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Grade Differences in the Student Levels of Intrinsic Motivation

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Grade Differences in the Student Levels of Intrinsic Motivation

What kind of data analysis method can be used to answer the question?

The best method for analyzing this kind of data is multiple regression model. This is

because there are several variables like grade, motivation and the task value. These are

three variables and finding the connection between them needs multiple regression model.

Using the regression procedure to conduct the data analysis. Write down your results

in APA format

Model Summary

Mod R R Adjuste estimat R F Df Df S.fig Durbi

el Squar dR e Squar chang 1 2 chang n-
e Square e e e Watso
Chang n
1 . .223 .217 .81702 .223 39.88 1 13 .000
472a 0 9
2 . .275 .259 .79479 .052 4.943 2 13 .008
525 7

3 . .292 .265 .79157 .016 1.557 2 13 .214 1.889

540c 5

a. Predictors: (Constant), Task Value

b. Predictors: (Constant), Task Value, Cdummy1, Cdummy3
c. Predictors: (Constant), Task Value, Cdummy1, Cdummy3, Grade=10.0, Grade=12.0
d. Dependent Variable: Motivation Intrinsic

From the model summary given above, the value of R square for each model is about

0.223, 0.275, and 0.292. This implies that about 22.3 percent of our test scores on grades

can be explained by the variables like intrinsic motivation and task value. This percentage is

low and thus our model gives a weaker connection between the grades and the intrinsic

motivation and task value.

Write down the regression model. (5 points)

The regression model for this analysis is:

y=0.345+1.00intrinsic motivation+ 0.47 task value

Using the regression model to calculate the adjusted mean score for each grade level.

(5 Points)

The table below gives the mean scores for each grade.

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Motivation 5.0946 .92353 141
Task Value 5.1478 .79858 141
Cdummy1 1.4574 2.37241 141
Cdummy3 1.8014 2.51179 141
Grade=10.0 .2837 .45239 141
Grade=12.0 .3475 .47788 141
Using the ANOVA procedure to conduct the data analysis. Write down your results in

APA format. (10 points)

From our ANOVA analysis, the SIG is 0.005. However, the test was done at 95%

confidence interval giving 0.05 as the limit. Now, 0.005 is less than .0.5 and thus there is a

significant connection between the grades and the intrinsic motivation and task value.

There was a statistically significant interaction between grades, intrinsic motivation

and task value F (2,137) = 5.524, p= 0.005.

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