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7/29/2020 Out-of-work acrobat delivers food on unicycle during pandemic in the Philippines

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Out-of-work acrobat delivers food on unicycle

during pandemic in the Philippines
● last month

Footage shows a food delivery rider using a unicycle to take the orders to the
customer in the Philippines. The talented cyclist Ren Mart Teleron Viaros, 22, said he
used to do acrobatics on the monocycle before the pandemic. However, the
performing jobs were restricted during the pandemic so he was forced to shift into
working in the food delivery business to pay his bills. Ren asked his colleague Kick
Mike to record his moves and tricks while using the bike last July 3 in Cagayan de Oro
before accepting his first customer. He said: "I missed performing using that unicycle
so while waiting for an incoming order on my phone I just played with it and it was so

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7/29/2020 Out-of-work acrobat delivers food on unicycle during pandemic in the Philippines

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7/29/2020 Out-of-work acrobat delivers food on unicycle during pandemic in the Philippines

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