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My English Lecturer

Good afternoon all. I would make the essay entitled My English Lecturer

I have a female lecturer She named Ma’am Rotua Pangaribuan. She is a lecturer
in English. Mam. Rotua Tall and thin, she was beautiful, she has long black
hair and wears glasses. Mam Rotua's is a lecturer smart, kind, thoughtful,
patient and friendly, taught by loving, always making us laugh when we feel
sleepy, always describes a material with in detail, and can read the minds of
students. And she likes to give us stories or his experience to be our
inspiration in the future

Hopefully healthy Ma’am Rotua always, and always give the best for us can
reach our future. Thank You.


Good afternoon all. I would make the essay entitled My Christmas Holiday

Vacation ago, I helped my mother and brother made a new year cake. I bought a
cake ingredients, clean the house, wash the dishes and sweep the yard. The
next week I and the family vacation home Porsea grandmother in North Sumatra.
I have not been visiting grandma's place to take a holiday then we get there.
There I help grandma in growing rice, take the rice grains are already mature
and fertilize. The next day I was with my brother went fishing near my
grandmother's house, and finally we brought 4 fish tail straight Mujair and we
brought home grandmother. To get there we immediately cook the fish as our
dinner. The next day my family and I went to the beach to see the beauty
Samosir Samosir in Samosir. This holiday give special memories for me and so
much fun and hopefully next year like this could happen again. Thanks

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