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Marlon Diaz

Beyond Boundaries
For the regular, when we think about boundaries we think on rules or stuff like that, and
practically is go to beyond they told us to do, but is more about something that we want to do by
our own. But how can we inspire people and ourselves to be self-motivated, and this is related to
the word empowerment and for the most of the people is just do the work with your own
resources, but this is more about feeling empowerment, and to know if someone feel empowered
ask three questions, first one, can you do it? second one, will it work?, for this one you need
education, and here is where you noticed about the difference between education and training,
basically is about in training you got the feedback, and the third question, is it worth it?, if you
answer yes to this questions you feel competent, and with this you will feel self-motivated.

Choice, , that basically tell you about you have the autonomy, because when you choice
something you will have consequences, and when you are feeling competent you don’t feel
controlled by the consequences, because you’re not avoiding consequences, you’re not a failure
avoider, you’re thinking positive you’re looking for your success, see everything like an
opportunity not like a requirement to avoid failures.

Community, the social support is critical because this is connection with other people and this
make you feel motivated and happier. And here comes the lesson about the independent or the
interdependent, because a lot of people think that they don’t need of someone else to be
successful, but we always need a sense of community. Because we always need from each other,
and also have the humility to accept feedback and the courage to speak up, because we are all in
this together and we need each other.

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