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Due to the overpopulation that exists in our world, many of the problems related to the environment have been

increasing in recent years, since there are a large number of people and a large amount of resources is also
required to meet the needs of all people. In fact air pollution, water pollution, deforestation and climate change
are produced by ourselfs.

Whith the time, scientists and organizations have made great efforts to get that the governments look at the
serious situation that can happen if the world continues with these rates of contamination.

In my opinion we should make an effort to help save our planet, starting from our homes by recycling plastic
bottles and papers, avoiding consuming products with plastic bottles, in addition to storing batteries and then
depositing them in the appropriate places. In addition, governments should invest in environmentally friendly
energy sources such as solar energy, hydroelectric power, etc. Environmentally friendly mobilization projects
have been launched in cities such as Cuenca, such as public bicycles and the tram that uses electric energy for
its mobilization.

In conclusion, it depends on each one of us to collaborate so that our planet improves the pollution conditions
that it has today and that future generations may have a place to live.

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