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Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Surgery at Genesis IVF Center

All branches of medical sciences have progressed over the decades, dividing and
subdividing into specialized fields. So has laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
which has evolved into gynaecological laparoscopy and then developed an offshoot
as infertility related laparoscopic surgery (Fertility enhancing surgery). What started
with diagnostic laparoscopies and hysteroscopy have now developed into an
advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic infertility &gynaecological surgery center at
Genesis Fertility & Surgical Center. A well-equipped and organized operation theatre,
the team of learned experts led by Dr. Lakhvinder Singh, state of the art equipment
and more than all, everybody & everything working in perfect harmony to give the
patient the maximum benefit of surgery.

The spectrum of surgeries involves all sizes and types of myomas, endometriosis,
tubal blocks, adhesions, polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), uterine septums, other
intracavitary pathologies, and space-occupying lesions. We have the first-hand
experience of almost all pathologies one encounters during the treatment of

We have removed laparoscopically as many as 25 fibroids in one patient and as big

as 24 weeks fibroid weighing 2.25 kg. At Genesis, the emphasis lies on preserving
and enhancing the fertility of the patient and we go to any extent to ensure the
same. We do a transcervical resection of submucous myomas as well as zero
degrees radiofrequency ablation of the same. Large intramural fibroids going till the
endometrium have been satisfactorily removed and have successfully conceived and
completed their pregnancy.

Tubal surgeries including recanalization for cornual blocks and salpingostomies for
fimbrial blocks are also done. We have attempted a laparoscopic reversal of
tubectomies. Tubal preservation surgeries in ectopic pregnancies are also done.

Laparoscopic drilling of polycystic ovaries for PCOD, adhesiolysis, ovarian

cystectomies, and endometrioma excision are routinely done. Our results for
endometrioma excision are at par with reputed centers

Apart from infertility laparoscopies we also perform Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

(TLH and laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH) for qualifying patients.
Conversion rates to open for the laparoscopic surgeries at Genesis are rarely heard
of. Surgeries at Genesis are good fun for the patient as well as the doctors. We are
doing concerted efforts to make Genesis a Training center for advanced gynae
laparoscopy. We are proud to announce the first installation of Smith and Nephew
hysteroscopic morcellator in India.

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