frame Systems, Shell of Revolution Made of a Composite
Canton, MI, USA). Proe Sess Relat Steel StTUet StTUet Material. A method for determining the
Congr Proceedings of the Sessions Related to Steel configuration and equilibrium state of a shell
Structures at Structures Congress '89, San under the effects of internal pressure with
Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ by allowance for the extensibility of the fibers and
ASCE, New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 195-204. the elasticity of the threads was devised. The

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

boundary value problem for linearized coordinate axes of the shell. To expand the
equations was solved by the method of initial possibility of the model for evaluating the
parameters with the use of Godunov's stress-strain state at the microscopic level, the
procedure for orthogonalization. Two cases order and number of resolvent equations
are given: a shell with a movable head made by were independent of the number of layers as
spiral winding wherein the initial form of the well as the ratio of the physico-geometric
shell is designed as being equilibrium for a properties. In this paper, the model is
recticular shell with a geodesic winding, and a generalized to the case of laminated shallow
geodesic shell wound on a mandrel of the same shells made of anisotropic layers. The model
profile for which the strains were calculated considers transverse shear and compression,
under internal pressure and a compressive tangential and normal forces of inertia, and
force applied to the head. The method makes geometric nonlinearity. Kinematic hypotheses
it possible to determine the geometry of the are introduced to reduce the three-
shell and its stress state. 6 Refs. dimensional problem to two dimensions. Two
Biderman, V.L. (N.E. Bauman Moscow Higher examples illustrating the ability of the model
Technical lnst, USSR); Mart'yanova, G.V.; Sorokin, to reflect the three-dimensional nature of the
F.D. Meek Compos Mater v 23 n 5 Mar 1988 p stress-strain state of multilaminate plates and
579-585. shells are examined. 12 Refs.
Prisazhnyuk, V.K. (Kiev Highway lnst, USSR);
037012 Optimization of Structures of Piskunov, V.G. Meek Compos Mater v 23 n 6 May
Reinforced Cylindrical Shells Made of 1988 p 719-726.
Composites. A method is given for selecting
the parameters for the design optimization of 037014 Analysis of Thermoelastic Stresses
reinforced cylindrical shells which satisfies the in Laminated Shells of Double Curvature. A
system of restrictions and minimizes the target curvilinear coordinate system was used to
function. The active physical restrictions construct a model describing the thermoelastic
included general and local stability, the stresses in laminated shells of double
strength of the material of the cloth of the curvature. It was assumed that the stresses
shell, and the reinforcing set. The design and depended linearly on strains and temperature.
technological restrictions imposed on the Near the edges of the outer layer the shell
geometrical parameters of the shell were also element was regarded as two finite elements;
taken into account. Two possible forms of the one element modeled the packet of inner
loss of stability of the reinforced shells were layers and the second modeled the outer shell
evaluated. Strength calculations of the cloth layer. The solution of the thermoelastic
were based on a macromodel according to problem satisfied the condition of the
which the load-carrying capacity of the entire minimum of potential energy of the shell.
packet was exhausted when the limiting stress Shear stress distributions were determined.
state was reached in at least one layer. An The method was applied to a stiff cylindrical
algorithm was constructed for optimum design shell with a thin outer layer heated uniformly
on the basis of heuristic combinatorial analysis. from within. The stresses determined on the
It was shown that longitudinal-transverse edge of the outer layer were compared with
reinforcement in respect of mass is 1.5-2.0 results of holographic measurements of strains
times more effective than the unidirectional of a steel shell with a sheet made of carbon-
longitudinal reinforcement. 4 Refs. fiber plastic stuck to it and were found to
Tomashevskii, V.T. (Marshall A.A. Grechko Naval agreed qualitatively with the experimental
Military Acad, Leningrad, USSR); Anufriev, A.P.; data. 4 Refs.
Shalygin, V.N.; Yakovlev, V.S.; Kalimulin, R.l. Meek Bakulin, V.N. (S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow lnst,
Compos Mater v 23 n 5 Mar 1988 p 603-607. USSR); Kaledin, V.O.; Rassokha, A.A. Meek Compos
Mater v 23 n 6 May 1988 p 732-737.
037013 Model of Composite Shallow Shells
and Plates for Solving Problems of Statics, 037015 Axisymmetric Divergence of
Dynamics, and Contact Interaction. In an Ring-stiffened Composite Cylindrical Shells
earlier paper, the authors constructed a Subject to Axial Compression. Static
theory for the evaluation of the stress-strain aeroelastic instability of structures, which is
state of composite structures for the case of also called divergence, represents an important
laminated composite shallow shells and plates theoretical and practical problem. Divergence
of orthotropic materials in which the principal of composite structures has been intensively
directions of orthotropy coincided with the studied due to increasing utilization of

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

composite materials in the aerospace industry. three-layer plastic structures fabricated from
In this paper, axisymmetric divergence of an ideally plastic material that obeys the Hill
simply supported, internally ring-reinforced plasticity condition. We also compare designs
composite shells is considered. The shell is obtained by the constant-dissipation method
subject to an air flow, directed parallel to the and equal-strength designs; we demonstrate
shell axis, and to static axial loading. The that equal-strength designs display a greater
analytical conditions of divergence are volume of the supporting layers. For the
obtained both for discrete ring stiffeners and sandwich shells considered here, equal-
based on the smeared stiffeners technique. 4 strength designs are understood to mean
Refs. those for which, at each meridian point, the
Birman, Victor (Univ of New Orleans, New plasticity condition is realized as an equality in
Orleans, LA, USA).] Appl Meek Trans ASME v 55 one of the supporting layers, and as a
n 4 Dec 1988 p 984-985. nonstrict inequality in the other. (Edited
author abstract) 16 Refs.
037016 Design of Composite Cylindrical Nemirovskii, Yu.V.; Shul'gin, A.V. Meek Solids v 23
Vessels for Fluid Loading. A theoretical n 51988 P 104-112.
approach is presented to examine the problem
of the fluid loading of a simply supported
037019 Finite-element Method in Problems
Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) composite
cylindrical pipe. The shell layup is composed of Nonline Deformation of Reinforced
of specially orthotropic layers, the Shells of Arbitrary Shape. A method of
calculation of reinforced shells of arbitrary
arrangement of which may be nonsymmetrical
shape is proposed. It applies the finite element
through the wall thickness. The theory is
method to problems of nonlinear deformation
developed using Sanders' thin shell theory,
of these shells and it is based on specification
neglecting the effect of transverse shear. An
example of the use of the method is given, of primary geometrical information regarding
where the behavior of a horizontal pipe is the object. Such information can be provided
examined when it is partially or totally filled by the radius vectors of the nodes of the
elements and the positions of the unit normal
with fluid. Three layups are examined, one of
an isotropic construction using chopped vectors to the surface at these nodes.
strand mat (CSM) and two of a laminated Differences in the geometry of the shells
construction. (Author abstract) 5 Refs. under consideration are unimportant from the
standpoint of algorithmization of the
Banks, W.M. (Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scod); calculations, since the same node-by-node
Tooth, A.S.; Wilson, P.M.] Pressure Vessel Teeknol information is required for calculations. A
Trans ASME v III n 2 May 1989 p 102-108. universal approach can &pan an extensive class
of calculation problems for reinforced shells
037017 Shear Deformable Theory of of arbitrary shape, operating in the large-
Laminated Composite Shallow Shell-type displacement region. As an example the
Panels and Their Response Analysis: II. problem of compression of a cylindrical panel
Static Response. In the second part of this of rectangular shape is considered. The
paper, by using the static counterparts of the method used allows the problem to be solved
governing equations derived in Part I, the for arbitrary elastic displacements.
static response of shallow composite shell-type
panels subjected to a sinusoidal transverse Kuznetsov, V.V.; Soinikov, Yu.V. Meek Solids v 23
load is investigated. The numerical n 31988 P 129-135.
applications, encompassing a large number of
boundary conditions and various lamination 037020 Hygrothermal Effects on the
schemes, allow one to obtain some conclusions Stability of a Cylindrical Composite Shell
which are formulated in the paper. (Edited Panel. In this paper the finite element
author abstract) 1 Ref. method is applied to study the problem of
Khdeir, A.A. (Virginia Polytechnic lost & State moisture and temperature effects on the
Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA); Librescu, L.; stability of a general orthotropic cylindrical
Frederick, D. Acta Meek v 77 n 1- 2 Apr 1989 p composite shell panel subjected to axial or
1-12. in-plane shear loading. The element employed
is a 9-node isoparametric shell element. Since
037018 Sandwich Shells of Absolute the hygrothermal effects on the elastic
Minimum Volume. We consider a number of properties of the matrices and the fibers are
new solutions of optimal design problems for very different, the degrading of the matrices

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

and the fibers are very different, the Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
degrading of elastic moduli, the transverse USA, 1988 P 71-76.
shear effect and the induced initial stress are
all considered in the present study. Numerical 037022 Divergence Instability of Reinforced
investigation shows that if the temperature Composite Cylindrical Shells. Divergence
increase from 300 K to 422°K and the
0 instability of a simply supported orthotropic
moisture concentration is saturated, the composite shell reinforced in both axial and
buckling load with both the degrading of circumferential directions is considered. The
elastic moduli and transverse shear shell is subject to an axial static load and to an
deformation considered is approximately 12% action of an outside supersonic gas flow in the
lower than Snead/Papazoto's result where direction parallel to the shell axis. Two
only the degrading of elastic moduli is variants of the solution considered in the
considered. (Edited author abstract) 10 Refs. paper include discrete widely spaced stiffeners
Lee, S.Y. (Nat! Cheng-Kung Univ, Tainan, and closely spaced stiffeners; the latter case
Taiwan); Yen, W.J. ASME Aerosp Div Publ AD v 13 can be treated using a smeared stiffeners
Recent Advances in the Macro- and Micro- technique. It is proven that divergence
Mechanics of Composite Materials Structures, instability of shells treated by smeared
Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the stiffeners technique can occur only if they are
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, subject to axial compressive loads exceeding
Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by the static buckling value. (Author abstract) 9
American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (AS ME), Refs.
New York, NY, USA, 1988 P 21-31. Birman, V. (Univ of New Orleans, New Orleans,
LA, USA). ASME Aerosp Div Publ AD v 13 Recent
037021 Delamination Effects on Composite Advances in the Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of
Shells. An analytical investigation was Composite Materials Structures. Presented at the
performed to study the effect of delamination Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of
on the response of cylindrical composite shells Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov
subjected to external loadings. It was of 27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by American Soc of
particular interest to determine the buckling Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
load and the post-buckling behavior of USA, 1988 P 169-175.
externally pressurized cylindrical composite
shells containing delamination. An analytical 037023 Failure Prediction for Composite
model was developed which consists of a Shells: Shear Deformable Finite Element
structural analysis for calculating the global Formulation. Piecewise smooth stress-based
deformations of the structures and a fracture failure criteria are implemented in a shear
analysis for determining the delamination deformable finite element formulation. Both
growth in the structures. A nonlinear finite plate and shell elements are utilized to
element code based on the updated Lagrange represent thin to moderately thick laminated
formulation was developed for the model. structures. Accurate stresses are obtained both
Based on the results of calculations, it was in the plane of each ply as well as in the
found that delamination can significantly through-the-thickness direction. Such stress
effect the buckling load and response of information is essential in differentiating
cylindrical composite shells subjected to between fiber, matrix and delamination
externally pressurized loadings, depending failures. (Author abstract) 14 Refs.
upon the initial length and location of the Engblom, JJ. (Texas A&M Univ, College Station,
delamination, ply orientation and laminate TX, USA). ASME Pet Div Publ PD v 24 Composite
curvature. The calculated strain energy Material Technology 1989, Twelfth Annual
release rate at the crack tips indicates that Energy-Sources Technology Conference and
delamination growth occurs at the wake of Exhibition, Houston, TX, USA, Jan 22 - 25 1989.
buckling due to Mode II shear fracture. Publ by American Soc of Mechanical Engineers
(Author abstract) 24 Refs. (ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1988 P 37-41.
Chang, F.-K. (Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, USA);
Kutlu, Z. ASME Aerosp Div Publ AD v 13 Recent 037024 Computer-Aided Manufacturing of
Advances in the Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of Filament-Wound Composite Shells. An
Composite Materials Structures, Presented at the interactive CAM system developed for
Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of automated manufacturing of filament-wound
Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov axisymmetric shells is reported.
27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by American Soc of Microprocessors are designed to drive motors

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

for multi-axes control of mandrel rotation, dihedral angles of n-frequency spherical and
carriage and cross feeder translations, and eye ellipsoidal octahedral and icosahedral geodesic
rotation. A personal computer system is used domes with or without truncation, for plotting
as host and has software to initiate the orthographic and axonometric projections,
microprocessors, to supervise the motions of and for tabulating the chord lengths and
the rotating mandrel and of the robot-like dihedral angles for sawing the structural
assembly of carriage, cross feeder, and eye. elements for construction. (Author abstract) 4
Operator interactive capability of the software Refs.
make it possible to manually interrupt and Teter, W.D. (Univ of Delaware, Newark, DE,
perform on-the-spot adjustment and reset. USA); Nicholls, R.L. Bull Int Assoc Shell Spat Struct
The variety of filament-wound shells made by v 29-2 Aug 1988 P 47-53.
this automated system is reported. (Edited
author abstract) 12 Refs. 037027 Das System VWMESH zur
Pao, Y.C. (Univ of Nebraska, Lincoln, NB, USA); Idealisierung von Tragstrukturen im
Karamooz, S.; Spencer, B.E.; Keester, PJ. Comput CAE-Konzept. [VWMESH System for an
Eng Proc Int Comput Eng Con! Exhib v 1 (of 2), Ideal Design of Supporting Structures in the
Proceedings of the 1989 ASME International CAE Concept. Presentation of an Interactive
Computers in Engineering Conference and Module for the Eiasto-Mechanical Ideal
Exposition, Anheim, CA, USA, Jul 30-Aug 3 Design of Thin-walled Supporting
1989. Publ by American Soc of Mechanical Structures, Available for Instance in the
Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1989 P CAD Medium in Carbody Design, Aircraft
553-557. Construction, Mechanical Engineering or in
the Shipbuilding Sector]. The development
COMPUTER AIDED ANALYSIS of weight and cost optimized supporting
structures requires an early safe statement on
037025 Strength Analysis Algorithm of the performance criteria of the component
Discrete Stiffened Conic Shells. Computer which must be made available to the designer
aided analysis algorithm is developed for the in the design phase by way of suitable
stressed-strain state of circular conic shells of forecasting media. To this end the most
irregular structure stiffened by stringers and important test results obtained by the
frames under the effect of arbitrary loads application of modern simulation methods
applied to the frames. The problem solution must be brought to the attention and desk of
is obtained in the Fourier series using the the designer and must be made available for
method of the matrix pass by means of the interpretation without passing the construction
computer BESM-6-programmed algorithm. stage before. For the physical relationships
Contrary to known algorithms of the method which can be forecast by means of the FEM
of finite elements the suggested algorithm analysis idealizing networks are needed for
does not need considerable expenditures of the original structure. (Edited author abstract)
machine time and time for preparation of the 7 Refs. In German.
initial data necessary for the calculation. A Sorgatz, Ulrich (RWTH, Aachen, West Ger);
stressed state in the casting of the shell Deuter, Helmut. VDI Z v 131 n 3 Mar 1989 p 26-32.
supported as a cantilever under the effect of
tangential concentrated load, the effect of the 037028 Modeling of Plate and Shell
shell taper angle and frame elasticity on this Structures with P-Version of the FEM. Finite
state are investigated. The beam theory to element models for the analysis of plates and
calculation of broad fuselage of planes under shells, based on the concept of hp-extension
the effect of local forces is shown to be are presented. A methodology for the control
nonapplicable. (Author abstract) 4 Refs. In and analysis of the error of the finite element
Russian. solution is developed. Numerical results
Kabanov, V.V.; Levitskaya, T.E. Probl Prochn n 7 obtained using the proposed methodology are
Jul 1988 P 97 -100. given. (Author abstract) 16 Refs.
Sahrmann, Glenn J. (Sverdrup Technology Inc,
COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Middleburg Heights, OH, USA). Comput Util Stroct
Eng Computer Utilization in Structural
037026 Geodesign: A Computer Program Engineering, Proceedings of the sessions at
for Geodesic Dome Geometries. A computer Structures Congress '89, San Francisco, CA, USA,
algorithm is described for obtaining the May 1-51989. Publ by ASCE, New York, NY,
coordinates of vertices, chord factors, and USA, 1989 p 277-285.

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

CONCRETE of their curving shapes and the apparent

structural derivation of their forms. Every
037029 Effect of Support Movement on fabric structure includes compression elements,
Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells. For many just as most shells include both tension and
hyperbolic paraboloid shells, the horizontal bending elements. Furthermore, both forms,
reaction is provided by horizontal ties between through the introduction of stiffening
the supports. It is shown that the horizontal elements, have enormous range for subjective
movement of the supports associated with the manipulations of form to achieve desired
elongation of these ties will alter sufficiently sculptural effects. Both fabric structures and
the stresses in the shell membrane and the concrete shells rely on an interplay of tension
axial forces and moments in the supporting and compression, and much of their aesthetic
edge members that these movements must be success is a function of the skill with which this
considered in the analysis. The effect of the interplay is handled by the designer.
outward support movement for gable-type HP Huntington, Craig G. (Huntington Design Associates
shells supported on four corners is to reduce Inc, Oakland, CA, USA). Proc Sess Relat Steel Struct
the arching effect across the diagonal supports, Struct Congr Proceedings of the Sessions Related to
resulting in behavior that resembles more Steel Structures at Structures Congress '89, San
closely that predicted by membrane theory. Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ by ASCE,
When such shells are placed to form continuous New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 706-715.
structures, the effect of the outward support
movement causes the portion of shell in the CONTROL
vicinity of the first rows of interior supports to
behave as inverted umbrella HP shells. 037032 Optimal Control of a Pre-stressed,
(Author abstract) 8 Refs. Orthotropic Thin Cylindrical Shell Subjected
Simmonds, Sidney H. (Univ of Alberta, Edmonton, to a Constant Pressure at Its Interior
Alberta, Can). J Struct Eng v 115 n 1 Jan 1989 p Wall. The open loop optimal control of a
19-31. pre-stressed, orthotropic thin cylindrical shell
subjected to a constant pressure at its interior
037030 Collapse Load Analysis of wall relative to a given index of performance
Prestressed Concrete Surface Structures with is investigated. The optimal control function
Unbonded Tendons by the Finite Element is obtained by using a calculus of variations
Method. The basis of the theoretical approach on the basis of a thin-shell theory.
investigation is a formulation of the principle The response and the hoop stress
of virtual work which is suitable for (circumferential stress) of the controlled shell
incremental-iterative analysis of PC surface are presented in graphical form and
structures by the finite element method (FEM). compared with those of an uncontrolled shell.
It contains the expression for the virtual work Moreover, it is observed that the time
of forces exerted by the tendons on the required for the effectiveness of the control
remaining part of the surface structure, treated increases as the orthotropy coefficient
as a free body. Geometric nonlinearity is increases. An interesting aspect of the
considered on the basis of W.T. Koiter's shell investigation is the singularity of the mass
theory of small displacements and moderately matrix. (Author abstract) 6 Refs.
large rotations. Physical nonlinearity is taken Sadigh-Esfandiari, R. (California State Univ, Long
into account by means of appropriate Beach, CA, USA); Sloss, J.M.; Bruch, J.C. Jr. J
constitutive equations for intact and cracked Sound Vib v 125 n 1 Aug 221988 P 123-130.
concrete, respectively, reinforcing steel and
prestressing steel. The numerical investigation CORROSION
consists of collapse load analysis of a PC slab
with unbonded tendons. It demonstrates the 037033 Corrosion Wear of a Thick-Walled
usefulness of the theoretical concept. (Edited Cylindrical Shell of a Nonlinearly Elastic
author abstract) 17 Refs. Material. During service the elements of
Hofstetter, Guenter (Technical Univ of Vienna, many structures are subject to the combined
Vienna, Austria); Mang, Herbert A. Finite Elem Anal action of loads, temperatures, and corrosive
Des v 5 n 2Jul1989 p 141-165. working media. In this work the case in which
the corrosive medium does not influence the
037031 Manipulation of Shell and Fabric mechanical properties of the material but does
Structure Form. Fabric structures and cause corrosion failure of the surface layers
concrete shells are readily compared because was considered. The depth of corrosion wear

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

was used as the parameter characterizing the orthotropic plastic theory by Hill are
process of corrosion failure of the surface. employed in the creep range. The creep
Algorithms were constructed and used to strains are related to the stresses by McVetty's
develop a program in FORTRAN-4 language equation with a thermal effect multiplier by
with the use of which a series of problems was Arrhenius. The basic differential equations
solved. The method makes it possible to quite derived are numerically solved by a finite
effectively evaluate the behavior of shells of difference method. As a numerical example,
nonlinearly elastic materials in a corrosive the creep of a two-layered, anisotropic
medium with the relationship of the properties cylindrical shell composed of mild steel and
of the material and the corrosion rate to stainless steel subjected to uniform internal
temperature. 4 Refs. pressure is analyzed. (Edited author abstract)
Ovchinnikov, I.G. (Saratov Polytechnic lnst, USSR); 14 Refs. In Japanese.
Garbuz, E. V. Sov Mater Sci v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 p Takezono, Shigeo; Migita, Kohji. Nippon Kikai
405-408. Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 54 n 507 Nov 1988 p
037034 Optimization of the Life and Cost of
Cylindrical Shells Subject to Mechanical and DEFECTS
Chemical Failure. The purpose of this work
is to create mathematical models of 037036 Plates and Shells with Crack-like
optimization of cylindrical shells for general Flaws. The formulation of new hierarchial
cases in which the corrosion rate is a function finite elements for the analysis of laminated
of stresses. A thin-walled cylindrical shell of plates and shells in the presence of flaws are
specified radius and length and pivotsupported discussed. The performance of the elements is
on the ends and compressed with an axial elevated with the help of a number of
load was taken as the model structure. Two example problems and the results available in
optimization problems were formulated. The the published literature. (Author abstract) 19
first, in which the corrosion rate was assumed Refs.
as a linear function of the stress intensity, was
Basu, P.K. (Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, TN, USA);
written in the form of linear mathematical
Ahmed, N.U.; Woo, K.S. Comput Vtil Struct Eng
programming. The second, in which the
Computer Utilization in Structural Engineering,
limitation in time was introduced, was
Proceedings of the sessions at Structures Congress
formulated in the form of nonlinear
'89, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ
programming and accounted for both the
by ASCE, New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 286-295.
initial cost and expenditures made on the
structure at various times. Certain results of
calculation using the two models are DEFLECTION
considered. 5 Refs.
Zelentsov, D.G. (Ferrous Metallurgy Mechanization 037037 Deflection and Snapping of Ring-
Scientific & Production Union, Dnepropetrovsk, Loaded Spherical Caps. The axisymmetric
USSR); Pochtman, Yu. M. Sov Mater Sci v 23 n 4 behavior of both shallow, and deep, ring-
Jan 1988 p 400-412. loaded spherical caps, which are simply
supported but otherwise unconstrained at
CREEP their edges, is investigated using a large-strain
shell theory based on a variational principle.
037035 Creep of Anisotropic Multi-Layered A numerical technique is used to extract the
Moderately Thick Shells of Revolution. This solution. Particular attention is paid to highly
paper describes an analytical formulation and nonlinear phenomena such as snapthrough,
a numerical solution for creep problems of single and multiple snapback, and load-free
anisotropic multilayered moderately thick everted states. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
shells of revolution with application to a Brodland, G. Wayne (Univ of Waterloo, Waterloo,
cylindrical shell. The analytical formulation is Ont, Can); Cohen, H. J Appl Mech Trans ASME v
developed by extending the Reissner-Naghdi 56 n 1 Mar 1989 p 127-132.
theory for elastic shells with consideration
given to the effect of shear deformation. For 037038 Elastic-Plastic Large Deflection
the constitutive relation, Hooke's law for Analysis of Axisymmetric Shells. A new
orthotropic materials is used in the elastic finite element formulation for elastic-plastic
deformation, and equations based on the large deflection analysis of shells of revolution
orthotropic creep theory derived from the is presented. The new formulation contains

Excerpts from The Ennineerinn Index Annual 1989

most of the best features of nonlinear finite orthotropic layers of variable thickness. The
element analyses currently available in the shells were deformed by shock loads. This
literature, together with some new numerical method is based on a Timoshenko-type
schemes to improve the capability, accuracy geometric equation of nonlinear shell theory
and speed of the computation. It is thoroughly and physical relations from the theory of
verified using a variety of problems. The effective moduli. The boundary value problem
doubly curved thin shell finite element used was solved by finite difference discretization
has been widely applied to linear elastic stress of the Lagrange-D'Alembert variational
analysis and linear stability analysis by the equation and by integrating over time.
present authors and their co-workers. In place Equations of motion were obtained.
of the widely-used relations of Donnell, Computations were performed on a BESM-6
Novozhilov or Sanders, more comprehensive computer. Experimental and numerical results
nonlinear thin shell strain-displacement were compared. For the experiment the
relations are used, which account for dynamic deformation of a viscoelastic shell of
nonlinear strains caused by in-plane poly methyl methacrylate was used. The shells
displacements. Unlike most previous nonlinear were formed by multiple-zone spiral winding
axisymmetric shell formulations, in-plane of glass-plastic strip. It was found that by
shearing is included throughout the treatment. varying the number of zones and layers in the
For plastic analysis, a multi-layered approach winding, the stress level in the region of the
is adopted employing the Prandtl-Reuss pole opening could be reduced. 15 Refs.
normal flow rule with isotropic hardening or Abrosirnov, N.A. (Gorkii State Univ, Gorky, USSR).
perfect plasticity. (Edited author abstract) Meeh Compos Mater v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 p 447 - 453.
Teng, J.G. (Univ of Sydney, Sydney, Aust); Rotter,
J.M. Comput Struet v 31 n 2 1989 P 211-233. 037041 Nonlinear Theory of the Central
Bending of Three-Layer Shells with Defects
037039 Assumed Strain Finite Element in the Form of Sections of Bonding
Model for Large Deflection Composite Failure. Thin three-layer shells with a
Shells. A nine node finite element model has light-weight filler and having sections of
been developed for analysis of geometrically bonding failure on one of the surfaces of
non-linear laminated composite shells. The contact between the filler and an external
formulation is based on the degenerate solid layer were theoretically examined. For the
shell concept and utilizes a set of assumed case of central bending of such shells, a
strain fields as well as assumed displacement. complex of nonlinear relations was
Two different local orthogonal co-ordinate constructed which were used to formulate
systems were used to maintain in variance of nonlinear problems concerning contact
the element stiffness matrix. The formulation interaction of the external layers with the
assumes strain and the determinant of the filler, with allowance for unilateral contact on
Jacobian matrix to be linear in the thickness the sections of bonding failure. The
direction. This allows analytical integration in Kirchhoff-Love hypotheses traditionally used
the thickness direction regardless of ply in the theory of three-layer shells were
layups. The formulation also allows the adopted to describe the mechanics of
reference plane to be different from the shell deformation of the external layers. 11 Refs.
midsurface. The results of numerical tests Pairnushin, V.N. (Kazan Aviation Inst, USSR). Sov
demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness Appl Meeh v 23 n 11 May 1988 p 1038 -1 043.
of the present approach. (Author abstract) 17
Refs. 037042 Approaches to Numerical Solution
Yeorn, C.H. (Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD, of Linear and Nonlinear Boundary-value
USA); Lee, S. W. Int J Numer Methods Eng v 28 n 8 Problems of the Theory of Layered
Aug 1989 P 1749-1768. Anisotropic Shells. Certain approaches to the
numerical solution of boundary-value
DEFORMATION problems are presented, describing the
stress-strain state of layered shells with
037040 Numerical Study of the isotropic and anisotropic layers of variable
Axisymmetric Deformation of Composite thickness in the linear and geometrically
Shells of Revolution Under Shock Loads. A nonlinear formulations on the basis of classical
method was proposed of numerically solving and improved models for nonuniform force
problems of transient deformation of and temperature interactions. The proposed
composite shells composed of rigidly joined approaches to the numerical solution of the

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

static shell problems are realized by programs well-known shear locking that appears in some
in FORTRAN and tested on many examples. finite element representations, were not
Solutions of some problems based on the observed. However, in connection with
discussed methods are demonstrated. 10 Refs. kinematically slightly supported boundaries,
Grigorenko, Va. M. (Acad of Sciences of the such as corresponding to membrane theory,
Ukranian SSR, Kiev, USSR). Sov Appl Meeh v 23 n oscillating solutions may occur. 21 Refs.
10 Apr 1988 p 923-927. Wimmer, H. (Univ of Innsbruck, Innsbruck,
Austria). Aeta Meeh v 73 n 1-4 Aug 1988 P 163 -175.
037043 Deformation of a Spherical Shell
Under Internal Loading by a Shock 037046 Betti's Theorem for Rotationally
Generated by an Underwater Electrical Symmetric Infinitesimal Deformations
Discharge. This article is devoted to a Superimposed on the Finite Deformation of
theoretical and experimental study of the a Thin Shell of Revolution. It is intuitively
nonsteady hydroelastic deformation of a thin clear that the tangent stiffness matrix for a
spherical shell subjected to an underwater finitely deformed shell, treated as a two-
electrical discharge at its center. The range of dimensional continuum, should be symmetric.
application of model representation of the The governing differential equations for
latter in the form of a point source and a continuing rotationally symmetric quasi-static
source of finite dimensions with an ideally bending and extensional deformation of thin
flexible boundary is determined. The test shell shells of revolution with no shear deformation
was composed of two stamped hemispheres are employed to derive Betti's theorem from
which were subsequently welded about their which symmetry of the tangent stiffness
perimeters. 8 Refs. matrix follows, provided the pressure load is
Saprykin, Yu. V. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian conservative. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
SSR, Kiev, USSR); Tsurkin, V.N.; Shvets, I.S.; DaDeppo, D.A. (Univ of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ,
Sholom, V.K. Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p 392-396. USA); Keppel, W.J. Ind Math v 38 pt 1 1988 P
037044 Stability of a Viscoelastic Shell of
Double Curvature. In this paper, we consider 037047 FDM in Arbitrary Curvilinear
the stability of a viscoelastic ellipsoidal shell. Co-ordinates-Formulation, Numerical
We examine the behavior of the shell in Approach & Applications. The basic concept
relation to the load, curvatures, and of automatization of operations in curvilinear
eccentricity of the support ellipse. We co-ordinate systems are briefly presented and
establish the conditions for 'snapping' of the applied to the analysis of large deformations of
shell to occur, and for asymmetrical membrane shells by the FDM. Several
equilibrium forms to appear and develop. 1 examples provide the basis for a comparison of
Ref. this approach with other descriptions of
Vorovich, 1.1.; Drobysheva, T.P. Meeh Solids v 22 n deformation. 23 Refs.
61987 P 174-178. Tworzydlo, Wlodzimierz, W. (Technical Univ of
Krakow, Cracow, Pol). Intl Numer Methods Eng v 28
037045 Application of the Two-Dimensional n 2 Feb 1989 p 261-277.
Hermitian Finite-Difference Method to
Linear Shear Deformation Theory of Plates 037048 Consistent Linearization in Elasto-
and Arbitrarily Curved Shells. In this paper Plastic Shell Analysis. The present paper is
the linear shear deformation theory of thin directed towards elasto-plastic large
shells formulated by Basar/Kratzig has been deformation analysis of thin shells based on the
used to demonstrate a special kind of the concept of degenerated solids. The main
Hermitian finite-difference method. The aspect of the paper is the derivation of an
governing differential equation system efficient computational strategy placing
established in an appropriate matrix form emphasis on consistent elasto-plastic tangent
contains only first derivatives of the unknown moduli and stress integration with the radial
tensor components. After transformation into return method under the restriction of 'zero
an algebraic form by applying two- normal stress condition' in thickness direction.
dimensional operators and solving the global The advantageous performance of the
system, no further differentiation of the standard Newton iteration using a consistent
unknown field functions is necessary. The tangent stiffness matrix is compared to the
procedure shows fast convergence and, in classical scheme with an iteration matrix based
general, numerical instabilities like the on the infinitesimal elasto-plastic constitutive

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

tensor. Several numerical examples also function method is used accurately to treat the
demonstrate the effectiveness of the standard contact condition involving a finite amount of
Newton iteration with respect to modified and sliding. Axisymmetric large deformations of
quasi-Newton methods like BFGS and others. contacting spherical shells are analyzed, and it
(Author abstract) 21 Refs. is shown that elastic unloading resulting from
Ramm, E. (Univ of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, West Ger); the sliding definitely affects the crushing of
Matzemiller, A. Eng Comput (Swansea Wales) v 5 n 4 one shell by another. The possibility of
Dec 1988 p 289- 299. nonaxisymmetric bifurcation of deformation is
examined on the basis of the J2-deformation
037049 Whole-Field Optical Examination of theory. (Author abstract) 10 Refs.
Cylindrical Shell Deformation. An optical Kitagawa, Hiroshi (Osaka Univ, Suita, Jpn); Hiura,
technique for the measurement of radial Seiji.]SME Int] Ser 1 v 32 n 2 Apr 1989 p 199-207.
deformation in circular cylindrical shells is
discussed. The technique is a modification and 037052 Determination of Shell
improvement of an earlier method, using a Constructions Deformations with
conical mirror of simple geometry to view a Application of Linear Transformation
grating reflected from the inner surface of the Theory. In this paper concepts for
shell. The new system allows more precise determining shell structure deformations are
alignment of the components of the optical presented for the case of the surface of a
system with the shell. Fringes obtained by tria pial ellipsoid. Observations by the spatial
superposition as in the Ligtenberg moire incision method in a rectangular xyz
method, or deviations of lines from a regular coordinate system are assumed. The method
pattern in a photographic image provide a of determining the deformation components
measure of the slope changes on the surface of in the points under examination in the
the shell. Theoretical relations are presented t = T - To time interval is based on the
for three grid orientations, at least two of principle of a minimum sum of the squares of
which have to be used in conjunction to the (vx' vy ' v,) corrections. (Edited author
determine the two components of slope. abstract) 8 Refs. In Russian.
Illustrations for the use and accuracy of the Baran, P.1. (Kiev Engineering-Constructional lnst,
technique are presented for two cases. (Edited Kiev, USSR); Przewlocki, Stefan. Zesz Nauk Politeeh
author abstract) 8 Refs. Lodz Budownietwo n 39 1988 P 151-159.
Krishnakumar, S. (Univ of Tasmania, Hobart, Aust); 037053 Experimental Study of Deformation
Foster, C.G. ExpMeeh v 29 n 1 Mar 1989 p 16-22. of Thin Conical Shells During Penetration
into Soil. The penetration of various solids
037050 New Method of Multisegment into deformable media has been previously
Integration for the Nonlinear Analysis of considered. At the same time, insufficient
Shells of Revolution. A new method of attention has been paid to deformation of thin
multi segment integration has been developed shells in the process of penetration into soil.
for solving boundary value problems of a This paper describes an experimental study of
system of nonlinear ordinary differential deformation of thin-walled shells upon
equations as encountered in the large indentation into soil; it determines the effect
deflection analysis of the axisymmetric of the angle of taper, the shape of the tip,
deformations of the shells of revolution. The and the manner of attachment of the
method developed here involves much less concentrated mass to the shell structure on
computational work than the multisegment the deformation process. The authors
integration developed by Kainins and Lestingi. employed an experimental setup consisting of
The new method has been applied to a number a pneumatic gun with a control panel for
of problems to ascertain its soundness and regulating the delivery of compressed gas, a
accuracy. (Edited author abstract) 28 Refs. target, and measurement and recording
Uddin, Md. Wahhaj (Bangladesh Univ of equipment with an automatic control unit.
Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh). Int The gun was capable of accelerating shells to
J Pressure Vessels Piping v 38 n 1 1989 P 39-55. specified velocities. 5 Refs.
Bakulin, V.N.; Ovcharov, P.N.; Potopakhin, V.A.
037051 Elastic-plastic Unstable Deformation Meeh Solids v 23 n 41988 P 183-186.
of Shells in Contact (Case of a Spherical
Shell). This paper deals with the numerical 037054 Deformation of Slender Shells with
analysis of large elastic-plastic deformation of Openings. Cutouts of various shapes are
shells in contact with each other. The penalty often made in shell structures for design

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

purposes or fabrication convenience. This 037057 Modelling of the Progressive

paper describes a numeric method for solving Extensible Plastic Collapse of Thin-Walled
a wide range of problems of the stressed- Shells. A theoretical model describing the
strained state of shells with cutouts. Results of progressive extensible plastic collapse of
some specific studies are reported. 21 Refs. thin-wall conical and cylindrical shells is
Dmitriev, V.G.; Preobrazhenskii, I.N. Meek Solids v presented. The proposed theory enables the
23 n 1 1988 P 169-175. load-deflection curves during axial
compression following the deformation history
037055 Dynamic Deformation of of the shell to be evaluated. The comparison
Orthotropic Cylinders. The theory of thick of theoretical curves with experimental ones
orthotropic shells is used here to analyze a shows a fair degree of accuracy. (Author
cylinder subjected to dynamic loads. The abstract) 14 Refs.
formulation includes shear deformation and Mamalis, A.G. (Natl Technical Univ of Athens,
rotatory inertia effects similar to the Athens, Greece); Manolakos, D.E.; Viegelahn, G.L.;
first-order, shear deformation, laminated plate johnson, W. Int] Meek Sei v 30 n 3-41988 Some
theory. Dynamic line loads (along the Papers Presented at the International Symposium
longitudinal direction) and patch loads are on Structural Failure, Second International
considered. The time-dependent part of the Symposium on Structural Crashworthiness,
load is a step pulse or a half sine wave. Cambridge, MA, USA,jun 6-81988 P 249-261.
(Author abstract) 11 Refs.
Cederbaum, G. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State
Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA); Heller, R.A. ASME DESIGN
Pressure Vessels Piping Div Publ PVP v 146 Advances
in Macro-Mechanics of Composite Material Vessels 037058 Design of Barrel Shells by the
and Components, Presented at the 1988 ASME Strength Method. For shells and folded plates,
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, the ACI Code (318-83), Section 19, permits
PA, USA,jun 19-23 1988. Publ by American Soc the reinforcing to be selected by strength
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, design. The method of applying this to barrel
USA, 1988 P 43-48. shells is not specified. Possible procedures and
the results for an interior barrel of a multiple
series of barrel shells is described and
037056 Large Elastic Deformation of Shear compared to other methods of selecting
Deformable Shells of Revolution: Numerical reinforcing. (Author abstract)
and Experimental Results. Through an Ketchum, Milo S. Stroet Eng Praet v 4 n 3-4
integrating matrix approach, a numerical 1987-1988 P 165-177.
solution is obtained to the equations governing
large elastic deformation of a clamped circular 037059 Formwork for Spiral Ramps at
cylinder due to internal pressure. The shell Dolphins' Stadium. The problems presented
equations include the effects of large strains, by forming spirals included: wider forms
thickness changes, and transverse shear needed for the ramps' slabjoist system at
deformation. The numerical solution is outer edge; forms needed to provide for
compared to results from asymptotic analysis ramp's slope; after the first revolution,
and experiments on rubber cylinders. A formwork had to be supported on the
specialized Rivlin-Saunders strain energy structure below, and had to be designed to be
density function is assumed for the rubber, removed readily from one section to another.
with material constants determined from These problems were solved by assembling a
tensile tests and deformed cylinder profiles at number of modules, each consisting of a beam
a high inflation pressure. (Author abstract) 15 table section and its shoring. The shoring
Refs. incorporated adjustable scaffold frames that
Kempski, M.H. (Rochester Inst of Technology, could be lowered 6 to 8 inches to facilitate
Rochester, NY, USA); Taber, L.A.; Su, Fong·Chin. stripping of concrete and repositioning of the
Am Soe Meek Eng Pap Preprint-American Society module at another level. The article discusses:
of Mechanical Engineers, Presented at the Winter forming the first 180 ° of ramp, the second
Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27-Dec 2 180 ° of ramp and the ramp beyond the first
1988. Publ by American Soc of Mechanical 360°.
Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1988 Kathe, Chris (Ceco Corp, jacksonville, FL, USA).
WA/APM486. Coner Constr v 33 n 11 Nov 1988 4p.

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

037060 Pure Building. This paper outlines 037063 Nonuniqueness of Equilibrium

the need for building integration in the States for Axisymmetric Elastic Shells in
design of fabric structures by examining the Tension. The problem of non uniqueness of
different necessary components and how they static axisymmetric solutions for a non-
fit together. It provides examples of this linearity elastic cylindrical shell in which the
integrated process that suggests its use in ends are pulled apart with a constant traction
conventional construction. (Author abstract) while retaining the radii of its ends fixed is
Goldsmith, Nicholas S. (FTL Associates, New York, studied. In the elastic case, we prove the
NY, USA). Proe Sess Relat Steel Struet Struet Congr existence of buckled states and the possibility
Proceedings of the Sessions Related to Steel of necking. In the hyperelastic case a global
Structures at Structures Congress '89, San existence and nonuniqueness theorem is
Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ by proved, via the energy criterion. (Author
ASCE, New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 726-735. abstract) 19 Refs.
Pastrone, Franco (Univ di Torino, Turin, Italy);
Tonon, Maria Luisa. J Elast v 21 n 1 1989 P 43-59.
037064 Nonlinear Analysis of Elastomeric
037061 Application of Generalized Ray Keyboard Domes. The large deflection of an
Methods in Hydroelasticity Problems of elastomeric dome is studied using the finite
Thin Shells of Noncanonical Shape. A element method. The material properties of
substantial simplification in the solution of the elastomer are described by a hyperelastic
hydroelasticity problems, for primarily shells model in order to capture the strain energy
of noncanonical shape, can be utilization of stored in the dome during deformation. The
generalized ray methods based on replacement nonlinear responses are determined by the
of the wave equation by its equivalent modified Riks procedure. The calculated
first-order vector differential equation, a load-deflection curve agrees well with
generalized transport equation, and by the experimental results. In addition, a pressurized
analysis of the wave fronts that occur during thick-walled spherical hyperelastic shell is
shell interaction with the fluid. A further analyzed and the stress results obtained by the
development of the method proposed earlier finite element method are in excellent
to the case of nonstationary radiation agreement with the closed-form solutions.
problems and to stationary problems is The results provide a better understanding of
examined in this paper. The approach is the mechanical behavior of elastomeric
apparently applicable for shells of arbitrary keyboard domes and demonstrate the
shape, however its realization is shown in usefulness of the finite element method in
axisymmetric and plane problems. 24 Refs. designing such structures. (Author abstract)
15 Refs.
Podil'chuk, Yu. N. (Acad of Sciences of the
Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, USSR); Rubtsov, Yu. K. Sov Lau, John H. (Hewlett-Packard Lab, Palo Alto, CA,
Appl Meeh v 23 n 10 Apr 1988 p 981-988. USA); Jeans, Albert H. Am Soc Meeh Eng Pap
Preprint-American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting,
037062 On Drilling Degrees of Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by
Freedom. Variational principles employing American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
independent rotation fields are investigated. In New York, NY, USA, 1988 WA/EEP8 9.
the two-dimensional case these lead to
membrane elements with 'drilling degrees of ELASTOPLASTICITY
freedom', of practical use in shell analysis. We
argue that convenient interpolatory patterns 037065 Elastic-Plastic Analysis of a Radially
require modifications of the classical Loaded Spherical Shell. An elastic-plastic
variational framework. Several formulations analysis of a spherical loaded radially through
are proposed and shown to be convergent for a rigid inclusion is performed. The sphere is
displacement/rotation interpolations of all modeled as a shallow shell of infinite extent.
orders. (Author abstract) 29 Refs. The Tresca yield condition is used to derive
Hughes, Thomas J.R. (Inst for Computer Methods the elastic-plastic moment-curvature
in Applied Mechanics & Engineering, Stanford, CA, relationship in a simple form. This is used to
USA); Brezzi, F. Comput Methods Appl Meeh Eng v develop a computationally efficient solution
72 n 1 Jan 1989 p 105-12l. method. (Author abstract) 22 Refs.

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

Brooks, G.N. (Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Radovinskii, A.L. Meeh Solids v 23 n 5 1988 P
USA); Leung, C.-P. J Pressure Vessel Technol Trans 117-122.
ASME v III n 1 Feb 1989 p 39-46.
037066 Elastojvisco-plastic Dynamic
Response of Thin Shells of Revolution by 037068 Energy Dissipation in Braced
Means of Overlay Model. The numerical Cylindrical Shells. This paper presents an
analysis of the elasto/visco-plastic dynamic experimental and numerical investigation of
response of axisymmetricaI thin shells the energy dissipation characteristics of mild
subjected to arbitrary loads is carried out by steel cylindrical shells subjected to large
the elasto/visco-plastic overlay model which is deformations under line loadings acting
able to express the Bauschinger effect and the parallel and perpendicular to the shells'
strain rate dependence. Namely, Perzyna's longitudinal axes. The effects of diametrical
equation is used for the constitutive relation bracing, cylindrical length and external
of each layer of the overlay model, and as a loading orientation on the deformation
whole, the Bauschinger effect and the patterns and energy dissipation capacities are
influence of viscosity in plastic range of the described. The results are applied to the
material are taken into account. The equations design of a new impact attenuation system
of motion and the relations between the used in highway safety applications. (Author
strains and displacements are derived by abstract) 9 Refs.
extending the Sanders linear theory in elastic Carney III, J.F. (Vanderbilt Univ, Nashville, TN,
shells. The numerical method selected for this USA); Pothen, S. Int J Meeh Sci v. 30 n 3 -4 1988
problem is a method using finite difference in Some Papers Presented at the International
both space and time. (Edited author abstract) Symposium on Structural Failure, Second
16 Refs. In Japanese. International Symposium on Structural
Tao, Katsumi; Takezono, Shigeo; Ohtsubo, Kazumi; Crashworthiness, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jun 6-8
Mochidone, Hiroyuki; Matsuoka, Hironobu. Nippon 1988 P 203-216
Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 55 n 513 May
1989 p 1145-1152. FAILURE

ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD EFFECTS 037069 Influence of Geometry on Limit

States of Elastic-Plastic Toroidal Shells
037067 Elastic Conducting Shells in Under Pressure with Bending. A study of
Alternating Electromagnetic the limit states of elastic-plastic toroidal shells
Fields. Problems of excitation of elastic under combined bending and pressure is
vibrations of shells by variable electromagnetic presented. Generally, two different modes of
fields are considered. For problems of this failure have been observed, however, the
type, we give the equations in vector form, the possibility of their existence depends on the
corresponding initial and boundary conditions, value of pipe factor. It is shown that the
and the limits of applicability of the equations, appearance of the determined limit state is
and we provide a description of the general also strongly connected with the elastic
technique for solving them. For the carrying capacity of the torus and in this way
electrodynamic part of the problem, we give with the position of hoop stresses peak. The
an expression for the total-power functional, numerical results explain, in detail, the
and we formulate the orthogonality conditions discussed problem. (Edited author abstract) 11
for the eigensolutions of the corresponding Refs.
equations; for problems involving shells in Muc, Aleksander (Technical Univ of Cracow,
specified harmonic fields, we write out the Cracow, Pol). Thin-Walled Struet v 7 n 3-4 1989 P
expansion formula for the magnetic potential 197-212.
of the eddy currents in eigensolutions. As an
example, we consider the problem of relative FRACTURE
rotation of a thin-walled elastic sphere and a
constant oblique magnetic field, considered in 037070 Local Stresses and Strains in Axially
the rigid-shell approximation in some earlier Cracked Cylindrical Shells. A perturbation
papers; we also obtain formulas for solution is obtained for the local stress-strain
determining the magnetic pressure on the fields in an axially cracked cylindrical shell.
sphere when a constant magnetic field is The tenth-order differential equations are used
applied. (Edited author abstract) 6 Refs. that take into account the transverse shear

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

deformation. The perturbation of a curvature problem of maintaining monolithic character

parameter, A., is employed. The stress intensity throughout production. Optimal hardening
factors for finite size cylindrical shells subjected regimes were assessed for cylinders made of
to bending and internal pressure are evaluated. fiberglass based on the VM-I fiber and binder
Sufficient accuracy can be obtained without EDT-I0 or binder EKR. To establish the
using fine mesh sizes in regions near the crack causes of the differences in the test results the
tip. Also analyzed are the influence of cylinder variations in the physicomechanical properties
diameter and shearing stiffness on bulging. of the solid polymers EDTI0 and EKR as
(Edited author abstract) 7 Refs. functions of temperature were investigated.
Liu, C.T. (Acad Sinica, Beijing, China); Wu, X.J. The optimization problem was solved
Theor Appl Fraet Meeh v 11 n 1 Apr 1989 p 51 - 58. numerically. 10 Refs.
Turusov, R. A. (Acad of Sciences of the USSR,
037071 Finite Element Analysis of a Moscow, USSR); Korotkov, V.N.; Rogozinskii, A.K.;
Circumferentially Cracked Cylindrical Shell Kuperman, A.M.; Sulyaeva, Z.P.; Garanin, V.V.;
Loaded in Torsion. Finite element methods Rozenberg, B.A. Meeh Compos Mater v 23 n 6 May
are used to evaluate all possible fracture modes 1988 p 773-777.
at the tip of a circumferential crack in an
isotropic cylindrical shell subjected to torsion. MANUFACTURE
The finite element results are compared with
shallow-shell theory data for cylinders with 037073 On the Determination of the
different geometries. The results indicate that Redrawing Ratio in the Redrawing of
there is good agreement between the Cylindrical Shells with a Numerical
membrane stress intensity factors calculated Simulation (2nd Report, on the
from finite element displacements at the crack Determination of the Redrawing Ratio by
tip and the factors found using shallow-shell the Reduction of the Maximum Deep
theory for small crack lengths. For longer Drawing Force). A determination method for
cracks, disagreement between these two the redrawing ratios has been proposed by
approaches is very pronounced. In particular, analyzing the redrawing process of cylindrical
the bending stress intensity factors from the shells from flat circular blanks using the
finite element analysis are significantly greater elementary theory of plasticity. These
than the corresponding values determined redrawing ratios were calculated using the
from the shallow-shell theory. It is observed criterion based on the reduction of the
that the out-of-plane, antisymmetric maximum deep drawing forces. These
deformation near the crack produces mixed theoretical results on the variations of the
mode fracture with crack opening and tearing redrawing ratios with the profile radius, the
displacements. (Author abstract) 14 Refs. blank thickness, the frictional force, the
Kumosa, M. (Univ of Cambridge, Cambridge, Engl); blankholder load and the strain-hardening
Hull, D. Eng Fraet Meeh v 32 n 1 1989 P 123 -136. exponent are presented using a developed
computer program aimed at rationalizing,
HEAT TREATMENT planning and simulating the redrawing
process. It is shown that the maximum deep
037072 Technological Monolithic Character drawing forces decreased at about 10-40%
of Shells Formed from Polymeric comparing the predicted drawing force with
Composition Materials. Solution of the the usual drawing force. This is based on the
problem of maintaining a monolithic character experience of many years standing and skilled
throughout production requires the labor. (Author abstract) 13 Refs. In Japanese.
development of such a heat-treatment regime Iseki, Hideo; Murota, Tadao; Katoh, Kazunori.
that would make it possible to obtain Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 54 n 505
monolithic thick-wall wound articles formed Sep 1989 p 2249-2256.
from reinforced plastics. The heat-treatment
process includes two stages: hardening of the 037074 Reduction of the Metal Volume in
initially liquid polymer-binder in the Pressed Conical Shells. A reduction in the
composition of the structure and cooling of the metal volume in pressed axisymmetric shells of
already hard polymeric composite. In this narrowing form (high-pressure containers,
paper, an attempt was made to demonstrate transition elements, fairings etc.) can be
the need for conducting detailed investigations achieved by improving the uniformity of
of the mechanical phenomena in the complex thickness of the components being produced.
hardening process for the final solution of the An improvement in the uniformity of

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

thickness of pressed axisymmetric shells of variation of redrawing ratio with profile

narrowing form is attained by combining radius, blank thickness, frictional force,
compression and drawing operations while blankholder load and strain-hardening
producing such shells. A technology of exponent are presented using a developed
multi-stage pressing, in which the concluding computer program aimed at rationalizing,
drawing operations have been replaced by planning and simulating the redrawing
compression of the bottom region of the process. It is shown that the maximum non-
blank, has been developed for manufacture of attainment value decreased to about 20-70%
axisymmetric shells with a large relative compared to those values of other
height. 2 Refs. optimization criteria. (Author abstract) 16
Maslov, V.D.; Popov, I.P.; Gostev, A.1. Sov Eng Res Refs. In Japanese.
v 8 n 1 1988 P 59-61. Iseki, Hideo; Sowerby, Robert. Nippon Kikai Gakkai
Ronbunshu C Hen v 54 n 508 Dec 1988 p 3115-3121.
037075 On the Determination of the
Redrawing Ratio in the Redrawing of MATHEMA TICAL MODELS
Cylindrical Shells with a Numerical
Simulation (3rd Report, on the 037077 Elastic-Plastic Ring-Loaded
Determination of the Redrawing Ratio by Cylindrical Shells. The elastic plastic solution
the Reduction of the Maximum Deep for an infinitely long cylindrical shell with an
Drawing Energy). A determination method axisymmetric ring load is presented. Except
for redrawing ratios has been proposed by for the material nonlinearity, the standard
analyzing the redrawing process of cylindrical assumptions of small deflection shell theory
shells from flat circular blanks using an were made. Because the principal directions
elementary theory of plasticity. These are known for the axisymmetric problem, the
redrawing ratios were calculated using a Tresca yield condition was used. This made it
criterion based on the reduction of the possible to obtain closed-form expressions for
maximum deep drawing energy. Variation of the elastic-plastic, moment-curvature relations,
redrawing ratio with profile radius, blank greatly simplifying the computational task.
thickness, frictional force, blankholder load The actual stress distribution through the
and strain-hardening exponent were obtained thickness was used, making these relations
using a developed computer program aimed exact. Yielding was contained near the load.
at rationalizing, planning and simulating the Thus, for the analysis the cylinder was divided
redrawing process. It is shown that the along its axis into elastic-plastic and purely
maximum deep drawing energy decreased elastic regions. Solutions were obtained for
about 10-40%, comparing the predicted each region which were then matched at their
drawing energy by the usual determination intersection to give the complete solution. All
method for the redrawing ratios. (Author results are given in dimensionless form so that
abstract) 14 Refs. In Japanese. they may be applied to any shell. (Author
Iseki, Hideo; Sowerby, Robert; Katoh, Kazunori. abstract) 12 Refs.
Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 54 n 508 Brooks, Gregory N. (Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Dec 1988 p 3106-3114. TN, USA).] Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 55 n 4 Dec
1988 p 761-766.
037076 On the Determination of the
Redrawing Ratio in the Redrawing of 037078 Mechanics and Finite Elements of
Cylindrical Shells with a Numerical Shells. This article begins with a brief review
Simulation (4th report, on the Determination of the foundations: The classical theory of
of the Redrawing Ratio by the Minimax Love is described with attention to the
Optimization of Compromise underlying hypothesis and consequent
Programming). A determination method for limitations. A more general theory is described
the redrawing ratios has been proposed by which removes the constraints of Love; the
analyzing the redrawing process of cylindrical inclusion of transverse strains admits simpler
shells from flat circular blanks using the finite elements, accommodates the thick shell
elementary theory of plasticity, and by via layers and even a transition to the three-
applying multi-objective optimization theory. dimensional approximation. The concept of
These redrawing ratios were calculated using the finite element is reviewed in the context of
the minimax optimization of a compromise the discrete approximation of shells. Specific
solution of multi-objective optimization attention is given to those problems which are
theory. These theoretical results on the peculiar to shells: The predominant roles of

Excerpts from The En8ineerin8 Index Annual 1989

flexural and extensional deformations, the Hampton, VA, USA); Lester, H.C.; Abler, S.B. J
lesser role of transverse shear, can lead to Vib Acoust Stress Reliab Des v III n 3 Jul 1989 P
excessive stiffness ('locking'). Origins and 337-342.
procedures are described to circumvent these
problems. (Edited author abstract) 147 Refs.
Wempner, Gerald (Georgia Inst of Technology, NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION
Atlanta, GA, USA). Appl Meek Rev v 42 n 5 May
1989 p 129-142. 037081 Non Contacting Testing and NDT
for Composite Shells. There is, today, a
NOISE ABATEMENT strong need for reliable large-field ways of
inspecting for the initial quality of composite
037079 Statistical Theory of Internal structures and for monitoring, over long
Soundproofing in Cylindrical Shells. In a times, the continued integrity of such
number of cases of practical interest, an structures. This paper introduces two new
interesting question is about the capability of methods which, when used in combination,
thin-walled shells of localizing wave energy has strong promise of meeting this need. The
close to the radiator encased in this shell, i.e., first, called Spectral Density Analysis is a
is separated by it from the environment. This purely optical method for full field
phenomenon represents the concept of measurement of surface displacements. The
internal soundproofing (isolation). The paper second is a fiber-optic laser based method to
concludes that as the case of soundproofing of generate and detect ultrasonic waves for
a shell from the external field (enclosure), the interrogating the interior of structures. It is
following physical phenomena are important: called Thermal Acousto Photonic NDE.
1. Increase of soundproofing effectiveness is (Author abstract) 5 Refs.
nonmonotonous with respect to the frequency. Burger, C.P. (Texas A&M Univ, College Station,
2. Dips (notches) in the spectral characteristic TX, USA). ASME Pressure Vessels Piping Div Publ
of soundproofing are due to resonant PVP v 146 Advances in Macro-Mechanics of
phenomena in the shell and in air volume Composite Material Vessels and Components,
within the shell. 3. The experimental analysis Presented at the 1988 ASME Pressure Vessels and
of the internal soundproofing of shells (using Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Jun
standard measuring techniques) does not 19- 23 1988. Publ by American Soc of Mechanical
reveal these dips (notches) in soundproofing Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, USA, 1988 P
due to averaging in the octave frequency 167-171.
bands. 4 Refs.
Guzhas, D.R. Vib Eng v 3 n 1 1989 P 21- 26.

037080 Evaluation of Active Noise Control 037082 Numerical-Analytical Solution of

in a Cylindrical Shell. This paper examines the Thermoplasticity Problem for Locally
the physical mechanisms governing the use of Heated Shallow Shells. We construct a
active noise control in an extended volume of numerical-analytic solution of the
a cylindrical shell. Measured data were thermoplasticity problem for locally heated
compared with computed results from a shallow shells. The solution is obtained by
previously derived analytical model based on using the method of integral equations and
infinite shell theory. For both the analytical the self-correcting method of successive
model and experiment, the radiation of loadings. As an example, we investigate the
external monopoles is coupled to the internal thermally stressed state in plates heated by
acoustic field through the radial displacement normal-circular heat sources. In the case of
of the thin, elastic, cylindrical shell. An active unilateral heating of a plate by normal-circular
noise control system was implemented inside heat sources, we estimate the accuracy of our
the cylinder using a fixed array of discrete solution. We consider the problem of
monopole sources, all of which lie in the plane optimization of the heating parameters of a
of the exterior noise sources. Good agreement plate with the aim of bringing the residual
between measurement and prediction was compressive stresses into a specified region of
obtained for both internal pressure response favorable values (from the standpoint of
and overall noise reduction. (Edited author strength). (Author abstract) 10 Refs.
abstract) 6 Refs. Maksimovich, V.N.; Khomlyak, L.V. Meek Solids v
Silcox, R.J. (NASA Langley Research Cent, 23 n 51988 P 123-129.

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989


037083 Use of Semimomentless Theory to 037085 Improved Asymptotic Early-Time

Design Multiply Closed Cylindrical Shells of Response Formulae for Submerged Elastic
a Reinforced Plastic. Multiply closed, Shells Impinged Upon by an Incident
convex, thin-walled cylindrical shells of Pressure Pulse. The early-time solutions for
arbitrary cross section are widely used in this class of problems have often been
different types of power plants. obtained by the use of integral transform
Semimomentless theory was used in this paper techniques and the method of steepest
to account for the effect of any distributed or descents to asymptotically evaluate the inverse
concentrated loads if they were discontinuous transform integrals. These steepest descent
along the shell and was illustrated using a solutions overestimated the elastic restoring
composite shell as an example. A onceclosed force of the shell for the early time period in
cylindrical shell of rectangular cross section which the shell response is of practical
was examined. The shell was secured in interest. The accuracy of the early-time
cantilever fashion and loaded by a transverse solution is improved by a correction of this
force distributed uniformly over the length. elastic restoring force term. 13 Refs.
After minimizing the potential energy Huang, H. (US Naval Surface Warfare Cent, Silver
functional, a system of resolvent equations was Spring, MD, USA). Am Soe Meeh Eng Pap Preprint
obtained, and the calculations were performed - American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
for an orthotropic material with given Houston, TX, USA, Jan 22-251989. Publ by
stiffness characteristics. The structure of the American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
material was assumed to be constant for each New York, NY, USA, 1989 OCNll 5p.
panel used in the shell. 3 Refs.
Dudchenko, A.A. (S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow SOUND INSULATION
Aviation Inst, Moscow, USSR). Meeh Compos Mater
v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 p 437 -443. 037086 Soundproof Characteristics of
Sandwich Cylindrical Shells with a
Honeycomb Core Partially Exposed in Free
Field. An analysis is presented for the sound-
037084 Experimental Study of Coefficients proof characteristics of sandwich cylindrical
of Variation of Strength Characteristics of shells with honeycomb core excited by axially
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Shells under propagating internal plane acoustic waves. The
Internal Shock Loading. Variation shell is exposed in a free field by the length of
coefficient estimates were obtained of the I, however is otherwise covered with infinitely
limit load and limit strain on cylindrical long rigid cylindrical walls. To simplify the
glass-fiber-reinforced plastic shells under shell equations, it is assumed that the core
impulsive loading. The test objects were free material resists only transverse shear forces
cylindrical glass-fiber-reinforced plastic shells and that the facing resist only bending
into which steel 20 reinforcing shells were moments. The sound transmission loss of the
inserted. The glassplastic shells were made by shell wall, TL, is derived and calculated
the method of 'wet' winding of the fabric and numerically for various values of the physical
impregnated with binder EDT-IO. Loading parameters involved. (Author abstract) 20
was accomplished by exploding a spherical Refs. In Japanese.
charge in the center of the shell. Estimates of Chonan, Seiji. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu CHen
the mathematical expectation and the v 54 n 508 Dec 1988 p 2883-2889.
standard deviation were calculated by the
method of functional probabilities and STABILITY
statistical modeling. It was found that under
extreme shock loads, glass-plastic shells have 037087 Determination of Critical Parameters
higher strength than under static loading, of Momentary External Pressure for a
according to the limit strain criterion. 10 Refs. Spherical Shell with Initial De8ection. A
Vorontsova, O.S.; Syrunin, M.A.; Fedorenko, A.G.; solution is presented for the problem of the
Khomutinin, Yu.V.; Tsypkin, V.I.; Bilyk, N.A.; dynamic loss of stability of a spherical shell
Ivanov, A.G. Meeh Compos Mater v 23 n 4 Jan 1988 subjected to momentary external pressure. The
p 443-447. shell, reinforced in two directions, is regarded

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

as being structurally orthotropic. The critical considered. The linear stability problem and
value of compressive forces in the radial the deformation of the shell under large
sections of the shell are determined within the deflections with the construction of the 'load-
framework of a linear formulation of the deflection' graphs is investigated. 2 Refs.
problem, with the use of analytical criteria of Samol'yanov, 1.1. (L'vov Polytechnic Inst, USSR).
dynamic instability, for linear and parabolic Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p 353-357.
laws of change in the compressive forces over
time. 3 Refs. 037091 Stability of a Multilayer Cylindrical
Amiro, I. Va. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian Shell in Interlayer Pressure. The problem of
SSR, Kiev, USSR). Sov Appl Meeh v 23 n 10 Apr 1988 the stability of a cylindrical shell or circular
p 903-907. ring with one-side connection with the
surrounding elastic or absolutely rigid space
037088 Stability of Shells of Revolution of has been studied in a number of investigations.
Fiber Composites with Initial Cracks in the In solving this problem for thin shells it is
Microstructure. A method of calculating the possible to neglect the variation of the shell
stability and initial postcritical behavior of geometry as a result of subcritical behavior,
shells of revolution of composite materials with and also changes in the area of contact with
variable mechanical characteristics dependent the surrounding space during the loss of
on microstructural damages at the interface stability. Consequently, the solution can be
between the components is presented. The obtained in linear formulation, as carried out
stability of glass-plastic cylindrical and conical in the present paper. 4 Refs.
shells with different degrees of damage to the Pal'chevskii, A.S. Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p
material is examined. The method makes it 358-362.
possible to study the stability of shells of
composite materials in which the components 037092 Analysis of Parametric Oscillations
separate from one another during mechanical of Shells of Revolution with Variable
or other types ofloading. 9 Refs. Parameters. This paper examines the
Vanin, G.A. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, parametric oscillations of thin shells of
Kiev, USSR); Semenyuk, N.P. Sov Appl Meeh v 23 n revolution of arbitrary contour closed in the
10 Apr 1988 p 908-914. annular direction. The shells were assembled
from a certain number of orthotropic and
037089 In8uence of Conditions of End isotropic layers of variable thickness. The
Fixing on the Stability of Longitudinal material of each layer is assumed to be elastic
Compressed Multilayer Conical Shells. The and governed by Hooke's generalized law.
problem of the stability of multilayer The problem is solved on the basis of the
orthotropic conical shells-and also cylindrical linear theory of shells and assuming that the
shells, as a particular case - is considered, and hypothesis of nondeformable normals for the
the influence of the boundary conditions on entire packet of the shell as a whole is
the critical values of the longitudinal satisfied. 9 Refs.
compressive force is analyzed. A family of Vasilenko, A.T. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian
curves of the critical load as a function of the SSR, Kiev, USSR); Cherin'ko, P.N. Sov Appl Meeh
current value of L/Rme for shells with different Oct 1988 p 363-367.
conditions at the ends is shown. Analysis of the
results offers the possibility of dividing the 037093 Initial Post-Critical Behavior and
consideration of the boundary conditions into Flaw Sensitivity of Composite Cylindrical
two groups with four versions in each. 9 Refs. Shells with Difference Reinforcement
Shul'ga, N.A. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian Schemes. Results of the stability of reinforced
SSR, Kiev, USSR); Primak, A.P. Sov Appl Meeh Oct shells are used to study the character of their
1988 p 348 - 352. post-critical behavior and sensitivity to the
initial geometrical defects. The formulated
037090 Stability of a Sloping Panel of problem is solved through the theory of initial
Negative Gaussian Curvature. The problem post-critical behavior and Koiter's special
of the stability of a thin elastic shell of the theory. A circular cylindrical shell of the
hyperbolic paraboloid type, rectangular in the length L, radius R, and thickness t consisting
plane, when the contour lines coincide with the of N layers with different fiber orientations is
direction of the principal curvatures is examined. 6 Refs.

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

Semenyuk, N.P. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian boards, orthogonally attached to each other
SSR, Kiev, USSR); Zhukova, N.B. Sov Appl Meeh by nails. As far as the investigated hypar-shells
Oct 1988 p 385-392. are concerned, reaching of the ultimate load
(in this paper the term 'ultimate load' is used
037094 Loss of Stability for a Spherical in a restrictive sense) is found to be the
Shell. On the basis of three-dimensional relevant mode of loss of stability. This agrees
linearized stability theory, we obtain the with experimental results reported in the
characteristic equation for determining the literature. (Author abstract) 23 Refs. In
critical inner radius of a spherical support, German.
whose outer surface is acted upon by a load Rattasepp, T. (Technische Univ Tallinn, Tallinn,
equal to the contact pressure on the boundary USSR); Mang, H.A. Bauingenieur v 64 n 6 Jun
of the support and the rock mass. The 1989 p 255-266.
magnitude of the contact pressure is
determined in solving the problem of the STEEL
precritical stress-strain state of the support and
the elastic-plastic mass, which has an interface 037097 Optimized Wall Thickness of Shells
between zones of elastic and plastic of Revolution. The aim of this paper was to
deformation. (Edited author abstract) 7 Refs. develop a concept for the design of shells of
Meshkov, S.I.; Shashkin, A.I. Meeh Solids v 23 n 5 revolution with different Gaussian curvature
1988 P 113-116 using a simplified finite element buckling
analysis. A cooling tower shell was used as an
037095 Numerische Stabilitaetsanalyse example for calculations. 7 Refs.
Linear und Nichtlinear, Deformierbarer, Wittek, Udo (Univ Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern,
Parametererregter Schalentragwerke. West Ger). Proe Sess Relat Steel Struet Stroet Congr
[Numerical Stability Analysis of Linearly Proceedings of the Sessions Related to Steel
and Nonlinearly Deformable Shell Structures at Structures Congress '89, San
Structures Under Parametric Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ by
Excitation]. The present contribution derives ASCE, New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 686-695.
a numerical concept for the stability analysis
of linearly and nonlinearly responding shell STRAIN
structures under parametric excitation.
Starting from a displacement discretization of 037098 Deformation Bounds for Cyclically
the incremental principle of virtual Loaded Shell Structures Operating under
displacements and using Ljapunow's stability Creep Conditions. Constitutive relations,
definitions, handy stability bounds are based on the Bailey-Orowan's creep theory,
presented, especially also for nonlinear are used to develop a maximum work
fundamental motions. Two of many computed condition which includes the influence of an
examples demonstrate their applicability; the internal state. A bounding theorem on
correctness of the results is checked by displacement is obtained for structures
properties of line-search evaluated subjected to cyclic loading. An application of
neighbouring motions. (Author abstract) 15 the bound is illustrated. (Author abstract) 6
Refs. Refs.
Eller, Conrad (Ruhr-Univ Bochurn, Bochurn, West Cocks, Alan C.F. (Univ of Leicester, Leicester,
Ger); Kraetzig, W. B. lng Areh v 59 n 5 1989 P Engl); Leckie, F.A. J Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 55 n
345-356. 3 Sep 1988 p 509-516.

037096 Zur Stabilitaet Flacher 037099 Refined Small Strain and Moderate
Eckgestuetzter Hyparschalen aus Holz mit Rotation Theory of Elastic Anisotropic
Geradlinigen Randtraegern. [On the Stability Shells. A general refined shell theory that
of Shallow, Wooden Hypar-shells with accounts for the transverse deformation, small
Straight, Point-Supported Edge Beams]. This strains, and moderate rotations is presented.
paper is concerned with finite element The theory can be reduced to various existing
stability analysis of shallow, thin hypar-shells shell theories including: the classical (i.e.,
made of timber, with straight, COrner- linear Kirchhoff-Love) shell theory, the
supported edge beams. A feature of the Donnell-Mushtari-Vlasov shell theory, the
analysis model is the direct consideration of Leonard-Koiter-Sanders moderate rotations
the structural anisotropy of the shell shell theory, the von Karman type shear-
membrane consisting of two layers of wooden deformation shell theory and the moderate-

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

rotation shear-deformation plate theory IL, USA, Nov 27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by American
developed by Reddy. The present theory is Soc of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York,
developed from an assumed displacement NY, USA, 1988 WA/APM37 7.
field, nonlinear strain-displacement equations
that contain small strain and moderate STRESSES
rotation terms, and the principle of virtual
displacements. (Edited author abstract) 47 Refs. 037102 Analysis of an Axisymmetric
Schmidt, R. (Univ of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, West Thermoelastic Plastic Stress-Strain State of a
Ger); Reddy, IN. ] Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 55 n Laminar Shell Under Repeated Loading.
3 Sep 1988 p 611 - 61 7. Simple repeated loading processes were
considered on laminar shells of revolution by
037100 Assumed Strain Stabilization loads of both the same and the reverse sign as
Procedure for the 9-Node Lagrange Shell for the initial loading. The investigation was
Element. An assumed strain (strain done within the framework of the Kirchhoff-
interpolation) method is used to construct a Love hypothesis. It was assumed that the
stabilization matrix for the 9-node shell creep strain is negligibly small as compared to
element. The stabilization procedure can be the instantaneous elastic-plastic strains. A thin
justified based on the Hellinger-Reissner shell of revolution with meridian section of
variational method. It involves a projection arbitrary shape and consisting of variable-
vector which is orthogonal to both linear and thickness layers was considered. The shell was
quadratic fields in the local co-ordinate system subjected, from an initially unstressed and
of each quadrature point. All terms in the unstrained state, to axisymmetric loads and
development involve 2 X 2 quadrature in the nonuniform heating that varied in time in
9-node element. Example problems show such a way that plastic strain domains
good accuracy and an almost optimal rate of occurred in which unloading then took place.
convergence. (Author abstract) 40 Refs. The results of the analysis showed that the
Belytschko, Ted (Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL, active loading process occurred in the first two
USA); Wong, Bak Leong; Stolarski, Henryk. IntJ steps in the shell in the form of a plastic strain
Numer Methods Eng v 28 n 2 Feb 1989 p 385-414. zone at the shell inner surface. 6 Refs.
Babeshko, M.E. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian
037101 Refined Small Strain and Moderate SSR, Kiev, USSR); Prokhorenko, l.V.;
Rotation Theory of Elastic Anisotropic Sokolovskaya. V.l. Sov Appl Meeh v 23 n 11 May
Shells. A general refined shell theory that 1988 p 1054-1058.
accounts for the transverse deformation, small
strains, and moderate rotations is presented. 037103 Combined Theoretical and
The theory can be reduced to existing shell Experimental Method of Determining
theories including the classical (i.e., linear Residual Stresses in Wound Composite
Kirchhoff-Love) shell theory, Donnell- Shells. A combined theoretical and
Mushtari-Vlasov shell theory, Leonard-Koiter- experimental method of determining residual
Sanders moderate rotations shell theory, von stresses, and the strains of wound composite
Karman type shear-deformation shell theory shells induced by these stresses, is suggested.
and moderate rotation shear deformation The method makes use of shells of revolution
plate theory developed by J.N. Reddy. The that are formed by a system of layers of
present theory is developed from an assumed unidirectional composite material placed at
displacement field, nonlinear strain given angles to the generatrix. Each of the
displacement equations that contain small elementary unidirectional layers is allotted
strain and moderate rotation terms, and the rigidities in tension and compression as well as
principle of virtual displacements. The in shear. The elastic constants of such a layer,
governing equations exhibit strong coupling including the modulus and Poisson's ratio, are
between the membrane and bending determined experimentally in tests of
deformation which should alter the bending, circularly wound tubular specimens. For
stability, and post-buckling behavior of certain determining residual stresses it is assumed that
shell structures as predicted using available the deformations of the layer are composed of
theories. (Edited author abstract) 47 Refs. elastic, thermal, and curing components and
Schmidt, R. (Univ of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, West deformations induced by prestressing of the
Ger); Reddy, IN. Am Soe Meeh Eng Pap Preprint- reinforcing elements. The method was
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, experimentally verified in tests of cylindrical
Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, shells made of glass reinforced plastic

Excerpts from The En8ineerin8 Index Annual 1989

comprised of glass fiber VMPS and epoxy J Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 55 n 3 Sep 1988 p
resin ED-20 binder. The results confirm the 629-634.
possibility of using the combined theoretical
and experimental method for determining 037106 Stress-Strain Fields at Crack Tip in
technological stresses and deformations of Axially Cracked Cylindrical Shells and the
wound composite shells. 5 Refs. Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors. A
Morozov, E.V. (K.E. Tsiolkovskii Moscow lnst of perturbation solution for stress-strain fields
Aviation Technology, USSR). Meeh Compos Mater v (including modes I, II, III) at crack tip in
23 n 6 May 1988 p 802-807. axially cracked cylindrical shells is given. The
analysis, using 10th-order differential
equations which take the transverse shear
037104 Axisymmetric Elastoplastic Stress deformations into account, involves
State of Branched Shell Systems with perturbation in a curvature parameter y2,
Nonisothermal Loading Processes. The (y2 = [12(Inv2) J'a 2/Rh). Stress intensity
axisymmetric elastoplastic stress state of a factors for finite size cylindrical shells under
branched shell with a complex form of the bending and internal pressure loading are
meridian and poles is investigated, in evaluated. A good accuracy can be obtained
conditions of quasistatic thermal and force without using fine meshes in a region near
loading which varies over time. A shell of the crack tip. Besides, the influence of the
revolution with a branched meridian is finite size and the shearing stiffness on
considered in conditions of axisymmetric bulging factors, which are commonly used in
connective heat transfer with the surrounding engineering, are analyzed. (Author abstract) 6
medium, under the action of a variable load. Refs.
The problem is solved within the framework Liu, Chuntu (Acad Sinica, China); Wu, Xijia. Aeta
of the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis in a Meeh Sin v 3 n 3 1987 P 223-230.
geometrically linear, quasistatic formulation;
creep deformation is neglected in comparison
with the instantaneous elastoplastic 037107 Surface Crack in Shells Under
deformation. The equations of state employed Mixed-Mode Loading Condition. The
are the relations of the theory of simple problem of a shallow shell containing a surface
loading processes, taking account of their crack and subjected to general loading
previous history which are linearized by the conditions is considered. It is shown that, as
method of variable elasticity parameters. 8 in the three-dimensional elasticity formulation,
Refs. the mode I state can be separated whereas
modes II and III remain coupled. A line
Galishin, A.Z. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian
spring model is developed to formulate the
SSR, Kiev, USSR). Sov Appl Meeh Sep 1988 p
part-through crack problem under mixed-
mode conditions. A shallow shell of arbitrary
curvature having a part-through crack located
037105 Large Elastic Deformation of Shear on the outer or the inner surface of the shell
Deformable Shells of Revolution: Numerical is then considered. Reissner's transverse shear
and Experimental Results. Through an theory is used to formulate the problem by
integrating matrix approach, a numerical assuming that the shell is subjected to all five
solution is obtained to the equations governing moment and stress resultants. The uncoupled
large elastic deformation of a clamped circular antisymmetric problem is solved for
cylinder due to internal pressure. The shell cylindrical and toroidal shells having a surface
equations include the effects of large strains, crack in various orientations and the primary
thickness changes, and transverse shear and the secondary stress intensity factors are
deformation. The numerical solution is given. (Edited author abstract) 20 Refs.
compared to results from an asymptotic Joseph, P.F. (Lehigh Univ, Bethlehem, PA, USA);
analysis and from experiments on rubber Erdogan, F. J Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 55 n 4 Dec
cylinders. A specialized Rivlin-Saunders 1988 p 795-804.
strain-energy density function is assumed for
the rubber, with material constants 037108 Investigation of the Spherical
determined from tensile tests and deformed Membrane Cap Under Partial Load. It is
cylinder profiles at a high inflation pressure. shown how the internal forces due to an
(Author abstract) 15 Refs. axially non-symmetric load of a spherical cap
Kempski, M.H. (Rochester lnst of Technology, can be determined within the framework of
Rochester, NY, USA); Taber, L.A.; Su, Fong-Chin. the membrane theory. We present the

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

method of internal forces for the terms of the 037112 Bifurcation of Axisymmetric
Fourier expansion. In a numerical example Equilibrium of Thin Shells of Revolution
these forces are computed for a spherical cap with Regular Shaped Imperfections. An
with the half central angle cPo = 38 As can
• asymptotic formula is derived to characterize
be seen, for n = 2,3,4 closed formulae can be the effect of a regular axisymmetric shape
obtained, while for n ~ 5 the calculation has imperfection upon the classical critical load of
to be carried out numerically. (Edited author a perfect convex shell belonging to a certain
abstract) 4 Refs. class. 4 Refs.
Olitzscher, Frank. Acta Tech (Budapest) v 100 n 3-4 Teterin, I.Yu. (Leningrad Univ, Leningrad, USSR).
1987 P 225 - 238. Leningrad Univ Mech Bull n 2 1988 P 62-64.

037113 Assessment of Assumed Strain

037109 Shallow Shells with Local Deviations Methods in Finite Rotation Shell Analysis. A
in Shape. A simple solution is presented for critical assessment of the 4-node assumed strain
the stress analysis of shallow shells with element as proposed by E.N. Dvorkin and K.J.
imperfections in the geometry. The model is Bathe is made. The element performed
based on the bending equations of the shell, excellently in all investigated shell problems
and the imperfection is considered by an which sometimes caused difficulties for other
equivalent load method. A Ritz solution for a assumed strain techniques. For efficient
given shape of local imperfection is obtained in computation in the non-linear range,
explicit form, and the expressions are applied linearization of the virtual work equation is
to the case of an elliptical paraboloidal shell. done to yield the consistent tangent stiffness.
(Author abstract) 14 Refs. The shell formulation is done for stress and
Godoy, L.A. (Univ Nacional de Cordoba, Cordoba, strain tensors based on local element
Argent); Quinones, D.; Wagner, R. Bull Int Assoc coordinates. To demonstrate the effectiveness
Shell Spat Struct v 29 - 2 Aug 1988 P 55 - 62. and rapid convergence of the non-linear
formulation, three examples are tested for
037110 Stress Distribution by the large displacements. (Edited author abstract)
Misalignment of Spherical and its Allowable 19 Refs.
Limit. The expressions for stress distribution Stander, Nielen (Univ Stuttgart, Stuttgart, West
in the region of misalignment of spherical Ger); Matzenmiller, Anton; Ramm, Ekkehard. Eng
shells have been derived on the basis of the Comput (Swansea Wales) v 6 n I May 1989 p 58 - 66.
theory of plates and shells. The analytical
expressions are verified with the results 037114 Investigation of Partially
obtained by FEM and photoelastic experiment. Pressurized Thick Cylindrical Shells. In
The effect of several parameters on stress applications of thick cylinders, such as gun
concentration has been analyzed with the barrels and hydraulic jacks, the internal
expressions derived. The regressions of the pressure is not only variable, but the pressure
analytical results of 76 misalignment have been front at each moment moves along the length
made and the expressions for engineering of the cylinder leading to the division of these
calculations are given. The nomograph for the cylinders into two segments with
allowable limits of geometric irregularities is discontinuous loading. In this work, the FEM
presented. (Edited author abstract) has been applied to investigate the state of
stress existing at the discontinuity zone of
Kui, Jishan (Nanjing Inst of Chemical Technology,
thickness or pressure (transition zone). Results
Nanjing, China); Wang, Jiuqing. HuagongJixie v 15 n
indicate the existence of a considerable
bending moment due to the variation of
longitudinal stress across the thickness at the
037111 Solution of the Axisymmetric transition zone. These results could help the
Problem for a Shallow Conical Shell by the designers to optimize the thicknesses of the
Small Parameter Method. By the method of cylinders in such applications as mentioned
small parameters, an approximate solution is above. (Edited author abstract) II Refs.
constructed for the problem of a rotating Mahmood, Najdat A. (Military Engineering Coli);
shallow conical shell. The error of the method
Jweeg, Muhsin J.; Rajab, Mumtaz Y. Modell Simul
is estimated by comparing it with the results
Control B v 25 n 3 1989 P 47-64.
obtained by a numeric computer simulation.
(Author abstract) 2 Refs. 037115 Thick General Shells Under General
Sakharov, V.Yu. (Leningrad Univ, Leningrad, Loading. Three equilibrium equations in
USSR). Leningrad Univ Mech Bull n 2 1988 P 60 - 61. terms of three displacements are derived in

Excerpts from The Ennineerinn Index Annual 1989

scalar mathematics form, by linear, small-strain steady operating conditions is presented. The
elasticity principles, for the case of general heat conduction equation incorporating heat
thick-walled shells under general loading. generation due to solidification was solved by
These reduce to well-known forms for the finite element method to obtain the spatially
particular cases of flat-plates and thick circular steady temperature distribution when
cylindrical shells. (Author abstract) considering material flow. Elastic-plastic
Donnell, Lloyd H. ] Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 56 n stresses in the solidified shell were also
2Jun 1989 p 391-394. evaluated. A parameter study was carried out
in order to obtain the optimal operating
037116 Shear Deformable Finite Element condition such as shell thickness, site of crater
for the Analysis of General Shells of end, and stress distribution as functions of the
Revolution. A 64-dof isoparametric casting speed and cooling condition. (Author
quadrilateral finite element is presented for abstract) 6 Refs. In Japanese.
the analysis of generally laminated shells of Tatsumi, Naohisa; Wang, Zhi-Gang; Inoue, Tatsuo.
revolution. The effects of shear deformation Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 55 n 514
and rotary inertia are accounted for by using Jun 1989 p 1389-1393.
shear deformation theory that employs the
parabolic shear strain variation across the 037119 Elastic Stress Analysis of Two
thickness. The classical thin shell theory is the Oblique Intersecting Cylindrical Shells
special case of shear deformation theory used Subjected to Internal Pressure. In this paper,
in the present study. Thus, the thin shell the elastic stress distribution in two oblique
element also can be obtained from the present intersecting cylindrical shells subjected to
thick shell element by simply having the internal pressure is discussed. We first
displacement parameters (UI and VI) associated investigated the elastic stresses and
with the shear rotations as zeros. The displacements to the intersected shell
numerical results presented illustrate the (cylindrical vessel) with an arbitrary curved
performance of the element and the effects of hole under internal pressure. In making this
shear deformation. (Author abstract) 33 Refs. analysis, a curvilinear coordinate system (e, ~)
Bhimaraddi, A. (Univ of Canterbury, Christchurch, e eo
is used and one of which = is made to
NZ); Carr, A.J.; Moss, P.J. Comput Struet v 31 n 3 coincide with the hole contour r. The
1989 P 299-308. governing equation is the equation of shallow
shell in this coordinate system. When the hole
037117 Stressed State of Inhomogeneous contour is an ellipse, the obtained solution is a
Elastic Shells of Revolution. An extension is complex function expressed in Mathieu
discussed regarding an averaging technique function. Then, we discussed the stresses and
for the case of quasi-periodic structures with displacements expressed in the edge effect
curvilinear anisotropy, as applied to problems form on the basis of Flugge's equations for the
of elasticity written in the displacements. In intersecting shell (nozzle). At last, a boundary
this paper, the authors employ the technique condition along the intersection curve is
to reduce the static problem of derived. Numerical computation was
inhomogeneous elasticity in the stresses, conducted, and the results are compared with
utilizing hypotheses of shell theory (i.e., the experiments. (Author abstract) 10 Refs.
problem of equilibrium of an inhomogeneous Chien, Huei-Lin (Nanjing lnst of Chemical
anisotropic shell of quasi-periodic structure to Technology, Nanjing, China); Wu, Shao-Jun. ASME
a recursive sequence of problems for a Pressure Vessels Piping Div Publ PVP v 139 Design
homogeneous anisotropic shell. The authors and Analysis of Piping, Pressure Vessels and
offers a solution for the problem of Components, 1988, Presented at the 1988 ASME
equilibrium of a shell formed by a winding or Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh,
coil that is acted upon by internal pressure. 8 PA, USA,Jun 19-23 1988. Publ by American Soc
Refs. of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
Levin, V.D.; Pobedrya, B.E. Meeh Solids v 23 n 4 USA, 1988 P 119-124.
1988 P 140-145.
037120 Cutouts in Laminated Plates and
037118 Simulation of Temperature and Shells. A finite element method for evaluating
Elastic-Plastic Stresses in Solid Shell During stresses around cutouts in thin to moderately
Continuous Casting Process. An analytical thick laminated composite plate and shell
method to simulate the temperature and the structures is presented. Ahmad's eight noded
stress fields in a continuous casting slab under isoparametric quadrilateral shell element

Excerpts from The Eneineerine Index Annual 1989

(Ahmad et aI., 1970) is extended to laminated clamped hemispherical shells subjected to

composite structures by incorporating the suddenly applied loads, including idealized
thickness concept. The element includes an step pressure, a rectangular pressure impulse
arbitrary number of bonded layers, each of of finite duration and realistic blast pressure
which may have a different thickness, over the total or partial area. The
orientation of principal material directions mathematical model is formulated in terms of
and elastic properties. The transverse shear the mid-surface displacements and cross-
deformation is taken into account in section rotation with effects of transverse
developing the stiffness matrix. (Author shear strain and rotary inertia taken into
abstract) 9 Refs. account. The Rayleigh-Ritz method is
Widera, G.E.O. (Univ of Illinois at Chicago, employed to solve the hemispherical shell
Chicago, IL, USA); Moumene, M. ASME Pressure vibration problem by assumed modes in
Vessels Piping Div Publ PVP v 146 Advances in Legendre polynomials, and the normal mode
Macro-Mechanics of Composite Material Vessels and superposition is used in the analysis of its
Components, Presented at the 1988 ASME Pressure dynamic response. Numerical results for the
Vessels and Piping Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, natural frequencies, mode shapes, structural
USA,Jun 19-23 1988. Publ by American Soc of deformation and dynamic stresses are obtained
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, with the fiber orientation parallel or
USA, 1988 P 155-158. perpendicular to the meridian direction as a
design guide. (Edited author abstract) 20 Refs.
037121 Thermal Stresses in Thick Spherical Chao, C.C. (Nat! Tsing Hua Univ, Hsinchu,
Shell with Internal Heat Generation. The Taiwan); Tung, T.P. Int J Impact Eng v 8 n 3 1989
elastic thermal stresses in thick spherical shells P 191-207.
with internally uniform heat generation have
been studied analytically. The dimensionless 037123 Elasto/Visco-Plastic Dynamic
stress functions have been developed. The Response ofAxisymmetrical Shells Under
computer generated graphs for the stress Mechanical and/or Thermal Loading. An
functions for various outside to inside radii analytical method for the e1asto/visco-plastic
ratios are presented to facilitate computation dynamic problems of axis ymmetrica I thin
of the stresses at any radial location of the shells subjected to mechanical and/or thermal
shell. The stress functions for the thermal loads is developed. The equations of motion
stresses for solid sphere with internal heat and the relations between the strains and
generation have also been developed. The displacements are derived by extending
radial location for the maximum values of the Sanders' elastic shell theory. For the
dimensionless stress functions have been constitutive relations, the Perzyna elasto/
determined and shown on the graphs. The visco-plastic equations including the
graphs for the stress functions are general temperature effect are employed. The
enough to compute the radial and hoop fundamental equations derived are
stresses which are produced by the numerically solved by the finite difference
temperature gradient encountered in the method. As numerical examples, the simply
shells. Additional aspects of the subject are supported cylindrical shells made of mild steel
discussed. (Edited author abstract) 8 Refs. are treated and the following two cases are
Bhaduri, S. (Univ of Texas at EI Paso, EI Paso, TX, analyzed; a nonuniform temperature cylinder
USA); Kapoor, P.S. ASME Pet Div Publ PD v 21 subjected to impulsive pressure, and an
Technical Economics, Synfuels, and Coal Energy- internal pressure cylinder subjected to
1989, Presented at the Twelfth Annual Energy- impulsive thermal load. In both cases the
Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, variations of displacements and internal forces
Houston, TX, USA, Jan 22 - 25 1989. Publ by with time are discussed. (Author abstract) 13
American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (AS ME), Refs. In Japanese.
New York, NY, USA, 1988 P 65-70. Tao, Katsumi; Takezono, Shigeo; Taguchi,
Toshihiro; Hotada, Kazuo. Nippon Kikai Gakkai
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Ronbunshu A Hen v 54 n 503 Ju1 1988 p 1457 -1464.

037122 Step Pressure and Blast Responses 037124 Investigation of the Spherical
of Clamped Orthotropic Hemispherical Membrane Cap under Partial Load. This
Shells. This paper is concerned with studies paper shows how the internal forces due to an
on the axisymmetric free vibration and axially non-symmetric load of a spherical can
dynamic response of polar orthotropic cap be determined in the frame of the

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

membrane theory. It presents the method of excitation sweeps showed a dynamic instability.
internal forces for the terms of the Fourier The frequency range over which the response
expansion. In a numerical example these is unstable decreases with increasing
forces are computed for a spherical cap with a pretension. The dynamic to static strain ratio
particular half central angle. Calculation decreased from 20% to 2.3% as pretension
results are discussed. (Edited author abstract) increased from the lowest to the highest
5 Refs. value. (Author abstract) 20 Refs.
Olitzscher, Frank. Acta Tech (Budapest) v 100 n 2-3 Gasparini, D.A. (Case Western Reserve Univ,
1987 P 225-238. Cleveland, OH, USA); Perdikaris, P.C.; Kanj, N.]
Struct Eng v 115 n 2 Feb 1989 p 363 - 381.
037125 Formulation and Accuracy of a
Circular Cylindrical Shell Theory Due to a 037127 Infinite, Elastic, Cylindrical Shell
Higher-Order Approximation. In this paper, with a Finite Number of Ring
the most general higher-Qrder equations of Constraints. The axisymmetric excitation of
three-dimensional static and dynamic theories an infinite, elastic, cylindrical shell with a
for a circular cylindrical shell are derived by finite number of ring constraints is discussed.
expanding the displacements into an infinite Exact solutions are presented for the cases of
power series with respect to the radial one and two constraints. These are then
coordinate of the shell. The present examined in an asymptotic limit that
formulation can be taken into account actually corresponds to light fluid-loading and small
any higher-order terms for both cases of static curvature. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
and dynamic problems. Several theories which Lawrie, J.B. (Univ of Bristol, Bristol, Engl).] Sound
were proposed previously, can be deduced by Vib v 130 n 2 Apr 22 1989 P 189-206.
the employment of the lower-order terms in
our theory. Three typical theories such as 037128 Membrane Shell as an Under-
3-order theory, Levinson-type theory and constrained Structural System. Statical-
Levinson-Voyladjis-Baluch-type theory are also kinematic analysis is employed to provide a
newly derived from the present formulation. new perspective on the structural behavior of
Numerical results of natural frequencies for membrane shells and the related limitations of
simply-supported cylindrical shells are the linear membrane theory. The obtained
compared to the exact solution as well as results include a resolution of an apparent
many theories. (Author abstract) 8 Refs. In paradox in the statics of membranes, a
Japanese. description and explanation of the peculiar
Hirano, Kisaburou; Hirashima, Kenichi. Nippon behavior of toroidal membranes with an
Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 54 n 506 Oct 1988 arbitrary cross-section, and a stronger version
p 1915-1919. of a central theorem in the membrane theory.
(Author abstract) 7 Refs.
037126 Dynamic and Static Behavior of Kuznetsov, E.N. (Univ of Illinois at
Cable Dome Model. The static and dynamic Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA).] Appl Meek Trans
behavior of a cable dome was studied by ASME v 56 n 2 June 1989 p 387 - 390.
testing a 1/50 scale model. Three different
pretension levels were considered. The static 037129 Modal Analysis of a Shell's Acoustic
response of the model under a symmetric and Radiation in Light and Heavy Fluids. A
an antisymmetric loading was investigated. modal analysis study of acoustic radiation by a
The cable dome's behavior changes from a finite cylindrical shell immersed in light of
compressive to a tensile membrane with heavy fluid is presented. Attention is focused
increasing applied central load. The cable on the explanation of radiation phenomena in
model exhibits a hardening response, both fluids. The concepts of radiation,
especially in the antisymmetric mode. The structural and evenly damped modes are
nonlinearity becomes more pronounced with explained. These lead to clarification of the
decreasing pretension. The stiffness in the shells' vibro-acoustic behaviour in heavy fluid
antisymmetric mode is dominated by the and to confirmation of the well known case of
geometric stiffness from pretensioning. In the light fluid. Relationships between these new
vertical acceleration (symmetric) test at the concepts and the more classical one of radiating
intermediate pretension the first dominant and non-radiating modes are presented. It is
mode was antisymmetric. A sail exciter was shown that this previous classification of modes
also used to apply a single asymmetric is insufficient to clarify the heavy fluid-shell
controlled force. Up and down harmonic coupling, especially in the critical frequency

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

range. In this range the behaviour of a shell in also built and tested in laboratory to validate
water is very different from that of one in air, the results. (Author abstract) 24 Refs.
and is entirely controlled by modes which are Tzou, H.S. (Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY,
overdamped by radiation. In particular, it is USA); Gadre, M.] Sound Vib] Sound Vib v 132 v
shown that structural damping is ineffective in 132 n 3 n 3 Aug 8 Aug 819891989 P 433-450.
reducing radiated power in the critical
frequency range when the fluid is water. 037132 Analysis of Laminated Shells.
(Author abstract) 22 Refs. Laminated shell structures are increasingly
Laulagnet, B. (INSA, Villeurbanne, Fr); Guyader, being used in chemical, marine and aerospace
J.L.] Sound Vib v 131 n 3 Jun 22 1989 P 397 - 415. applications. A significant amount of research
has been conducted in the past on studying
037130 Analysis of Elasto/Visco-Plastic the structural response of these structures. A
Dynamic Response of General Thin Shells by review of various investigations on the analysis
Means of Overlay Model. The numerical of these shells is given here. Specifically, this
analysis of the elasto/visco-plastic dynamic review deals with the development of various
response of the general thin shells to arbitrary theories for modelling the thick laminated
loads is carried out by the use of the elasto/ shells including shear effects; analytical
visco-plastic overlay model which is able to studies, development of various finite elements
express the Bauschinger effect and the strain to model these shells including applications to
rate dependence. Namely Perzyna's equation is tire modelling; buckling and post buckling
used for the constitutive relation of each layer analysis of perfect and imperfect laminated
of the overlay model and as a whole the shells; vibration and dynamic response analysis
Bauschinger effect and the influence of of various laminated shells. (Author abstract)
viscosity in the plastic range of the material are 148 Refs.
taken into account. The equations of motion Kapania, R.K. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State
derived from the Sanders nonlinear theory for Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA). ASME Aerosp Div Publ
thin shells by adding the inertia terms are used, AD v 13 Recent Advances in the Macro- and
and the relations between strains and Micro-Mechanics of Composite Materials Structures,
displacements where rotations of the shell are Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the
considered for the membrane strains are American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
employed. (Edited author abstract) 18 Refs. In Chicago, IL, USA, Nov 27 - Dec 2 1988. Publ by
Japanese. American Soc of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
Tao, Katsumi; Takezono, Shigeo. Nippon Kikai New York, NY, USA, 1988 P 177-187.
Gakkai Ronbunshu A Hen v 55 n 514 Jun 1989
p 1453-1460. 037133 Analysis of Glulam Lattice Dome.
Glued-laminated timber (glulam) domes have
037131 Theoretical Analysis of a Multi- become competitive in the engineering of
Layered Thin Shell Coupled with large-span roof structures. Three-way glulam
Piezoelectric Shell Actuators for Distributed grid domes, such as the Triax and Varax
Vibration Controls. Structural dynamics and domes, are particularly well-suited for glulam
controls of distributed mechanical systems have construction because the members lie on great
drawn much attention in recent years. In this circles and, thus, have the same radius of
paper, a multilayered thin shell coupled with an curvature. The curved members are
active distributed vibration actuator- interconnected by patented steel hubs. The
polymeric piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride restraints offered by these connectors are the
(PVDF)-is proposed and evaluated. Dynamic major differences in the designs of the Triax
equations for the generalized multi-layered and Varax domes. The domes rest on tension
thin shell coupled with the polymeric rings made of steel or reinforced concrete.
piezoelectrets are derived based on Love's Because of their economy and acoustic
theory and Hamilton's principle. Each layer of quality, Triax and Varax domes are widely
the shell can be a polymeric piezoelectric used for multipurpose facilities involving
control layer subjected to feedback voltages sports, recreational, and social activities. The
resulting in a local control force to suppress the purpose of this paper is to report on a project
vibration of the shell. To demonstrate the that was initiated to formulate a finite
derived equations, a cantilever beam coupled element method of analysis that can predict
with the polymeric piezoelectric actuator is the complete structural response of glulam
derived by directly simplifying the modified space frames and lattice domes up to collapse.
Love's equations. An experimental model was 25 Refs.

Excerpts from The Enoineerino Index Annual 1989

Holzer, S.M. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA); Huang, C.Y.; USA, 1989 P 743-751.
Davalos, J.F.; Loferski, J.R. Struet Des, Anal Test
Structural Design, Analysis and Testing, STRUCTURAL DESIGN
Proceedings of the sessions at Structures Congress
'89, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1- 5 1989. Publ 037136 Carrying Capacity and Optimal
by ASCE, New York, NY, USA, 1989 P 914-921. Design of Reinforced Cylindrical
Shells. Models were constructed for
calculating the carrying capacity and
037134 Why Bifurcation: A Study of a optimizing the design of cylindrical shells
Recticulated Dome. Numerical results for a reinforced by regular frames and supported
hexagonal lattice dome subjected to uniform by discrete 'saddle' supports of various
gravity loading are presented. We demonstrate configurations or resting on a continuously
that a perfect nonlinear bifurcation analysis plastic base. The closed shell was considered
plays a crucial role in the identification of the to be made from an ideal rigidly plastic
critical imperfection. In the process we also material with constant thickness with a given
advertise the capabilities of some recently yield point and to be filled with fluid. It was
developed techniques for computational assumed that exhaustion of the shell carrying
bifurcation problems with symmetry. (Author capacity occurs with rupture. Calculations of
abstract) 6 Refs. the upper boundaries of the limit loads were
Healey, Timothy L. (Cornell Univ, Ithaca, NY, performed in a broad range of thicknesses.
USA). Struet Des, Anal Test Structural Design, Parameters for the analysis of the shell
Analysis and Testing, Proceedings of the sessions at carrying capacity reinforced by regular
Structures Congress '89, San Francisco, CA, USA, annular ribs were established. Analysis of the
May 1-5 1989. Publ by ASCE, New York, NY, optimal designs shows that the models first
USA, 1989 P 942 - 948. tend to assure a given carrying capacity
because of an increase in thickness and only
037135 Application of Mathematical then are the frames introduced. 4 Refs.
Programming to the Limit Analysis of Shell Dekhtyar, A.S. (Kiev Art Inst, Kiev, USSR). Sov
Structures. Limit analysis of a shell structure Appl Meeh v 23 n 11 May 1988 p 1049-1054.
has been expressed, in the present paper, as a
nonlinear programming problem, where the 037137 Wplyw Geometrycznych I
principle of virtual displacement in Fizycznych Parametrow Trojwarstwowej
combination with rigid perfect-plastic Powloki Wnlcowoj Nn Jej Statecznosc Przy
assumption and von Mises yield criterion are Obclazenlach Zlozonych. [Influence of
used. The structure is separated into several Physical and Geometrical Parameters of
rigid and plastic regions for the purpose of Sandwich Cylindrical Shell Under Composed
saving computer storage, since the Load for its Stability]. The paper presents
displacement functions should be generated numerical analysis results of stability loss for
only in plastic regions. By use of the Lagrange an elastic, open, cylindrical sandwich shell
multiplier method, the primary problem can with light-weight core and with thin faces of
be expressed as a non-linear programming equal thickness. The shell is loaded by
problem without restrictions. By using the composed load, i.e. compression longitudinal
gradient of the object function, a set of forces, lateral surface pressure and shear edge
suitable displacement velocities can be found forces. The influence of shell curvature, shell
by iteraction to minimize the object function length, the thickness of each layer, and the
and obtain an upper bound solution of the core elasticity modulus on the values of upper
ultimate load of the structure. A cylindrical and lower critical load is investigated. (Edited
shell and a tubular T-joint are computed and author abstract) 4 Refs. In Polish.
the results are satisfactory in comparison with Sekulski, Zygmunt; Szyc, Waclaw. Arch Budowy Masz
classical solutions or experimental results. v34n31987p321-336.
(Author abstract) 7 Refs.
Chen, T.Y. (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Shanghai, TESTING
China); Chen, W.M.; Wang, Y.Q. Proe Int Offshore
Meeh Arct Eng Symp v II (of VI), Proceedings of the 037138 Deformation and Fracture of
Eighth International Conference on Offshore Two-Layer Metal-Plastic Shells Under
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-1989, Hague, Internal Shock Loading. The goal of this
Neth, Mar 19-23 1989. Publ by American Soc of paper was to study the feasibility of making

Excerpts from The En8ineerin8 Index Annual 1989

fuller use of the strength reserves of a mentioned composites vary significantly as a

glass-plastic in a thin-walled shell under function of the component content by
internal shock loading. We studied the volume, the bonding scheme and a number of
deformation and fracture of cylindrical two- other technological factors. Taking account of
layer metal-plastic shells (a shell of steel 20 the real properties of composites, including
was inserted without a gap inside the glass- the anisotropy and nonlinearity of the strain
plastic shell) under an internal explosion. diagram attention must be paid in formulating
Fracture was established from the break- the problems, compiling the governing
through of explosion products, ruptures of equations, refining the computational schemes,
the strain gages, and external inspection. We and performing the strength analyses of
determined the maximum hoop strains in the structural elements (rods, plates, shells) or the
first phases of tension and compression for typical structures of complex geometric shape.
the most heavily loaded central section of the 9 Refs.
shells. The deformation process took the form Guz', A.N. (Acad of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR,
of rapidly decaying vibrations. We also Kiev, USSR); Chernyshenko, I.S.; Georgievskii,
evaluated the effect of the steel on the decay V.P.; Maksimyuk, V.A. Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p
of vibrations in the shell in a simplified 337-342.
formulation for the case of decaying sinusoidal
free vibrations of a system with Coulomb 037141 Refinement of Shear Theory of
friction. Characteristic chronograms and Laminar Orthotropic Sloping Shells. This
oscillograms of the strains of the glass-plastic paper proposes refinement of the shear
and steel shells are shown with a cross section theory. A second-approximation model is
of the metal-plastic shells. Test results are proposed, allowing this effect to be described
analyzed. 6 Refs. on the basis of an approach invariant with
Tsypkin, V.I.; Rusak, V.N.; Ivanov, A.G.; respect to the number of layers in the system
Fedorenko, A.G.; Vorontsova, O.S. Meeh Compos and allowing the distortion of the normal in
Mater v 23 n 5 Mar 1988 p 586-590. the course of shell deformation to be taken
into account. The discontinuities in the
smoothness of the functions between the
outer layers are observed both for tangential
037139 Numerical Solution Method for and for normal stress, which allows the
Dynamical Problems of Shell Theory. The lamination process of the structure to be
forced vibrations of shells of revolution modeled. 12 Refs.
subjected to a load changes in an arbitrary Rasskazov, A.O. (Kiev Highway Inst, USSR);
manner with time was examined. The Burygina, A.O. Sov Appl Meeh Oct 1988 p 343-347.
majority of the existing algorithms for
numerical analysis of thin elastic shell 037142 Higher Order Theories for Thick
vibrations are based on the method of Cylindrical Shells. A variational derivation is
expansion of eigenmodes and on asymptotic used to obtain 10th and 12th order shell
method. This paper describes a method that is theories along with the associated boundary
not associated with the constraints of the conditions. A computer program produces the
above-mentioned algorithms. Analysis of the coefficients in the reductions of the sets of
results shows that the vibration mode of a equilibrium equations to equivalent single
shell subjected to a unit rectangular pulse 10th and 12th order equations. Exact
differs noticeably from the lowest eigenmodes. solutions for closed shells which decay in the
6 Refs. axial direction are obtained and compared
Naraikin, O.S. (M.E. Bauman Higher Technical
with exact three dimensional solutions in
Inst, USSR). Sov Appl Meeh v 24 n 2 Aug 1988 P
order to assess the accuracy of the shell
theory as an approximation to the elasticity
theory. (Author abstract) 9 Refs.
037140 Stress State of Thin-Walled Faraji, Susan (Univ of Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA);
Elements of Structures Fabricated from Archer, R.R. Aeta Meeh v 74 n 1-4 Oct 1988 p 9-24.
Nonlinearly Elastic Orthotropic Composite
Materials. Experimental results indicate that 037143 Self-Equilibrated Singular Solutions
the material of certain composites (glass-plastic of a Complete Spherical Shell: Classical
on a fabric base, organic plastics, etc.) Theory Approach. The elastic response of a
possesses nonlinear properties; the elastic complete spherical shell under the influence of
characteristics and strain diagram of the concentrated loads (normal point loads,

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

concentrated tangential loads, and proposed numerical treatment of the

concentrated surface moments) which apply in membrane and bending fields, based on a
a self-equilibrating fashion is obtained. The mixed HeIlinger-Reissner formulation,
mathematical analysis incorporates the classical provides excellent results for the 4-node
uncoupled system of equations for the bilinear isoparametric element. (Edited author
transverse displacement Wand a stress abstract) 46 Refs.
function F. The solution formulae for all Simo, J.C. (Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, USA);
three types of singular loading are in closed Fox, D.O.; Rifai, M.S. Comput Methods Appl Meeh
form and they are expressed in terms of Eng v 73 n 1 Apr 1989 p 53-92.
complex Legendre and other elementary
functions. The two latter portions of the 037146 Maguerre-Mindlin Shallow Shell
analysis are associated with a multivalued Elements. Two isoparametric Lagrangian
stress function F which leads to a single-valued shallow shell elements are presented: a 4-node
stress and displacement formulae. (Edited element Quad4 and a 9-node element Quad9.
author abstract) 19 Refs. These elements are based on Mindlin/
Simos, Nikolaos (City Univ of New York, New Reissner plate elements. These elements are
York, NY, USA); Sadegh, Ali M.] Appl Meeh Trans sophisticated by adding conventional
ASME v 56 n 1 Mar 1989 p 105-112. membrane stiffness and membrane-bending
coupling terms based on Maguerre's
037144 On a Stress Resultant Geometrically approximate shallow shell theory. This results
Exact Shell Model. Part I: Formulation and in double curved shell elements which
Optimal Parametrization. The main thrust originally possess severe membrane locking
of this work is to demonstrate that classical behavior. This defect is overcome in the same
shell theory, phrased as one-director Cosserat way as the shear locking problem is solved.
surface, leads itself to an efficient numerical (Edited author abstract) 10 Refs.
implementation which is free from Kraus, Gerhard (Ingenieurbuero fuer
mathematical complexities and suitable for Strukuranalyse, Berlin, West Ger). Eng Comput
large scale computation. Examples are given (Swansea Wales) v 6 n 1 Mar 1989 p 44-48.
which contain simulations involving extremely
large displacements and rotations obtained 037147 Work-Conjugate Boundary
with the formulation described. It is shown Conditions in the Nonlinear Theory of Thin
that this approach is able to reproduce the Shells. Work-conjugate boundary conditions
exact solutions of standard benchmark linear for a class of nonlinear theories of thin shells
problems often used to assess the performance formulated in terms of displacements of the
of numerical formulations based on the reference surface are discussed. Applying
degenerated solid approach. 48 Refs. theorems of the theory of differential forms it
Simo, J.C. (Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, USA); is shown that many of the sets of static
Fox, D.D. Comput Methods Appl Meek Eng v 72 n 3 boundary conditions which have been proposed
Mar 1989 p 267-304. in the literature do not possess work-conjugate
geometric counterparts. The general form of
037145 On a Stress Resultant Geometrically four geometric boundary conditions and their
Exact Shell Model. Part II: The Linear work-conjugate static boundary conditions is
Theory; Computational Aspects. Computa- constructed and three particular cases are
tional aspects of a linear stress resultant analyzed. The boundary conditions given here
(classical) shell theory, obtained by systematic are valid for unrestricted displacements,
linearization of the geometrically exact rotations, strains and/or changes of curvatures
nonlinear theory are examined in detail. In of the reference surface. (Author abstract) 30
particular, finite element interpolations for the Refs.
reference director field and the linearized Makowski,J. (Ruhr Univ, Bochum, West Ger);
rotation field are constructed such that the Pietraszkiewicz, W.] Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 56 n
underlying geometric structure of the 2June 1989 p 395-402
continuum theory is preserved exactly by the
discrete approximation. A discrete canonical, 037148 Formulation and Accuracy of the
singularity-free mapping between the five and Circular Cylindrical Shell Theory Due to
the six degree of freedom formulation is Higher Order Approximation. The most
constructed by exploiting the geometric general higher order equations of the three-
connection between the orthogonal group dimensional static and dynamic theories for a
(SO(3)) and the unit sphere (S2). The circular cylindrical shell are derived by

Excerpts from The Ennineerinn Index Annual 1989

expanding the displacements into an infinite Temperature-time history and heat flow rates
power series with respect to the radial have been obtained. The problem considered
coordinate of the shell. The present theory has got its application in the transient thermal
takes into account any higher order terms for analysis of an adiabatic engine. Any other
both the static and dynamic problems. Several similar problem in metallurgical, aeronautical,
theories, which have been proposed, can be furnace design, boiler design applications may
deduced by using the lower order terms of our be solved by the formula obtained. (Author
theory. Three typical theories are the third- abstract) 8 Refs.
order theory, the Levinson theory and the Prasad, Ravindra (Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi,
Levinson-Voyiadjis-Baluch theory, which are India); Samria, N.K. Appl Sci Res (The Hague) v 46 n
redefined according to the present theory. 2Jun 1989 p 141-157
Numerical results of natural frequencies for
the simply supported cylindrical shell, as well as THERMOELASTICITY
many other theories, are compared with the
exact solutions. (Author abstract) 8 Refs. 037151 Thermoelasticity of a Regularly
Hirano, Kisaburou (Oita Natl Coil of Technology, Nonhomogeneous Thin Curved Layer with
Oita, Jpn); Hirashima, Kenichi.JSME IntJ Ser 1 v 32 Rapidly Varying Thickness. A regular
n 3Jul1989 p 337-340. nonhomogeneous (composite), anisotropic,
thin curved layer with rapidly oscillating
THERMAL EFFECTS material parameters and thickness is
considered for the case when mean thickness
037149 Parabolic Shells Subjected to Solar and period scale have small magnitudes of the
Radiation. Questions of the theory and same order. A three-dimensional
analysis of parabolic shells under solar side and thermoelasticity problem for this layer is
central illumination were considered. A reduced to a homogenized shell model by
thermal balance equation was constructed means of an asymptotic homogenization
incorporating the heat fluxes and coefficients method for periodic structures. This general
of thermal conduction and radiation transfer model is applied to the derivation of
along with expressions for the optical thermoelastic and thermal constitutive
coefficients of metals. Equations were derived equations for network periodic shells. The
for determining the temperature fields. Using relations obtained lay the foundation for a
these fields, the stress-strain states for a new continuous model of thermoelasticity and
parabolic shell closed at the apex and for the heat conductivity for network period shells
domain of connection of the shell to a stiffener and plates. (Edited author abstract) 15 Refs.
ring were examined. 6 Refs. Parton, Vladimir Z. (Moscow Inst of Chemical
Gudramovich, V.S. (Acad of Sciences of the Engineering, Moscow, USSR); Kalamkarov,
Ukrainian SSR, Dnepropetrovsk, USSR); Diskovskii, Aleksandr L. J Therm Stresses v 11 n 4 1989
l.A.; Sel'skii, Yu, S. Sov Appl Meeh v 23 n 11 May P 405-420.
1988 p 1043-1049.
037152 Stochastic Thermoelasticity of
037150 Transient Temperature Distribution Laminated Shells. The paper proposes a
in an Internally and Externally Insulated theory and develops a numeric method for
Cylindrical Shell. This paper presents the computing the stochastic characteristics of
analytical solution for unsteady state stress fields in the layers of a multilayer shell
temperature distribution in a cylindrical shell needed for estimating its reliability and
having thin layer of thermal insulation coating longevity. The statistical characteristics of the
at the inner and outer surfaces. The formula external temperature field are assumed to be
has been derived assuming different initial known. Centered fields of temperatures and
temperatures of shell and insulation coating displacements are considered, assuming that
while the contact between them has also been the expectations of the fields have already
assumed to be imperfect. The internal and been evaluated. The assumptions adopted in
external surfaces of the shell and coatings are the construction of the theory are divided
exposed to the convective boundary into three kinds. Thermophysical hypotheses:
conditions of third kind. The generalized thermophysical parameters of the materials of
formula obtained has been used to obtain the the layers are temperature independent.
warming-up-period of the cylindrical wall of a Mechanical hypotheses: the rigid layers of a
Diesel engine coated internally and externally multilayer shell conform to the Kirchhoff-
by ceramic insulation material. A plot of Love hypothesis. Stochastic hypotheses: the

Excerpts from The Ennineerinn Index Annual 1989

statistical characteristics of displacement fields are calculated numerically, and the effects of
and stress fields are analyzed in the the spinning of the shell on the free vibration
framework of a correlation theory. The are studied. (Author abstract) 7 Refs. In
external temperature field is a stationary Japanese.
time-random, space-homogeneous field. Yamada, Cen; Kobayaski, Yukinori; Sawae,
(Edited author abstract) 14 Refs. Tatsuhiro; Irie, Toshihiro. Nippon Kikai Gakkai
Butko, A.M.; Novichkov, Yu.N. Mech Solids v 23 n Ronbunshu C Hen v 54 n 505 Sep 1988 p 2009-2015.
21988 p 133-143.
037155 Evaluation of the Modal Density of
VIBRATIONS Paraboloidal and Similar Shells. Modal
densities of various structures have been found
037153 Nonlinear Analysis of Doubly both theoretically in terms of expressions
Curved Symmetrically Laminated Shallow involving integrals, and also experimentally.
Shells with Rectangular Plan form. A They are of interest to designers of, for
multi-mode solution to the dynamic example, satellite aerials and spacecraft
Marguerre-type nonlinear equations is structures. The theoretical method is
presented for the nonlinear free vibration of hampered by the difficulty of evaluating the
doubly curved, symmetrically laminated, integrals. For certain shells such as a thin
imperfect shallow shells of rectangular plate, spherical cap or circular cylinder, the
plan-form on a Winkler-Pasternak elastic integrals can be evaluated analytically. In this
foundation. The shell edges are assumed to paper a numerical method is presented for
be transversely supported and the variation of the computation of modal densities of other
rotational stiffness is identical along opposite shell geometries, in particular the paraboloidal
edges. Generalized double Fourier series with shell. Both the isotropic and honeycomb types
time-dependent coefficients and the method are considered. Enough details of the
of harmonic balance are used in the solution. numerical method are given to allow the
The boundary condition for the varying reader to adapt it to other shapes for which
rotational stiffness is fulfilled by replacement analytic integration is not possible. (Author
of bending moments along the four edges by abstract) 3 Refs.
an equivalent lateral pressure. Based on a Elliott, C.H. (Portsmouth Polytechnic, Portsmouth,
single-mode approximation numerical results Engl). ] Sound Vib v 126 n 3 Nov 8 1988 P 477 -483.
for the amplitude-frequency response of
doubly curved isotropic, orthotropic, cross-ply 037156 Non-Linear Vibration Analysis of
and angle-ply shallow shells with square Fluid-Filled Cylindrical Shells. A theoretical
plan form are presented for various boundary analysis is presented for determining the
conditions, material properties, curvature elastic non-linear vibrations of a prestressed
ratios, initial imperfections, edge tensions, and thin-walled cylindrical shell filled with an ideal
moduli of the elastic foundation. (Edited fluid. For the vibrations of the shell itself, the
author abstract) 25 Refs. dynamic version of the Sanders non-linear
Chia, C.Y. (Univ of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Can). equations for the case of moderately small
Ing Arch v 58 n 4 1988 P 252 - 264. rotations is employed. Modal expansions are
used for the displacements of the shell middle
037154 Free Vibration of a Spinning surface that are required to satisfy the
Spherical Shell. An analysis is presented for 'classical simply supported' boundary
the free vibration of a spinning spherical shell. conditions and the circumferential periodicity
For this purpose, the governing equations and condition. The fluid is taken as non-viscous
the boundary conditions of the shell are and incompressible, and the coupling between
derived by applying Hamilton's principle to the deformable shell and this medium is taken
the strain and kinetic energies of the shell. into account. The velocity potential is
The variables in the equations can be written expanded in terms of harmonic functions
as summation of the quasi-static components which satisfy the Laplace equation term by
which are independent of time and the term. The Galerkin method is used to reduce
dynamic ones. The linear equations on the the problem to a system of coupled algebraic
vibration about the deformed state are solved non-linear equations for the modal amplitudes.
by using the transfer matrix method. The Solutions are presented to show the effects of
method is applied to a spinning clamped-free fluid and shell parameters on the non-linear
spherical shell. The quasi-static and dynamic vibrations of the shell. (Author abstract) 27
displacement and the frequency parameters Refs.

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

Goncalves, P.B. (Pontificia Univ Catolica, Rio de for thick shells of revolution having
Janerio, Braz); Batista, R.C. J Sound Vib v 127 n 1 meridionally varying curvature. Based on the
Nov 221988 P 133-143. improved thick shell theory, the Lagrangian
of the shells of revolution are obtained, and
037157 Hydroelastic Vibrations of Liquid- the equations of motion and the boundary
Filled Finite Length, Rotating Cylindrical conditions are derived from the stationary
Shells. A theoretical investigation is presented condition of the Lagrangian. The method is
for the hydroelastic vibration of finite length, demonstrated for thick shells of revolution
rotating cylindrical shells partially filled with having elliptical, cycloidal, parabolical,
incompressible and nonviscous liquid. Gravity catenary and hyperbolical meridional
and surface tension is neglected, while the curvature. The results by the present method
initial tension due to the rotation is are compared with those by the thin shell
considered. On the basis of the Fluegge-type theory and the effects of the rotary inertia
equations, the shell with both edges clamped is and the shear deformation upon the natural
analyzed by the variation of parameters. It is frequencies are clarified. (Author abstract) 11
found that the magnitude of the initial Refs.
tension due to the centrifugal force depends Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Yachita, Takumi; Kosawada,
on the rotating speed and the quantity and Tadashi. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 54
density of liquid. The frequency increases n 508 Dec 1988 p 2822 - 2829.
with the initial tension, while it decreases with
the inertia of liquid. (Author abstract) 7 Refs.
In Japanese. 037160 Asymmetric Vibrations of Shells of
Revolution Having Meridionally Varying
Tani, Junji; Zhang, Hebing. Nippon Kikai Gakkai
Curvature and Thickness. An exact method
Ronbunshu C Hen v 54 n 507 Nov 1988 P
using power series expansions is presented for
solving asymmetric free vibration problems
for shells of revolution having meridionally
037158 Theoretical and Experimental Study varying curvature and thickness. The
of Vibrations of Thick Circular Cylindrical
governing equations of motion and the
Shells and Rings. The free vibrations of
boundary conditions are derived from the
thick circular cylindrical shells and rings are
stationary conditions of the Lagrangian of the
discussed in this paper. The well-known
shells of revolution. The method is
energy method, which is based on the
demonstrated for shells of revolution having
three-dimensional theory of elasticity, is used
elliptical cycloidal, parabolical, catenary and
in the derivation of the frequency equation of
hyperbolical meridional curvature. The
the shell. The frequency equation yields
natural frequencies are numerically calculated
resonant frequencies for all the
for these shells having second degree
circumferential modes of vibration, including
thickness variation. (Author abstract) 8 Refs.
the breathing and beam-type modes.
In Japanese.
Experimental investigations were carried out
on several models in order to assess the Suzuki, Katsuyoshi; Miura, Kazuyuki; Kosawada,
validity of the analysis. This paper first Tadashi. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 54
describes briefly the method of analysis. In n 508 Dec 1988 p 2830- 2836.
the end, the calculated frequencies are
compared with the experimental values. A 037161 Free Vibration Analysis of Singly
very close agreement between the theoretical Curved Shell by Spline Finite Strip
and experimental values of the resonant Method. The spline finite strip method has
frequencies for all the models was obtained been applied to the free vibration analysis of a
and this validates the method of analysis. singly curved shell panel. The convergence of
(Author abstract) 14 Refs. the method is reviewed. Additional numerical
Singal, R.K. (Communications Research Cent, examples on shells of different geometrical
Ottawa, Ont, Can); William, K. J Vib Acoust Stress shapes are employed to demonstrate the
Reliab Des v 110 n 4 Oct 1988 p 533-537. accuracy and versatility of the method. Design
charts showing the variations of the four
037159 Asymmetric Vibrations of Thick lowest modes with the geometry of such panels
Shells of Revolution Having Meridionally are presented. (Edited author abstract) 20 Refs.
Varying Curvature. An exact method using Cheung, Y.K. (Univ of Hong Kong, Hong Kong);
power series expansions is presented for Li, W.Y.; Tham, L.G. J Sound Vib v 128 n 3 Feb 8
solving asymmetric free vibration problems 1989 P 411-422.

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

037162 Effect of Boundary Conditions on finitely deformed static state and the
the Free Vibrations of Circular Cylindrical superposed secondary dynamical state which
Shells. A simple formula for the natural are obtained, respectively, by the theory of
frequency is derived as an asymptotic solution finite elasticity and the theory of small
for the eigenvalue problems of the breathing deformations superposed on large, elastic
type of free vibrations of a circular cylindrical deformations are solved analytically and in
shell. It is applicable under any possible closed form to yield the frequency expression.
combinations of the boundary conditions for Some numerical results are provided to study
the simply supported, the clamped, and the the effect of several parameters. (Author
free ends. A characteristic value involved in abstract) 12 Refs.
the formula depends on the combination of Evirgen, H. (Cazi Univ, Ankara, Turk); Ertepinar,
three representative boundary conditions A.J Sound Vib v 130 n 2 Apr 221989 P 177-187.
SR(w = u = 0), SF(w = N = 0), and FR(N =
S = 0), indicating that the free vibration 037165 Vibration Analysis of Thick
characteristics depend on whether an end is Rotating Cylindrical Shells Based on the
free or supported and whether the supported Two-dimensional Elasticity Theory. Vibra-
end is allowed or not to move freely in the tion analysis of infinite thick rotating
axial direction. The accuracy of the formula is cylindrical shells is described on the basis of
examined by a comparison with numerical the two-dimensional elasticity theory. Starting
solutions and experimental results. (Author from the state of plane strain, the basic
abstract) 9 Refs. equation in the steady rotating state, which is
Koga, Tatsuzo (Univ of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Jpn). used to obtain the initial stresses, is derived
AIAAJ v 26 n 11 Nov 1988 P 1387-1394. from Hamilton's principle, and the frequency
equation, including the effect of the initial
037163 Inextensional Free Vibrations of stresses due to the rotation, is formulated by
Circular Cylindrical Shells. Asymptotic Ritz's method. The numerical results for the
solutions are obtained for the eigenvalue frequencies in the non-rotating and rotating
problems of the inextensional free vibrations state are compared with those based on
of circular cylindrical shells, considering all 45 Timoshenko type shell theory and the
possible combinations of the boundary available range in the latter theory is
conditions, characterizing the simply examined about the thickness and rotating
supported, the clamped, and the free ends. In speed of a shell. (Author abstract) 7 Refs. In
addition to the well-known L. Rayleigh and Japanese.
A.E.H. Love types of inextensional vibrations Saito, Takashi; Endo, Mitsuru; Fujimoto, Kohji.
for shells with the free ends, a type Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 55 n 511
represented by a linear combination of those Mar 1989 p 525-53l.
classical ones is found in cases where one end
is free and the other is supported in such a
manner that it can move freely in the axial 037166 Free Vibration Analysis of Coupled
direction. The existence of the three types of External Fluid-Elastic Cylindrical Shell-
inextensional mode is proved by an Internal Fluid Systems. The free vibrations
experiment, and the mode shapes are of an infinitely long cylindrical shell under
visualized by holographic interferometry. axisymmetrical hydrodynamic pressures due to
(Author abstract) 7 Refs. external and internal fluids are studied
Koga, Tatsuzo (Univ of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Jpn); theoretically. The basic equations of motion
Saito, Arihumi. AIAA J v 26 n 12 Dec 1988 p for axisymmetric vibrations of such a shell are
1499-1505. given, based on the bending theory. These
equations are solved analytically by means of
037164 Small Radial Vibrations of Layered, Fourier cosine transformation, and the general
H yperelastic, Spherical Shells of Arbitrary frequency equation for the coupled systems is
Wall Thickness Subjected to Finite, Initial obtained by consideration of the dynamic
Radial Deformations. Small, radial vibrations interaction between the shell surface and fluids.
of layered spherical shells of arbitrary wall Furthermore, seven cases are derived from the
thickness and subjected to initial external general coupled frequency equation. The
and/or internal pressure causing finite radial general frequency equation is calculated for
deformations are investigated. The material of some kinds of mass density of the internal
each layer is assumed to be of neo-Hookean fluid. (Edited author abstract) 6 Refs.
type. The governing equations of both the Endo, Ryuji (Inst of Vocational Training, Aihara,

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual J989

Jpn); Tosaka, Nobuyoshi. jSME Int j SeT 1 v 32 n 2 of circular cylindrical shells, which are used in
Apr 1989p217-221. centrifugal separators to enrich uranium, and
rotating at higher speeds, it is considered that
037167 Dynamic Stability of Fluid-Coupled circular cylindrical shells are connected with
Coaxial Cylindrical Shells under Vertical bellows. Vibration analysis of circular
Excitation. Theoretical analyses are presented cylindrical shells connected with bellows is
for the dynamic stability of a free-clamped carried out by the substructure synthesis
coaxial cylindrical shell partially filled in the method for various numbers and dispositions
annular gap with incompressible, in viscid of bellows, and the optimum ones are
liquid and subjected to vertical excitation. The examined. Moreover, the transfer matrix
dynamic version of the Donnell equations and method, by which the critical speeds are simply
the velocity potential theory are used for the obtained, is described and the results are
motions of the shell and the liquid, respectively. examined by the substructure synthesis
The problem is solved by using the modified method. (Author abstract) 5 Refs. In Japanese.
Galerkin method so as to satisfy the boundary Saito, Takashi; Endo, Mitsuru; Yachigo, Katsuyuki.
conditions, and the governing equation is Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 55 512 Apr
reduced to a type of coupled Mathieu's 1989 p 887 -893.
equation. The instability boundaries where
parametric resonance occurs are determined 037170 Vibrations of a Cylindrical Shell
by using Hsu's method. It is found that a Acted Upon by Concentrated Loads. We set
principal instability resonance and a up Green's matrix of harmonic vibrations of a
combination instability resonance of the sum circular cylindrical shell of finite length with
type of two natural vibrations, each of which hinging conditions on the edges. The solution
has the same circumferential wave number and is represented by a trigonometric Fourier
different axial mode of vibration, are likely to series in the circumferential coordinate. The
occur. (Edited author abstract) 6 Refs. In coefficients of the series are expressed in
Japanese. terms of elementary functions. The response
Tani, Junji; Sakai, Tatsuyoshi; Chiba, Masakatsu. of shells of infinite and finite length to
Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen v 55 n 512 Apr concentrated actions is compared. The
1989 p 870-876. solution obtained is the kernel of the integral
equations of contact problems of shell
037168 Vibration Analysis of Thick Rotating vibrations. It also enables us, by using simple
Prestressed Cylindrical Shells (1st Report. integration, to calculate the amplitude of
The Case of Exposure to an Initial Torque). oscillation of a shell acted upon by arbitrarily
Vibration analysis of thick rotating cylindrical distributed surface loads. (Author abstract) 8
shells subjected to an initial torque is Refs.
described. The basic equations, including the Averbukh, A.Z.; Mavlyutov, I.G. Meeh Solids v 23
effects of the initial tensions and resultant n 51988 P 130-135.
shear stresses due to rotation, torque, external
pressure and axial compression load, are 037171 Free Vibrations of the Rotating
derived by the Timoshenko-type shell theory. Shells of Revolution. This paper is devoted
By the modified Galerkin's method, frequency to the problems of free vibrations of thin
analysis is carried out for four boundary con- rotating shells. The theory of vibration of
ditions (i.e., both ends (A) clamped with axial rotating shells is part of the theory of an
constraint. (B) Simply supported without arbitrary rotating body and the results which
axial constraint. (C) Simply supported with are valid for an arbitrary body are also valid
axial constraint and (D) clamped without axial for the shells. Though numerical methods are
constraint). Numerical results are compared the main approach to the investigation of the
with those based on the Flugge-type shell dynamics of rotating bodies, some analytical
theory and the difference between both results have been obtained for some simple
theories is examined. (Author abstract) 6 Refs. bodies like rotating beams and discs. The
In Japanese. mathematical theory of nonrotating thin shells
Saito, Takashi; Endo, Mitsuru. Nippon Kikai Gakkai is well developed. Several of the most
Ronbunshu C Hen v 55 n 512 Apr 1989 p 878-885. successful are two-dimensional theories of the
Kirchoff-Love type. The aim of this paper is
037169 Vibration Analysis of Cylindrical to apply asymptotic methods to the solution of
Shells Connected with Bellows. For the the eigenvalue problem for a rotating shell.
purpose of decreasing the lower critical speed The authors use Novozhilov's two-dimensional

Excerpts from The Engineering Index Annual 1989

shell theory to obtain the equations of the inconsistencies in the mathematical analysis
vibration of the shell and the theory of carried out by Evensen and also in the
asymptotic integration of the differential physical behavior of the three-term model of
equation to solve the eigenvalue problem for Dowell and Ventres. The comments made by
these equations. 23 Refs. Prathap led to reinvestigation of the earlier
Smirnov, Andrei (Leningrad Univ, Leningrad, problem in the present study. The
USSR).] Appl Meeh Trans ASME v 56 n 2 Jun 1989 axisymmetric part of the assumed deflected
p 423-429. shape plays an important role in the nonlinear
behavior of the shell, and so two appropriate
037172 Dynamic Boundary Layer in three-term mode shapes for the transverse
Problems of Vibration of Shells. Within the displacement are chosen. The modal equations
framework of the three-dimensional theory, obtained by the Galerkin method are solved
the authors consider a thin elastic by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to
axisymmetric shell of revolution of arbitrary obtain the amplitude-frequency relationship.
profile, that executes steady-state oscillations The numerical results based on the present
under the action of an edge load. It was study and on the analysis of Evensen are
established on the basis of the equations of compared with the existing experimental
the classical two-dimensional theory, that for values. (Edited author abstract) 10 Refs.
fixed m and increasing w the variability of the Varadan, T.K. (Indian Inst of Technology, Madras,
stress-strain state of the shell increases, and India); Prathap, G.; Ramani, H.V. AIAA] v 27 n 9
there exist critical frequency values above Sep 1989 p 1303-1304.
which the solution of the force-oscillation
problem becomes a solution of differing 037175 Free Vibrations of Circular
variability. In this paper, the authors consider Cylindrical Shells. The eigenvalue problem
approximate methods of setting up solutions of the free vibrations of thin elastic circular
of differing variability for the equations of cylindrical shells is a well-established classical
elasticity, and consider the use of such topic in structural mechanics. All the
solutions for purposes of approximate characteristic values of interest can now be
investigation of forced oscillations of shells at calculated to a desired degree of accuracy as
frequencies that preclude the use of the routine work with the aid of high-speed
classical two-dimensional theory. 5 Refs. digital computers. A number of analytical
Gol'denveizer, A.L. (Kaplunov, Yu.D.) Meeh Solids v solutions have been proposed, and they may
23 n 41988 P 146-155. help us gain good insight into the physical
nature underlying the numerical data. This
037173 Spline Finite Element for paper reviews the historical background and
Axisymmetric Free Vibrations of Shells of provides a unified view of the current state of
Revolution. A new isoparametric element the art through asymptotic solutions recently
suitable for the analysis of axisymmetric free obtained by the author. Emphasis is placed on
vibrations of shells of revolution is developed the effects of the boundary conditions.
in this paper. This element, which is based on (Edited author abstract) 33 Refs.
classical thin shell theory, employs a set of Koga, Tatsuzo (Univ of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Jpn).
B-spline shape functions for the interpolation ]SME Int] Ser 1 v 32 n 3 Jul 1989 P 311-319.
of the geometry as well as the displacements.
It inherits the merits of both the finite 037176 Improved Multi-Segmental Transfer
element method and spline interpolation. The Matrix Method for Closed Axisymmetric
efficiency and accuracy of the proposed Shells. In literature the vibrating problem of
element are illustrated by examples in the thin, elastic axisymmetric shells is modeled by
paper. (Author abstract) 20 Refs. a set of ordinary differential equations, which
Fan, S.C. (Nanyang Technological Inst, Singapore); are singular at closed ends. This paper
Luah, M.H.] Sound Vib v 132 n 1 Jul 8 1989 P presents an improved multi-segmental transfer
61-72. matrix method to overcome the numerical
difficulties resulted from the singularities.
037174 Nonlinear Free Flexural Vibration Examples are given for the calculations of
of Thin Circular Cylindrical Shells. The several typical axisymmetric shells. (Author
early development on the topic of nonlinear abstract) 5 Refs.
vibrations of isotropic circular cylindrical Jian, Zhao (Zhong Shan Univ, Guangzhou, China);
shells is well documented by Evensen. Hong-zhen, Wang; Wu-hua, Zhu. Proe Int Offshore
Subsequently, Prathap pointed out some Meeh Aret Eng Symp v II (of VI), Proceedings of the

Excerpts from The Enaineerina Index Annual 1989

Eighth International Conference on Offshore BirIik, G.A. (Middle East Technical Univ, Ankara,
Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-1989, Hague, Turk); Mengi, Y.] Sound Vib v 130 n 1 Apr 8 1989
Neth, Mar 19-23 1989. Publ by American Soc of P 69-77.
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY,
USA, 1989 P 713-718. WA VE EFFECTS
VISCOELASTICITY 037179 Wave Forces on Hemicylinders.
037177 Refined Dynamic Theory for Potential solutions describing the flow about
Viscoelastic Cylindrical Shells and two-dimensional marine structures on or near
the ocean bottom are formulated, based on
Cylindrical Laminated Composites, Part 1:
Airy's wave model. The solutions for a
General Theory. Through the use of a new
half-cylinder and semicircular shell are
technique, approximate theories are developed
considered in detail and evaluated in the case
for the dynamic response of viscoelastic
cylindrical shells and cylindrical laminated of deep submergence. The formulation with
and without flow underneath the structure is
composites. The work is divided into two
given and, in particular, the existence of a
parts. The first part is devoted to the
large difference between the two cases in. the
development of the approximate theories and
vertical forces is shown. The effect of
the second part to the assessment. In this
introducing vorticity at the edges of the shell
part, first the approximate equations of a
is investigated. Numerical results for
single viscoelastic cylindrical shell are derived.
Then, a discrete model (DM) is proposed for hemicylinders resting on the bottom and
slightly raised off the bottom are presented.
a composite made of viscoelastic laminae. In
establishing DM, it is noted that the equations The results obtained for the wave forces are
of a single shell hold also in each lamina of compared with experimental results obtained
the composite. The equations of DM are for a slightly raised, open hemicylinder.
completed by adding the interface continuity (Author abstract) 17 Refs.
conditions to the above-mentioned equations. Chakrabarti, Subrata K. (CBI Research Corp,
Finally, a continuum model (CM) is developed Plainfield, IL, USA); Naftzger, Rober A. Ocean Eng
for a composite shell made of two alternating (Pergamon) v 16 n 1 1989 P 49-69.
layers by using a smoothing operation. eM
simplifies the determination of dynamic WIND EFFECTS
behavior of composite shells when the number
of laminae is large. (Edited author abstract) 037180 Stability of Wind-Loaded Cylindrical
10 Refs. Shells. Stability analysis of perfect and
Mengi, Y. (Cukurova Univ, Adana, Turk); Birlik, imperfect cylindrical shells under wind
pressures is performed using the finite element
G.A.] Sound Vib v 130 n 1 Apr 81989 P 55-67.
method. A 48 degree-of-freedom thin shell
037178 Refined Dynamic Theory for element previously developed by the present
Viscoelastic Cylindrical Shells and authors is used. The element is free from
Cylindrical Laminated Composites, Part 2: both shear and membrane locking and is
An Application. In this study, the general capable of modelling shells with arbitrary
approximate theory developed in Part 1 for imperfections. Nonlinear effects due to
shells is assessed for axially symmetric elastic pre buckling rotations are taken into account.
waves propagating in a dosed circular The nonlinear response is obtained using
cylindrical shell (hollow rod). The spectra Riks-Wempner algorithm. Effects of the
predicted by zeroth and second order imperfection amplitude and that of the
approximate theories are determined for material orthotropy on the limit load points
various values of shell thicknesses and the are studied. Wherever possible, the present
Poisson ratios and they are compared with results are compared with existing results. A
those of exact theory. It is found that the favorable agreement is observed. (Author
agreement between the two is good. abstract) 17 Refs.
Approximate and exact cut-off frequencies Kapania, Rakesh K. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst &
match almost exactly. The approximate State Univ, Blacksburg, VA, USA); Yang, T.Y.]
theory is valid for thin as well as thick shells. Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn v 28 pt 1 n 1- 3 Aug 1988
These results, which are obtained without Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on
using correction factors, give an indication of Wind Engineering, Held under the Auspices of the
the power of the general theories proposed in International Association for Wind Engineering,
Part 1. (Author abstract) 6 Refs. Aachen, West Ger,juI6-10 1987. p 281-290.

Selected Biblionraphy

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255-86. Les Editions d' Architecture (Artemis).

Selected Bibliography

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- - - . Note on finite symmetrical deflections Beranek, W. J. 1961. Investigations on
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Bleich, H. H., and Salvadori, M. G. 1959. - - - . 1967. On the calculation of shallow
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Block, D. L. 1966. Buckling of eccentrically 873-98.
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World Conference on Shell Structures (San torno al Estilo. Espacios no. 15.

Selected Biblioeraphy

- - - . Skew shell utilized in unusual roof. - - - . Les Paraboloides Hyperboliques et les

ACI. (Mar.):657 ff. Coques en Beton Arme. Aujourd'hui no.
- - - . 1954. Construccion. Caracas. Ouly). 23:62 ff.
- - - . The shell as a space encloser. Proceed- - - - . Strutture e strutturalismo. Casabella
ings, Conference on Thin Concrete Shells. no. 232:48 ff.
MIT Oune):5 ff. - - - . Weg zu einer neuen Strukturauffas-
- - - . Stereo-structures. Progressive Architec- sung. Bauknust und Werkform no. 9:466 ff.
ture. Oune):84 ff. - - - . 1985. En Defensa del Formalismo. Y
- - - . Structural digressions around style in Otros Escutos. Xarait Ediciones, pp. 172.
architecture. Student Publications, School of Cantin, R., and Clough, R. 1968. A curved cy-
Design, North Carolina State College, vol. 5, lindrical shell discrete element. AIAAJournal
no. 1:18 ff. vol. 6, no. 5 (May): 1057 - 68.
- - - . Toward a new philosophy of struc- Carr, A. j., and Clough, R. W. 1969. Dynamic
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sign, North Carolina State College, vol. 5, ings, Fourth World Conference on Earth-
no. 3:2 ff. quake Engineering, Santiago, Chile Oan.).
- - - . Warped surfaces. Proceedings, Confer- Cauchy, A. 1828. Sur l'equilibre et Ie mouve-
ence on Thin Concrete Shells. MIT, June. ment d'une plaque solide. Exercise de mathi-
91 ff. matique. (10) 3.
- - - . 1955. Durmientes de Concrete Pre- Chetty, S. M. K., and Tottenham, H. 1964. An
tensado. La Construccion Moderna. July. investigation into the bending analysis of hy-
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no. 1:16 ff. folded plate structures. Proceedings, ASCE
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ff. corps solides. Paris, Translated from the
- - - . Intuition as synthesis. Dimension, Stu- German, with notes by B. de St. Vanant.
dent Publications, College of Architecture Clough, R. W., and Johnson, C. P. 1971. Finite
and Design, University of Michigan element analysis of arbitrary thin shells. Sym-
(Feb.):50 ff. posium, concrete thin shells, American Con-
- - - . Les Voutes Minces et I'Espace Archi- crete Institute, SP-28:333-64.
tectural. L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui no. 64: Collins, P. 1960. Antonio Gaudi. New York:
22 ff. Braziller, 24.
- - - . Toward a new structure. Architectural - - - . 1964. Concrete shell structures, prac-
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- - - . 1958. Cascarones de Hormigon Ar- Connor, j. j., and Will, G. T. 1969. A mixed
mado, Ingenieria Internacional Construccion. finite element shallow shell formulation. Pro-
New York, June, August, Manuel del Con- ceedings, U. S.-Japan Seminar on Matrix
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- - - . Understanding the hyperbolic para- Tokyo, (Sept.).
boloid. Architectural record. Ouly): 191 ff. - - - , and Brebbia, C. 1967. Stiffness ma-
(Aug.):205 ff. trix for shallow rectangular shell element.
- - - . 1959. EI Arquitecto Felix Candela. Proceedings, ASCE vol. 93, EM5 (Oct.):
Viajes. Mexico City, no. 41:22 ff. 43-65.

Selected Biblionraphy

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tion of Engineers, Australia Ouly-Aug.). 1963):220-22.
Creasy, L. R. 1961. Prestressed concrete cylin- - - - . 1962. Using finite difference equa-
drical tanks. New York: John Wiley & Sons. tions to find the stresses in hypar shells. Civil
Cretu, Mircea. 1963. Criteria for the design of Engineering and Public Works Review. Lon-
reinforced concrete shell structures and don, vol. 56 (Feb. 1961):199-201.
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Institution, Indian Standard 2210-1962. Buckling of hyperbolic paraboloids. Pro-
Croll, J. G. A., and Scrivener, J. C. 1969. Edge ceedings, World Conference on Shell Struc-
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- - - . 1961. Betrachtungen uber die Be- - - - . Die Grossmarkthalle Leipzig. Verein
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Herrmann. 1960. Shell and fold structure - - - . 1936. Der Spannungszustand in af-
roofs out of precast, prestressed reinforced finen Schalen und Raumfachwerken unter

Selected Bibiiooraphy

Anwendung des Prinzips des statischen Mas- sports a lavish design at record costs Oune
senaugleichs. Bauingerieur nos. 23 - 28:228 10):22-37.
ff. Ergauoudis, I.; Irongs, B. M.; and Zienkiewicz,
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- - - . Schlenkuppel mit 72 m Spannweite Esquillan, Nicholas. 1952. Le hangar a deux
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planug-Bautechnik no. 6: 191 ff. Marignane. Annales de l'Institute Technique
- - - , and Finsterwalder, Ulrich. 1928. Ei- due Batiment et des Travaux Publics no. 57
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- - - . 1929. Die Frankfurter Grossmark- National Center of Industries and Technol-
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chanics vol. 17, no. 1 (Mar.). tures vol. 4, no. 4(Apr.):421-46.
Dubois, F. 1917, Uber die Festigkeit der Ku- Fletcher, Sir B. 1967. A History of Architecture,
gelschale. Zurich: Promotionsarbeit. 17 ed. Rev. by R. A. Cordingley, New York:
Charles Schribner's Sons, 198.
E/ AC EASE. 1969. Elastic analysis for str"uc- Flint, A. R., and Low, A. E. 1960. The con-
tural engineering. Program Applications struction of hyperbolic paraboloid type shells
Guide. Data Centers Division, Control Data without temporary formwork. Bull. Interna-
Corporation (Aug.). tional Association for Shell Structures, Ma-
- - - . Elastic Analysis for Structural Engi- drid, no. 4, paper no. A-15.
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Centers Division, Control Data Corporation Schalen Berlin: Springer-Verlag OHG.
(Aug.). - - - . 1960. Stresses in Shells. Berlin:
Engineering News Record. 1956. Dome roof Springer-Verlag.
formed on mound needs no shoring vol. 157 Fuchssteiner, Wilhelm. 1954. Die Berechnung
(Sept. 27):35 ff. von Industriesc ornsteinen mit Fuchsoffnun-
- - - . 1957. Biggest wood dome span 300 gen. Bauingenieur no. 7.
feet vol. 158 Oan. 10):32 ff. - - - . 1955. Kreiszylinderschalen: Die ele-
- - - . 1960. For an economical roof: precast men tare Behandlung der Kampferrandstor-
barrels vol. 165, no. 12 (Sept. 15):42-44. ungen. Beton-und Stahlbetonbau no. 5.
- - - . 1964. Flying buttress holds off thrust - - - . 1960. Kreiszylinderschalen, Berech-
from precast, pleated half-dome vol. 173 nung mit Polynomen. Benton-und Stahlbeton-
(Nov. 19):40-42. bau no. 5.
- - - . 1965. Precast dome spans 202 feet - - - , and Schader, Alois. 1956. Allege-
vol. 174, no. 4 Oan. 8):66 - 67. meine Schalengrundgleichungen. Beton-und
- - - . 1976. Montreal's XXI Olympiad Stahlbetonbau no. 7.

Selected Bibli08raphy

1959. Einige neuere Schalenbauten - - - . 1944. On the applicability of the gen-

mit besonderer Beachtung wirtschaftlic en eral theorems of the theory of elasticity of
Austfuhrung. Beton-und Stahlbetonbau no. 5. thin shells. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. Academiya
Nauk., S.S.S.R. 1 (8): 1.
Gaafar, I. 1954. Hipped plate analysis, consid- - - - . 1947. On appropriate methods for
ering joint displacements. Transactions, the analysis of thin shells of zero Gaussian
ASCE vol. 119, paper 2696:743-84. curvature. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. Academiya
Galantay, E. Y. 1956. Les voiles minces et la Nauk., S.S.S.R. 1 (11):4.
courverture autoportante. L'Architecture d' - - - . 1961. Theory of elastic thin shells.
Ajourd'hui no. 64:28 ff. New York: Pergamon Press, 474-83.
Galerkin, B. G. 1934. On the theory of elastic - - - ; Mroshchinskii, A; and Repman, Iu. V.
cylindrical shells 2:4:5 - 6. 1939. Methods of analysis of spherical domes
Gallager, R. H. 1969. Analysis of plate and shell using membrane theory. Plates and Shells.
structures. Application of Finite Element Gosstroiizdat.
Methods in Civil Engineering. Nashville: Van- Grafton, P. E., and Strome, D. R. 1963. Analy-
derbilt University. sis of axisymmetrica I shells by the direct stiff-
- - - , and Yang, H. 1968. Elastic instability ness method. AIAA Journal vol. 1, no. 10
predictions for doubly curved shells. Pro- (Oct.):2342-47.
ceedings, Second Conference on Matrix Gvozdev, A. A. 1932. On the analysis of thin-
Methods in Structural Mechanics, Air Force walled cylindrical shells. Streitel'naia pro-
Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson myshlennocm' 16:1.
Air Force Base, Ohio. AFFDL-TR-68-150
(Dec. 1969). Haas, A. M. 1962. Design of thin concrete shells
Geckeler, J. 1926. Uber die Festigkeit Achsen- vol. 1. New York: John Wiley, 108.
symmetrischer Schalen (Strengths of axially Hajnal-Konyi, K. 1959. Construction of a hy-
symmetric shells). Forschungsarbeiten auf dem perbolic paraboloid shell roof over the gar-
Gebeit des Ingenieurwesens no. 276. age of the Lincolnshire Motor Company,
- - - . 1932. Statics of elastic bodies. OGIZ. Ltd., Lincoln. International Colloquium on
Gerard, George. 1962. Compressive stability of Construction Processes of Shell Structures,
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- - - . Introduction to structural stability Hamilton, R. J. 1938. Great Bend Auditorium.
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- - - , and Becker, H. 1957. Handbook of Roof. Architectural Concrete no. 3 (Oct.).
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Curved Plates and Shells NACA TN 3783. with moving falsework. Engineering News-
Gibson, J. E. 1961. The Design of Cylindrical Record (Apr. 24): 1.
Shell Roofs. 2 ed. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van - - - . 1942. Hangars at Wright Field and
Nostrand. San Diego. Architectural Concrete 2:8, 24.
Girkmann, K. 1959. Flachentragwerke. 5 ed. Hampe, E. 1964. Statik Rotationssymmetrischer
Vienna: Springer-Verlag. Flachentragewerke. In German. vols. 1-4,
Giroux, Y. M. 1967. Finite difference tech- Berlin: VEB Verlag fur Bauwesen.
niques for multiple shells with edge mem- Harrenstein, H. P. 1961. Configuration of shell
bers. Proceedings, International Congress on structures for optimum stresses. Proceedings,
the Application of Shells in Architecture, Symposium on Shell Research. Delft, Aug.
Mexico City. 30-Sept. 2, 1961. Amsterdam: North-HoI-
Goldberg, J. E.; Bogdonoff, J. L.; and Al- land Publishing Company, 232.
spaugh, D. L. 1964. Stresses in spherical Hartin, R. L. 1935 Construction features of the
domes under arbitrary loading including Z-D dome for the Hayden Planetarium
thermal and shrinkage effects. Proceedings, Building. J. ACI (May-June):449.
Symposium on Non-Classical Shell Prob- Huang, N. C. 1964. Unsymmetrical buckling of
lems. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publish- thin shallow spherical shells. J. Appl. Mech.
ing Company: 116-38. vol. 31, no. 3 (Sept.):447-57.
Goldenweizer, A. L. 1939. Additions and cor- Hutchinson, J. W. 1967. Initial post-buckling
rections to the theory of thin shells. Plates behavior of toroidal shell segments. Intern. J.
and Shells. Gosstroiizdat. Solids and Structures vol. 3, no. lOan.):
- - - . Analysis of thin-walled shells and 97-115.
structures, based on rigid diaphragms, tak- Hyman, B. I. and Healey, J. J. 1967. Buckling
ing into account bending and twisting mo- of prolate spheroidal shells under hydro-
ments. Plates and Shells. Gosstroiizdat. static pressure. J. American Institute of Aero-

Selected Biblionraphy

nautics and Astronautics vol. 5, no. 8 jones, L. L. 1960. Tests on a one-tenth scale
(Aug.): 1469 -77. model of a hyperbolic paraboloid shell roof.
Technical Report TRA/334. London: Ce-
Iljushin, A. A. and Lenskij, V. S. 1959. ment and Concrete Association, (Aug.).
Strength of materials. In Russian. Fizmatgiz. - - - . 1961. Tests on a one-sixth scale
International Colloquium on Construction Pro- model of a hyperbolic paraboloid umbrella
cesses of Shell Structures. Dresden, March shell roof. Technical Report TRA/347. Lon-
1961. don: Cement and Concrete Association,
International Colloquium on Construction Pro- Oan.).
cesses of Shell Structures. Madrid, Sept. jones, R. E., and Strome, D. R. 1966. Direct
1959. stiffness method analysis of shells of revolu-
Irons, B. M. 1970. A frontal solution program tion utilizing curved elements. AIAA Journal
for finite element analysis. Intern. J. for vol. 4, no. 9 (Sept.):1519-25.
Numerical Methods in Engineering vol. 2, no.
lOan.). Kalnins, A. 1964. Analysis of shells of revolu-
Isler, Heinz. 1955. Instability of prestressed tion subjected to symmetrical and nonsym-
shells. Second Congress, Federation Interna- metrical loads. J. Applied Mechanics vol. 31,
tiona Ie de la Precontrainte, Amsterdam:736. no. 3 (Sept.).
- - - . 1958. Discussion, shell research. Pro- Kemp, K. D., and Croll,]. C. A. 1975. Collapse
ceedings, Second Symposium on Concrete of a cooling tower due to geometric imper-
Shell Roof Construction, july 1- 3 1957 fections. Paper presented at Second Collo-
(OsI0):327. quium on Hyperbolic Cooling Towers, Brus-
- - - . 1959. Dreidimensionales Gestalten. sels Oune).
Bauen & Wohnen no. 8:287 ff. Kemper, ]. 1960. Unified thin-shells theory.
- - - . Groblichtkuppein. Bauen & Wohnen Symposium on Mechanics of Plates and
no. 5:28. Shells for Industry Research Associates.
- - - . New shapes for shells. International Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PIBAL
Colloquium on Construction Processes of no. 566 (Mar. 9-11).
Structures, Madrid, Report C-3. Keshava Rao, M. N., and Sharma, S. P. 1962.
- - - . 1961. Experimental shell design. Pro- Application of the methods of finite differ-
ceedings, Symposium on Shell Research, ences for the analysis of a conoid shell using
Delft, Aug. 30-Sept. 2. Amsterdam: North- the bending theory. Indian Concrete Journal
Holland Publishing Company, 356. vol. 36, no. 3 (Mar.):84.
- - - . 1967. Twelve years of application of Key, S. W., and Beisinger, Z. 1968. The analy-
bubble shells. Proceedings, International sis of thin shells with transverse shear strains
Congress on the Application of Shells in Ar- by the finite element method. Proceedings,
chitecture, Mexico City. See also Reference Second Conference on Matrix Methods in
6, pp. 172-75. Structural Mechanics, Air Force Institute of
- - - , and Weder, A. 1955. Die Buckel- Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force
schale, ein interessantes Bauelement. Schwei- Base, Ohio, 1968. AFFDL-TR-68-150 (Dec.
zerische Bauzeitung no. 23. 1969).
Khojasteh-Bakht, M., and Popov, E. P. 1970.
jenkins, R. S. 1958. A variational method for Analysis of elastic-plastic shells of revolution.
design of cylindrical shells. Proceedings, Sec- Proceedings, ASCE vol. 96, EM6 Oune):
ond Symposium on Concrete Shell Construc- 327 -40.
tion, july 1- 3 1957 (Oslo): 157 ff. Kiciman, M. 0., and Konishi, D. Y. 1961. Sta-
- - - ,and Broadbent, B. H. Complete cylin- bility of honeycomb sandwich cylinders.
drical shell roofs precast on the ground. ASME Paper 61-AV-36.
- - - . 1959. International Colloquium on Kilchevskii, N. A. 1940. The basic equations of
Construction Processes of Shell Structures, equilibrium of elastic shells and some
Madrid, Paper A-9. methods for their integration. Zbirnik Prats
johnson, C. P. 1967. The analysis of thin shells Inst. Mat. A.N. U.S.S.R. 3, 4, 5, 6 (1940) 6,
by a finite element procedure. Structural En- (1941 ).
gineering Laboratory, University of Califor- Kirchhoff, G. 1876. Vorlesungen uber Mathe-
nia, Berkeley. Report No. 67-22. matische Physik. vol. 1: Mechanik.
- - - , and Smith, P. G. 1969. A computer Knittel, Georg. 1960. Zur Vorspannung der
program for the analysis of thin shells. Struc- Flachentragwerke des Massivbaus. VDI-
tural Engineering Laboratory, University of Zeitschrift vol. 102, no. 7:253 ff.
California, Berkeley. Report No. 69-5. Kohnke, P. c., and Schnobric, W. C. 1969. A

Selected Bibliography

finite element analysis of eccentrically stiff- I. Holand and K. Bell, eds. Trondheim,
ened circular cylindrical shells. Structural Norway: TAPIR, 287-319.
Research Series no. 351. Urbana: University Meissner, E. 1915. Uber Elastizitat und Festig-
of Illinois, Oct. keit dunner Schalen, Viertelschr. Zurich: D.
natur. Ges., Bd. 60.
Leet, K. 1966. Study of stability in the hyperbo- Meng, Ching-Hung, and Laushey, Louis M.
lic paraboloid. Proceedings, ASEC vol. 92, 1960. Stresses in hyperbolic paraboloid
EMI (Feb.):121-42. shells loaded laterally. Bull., International
Lin, T. Y., and Kulka, F. 1964. Concrete shell Association for Shell Structures, Madrid,
prestressed for load balancing. Proceedings, no. 15.
World Conference on Shell Structures, San Mescall, J. F. 1965. Large deflections of spheri-
Francisco, 1962. Washington D.C.: National cal shells under concentrated loads. J. Appl.
Academy of Sciences, 29 - 38. Mech. vol. 32, no. 4 (Dec.):936-38.
Loo, T. C., and Evan-Iwanowski, R. M. 1966. Meyer, C., and Scordelis, A. C. 1970. Com-
Interaction of critical concentrated loads act- puter program for prismatic folded plates
ing on shallow spherical shells. J. Appl. Mech. with plate and beam finite elements. Division
vol. 33, no. 3 (Sept.):612-16. of Structural Engineering and Structural
Lundgren, H. 1960. Cylindrical Shells Vol. 1: Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineer-
Cylindrical Roofs 3 printing, 1960. Copen- ing, University of California, Berkeley,
hagen: Danish Technical Press, Institution of Structures and Materials Research Report
Danish Civil Engineers. SESM 70-3. (Feb.).
Meyer, R. R. 1967. Buckling of ring-stiffened
Makowski, Z. S. Analysis, Design, and Construc- corrugated cylinders subjected to uniform
tion of Braced Domes, New York: Nichols axial load and bending. Douglas Aircraft Co.
Publishing Co., 1984, 684. Report DAC-60698 Ouly).
March, H. W., and Kuenzi, E. W. 1958. Buck- - - - , and Harmon, M. B. 1963 Conical seg-
ling of sandwich cylinders in torsion. Forest ment method for analyzing open crown
Products Report 184 Oan.). shells of revolution for edge loading. AIAA
Marshall, W. T. 1954. The elimination of mo- Journal vol. 1, no. 3 (Apr.):886-91.
ments in shell roofs by prestressing. Proceed- - - - , and Bellinfante, R. J. 1964. Fabrica-
ings, Institution of Civil Engineers London, tion and experimental evaluation of com-
vol. 3, part III (Apr.):276-82. mon domes having waffle-like stiffening.
Martin, D. W., and Scriven, W. E. 1961. The Douglas Aircraft Company. Report
calculation of membrane stresses in hyperbo- SM-47742.
lic cooling towers. Proceedings, Institution of Michael, K. C., and Munro, J. 1967. Approxi-
Civil Engineers, London, vol. 19, no. 4 mating functions and indirect solutions of
(Aug.):503 -14. shell problems. Proceedings, International
Mast, Paul E. 1962. Design and construction of Congress on the Application of Shells in Ar-
northlight barrel shells. J. ACI vol. 59, no. 4 chitecture, Mexico City.
(Apr.). Mihailescu, M., and Ungureanu, I. 1959. A new
Medwadowski, S. J. 1962. Discussion of "De- shell form for prestressed sheds. Interna-
sign and construction of northlight barrel tional Colloquium on Construction Processes
shells," by Paul E. Mast J. ACI. Proceedings, of Shell Structures, Madrid, Paper A-13.
vol. 59, no. 12 (Dec.):1903-5. Mirza, J. 1967. Stresses and deformations in
- - - . 1963. Thin shell structures. Discovery, umbrella shells. Proceedings, ASCE vol. 93,
London, vol. 24, no. 11 (Nov.):29-35. ST2 (Apr.):27i -86.
- - - ,and Dawson, W. R. 1960. Design and Mokk, L. 1964. Prefabricated concrete for in-
construction of precast-prestressed thin shell dustrial and public structures. Budapest:
roofs for a cement plant at Redding, Califor- Akademiai Kiado (Publishing House of Hun-
nia. Proceedings, International Colloquium garian Academy of Sciences), 398.
on Precast Shell Structures, Dresden. Molke, E. C., and Kalinka,J. E. 1938. Principles
Megard, G. 1969. Analysis of thin shells using of concrete shell dome design. J. ACI
planar and curved finite elements. Report (May-June):649
No. 69-1. Trondheim, Norway: Division of - - - . 1941. Navy builds concrete hangars
Structural Mechanics, Technical University at San Diego. In Engineering News-Record
of Norway. (Dec. 4):64.
- - - . Planar and curved shell elements. Fi- Muller, G.; Kabir, A. F.; and Scordelis, A. C.
nite elements methods in stress analysis. Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete

Selected Bibliography

hyperbolic paraboloid shells. Proceedings, Pauw, Adrian, and Jenny, Daniel P. 1962.
Conference on Nonlinear Behavior of Rein- Lightweight aggregate for thin concrete
forced Concrete Spatial Structures vol. 1. shells. Proceedings, World Conference on
Darmstadt, West Germany Ouly 1978): Shell Structures, (Oct. 1-4), San Francisco.
191-203. Publication 1187. Washington D.C.: Na-
Muriel, Emanuel. 1980. Contemporary Archi- tional Academy of Sciences-National Re-
tects. New York: St. Martin's. search Council, 159.
Pecknold, D. A., and Schnobrich, W. C. 1969.
Nasser, A. R. 1964. Construction of a but- Finite-element analysis of skewed shallow
tressed dome segment. J. ACI, Proceedings shells. Proceedings, ASCE vol. 95, ST4
vol. 61, no. 5 (May):509-20. (Apr.):715-44.
- - - ,andJohnson, C. B. 1962. Semigraphi- Peterson, J.; Whitley, R.; and Deaton, J. 1962.
cal analysis of long prestressed concrete Structural behavior and compressive
vaulted shells. J. ACI, Proceedings vol. 59, strength of circular cylinders with longitu-
no. 5 (May):659-72. dinal stiffening. NASA TN D-1251.
Natural Draught Cooling Towers-Ferrybridge Pfluger, Alf. 1961. Elementary statics of shells.
and After. 1967. Institution of Civil Engi- 2 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
neers, London. Poisson, S. D. 1829. Memoire sur l'equilibre et
Nazarov, A. A. 1949. On the theory of their Ie mouvement des corps sondes. Paris: Mem.
shallow shells. Prikl. Mat. Mech. vol. 13:547- de l'Acad. Sci. (12), 8.
50. In English in NACA TM1426 (1956). Popov, E. P., and Medawadowski, S. J., eds.
Nervi, Pier Luigi. 1956. Structures. Translated 1981. Concrete shell buckling. ACI Publ.
by Guiseppina and Mario Salvadore. New SP-67:234.
York: F. W. Dodge. - - - ; Penzien, J.; and Lu, Z. 1964. Finite
- - - . 1957. Palazzetto dello Sport, Rom. element solutions for axisymmetric shells.
Bauwelt, no. 49. Proceedings, ASCE vol. 89, EM5 (Oct.):
- - - . 1957. The Works of Pier Luigi Nervi. 199-45.
New York: Frederick A. Praeger. Powell, G. H. 1966. Interaction of edge beams
- - - . 1965. Aesthetics and Technology in with doubly curved shells. Proceedings, ASCE
Building. Translated by R. Einaudi. Cam- vol. 92, ST3 Oune):57-75.
bridge: Harvard University Press. Prato, C. A. 1969. Shell finite element method
Noor, A. K., and Veletsos, A. S. 1963. A study via Reissener's principle. Intern. J. Solids and
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of Illinois, Structural Research Series no. roof provides 340' span for hangar. Civil En-
274. gineering (Feb.).
Novodvorskii, V. 1938. On the so-called mem- Proceedings, Conference on Thin Concrete
brane theory of shells. Stroitelnaia promysh- Shells, Cambridge, MIT, June 21-23,1954.
learocm' 16:l. Candela's two papers are on pp. 5-11 and
Novozhilov, V. V. 1964. The Theory of Thin 91-98.
Shells translated from Russian by P. G. Proceedings, Second Symposium on Concrete
Lowe. New York: Erven P. Noordhoff. Shell Roof Construction, July 13, 1957. A.
Aas-Jakobsen, S. Brusletto, J. Holand, and
G. Oxall. Oslo: Teknish Ukeblad, 1958.
Otto, Frei. 1954. Das Hangende Dach-Gestalt Proceedings, Symposium on Shell Research,
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Pape, P. F. 1935. Thin concrete shell dome for land Publishing Company, 1961.
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Record Ouly 25):105. Structures Colloquium on Hanging Roofs,
Parme, A. L. 1960. Elementary analysis of hy- Paris, 1962. Amsterdam: North-Holland
perbolic paraboloid shells. Indian Concrete Publishing Company, 1963.
Journal (Bombay) vol. 34, no. 12 Proceedings, World Conference on Shell Struc-
(Dec.):464 -70 and 35, no. 2 (Feb.):52 - 59. tures, San Francisco, 1962. Washington
- - - . 1970. Report of Session Proceedings, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1964.
International Colloquium on Progress of Proceedings, International Symposium on Shell
Shell Structures, Madrid, 1969. Madrid: In- Structures in Engineering Practice, Buda-
ternational Association for Shell Structures. pest, 1965. International Association for

Selected Biblioaraphy

Shell Structures. Madrid: Epitestudomenyi Samuely, Felix]. 1958. Folded slab construc-
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1967. Folded plates continuous over flexible L. Influence of edge beam properties on the
supports. Proceedings, ASCE vol. 93, ST5 stress in hyperbolic parabolars. Proceedings,
(Oct.):253 -77. International Colloquium on Progress of
Shell Structures in the Last Ten Years, Ma-
Rafols,Jose F., and Folguera, Francisco. 1929. drid, 1969. Madrid: International Associa-
Gauti el gran arquitecto espanol. Barcelons: tion for Shell Structures, 1970.
Canosa, p. 195. Catalan ed. 1928. Scordelis, A. C. 1981. Stability of reinforced
Ramaswamy, G. S. 1968. Design and Construc- concrete domes and hyperbolic paraboloid
tion of Concrete Shell Roofs. New York: shells. Concrete Shell Buckling. ACI Publ.
McGraw-Hili. SP-67:63-110.
Rao, G. S. 1962. Analysis offolded plate roofs Shaaban, Ahmed, and Ketchum, Milo. 1976.
by iteration. Indian Concrete Journal. (Bom- Design of hipped hypar shells. J. Struct. Div.,
bay), vol. 36, no. 10 (Oct.):365. ASCE vol. 102, no. ST-ll (Nov.):2151-61.
Recommendations for the design of hyperbolic Shtaerman, I. la. 1932. Fundamental ideas of
and other similarly shaped cooling towers. the contemporary theory of domes and
1977. lASS Working Group no. 3. Brussels. vaults. Trudy Soviet Conference on Con-
Recommendations for reinforced concrete crete and Reinforced Concrete.
shells and folded plates. 1979. lASS Work- - - - . 1933. Analysis of a dome as an arch
ing Group no. 5. Madrid. 66 p. on an elastic foundation. Proekt. i standart
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tice and Commentary. 1977. J. ACI, ACI- Smith, Baldwin E. 1950. The dome, a study in
ASCE Committee 334, vol. 74 Uan.). the history of ideas. Princeton, N.].: Prince-
Reissner, H. 1980. Ueber die Spannungsvertei- ton University Press, 164.
lung in Zylindrischen Behalterwanden. Beton Soare, Mircea. 1959. Membrane theory of con-
und Eisen vol. 7, no. 6 (Apr. 22):150-55. oidal shells. Translation of article in Der
Rockey, K. C., and Evans, H. R. 1966. A finite Bauingenieur, Cement and Concrete Associa-
element solution for folded plate structures. tion, London. vol. 33, no. 7 Uuly 1958):
Space Structures. R. M. Davies, ed. New 256-65.
York: John Wiley & Sons. - - - . 1962. Application des equations aux
Rowe, R. E. 1966. Modelling of shells. Pro- differences finies an cacul des coques. Bu-
ceedings, Congress, International Association charest: Editions de l'Academie de la Repub-
for Shell Structures, Leningrad, Moscow: lique Populaire Roumaine; Paris: Editions
TSNIS, 567 -80. Eyrolles.
Rusch, Hubert. 1929. Die neue Grossmarkth- Sollenberger, N.].; Scanlan, R. H.; and Billing-
aIle Leipzig. Beton und Eisen nos. 18, 19, 23, ton, D. P. 1980. Wind loading and response
24:325 ff., 341 ff., 422 ff., 437 ff. of cooling towers. J. Struct. Div., ASCE
- - - . 1973. Ulrich Finsterwalder zu seinem (Mar.).
funfzigsten Dienstjubilaum, Sein Lebensweg Starczewski, Jerzy Andrzej. 1990. Luki w Ar-
als Mensch und Ingenieur. Festschrift, chitekturze. Warsaw: Arkady.
Ulrich Finsterwalder, 50 Jahe Fur Dywidag. Stocker,]. 1965. A Review of the Literature of the
Kaqrlsruhe: Dycherhoff and Widmann, Buckling Characteristics of Conical Shells.
9-18. D2-23835-1. Seattle, Wash.: Boeing.
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ing of hyperbolic paraboloid structures. Pro- curved triangular shell element.
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- - - . 1968. Hyperbolic paraboloid struc- Tedesko, Anton. 1935. Thin concrete shell
tures on four supports. Proceedings, ASCE, roof tested under large unsymmetrical load.
vol. 94, ST4 (Apr.):995-101O. Engineering News-Record (Nov. 7).
- - - . 1937. Shell roof at Hershey. Architec-
Salvadori, Mario G., 1954. Thin shells. Architec- tural concrete no. 1 (Apr.):7.
tural Record Uuly): 173 ff. - - - . Z-D shell roof at Hershey. Architec-
- - - .1955. Live load and temperature mo- tural Concrete vol. 3, no. 1:7 -11.
ments in shell of rotation built into cylinders. - - - . Large concrete shell roof covers ice
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- - - . 1981. Structural Design in Architecture. 18):505.
Englewood Cliffs, N.].:Prentice-Hall. - - - . 1939. Thin concrete shell roof for ice

Selected Biblionraphy

skating arena. Engineering News-Record no. 7 Buckling of Cylindrical Shell End Closures by
(Feb. 16):212. Internal Pressure. NASA CR-540.
- - - . Fire Factory at Natchez. Engineering Timoshenko, S. P. 1940. Theory of Plates and
News-Record no. 17 (Oct. 26):67. Shells. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- - - . Point suppored dome of thin shell - - - , and Woinoswky-Krieger, S. 1959.
type. Engineering News-Record no. 23 Theory of Plates and Shells. 2 ed. New York:
(Dec.):38. McGraw-HilI.
- - - . 1941. Thin concrete shell roof is fea- Torroja, Eduardo. 1936. Obras de hormigon
ture of Knoxville's exhibition building. Con- armado. Estudio de un muro de contencion,
crete no. 2 (Feb.):2. formado por membranes en conoide, utiliz-
- - - . Wide span hangars for the U. S. able para muelles de atraque. Madrid. 1936.
Navy. Civil Engineering no. 12 (Dec.):697. - - - . 1942. Sulla struttura delle tribune del
- - - . 1946. Construction of wide-span nuovo ippodromo di Madrid. Rome.
hangars. J. Western Soc. of Engineers no. 4 - - - . 1946. Calculo anelastico de secciones
(Dec.): 155. de harmigon armado. Madrid.
- - - . Construction aspects of thin shell - - - . 1950. Realisations de voutes minces
structures. J. ACI. (Feb.). en Espangne - Resultats obtenus et possibil-
- - - . 1954. A shell review-design and ities futures. Paris.
construction experiences. Proceedings, Con- - - - . 1958. Philosophy of Structures. Los
ference on Thin Concrete Shells, MIT, June Angeles.
1954. - - - . The Structures of Eduardo Torroja.
- - - . Thin shell arch selected for Denver New York: Dodge Corp.
coliseum. Civil Engineering Ouly). - - - . The Structures of Eduardo Torroja.
- - - . 1957. Creative trends in structural New York: McGraw-Hill.
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ington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, Violet-Le Due, Eugene 1863. Entretiens sur
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Selected Bibliography

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ACI. See American Concrete Institute Army Warehouse, Columbus, Ohio, 146, 149
Acoustic wave effects, abstracts of articles on, Arslan Jadhib Tomb, Sangbast, Iran, 42, 44
361-62 Art and shell structures, 179-82
Affaita, Izydor, 74 Artificial Leather Industry building, Coswig,
Agamemnon, Tomb of, Mycenae, Greece, 14 Germany, 167
Aghia Parigoritissa, Arta, Greece, 41 Aspidin, Joseph, 122
Airport hangars Astrodome, Houston, Texas, 177, 311-12,
Chicago, 174, 175 313-16
Cuatro Vientos, Spain, 149, 150 Austro-Hungarian Bank, Vienna, 298
Marignane, France, 151, 153 Auxiliary members, 203-6, 208-9, 210, 211,
Seattle, 192 214-15,219-20
thin shells as, 193 and ACI building codes, 345, 351
Albany Mall Meeting Center, Albany, New and barrel shells, 261-63, 267 -68
York, 193
Albert Hall, Kensington, 298
Alberti, 249 Baba Luqman Mausoleum, Sarakhs, Iran, 48
Alessi, Galeazzo, 61 Balat, A. and Maguet, 299
Alfa-Romeo Factory, Milan, 146, 148 Ballou, Louis W., 85
Alvarez Ordonez, Joaquin and Fernando, 158 Baltard, V., 298
Amati, Carlo, 83 Bank of Montreal, Montreal, 86
American Concrete Institute (ACI), 221 Baptistry, Pisa, 57
Ammann and Whitney, 152, 167, 174, 193, Baroni, Giorgio, 145, 146
220 Barrel shells, 21, 26, 99, 130-32, 211
Analysis and design Base, displacement at, and computer analysis,
abstracts of articles on, 362 - 64 235-37
and ACI building codes, 347- 51 Basilica of San Gaudenzio, Novara, 82
Anisotropy, abstract of article on, 364-65 Bass, L. 0., 313
Anticlastic shells, 115, 118 Baucher, Lucien-Jacques, 108
Antonelli, Alessandro, 82 Belfry, Cathedral of Ivan the Great, Moscow,
Apex, displacement at, and computer analysis, 77, 79
237 Bellushi, Pietro, 163
Archimedean solids, 306, 307 Bending, abstracts of articles on, 365
Architects' Co-Partnership, 149 Berecci, Bartolomeo, 74


Berg, Max, 143 Casa Finlandia Futura, Finland, 201, 202

Bergman, M., and Associates, 163 Castenson, George, 298
Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, 68, 69, 73 Cast iron domes, 83 - 84, 297 - 98
Binkley Engineering Associates, 316 Catalan vault, 100 -1 02
Bizzos, Tomb of, Ruweha, Syria, 42, 43 Catenary curves in shell design, 243, 245-46
Blasting, abstract of article on, 366 Cathedral, Pisa, 57
Blondel, jacques Fran~ois, 242 -43 Cathedral of New Norcia, Perth, Australia,
B1ondel, jean-Pierre, 108 158, 159
Blount Brothers, 316 Cathedral of St. john the Divine, New York, 86
Boat building Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, Moscow,
and ferrocement, 124, 125-27 77, 78
and fiber-reinforced plastic, 200 Cathedral of the Dormition, Moscow, 77, 78
Borromini, Francesco, 61, 65, 68, 69, 73 Cement, history of, 121-22
Boundary members. See Auxiliary members Centennial Hall, Breslau, Germany, 143-44
Bourse du Commerce, Paris, 298 Center for Industries and Technology, Paris,
Bouvard, J. A., 299 162, 163
Bramante, Donato, 62 Ceramic domes, 105-6
Bretton Hall, Yorkshire, 298 Chapel near Cuernavaca, Mexico, 157, 158
Brodrick, C., 298 Chapel of Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, San
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 58, 60, 61, 62, 72, 103, jose de Altillo, Mexico, 154, 156
214, 241 du Chateau, Stephane, 318
Bryn Mawr Rubber Factory, Wales, 149 Christian architecture, domes in, 10, 34-35
Buckling Christiansen, john V., 177, 192
abstracts of articles on, 366-70 Church, Gracanica, Yugoslavia, 41
and ACI building codes, 350 Church of Koimisis, Daphni, 40
empirical rules for, 243-45 Church of Mary, Monterrey, Mexico, 149,
Bulfinch, Charles, 83 151, 153
Bunning, J. B., 298 Church of San Antonio de las Huertas,
Buonarroti, Michelangelo. See Michelangelo Mexico City, 156
Burgi garden center, Camarino, Switzerland, Church of San jose Obrero, Monterrey,
170, 173 Mexico, 162, 164
Bus garage, Dusseldorf, Germany, 156 Church of Santa Monica, Mexico City, 168, 171
Byzantine architecture, domes in, 10, 35-41 Church of St. Barbara, Brooklyn, 86
Church of the Apostles, Athens, 39
Church of the Apostles, Constantinople, 39
Cable (tensegrity) domes, 322-24 Church of the Intercession of the Virgin,
Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana, 302, 321-22 Moscow, 77, 79
Camelot, de Mailly, and Zehrfuss, 162 Church of the Miraculous Virgin. Mexico,
Camoletti, Bruno, 168 154
Camoletti, Pierre, 170, 173 Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Moscow,
Camoletti House, Geneva, 170, 173 77, 78
Candela, Felix, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 162, Church of the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, 183
168, 186 Church of the Transfiguration, Kizbi, Soviet
and construction methodology, 104-5, 124, Union, 79, 80
343 Ciba-Geigy water purification plant, Prattelin,
influence on Isler, 190 Switzerland, 170, 174
and shell design, 123, 129-30, 135, 136, Ciba Plant, canopy for, Churubusco, Mexico,
137,275 154, 155
and the Sydney Opera House, 175 Cisterns, domes as, 15
Cantilevered shells, 134-36, 137 Coal Exchange, London, 298
Capitol building, Washington, D.C., 83, 84, Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina, 309-10
108, 203 Composite shells, abstracts of articles on,
da Caprarola, Cola, 62 370-74


Computer aided analysis, abstract of article Dow Chemical, 197 - 200

on, 374 del Duca, Giacomo, 65
Computer aided design, abstracts of articles Dyckerhoff-Widmann KG, 156, 182
on, 374 Dywidag System, 219
Concrete, 26,100,122,176-78,259-60
abstracts of articles on, 375
and boat building, 123-27 Earle A. Chiles Center, University of Portland,
and pneumatic forms, 196 Oregon, 110, III
"Concrete Shell Buckling" (American Edge beams. See Auxiliary members
Concrete Institute), 350 Eero Saarinen and Associates, 167
"Concrete Thin Shells" (American Concrete Eiffel, A. G., 299
Institute), 344 Elastic analysis and ACI building codes, 346,
Conoidal shells, 132 - 34, 195 347
Considere, 209 Elasticity, abstracts of articles on, 381
Constillares, building in, Spain, 149, 150 Elastoplasticity, abstracts of articles on, 381- 82
Constructivism, 180 - 81 Electromagnetic field effects, abstract of
Control of shell structures, abstract of article article on, 382
on, 375 Energy dissipation, abstract of article on, 382
Corbeled domes, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 Engineering Index Annual 1989, The
Corrosion, abstracts of articles on, 375 - 76 (Engineering Information, Inc.), 359
da Cortona, Pietro, 65, 70 Eschmann factory, Switzerland, 170
Cosmic Rays Research Laboratory, University Esquillon, 162
of Mexico, Mexico City, 152, 153 Etruscan domed tombs, 9
Coyne System, 219 Euler's law, 307-8
Creep, abstract of article on, 376 Evans, Allen, 86
Curtis and Davis, 163, 316 Evolution Museum, Eindhoven, Netherlands,
168, 171
Exhibit Hall, Vienna, 299
Dagit, Henry D., 86 Experimental shell design, 182, 190-92
Darb-i Imam, Isfahan, Iran, 49, 50 and ACI building codes, 346, 348
Dardasht Minarets, Isfahan, Iran, 48 thin shell, Jena, Germany, 144, 145
Davazdah Imam Mausoleum, Yazd, Iran, 42, 44 Expo 86, Ontario Pavilion at, Vancouver, 304
Dean Smith Center, Chapel Hill, North Expo 67, U.S. Pavilion at, Montreal, 320
Carolina, 304, 305 Exposition Building, Turin, 156
Deaton, Charles, 203
Defects, abstract of article on, 376
Deflection, abstracts of articles on, 376-77 Factory for John Rennock and Sons, Haughley
Deformation, abstracts of articles on, 377 - 80 Park, Suffolk, England, 108
Del POlO, F., Associates, 141 Failure, abstract of article on, 382
Derizet, Antoine, 70 False domes, 14, 21
Design, abstracts of articles on, 380 - 81 Falsework, 89-90, 97,101,109,178
Desret, Antonio, 70 Felix und Regula Church, Zurich, 206
Dill, R. E., 215 Ferrocement, 124, 125-27, 157
Dirigible Hangar, Orly Airport, Paris, 144 Ferstel, H. von, 298
Dischinger, Franz, 184 Fiberglass formwork, 211
Doehring, W. D., 215 Fiber-reinforced plastic shells, 200 - 202
Domenig, Gunther, 170 Field House, Montana State College, Bozeman,
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 42, 43, 107 108
Domes and shells, abstracts of articles on, 360 Filippone, Odette, 108
Domus Augustana, Rome, 28 - 29 Fioravanti, Rodolfo, 77
Domus Aurea, Rome, 28-29, 30 Florentine Zone, Renaissance domes of, 58-61
Dosio, Giovanni Antonio, 61 Folded plates and ACI building codes, 345
Double-shell construction, 58, 59, 214 Fontana, Carlo, 241, 242


Fontana, Domenico, 63-65, 72, 242 Great Mosque of the Shah, Isfahan, Iran,
Fontana's rules for masonry domes, 242 50-51,52
Forest Products Pavilion, Portland, Oregon, Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, 154, 155
108 Grid domes, 318
Formige,j. C., 299 GT STRUDL. See Georgia Tech Structural
Formwork, 97,104,145,177 Design Language
plastic foam for, 197 - 200 Guastavino, Rafael, 86
pneumatic, 196 - 97 GUM Department Store, Moscow, 299
rubber membrane as, 190, 192 Gunite method, 146, 163, 195
wooden, 196,211 Gur-e Amir Mausoleum, Samarkand, Soviet
Forum Baths, Pompeii, 27 Union, 49, 50
Fougner, N. K., 124
Foundry Building, Milan, 145 Hadrian Villa, Tivoli, 30, 31
Four-gable hyperbolic paraboloids, 278-83 Hardouin-Mansart, Jules, 74
Fowke, F., 298 Hardy, L., 299
Fowler, Charles, 298 Harris County Sports Stadium. See Astrodome
Fracture, abstracts of articles on, 382-83 Harrison and Abramovitz, 193, 220
Framed domes, 311 Haruniyya Tomb, Tus, Iran, 46, 47
Free nodes displacement and computer Hayden Planetarium, Manhattan, 145
analysis, 237 Heat treatment, abstract of article on, 383
Freyssinet, Eugene, 144, 184, 215 Heins and La Farge, 86
Freyssinet System, 219 Helmle and Hubert, 86
Froehlich, Arthur, 174 Hershey Chocolate Company, ice hockey
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 299, 300, 301-2, arena for, Pennsylvania, 192
318-20,322,323 HipOdromo, Caracas, Venezuela, 174, 176
Funicular polygons, 243, 245-46 Hiroshima Peace Center Monument, 181- 82
Funthaus Church, Vienna, 298 Hisatok, T., 110
Historical masonry domes, spans of, 87 (table)
Hoechel, Eric, 168
Gabellini, 124 Hoffmann, Claus, 167
Galla Placidia, Tomb of, Ravenna, 33 Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, 36
Galleria Umberto I, Naples, 299 Hoop forces in domes, 90 - 96
Galleria Victor Emmanuel II, Milan, 298 Hornblower and Marshall, 86
Garcia de Quinones, Andres, 76 Howells and Stokes, 86
Gas Station, Deitingen, Switzerland, 170, 172 Hoyer, E., 215-16
Gaudi, Antonio, 10, 182, 183 Huber, Hunt and Nichols, 316
Gaussian curvature, 117 Hunt, Richard Morris, 299
Geiger, David H., 302-3, 304, 305, 323 Hyperbolic paraboloids, 195, 211
Geldmeister, Charles, 298 in art, 180, 181
General Motors Technical Institute, in Candela's designs, 186
auditorium for, Warren, Michigan, 149, as conoidal surfaces, 132, 133
151 Gaudi's development of, 183
Gensert, R. M., 249 Hyperboloids, 137-42
Geodesic domes, 299-300, 301, 302, 318-20 H yperstatic domes, 204 - 6, 218 - 19
Geometry of shell design, 116, 129-30,305-8
Georgia Tech Structural Design Language
(GT STRUDL), 223 lASS. See International Association for Shells
Gesu Church, Rome, 63 and Spatial Structures
Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, 86 Ice houses, domes as, 14 -15
Glass and dome design, 297 - 98 Igloos, 22-23
Gonzales Reyna, Jorge, 152 Illinois State University Arena, Normal,
Grand Palais, Louvet, France, 299 Illinois, 303, 323
Gran Madre di Dio, Rome, 83 II Redentore, Venice, 71


Imamzada Sayyid Ishaq Tomb, Saveh, Iran, 46 Kresge Auditorium, Massachusetts Institute of
Imamzada Yahya Mausoleum, Varamin, Iran, Technology, Cambridge, Massachussetts,
46, 47 152,154,193,209
Inelastic analysis and ACI building codes, Kuh-i Banan Tomb, Iran, 48, 49
346, 347
Information Pavilion, Brussels, 108
Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, 85 - 86 La Clerecia Church, Salamanca, Spain, 76
Instituto Tecnico de la Construccion y del Lambot, Joseph-Louis, 124
Cemento, Constillares, Spain, 160 - 61 Lamella domes, 210, 311-18
International Association for Shells and Lardy, Pierre, 190
Spatial Structures (lASS), 221- 22 Larrosa, Manuel, 157
International Exhibition Facility, New Lattice wood shells, Nara, Japan, 110
Orleans, 163, 165 Layne, Henry M., 174
International Exhibition of 1958, Phillips Le Corbusier, 159, 168
Pavilion at, Brussels, 158-59, 161 Lederer, F., 318
I Quattro libri dell'architettura (The Four Books Lenzlenger Sons Company building,
on Architecture) (Palladio), 71 Switzerland, 170
Ironworks foundry, Lohr, Germany, 161-62 Lesage, 122
Islamic dome, Mimar Sinan's contributions to Les Invalides, Paris, 74
the, 53-55 Leuzinger, Hans, 146
Isler, Heinz, 170, 172, 173, 174, 190-92 Lindsay Park Sports Center, Calgary, Alberta,
Isostatic domes, 204-6, 216, 217 -18 304
luvarra, Filippo, 61 Lissitzky, Elieyer, 180
Little Metropole Cathedral, Athens, 41
Lloyd and Morgan, 313
Jabal I Sang, Kerman, Iran, 45, 46 Lombardo, Pietro, 71
Jackson, P. H., 215 Lombardo, Tullio, 71
Jami Mosque, Ardistan, Iran, 44, 45 Long barrel vaults, 131,244-45,269 (table)
Jami Mosque, Ashtarjan, Iran, 46, 47 Lopez Carmona, Fernando, 154, 156, 162, 168
Jami Mosque, Golpaegan, Iran, 44, 45 Lott, H. A., 313
Jami Mosque, Qazvin, Iran, 44, 46 Loudon, John Claudius, 298
Jami Mosque, Saveh, Iran, 50, 51 Lutheran church, Warsaw, 82
Jami Mosque, Varamin, Iran, 48
Jami Mosque, Zavareh, Iran, 44, 45
Jardin d'Hiver, Laeken Royal Park, Brussels, Macalloy System, 219
299 Mackenzie and Moncur, 298
Jefferson, Thomas, 84 Maderno, Carlo, 65
Johns, Slater & Howard, 108 Madison Square Presbyterian Church, New
Johnson, Drake and Piper, 313 York, 86
Madonna di Loreto, Rome, 65, 67, 68
Madonna di San Biagio, Montepulciano, Italy,
Kaiser Aluminum building, Honolulu, 320 63
Kalff, 168 Maeno, T., 110
Kapnikarea Church, Athens, 39 Magnel, G., 215, 219
Karaganda works, Soviet Union, 213 Magni,83
Khaidukov, G. K., 213 Maguire, C. A., and Associates, 165
Kibble, John, 299 Maillart, Robert, 146, 181, 183
Kibble Palace, Botanic Gardens, Glasgow, 298 Mail-processing facilities, Providence, Rhode
Kiewitt, G. R., 313 Island, 165, 166, 167
Kiewittdomes, 311-12, 313-16 Makowsi, Z. S., 313
Kilns, domes as, 14, 15 -16 Manetti, Antonio, 60
Kingdome, Seattle, 176-78, 192, 324 Manufacture, abstracts of articles on, 383-84
Kirsis, Uldis, 249 Marcus, Henri, 313


Market, Agadir, Morocco, 318 Nehrbass, Neil, 302

Market Hall, Algeciras, Spain, 144-45 Nervi, Pier Luigi, 136, 156, 158, 159, 163,
Market Hall, Royan, France, 154 184-85
Mashhad-i Mir Buzurg Shrine, Amul, Iran, and boat design, 125
51,52 and construction strategies, 105, 178, 195
Masonry shells, 21, 22, 83, 89-92, 96-99, and the Sydney Opera House, 175
259-60 Nervi e Bartolli Construction Company, 156,
spans of historical domes, 87 (table) 160
and trussed domes, 297 Network domes, 310-11
Mathematical models, abstracts of articles on, New Corn Exchange, Leeds, 298
384-85 "New Shapes for Shells" (Isler), 190
Matsushita, Fujio, 318 New York University, New York, 85
Mausoleum of Sultan Muhammad Adil Shah, Niccolini Chapel, San Croce, Florence, 61
Bijapur, India, 51, 53 Niemeyer, Oscar, 167
May-D & F Department Store, Denver, Nikken Sekkei Ltd., 325
157 -58, 159 Noise abatement, abstracts of articles on, 385
McDonald Brothers, 85 Nolan, Norman and Nolan, 316
McGuire nuclear power plant, Cornelius, Nondestructive examination, abstract of article
North Carolina, 179 on, 385
McKim, Mead and White, 85, 86 Nonspherical shells, 255, 256- 57 (tables)
McKinley National Memorial, Canton, Ohio, Nuclear reactors, 178-79
86 Nuraghi, 16, 18-20
McSweeney, Ryan and Lee, 163
Medici Chapel, Florence, 63
Mengoni, G., 298 Obata, 142
Mesnager, 209 Oconee nuclear power plant, Seneca, South
Mesopotamia, vaults and domes in, 25 - 26 Carolina, 179
Metal sheathing, 298 Octagonal Roof, Villaverde, Spain, 145, 146
Michelangelo, 63, 64, 65, 214 Odell Associates, 309
Michelozzi, 61 Olympic Games of 1988, buildings for, Seoul,
Mihailescu, Mircea, 187 Korea,303,323,324
Minerva Medica, Rome, 30-32 Opera House, Sydney, Australia, 129, 136,
Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 320 174-76,184
Model analysis and ACI building codes, 348 Origins of domes, 4 - 5
Mole Antonelliana, Turin, 82 Otto, Frei, 110
de Montferrand, Auguste Ricard, 298 Outdoor shelter, Sancti Spiriti, Spain, 149, 151
Moore, Walter, 313
de la Mora, Enrique, 149, 154, 156, 162, 168
Morisseau, Andre, 154 Paez, A., 141
Mosque of Gawhar Shad, Mashhad, Iran, 49, 50 Palace of the Assembly, Chandigarh, India,
Mouton, William, 302, 320-22 168,171
Muller-Grah, Walter, 182 Palazzetto dello Sport, Rome, 156-57,210,
Murphy and Mackey, 320 211
Mushtaquiyya'Ali Shah, Kerman, Iran, 53 Palazzo dei Congressi, E.U.R., Rome, 146,
Music Pavilion, "Santa Fe" Housing Project, 148 .
Mexico City, 135-36 Palazzo dello Sport, Rome, 159-60, 161
Myers, E. E., 84 Palladio, Andrea, 71, 249
Palmer and Hornbostel, 86
Palm House, Munich, 298
Nagase, T., 110 Palm House at Sefton Park, Liverpool, 298
Naramore, Bain, Brady and Johanson, 177 Pani, Aldo, 135
Nash, John, 298 Pantheon, Paris, 82, 83
Nea Moni Chios, Athens, 40 Pantheon, Rome, 29-30, 89, 102


Paolina Chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore, Reichstag, Berlin, 301

Rome, 65 Reinforced concrete, 4, 82, 86, 124, 143,
Parker, 122 193-94
Parsons, John K., and Associates, 109 Residence, Pougny, France, 168, 169
Pazzi Chapel, Florence, 60 Restaurant, Xochimilco, Mexico, 158, 160, 190
Pei, I. M., and Associates, 141, 158 Ribbed shells and ACI building codes, 345
Peller, Miklos, 249 Ricchini, Francesco, 61
Perret, Auguste, 151 Rivergate Exhibition Hall, New Orleans, 192
Pevsner, Antoine, 180, 181 Roberts and Schaefer Company, 141, 158,
Pevsner, Naum, 181 192-93
Physical Education Building, De Kalb, Illinois, Robinson and Associates, 163
193 Rocco, Emanuele, 299
Piacentini, Marcello, 159 Rock-cut tombs, 13 -14
Pierson, James G., 108 Rodchenko, Alexander, 180
Planetarium, St. Louis, Missouri, 142 Rodef Sholem Synagogue, Pittsburgh, 86
Planetarium, Trenton, New Jersey, 212 -13 Roebling System, 219
Plasticity, abstract of article on, 385 Roman architecture, domes and vaults in,
Plastics applications, abstracts of articles on, 26-32
386 Roman Zone, Renaissance domes of, 61-70
Platonic solids, 306, 319 Roof Structures, Inc., 311, 313
Pneumatic domes, 324-25 Rosati, Rosato, 70
Pneumatic forming, 196-97 Rosell, Guillermo, 157
Point supports for domes, 206, 207 Rossman and Partners, 109
Poleni, Giovanni, 241, 243 Rotunda, University of Virginia,
Polygonal domes, 34 - 35 Charlottesville, 84-85
Polyhedra as trussed domes, 305 - 8 Royal Brighton Pavilion, 298
Ponzio, Flaminio, 65 RSG Architects, 110
Porro, Ricardo, 149 Russell, S., Hansehauer, and Schmidt, 299
della Porta, Giacomo, 63 - 65
Portinari Chapel in San Eustogio, Florence, 61
Portland Cement Association, 221 Saarinen, Eero, 149, 152, 175, 186
Posttensioning, 125 - 26, 215, 219 - 20 Saarinen, Eliel, 149
Power station, Grandval, France, 318 Saddle-type hyperbolic paraboloids, 271-77
Pozzolana, 96, 100, 122 Sado, 320
Prader and Cie., 146 Saints Martina and Luca, Rome, 65, 67
Praeger, Kavanagh and Waterbury, 177,313 Salvi, Dioti, 57
Precast shell technology, 195, 211 - 13 San Andrea, Rome, 63
Preload Company, 215 San Andrea al Quirinale, Rome, 69
Pressure effects, abstract of article on, 386 San Andrea della Valle, Rome, 65
Prestressing, 125 - 26, 141-42, 195, 215 -19 San Carlino, Rome, 67 -68,69, 89
Protestant Church, Warsaw, 76 San Carlo, Milan, 83
Pseudoshells, 23-24, 202-3 San Carlo ai Catinari, Rome, 70
San Carlo al Corso, Rome, 70
San Claudio e San Andrea dei Borgognoni,
Qubab structures, 6
Rome, 70
da Sangallo, Antonio, 63
Race Track, Madrid, 146, 147 da Sangallo, Giuliano, 61
Rainaldi, 69 San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, 71
Rastrelli, Carlo Bartolomeo, 79 San Giuseppe, Milan, 61
Ravelli, L., 156 San Ivo della Sapienza, Rome, 68, 69
"Recommendations for Concrete Shells and San Lorenzo, Florence, 60
Folded Plates" (International Association San Salvatore, Venice, 71
for Shell and Spatial Structures), 344 San Satiro, Milan, 62


San Sebastiano, Mantua, 61 Sound insulation, abstract of article on, 386

San Sebastiano, Milan, 61 Space frames, 116,297,299-300,320-22
San Spirito, Florence, 60 Spavento, Giorgio Pietro, 71
Sant' Agnese, Rome, 68 Specchie, 20
Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Rome, 69-70 Spherical shells, dimensions for, 120 (table),
Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Venice, 71 250 (tables), 252-53 (table), 254-55
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, 58-60, 72, (table)
89,102,103,214 Spiral Generation, 197 - 200
Santa Maria della Consolazione, Todi, Italy, Spirex Structures, Inc., 200
62-63 Sports building, Northern Arizona University,
Santa Maria delle Carceri, Prato, Italy, 61 Flagstaff, 108 - 9, III
Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, 62 Sports center, Tbilisi, Soviet Union, 213
Santa Maria di Monte Santo, Rome, 69 Sports complex, Chamonix, France, 170, 173
Santa Maria in Carignano, Genoa, Italy, 61 Sports complex, University of Northern
Santissimo Nome di Maria, Rome, 70 Michigan, Marquette, 110-11
San Tommaso Villanova, Castel Gandolfo, Squinches, 207 - 8
Rome, 68 St. Andrew's Cathedral, Kiev, 79-81
Sarger, Rene, 154 St. Antony of Padova Church, Warsaw, 74
Savvestic, L., 299 St. Augustin, Paris, 298
Schaarschmidt, F., 167 St. Basil, Moscow, 41
School addition, Graz-Eggenberg, Austria, St. Casimir, Warsaw, 74
170, 174 St. Costanza, Rome, 33
School of Plastic Arts, Havana, 149, 152 St. Fosca, Torcello, Italy, 41
Schulze, 299 St. Francis de Sales Church, Philadelphia, 86
Schwedler, Johann Wilhelm, 300- 301 St. Front, Perigueux, France, 41
Schwedler domes, 309 -1 0, 327 - 30 St. George, Salonica, Greece, 33
Scott, H. G., 298 St. Irene, Constantinople, 39
Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Brasilia, 167 St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Soviet
Sesi, 16, 18 Union, 79
Severud, Fred, Elstadt, and Kruger, 309 St. Mark's, Venice, 40
Shah Firuz, Tomb of, Sirjan, Iran, 48,49 St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, 163, 166
Shah Mosque, Mashhad, Iran, 49,50 St. Mary's Cathedral, Tokyo, 168, 169, 170
Shell reinforcement and ACI building codes, St. Paul's, London, 74-76
351-54 St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University, New
Short barrel vaults, 130, 131,264-66 (tables) York, 86
Shrine of Fatima, Qum, Iran, 50, 52 St. Peter's, Rome, 58, 63-65, 66, 67, 72,
Shrine of Shaykh Ni'Matallah, Mahan, Iran, 214,242
49,51 St. Petersburg Cathedral, St. Petersburg,
Sicily Company, Geneva, 170, 172 Soviet Union, 298
Siegel, C., and R. Wonneberg, 162 St. Sophia, Constantinople, 36-39, 89, 102
Sigismund Chapel, Cracow, Poland, 73-74 St. Sophia, Novgorod, Soviet Union, 40
Silos, domes as, 14 St. Theodore, Athens, 40
Silverstein, Edward and Associates, 163, 316 St. Theodore, Constantinople, 41
Simon, Louis, 154 St. Theodore Stratelates, Novgorod, Soviet
Sinan, Mimar, 53-55 Union, 77
Sistine Chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Theodosia, Constantinople, 41
Rome, 63 St. Vincent's Chapel, Coyoacan, Mexico,
Skilling, Helle, Christiansen and Robertson, 162-63, 165
163, 177 St. Vitale, Ravenna, 39
Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C., 86 Stabian Baths, Pompeii, 27
Smolny Convent, St. Petersburg, Soviet Stability, abstracts of articles on, 386-88
Union, 79 State Capitol Building, Boston, 83
Souffiot, Jacques, 82 State Capitol Building, Denver, 84


Statical analysis of structures, 300, 301 Terminal building for Trans World Airlines,
Steel, abstract of article on, 388 Kennedy Airport, New York, 149, 152,
Steel and dome design, 82, 86, 87 (table), 299 167, 168, 169,209
Storage shed, Ferrara, Italy, 146 Testing, abstracts of articles on, 396-97
Storrs, John W., 108 Thatched domes, 21, 22
Strain, abstracts of articles on, 388 - 89 Theiler, Otto, 170
Stresses, abstracts of articles on, 389 - 93 Theodoric, Tomb of, Ravenna, Italy, 33-34
Structural analysis, abstracts of articles on, Theory, abstracts of articles on, 397 -99
393-96 "Theory of Bridge Girder Systems"
Structural behavior of shells, 89-90,122-23, (Schwedler), 300
210-11 Thermae of Agrippa, Rome, 27
conoidal domes, 95-96 Thermae of Caracalla, Rome, 30
spherical domes, 90 - 94 Thermae of Diocletian, Rome, 32
thin shells, 143 Thermal effects, abstracts of articles on, 399
Structural design, abstracts of articles on, 396 Thermoelasticity, abstracts of articles on,
STRUDL II, 327 399-400
Stupas, 23-24 Thin shells, 119-20, 135, 143, 193-94
Styrofoam, 197 - 200, 202 and ACI building codes, 343, 345
Suncoast Dome, St. Petersburg, Florida, 303, computer analysis of, 223-37
323, 324 experimentation on, 144, 145, 182
Superdome, New Orleans, 176, 177, 316, 324 and ferrocement, 125
Superga, Turin, 61 Tibaldi, Pellegrino, 61
Suuronen, Matti, 201 Tile domes, 86
Sverdrup and Parcel, 316 Timber Development Association, 108
Swimming pool, Draney, France, 318 Timbrel vaulting, 100 -1 02
Swiss National Exhibition, Cement Hall at, T.M.P. Associates, 110
Zurich, 146, 148 Tombs, rock-cut, 13 -14
Symbolism of domes, 4 - 11 Tomb Tower, Lajin, Iran, 42, 44
Synclastic shells, 115, 117, 118 Toroidal shells, 153
Syon House, 298 Torroja Miret, Eduardo, 141, 144, 145, 146,
Trade fair building, Afghanistan, 320
Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece, 14
Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, Washington, Trosch Company factory, Switzerland, 170
109-10, III Trowbridge and Livingston, 145
Tacoma Dome Associates, 109-10 Tylman of Gameren, 74
Taillibert, R., 170
Taj Mahal, Agra, India, 53, 54
Takenaka Komuten Company, 325 Umbrella-type hyperbolic paraboloids, 283-93
Talayots, 21 UNESCO building, entrance canopy for, Paris,
Talin, Vladimir Evgrafovitch, 180 136,137
Tange, Kenzo, 168, 181 Union Tank Car Company plant, Baton
Tedesko, Anton, 146, 185-86, 192 Rouge, Louisiana, 320
Tempietto in San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, 62 Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical
Temple of Diana, Baiae, Italy, 27 Society, San Diego, 299
Temple of Mercury, Baiae, Italy, 28 University of Illinois, Assembly Hall, Urbana,
Temple of Venus, Baalbek, Syria, 32 193
Temple of Venus, Baiae, Italy, 27 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 85
Temple of Vesta, Rome, 30 Utzon, Jorn, 136, 175
Tennis center, Heimburg, Switzerland, 170
Tensegrity, 322, 323
Terminal building, St. Louis airport, St. Louis, Vacchini, F., 158
Missouri, 152, 154, 155 Van Buren Magonigk, H., 86


Vannoni, C., 158 Wooden domes, 86, 88 (table), 106-11,203

Varax wood domes, 110, 111 Wooden formwork, 196
Vault abutments, Blondel's rule for, 242-43 World's Columbian Exposition, administration
Vaulting, 4-5,26,89,99-100,101 building for, New York, 299
Venetian Zone, Renaissance domes, 70-71 World's Fair of 1853, Crystal Palace at, New
Vibrations, abstracts of articles on, 400-405 York,298
Victoria Regia House, Schoneburg Royal World's Fair of 1878, three domes at, Paris,
Botanic Garden, Berlin, 299 299
da Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi, 61, 63 World's Fair of 1889, central dome for, Paris,
Villa Capra (Villa Rotonda), Vicenza, Italy, 71 299
Villa Trissino, Vicenza, Italy, 71 World's Fair of 1900, Palais des Machines,
Viscoelasticity, abstracts of articles on, 405 Paris, 299
Vitellozzi, Annibel, 156 Wren, Christopher, 74
Vitruvius, 249 Wright, Donald R., 197-98
Voit, A. von, 298 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 154
von Emperger's Handbuch (Dischinger), 184 Wrought iron and dome design, 297 -98
Wyatts, 122
Wyss Garden Center, Solo Thurn,
Wada, M., 110 Switzerland, 170, 172
Walter, Thomas Ustick, 83
Water tower, Fedala, Spain, 141-42
Wave effects, abstract of article on, 405
Western Wood Structures, 110, III Yamasaki, Minoru, 152
White, Stanford, 85
Wieskopt and Pickworth, 145
Wilhelma Botanical Garden, Stuttgart, 298 Zanth, Ludwig von, 298
Wilson, Morris, Crain and Anderson, 313 Zimmermann, Hermann, 30 I
Wind effects, abstract of article on, 405 Zimmermann domes, 311
Wind forces, 246 Zug, Szymon Bugumil, 76, 82

With deep appreciation I wish to acknowl- Mouton (Tulane University), Edward Allen
edge the contribution of my wife, Deborah; (Yale University), Charles Mitchell and Luz
in compiling the manuscript, she helped me Aveleyra (UNC, Charlotte), Mohsen Sefat,
to overcome a limitation derived from the Mrs. Felix Candela, D.]. Gross and James T.
onset of my visual impairment. Special grati- Langman (Roberts & Schaefer), David Kulla
tude is extended to my former student and (Duke Power), and Donald Wright (Dow
assistant Escandar Hadijizadeh, who pre- Chemical). I would like to express my sincere
pared most of the ink drawings, and to the respect for Van Nostrand Reinhold editor
many others who contributed through tele- Gene Dallaire and my gratitude for his trust
phone discussions and by sending reference in my work. I am very grateful to Joy Aqui-
materials. Among them are Dr. Anton Te- lino, also of Van Nostrand Reinhold, whose
desko, Dr. David Geiger, Dr. Stefan Medwa- efforts made the completion of this book
dowski (lASS), Jack Christiansen, Elwin C. possible.
Robison (Kent State University), William


The Publisher regrets that the following lines were omitted

from page xiii: Acknowledgments of
The Art And Science Of Vaulting by Michele Melaragno.

A special word of appreciation to Professors Jerzy A.

Starczewski and Bruce Moore of the Hammons School
of Architecture at Drury College for their editing of the
final manuscript exclusive of graphics.


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