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‫زيد شذر زايد‬

Group :B

‫تقرير ريكوايرمنت‬

Types of artificial teeth in implants

Implant supported restoration :

A) Fixed :

i. Screw-retained
ii. Cement-retained

B) Removable :

i. Implant over-denture

C) Hybrid

A) Fixed
i.Cement-retained Restorations

•Cement-retained implant restorations are very similar to crown &

bridge restorations. A prepared implant abutment is screwed onto the
The crown or restoration is cemented to the
prepared abutment, much like a prepared tooth

• Indications

•Single or multiple-unit implant restorations.

•Totally edentulous or partially edentulous arch.

• Limitations

Ease of retrievability

• Advantages

•Conventional crown & bridge procedures

• Maximum control of occlusion
• More esthetic than screw-retained Implant-level Cement-
retained Restorations.


•Cement can cause inflamations and bone loss .

•Removal options are limitaded .

ii.screw-retained Restorations


•Easy access to the screw .

•No cement required .

•Crown may chip near access hole .

•Cosmetic appearance may not be as ideal .

i.Implant overdenture

Implant overdentures are a cost-effective solution for patients who

cannot afford or are not indicated for a fixed restoration. When
selecting an implant system to retain the overdenture, choosing a tapered
design with pronounced threads offers many advantages, including
flexibility in positioning and a high degree of control during surgical
placement. Positioning the implants in a broad A-P spread not only
maximizes stability, but also affords the patient the option of eventually
upgrading to a fixed full-arch implant restoration.


Hybrid implant dentures, as the name implies, are a mixture of

conventional dental implants and dentures. With a “standard” dental
implant, the dentist inserts a titanium post into the jawbone during
surgery. Once the implant has stabilized into the bone (a process called
osseointegration), the dentist will affix a permanent crown atop the
implant. In this method, one implant is used for each absent tooth
With hybrid implant dentures, however, many teeth can be replaced with
just a few dental implants. This arrangement is possible because the
dental implants support or secure specialized dentures, providing a
comfortable fit and excellent stability. Hybrid implant dentures are less
prone to slippage, compared to traditional dentures, and most patients
report that their hybrid implant dentures allow them to easily eat their
favorite foods.

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