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University of Panama

English School
Linguistic Skills Class
Magister: Tania Lam
Student: Edwin Rojas
I.D.: 4-746-772

An Opportunity Lost

In 2007 I had the opportunity to work with Global Focus, an international ONG that was
working initially in Africa, but looking after expansion to Latin and Panama making social
community works and Evangelistic outreach throughout the presentation of the movie
"Jesus". Their main purpose in Panama was to preach the gospel in the mountains of Cocle,
mainly in communities where there was no electricity, making like a completely free Movie
theater with a big screen and sound systems.

I was the one in charge of all the audio and visual equipments. Working there I met Ted
Trandahl, a soul's passionate pastor that became to be like a father to me and my personal
English tutor for couple months, I learned a lot from him and his family.

Ted was the manager of the organization in Latin America with offices in Panama. Ted and
his family moved to live in Panama for over a year, nevertheless due plan changes the head
court's of global focus in United States decided to work in Nicaragua rather than in Panama,
so I stopped working for them but I still used to visit my friend at least once a month,
because they remain living in Panama meanwhile they were setting up everything to go to

That was when my opportunity to work aboard shows up, just as a happy dream in the
middle of the night. My friend helped me to get my passport ready in order for me to travel
with them to Nicaragua, I was excited, all things seemed to be almost ready.

Unfortunately due legal process with Nicaragua's government and with the unexpected
economical collapse that United States suffered in 2008 my friend and his family had to go
back to the States and my opportunity left with them.

Even though I lost that opportunity I learned many things from them. What I am sure of is
that God has a perfect plan and if something does not go as supposed then something
better in coming.

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