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Causal contributions of parietal cortex to

perceptual decision-making during stimulus
Lin Zhong1,2,3, Yuan Zhang   1,2,3, Chunyu A. Duan1, Ji Deng1,2, Jingwei Pan1 and Ning-long Xu   1,2*

The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) has been implicated in perceptual decision-making and categorization, but whether its
activity plays a causal role remains controversial. Here we examined the population dynamics of PPC activity during an audi-
tory-guided decision task in mice. We found that silencing of PPC activity impaired several aspects of decision-making. First,
categorization of new, but not well-learned, stimuli was impaired. Second, re-categorization of previously experienced stimuli
based on newly learned categories was also impaired. Third, the bias on behavioral choices created by preceding trials signifi-
cantly increased. In vivo two-photon imaging of PPC activity during stimulus categorization revealed differential dynamics in
representations of new stimuli and learned categories, consistent with rapid incorporation of new sensory information during
categorization. At the circuit level, inactivation of PPC axonal projections to the auditory cortex also significantly reduced cat-
egorization performance. Thus, PPC circuits play a causal role in decision-making during stimulus categorization.

erceptual decision is a simple form of decision-making and has making by counterbalancing short-history bias. In vivo two-photon
been widely studied in a variety of animal species to under- imaging of PPC population activity during stimulus categoriza-
stand the neural basis of decision-making. The mammalian tion revealed both stable representations for learned categories and
posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is one of the brain areas that shows evolving dynamics in response to new stimuli, consistent with a
strong decision-related activity in both primates1–6 and rodents7–11. learning process of categorizing new stimuli into existing associa-
Computational theories have been developed based on PPC activity tions10,20. Projection-specific chemogenetic perturbation of the PPC
to account for circuit mechanisms of decision-making2,12–14. However, to auditory cortex connections also significantly reduced catego-
recent studies have reported somewhat inconsistent results regard- rization performance, implying a circuit-level mechanism. These
ing the causal role of PPC, questioning its functional significance in findings reveal a causal role of PPC circuits in the dynamic learning
decision processes. For instance, inactivation of the PPC in macaques process of making perceptual decisions for stimulus categorization.
had no major effect on choice behavior in a visual–motion percep-
tual decision task15, nor in a self-motion perceptual decision task16. In Results
rodents, silencing of PPC activity had no notable effects on behavioral Mice can make categorical decisions on auditory stimuli. We
performance in either auditory11,17 or tactile decision tasks18. A com- trained head-fixed mice to perform a two-alternative, forced-choice
mon view regarding the lack of effect on choice behavior following auditory discrimination task categorizing tone stimuli as either high
PPC inactivation is that decision-related activity in PPC may reflect or low frequency using directional licking to read out the choices.
only a secondary process not directly involved in computations for During the task, mice were required to lick the left or right lickport
decision-making15,19. An alternative possibility, however, is that PPC following a low- or high-frequency tone, respectively, to receive a
activity may be important in guiding decisions on unfamiliar or water reward. We first trained mice to learn associations for two
unknown sensory stimuli based on previous knowledge, which can training tones (8 and 32 kHz; Fig. 1a,b). After mice had reached
be a crucial function in the real world, but this theory has not been criterion performance (>85% correct), new tones at intermediate
effectively evaluated in previously reported behavioral tasks using the frequencies (six tones separated by 0.2 octave) were introduced in
same set of well-trained stimuli for both training and testing. ~30% of trials, randomly interleaved with training trials to test the
To test this idea, we examined the functional significance of PPC animals’ ability in stimulus categorization. Mice showed catego-
in auditory-guided perceptual decisions on new sensory stimuli not rization of the test stimuli in the first session with the introduc-
previously used for training. Using pharmacological and optoge- tion of new tones, as indicated by a steep slope in psychometric
netic perturbations, we show that PPC activity causally contributes function (Fig. 1c,d). The animals’ subjective category boundaries
to categorical decisions on newly introduced, but not well-experi- (peak of slope function) were distributed in close proximity to an
enced, stimuli. Silencing of PPC activity also impaired the animals’ experimentally defined category boundary (16 kHz; Fig. 1e; see also
capability of reassigning previously learned stimuli into newly Supplementary Fig. 1e), suggesting that their categorical decisions
learned categories, further supporting the function of the PPC in were based on learned ‘categories’.
the learning process of stimulus categorization. In addition, silenc-
ing of PPC activity increased the biasing effect created by preceding PPC activity is required for categorization of new auditory stimuli.
trials, suggesting an additional contribution of the PPC to decision- Next, we sought to determine whether PPC activity is important

Institute of Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience, CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Shanghai
Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
These authors contributed equally to this work: Lin Zhong, Yuan Zhang. *e-mail:

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a Low High b


Left choice Right choice
Response window

8 11.3 13 14.9 17.1 19.7 22.6 32 (kHz) Response time

Training Training
Testing tones Water valve
tones tones

c Training trials d e
100 Testing trials 2
Maximum slope
Reported high (%)

Animal number
50 Category 5

0 Psychometric curve
8 16 32 8 16 32 8 16 32
(0) (1) (2) (0) (1) (2) (0) (1) (2)
Frequency (kHz (octave)) Frequency (kHz (octave)) Frequency (kHz (octave))

Fig. 1 | Perceptual categorization of auditory stimulus in head-fixed mice. a, Schematic showing configuration of the behavioral experiments. b, Temporal
structure of behavioral trials. c, Psychometric function from a sample behavioral session with one mouse, when the test stimuli were first introduced.
Error bars, mean ± 95% confidence interval across trials. d, Slopes of the psychometric function shown in c, with the location of peak slope indicating the
categorization boundary. e, Histogram showing distribution of category boundaries (16.5 ± 0.3 kHz, mean ± s.e.m., n = 25 mice) in the first session with the
introduction of test stimuli.

in the decision process of categorizing new stimuli. We reversibly als, is required for categorization of new test stimuli. Moreover, we
silenced the PPC by bilateral micro-injection of muscimol, a selec- found that when PPC photoinhibition was applied in 50% of the
tive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor agonist, in the first testing trials (randomly interleaved), categorization performance
session (day 1) when the new test stimuli were introduced (Fig. 2a,c). was not significantly affected (Supplementary Fig. 5), suggesting
In contrast to previous reports in rodents11,17,19,21 and primates15,16, we that PPC activity in part of the testing trials on day 1 was sufficient
found that the categorical decisions made by the mice were mark- for categorizion of new tone stimuli, consistent with a learning-
edly impaired compared to control mice micro-injected with saline. dependent process.
Impairment was measured as a significant reduction in the slope of It should be noted that neither muscimol silencing (Fig. 2h) nor
psychometric functions (saline, 1.46 ± 0.16; muscimol, 0.97 ± 0.09; photoinhibition (Fig. 2i) influenced performance on the training
P = 0.019, Wilcoxon rank-sum test; Fig. 2d,f and Supplementary stimuli, nor was the miss rate affected (Fig. 2j,k and Supplementary
Fig. 2), but not in the category boundaries (Fig. 2g). Fig. 6), suggesting that the established associations between learned
Since muscimol inactivation does not have the temporal resolu- categories and motor responses are stable and do not require PPC
tion to distinguish whether it was during training trials or testing activity. It is thus likely that when the testing stimuli are well learned
trials that PPC activity was required for stimulus categorization, we and are incorporated into established associations, choices on test-
employed optogenetics to inactivate the PPC in a more temporally ing stimuli may no longer require PPC activity. This may explain the
controlled fashion18. An adeno-associated virus (AAV) encoding previously reported lack of behavioral effects following PPC inacti-
Cre-inducible channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2)22 was injected bilater- vation. To test this possibility, we performed bilateral PPC inacti-
ally in the PPC of Vgat-Cre mice23 to express ChR2 in GABAergic- vation in a separate cohort of mice after the test stimuli had been
inhibitory neurons. Glass optical windows were implanted above the well experienced following continued training for two additional
PPC of both hemispheres following virus injection. Collimated blue sessions (Fig. 3a). We found that under this condition, inactivation
laser was used to illuminate the glass window to achieve photoinhi- of PPC did not significantly influence categorization performance
bition of PPC (Fig. 2b,c, Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary (Fig. 3b–e and Supplementary Fig. 7), in agreement with the results
Video 1)18. Another group of Vgat-Cre mice injected with AAV- from previous studies in rodents and non-human primates assess-
Flex-mCherry with windows implanted at the same locations was ing the effect of PPC inactivation on choice behavior, where the
used as the control group. To control for the potential distraction of stimuli were probably also well experienced11,15–18. Taken together,
the blue light, two blue light-emitting diodes were placed in front these data indicate that the PPC is causally involved in categoriza-
of both eyes of the mouse to deliver masking light with the same tion of new sensory stimuli, but not after the stimuli have already
temporal patterns as the photostimulation in all trials in both the been incorporated into existing categories.
ChR2 and control groups. During task performance, photoinhibi-
tion was applied in all testing trials but only in 10% of training trials PPC response properties for learned categories and new sen-
for comparison, leaving the majority (90%) of training trials unaf- sory stimuli. The above results suggest that categorization of new
fected. We found that this manipulation also significantly reduced sensory stimuli is a dynamic process that may involve learning24–26
categorization performance for the new tone stimuli (control slope, and that the PPC plays a critical role in this learning process. We
2.43 ± 0.46; photoinhibition slope, 1.17 ± 0.37; P = 0.02, Wilcoxon thus examined how PPC activity evolves with the learning process
rank-sum test; Fig. 2e,f and Supplementary Fig. 4), indicating that of stimulus categorization when new sensory information is inte-
PPC activity during testing trials, rather than during training tri- grated into learned categories. Using chronic in vivo two-photon

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a b c Training stage Testing stage
C57/BL/6J Vgat-Cre
r lim
ato ator

8 kHz , 32 kHz

Musci./saline 8 11.3 13 14.9 17.1 19.7 22.6 32 (kHz)

~10 days Day 1 Day 2
Opto Vgat, ChR2
Musci. 1 mm Light 1 mm Vgat, ChR2
Saline mask

d e f g
4 P = 0.022 1
P = 0.68 P = 0.73
Reported high (%)

Categorical boundary
Psychometric slope
3 P = 0.019

2 0
Saline Mask
Musci. Mask + opto
0 1


0 –1










8 16 32 8 16 32



Frequency (kHz)

h P = 0.27 i P = 1.0 j P = 0.009 k
P = 0.10
100 100 100 100
of training trials (%)
of training trials (%)

Miss rate (%)

Miss rate (%)

Correct rate
Correct rate

50 50 50 50

0 0 0 0
















Fig. 2 | PPC activity is necessary for categorical decision-making on new sensory stimuli. a, Schematic and histology image showing the locations of
injected muscimol (musci.) or saline in the PPC. Red areas in the histology image are fluorescence from co-injected red beads used to mark the injection
sites. b, Schematic and histology image showing the locations of photostimulation and viral expression of ChR2-mCherry in GABAergic neurons in
bilateral PPC of Vgat-Cre mice. Red fluorescence represents mCherry expression. Opto, optogenics. c, Schematic showing experimental schedules for PPC
inactivation and control experiments on the first day following introducion of test stimuli. Symbols represent the four types of experiment as indicated
in a and b. Frequencies of tone stimulation at different stages are indicated. d, Psychometric functions (top) and corresponding slopes (bottom) from
sample muscimol injection and control sessions as indicated in a and c. Error bars, 95% confidence interval. See Supplementary Fig. 2 for individual cases.
e, As in d, for photoinhibition and control sessions as indicated in b and c. See Supplementary Fig. 4 for individual cases. f, Summary of group data for
peak psychometric slopes from experiments indicated in c. Muscimol, n = 13 mice, versus saline, n = 14 mice, P = 0.019, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-
sided; photoinhibition, n = 7 mice, versus mask only, n = 6 mice, P = 0.022, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided; errror bars, mean ± s.e.m. g, Summary
of category boundaries for experiments indicated in c (muscimol versus saline, P = 0.68, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided; photoinhibition with mask
versus mask only, P = 0.73, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided; error bars, mean ± s.e.m. h, Summary of performance (percentage correct) for training
stimuli, compared between muscimol injection and control, n = 13 mice; error bars, mean ± s.e.m.; paired t-test, two-sided. i, As in h for photoinhibition
versus control experiments, n = 7 mice; error bars, mean ± s.e.m.; paired t-test, two-sided. j,k, Miss rate for muscimol silencing experiments (j) and
photoinhibition experiments (k); n = 13 mice (muscimol), n = 14 mice (saline), n = 7 mice (mask + opto), n = 6 mice (mask); error bars, mean ± s.e.m.;
Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided.

calcium imaging, we tracked PPC population activity across differ- categorizing new sensory stimuli. First, we found that the num-
ent sessions/days following the introduction of new test stimuli. The ber of neurons selective to training stimuli was almost unchanged
genetically encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6s27 was expressed across two consecutive days (21% on day 1 versus 20% on day 2;
unilaterally in the PPC using AAV vectors to indicate intracellular Supplementary Fig. 10e). Second, using receiver operator charac-
calcium dynamics, followed by implantation of a chronic imaging teristic (ROC) analysis, we computed the index of selectivity30 in
window28. Layer 2/3 neuron populations were repeatedly imaged each neuron for high versus low training frequencies for all neu-
during task performance starting from the session when the test rons (n = 757 neurons) over the trial period (Fig. 4c,d). We sorted
stimuli were first introduced (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Fig. 8). all neurons based on their selectivity index values on day 1 and used
Consistent with previous studies8,10,29,21, we found that PPC neurons the same order to sort values on day 2. We found that, across the
showed complex response selectivity and heterogeneous dynamics entire population and trial time period, neuronal selectivity for
(Fig. 4b, Supplementary Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 1). high and low training frequencies was preserved as indicated by the
Previous studies reported strong decision-related activity in the resemblance of the selectivity index profiles between consecutive
PPC despite the absence of behavioral effects following PPC inac- days (Fig. 4d,e). Thus, neuronal selectivity for learned sensorimotor
tivation7,9,11,16,17,20. We first examined whether the representations associations was stable over the time course of learning to categorize
for well-trained stimuli would remain stable during the process of new stimuli. Third, we asked whether the population coding for the

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a when the same choices had been made20. Here we further exam-
Training stage Testing stage
ined whether PPC neurons would distinguish newly presented
8 kHz, 32 kHz 8 11.3 13 14.9 17.1 19.7 22.6 32 (kHz) test stimuli versus training stimuli from the same choice category,
~10 days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 and whether such distinction would show dynamic changes over
C57 the learning process of categorization. We found that some neu-
rons indeed showed differential responses to training and testing
Vgat, ChR2 stimuli even within the same category (Fig. 5a,b and Supplementary
Fig. 11). We computed the ROC-based index of selectivity distin-
b d P = 0.69 guishing training trials versus testing trials within the same category
P = 0.56 for individual neurons over the population, and we also examined
100 4
such selectivity changes across consecutive days. We found that
Psychometic slope many neurons showed a distinct preference to test stimuli on day 1,
Reported high (%)

which was reduced over the following days (Fig. 5c,d). The propor-
2 tion of neurons showing significant preference to test stimuli were
reduced from 16% on day 1 to 8% on day 2. Such dynamic change
Day 1 is consistent with the possibility that these neurons may have been
Day 2
involved in the categoriziation of new sensory stimuli on day 1. In
Day 3
0 (opto)
neurons showing preferred responses to test stimuli on day 1, the
ROC values for distinguishing test and training stimuli of the same
category reduced over consecutive days (Fig. 5e). Taken together,
c e P = 0.31
these results show that over the learning process of categorization
4 P = 0.63
of new stimuli, PPC neurons showed both stable representation for
learned categories and evolving dynamics for new stimuli, with a
Psychometic slope

trend of converging representations for stimuli of the same category

2 over the time course of learning (Supplementary Fig. 12).

0 1
PPC activity counterbalances recent history bias. Decision-
8 16 32 making is often biased by recent behavioral history21,32–35, particu-
Frequency (kHz) 0
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 larly when sensory evidence is weak34 or a delay is imposed between
stimulus and choice21,32. However, in a volatile environment, the
Fig. 3 | PPC activity is not required for choice behavior at post- outcomes of events immediately preceding generally lack predic-
categorization stage. a, Schematic showing experimental schedules for tive value for future stimuli, and decisions are guided rather by syn-
PPC inactivation after 2 days of training with test stimuli. b,c, Psychometric thesized previous knowledge from long-term past experiences and
functions (b) and corresponding slopes (c) from three consecutive current sensory evidence. Therefore, under certain circumstances
sessions from an example mouse as indicated in a. Error bars, mean ± 95% short-term history and long-term previous experience may have
confidence interval across trials. d,e, Summary of grouped data for peak opposing influences on decisions. PPC activity has been shown to
psychometric slopes in experiments on PPC inactivation in the third session be related to both long-term sensory and behavioral history3,32 and
using muscimol (d) or optogenetics (e); n = 6 mice (muscimol), n = 5 mice to short-term evidence accumulation8,15, and may therefore mediate
(optogenetics); error bars, mean ± s.e.m., signed-rank test, two-sided. See either short-term history bias or action against such bias. To distin-
Supplementary Fig. 7 for further individual cases. guish these possibilities, we examined the effect of PPC activity on
recent history bias during categorization of new stimuli. We quanti-
fied the influence of the preceding trial on choices made by mice, by
learned associations was also stable. We first examined whether the comparing their performance on current test stimuli when the pre-
animal’s choices on training trials in three consecutive days could ceding training stimulus was of the same category as the current trial
be decoded by the simultaneously imaged population activity only versus when it was from a different category. An influence of pre-
from day 1, using a linear classifier31. Population activity in the ceding training trials would be expressed as decreased or increased
training trials on day 1 was used as a training set to predict the ani- performance when the current test stimulus was of a different or
mals’ choices in the training trials on either day 1 or on days 2 and 3, the same category as the preceding training stimulus, respectively.
respectively (Fig. 4f). We found that decoding accuracy was mark- We found that, under control conditions, preceding training trials
edly higher than chance level starting from stimulus onset, and was did not significantly bias performance in test trials on day 1 (Fig. 6a;
not significantly different between day 1 and days 2 and 3 (Fig. 4g), 77.3 ± 4.6% for same category versus 74.3 ± 3.2% for a different
indicating that population coding for the learned associations was category, P = 0.32), nor after the test stimuli were well experienced
stable across the time course of learning. Stable population cod- (Supplementary Fig. 13). However, when the PPC was inactivated
ing in training trials may reflect stable representations for learned by either muscimol or optogenetics, we observed a significant
categories. We thus examined whether population activity in the choice bias in test stimuli toward the category of preceding train-
training trials could predict behavior in test trials over the learning ing stimuli (Fig. 6b,c; muscimol, same category 71.8 ± 3.4% versus
course. We trained the linear classifier with data from the training different category 63.5 ± 3.7%, P = 0.017; photoinhibition, same cat-
trials on day 1 and examined decoding accuracy in predicting test egory 70.3 ± 2.4% versus different category 55.9 ± 3.2%, P = 0.003).
trials from three consecutive days. We found that prediction accu- Thus, whereas decisions were minimally influenced by preceding
racy was also markedly higher than chance and was stable across events when the PPC was intact, its inactivation led to a significant
test days (Fig. 4h,i), suggesting that the representations for learned bias by short-term behavioral history (Fig. 6d). In contrast, when
categories in the PPC were stable over the learning process of cat- newly introduced test stimuli became well experienced after contin-
egorizing new stimuli. ued training, PPC inactivation no longer resulted in a significantly
It has been proposed that PPC neurons incorporate new sen- increased biasing effect (Supplementary Fig. 13e,f). These results
sory information into existing representations10,20 and that, during indicate that PPC activity additionally contributes to decisions on
learning, PPC populations distinguish novel and familiar cues even new sensory stimuli by counterbalancing short-term history bias.

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a c
16× NA
0.8 Depth: 0 µm Depth: 150 µm Day 1 Day 2



1 mm 250 µm 100 µm
b 8 11.3 13 14.9 17.1 19.7 22.6 32 (kHz) 300

∆F/F (%)

200 0

∆F/F (%)


(∆F/F )
0 6 0 6
1 Time from tone onset (s)

d Day 1 Day 2 e
SI (0–1 s)

(sorted by day 1)
Neurons (n)

SI (day 2)

0.2 –0.2
r = 0.91

Slope = 0.88
1 –0.2 –0.4
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Low –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2
Time from tone onset (s) SI (day 1)

f Training trials g P = 0.91 h Testing trials i

P = 0.76
80 100 P = 0.31 80 First 100
Prediction accuracy (%)

P = 0.69
Prediction accuracy (%)
Prediction accuracy (%)

Prediction accuracy (%)


70 Day1 70
Day3 50 50
60 60

50 50
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1




Time from tone onset (s) Time from tone onset (s)





Fig. 4 | PPC neurons show stable representation for learned categories. a, Schematic and images showing in vivo two-photon imaging from PPC
populations using GCaMP6s. The same imaging fields were repeatedly imaged over several days. b, Sample Ca2+ signal traces of PPC neurons showing
high signal/noise ratio with diverse selectivity and rich dynamics. c, Ca2+ signal of a sample PPC neuron imaged during behavioral sessions on consecutive
days. Top color raster of Ca2+ signals (% ∆F/F0) across trials. Blocks of trials presenting training and test stimuli of low- and high-frequency categories are
segregated. Trials within each block are aligned by stimulus onset time and sorted by time of first responding lick (vertical dashed lines, stimulus onset;
white dots, time of first responding lick). Bottom: traces of average Ca2+ signals from the blocks of trials in the top panel, with colors corresponding to tone
frequency. Shaded regions, mean ± s.e.m. d, Color raster plot showing index of selectivity (SI) between high- and low-frequency categories across trial time
for all neurons, as in across consecutive days. Neurons are sorted according to SI values on day 1. e, Scatter plot of mean SI values (n = 757 neurons) in the
1 s trial time window after stimulus onset, as in d. r, Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Slope, slope of the linear regression line (red). f, Decoding accuracy
across trial time for high and low training tones by population activity of simultaneously imaged neurons in each imaging field using a linear classifier.
The classifier was trained using neuronal activity in 80% of training trials on day 1 to decode stimulus categories on 3 consecutive days. Shaded regions,
mean ± s.e.m. g, Peak decoding accuracies in a 1 s time window following stimulus onset, as in f; n = 6 mice (day 1), n = 6 mice (day 2), n = 4 mice (day 3);
error bars, mean ± s.e.m., signed-rank test (day 1 versus day 2, two-sided), Wilcoxon rank-sum test (day 1 versus day 3, two-sided). h, Decoding accuracy of
a linear classifier discriminating high and low test trials. The classifier was trained using the population activity of training trials from day 1. Shaded regions,
mean ± s.e.m. i, Peak decoding accuracies in a 1 s time window following stimulus onset, as in h; n = 6 mice (day 1), n = 6 mice (day 2), n = 4 mice (day 3);
error bars, mean ± s.e.m., signed-rank test (day 1 versus day 2, two-sided), Wilcoxon rank-sum test (day 1 versus day 3, two-sided).

The contribution of the PPC to reduced short-term history categorization, or (2) a redundant expression of the same process.
bias could be either (1) an independent contribution to decision- To address this question, we simultaneously examined the con-
making in addition to its contribution to learning of stimulus tribution of the PPC to both categorization (Fig. 2) and reduced

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a Day 1 Day 2 c Day 1 Day 2


Sorted neurons

Category low

∆F/F (%)
High 100
training 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

200 0
∆F/F (%)


Sorted neurons

Category high
0 6 0 6
Time from tone onset (s)
Day 1
1.0 80
Day 2
versus testing)
AUC (training

.75 Category low 100

0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Category high Time from tone onset (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.4 –0.4
Test SI Train
Time from tone onset (s)

d e P = 7.06 × 10–15
Day 1 Day 2
P = 3.27 × 10–15
200 NS 200
P < 0.05 0.60
150 150

P = 0.23

100 100 0.55

50 50

0 0
–0.5 0 0.5 –0.5 0 0.5




Selectivity index Selectivity index


Fig. 5 | PPC representations show evolving dynamics over learning. a, Plot similar to that in Fig. 4c, showing Ca2+ signal of a sample PPC neuron with
dynamic changes in response in testing trials (vertical dashed lines, stimulus onset; white dots, time of first response lick). Shaded regions, mean ± s.e.m.
b, Area under ROC curves (AUC) distinguishing testing and training trials over trial period. c. Selectivity index (SI) between training and test stimuli over time
based on ROC analysis for all neurons in a sample imaging field. Positive SI values indicate preference for test stimuli and negative values for training stimuli.
d, Histogram of SI values (mean value in 1 s window after stimulus onset) for training versus test stimuli from the total of 757 neurons across 2 consecutive
days. Proportions of neurons showing significant preference (with AUC values above the 95% percentile of shuffled distribution) are color coded: green,
training stimuli; magenta, test stimuli. NS, not significant. e, Averaged AUC values over 3 consecutive days for neurons showing significant preference to test
stimuli on day 1, as in a and d; n = 57 data points (data for only 2 consecutive days were not included); paired t-test, two-sided; error bars, mean ± s.e.m.

recent history bias (Fig. 6a,c) by modeling the performance showing reduced psychometric slopes (Supplementary Fig. 15).
of mice under control and silencing conditions using a series Notably, when including an interaction term between previous
of logistic regression models (generalized linear mixed model, trial choice and the silencing condition as a regressor, the model
GLMM; Fig. 6e; also see Methods)32,35. Our models confirmed prediction was significantly better in comparison to the model
the lack of recent history bias in control data, insofar as the quantifying only the effect of silencing on psychometric slope
inclusion of previous trial choice as a regressor term did not changes (Fig. 6f–h and Supplementary Fig. 14), indicating that the
significantly improve the model prediction of the behavioral data effect of PPC silencing on short-term history bias is in addition to
(Supplementary Fig. 14a). The models also confirmed the effect of its effect on categorization slopes. Thus, the PPC causally contrib-
PPC inactivation on stimulus categorization, insofar as inclusion utes to the decision process of categorizing new stimuli, by both
of an interaction term between PPC silencing and sensory stimuli influencing psychometric slopes and counterbalancing short-term
significantly improved the model prediction on experimental data history bias.

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a b c No manipulation ChR2 + mask Saline
100 ChR2 + opto Muscimol
Opto-control ChR2 + opto
Saline Muscimol P = 0.005
Performance of Td (%)

40 * P = 0.019
30 **

∆History effect
50 NS NS

(Ts – TD, %)
P = 0.32 P = 0.003
P = 0.14 P = 0.017 0
0 50 100 0 50 100 –10
Performance of Ts (%) Current tone is from the same category (Ts) or from a
different category (Td) compared to previous tone

d Current trial category e

Choice bias
+ Improvement Time
– Impairment t –1 t
(previous trial)

Sensory SL SH SL Ws

Choice CL/R CL/R Wc p 0.5

Constant bias Wb0 0

Low High
(current trial)

f Model 1: quantify only slope change g Model 2: quantify slope change and h Model comparison:
following silencing previous choice bias following silencing model 2 versus model 1

100 100 100 100 50 40 mice

Control data Silenced data Control data Silenced data (23,572 trials)
Reported high (%)
Reported high (%)

P = 3.14 × 10–72

50 50 50 50

0 0 0 0
8 16 32 8 16 32 8 16 32 8 16 32 –10 0 10
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz) –log(likelihood ratio)

Red Pre-choice is left Model fitting

Blue Pre-choice is right Actual data pool across animals

Fig. 6 | PPC activity counterbalances short-term history bias on perceptual decisions. a, Comparison of behavioral performance on testing trials for
which the preceding training stimulus was of the same category (Ts) or a different category (Td) versus the current testing trial. The choices made were
not significantly biased by the previous trial under normal control conditions (saline, P = 0.14, n = 14 mice; control with light mask (opto-control), P = 0.32,
n = 6 mice; paired t-test, two-sided). b, Similar plot as in a, but for mice with PPC silenced on day 1. Choices made were significantly biased by previous
trials when the PPC was inactivated by either muscimol (P = 0.017, n = 13 mice) or photoinhibition (P = 0.003, n = 7 mice); paired t-test, two-sided. c,
Summary of changes in performance attributable to influence of preceding trial in a and b. Data from a separate group of control mice in the absence of
manipulation (n = 25 mice) were also included. P = 0.449 (no manipulation), P = 0.017 (muscimol), P = 0.143 (saline), P = 0.003 (ChR2 + opto), P = 0.319
(ChR2); one-sample t-test, two-sided; comparison between groups, two-sample t-test; error bars, mean ± s.e.m. d, Schematic showing the bias effect on
categorical choice by preceding trials when the PPC was silenced. e, Illustration of linear regression models (GLMM test) used to simultaneously quantify
the effects of PPC silencing on categorization slopes and short-term history bias (SL, stimuli of low-frequency category; SH, stimuli of high-frequency
category; CL/R, left or right choices; Ws, weight of sensory stimulus term; Wc, weight of choice term; Wb0, weight of constant bias term). f,g, GLMM fit to
data under control and silenced conditions. Lines, fit; dots, data; red, trials for which the previous choice was left; blue, trials for which the previous choice
was right. Model 1 (f) includes the regressor that quantifies slope change after PPC silencing. Model 2 (g) includes regressors that quantify both slope
change and previous change in choice bias after PPC silencing. h, Model comparison (likelihood ratio test) for model 1 versus model 2; one-sample t-test.

PPC activity is required for decisions based on newly learned cat- after these mice had learned to perform categorization of tones in
egories. A potential alterative explanation for the sharp slopes of the first frequency range, and whether the same tone stimuli in the
psychometric function we observed in mice is that these may reflect first frequency range could be ‘re-categorized’ based on the bound-
a bottom-up sensory property: for example, higher sensitivity in ary of the re-learned new category6. We designed tone stimuli from
frequency discrimination at the sensory level that coincides with the two overlapping frequency ranges (~1.75 octave for each range)
task-defined category boundary, rather than reflecting learned cate- with the midpoints of each range separated by ~1 octave as the
gories. To exclude this possibility we examined, in a separate cohort task-defined category boundaries (Fig. 7a; see also Methods). We
of mice, whether a different category boundary could be re-learned first trained mice to discriminate a pair of training tones in a lower

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a Frequency (octave) b b1 b2
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75

(Range 1)

Reported high (%)


Category low
Training tone
Category high

(Range 2) 0 0.875 1.875 2.75

b2 Frequency (octave)

c d e f P = 0.54
Control Silenced 2 P = 0.017
2.75 100
P = 0.0087

∆ Category boundary
Category boundary

b2 b2

Correct rate (%)


1 50
b1 b1

0 0 0
1 2 1 2 Training Re-categorized

e e e e

ng ng ng ng tones tones

Ra Ra Ra Ra


Fig. 7 | PPC activity is required for stimulus re-categorization based on new decision boundaries. a, Schematic depicting auditory re-categorization
task. After learning the categorization task for the stimuli in the first frequency range (Range 1), mice were trained by two training stimuli in the second
frequency range followed by testing with tones of intermediate frequency in the second range (Range 2). Some of the stimuli in Range 1 are re-categorized
in Range 2. b, Sample psychometric functions showing re-categorization performance by a control mouse on the first day following introducion of test
stimuli in Range 2 (solid lines) and by a mouse with the PPC silenced in the first session following introducion of test stimuli in Range 2 (dashed lines; blue,
PPC silenced); error bars, mean ± 95% confidence interval across trials. c–d, Category boundaries in Range 1 and Range 2 for mice from control group
(c), n = 5 mice, and the group with PPC silenced on the first day of re-categorization (d), n = 6 mice; error bars, mean ± s.e.m. e, Difference in category
boundaries between Range 1 and Range 2 in control group (n = 5 mice) and PPC-silenced group (n = 6 mice) as in c and d, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-
sided. Error bars, mean ± s.e.m. f, Performance on training stimuli and re-categorized stimuli in control mice and PPC-silenced mice; Wilcoxon rank-sum
test, two-sided; error bars, mean ± s.e.m.

frequency range (4–13.5 kHz), associating the lower-frequency tone used the same photoinhibition approach as shown in Fig. 2b. After
(4 kHz) with left licking and the higher-frequency tone (13.5 kHz) mice had learned categorization tasks in the first frequency range
with right licking. After mice had reached a performance level and learned new categories using two train tones in the second
>85%, we introduced testing tones of intermediate frequency in the frequency range, we performed photoinhibition of the PPC while
first frequency range (six tones separated by ~0.25 octave) to obtain introducing test tones in the second frequency range. Compared
psychometric functions. Mice categorized the testing tones with to control mice, bilateral photoinhibition of the PPC significantly
sharp psychometric slopes and with subjective category boundar- reduced the extent of boundary shift during re-categorization
ies located near the task-defined boundary (midpoint of the first (Fig. 7d,e; changes in boundary, 1.26 ± 0.11 octave in control group,
range, b1; Fig. 7a,b). We then trained the same animals to learn 0.61 ± 0.12 octave in silencing group). The correct rate for re-cate-
associations for a different pair of training tones (8 and 26.9 kHz) gorization of test tones was also significantly reduced (78 ± 4 and
in the second frequency range, followed by the introduction of test- 53 ± 9% for control and silencing groups, respectively, P = 0.017;
ing tones from the second frequency range (six tones separated by Fig. 7f). Thus, inactivation of the PPC significantly impaired the
~0.25 octave; Fig. 7a). Since the two frequency ranges overlapped capability of mice in making categorical decisions based on newly
by ~0.75 octave, some of the testing tones had already been expe- learned criteria.
rienced and categorized by the animals during the first categoriza-
tion task and therefore they needed to re-categorize these stimuli PPC–auditory cortex circuits contribute to categorical auditory
according to the new category boundary in the second range. We decision-making. Neurons in the PPC comprise diverse popula-
found that the mice re-categorized these testing tones on the first tions interconnected with many brain regions36 and are involved in
day of testing in the second frequency range, with category bound- a myriad of cognitive functions1,2,4,8,37,38. It is likely that, for a given
aries located near the midpoint of the second frequency range (Fig. task, specific circuits interconnecting the PPC and modality-spe-
7a–c), indicating that they were capable of learning new categories cific brain regions are critically involved. We thus further examined
and making perceptual decisions to re-categorize sensory stimuli the circuit-level specificity of the causal role of PPC neurons in
based on learned criteria. our auditory categorization task by manipulating PPC-to-auditory
Next we sought to determine whether the PPC is involved in re- cortex projections using chemogenetics. We first determined the
categorization of tone stimuli based on newly learned categories. We projection patterns between the PPC and the auditory cortex by

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a b c
Vis Bregma, –1.94 mm
1 mm




1 mm 1 mm
Bregma, –3.08 mm

d e f Model 1: without silencing

AAV-hM4D-mCherry/AAV-mCherry 3 P = 0.040 Model 2: with silencing

Psychometric slope
2 40 Mean = –4.94 ± 0.15

P = 5.42 × 10–99

CNO CNO 1 20

0 0
O –10 0 10



–log(likelihood ratio)




Fig. 8 | PPC-to-auditory cortex projections are necessary for categorical decision-making on new sensory stimuli. a,b, Histology images from a sample
animal showing projection patterns between the PPC and auditory cortex. a, Red fluorescence indicates the site of injection of AAV-syn-mCherry in the
AUDp; green fluorescence in the AUDd indicates axons projecting from the PPC. Inset: site of injection of AAV-syn-GFP in the PPC. Vis, visual cortex.
b, Red fluorescence indicates axons projecting from the AUDp in the PPC. The images shown are from one mouse; the projection pattern was validated
using retrograde viral tracing from two mice. c, Schematic showing projection patterns between the PPC and auditory cortex. d, Schematic showing
chemogenetic silencing of the projections from the PPC to the auditory cortex. AAV-syn-hM4D-mCherry (experimental group) or AAV-syn-mCherry
(control group) were injected bilaterally in the PPC. CNO was micro injected bilaterally in the auditory cortex before the first session introducing test
tone stimuli. e, Summary of the effect of silencing of the PPC on auditory cortex projections on psychometric slopes. P < 0.05, n (control) = 7 mice, n
(silencing) = 8 mice; Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided; error bars, mean ± s.e.m. f, Likelihood ratio test comparing regression models with or without
projection silencing as a regressor; n = 300 shuffles (data points), paired t-test, two-sided.

expressing green fluorescent proteins in the PPC (Fig. 8a) and red Discussion
fluorescent proteins (tdTomato) in the primary auditory cortex When making decisions on unknown sensory stimuli, the brain
(AUDp; Fig. 8b), using AAV vectors. We found that the PPC received uses previous knowledge of sensorimotor associations to make cat-
projections from the AUDp while sending projections to the dor- egorical choices. Such integration of new sensory information with
sal portion of the auditory cortex (AUDd), indicating an inter- previous knowledge to ensure efficient sensorimotor transforma-
connected circuit between the PPC and auditory cortex (Fig. 8c). tion is a dynamic process: new sensory stimuli are rapidly incor-
We next expressed hM4Di, a designer receptor exclusively activated porated into existing categories, forming reliable associations with
by designer drug, in the PPC of both hemispheres using an AAV motor actions. Our results support the concept that PPC circuits
vector (AAV-Syn-hM4Di). On day 1 (test tones first introduced) play a critical role in this process. We show that silencing of the PPC
we injected clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) bilaterally into the AUDd to impaired categorical decisions on new sensory stimuli; however,
silence projections from the PPC before the behavioral session (Fig. after the new sensory stimuli become well experienced, presumably
8d). As control, a separate group of mice were injected with AAV- incorporated with existing categories, PPC activity was no longer
Syn-mCherry in the PPC followed by injection with CNO in the required for behavior regarding choice (Figs. 2, 3). Monitoring of
AUDd during task performance on day 1. We found that, compared PPC population activity at single-cell resolution across this dynamic
to the control group, silencing of the PPC to AUDd projections process revealed both stable representation of existing categori-
impaired categorization performance with the new tone stimuli, as cal choices (Fig. 4) and dynamic representations for new sensory
indicated by a significant reduction in the slopes of psychometric stimuli, with a trend of incorporating new sensory information into
function (Fig. 8e). Quantification using a GLMM test also showed a learned categories (Fig. 5). The critical role of the PPC in making
significantly enhanced prediction of data with the interaction term categorical decisions is also manifest in its contribution to counter-
of projection silencing and sensory stimuli compared to absence of balancing short-term history bias (Fig. 6), and to the flexibility of
the interaction term (Fig. 8f). These results indicate that specific re-categorizing previously experienced sensory stimuli according to
projections from the PPC to the AUDd play a critical role in the newly learned categories (Fig. 7). At the circuit level, we identified
auditory categorical decisions made on new sensory stimuli, imply- a role of the PPC essential to auditory cortex feedback projections,
ing a circuit mechanism for information routing during the learning implying circuit-level information routing during categorization of
process of categorization. new sensory stimuli (Fig. 8).

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The causal link between PPC activity and decision-making the uninformative influences from more recent events (Fig. 6).
behavior remains controversial. Some recent studies showed that Fourth, our observation of the impaired re-categorization of previ-
silencing of the PPC impaired visually guided8,11,29,19, but not audi- ously learned stimuli in the second frequency range following PPC
tory-guided11,17,19, choice behaviors in rodents, which tends to sug- inactivation (Fig. 7) is consistent with the idea that when the guid-
gest that the PPC may have certain visual-specific functions but that ance from re-learned associations is compromised by PPC inacti-
is not critical for general sensorimotor decisions11,19. In macaques, vation, choices tend to depend more on associations established at
silencing of the parietal cortex influenced neither visual motion15- even earlier stages, that is, associations in the first frequency range.
nor self-motion16-guided choice behavior, further questioning the Finally, the critical involvement of the PPC in auditory cortex feed-
causal link between PPC activity and choice behavior. These contro- back projections (Fig. 8) suggests a potential circuit mechanism that
versies call into question the functional significance of the PPC and may influence representations in sensory areas for stimulus catego-
may lend support to the view that computations for perceptual deci- rization. An important future direction would be to examine PPC-
sion-making are carried out in other brain circuits and that decision- dependent top-down influence on representations in the auditory
related activity in the PPC may reflect signals inherited from only cortex during stimulus categorization.
those circuits15,19. Our results, however, support the alternative idea
that the PPC plays a critical causal role in decision-making when the Online content
subject is facing novel or unknown sensory stimuli, or when making Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting
decisions on familiar stimuli according to new criteria. summaries, source data, extended data, supplementary informa-
The functional role of the PPC has also been studied in the con- tion, acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author
text of other cognitive functions, including working memory8,39,40 contributions and competing interests; and statements of data and
and attention41–43. A recent study showed that inactivation of the code availability are available at
PPC in rats during a delayed comparison auditory working mem- 019-0383-6.
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Methods System (Supplementary Fig. 1a,b). This system includes a custom-designed tone-
Animal subjects and behavior. All experimental procedures were carried out in generating module that generated sound waveforms of arbitrarily high frequency
compliance with those approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the at high fidelity, and a microcontroller (Arduino MEGA 2560) implementing
Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Data were acquired from a real-time virtual-state machine framework for programming the behavioral
male C57BL/6J and VgaT-Cre mice (Jackson Laboratory, No. JAX 017535)27, aged protocols, stimulus delivery and measurement of behavioral events. The Arduino
8–10 weeks at the start of the experiment. Mice used for behavioral tests were board communicated with the tone-generating module through a custom-designed
housed in a room with a reverse light/dark cycle. Mice had no previous history of cache board without interrupting the flow of the behavioral protocols. The tone-
any other experiments. On days when not tested, mice received 1 ml of free water; generating module sent the specified sound waveforms to an amplifier (ZB1PS,
on days of testing, behavioral sessions lasted for 1–2 h when they received water Tucker-Davis Technologies) to drive a speaker (ES1, Tucker-Davis Technologies)
mainly from task performance and with supplements to reach a total of 1 ml. Each to produce acoustic stimuli. Cosine ramps (5 ms) were applied to the rising and
mouse’s weight was measured daily to ensure that weight loss did not exceed 20% falling of all tones. Behavioral data were logged via a serial port using custom-
of pre-water restriction weight. Animals used in the control and testing groups written software in python.
were randomly chosen from either the common pool of purchased animals or The sound system was calibrated using a free-field microphone (Type
in-house-bred litters. 4939, Brüel and Kjær) over 3–60 kHz that showed a smooth spectrum (±5 dB).
After ~7 days’ recovery following surgery, mice were started with a water- Measurements were performed with the behavioral box closed and the microphone
restriction procedure. Each mouse received 1 ml water per day and the body positioned at the location and orientation of the mouse’s ear in the presence of the
weight was monitored. After ~7 days of water restriction, behavior training was mouse-mounting system. The microphone was connected to a preamplifier (Type
started28,46. Water consumption was calculated as total water = number of rewarded 2670, Brüel and Kjær) and signals were digitized with a National Instruments
trials × ~6 µl water in one delivery for each training session. If mice consumed acquisition card (NI 9201) at 500,000 samples s–1 for analysis with custom software
<0.5 ml water, additional supplementation was provided. Mice were allowed to developed in LabVIEW (National Instruments).
perform the task until sated.
Behavior was divided into training and testing stages. In the former, mice Surgery and virus injection. During surgery, mice were anaesthetized
learned to discriminate the tones of two simple frequencies separated by two with isoflurane (~2%). For inactivation experiments, we targeted the
octaves (8 and 32 kHz). Each trial was started with a random delay of 500– PPC bilaterally (2 mm caudal, 1.5 mm lateral to bregma, both hemispheres)
1,000 ms, followed by tone stimuli (duration, 300 ms). Mice were required to by micro-injection of muscimol in wild-type mice, or by viral solution
respond by licking the left or right lickport within a response period of ~1–3 s to in VgaT-Cre mice. For photoinhibition experiments, craniotomies were made
indicate their choices. Correct answers were defined as licking the left lickport in over the PPC of VgaT-Cre mice following virus injection. Viral solution
response to the lower-frequency tone (for example, 8 kHz) and licking the right containing either AAV2/8-CAG-FLEX-ChR2-mCherry (titer: ~1013 genomes ml–
lickport in response to the higher-frequency tone (for example, 32 kHz). Correct 1
) or AAV2/9-Syn-FLEX-ChrimsonR-tdTomato (titer: ~1013 genomes ml–1;
responses led to opening of the water valve to dispense a small amount of water Shanghai Taitool Bioscience Co.) was injected slowly (~100 nl over ~20 min).
as reward (~6 µl). Error responses led to a time-out punishment of ~2–4 s, during The injection system comprised a pulled-glass pipette (25–30 μm outside
which time licking of the wrong side reinitiated the time-out period. When mice diameter at the tip; Wiretrol II Capillary Microdispenser, Drummond Scientific)
made no response lick within the 3 s response window, the trial was defined as a back-filled with mineral oil. A fitted plunger was inserted into the pipette and
miss, leading to the initiation of an inter-trial interval. The level of correct response advanced to displace the contents using a hydraulic manipulator (MO-10,
reached >85% in 7–10 days (Supplementary Fig. 1c,d). Narashige). Retraction of the plunger was used to load the pipette with virus
During the testing stage, eight different frequency tones (8,000, 11,300, 13,000, solution. The injection pipette was advanced into the brain using a Sutter MP-
14,900, 17,100, 19,700, 22,600 and 32,000; in octave difference related to 8,000 Hz: 225 micromanipulator. After injection, craniotomies were covered with a circular
0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 and 2) were presented in pseudo-randomly interleaved glass coverslip and sealed in place with dental cement (Jet Repair Acrylic, Lang
trials. Trials containing newly introduced frequencies were defined as testing trials, Dental Manufacturing).
constituting ~30% of total trials. Similar to most previous psychometric studies in For two-photon in vivo imaging, a circular craniotomy (diameter, 2–3 mm) was
rodents and primates, testing trials were rewarded according to the experimentally made over the PPC of the left hemisphere, followed by injection of AAV2/9-hSyn-
defined category boundary at the midpoint between two training tones. GCaMP6s (titer: ~1013 genomes ml–1; Shanghai Taitool Bioscience Co.) at a depth
The psychometric functions were fitted to choice data using a four-parameter of ~250 μm. After injection, a double-layered imaging window was implanted at
sigmoidal function47: the craniotomy as described previously31. The double-layered glass comprised
two 200 μm glass coverslips (diameter, ~3 mm) attached to a larger glass coverslip
  s−μ   (diameter, 5 mm) using ultraviolet-cured optical adhesive (Edmund Optics).
f (s , μ, v , g , l ) = g + (1−g −l ) 1 + erf  
  v 2   Following virus injection and window implantation, a titanium head-plate was
 
then attached to the skull with cyanoacrylate glue and dental cement to permit
where s is the tone frequency in the octave, μ is the mean value of the distribution head fixation during behavior. For pharmacological inactivation, the location of
representing the subject’s point of subjective equality (PSE), v is the variation in the PPC of both hemispheres was marked for later injection. Mice were allowed at
distribution representing the subject’s discrimination sensitivity and g and l are the least 7 days to recover before water restriction.
guess rate and lapse rate, respectively, and erf is the error function.
In a separate group of mice, we also examined whether these individuals would Pharmacological inactivation of PPC. We used the GABA agonist muscimol
exhibit categorization without an externally imposed category boundary. Rather hydrobromide, dissolved in saline, 5 mg ml–1 (Sigma-Aldrich) to reversibly silence
than rewarding in the trials according to the experimentally defined categorization the PPC by stereotactic injection. We used the same nano-injection system used in
boundary, we provided random rewards in the testing trials starting from the our virus injection to inject a small volume at slow speed (50 nl at 10 nl min–1) to
day when the test tones were introduced and continued these for 5–7 days. ensure accurate and localized injection volumes31, which minimized the spread of
Mice showed clear categorical performance as indicated by the psychometric muscimol to neighboring brain regions compared to conventional cannula-based
functions (Supplementary Fig. 1e), suggesting that they tended to categorize newly infusion systems. Diluted (1:20) red beads were added to identify the injection sites
encountered stimuli according to previously trained associations. for both muscimol and saline injections.

Behavioral system. Experiments were conducted in custom-designed and Photoinhibition. For optogenetic inactivation of the PPC, blue laser (473 nm)
-fabricated double-walled, sound-attenuating boxes. Mice were head-fixed with was delivered to the PPC of both hemispheres through two collimators connected
a pair of clamps and thumbscrews. Each mouse was contained within an acrylic to a splitting fiberoptic unit coupled to a diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSS,
‘body tube’ (diameter, 25 mm), with the head extending out and the front paws Shanghai Laser & Optics Century Co.). Photostimulation, composed of trains of
gripping the tube edge or a ledge after head fixation (Supplementary Video 1). pulses at 40 Hz, pulse width 5 ms, was delivered from 0.1 s before the stimulus
The holder and body tube in turn were attached to a custom-designed tube holder onset and lasted for 1.4 s to cover the sampling and choice period. Laser power at
fixed to a caddy which was mounted on the behavior box with table clamps after the cranial windows (beam size ~1 mm in diameter) was calibrated before the start
head fixation. Water rewards were provided by two custom-made metal lickports of each session (6.5–8.0 mW per mm2). To prevent disturbance to the mice by blue
placed to the left and right of the mouse’s mouth. The lickports are connected to light illumination, a ‘masking flash’ light was delivered with the same pattern of
a custom-desgined, capacitive-sensing circuit board that reliably detected contact photostimulation used throughout each trial using two blue light-emitting diodes
by the tongue during licking. The amount of water delivered was controlled by positioned near the eyes (Supplementary Video 1).
the time during which a solenoid water valve was open, calibrated at least once We investigated whether manipulation of PPC activity would directly influence
per week. Calibration was performed by estimating the duration of valve opening motor output, by plotting the reaction time and licking (Supplementary
necessary to deliver the desired volume per trial, by running 100 deliveries and Fig. 16). We observed no significant changes in reaction times when the PPC was
calculating water volume by weight. The fluid pressure was not adjusted within silenced by either muscimol or photoinhibition in comparison to control mice
each behavioral session. (Supplementary Fig. 16a,b). Neither did we observe any significant changes in the
The auditory discrimination behavior of mice was controlled by a custom- lick rate during the response period when the PPC was silenced (Supplementary
developed, low-cost and high-precision real-time control system, the PX-Behavior Fig. 16c,d).

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NATure NeuroSCIenCe Articles
Chemogenetic inactivation of PPC projections. We used a designer receptor fitglme. First, to characterize the effect of previous trial history on control sessions
exclusively activated by the designer drugs-based method to silence the PPC to (Fig. 6f) we fitted a model where the probability of rightward choice was a logistic
dorsal auditory cortex projections. AAV2/9-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry function of pure tone stimuli (in octave) and animals’ choice on the previous trial.
(1.72 × 1012 genomic copies ml–1) was injected bilaterally into the PPC and was We compared this model to a simpler model without the previous trial effect (see
allowed for 4 weeks for development of expression. CNO was dissolved in saline Model comparison) and found that inclusion of the previous trial effect resulted in
(0.9% NaCl solution) to give a stock solution of 20 mg ml–1 (stored at −20°C) a significantly worse fit to control behavior (P < 0.001).
and was diluted to a working concentration of 1 µg µl–1 each day before Second, we quantified the effect of silencing bilateral PPC neurons on
experiments. During the day of experimental testing, saline or CNO (1 µl per psychometric performance by including an interaction term between auditory
hemisphere,1 µg µl–1) was micro-injected bilaterally into the AUDd ~30–40 min stimuli and the silenced condition. The statistics of this interaction term reflect a
before behavioral testing. change in the slope of the psychometric curves (Supplementary Fig. 14). Addition
of this interaction term significantly improved the fit to animal behavior compared
Two-photon in vivo calcium imaging. Imaging was performed using a to the simpler model of fitting auditory stimuli alone (P < 0.001).
custom-built two-photon microscope ( Finally, we examined whether silencing of PPC neurons would also
shareddesigns/MIMMS). GCaMP6s was excited using a Ti-Sapphire laser change the effect of previous trial history, in addition to the silencing effect on
(Chameleon Ultra II, Coherent) tuned to 920 nm. Images were acquired using psychometric slopes. For this final model, choice was fit as a logistic function
a 16 × 0.8 numerical aperture objective (Nikon); GCaMP6s fluorescence was of stimuli, the interaction between stimuli and the silencing condition and
isolated using a bandpass filter (No. 525/50, Semrock) and detected using GaAsP the interaction of previous choice and the silencing condition (Fig. 6g and
photomultiplier tubes (No. 10770PB-40, Hamamatsu). Horizontal scanning was Supplementary Fig. 15). The final model was a significantly better fit to behavior
accomplished using a resonant galvanometer (Thorlabs; 16 kHz line rate, bi- than the model lacking the final interaction term (P < 0.001). For all GLMMs,
directional). The noise produced by the resonant scanner was attenuated to <30 dB the rightward and leftward choices were defined as 1 and 0, respectively. For the
using an optical window sealing the output opening of the resonant scanner silenced condition, 0 and 1, respectively, denote whether the current trial was
module. The entire microscope was enclosed in a custom-designed, custom- from a control or silenced session. Random effects of psychometric biases were
fabricated, double-walled sound attenuation box (internal noise level <30 dB with included for individual animals.
the two-photon imaging system running). The average laser power for imaging
was ~70 mW, measured at the entrance pupil of the objective. The field of view Model comparison. To justify more complex models of behavior, we conducted
was 300 × 300 um (512 × 512 pixels), imaged at ~30 frames s–1. The system was model comparisons using the cross-validated negative log likelihood measure. We
controlled using ScanImage ( The initiation of each trial always compared a test model to one extra predictor (for example, the interaction
was synchronized between image acquisition and behavior by a trigger signal sent between stimuli and the silenced condition) against a null model lacking that extra
from our PX-Behavior System to the ScanImage system. One imaging field was term. For each round of cross-validated model prediction, 70% of the trials were
acquired for each of six mice over either 2 days (two mice) or 3 days (four mice) randomly selected as the training set with the remaining 30% as the testing set. The
after introduction of the test tone stimuli. The imaging fields on days 2 and 3 were same dataset was used for both the test model and null model. The negative log
aligned to that on day 1, based on the superficial blood vessels in zoom-out view likelihood ratio (–logLR) for that round is the difference between the negative log
followed by careful alignment to single neurons at higher-level magnification. likelihoods of the two models (test – null). This procedure was repeated 300 times
and the distribution of –logLR was compared to 0. If the distribution of –logLR
Imaging data analysis. To correct for brain motion, all imaging frames from was significantly less than 0, this meant that the test model outperformed the null
each imaging/behavior session were aligned to a target image frame using a model in predicting animal behavior, thus justifying addition of the extra term.
cross-correlation-based registration algorithm (discrete Fourier transformation,
algorithm)49. The target image was obtained by mean projection of image frames Statistical analysis. All statistical analyses were performed in MATLAB. Datasets
from a trial visually identified to contain still frames. To extract fluorescence were tested for normality, and appropriate statistical tests applied as described in
signals from individual neurons, regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn manually the text (for example, t-test for normally distributed data, Wilcoxon rank-sum test
based on neuronal shapes. Mean, maximum intensity and standard deviation for non-parametric data, GLMM model comparison and cross-validated negative
values of all frames in a session were used to determine the boundaries of the log likelihood test). Data distribution was assumed to be normal, but this was
neurons. The pixels in each ROI were averaged to estimate the time series of not formally tested. Shaded regions surrounding line-plots indicate s.e.m. unless
fluorescence (F) of a single cell. Before calculating ∆F/F0, slow calcium fluorescence otherwise stated. Unless indicated in Methods, no statistical methods were used
change correction was performed by subtracting the eighth percentile of ROI to predetermine sample sizes but our sample sizes are similar to those reported
fluorescence within a 200 s time window for each frame. For each ROI, ∆F/F0 (%) in previous publications11,18,21,28. Data collection and analysis were not performed
was calculated as (∆F/F0) × 100, where F0 is the index of the peak of the histogram blind to the conditions of the experiments, since all behavioral variables were
of F. objectively measured by an automated hardware and software system that did not
To quantify single-neuronal selectivity differentiating training stimuli and require human intervention. See Reporting Summary for additional information.
newly introduced test stimuli, or the high and low categories, we used an ideal
observer decoding based on ROC analysis30,50. We defined relative selectivity Reporting Summary. Further information on research design is available in the
index (SI) as Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

SI = 2 × (AUC−0.5)
Data availability
which is a measure with a range of −1 to 1. For selectivity of training versus testing, All data used to understand and assess the conclusions of this study are available in
selectivity index <0 means ‘preferring training stimuli’ and selectivity index >0 the main text or supplementary materials. All the original behavioral, optogenetic,
means ‘preferring test stimuli’, with 0 representing no selectivity. For stimulus imaging and histochemical data are archived in the Institute of Neuroscience,
category selectivity, selectivity index <0 for high and >0 for low. Selectivity index Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and are
across the time course of the behavioral trial was computed from frame-by-frame available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Ca2+ signals (Figs. 4d and 5b,c). To calculate the selectivity index in a specific
period—for example, ~0–1 s after tone onset—average ∆F/F0 values in this period Code availability
in each trial were used. All data acquisition and analysis code are archived in the Institute of Neuroscience,
We used a linear classifier based on a support vector machine with linear kernels. Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and are
Simultaneously imaged calcium signals were arranged into a M × N matrix, where M available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
is the number of trials and N is the number of neurons. Each element in the matrix
is the ∆F/F0 of a particular neuron at a given image frame in a trial. Such matrices
were prepared for all imaging frames across time. To decode the stimulus categories References
on day 1, we used data from equal numbers of low- and high-frequency training 46. Guo, Z. V. et al. Procedures for behavioral experiments in head-fixed mice.
trials on day 1 as the training set to train the linear kernel support vector machine PLoS One 9, e88678 (2014).
classifier, used ‘leave-one-out’ cross-validation to test the decoder and repeated 47. Wichmann, F. A. & Hill, N. J. The psychometric function: I. Fitting, sampling,
this process 1,000 times to obtain the average accuracy of decoding. To decode the and goodness of fit. Percept. Psychophys. 63, 1293–1313 (2001).
stimulus categories on days 2 and 3, we also used data from the training trials on 48. Pologruto, T. A., Sabatini, B. L. & Svoboda, K. ScanImage: flexible software
day 1 as the training set to predict the training trials on days 2 and 3 (Fig. 4f). for operating laser scanning microscopes. Biomed. Eng. OnLine 2, 13 (2003).
49. Guizar-Sicairos, M., Thurman, S. T. & Fienup, J. R. Efficient subpixel image
Linear regression models. To address the contribution of multiple variables registration algorithms. Opt. Lett. 33, 156–158 (2008).
on animal behavior (auditory stimuli in octave, effect of silencing the PPC and 50. Green, D. M. & Swets, J. A. Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics (John
previous trial history), we fitted a series of GLMMs using the MATLAB function Wiley and Sons, 1966).

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nature research | reporting summary
Corresponding author(s): Ning-long Xu
Last updated by author(s): Feb 26, 2019

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All data to understand and assess the conclusions of this study are available in the main text or supplementary materials. All the original behavioral, optogenetic,
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