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Alumno y Ortiz Hernández Alma Citlali

País, China, Hong Kong.
Periódico y
China Daily

Número y Entrega No 10
fecha de
Viernes 27 de octubre 2017
URL de la

Y fecha de
( 26 de octubre de 2017)

Noticia China working on building free trade ports /By Xinhua

completa: Thursday, October 26, 2017, 23:02

BEIJING – The Ministry of Commerce is working to build free trade ports in China's free
trade zones (FTZs) , a spokesman said on Thursday.

China will grant more power to pilot free trade zones and explore the opening of free trade
ports, according to a report delivered last week to the 19th National Congress of the
Communist Party of China.

The ministry should "follow higher standards and push for more comprehensive and deeper
opening up," Gao Feng, spokesman for the commerce ministry, said at a press conference.

"The ministry is currently working with Shanghai Municipality and other departments on
making the plan (for building free trade ports)," Gao said.

The Shanghai FTZ will build a top-level free trade port and implement trade supervision
regulations in accordance with higher standards, according to a document made public in
March by the State Council.

The FTZ in east China's Zhejiang Province also aims to build a high-standard pilot free trade
port to push international commodity trade liberalization with a focus on oil products.
Comentario: Como método para aumentar la economía y la demanda, tendrá como
consecuencia destinar recursos para la construcción de puertos internacionales, por
la falta de estos; como requisito listo, ya cuentan/tienen las áreas o zonas donde se
piensan construir y los planes a seguir, esto demuestra cuán grande es su economía
como para recurrir a esto.

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