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I will never forget the day I fell on a horse and broke my leg, it was
January 5, 1997, it was my mom's birthday, all my family members
were very anxious and happy, I had wanted that vacation, but
occasionally that day my cousin had prepared a horse race, a day
before, my cousin had taught me how to run on horse, I did not ask
my mother's permission, I felt inspired, and I had felt brave at the
time of starting the race , but suddenly in the middle of the race the
horse knocked me down, at that moment I had never felt a pain like
that in my leg, I remember that they took me to the house in my
arms, the next day finally a doctor told me that I had fractured the
femur in two pieces, I felt very frustrated and ashamed with my mom
and from there I learned that I should not be disobedient and that I
should never hide things from my mom.
Despite spending two years without walking, I think that made the
relationship with my mother stronger, because I believe that the
obstacles were made to overcome

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