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The health field has always been a passion of mine from an early age. As I grew up and
became more educated on health related issues, I have notice many people are misinformed or do
not take research and other information into account when it comes to making life decisions
regarding health. This idea has especially come into light when relating to COVID-19. As a
health care professional, I would specifically like to focus on the older adult/geriatric population.
My passion about helping this population comes from my grandmother. I have been
exposed to the medical field from an early age. When I was younger, my grandmother was
diagnosed with diabetes, and her being an immigrant, she did not understand the specifics of how
to take care of herself to maintain her blood sugars. I helped her navigate a life with diabetes and
accompanied her to her doctor appointments. Then when I become a scribe in the emergency
department, aside of actual emergencies, most people would come in with simple complaints and
mainly due to not being educated on the condition. After entering university, I was interested in
the public health major. This major has expanded my knowledge on certain aspects that I have
personally believed are important for a health professional to know. Public health assesses the
needs of the community and then creates plans to promote healthy behaviors and prevent chronic
and infectious diseases. Research has shown that about 30% of adults have a basic health
literacy, this is particularly concerning to me considering our society is drastically improving and
changing medical research and medicine in general. Being able to also focus in rural areas and
communities, I can make an impact on their lives, by educating them on how to prevent certain
I have been incredibly passionate about the medical field and I fully know I am capable
to make an impact on this generation. From finishing my undergraduate degree in Bachelor’s of
Science in Health with a concentration in Public Health and a minor in Health Education , my
two year plan is applying to medical schools and being going into my second year of medical
school. Once done with my higher education I plan on help make steps towards better health
education. Since health can be such a daunting subject to most people and others do not want to
check up on their health. I plan on developing a relationship with my patients and thoroughly
spending the time to explain their health because they need that support of someone also caring
about their wellbeing.

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