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LESSON 2: Developing one’s Whole Being

Learning Targets:
a. Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
b. Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations

Developing the Whole Person

In this lesson, the focus will be given to the totality of a person or complete aspects of an
individual. As individual grows into maturity, he/she experiences a lot of changes in terms of his
physiological, mental, social and moral development and these changes are more significant
during the adolescence stage – the transition period between childhood adulthood.
In this chapter, the learners will know the different changes that occur or that may occur as they
reach the start of the adolescence stage or also known as the puberty (pre-teenage).

What’s the Word?

1. Adolescence
2. Puberty
3. Prepubescent
4. Pubescent
5. Post-pubescent

Physiological Changes in Adolescence

Physical Changes in Males

Physical Changes in Females

Cognitive Development in Adolescence

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