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its the process of bringing together physical financial and human ressourses
and developing productive relation ship amongst them for achievement of
organizational goals.
Importance of Organising
The following points highlight the crucial role that organizing plays in any business
1. It facilitates efficient management -
2. It facilitates coordination and communication
3. It facilitates growth and diversification-
4. It ensures optimum use of resources -
5. It provides for optimum use of technological innovations-
6. It facilitates specialization-
Organising thus can be understood in two ways
1. Organising as a process
2. Organising as a structure

Organisation as a process
It refers to the way in which the work of a group is arranged and distributed among
members to efficiently achieve the objectives. It creates a relationship of one job to
another and lays down the scope of authority and responsibility. The duties are fixed
.in such a manner so that the work is performed with speed, accuracy and economy

Process of Organization
 Step 1: Determination and classification of firm’s activities.
 Step 2: Grouping of the activities into workable departments.
 Step 3: Assignment of authority and responsibility on the departmental executives for
undertaking the delegated tasks.
 Step 4: Developing relationship amidst superior and subordinate, within the unit or
 Step 5: Framing policies for proper coordination between the superior and subordnate and
creating specific lines of supervision.

Steps in the process of organising

The process of organising involves the following steps
Determination of objectives - The purpose of the organisation must be
Objectives determine resources and various activities which should be done to
achieve the organisational goals

2. Identification and grouping of activities: If group members are to pool their

efforts successfully, there must be proper division of the major activities. Each
job should be accurately classified and grouped. This will avoid duplication of

Assignment of duties- After grouping the activities into various jobs, as per .3
the nature of work, Similar activities should be placed under one department .
Each individual should be given a particular task according to his ability and

Establishing relationship among individuals and groupThe activities which .4

are performed by person holding different positions must be related.
Every person in the organisation should know about his responsibility,
authority and accountability so that there is coordination, among individuals
.and departments
The organizing process results in organization structure with precisely defined
authority and responsibilities.

Organisation Structure
An Organisation Structure shows the authority responsibility relationship between the
various positions in the organization by showing who reports whom, It lays down the
pattern of communication and coordination in the enterprise. It facilitates growth of
the enterprise by increasing capacity to handle diversified situations. Organisation
structure is usually shown on an organisation chart.

There are basically 3 types of organization structure: Can you

tell me what they are?

Functional structure-
Divisional Structure
Matrix Structure

Functional structure-

This type of organization structure is formed by grouping together all

activities into functional department and putting each department under one head.
Functional structure leads to specialization.

For example –A steel manufacturing Company .has divided its structure into
Finance, Marketing Personnel, Research and Development, as it has diversified
and its operation require a high degree of specialization.

Divisional structure typically is used in larger companies that operate

in a wide geographic area or that have separate smaller organizations
within the umbrella group to cover different types of products or
market areas. For example, Samsung has multiproduct based division
Each Product division has its own
Manufacturing, Research and Development, Marketing, Finance departments.
In a matrix structure, individuals work across teams and projects as well as
within their own department or function.

For example, a project or task team established to develop a new product might
include engineers and design specialists as well as those with marketing, financial,
personnel and production skills.

Note :These teams can be temporary or permanent depending on the tasks they are
asked to complete. Each team member can find himself/herself with two managers -
their normal functional manager as well as the team leader of the project.

Types of Organisation
Implementation refers to the  execution of the plans and strategies, so
as to accomplish the long-term goals of the organization. It converts the opted
strategy into the moves and actions of the organisation to achieve the

Simply put, strategy implementation is the technique through which the firm
develops, utilises and integrates its structure, culture, resources, people and
control system to follow the strategies to have the edge over other competitors
in the market.

This graph shows the implementation strategy

1. Ensure that plans are aligned with organisational mission, vision and values
2. Build an effective leadership team
3. Create an implementation plan
4. Allocate budgetary resources
5. Assign objectives and responsibilities
6. Align structures and processes
7. Align people
8. Communicate the strategy
9. Review and report on progress
10. Make strategic adjustments as necessary
11. Develop an organisational culture that supports the strategy
Process of Strategy Implementation
1. Building an organization, that possess the capability to put the strategies
into action successfully.
2. Supplying resources, in sufficient quantity, to strategy-essential
3. Developing policies which encourage strategy.
4. Such policies and programs are employed which helps in continuous
5. Combining the reward structure, for achieving the results.
6. Using strategic leadership.

The process of strategy implementation has an important role to play in the

company’s success. The process takes places after environmental scanning,
SWOT analyses and ascertaining the strategic issues.

Strategy implementation is the time-taking part of the overall process, as it

puts the formulated plans into actions and desired results.

Your home work is very easy look for the advantages and
disadvantages of each strecture that we studied today
Tomorrow we will continue controlling and leading

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