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“The "right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" begins with "life", and "life" begins at


-A.E. Samaan

The US court in 1973 found women have a constitutional right to obtain an abortion, in the
landmark case Roe v Wade. But since then, conservative forces in southern and midwestern
states, in particular, have worked to severely restrict access to abortion services in the last three

In June Medical Services v Russo looked at a restriction passed by Louisiana in 2014. The law
required doctors who provide abortions to have written agreements with local hospitals to
transfer patients. These agreements, called “admitting privileges”, are extremely difficult to
obtain and a breadth of research has shown they provide no medical benefit. 

The US Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision ruled that Louisiana’s efforts to restrict access to
abortion were Unconstitutional.

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