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Aim for a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a Healthy
Weight On the Go
A Pocket Guide
Aim for a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a Healthy
Weight On the Go
A Pocket Guide

NIH Publication No. 10-7415

April 2010

Importance of Making metabolism, behavior, and environ-

Healthier Choices While ment. Maintaining a healthy weight
Eating On the Go requires keeping a balance. You must
balance the calories you get from
According to the National Restaurant
food and beverages (energy IN) with
Association, American adults buy
the calories you use to keep your
a meal or snack from a restaurant
body going and being physically
5.8 times a week on average. If you
active (energy OUT).
are watching your weight, it’s hard to
always know what calories, fats, and The same amount of
nutrients are in the dishes you order. energy IN and energy OUT
The information in this booklet over time = weight stays the same
provides tips on how to help you More IN than OUT
select healthier options while eating over time = weight gain
“on the go” (i.e., dining out or More OUT than IN
bringing food in). Using the over time = weight loss
information provided on healthy
choices will help you maintain a Your energy IN and energy OUT
healthy weight. don’t have to balance exactly every
day. It’s the balance over time that
Why Is a Healthy Weight will help you maintain a healthy
Important? weight in the long run.
Reaching and maintaining a healthy
For many people, this balance means
weight is good for your overall
eating fewer calories and increasing
health. It also may help reduce your
their physical activity. Cutting back
risk for developing several diseases
on calories is a matter of choice.
and conditions. Maintaining a
Making healthy food choices that are
healthy weight has many other
lower in fats, especially saturated and
benefits, including feeling good about
trans fats, as well as cholesterol,
yourself and having more energy to
sodium (salt), and added sugar, can
enjoy life.
help you cut back on calories, as can
A person’s weight is the result of paying attention to portion size. This
many things: height, genes, pocket guide will provide you with

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

information to make informed food Healthy Eating Plan

choices, particularly when eating on A healthy eating plan includes foods
the go, to help you maintain a healthy from all the basic food groups. It is
weight. low in saturated fat, trans fat,
How To Lose Weight and cholesterol, sodium (salt), and added
Maintain It sugar. It contains enough calories for
good health, but not so many that
We have all heard the facts . . . to lose you gain weight. (For more
weight, you must eat less and move information on the basic food
more. But this is often easier said groups, go to
than done. Many people make
repeated attempts, often using A healthy eating plan:
different fad diets and weight loss ■■ Emphasizes fruits, vegetables,
gimmicks, and are unsuccessful. whole grains, and fat-free or low-
fat milk and milk products
To be successful at weight loss, you
■■ Includes lean meats, poultry, fish,
need to adopt a new lifestyle. This beans, eggs, and nuts
means making changes such as ■■ Is low in saturated fat, trans fat,
adopting healthy eating habits, being cholesterol, sodium (salt), and
more physically active, and learning added sugar
how to change behaviors. ■■ Controls portion size

Healthier Foods
Foods That Make a which increases the risk of heart
Healthy Eating Plan disease.
A healthy eating plan is one that ■■ Saturated fat is found mainly in
gives your body the nutrients it needs fresh and processed meats,
every day while staying within your high-fat milk products (such as
daily calorie limits. This eating plan cheese, whole milk, cream, butter,
also may lower your risk for heart and ice cream), lard, and the
disease and conditions such as high coconut and palm oils that can be
blood pressure or high blood found in many processed foods.
■■ Trans fat is found in foods with
Foods that can be eaten more often partially hydrogenated oils, such
include those that are lower in as many hard margarines and
calories, total fat, saturated and trans shortening, commercially fried
fats, cholesterol, and sodium (salt). foods, and some bakery goods.
Examples of these foods include ■■ Cholesterol is found in foods of
fat-free and low-fat milk products; animal origin. Major dietary
lean meats, fish, and poultry; sources include egg yolks, organ
high-fiber foods such as whole meats, cheese, beef, pork, and
grains, breads, and cereals; fruits; and shrimp. It also may be present in
vegetables. Canola or olive oils and foods that contain an animal-
soft margarines made from these oils based ingredient, such as eggs,
are heart healthy and can be used in whole milk, or lard.
moderate amounts. Unsalted nuts
also can be included in a healthy diet, It’s also important to limit foods and
as long as you watch the amount. beverages with added fat and sugar,
such as many desserts, canned fruit
Foods higher in fat are typically packed in syrup, fruit drinks, and
higher in calories. Foods that should sugar-sweetened beverages. These
be limited include those with higher foods and beverages will add calories
amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, to your diet while providing limited
and cholesterol. These particular fats nutritional benefit.
may raise blood cholesterol levels,

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

Fat Matters, However, eating fat-free or reduced-

But Calories Count fat foods isn’t always the answer to
reducing your calories. This is
A calorie is a calorie is a calorie,
especially true when you eat more of
whether it comes from fat or
the reduced-fat food than you would
carbohydrate. Any calories eaten in
of the regular item. Many food
excess can lead to weight gain. You
companies produce fat-free versions
can lose weight by eating fewer
of foods that have more calories than
calories and by increasing your
the regular versions. For example, if
physical activity.
you eat twice as many fat-free
Reducing the amount of total fat and cookies, you have increased your
saturated fat that you eat is one way to overall calorie intake. The following
limit your overall calorie intake. In list of foods and their reduced-fat
fact, 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories, varieties will show you that just
whereas 1 gram of protein or because a product is fat free, that
carbohydrate equals less than half the doesn’t mean it is “calorie free.” And
number of calories (4 calories each). calories do count!
By reducing total fat intake, you help
reduce your calorie intake.

Choosing Healthier Foods

Fat-Free or Reduced Fat   Regular  

  Calories   Calories
Reduced fat peanut butter, 187 Regular peanut butter, 191
2 Tbsp 2 Tbsp
Cookies: 118 Cookies:
Reduced fat chocolate chip cookies, Regular chocolate chip cookies,
3 cookies (30 g) 3 cookies (30 g)
Fat-free fig cookies, 102 Regular fig cookies, 111
2 cookies (30 g) 2 cookies (30 g)

Ice cream: 100 Ice cream: 104

Fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt Regular whole milk vanilla
(<1% fat), 1/2 cup frozen yogurt (3–4% fat), 1/2 cup
Light vanilla ice cream (7% fat), 111 Regular vanilla ice cream 133
1/2 cup (11% fat), 1/2 cup
Fat-free caramel topping, 103 Caramel topping, homemade 103
2 Tbsp with butter, 2 Tbsp

Low-fat granola cereal, 213 Regular granola cereal, 257

approx. 1/2 cup (55 g) approx. 1/2 cup (55 g)

Low-fat blueberry muffin, 131 Regular blueberry muffin, 138

1 small (21/2 inch) 1 small (21/2 inch)

Baked tortilla chips, 113 Regular tortilla chips, 143

1 oz 1 oz

Low-fat cereal bar, 130 Regular cereal bar, 140

1 bar (1.3 oz) 1 bar (1.3 oz)

Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2005). Aim for a Healthy Weight (NIH Publication No. 05-5213),
p. 9. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

Lower Calorie, Lower Fat The suggested alternatives are not

Alternatives meant to be an exhaustive list. If a
The table that follows provides some product’s package has a Nutrition
examples of healthier alternatives for Facts Panel, we encourage you to
old favorites. When making a food read it to find out just how many
choice, remember to consider calories, vitamins, and minerals are
vitamins and minerals. Some foods in the specific products you decide to
provide most of their calories from buy.
sugar and fat, but give you few, if any, Once you are comfortable identifying
vitamins and minerals. foods that are lower in fat and
calories, you will be able to make
healthier choices when eating
on the go.

Choosing Healthier Foods

  Instead of . . . Replace with . . .

Dairy Products Evaporated whole milk Evaporated fat-free (skim) or reduced fat
(2%) milk
  Whole milk Low-fat (1%), reduced fat (2%), or fat-free (skim) milk
  Ice cream Sorbet, sherbet, low-fat or fat-free frozen yogurt, or ice
milk (choose lowest calorie variety)
  Whipping cream Imitation whipped cream (made with fat-free (skim) milk)
or low-fat vanilla yogurt
  Sour cream Plain low-fat yogurt
  Cream cheese Neufchatel or “light” cream cheese or fat-free cream
  Cheese (cheddar, American, Reduced calorie cheese, low calorie processed cheeses,
Swiss, jack) etc.; fat-free cheese
  Regular (4%) cottage cheese Low-fat (1%) or reduced fat (2%) cottage cheese
  Whole milk mozzarella cheese Part skim milk, low moisture mozzarella cheese
  Whole milk ricotta cheese Part skim milk ricotta cheese
  Coffee cream (half and half) or Low-fat (1%) or reduced fat (2%) milk or fat-free
nondairy creamer (liquid, powder) dry milk powder
Cereals, Grains, Ramen noodles Rice or noodles (spaghetti, macaroni, etc.)
and Pasta
  Pasta with white sauce (alfredo) Pasta with red sauce (marinara)
  Pasta with cheese sauce Pasta with vegetables (primavera)
  Granola Bran flakes, crispy rice, etc.
Cooked grits or oatmeal
Whole grains (couscous, barley, bulgar, etc.)
Reduced fat granola (choose lowest calorie variety)
Meat, Fish, and Cold cuts or lunch meats Low-fat cold cuts (95% to 97% fat-free lunch meats,
Poultry (bologna, salami, liverwurst, etc.) low-fat pressed meats)
  Hot dogs (regular) Lower fat hot dogs
  Bacon or sausage Canadian bacon or lean ham
  Regular ground beef Extra lean ground beef such as ground round or ground
turkey (read labels)
  Chicken or turkey with skin, duck, Chicken or turkey without skin (white meat)
or goose
  Oil-packed tuna Water-packed tuna (rinse to reduce sodium content)
  Beef (chuck, rib, brisket) Beef (round, loin) trimmed of external fat
(choose slelect grades)
  Pork (spareribs, untrimmed loin) Pork tenderloin or trimmed, lean smoked ham

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

  Instead of . . . Replace with . . .

  Frozen breaded fish or fried fish Fish or shellfish, unbreaded (fresh, frozen, canned
(homemade or commercial) in water)
  Whole eggs Egg whites or egg substitutes
  Frozen TV dinners (containing more Frozen TV dinners (containing less than 13 grams of fat
than 13 grams of fat per serving) per serving and lowest in sodium)
  Chorizo sausage Turkey sausage, drained well (read label)
Vegetarian sausage (made with tofu)
Baked Goods Croissants, brioches, etc. Hard french rolls or soft “brown ’n serve” rolls
  Donuts, sweet rolls, muffins, scones, English muffins, bagels, reduced fat or fat-free muffins
or pastries or scones
Party crackers Low-fat crackers (choose lower in sodium)
Saltine or soda crackers (choose lowest in sodium)
  Cake (pound, chocolate, yellow) Cake (angel food, white, gingerbread)

  Cookies Reduced fat or fat-free cookies (graham crackers,

ginger snaps, fig bars) (choose lowest calorie variety)
Snacks and Nuts Popcorn (air-popped or light microwave), fruits,
Sweets vegetables
  Ice cream, e.g., cones or bars Frozen yogurt, frozen fruit, or chocolate pudding bars
  Custards or puddings (made with Puddings (made with skim milk)
whole milk)
Fats, Oils, and Regular margarine or butter Light-spread margarines, diet margarine, or whipped
Salad Dressings butter, tub or squeeze bottle
  Regular mayonnaise Light or diet mayonnaise or mustard
  Regular salad dressings Reduced calorie or fat-free salad dressings, lemon juice,
or plain, herb-flavored, or wine vinegar
  Butter or margarine on toast or bread Jelly, jam, or honey on bread or toast
  Oils, shortening, or lard Nonstick cooking spray for stir-frying or sautéing
As a substitute for oil or butter, use applesauce or prune
puree in baked goods
Miscellaneous Canned cream soups Canned broth-based soups
  Canned beans and franks Canned baked beans in tomato sauce
  Gravy (homemade with fat Gravy mixes made with water or homemade with the fat
and/or milk) skimmed off and fat-free milk included
  Fudge sauce Chocolate syrup
  Avocado on sandwiches Cucumber slices or lettuce leaves
  Guacamole dip or refried beans Salsa
with lard
Source: Adapted from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2005). Aim for a Healthy Weight (NIH Publication
No. 05-5213), pp. 10–11. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Choosing Healthier Foods

Keeping an Eye on Serving: A “serving” is a measured

Portion Size amount of food or drink, such as one
slice of bread or 1 cup of milk. Some
Eating fewer calories is not just about
foods that most people consume as a
choosing healthier foods. It is also
single portion actually contain
about eating less food and paying
multiple servings (e.g., a 20-ounce
attention to portion size.
soda or a 3-ounce bag of chips).
What’s the difference between a
To see typical portions for various
regular portion and a serving size?
foods, refer to the images below.
Portion: A “portion” is the amount Also, check out the U.S. Department
of food that you choose to eat for a of Agriculture’s MyPyramid at
meal or snack. It can be big or to find
small—you decide. out how these food portions fit into a
daily eating plan for your recom-
mended calorie level.

Strawberries Whole-wheat cereal flakes

1/2 cup 1 cup
(1/2 cup equivalent of fruit) (1-ounce equivalent of whole grains)

Milk Baked sweet potato

8 fluid ounces 1 large
(counts as 1 cup milk) (1-cup equivalent of orange vegetables)

Source: Adapted from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPyramid, online at

Dining Out/Take-Out:
How To Choose
General Tips for Healthy healthiest option before you go to
Dining Out and Take-Out the restaurant.
Whether you’re trying to maintain ■■ General tips: Limiting your
weight or lose weight, you can eat calories and fat can be easy as
healthfully when dining out or long as you know what to order.
bringing food in, if you know how. Try asking these questions when
The following tips will help you move you call ahead or before you
toward healthier eating as you limit order. Ask the restaurant whether
your calories, as well as total fat, they would, upon request, do the
saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, following:
and sodium (salt) when eating –– Serve fat-free (skim) milk
prepared foods. rather than whole milk or
You Are the Customer
–– Reveal the type of cooking oil
■■ Ask for what you want. Most
restaurants will honor your
requests. –– Trim visible fat off poultry or
■■ Ask questions. Don’t be intimi-
dated by the menu—your server –– Leave butter, gravy, or cream
will be able to tell you how foods sauces off the side dish or
are prepared or suggest substitu- entree
tions on the menu. –– Serve salad dressing on the
■■ To reduce portion sizes, try side
ordering a low-fat appetizer as –– Accommodate special requests
your main meal, or share an if made in advance by
entree with a friend or family telephone or in person
Above all, don’t get discouraged.
■■ Avoid all-you-can-eat buffets.
Most restaurants usually have several
■■ Review the menu online, if healthy options to choose from.
possible, and choose the

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

Reading the Menu ■■ Fried

Choose lower calorie, low-fat ■ Gravy
cooking methods. Look for terms ■ Hollandaise
such as:
■ Marinated (in oil)
■■ Baked
■ Pastry crust
■■ Boiled (in wine or lemon juice)
■ Pot pie
■ Broiled
■ Grilled
Specific Tips for
Healthy Choices
■ Lightly sauteed
■ Poached
■■ Decaf tea or coffee with fat-free or
■ Roasted
low-fat (1 percent) milk
■ Steamed in its own juice (au jus)
■ Fresh fruit or small glass of
Be aware of foods high in calories, 100 percent fruit juice
total fat, and saturated fat. Watch out ■ Whole-grain bread, bagel, or
for terms such as: English muffin with jelly or honey
■■ Alfredo ■ Whole-grain cereal with fat-free
■ Au fromage or low-fat (1 percent) milk
■ Au gratin ■ Oatmeal with fat-free milk topped
■ Basted with fruit
■ Béarnaise ■ Omelet made with egg whites or
egg substitute
■ Breaded
■ Multigrain pancakes with fresh
■ Butter sauce
fruit or apple butter
■ Casserole
■ Fat-free yogurt (try adding cereal
■ Cheese sauce or fresh fruit)
■ Creamed
■ In cream or cream sauce
■■ Water with lemon
■ Crispy
■ Flavored sparkling water
■ Deep fried (noncaloric)
■ Escalloped

Dining Out/Take-Out: How To Choose

■■ Juice spritzer (half fruit juice and ■■ Look for terms such as “baked,”
half sparkling water) “broiled,” “steamed,” “poached,”
■ Unsweetened iced tea “lightly sauteed,” or “lightly
■ Tomato juice (reduced sodium)
■ Ask for sauces and dressings on
■ Fat-free or low-fat (1 percent)
the side
■ Limit the amount of butter,
Breads margarine, and salt you use at the
While many yeast breads and table
breadsticks are low in calories and
Salads/Salad Bars
low in fat, the calories add up when
you add butter, margarine, or olive ■■ Lettuce, spinach, and other fresh
oil to the bread. Also, eating a lot of greens
bread in addition to your meal will ■ Fresh vegetables—tomatoes,
fill you up with unwanted calories mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers,
and not leave enough room for fruits peppers, onions, radishes, and
and vegetables. broccoli
■ Chickpeas, kidney beans, and
other beans
■■ Broth-based soups
■ Skip the nonvegetable choices:
■ Steamed seafood deli meats, bacon, egg, cheese,
■ Shrimp* cocktail (limit cocktail and croutons
sauce—it’s high in sodium) ■ Choose lower calorie, reduced-fat,
■ Melons or fresh fruit or fat-free dressing; lemon juice;
■ Bean soups or vinegar
■ Salad with reduced-fat dressing Side Dishes
(or add lemon juice or vinegar)
■■ Vegetables and whole-grain side
Entrees dishes (brown rice, whole wheat
pasta, etc.) make good additions
■■ Poultry, fish, shellfish, and
to meals and also can be
vegetable dishes
combined for a lower calorie
■ Pasta with red sauce or with alternative to higher calorie
vegetables (primavera) entrees
* If you are on a cholesterol-lowering diet, eat shrimp in moderation.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

■■ Ask for side dishes without butter popularity. Supermarkets often

or margarine provide a wide selection of foods
■ Ask for mustard, salsa, or low-fat from various cuisines. Use the
yogurt instead of sour cream or suggestions in each of these catego-
butter ries to guide your decision. One
thing to keep in mind is portion size.
Desserts and Coffees Take-out portions can be just as large
■■ Fresh fruit as restaurant portions. For more
information on portion sizes, refer
■ Fat-free frozen yogurt
to Portion Distortion at
■ Sherbet or fruit sorbet (these are
usually fat free, but check the
calorie content) Chinese
■ Try sharing a dessert Choose More Often . . .
■ Ask for fat-free or low-fat ■■ Zheng (steamed)
(1 percent) milk for your coffee
■ Gun (boiled)
(instead of cream or half-n-half)
■ Kao (roasted)
Tips for Healthy Eating ■ Shao (barbecue)
On the Go
■ Poached
If you’re dining out or bringing food
■ Lightly stir-fried in mild sauce
in, it’s easy to find healthy foods.
Knowing about typical American ■ Cooked in light wine sauce
dishes, as well as other ethnic ■ Hot and spicy tomato sauce
cuisines, can help make your dining ■ Sweet and sour sauce
experience healthy and enjoyable.
The following list includes healthy ■ Hot mustard sauce
food choices (lower in calories and ■ Reduced-sodium soy sauce
fat) and terms to look for when ■ Dishes without MSG added
making your on-the-go selections.
■ Spinach or broccoli
Supermarket ■ Fresh fish fillets, shrimp, scallops
Choose More Often . . . ■ Chicken without skin
Bringing prepared food home from ■ Lean beef
the supermarket is growing in ■ Bean curd (tofu)

Dining Out/Take-Out: How To Choose

■■ Moo shu vegetables, chicken, or ■■ Sun-dried tomatoes

shrimp ■ Red sauces—spicy marinara sauce
■ Steamed rice (arrabiata), marinara sauce, or
■ Lychee fruit cacciatore
■ Hoison sauce* with assorted ■ Light red sauce or light red or
Chinese vegetables: broccoli, white wine sauce
mushrooms, onions, cabbage, ■ Light mushroom sauce
snow peas, scallions, bamboo ■ Red clam sauce
shoots, water chestnuts, asparagus
■ Primavera (no cream sauce)
■ Oyster sauce* (made from
■ Lemon sauce
■ Capers
French ■ Herbs and spices—garlic and
Choose More Often . . . oregano
■■ Dinner salad with vinegar or ■ Crushed tomatoes and spices
lemon juice (or a reduced-fat ■ Florentine (spinach)
dressing) ■ Grilled (often fish or vegetables)
■ Crusty bread without butter ■ Piccata (lemon)
■ Fresh fish, shrimp, scallops, ■ Manzanne (eggplant)
steamed mussels (without sauces)
■ Chicken without skin Middle Eastern
■ Rice and noodles without cream Choose More Often . . .
or added butter or other fat ■■ Lemon dressing, lemon juice
■ Fresh fruit for dessert ■■ Blended or seasoned with Middle
Italian Eastern spices

Choose More Often . . . ■■ Herbs and spices (parsley,

rosemary, basil, dill, etc.)
■■ Lightly sauteed with onions ■■ Mashed chickpeas
■ Shallots ■■ Fava beans
■ Peppers and mushrooms ■■ Smoked eggplant
■ Artichoke hearts
* Hoison and oyster sauces are high in sodium (salt). Choose versions that are lower in sodium, or limit the quantity,
particularly if on a low-sodium diet.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

■■ Tomatoes, mushrooms, green Indian

peppers, and cucumbers Choose More Often . . .
■ Spiced ground meat
■■ Tikka (pan roasted)
■ Special garlic sauce
■ Cooked with or marinated in
■ Basted with tomato sauce yogurt
■ Garlic ■ Cooked with green vegetables,
■ Chopped parsley and/or onion onions, tomatoes, peppers, and
■ Couscous (grain) mushrooms
■ Rice or bulgur (cracked wheat) ■ With spinach (saag)
■ Stuffed with rice and imported ■ Baked leavened breads
spices ■ Masala
■ Grilled on a skewer ■ Tandoori
■ Marinated and barbecued ■ Paneer
■ Baked ■ Cooked with curry, marinated in
■ Charbroiled or charcoal broiled spices
■ Fresh fruit for dessert ■ Lentils, chickpeas (garbanzo
Japanese ■ Garnished with dried fruits
Choose More Often . . . ■ Chickpeas (garbanzo) and
■■ House salad with fresh ginger and potatoes
cellophane (clear rice) noodles ■ Basmati rice (pullao)
■ Rice ■ Matta (peas)
■ Nabemono (soup/stew) ■ Chicken or shrimp kebab
■ Chicken, fish, or shrimp teriyaki,
broiled in sauce
Choose More Often . . .
■ Soba noodles, often used in soups
■ Yakimono (broiled) ■■ Shredded spicy chicken
■ Tofu (or bean curd) ■ Rice and black beans
■ Grilled vegetables ■ Rice (particularly brown rice)

Dining Out/Take-Out: How To Choose

■■ Served with salsa (hot red tomato ■■ Napa, bamboo shoots, black
sauce) mushrooms, ginger, garlic
■ Served with salsa verde (green ■ Bed of mixed vegetables
chili sauce) ■ Scallions, onions
■ Covered with enchilada sauce
■ Topped with shredded lettuce,
diced tomatoes, and onions Choose More Often . . .
■ Served with or wrapped in a corn ■■ Lean broiled beef (no more than
or whole-wheat flour (soft) 6 ounces)—London broil, filet
tortilla mignon, round and flank steaks
■ Grilled ■ Baked potato without added
■ Marinated butter, margarine, or sour cream
(try low-fat yogurt or mustard)
■ Picante sauce
■ Green salad with vinegar or
■ Simmered with vegetarian chili or
lemon juice (or a reduced-fat
tomato sauce
Thai ■ Steamed vegetables without added
Choose More Often . . . butter or margarine (try lemon
juice and herbs)
■■ Barbecued, sauteed, broiled,
■ Seafood dishes (usually indicated
boiled, steamed, braised, or
as “surf ” on menus)
■ Charbroiled Fast Food
■ Basil sauce, basil, sweet basil, or Choose More Often . . .
basil leaves
■■ Grilled chicken breast sandwich
■ Lime sauce or lime juice without mayonnaise
■ Chili sauce or crushed dried chili ■ Single hamburger without cheese
■ Grilled chicken salad with
■ Thai spices reduced-fat dressing
■ Served in hollowed-out pineapple ■ Garden salad with vinegar or
■ Fish sauce lemon juice (or a reduced-fat
■ Hot sauce dressing)

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

■■ Low-fat or fat-free yogurt for making healthy choices eating out

■ Fat-free muffin or cereal with without overspending:
fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) ■■ To reduce costs, start by eating
milk out one less time per week.
Deli/Sandwich Shops ■ Many restaurants provide
portions that are large enough to
Choose More Often . . .
make two meals out of one entree.
■■ Fresh sliced vegetables in Bring half of your meal home for
whole-wheat pita bread with the next day, or if dining with a
low-fat dressing, yogurt, or friend or family member, order
mustard one entree to share.
■ Bean soup (lentil, minestrone) ■ If you often meet a friend or
■ Turkey breast sandwich with colleague for lunch at a restau-
mustard, lettuce, and tomato rant, try bringing your lunch
instead and meeting outside in
■ Fresh fruit
the park when the weather
Saving Money While permits.
Eating Out
Another expense of eating out is its
effect on your budget. Try these tips

Foods in the Fast Lane

When you eat on the go, you don’t low-fat frozen yogurt or low-fat
have to give up eating fast foods milkshake.
completely. You can eat right and ■■ Order salad. Use vinegar and oil
still eat fast foods if you select or a low-calorie dressing.
carefully. Here are some tips on fast
■ Create a salad at the salad bar.
foods to choose:
Choose any raw vegetables, fruits,
■■ Order from the dollar or value or beans. Limit toppings high in
menu; the portions are often saturated fat, such as cheese, fried
smaller than the regular size. noodles, and bacon bits, as well as
■ Order a small hamburger instead salads made with mayonnaise.
of a larger one. Try ordering a Also, limit salad dressings high in
hamburger without cheese and saturated fat and cholesterol.
extra sauce. ■ For sandwiches, try whole-wheat
■ Order roast beef for a leaner bread topped with lettuce, tomato,
choice than most burgers. onion, mustard, and ketchup
instead of toppings high in
■ Order a baked potato instead of
saturated fat, such as cheese,
french fries. Be careful of high-fat
bacon, special sauces, or butter.
toppings like sour cream, butter,
or cheese. ■ Order thin-crust pizza with
vegetable toppings such as
■ Order grilled, broiled, or baked
peppers, mushrooms, or onions
fish or chicken.
instead of extra cheese, pepper-
■ Order fat-free or low-fat milk oni, and sausage.
instead of a milkshake. Or try the

Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go—A Pocket Guide

Fast Food Choices

Let’s see how small changes can add up to big changes with the following sample fast-food meal:

Typical Meal   Lower Fat Choice  

Cheeseburger   Hamburger  
(313 calories) (265 calories)
Large french fries   1/2 small french fries  
(487 calories) (112 calories)
12-ounce cola   12-ounce cola  
(136 calories) (136 calories)
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream   Low-fat ice cream cone  
(137 calories) (146 calories)

Total saturated fat (g) 13 Total saturated fat (g) 6

Total dietary cholesterol (mg) 71 Total dietary cholesterol (mg) 42

Total fat (g) 46 Total fat (g) 20

Total calories 1,073 Total calories 659
Source: Adapted from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2005). Aim for a Healthy Weight (NIH Publication
No. 05-5213), p. 24. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Other Resources

More information on maintaining a We Can!® (Ways to Enhance

healthy weight, and on overweight
Children’s Activity and
and obesity, is available from the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute (NHLBI) Web site at Science-based information for (under Health parents and communities to help
Information for the Public). Also see children maintain a healthy weight
the following resources.
1–866–35–WECAN (1–866–359–3226)
Aim for a Healthy Weight
Web Site To Learn More
Information for patients and the Contact the NHLBI for information
public as well as health professionals and publications on healthy eating and overweight and obesity.
Available publications include the
Diseases and Conditions “Aim for a Healthy Weight Patient
A–Z Index Booklet,” “At a Glance: Facts About
A quick and easy way to get complete Healthy Weight,” “Aim for a Healthy
and dependable information about Weight: Keep an Eye on Portion Size
heart, lung, and blood diseases and Z Card,” and more.
sleep disorders NHLBI Health Information Center P.O. Box 30105
Keep the Beat™: Bethesda, MD 20824–0105
Phone: 301–592–8573
Deliciously Healthy Eating
TTY: 240–629–3255
Web Site Fax: 301–592–8563
Heart healthy recipes professionally E-mail:
developed for the NHLBI, along with Web site:
other healthy eating information

™ Keep the Beat is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
We Can! Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition, We Can!, and the We Can! logos are registered trademarks
of DHHS.
ISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Under provisions of applicable
public laws enacted by Congress since 1964, no person in the United
States shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, handicap, or
age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any program or activity (or, on the basis of sex, with
respect to any education program and activity) receiving Federal financial
assistance. In addition, Executive Order 11141 prohibits discrimination on the
basis of age by contractors and subcontractors in the performance of Federal
contracts, and Executive Order 11246 States that no federally funded contractor
may discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Therefore, the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute must be operated in compliance with these laws and
Executive Orders.
For More Information
NHLBI Health Information Center
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda, MD 20824–0105
Phone: 301–592–8573
TTY: 240–629–3255
Fax: 301–592–8563

NIH Publication No. 10-7415

April 2010

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