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Homework Friday June 26th

Cristian Buitrago

This assignment will help you to study for the final exam.

You can do the following exercises following these alternatives.

In an organized Word document write the page and present the activity:

1. Do the activities in the digital book, using the tools the platform has (markers, text…)
When you finish take a screenshot and paste it in the word document.
2. Do the activities in your physical book BUT your handwriting is clear and legible. When
you finish scan the activity/take a clear picture of the book and paste it in the Word
3. Do the activities directly in the Word document.

In any option you choose, please be organized.

Activities: Do only the following exercises:

1. Book page 31 Exercise 7 write sentences according to the pictures

2. Book page 36 Exercise 3 read the situations and write requests.
3. Book page 13 Write it right. Read the set of rules at St Pablo´s high school and answer the
4. Book page 63 Exercise 3 Match the sentences
6. Book page 49 Write it right Write about regrets according to the pictures
7. Book page 96 Present perfect Exercise 1 & 2 read the text page 80 and answer the
8. Book page 83 Present perfect
Track 18 two jobs interviews.
Page 83 listening Exercises:
a. True and false
b. Answer the questions (write complete sentences)
Page 99 listening exercise 2 Christian & Caroline

Book page 31 Exercise 7

Book page 36 Exercise 3

Book page 13 Write it right.

Book page 63 Exercise 3

Book page 49 Write it right

Book page 96 Present perfect Exercise 1 & 2

Book page 85 Present perfect

Page 99 listening exercise 2 Christian & Caroline

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