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CONCORSO PER LA PIAZZA E GLI EDIFICI DELLE FORZE ARMATE WETTBEWERB FUR DEN PLATZ UND DIE GEBAUBE DER HEERMACHT COMPETITION FOR THE SQUARE OF THE FIGHTING SERVICES AND ITS EDIFICES CONCOURS POUR LA PLACE ET LES EDIFICES DES FORCES ARMEES Ui bando di concorso indicava, per la Piazza ed i pro Storia della Navigazions, Cine, Modell, ee), Lo cui indi i quali ass imesse per jn seguito, 7 Musei permanent! pprevedeva Ia costrurione in du er quanto coneerne Vatchitenurs. de facevaesplicita riferimento a que. ei i Masel permanenti delle Com sport, 2 stato redatto daghi autori dei due pr ie guerrite italiane, il quale, facente parte inte dalediico dellEsercio, doveva. uovars "un 32 wale prineipale indicato dal hando. La mostra del doveva. essere disposta. in ambienticronologica ‘mente ordinati. Quella della) Marina ordinati per classi Storia della Mari Pr lati sono avelli che risuleano dalla pubbliaaione che segue 885, Die Auscheabung des Wertbewerte gab fuer den Plate und die ‘to amgcbemien Gesu den Oma, der in dee Gevespaninee (che Sete 702) fcr dhe Gace dr Schau nd spacer des Meseams Aer Vertindanss und Trsporenceacsten botumme war (N- H). Die Gehscuie des Neer der Mine un der Lawate wilten, rn Jer Vordefeot gegen ten Paw der Hecrmselt igen unt olen fear solkemmen unabhaengig voncinandcr,deanoch aber durch ‘Shen Vebindungabay verge tin, Fer dice Geb tn dt de Schau der betrlenden Watlen und spucer de lebenden Mascn these Wallen Plate haben salen, sah de Ausclveig tne oe in swt aufcinanrtigenden Zevaschnten vor mre Mocsich: Kit ener jeveligen Bln ui archiekionichen Ongena in feidenZtachnaten 2 geben, Was die Architektur der charade Neary so emag kh de Awarding sudrvckich ut jeme Wichliien| ce Hhrmosie und des kisiben Empindens, auf die ‘welche gelgemiich der novberaegangenen Weibewerbe hingewie= fen wud, Fernesbeackhete sie die Racumc, die jen Gebactde enthten soe ter denen benders ervoraeben sins en geese Salon. fawn fcericer Tempel dev iaienchen Kissa, det, dt den weetichen Vell des Gebseuder des Heer awmacte ch A Blick ode. moe, dav ip der “AtmchrtbungToageegt War. Fir dis Muscum des Hees musse die Anorung der Radme Gane chonolognche som fp ae der Marine im desen must die ‘arordouns: der Rane much Klasen (Geshe der” Marine, de ‘The compton announcement indicted, for this Panza and ius surtouniing ees the area assigned om che. fina general lan (. pope 712) tthe Bahn and, eventual the Meum of the Minis of Tramport and Commas» (N. 1) "The Piven delle crs Arte (he Sevises) wns 10 hate been ‘xeroel by the ef of the Army, the Navy and the At Fore ‘Sch completes sutonomoas fut inked comtratonly with the hen The competion programme provided for the comtrucn ef these edi dosgned to contain the Exhibitions of the repost Sirces and cnenaly hdr permanent Mast 89 see Stages with the posibity. of praducgg am. organi whale, con customs and achiteconicalyy eb of the stage fm rps tothe architecture of the edifices, the programme ade” explicit Iefremce to the cetera of erin and clnskal seas ready lid down in rlsion to the forgoing cimpaions The aco Fulton. tr be proved ia cach ‘fice wat alo insta, the ‘move notable lament being 3 Lge alls to fm as it were 4 San tusry ot Tolan muta glo an intgal par of the Arye ‘es ths fll wat 9 be placed upon main inal aie nia imine poogramme. ‘The Amy, Exhibtion as to be arrange in 8 Series of als in chvonlgial oer, whibt tht of the Navy Wit ter hse teen cain! acoing tothe theme (Haney of the Nav. Hse of Stipe Macy ot Navugation, Beles, Mody, etc) 'The Pour la lace des forces sends ot pout ls Palais donmant su lle Jes camition de Conca mdiguaknt Fendt, su leplam At (Ge pase 742) ue woven sgnaee lex Edie pur PExponio ct ‘Saute por le Stusce de Cornmuniations et Transport (1 ice de VArméy des Marine et de” TAcromaigue, somplatemene autonomy mais ri chre can deaiet donser sur ia" Pae der Fons Armée, Pour oe Eien dane Tegute desient fue place es Fspontiine de chaque arte ct Tabet Tes Muses Parmancnts dex Arne Te Consoury on prvoza La cemtracton eh ese Gpiqus suctuieey aver des poss une oreanston ds Stiiccs dane chacone en dewx Gpaquen Em ce qui emcee Ta ‘Ditties Bacey le Concours fata elaiement ape es se Kinet guile et de Senne chsighe dont a sent {tuston depr ler concours pracédents 11 nasi etic une ise ses fides gue chiges fee. poseit conten pumice ity Ton conpremit comme devant tre de toute premive importance um grant Stim peagrun ‘Temple solenmet ses ears” guerses alent, Tegoe, or fant atu feugrame de Tele de Tare, acto ht sup axe ‘sil peal, iigué pat Te concurs LEAP. ion de FAnnée Uessit fre onpanndedanw dee pce. chromlo Ssuement dipoden 8 comtaies calle de Ta Marine. dans des salle 886 Shier Schiar, Kotaten Antiguitcten wo Madele ws.) Siwohen. Dsebe Ricnie alt Toor die” Shaw der Loltwaf Wer die, dhe den yerubialenen Gebiten gemimeten Race, > segeben' waren, Unter dicen sind. geracumige Flugzcutalen fur faturgrsse Modele boonden bertorzuesn as. Schedgericn wat wie flee zoammenceets Pride Onareele Giprams Eis Op, Migieles Avchtekt Al Sus, ‘Aric: 1c, Acchtekt MC, Catia, Trgenicr G- Vena, I eric P. Slaton, Genera Clint, archtke ED Disb, Gtene P cut. Dee Wetverd tt wet Kategorien auch worden, Zi schon den ete und mn scien, 4 dam ie rte race Kia Facren Prick gerchtet wurden, Mut ine bettaceiche Verh ‘bang sargeunsen und ar ich sows in der Lage, sone fa der Form ‘des zur Veeiusung sehenden “Bouplatzes nd der tase: Sige, sl Folge son Abwodcrumgen in det Gencalplanimete de Austalung 2. ‘Der Bln Jer Rarunpe, der, wie west, der Show um syaee ter den blabenden Nscen See Vesbindange snd Tranaportmoey Tehtchen gewidmct sn’ whe. wunde son den Entwererm dee Widen Placac auigefuche, dic glint den coten Pras gewanten. Archcke Mio De Rent and Archiekt Gino Palin Die amleren Siegechen Ploene die pracmirt oder ausgezeichnet wurden, chic tran aus der Tolgenlen'Veracentichang later crtrim as 19 be followed for tbe Acromutc Exhibition the unter of foams neces for the various sections was ini: tisha muble fete here being the ast hangare or balls to owe [afi mel of eae “Tne Commision forthe judgement of the projects was composed of the llwing, memictes Prewcat, Hon. Cipniano FB Opp ‘Membens the architat. Alo Swi L. Viti, Me Canine the etn fen. Herm, P.Salatin, General, Gaus the cits E De Dads, Calon F- Cat The competion say divide into ewe grade: between the et sand wood rae, 0 which the autre of the it a proects n ef rent were calle, 4 sonvecrabie mdiation tok plac ‘hich ‘ot eet the penton bathe form of the acy ane fm the made coasted th. this beg de to maison of ‘he eer ay oe um of the E42 “The final prot of the stoun of balling, designed, 3+ been ssi, tp comic the Fsahistion sed crema the permancat Blu ‘Gum of Cammunicaions and. Transport was awn up. bythe futher of the two, projec inh were awarded the fit pect equa the arebitcs Maro) De Rene apf Gino Poll, The iter Prec hich. were awa pees of mentions are dexiba it ithe porte hie nae. mas vant le lavement de wits (Histoire de la Marine, Histoire Nir: Musive de Nesigadon, Malley ce), Le mime pope Gieuat fm vgucur” pour TExposiion de TAgemautque pour Taguate hes Salles damn dedges sue themes diffrent et Cet levee he pls taint es bangs pour models de grandeur ma tor Ws Commision examina: Gait sie comport: §, E. Syoien isie“Opor Preloe x Arches Alo Sout 1 Wits, Me Ce fino Time. Berbees ling P. Salatino le Généal E. Clase arhiste Ebel De, le Cale Fe Cats, Membres tee Conenan 2 Goran eh deus ft cate Ta promiéee eth luxe ust Suen pois claws fen st pees un. cha Ssement table et interven dam la forme de by perce ine Aigurtiom ct dans Tes es concerrart les tits smrenéey A abe ‘A oifstons bie pu le pap général de TE 12 Te prt ve groape deem destin comme ia & dt recercir es Expostiom ec pat la ute, fos Move pernanents. es Gommoskations ct es Trtnports 4&6 eeu far Tes auteurs (Ga ese projet: gugsants da Ter pix evar Tarchcte Mario de Renn st tartcte ino. Polit. Les autes pies gagnants de Jit de mention sont sgrales dane Ta putin sua PROGETTO DELL ARCH. MARIO DE RENZI Arch, Mario De Renzi - Primo. pre mio ex-aequo = Progetto di U grado, Pianta dl se Pianta del iano terreno del primo piano (a de Prospetti ¢ 888 PROGETTO DELL ARCH. GINO POLLINI IN COLLABORAZIONE COLL’ ARCH. LUIGI FIGINI le del. progetto di secondo grado. Sopea ¢ sotto: Sesion’ ej grado, - A Isto: Particolare delling ‘mo grado. - Nella pagina a deste del progetto di primo grado, PROGETTO DELL’ARCH. PLINIO MARCONI S Concorso per ta Piazza e gli Ei Planimetria. ge- nerale del pro- ieita di secondo grado, Prospetties del progetto di pri ‘mo grado, Planisetia del progetto di pri mo grado. 895 PROGETTO DELL’ARCH GIULIO PEDICONI PROGETTO DELL’ ARCH. GIUSEPPE VACCARO EEE PROGET TO" DECLY ARCH PTET FY PIERO BOTTONI, GABRIELE MUCCHI, MARIO PUCCI Concorso per neat ~ om 1 PLANIMETRIA xe ¢ gli Bdifci delle Forze Armate Terzo premio - Planimetria generale © veduta prospettica 902 PROGETTO DEGLI ARCH. E. PUPPO, G. ALIOTTA 903, PROGETTO DEGLI ARCH. GIORGIO CAVAGLIERI, GUALTIERO GALMANINI, ANTONIO MAURI PROGETTO DEGLI ARCH. AMEDEO LUCCICHENTI, SERGIO MEZZINA, VINCENZO MONACO 905

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